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GREGORY J. ROBERTSON 《Ibis》1995,137(1):109-115
Nesting site selection and nesting success in Common Eiders Somateria mollissima were studied over a 3-year period (1991–1993) in the Mast River delta (58o24'N, 94o24'W), 40 km east of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Eiders preferentially nested on islands that had incubating Lesser Snow Geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens on them; this effect was also seen between years on the same islands. Eiders which nested on islands with geese had a reduced chance of having eggs taken by predators during egg-laying and had a greater chance of hatching once incubation had begun, independent of the number of other eiders nesting on the island. The distance to a goose nest was less in nests which did not lose eggs prior to incubation than in those which did, but there was no difference in the distance to a goose nest in eider clutches which did or did not hatch. Artificial eider eggs placed closer to goose nests had a lower probability of being predated than those placed farther away. Nests on islands farther up the river and farther from the mainland had higher nesting success, presumably because these nesting islands were inaccessible to Arctic Foxes Alopex lagopus.  相似文献   

T. Mappes  J. Mappes  J. Kotiaho 《Oecologia》1994,98(2):147-149
It has recently been suggested that nest box studies might bias the measurement of behavioural and life-history traits, because the removal of old nests may reduce the load of ectoparasites. This experimental artefact may have notable effects on nest site choice and breeding success in cavity-breeding birds. We tested (i) if pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca prefer clean nest boxes and (ii) if old nest material affects the number of parasites and the breeding success of pied flycatchers. In the first experiment we offered birds one cleaned nest box and one nest box with old nest material from the previous year. The two nest boxes were placed in very similar sites near each other. In this experiment all pied flycatchers clearly preferred dirty nest boxes. In the second part of the study we distributed clean nest boxes and dirty ones on the same study area. After breeding was over we counted the number of fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae in the nest material. This flea species was the most abundant and probably the most hazardous parasite in the nests. Surprisingly, we found that there were significantly more fleas in the nest boxes with nests of the current year only than in the boxes with nests of both current and previous year. This might explain the preference for the dirty boxes. However, our results do not indicate that the number of fleas affects breeding success in the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by animals is influenced by and mitigates the effects of predation and environmental extremes. For birds, nest site selection is crucial to offspring production because nests are exposed to extreme weather and predation pressure. Predators that forage using olfaction often dominate nest predator communities; therefore, factors that influence olfactory detection (e.g., airflow and weather variables, including turbulence and moisture) should influence nest site selection and survival. However, few studies have assessed the importance of olfactory cover for habitat selection and survival. We assessed whether ground‐nesting birds select nest sites based on visual and/or olfactory cover. Additionally, we assessed the importance of visual cover and airflow and weather variables associated with olfactory cover in influencing nest survival. In managed grasslands in Oklahoma, USA, we monitored nests of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) during 2015 and 2016. To assess nest site selection, we compared cover variables between nests and random points. To assess factors influencing nest survival, we used visual cover and olfactory‐related measurements (i.e., airflow and weather variables) to model daily nest survival. For nest site selection, nest sites had greater overhead visual cover than random points, but no other significant differences were found. Weather variables hypothesized to influence olfactory detection, specifically precipitation and relative humidity, were the best predictors of and were positively related to daily nest survival. Selection for overhead cover likely contributed to mitigation of thermal extremes and possibly reduced detectability of nests. For daily nest survival, we hypothesize that major nest predators focused on prey other than the monitored species’ nests during high moisture conditions, thus increasing nest survival on these days. Our study highlights how mechanistic approaches to studying cover informs which dimensions are perceived and selected by animals and which dimensions confer fitness‐related benefits.  相似文献   

