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A dynamic water and activity model was developed to assess how efficiently lichens can exploit in situ rain and humid air. The capacity to rehydrate and activate photosynthesis [i.e. photosystem II (PSII)] by these water sources was compared among four hydrophilic and one generalist epiphytic lichen. Hydration status, potential (instant activation) and realized (delayed activation) day‐light activity were simulated using a model based on species‐specific hydration, PSII activation characteristics and in situ water content for Platismatia norvegica in three microclimatic scenarios. The results showed that delayed PSII activation could have profound effects on lichens' ability to exploit environmental water sources. During rain, realized activity was reduced by 19, 34 and 56% compared to simulations assuming instant activation for three hydrophilic lichens in the driest microclimate. During humid air, the reduction was 81% for the most extreme species and scenario, because of slow hydration and low equilibrium water content. Many and brief hydration events may thus hamper species with slow activation and fast desiccation kinetics. No evidence of compensation by a ‘water‐holding’ morphology was observed among studied species. The developed model may provide a tool for identifying suitable habitats for long‐term persistence of lichens with physiological constraints.  相似文献   

1. We test the consequences, in terms of breeding success and parental effort, of eggshell pigmentation pattern in a hole-nesting bird, the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus that lays eggs asymmetrically speckled with reddish spots (maculated eggs). 2. We assess the effect of distribution of spots (pigment 'spread') and spot size and pigment intensity (pigment 'darkness') on eggshell physical properties and breeding parameters concerning nestling condition, investment of parents in offspring care and reproductive output in two different habitat types: a deciduous oakwoodland and an evergreen forest. 3. Blue tit clutches with more widely distributed spots showed a thicker eggshell, a shorter incubation period, a lesser amount of mass loss per day and a higher hatching probability than those with spots forming a 'corona' ring. While eggs with larger and darker (more pigment intensity) spots showed a thicker eggshell and a shorter incubation period. In the light of 'signal function hypothesis', these egg traits may reflect female health status and, consequently, this could affect male parental effort. 4. Here we show supports for some of the necessary assumptions of this hypothesis. We found a positive relationship between egg pigment 'spread' and male but not female provisioning rates per day. On the other hand, pigment 'darkness' of blue tits' clutches was positively related to female tarsus length, while pigment 'spread' was positively related to clutch size, male body mass and nestling tarsus length. Our study shows that eggshell pigment 'spread' can be used as an indicator of clutch quality. Further investigations are needed to understand the role of calcium availability as possible causal agent of deviant eggs and its relation to the maculation phenomenon.  相似文献   

Chloroplast biogenesis during continuous illumination at either low, cold-hardening temperatures (5°C) or non-hardening temperatures (20°C) was examined by monitoring the etioplast-chloroplast transformation with respect to pigment accumulation and the development of PSI- and PSII-associated electron transport activities in winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv Puma). Generally, chlorophyll and carotenoid accumulation during greening at 20°C were characterized by rapid initial rates in contrast to pronounced, initial lag times during biogenesis at 5°C. Although greening temperature had no effect on the sequential appearance of PSI relative to PSII, greening temperature significantly altered the pattern of appearance of PSI relative to chlorophyll accumulation. Thylakoid biogenesis under continuous illumination at 20°C imposed a pattern whereby the development of PSI activity was antiparallel to chlorophyll accumulation. In contrast, the development of PSI activity under continuous illumination at 5°C was paralllel to chlorophylll accumulation. These developmental patterns were independent of the temperature experienced during etiolation. However, rye seedlings etiolated at 20°C and subsequently subjected to continuous illumination at 5°C exhibited a 70% reduction in the maximum PSII activity (100 mol DCPIP reduced.mg Chl-1.h-1) attained relative to that observed for similar etiolated seedlings greened at 20°C (300 mol DCPIP reduced.mg Chl-1.h-1). This low temperature-induced inhibition could be alleviated by an initial 2 h exposure to continuous light at 20°C prior to greening to 5°C. Rye seedlings etiolated at 5°C attained similar maximal PSII activities (300 mol DCPIP reduced.mg Chl-1.h-1) regardless of the greening temperature. We suggest that the altered kinetics for pigment accumulation, the low temperature-induced change in the pattern for the appearance of PSI activity relative to chlorophyll accumulation and the differential sensitivity of 20° and 5° etiolated seedlings to greening temperature reflect an alteration in membrane organization incurred as a consequence of thylakoid assembly at low temperature.Abbreviations RH cold-hardened rye - RNH non-hardened rye - MV methylviologen - ASC ascorbate - Chl chlorophyll - DCPIP dichlorophenol indophenol  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that ascorbate (Asc), by donating electrons to photosystem II (PSII), supports a sustained electron transport activity in leaves in which the oxygen-evolving complexes were inactivated with a heat pulse (49°C, 40 s). Here, by using wild-type, Asc-overproducing, and -deficient Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants (miox4 and vtc2-3, respectively), we investigated the physiological role of Asc as PSII electron donor in heat-stressed leaves (40°C, 15 min), lacking active oxygen-evolving complexes. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence transients show that in leaves excited with trains of saturating single-turnover flashes spaced 200 ms apart, allowing continual electron donation from Asc to PSII, the reaction centers remained functional even after thousands of turnovers. Higher flash frequencies or continuous illumination (300 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1)) gradually inactivated them, a process that appeared to be initiated by a dramatic deceleration of the electron transfer from Tyr(Z) to P680(+), followed by the complete loss of charge separation activity. These processes occurred with half-times of 1.2 and 10 min, 2.8 and 23 min, and 4.1 and 51 min in vtc2-3, the wild type, and miox4, respectively, indicating that the rate of inactivation strongly depended on the Asc content of the leaves. The recovery of PSII activity, following the degradation of PSII proteins (D1, CP43, and PsbO), in moderate light (100 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1), comparable to growth light), was also retarded in the Asc-deficient mutant. These data show that high Asc content of leaves contributes significantly to the ability of plants to withstand heat-stress conditions.  相似文献   

