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For closely related sympatric species to coexist, they must differ to some degree in their ecological requirements or niches ( e.g. , diets) to avoid interspecific competition. Baleen whales in the Antarctic feed primarily on krill, and the large sympatric prewhaling community suggests resource partitioning among these species or a nonlimiting prey resource. In order to examine ecological differences between sympatric humpback and minke whales around the Western Antarctic Peninsula, we made measurements of the physical environment, observations of whale distribution, and concurrent acoustic measurements of krill aggregations. Mantel's tests and classification and regression tree models indicate both similarities and differences in the spatial associations between humpback and minke whales, environmental features, and prey. The data suggest (1) similarities (proximity to shore) and differences (prey abundance versus deep water temperatures) in horizontal spatial distribution patterns, (2) unambiguous vertical resource partitioning with minke whales associating with deeper krill aggregations across a range of spatial scales, and (3) that interference competition between these two species is unlikely. These results add to the paucity of ecological knowledge relating baleen whales and their prey in the Antarctic and should be considered in conservation and management efforts for Southern Ocean cetaceans and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ecological relationships of krill and whales have not been explored in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), and have only rarely been studied elsewhere in the Southern Ocean. In the austral autumn we observed an extremely high density (5.1 whales per km(2)) of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding on a super-aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in Wilhelmina Bay. The krill biomass was approximately 2 million tons, distributed over an area of 100 km(2) at densities of up to 2000 individuals m(-3); reports of such 'super-aggregations' of krill have been absent in the scientific literature for >20 years. Retentive circulation patterns in the Bay entrained phytoplankton and meso-zooplankton that were grazed by the krill. Tagged whales rested during daylight hours and fed intensively throughout the night as krill migrated toward the surface. We infer that the previously unstudied WAP embayments are important foraging areas for whales during autumn and, furthermore, that meso-scale variation in the distribution of whales and their prey are important features of this system. Recent decreases in the abundance of Antarctic krill around the WAP have been linked to reductions in sea ice, mediated by rapid climate change in this area. At the same time, baleen whale populations in the Southern Ocean, which feed primarily on krill, are recovering from past exploitation. Consideration of these features and the effects of climate change on krill dynamics are critical to managing both krill harvests and the recovery of baleen whales in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) belong to the class of marine mammals known as rorquals that feed through extraordinarily energetic lunges during which they engulf large volumes of water equal to as much as 70% of their body mass. To understand the kinematics of humpback lunge feeding, we attached high‐resolution digital recording tags incorporating accelerometers, magnetometers, pressure and sound recording to whales feeding on euphausiids in fjords of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Instances of near vertical lunges gave us the unique opportunity to use the signal from the accelerometer to obtain a fine scale record of the body accelerations involved in lunging. We found that lunges contain extreme accelerations reaching 2.5 m/s2 in certain instances, which are then followed by decelerations. When animals are intensively feeding the inter‐lunge interval is similar for both deep and shallow lunges suggesting a biomechanical constraint on lunges. However, the number of lunges per dive varies from one for shallow feeding (<25 m) to a median of six for deeper dives. Different feeding patterns were evident in the kinematic record, for deep and shallow feeding bouts with the much greater mean turn rates occurring in shallow feeding.  相似文献   