The common loon (Gavia immer) breeds during the summer on northern lakes and water bodies that are also often desirable areas for aquatic recreation and human habitation. In northern New England, we assessed how the spatial nature of disturbance affects common loon nest site selection and territory success. We found through classification and regression analysis that distance to and density of disturbance factors can be used to classify observed nest site locations versus random points, suggesting that these factors affect loon nest site selection (model 1: Correct classification = 75%, null = 50%, K = 0.507, P < 0.001; model 2: Correct classification = 78%, null = 50%, K = 0.551, P < 0.001). However, in an exploratory analysis, we were unable to show a relation between spatial disturbance variables and breeding success (P = 0.595, R2 = 0.436), possibly because breeding success was so low during the breeding seasons of 2007–2008. We suggest that by selecting nest site locations that avoid disturbance factors, loons thereby limit the effect that disturbance will have on their breeding success. Still, disturbance may force loons to use sub-optimal nesting habitat, limiting the available number of territories, and overall productivity. We advise that management efforts focus on limiting disturbance factors to allow breeding pairs access to the best nesting territories, relieving disturbance pressures that may force sub-optimal nest placement. © 2011 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of a population of Blackbirds Turdus merula occupying farmland and woodland was studied over 3 years to investigate the effects of habitat on breeding success. Territory distribution was patchy in both farmland and woodland; some areas were unoccupied, while other areas were occupied at variable densities. Habitat structure appeared to influence occupation: the index of habitat complexity ("cover score") was higher in occupied areas than in unoccupied areas and high-density territories had higher cover scores than low-density territories. However, habitat structure had no significant effect on reproductive success because the cover scores of territories where pairs were successful did not differ significantly from those of territories where there were no successful breeding attempts. There was no evidence of differential mortality rates in adults according to habitat. The height, bulk and exposure of c. 430 nests were measured to determine the effect of nest and nest-site characteristics on reproductive success. Nest exposure was the only feature that differed between successful and failed nests, successful nests being less exposed than failed nests. The major cause of breeding failure was nest predation, but the effect of nest exposure operated only during the laying and incubation period and not during the nestling period. The significance of habitat structure for variation in population densities between habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental factors affect ecological parameters is important to understanding and predicting impacts of environmental change. Given evidence and anticipated impacts of climate variability, this is especially true with respect to sea ice and its role in animal life history in northern regions. We examined relationships between the extent of consolidated spring ice cover (pack and landfast), nest initiation and clutch size in common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in northern Labrador, a sub-Arctic region on the east coast of Canada. Our initial prediction was that eiders would delay nesting and have smaller clutches in years with more extensive spring ice cover. Between 1998 and 2003, we surveyed coastal islands for breeding eiders and collected information on nest age and clutch size. For those years, we estimated ice cover based on Radarsat-1 images supplied by the Canadian Ice Service during the spring period (approximately June 7–12). We found that spring ice cover was a significant positive predictor of nest initiation date, and the regression equation indicated that if the average extent of ice cover around nesting islands increased by 18 ha, average nesting date was delayed by approximately 1 day. Nest initiation date was a significant negative predictor of clutch size, and the regression equation indicated that a 20 day delay in nesting reduced average clutch size by approximately 1 egg. However, ice cover itself was not a significant predictor of clutch size. Our findings suggest that eiders breed when ice is present, but ice extent may negatively influence aspects of their breeding ecology.  相似文献   

We studied Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla and Golden‐winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera populations in northern Minnesota, USA, to test two common assumptions in studies of songbird nest success: (1) that the condition of an empty nest on or near its expected fledge date is an indicator of nest fate; and (2) that the presence of a fledgling or family group within a territory confirms a successful nest in that territory. We monitored the condition of nests and used radiotelemetry to monitor juveniles through the expected fledging date and early post‐fledging period. Of nests that contained nestlings 1–2 days before the expected fledge date, fates were misidentified using nest condition alone for 9.5% of Ovenbird nests, but those misidentifications were made in both directions (succeeded or failed), yielding only a small bias in estimated nest success. However, 20% of Golden‐winged Warbler nests were misidentified as successful using nest condition during the final visit interval, biasing the nest success estimate upward by 21–28% depending on the treatment of uncertain nest fates. Fledgling Ovenbirds from 58% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 98% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 390 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. Fledgling Golden‐winged Warblers from 13% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 85% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 510 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. We conclude that nest condition and fledgling presence can be misleading indicators of nest fate, probably commonly biasing nest success estimates upward, and we recommend that these assumptions should be tested in additional species.  相似文献   