In leaves of three alpine high mountain plants, Homogyne alpina, Ranunculus glacialis and Soldanella alpina, both photosystem II (PSII) and the enzyme catalase appeared to he highly resistant to photoinactivation under natural field conditions. While the Dl protein of PSII and catalase have a rapid turnover in light and require continuous new protein synthesis in non-adapted plants, little apparent photoinactivation of PSII or catalase was induced in the alpine plants by translation inhibitors or at low temperature, suggesting that turnover of the Dl protein and catalase was slow in these leaves. In vitro PSII was rapidly inactivated in light in isolated thylakoids from H. alpina and R. glacialis. In isolated intact chloroplasts from R. glacialis, photoinactivation of PSII was slower than in thylakoids. Partially purified catalase from R. glacialis and S. alpina was as sensitive to photoinactivation in vitro as catalases from other sources. Catalase from H. alpina had, however, a 10-fold higher stability in light. The levels of xanthophyll cycle carotenoids, of the antioxidants ascorbate and glulathione, and of the activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase were very high in S. alpina, intermediate in H. alpina, but very low in R. glacialis. However, isolated chloroplasts from all three alpine species contained much higher concentrations of ascorbate and glutathione than chloroplasts from lowland plants.  相似文献   

WN6 (a stay-green wheat cultivar) and JM20 (control) were used to evaluate the effects of exogenous cytokinin on photosynthetic capacity and antioxidant enzymes activities in flag leaves. Results showed that WN6 reached the higher grain mass, which was mainly due to the higher photosynthetic rate resulting from the higher maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (ΦPSII) and probability that a trapped exaction transfers an electron into the electron transport chain beyond QA (Ψo), and lower relative variable fluorescence intensity at the J-step (Vj). Exogenous 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA) enhanced antioxidant enzymes activities and decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Enhanced Ψo and electron transport rate (ETR), and decreased Vj contributed to improved photosynthetic rate in the 6-BA treatment. In addition, exogenous 6-BA significantly increased endogenous zeatin (Zt) content, which was significantly and positively correlated with the antioxidant enzyme activity and ΦPSII, implying that higher Zt content was responsible for the improved antioxidant status and photosynthetic performance.  相似文献   

Global temperature rise is suggested to be greater and more rapid in polar regions. There has been a clear temperature rise of 0.056 °C y−1 in the Antarctic Peninsula and this has led to changes in higher plant extent and range. In the more extreme environments of the main continent the vegetation is scattered and composed of lichens and mosses. There is interest in the possible effects of global climate change on these communities acting through changes in temperature and precipitation. Lichens have been extensively used to date the substrates on which they are growing using the techniques of lichenometry. The slow growth and longevity of lichens particularly suites them for this use. We present evidence that there appears to be a substantial (two orders of magnitude) cline in lichen growth rate from the warmer, wetter and more productive Peninsula to the cold Dry Valleys at 77°S latitude. The differences in growth rate reflect the precipitation and temperature regimes at the different sites. The large range in growth rates coupled with the simplicity of measuring lichen growth using modern techniques suggests that this could be an excellent tool for the detection of climate change in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