Humpback whales were instrumented with satellite transmitters off the western Antarctic Peninsula in January of 2004–2006 to examine their movement patterns and habitat use. Whales were tracked from 4 to 80 days (mean = 36.5 days). Distance and travel rate estimates for nine individuals ranged from 223 to 4,356 km and from 17 to 75 km/day, respectively. Considerable individual variation was observed in direction, speed and range of movements. The overall pattern was characterized by short- and long-distance movements between presumed foraging areas with relatively short residency times. Travel rates were lower at these sites, characterized by erratic movements, than during traveling between them. Area usage for six individuals based on the 95% fixed kernel home range with least squares cross-validation ranged from 2,771 to 172,356 km2. The management boundary between the feeding grounds associated with Breeding Stocks G and A needs revision, as current available data suggest it should be located to the east of 50°W. This study is the first to present detailed information on the movements of humpback whales in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale knowledge of spatiotemporal dynamics in cetacean distribution and abundance throughout the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is sparse yet essential for effective ecosystem‐based management (EBM). Cruise vessels were used as platforms of opportunity to collect data on the distribution and abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) during the austral summer of 2019/2020 in a region that is also important for the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) fishery, to assess potential spatiotemporal interactions for future use in EBM. Data were analyzed using traditional design‐based line transect methodology and spatial density surface hurdle models fitted using a set of physical environmental covariates to estimate the abundance and distribution of whales in the area, and to describe their temporal dynamics. Our results indicate a rapid increase in humpback whale abundance in the Bransfield and Gerlache Straits through December, reaching a stable abundance by mid‐January. The distribution of humpback whales appeared to change from a patchier distribution in the northern Gerlache Strait to a significantly concentrated presence in the central Gerlache and southern Bransfield Straits, followed by a subsequent dispersion throughout the area. Abundance estimates agreed well with previous literature, increasing from approximately 7000 individuals in 2000 to a peak of 19,107 in 2020. Based on these estimates, we project a total krill consumption of between 1.4 and 3.7 million tons based on traditional and contemporary literature on per capita krill consumption of whales, respectively. When taken in the context of krill fishery catch data in the study area, we conclude that there is minimal spatiotemporal overlap between humpback whales and fishery activity during our study period of November–January. However, there is potential for significant interaction between the two later in the feeding season, but cetacean survey efforts need to be extended into late season in order to fully characterize this potential overlap.  相似文献   

The occurrence of dwarf minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) around the Antarctic Peninsula was examined based on 406 sightings of minke whales recorded during the Chilean Antarctic Scientific Expeditions and other opportunistic cetacean surveys. Identification of the species was made only for the whales sighted in the proximity of the vessels when the specific diagnostic characters could be confirmed. Of the 406 sightings, 296 were assigned to Antarctic (519 individuals), nine (11 individuals) to dwarf and 101 to unidentified minke whales (149 individuals). Dwarf minke whales were identified by the reported external diagnostic characters for this species. Seven animals occurred around the South Shetland Island and four in the Gerlache Strait. In addition, another two animals were identified as dwarf minke whales in the Bellinghausen Sea in winter 1993, being these the most southern records for this species. These results confirm the occurrence of dwarf minke whales around the Antarctic Peninsula during the summer seasons, as well as in the Bellinghausen Sea in winter. The geographical range of these sightings was comprised between 61°03′ and 69°25′S and between 55°29′ and 86°53′W. These results also suggest that some dwarf minke whales remain in the Antarctic during the austral winter.  相似文献   

Fin and humpback whales are large consumers that are often sympatric, effectively sharing or partitioning their use of habitat and prey resources. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the skin of fin and humpback whales from two regions in the western Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak, and Shumagin Islands, were analyzed to test the hypothesis that these sympatric baleen whales exhibit trophic niche partitioning within these regions. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference, suggested that niche partitioning between species is occurring in the Kodiak region but not in the Shumagin Islands. Isotopic mixing models based on stable isotopes from whales and local prey samples, were used to estimate possible diet solutions for whales in the Kodiak region. Comparison of isotopic niches and diet models support niche partitioning, with fin whales foraging primarily on zooplankton and humpback whales foraging on zooplankton and small forage fish. The results of this study show that niche partitioning between sympatric species can vary by region and may be the result of prey availability, prey preferences, or both.  相似文献   