Evaluating consequences of habitat selection is an important step in understanding life history strategies and behavioural decisions of animals. Kilpi and Lindström (1997) found that incubating common eiders Somateria mollissima on exposed, treeless islands lost weight faster than females nesting on wooded islands and proposed that this difference was due to adverse incubation conditions at exposed nests. Therefore, we tested whether common eiders gained an advantage when nesting in sheltered habitats by placing artificial shelters over randomly-selected females after the onset of incubation within an eider colony in arctic Canada. We predicted that sheltered females would be heavier on completion of incubation than control hens lacking shelters. Females nesting in artificial shelters experienced a more moderate thermal environment at both cold and warm temperature extremes. Eiders nesting in shelters were heavier than control females during mid incubation, consistent with habitat-specific rates of weight loss reported by Kilpi and Lindström (1997) . Natural overhead cover was available at potential nests but few eiders used those sites. We suspect that microclimatic advantages offered by sheltered sites may be offset by costs of increased female vulnerability to predators. Further work is needed to test this hypothesis, and to determine mechanisms responsible for lower weight loss in eiders attending well concealed nests.  相似文献   

Grassland birds have experienced steeper population declines between 1966 and 2015 than any other bird group on the North American continent, and migratory grassland birds may face threats in all stages of their annual cycle. The grassland-associated long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) is experiencing population declines in regional and local portions of their North American breeding range. The nesting period is an important portion of the annual cycle when curlews may face demographic rate limitations from a suite of threats including predators and anthropogenic disturbance. We compared nest sites to random sites within breeding territories to examine nest site selection, and modeled correlates of nesting success for 128 curlew nests at 5 Intermountain West sites. Nest sites were 6 times more likely than random sites to be situated adjacent to existing cowpies. Additionally, curlews selected nest sites with shorter vegetation, and less bare ground, grass, and shrub cover than at random sites within their territories. Nest success varied widely among sites and ranged from 12% to 40% in a season with a mean of 27% for all nests during the 2015 and 2016 seasons. Higher nest success probability was associated with higher curlew densities in the area, greater percent cover of conspicuous objects (cowpies, rocks) near the nest, and higher densities of black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia) and American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) at the site. We also found increased probability of nesting success with increased distance from a nest to the nearest potential perch in that territory. Given the central role of working lands to curlews in much of the Intermountain West, understanding limitations to nesting success in these diverse landscapes is necessary to guide adaptive management strategies in increasingly human-modified habitats. We suggest some grazing and irrigation practices already provide suitable nesting conditions for curlews, and others may require only minor temporal shifts to improve compatibility. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Variation in nest concealment is puzzling given the expected strong selection for safe nest sites. Selecting a concealed nest may decrease the risk of clutch predation but hinder parents from escaping predators, providing a possible solution to this paradox. Because the relative value of current versus future reproduction may vary with breeder age or state, nest concealment may also vary as a function of these attributes. We tested four predictions of the female and clutch safety trade-off hypothesis in eiders (Somateria mollissima): (1) nest concealment is negatively related to escape possibilities, (2) our capture rate of females is higher in covered nests, (3) egg predation is higher in open nests, and (4) overall nest success is unrelated to nest habitat. We also analysed nest microhabitat preferences and nest success relative to breeder age and body condition, controlling for nest spatial centrality. As expected, nest concealment and potential escape angle were negatively related, and capture by us, indicating female predation vulnerability, increased with nest cover. Clutch size was smaller in open nests, suggesting higher partial clutch predation, while it was larger among experienced and good-condition breeders. The probability of successful hatching was unrelated to nest habitat, positively associated with breeder experience, and negatively associated with hatching date. Experienced females selected more concealed and centrally located nests without sacrificing potential escape angles. The age-specific spatial distribution of nests on islands was unrelated to nest initiation dates, indicating no apparent competition. The age-specific preference of eiders for concealed nests may reflect declining reproductive value with age or confidence in surviving despite selecting a concealed nest. The apparently positive relationship between female age and survival and fecundity in eiders refutes the former alternative. Individual improvement in choosing safe nest sites, coupled with differential survival of individuals performing well, most likely explains age-specific nest-site preference and success.  相似文献   