The functionality of photosystem II (PS II) following high-light pre-treatment of leaf segments at a chilling temperature was monitored as F(v)/F(m), the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence in the dark-adapted state and a measure of the optimal photochemical efficiency in PS II. Recovery of PS II functionality in low light (LL) and at a favourable temperature was retarded by (1) water stress and (2) growth in LL, in both spinach and Alocasia macrorrhiza L. In spinach leaf segments, water stress per se affected neither F(v)/F(m) nor the ability of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase to be activated by far-red light for ATP synthesis, but it induced chloroplast shrinkage as observed in frozen and fractured samples by scanning electron microscopy. A common feature of water stress and growth of plants in LL is the enhanced anchoring of PS II complexes, either across the shrunken lumen in water-stress conditions or across the partition gap in larger grana due to growth in LL. We suggest that such enhanced anchoring restricts the mobility of PS II complexes in the thylakoid membrane system, and hence hinders the lateral migration of photoinactivated PS II reaction centres to the stroma-located ribosomes for repair.  相似文献   

Spontaneously diabetic BB/OK rats are not genetically susceptible to develop diabetic complications as hypertension or nephropathy. Recently, we generated 5 congenic BB. SHR rat strains by transferring different chromosomal regions of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) onto the genetic background of BB/OK rats. Four out of 5 strains showed a weak increase of blood pressure (8 mmHg). This weak blood pressure effect indicated that the transferred regions fo not contain major genes for hypertension. That prompted us to choose the classical procedure of phenotypic selection to fix major genes causing hypertension in a BB/OK rat subline generated by cross of BB/OK and SHR and repeated backcrossing of animals with highest blood pressure onto normotensive BB/OK rats. After 7 backcrosses (N8), all backcross parents were genetically analysed with the aid of 259 microsatellites to identify loci causing blood pressure of 177 ± 10 mmHg in this BB/OK rat subline. The data revealed, that loci on chromosome 1, 14 and 18 were heterozygous until BC5, BC6 and BC7, respectively. Considering the relative stable high blood pressure during the backcross procedure, these loci might be of essential importance for the development of hypertension in the SHR.  相似文献   

Oxygenic photosynthesis produces various radicals and activeoxygen species with harmful effects on photosystem II (PSII).Such photodamage occurs at all light intensities. Damaged PSIIcentres, however, do not usually accumulate in the thylakoidmembrane due to a rapid and efficient repair mechanism. Theexcellent design of PSII gives protection to most of the proteincomponents and the damage is most often targeted only to thereaction centre D1 protein. Repair of PSII via turnover of thedamaged protein subunits is a complex process involving (i)highly regulated reversible phosphorylation of several PSIIcore subunits, (ii) monomerization and migration of the PSIIcore from the grana to the stroma lamellae, (iii) partial disassemblyof the PSII core monomer, (iv) highly specific proteolysis ofthe damaged proteins, and finally (v) a multi-step replacementof the damaged proteins with de novo synthesized copies followedby (vi) the reassembly, dimerization, and photoactivation ofthe PSII complexes. These processes will shortly be reviewedpaying particular attention to the damage, turnover, and assemblyof the PSII complex in grana and stroma thylakoids during thephotoinhibition–repair cycle of PSII. Moreover, a two-dimensionalBlue-native gel map of thylakoid membrane protein complexes,and their modification in the grana and stroma lamellae duringa high-light treatment, is presented. Key words: Arabidopsis thylakoid membrane proteome, assembly of photosystem II, D1 protein, light stress, photosystem II photoinhibition, repair of photosystem II  相似文献   