本文依据2009—2010年南极海洋生物资源开发与利用项目调查期间在南极半岛北部(南设得兰群岛和南奥克尼群岛)水域收集的南极磷虾样本,应用Bhattacharya法分析了该水域南极磷虾的种群年龄结构。结果表明,1月份南极磷虾体长范围分布在38.2—64.0mm,2月份体长范围分布在33.2—59.0mm,且1月份和2月份体长分布并不存在显著性差异(K-S检验,Z=1.061,p=0.211>0.05);种群内最多可能包含5个年龄组,即2 ,3 ,4 ,5 和6 龄虾。年龄组成的区域变化较大,2 龄虾仅在个别区域存在;1月份5 龄在种群中所占比例显著高于其它年龄组(57.23%),其次为4 龄(23.42%),而2月份6 龄(53.29%)所占比例也显著高于其它年龄组,其次为3 龄(25.85%)。  相似文献   

Southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) rely on summer prey abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to fuel one of the longest‐known mammalian migrations on the planet. It is hypothesized that this species, already adapted to endure metabolic extremes, will be one of the first Antarctic consumers to show measurable physiological change in response to fluctuating prey availability in a changing climate; and as such, a powerful sentinel candidate for the Antarctic sea‐ice ecosystem. Here, we targeted the sentinel parameters of humpback whale adiposity and diet, using novel, as well as established, chemical and biochemical markers, and assembled a time trend spanning 8 years. We show the synchronous, inter‐annual oscillation of two measures of humpback whale adiposity with Southern Ocean environmental variables and climate indices. Furthermore, bulk stable isotope signatures provide clear indication of dietary compensation strategies, or a lower trophic level isotopic change, following years indicated as leaner years for the whales. The observed synchronicity of humpback whale adiposity and dietary markers, with climate patterns in the Southern Ocean, lends strength to the role of humpback whales as powerful Antarctic sea‐ice ecosystem sentinels. The work carries significant potential to reform current ecosystem surveillance in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Measurements of an immature fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), which died as a result of entrapment in fishing gear near Frenchmans Cove, Newfoundland (47 degrees 9' N, 55 degrees 25' W), were made to obtain estimates of volume and surface area of the animal. Detailed measurements of the flukes, both planform and sections, were also obtained. A strip theory was developed to calculate the hydrodynamic performance of the whale's flukes as an oscillating propeller. This method is based on linear, two-dimensional, small-amplitude, unsteady hydrofoil theory with correction factors used to account for the effects of finite span and finite amplitude motion. These correction factors were developed from theoretical results of large-amplitude heaving motion and unsteady lifting-surface theory. A model that makes an estimate of the effects of viscous flow on propeller performance was superimposed on the potential-flow results. This model estimates the drag of the hydrofoil sections by assuming that the drag is similar to that of a hydrofoil section in steady flow. The performance characteristics of the flukes of the fin whale were estimated by using this method. The effects of the different correction factors, and of the frictional drag of the fluke sections, are emphasized. Frictional effects in particular were found to reduce the hydrodynamic efficiency of the flukes significantly. The results are discussed and compared with the known characteristics of fin-whale swimming.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and salps (mainly Salpa thompsoni) are main components of Southern Ocean ecosystem, but little is known about their coastal distribution at a fine scale (<1 km). We deployed miniaturised cameras on breeding chinstrap (n = 9 birds) and gentoo penguins (n = 9 birds) in the Antarctic Peninsula region and obtained 2,333 krill images, 93 salp images and 609 sea floor images from 1,843 dives. 51.2 % of penguin dives that had salps present in the images occurred near the dives with krill images (within 5 min). The vertical distribution of salp images showed overlap with the upper depth zone of krill images. While 16.3 % of dives with krill images were associated in time with the sea floor, only 1.2 % of dives with salp images did. These results revealed close proximity between krill and salps within the penguin’s foraging range in an Antarctic coastal ecosystem. These results also imply that krill patches were common in both pelagic and benthic habitat, whereas salps were common mainly in pelagic habitat. If the effects of deployments are similar between the years or regions, inter-annual or regional comparison using the penguin-mounted camera will be valid for characterising prey environment in the penguin foraging area.  相似文献   