We investigated local genetic associations among female Pacific common eiders (Somateria mollissima v‐nigrum) nesting in a stochastic Arctic environment within two groups of barrier islands (Simpson Lagoon and Mikkelsen Bay) in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Nonrandom genetic associations were observed among nesting females using regional spatial autocorrelation analyses for distance classes up to 1000 m in Simpson Lagoon. Nearest‐neighbour analyses identified clusters of genetically related females with positive lr values observed for 0–13% and 0–7% of the comparisons in Simpson Lagoon and Mikkelsen Bay, respectively, across years. These results indicate that a proportion of females are nesting in close proximity to more genetically related individuals, albeit at low frequency. Such kin groupings may form through active association between relatives or through natal philopatry and breeding site fidelity. Eiders nest in close association with driftwood, which is redistributed annually by seasonal storms. Yet, genetic associations were still observed. Microgeographic structure may thus be more attributable to kin association than natal philopatry and site fidelity. However, habitat availability may also influence the level of structure observed. Regional structure was present only within Simpson Lagoon and this island group includes at least three islands with sufficient driftwood for colonies, whereas only one island at Mikkelsen Bay has these features. A long‐term demographic study is needed to understand more fully the mechanisms that lead to fine‐scale genetic structure observed in common eiders breeding in the Beaufort Sea.  相似文献   

Wild parrots represent one of the greatest commercial interests in the legal trade in wild birds. Although it is difficult to quantify, there is a considerable illegal trade in wild parrots. Thirty-six per cent of the world's parrot species are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as threatened or near threatened, and 55% of these are threatened to some degree by trade. In this paper, we investigate the impact of protection on the number of nests that failed because of nestlings being taken by humans (hereafter nest take) and on nesting success in parrots. We collate data on parrot nest take from published and unpublished studies from Africa, Asia and Australasia, including countries and sites with and without national and local parrot protection measures in place. Nest take was insignificant in Australia, where all studies were from areas with both local and national protection. For less developed countries, levels of nest take were variable between studies, spanning the whole range from 0 to 100%. Protection significantly reduced nest take and correspondingly increased nesting success. Our results corroborate those for the Neotropics; thus, the advantages of protection appear to be independent of geographical location or political and economic conditions. We analysed data on legal trade in wild-caught parrots before and after implementation of the 1992 Wild Bird Conservation Act (which practically eliminated import of parrots to the USA) and found that there was no apparent shift in parrot imports to other global regions from the Neotropics. We suggest that conservation of parrots globally would benefit from similar legislation introduced in other regions, such as the EU (15), which is responsible for more than 60% of global imports of wild parrots.  相似文献   

Capsule: Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus avoid nesting close to small woodland patches but nest predation rates do not vary with distance to woodland patches, either because risky areas are avoided or perceived nest predation risk does not reflect actual risk.

Aims: To explore the effects of woodland patches in wet grassland landscapes on nest distribution and success of Lapwings.

Methods: We quantified the effect of woodland patches on the distribution and outcome of Lapwing nests across four wet grassland sites by mapping nest distribution and monitoring nest outcomes.

Results: Lapwing nested significantly further from woods than expected by chance. Neither nest predation rates nor the probability of predation occurring at night (thus primarily mammalian predators) or day (primarily avian predators) varied in relation to distance from woodland patches.

