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Predation risk has played an important role in primate behavioral evolution, yet natural primate–predator interactions are rarely observed. We describe the consumption and probable predation of an adult bald-faced saki monkey (Pithecia rylandsi) by a black-and-white hawk-eagle (Spizaetus melanoleucus) at the Los Amigos Biological Station in lowland Amazonian Peru. To our knowledge, this is the first published case of a black-and-white hawk-eagle consuming any primate species. We contend that while most reported observations of successful and attempted predation by raptors involves the largest and most notorious species (i.e. the harpy eagle), smaller and lesser known species like S. melanoleucus should be considered more seriously as a predator of neotropical primates. We discuss the predation event in the context of understanding what other neotropical primates might be vulnerable to S. melanoleucus predation given its body size and hunting tactic.  相似文献   

Invasive plants affect soil food webs through various resource inputs including shoot litter, root litter and living root input. The net impact of invasive plants on soil biota has been recognized; however, the relative contributions of different resource input pathways have not been quantified. Through a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial field experiment, a pair of invasive and native plant species (Spartina alterniflora vs. Phragmites australis) was compared to determine the relative impacts of their living roots or shoots and root litter on soil microbial and nematode communities. Living root identity affected bacteria-to-fungi PLFA ratios, abundance of total nematodes, plant-feeding nematodes and omnivorous nematodes. Specifically, the plant-feeding nematodes were 627% less abundant when living roots of invasive S. alterniflora were present than those of native P. australis. Likewise, shoot and root biomass (within soil at 0–10 cm depth) of S. alterniflora was, respectively, 300 and 100% greater than those of P. australis. These findings support the enemy release hypothesis of plant invasion. Root litter identity affected other components of soil microbiota (that is, bacterial-feeding nematodes), which were 34% more abundant in the presence of root litter of P. australis than S. alterniflora. Overall, more variation associated with nematode community structure and function was explained by differences in living roots than root or shoot litter for this pair of plant species sharing a common habitat but contrasting invasion degrees. We conclude that belowground resource input is an important mechanism used by invasive plants to affect ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Molecular markers derived from the complete chloroplast genome can provide effective tools for species identification and phylogenetic resolution. Complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequences of Capsicum species have been reported. We herein report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum, a wild Capsicum species. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 157,145 bp with 37.7 % overall GC content. One pair of inverted repeats, 25,910 bp in length, was separated by a small single-copy region (17,974 bp) and large single-copy region (87,351 bp). This region contains 86 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA genes, and 11 genes contain one or two introns. Pair-wise alignments of chloroplast genome were performed for genome-wide comparison. Analysis revealed a total of 134 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs and 282 insertions or deletions variants in the C. baccatum var. baccatum cp genome. The types and abundances of repeat units in Capsicum species were relatively conserved, and these loci could be used in future studies to investigate and conserve the genetic diversity of the Capsicum species.  相似文献   

The coccinellid beetle Anovia punica Gordon (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Noviini) is an important predator of the Colombian fluted scale, Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo & Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). In order to gather information on the biological traits of A. punica, we conducted a series of studies, including of the developmental time of each life history stage, estimation of life table parameters, and predation rates under laboratory conditions [25.1 ± 1.6°C, with 70.5 ± 7.3% RH, and natural light regime, approx. 12:12 (L:D) h]. Developmental stages of A. punica were categorized as follows: egg stage, four larval instars, prepupal instar, pupal instar, and adult. Developmental time from egg to adult emergence averaged 29.41 ± 1.85 days, and 47.6% of the eggs developed to adulthood. Female and male survival was 94.42 and 90 days, respectively. Life table parameters show that one female of A. punica is replaced by 86 females (R 0), the intrinsic growth rate (r m ) was 0.1115, the average generation time (T) was 40 days, and the doubling time (D t ) was 6.2 days. The life table parameters suggest that A. punica can be used as a potential predator of C. multicicatrices and, more importantly, provided baseline information for a mass-rearing protocol. This is the first detailed study on the biology of A. punica that reports the potential of this predator as a biological control agent for scale insects of the tribe Iceryini.  相似文献   