Hard bottom, subtidal communities along the Western Antarctic Peninsula are dominated by forests of large, chemically defended macroalgae that support a very dense assemblage of amphipods. Free-living filamentous algae are rare in the subtidal, but filamentous algal endophytes are common in many of the larger macroalgae, both likely as the result of amphipod grazing pressure. Filamentous algae are common in the intertidal, but primarily in the upper intertidal and on high-energy shores where amphipods are likely to be excluded much of the time. We tested the hypothesis that free-living, filamentous algae would be rapidly consumed if transplanted from the intertidal to the subtidal, and our results clearly supported this hypothesis. The filamentous, intertidal green alga Cladophora repens was transplanted to the benthos in 6 different macroalgal habitats. Control algae were transplanted in 3 m deeper waters nearby (usually 12 m or less laterally) but suspended 3 m off the bottom where amphipods are absent or rare. Overall consumption during approximately 6 h on the bottom ranged from 22 to 98% of the initial biomass, while significantly less biomass loss occurred in the water column.  相似文献   

Annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius often co-occur in temporary savannah pools. Their space- and time-limited environment does not allow for any substantial habitat or temporal segregation. Coexisting species are therefore predicted to have well separated trophic niches to avoid intense food competition. Although in a previous “snapshot” study using stomach content analysis (SCA), the trophic niches of three sympatric species (N. furzeri, N. orthonotus, and N. pienaari) were found to vary among species, the difference was relatively weak and inconsistent across different sites. Here, we used the time-integrative capacity of stable isotope analysis to test whether the trophic niches of sympatric Mozambican Nothobranchius are more distinct over a long-term period. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes separated the trophic niche and trophic position of N. pienaari but failed to find any difference between N. furzeri/N. kadleci and N. orthonotus. No segregation was found at the sites with low prey diversity. In contrast, SCA identified N. orthonotus as the species with the most distinct trophic niche. We discuss the effect of prey diversity and different sensitivities of stomach content and stable isotope analysis in general and conclude that the trophic niches of the three sympatric Nothobranchius species are well separated.  相似文献   

The Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, and the Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, are closely related species but occupy significantly different trophic and climatic environments. E. superba holds a key position as a phytoplankton grazer in the Southern Ocean. The omnivorous M. norvegica is an important member of plankton communities in the Northeast Atlantic. Both species expressed high proteolytic activities which were dominated by serine proteinases. In the stomachs of Antarctic krill, activities of total proteinase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin were significantly higher than in Northern krill. In the midgut glands, however, total proteinase and trypsin activities were similar in both species, but chymotrypsin activity was significantly higher in Antarctic krill. Moreover, Antarctic krill expressed four trypsin isoforms while only one isoform appeared in Northern krill. Chymotrypsin was present in either species as one single isoform. Antarctic krill adapted to the low and patchy distribution of food by elevated enzyme activities and the expression of trypsin isoforms with slightly different catalytic properties. Presumably, these enzymes facilitate in concerted action the efficient utilization of proteins from phytoplankton, the major food. Northern krill, in contrast, seems not to be equipped to face food limitation. It expresses a “simple” or “basic” set of digestive enzymes for utilizing abundant and easily digestible prey.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2001,41(1-2):25-43
Holocene, marine deposition in Lallemand Fjord, Antarctic Peninsula, is reinterpreted using statistical analyses (cluster analysis, analysis of variance, nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multiple regression) to compare diatom assemblages and the primary sedimentological proxies. The assemblages have been deposited in a variable sea ice zone over the last ca. 10,500 yr BP in response to a climate change. In the Late Pleistocene/early Holocene (10,580–7890 yr BP), a sea ice diatom assemblage was deposited in the presence of a retreating ice shelf at the head of the fjord. In the mid Holocene (7890–3850 yr BP), an open water assemblage was deposited and sea ice cover was at a minimum. We associate the assemblage with climatic warming, which characterizes much of the Antarctic Peninsula during this time. A second sea ice assemblage, different from that deposited in the early Holocene, has been deposited in Lallemand Fjord since the late Holocene (<3850 yr BP). The assemblage reflects Neoglacial cooling, an increase in sea ice extent and/or an advance of the Müller Ice Shelf.  相似文献   