Conclusions: High levels of nest and chick predation in wet grassland landscapes limit the capacity for breeding wader populations to be self-sustaining. Consequently, identifying manageable landscape features that influence predation rates is an important focus of conservation research. Lapwing avoid breeding close to woodland but, as nest predation rates do not vary with distance from woodland patches, their removal may increase the area of suitable nesting habitat but is unlikely to substantially influence productivity.  相似文献   

Large nests may incur fitness cost in terms of conspicuousness to predators, but the effect of nest size on predation risk can be confounded by effects of nest site and parental characteristics. I examined relative effects of nest size and placement by experimentally exchanging subsets of inactive nests baited with artificial clutches, among three open-cup nesting passerine species characterized by different nest size, placement and predation rate. The prediction that increasing nest size (original nest replaced by nest of the larger species) would increase predation, while decreasing nest size (replacement by nest of the smaller species) would decrease predation, relative to control (replacement by conspecific nest) was not supported in any species. The prediction that predation should be higher for large nests compared to small ones, even after exchanging nests among species-specific sites, was not supported. Predation rate differed among species (combined site/nest effect) before manipulation, whereas only the effect of nest site was significant after manipulation. This means that predation differed between species-specific nest sites, irrespective of the nest placed at these sites, but not between large (thrush) and small (warbler) nests, irrespective of their placement. Results do not suggest that nest predation selects directionally for smaller nest size. This conclusion could be specific to the study system characterized by high nest densities and high predation rate.  相似文献   


The pests and weeds that can affect conservation values in New Zealand are mostly introduced species, including 31 species of mammals, a small number of birds, a few fish and amphibians, an unknown number of invertebrate species (but particularly two wasps), and at least 75 introduced plants capable of permanently altering native ecosystems.  相似文献   

Avian reproduction has four prime components: nesting, mating, hatching, and fledging. Predicting the probability of individual components helps in identifying the period of reproduction that would benefit from an increased conservation effort. Identification of biotic, abiotic, and sociological variables of the nesting sites is essential to calculate the component-wise success probabilities. There is no standard methodology to estimate these probability values separately. This study proposes a methodology to estimate the success probability of each component, identifies correlated environmental predictors, and provides a modelling framework to accurately predict the nesting success probabilities using Merops philippinus as a model species. Primary surveillance data and the proposed methodology indicate that the time window between the bird's nesting and mating is most vulnerable to environmental fluctuations. Both biotic and abiotic factors are crucial determinants of nesting success. Sociological factors also play a crucial role in determining the probabilities of these successes. Mating, hatching, and fledging success depend more on biotic factors than abiotic ones. Linear modelling frameworks are helpful in exploring which types of environments are better determinants of the success of a reproductive component. Artificial neural networks are useful in predicting mating, nesting, and overall reproductive success probabilities. Though the models in this study are developed using Merops philippinus data, the proposed methodology and modelling framework is also applicable for other bird species.  相似文献   

Hanssen SA  Folstad I  Erikstad KE 《Oecologia》2003,136(3):457-464
Immunocompetence may be especially important in long-lived species where infectious organisms may have detrimental effects upon future reproductive value of hosts. The resource demand for immunocompetence may reduce resource availability for reproduction and a trade-off between these traits has therefore been proposed. Capital breeders, such as the common eider (Somateria mollissima), rely upon accumulated body reserves during reproduction. Eiders lose more than 40% of pre-breeding body mass during egglaying and incubation and many females abandon their ducklings to other females after hatching. Results from our observational study show that levels of leukocytes (i.e., lymphocytes, heterophils and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) are not related to body mass early in the incubation period. However, eider females with low initial body mass showed signs of immunosuppression (i.e., decreased late levels of lymphocytes) and increased response towards stressors (i.e., increased heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) later in the incubation period. Moreover, females with low lymphocyte levels more frequently abandoned their brood, and females abandoning young had an increased return rate to the next breeding season. However, among brood abandoning females return rate was lower for the females with low lymphocyte levels. These results suggest that immunosuppression, as indicated by low lymphocyte levels, is a reproductive cost that may be partly compensated for by abandoning young.  相似文献   

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