Our current understanding of the PSII reaction centre owes a great deal to comparisons to the simpler and better understood, purple bacterial reaction centre. Here we provide an overview of the similarities with a focus on charge separation and the electron acceptors. We go on to discuss some of the main differences between the two kinds of reaction centres that have been highlighted by the improving knowledge of PSII. We attempt to relate these differences to functional requirements of water splitting. Some are directly associated with that function, e.g. high oxidation potentials, while others are associated with regulation and protection against photodamage. The protective and regulatory functions are associated with the harsh chemistry performed during its normal function but also with requirements of the enzyme while it is undergoing assembly and repair. Key aspects of PSII reaction centre evolution are also addressed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Hypertension is dominantly inherited in cross hybrids between hypertensive SHR/Mol and normotensive BB/OK rats. We used these cross hybrids for repeated backcrossing of selected hypertensive animals onto normotensive BB/OK rats to fix high blood pressure and to generate a hypertensive and diabetic BB/OK rat subline. After 8 backcrosses, the backcross parents were genetically analysed with the aid of 259 microsatellite markers to identify SHR genes causing blood pressure of 177 +/- 10 mmHg in this BB/OK rat subline. Loci on chromosomes 1, 14 and 18 showed longest heterozygosity. These loci might contain major genes of the SHR rat causing hypertension in this BB/OK rat subline. This classical strategy seems to be most suitable to fix major genes of hypertension in particular and complex traits in general and therefore to generate new animal models.  相似文献   

An aerial green alga, Prasiola crispa (Lightf.) Menegh, which is known to form large colonies in Antarctic habitats, is subject to severe environmental stresses due to low temperature, draught and strong sunlight in summer. A considerable light-absorption by long-wavelength chlorophylls (LWC) at around 710 nm, which seem to consist of chlorophyll a, was detected in thallus of P. crispa harvested at a terrestrial environment in Antarctica. Absorption level at 710 nm against that at 680 nm was correlated with fluorescence emission intensity at 713 nm at room temperature and the 77 K fluorescence emission band from LWC was found to be emitted at 735 nm. We demonstrated that the LWC efficiently transfer excitation energy to photosystem II (PSII) reaction center from measurements of action spectra of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and P700 photo-oxidation. The global quantum yield of PSII excitation in thallus by far-red light was shown to be as high as by orange light, and the excitation balance between PSII and PSI was almost same in the two light sources. It is thus proposed that the LWC increase the photosynthetic productivity in the lower parts of overlapping thalli and contribute to the predominance of alga in the severe environment.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of protein dephosphorylation in barley thylakoid membranes revealed accelerated dephosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) proteins, and meanwhile rapidly induced phosphorylation of a light-harvesting complex (LHCII) b4, CP29 under water stress. Inhibition of dephosphorylation aggravates stress damages and hampers photosystem recovery after rewatering. This increased dephosphorylation is catalyzed by both intrinsic and extrinsic membrane protein phosphatase. Water stress did not cause any thylakoid destacking, and the lateral migration from granum membranes to stroma-exposed lamellae was only found to CP29, but not other PSII proteins. Activation of plastid proteases and release of TLP40, an inhibitor of the membrane phosphatases, were also enhanced during water stress. Phosphorylation of CP29 may facilitate disassociation of LHCII from PSII complex, disassembly of the LHCII trimer and its subsequent degradation, while general dephosphorylation of PSII proteins may be involved in repair cycle of PSII proteins and stress-response-signaling.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic machinery and, in particular, the photosystem II (PSII) complex are susceptible to strong light, and the effects of strong light are referred to as photodamage or photoinhibition. In living organisms, photodamaged PSII is rapidly repaired and, as a result, the extent of photoinhibition represents a balance between rates of photodamage and the repair of PSII. In this study, we examined the roles of electron transport and ATP synthesis in these two processes by monitoring them separately and systematically in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. We found that the rate of photodamage, which was proportional to light intensity, was unaffected by inhibition of the electron transport in PSII, by acceleration of electron transport in PSI, and by inhibition of ATP synthesis. By contrast, the rate of repair was reduced upon inhibition of the synthesis of ATP either via PSI or PSII. Northern blotting and radiolabeling analysis with [(35)S]Met revealed that synthesis of the D1 protein was enhanced by the synthesis of ATP. Our observations suggest that ATP synthesis might regulate the repair of PSII, in particular, at the level of translation of the psbA genes for the precursor to the D1 protein, whereas neither electron transport nor the synthesis of ATP affects the extent of photodamage.  相似文献   

R.P. Levine  H.A. Duram 《BBA》1973,325(3):565-572
When cells of the ac-5 mutant strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardi are cultured mixotrophically, their chloroplast membranes are unstacked and they lack a group of membrane polypeptides that have been reported to be associated with a membrane fraction enriched for Photosystem II activity. On the other hand, the chloroplast membranes of cells grown phototrophically are stacked and they possess the membrane polypeptides. Since the unstacked membranes possess Photosystem II activity, we suggest that the polypeptides must be present in the chloroplast membrane if stacking is to occur.  相似文献   

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