A long-term study on the maturity cycle of Antarctic krill was conducted in a research aquarium. Antarctic krill were either kept individually or in groups for 8 months under different temperature and food conditions, and the succession of female maturity stages and intermoult periods were observed. In all cases regression and re-maturation of external sexual characteristics were observed, but there were differences in length of the cycle and intermoult periods between the experimental conditions. Based on these results, and information available from previous studies, we suggest a conceptual model describing seasonal cycle of krill physiology which provides a framework for future studies and highlight the importance of its link to the timings of the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Serum electrolytes, urea nitrogen, creatinine, albumin and globulin were studied in fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) caught by commercial whalers in the North Atlantic (Denmark Strait area). Blood samples were obtained by catchment or cardiac puncture within 5-15 min of death and analyzed using automated spectrophotometric methods and flame photometry. Osmolality was determined for two serum samples by a vapor pressure method. Linear regressions determined for each measured serum variable vs. chase time suggested that pursuit of the whales prior to capture had no substantive effect on measured serum chemistry. As in other cetaceans, serum sodium, chloride, urea nitrogen and osmolality were distinctly higher in the fin whale than in terrestrial mammals. The total concentration of serum proteins, however, was 1.4-1.8 g/dl lower, on average, than reported in small toothed whales, and was similar to that of domesticated animals. One animal in this population showed alterations in serum chemistry which were consistent with renal failure.  相似文献   

Disturbance has always shaped the evolution and ecology of organisms and nowhere is this more apparent that on the iceberg gouged continental shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula (AP). The vast majority of currently described polar biodiversity occurs on the Southern Ocean shelf but current and projected climate change is rapidly altering disturbance intensities in some regions. The AP is now amongst the fastest warming and changing regions on earth. Seasonal sea ice has decreased in time and extent, most glaciers in the region have retreated, a number of ice shelves have collapsed, and the surface waters of the seas west of the AP have warmed. Here, we review the influences of disturbance from ice, sedimentation, freshening events, wave action and humans on shallow water benthic assemblages, and suggest how disturbance pressures will change during the 21st century in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and Scotia Arc region. We suggest that the intensity of ice scouring will increase in the region over the next few decades as a result of decreased winter sea ice periods and increased ice loading into coastal waters. Thus, the most frequently disturbed environment on earth will become more so, which will lead to considerable changes in community structure and species distributions. However, as ice fronts retreat past their respective grounding lines, sedimentation and freshening events will become relatively more important. Human presence in the region is increasing, through research, tourism, and resource exploitation, which represents a considerable threat to polar biodiversity over the next century. Adapting to or tolerating multiple, changing environmental stressors will be difficult for a fauna with typically slow generation turnovers that has evolved largely in isolation. We suggest that intensifying acute and chronic disturbances are likely to cause significant changes in ecosystem structure, and probably a considerable loss of polar marine biodiversity, over relatively short timescales.  相似文献   

Summer phytoplankton blooms on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf result in episodic deposition of labile food material for benthic detritivores. This summer deposition is thought to enhance benthic recruitment of macro- and megafauna. To explore seasonality in benthic recruitment, juvenile invertebrates (>100 μm) were collected in a seasonal time series at three stations on the WAP continental shelf. 4,098 juveniles were collected (average densities 2,000–7,000 m−2), with polychaetes dominant (2,581 individuals). The majority of polychaetes showed evidence of enhanced recruitment prior to the summer bloom, although patterns varied across stations. Additional taxa showed recruitment peaks in summer, but again, patterns varied among stations. Based on observed patterns, polychaete taxa are classified as “seasonal”, “marginally seasonal”, and “non-seasonal” recruiters, with the latter two patterns predominating. The year-round presence of small juveniles in most taxa suggests that recruitment occurs continuously, with periodic enhancement. Year-round recruitment is consistent with the presence of a persistent “food bank” of labile organic material in WAP shelf sediments, allowing recruitment to be largely decoupled from seasonal bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

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