Gut bacterium Pantoea sp. is one of the predominant bacterial species in the larval gut of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. The phenotypic characters of Pantoea sp. were investigated with BIOLOG phenotype MicroArray (PM) in this study. Totally 950 different metabolic phenotypes were tested using the PM plates 1–10. Results exhibited that Pantoea sp. was able to metabolize 37.37 % of the tested carbon sources, 91.32 % of nitrogen sources, 100 % of sulfur sources, and 98.31 % of phosphorus sources. Most informative utilization patterns for carbon sources of Pantoea sp. were organic acids and carbohydrates, and for nitrogen were various amino acids. The bacterium had 94 different biosynthetic pathways. It had a wide range of adaptabilities, and could still metabolize in osmolytes with up to 9 % sodium chloride, 6 % potassium chloride, 5 % sodium sulfate, 20 % ethylene glycol, 4 % sodium formate, 4 % urea, 5 % sodium lactate, 200 mmol/L sodium phosphate (pH 7.0), 100 mmol/L ammonium sulfate (pH 8.0), 100 mmol/L sodium nitrate, and 100 mmol/L sodium nitrite, respectively. It also exhibited active metabolism under pH values between 4.5 and 10. Pantoea sp. showed active decarboxylase activities while poor deaminase activities in the presence of various amino acids. The phenotypic characterization of Pantoea sp. increased our knowledge of the bacterium, in particular its interactions with insect hosts and the adaptability in gut environments, and showed us some possible approaches to controlling diamondback moth through decreasing Pantoea sp. density.  相似文献   

Reduction in sea ice due to climate change is expected to have a negative impact on habitat availability for Arctic marine fishes and induce range expansion of species from southern environments. Such an effect will likely be observed in the abundance of polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774), as well as interspecific interactions of this intermediate-level trophic taxon, particularly in more southerly fringing seas in the Arctic. Polar cod and capelin, Mallotus villosus (Müller, 1776), are pelagic, planktivorous forage fishes, which occupy similar dietary niches and are the primary prey of marine predators. Co-occurring polar cod and capelin were collected at seven stations in Darnley Bay, NT, during August 2013. Standard length (SL), used as a proxy for age, suggested that polar cod (mean ± 1 SD: 71.1 ± 10.3 mm) were predominantly age 1+ and capelin (96.2 ± 13.4 mm) were mostly age 2+. Stomach content analyses indicated that both species feed extensively on calanoid copepods (Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis, Metridia longa) and amphipods (Themisto libellula). There was high dietary overlap between capelin and polar cod, evidenced by Schoener’s index (0.80). Additionally the quantity of dietary items, biomass and energetic content consumed differed among size classes in both capelin (SL, 70.5–132.0 mm) and polar cod (SL, 42.1–114.4 mm). This study illustrates that the diets of these sympatric forage fishes in an Arctic ecosystem are very similar, indicating a high potential for interspecific competition as the sub-Arctic capelin expands its range into Arctic regions with climate change.  相似文献   

Many species of the butterfly genus Phengaris are regarded as endangered in many parts of their distribution. Several species are also widely distributed across northern China. Due to land use change and overgrazing, their habitats are declining and many patches have been lost. This paper investigates the distribution and habitats of the Chinese Phengaris species (of the subgenus Maculinea). Shrub-grassland near forests seem the most frequent habitat for Phengaris, while flat open grasslands are mostly over-grazed and thus survival for Phengaris butterflies there seems difficult. Throughout Europe, P. teleius is an endangered species, while there is still no information on its status in China. To improve the knowledge on the population ecology of P. teleius, its population structure, adult behaviour and movement were studied through mark–release–recapture methods in the Qinling Mountains of Taibai County. Eight grassland patches which were potentially suitable were found in the area in 2013. In total, 480 individuals (274 females) were marked, resulting in an overall recapture rate of 16 %. The average daily population size was 44 butterflies (±23 SD) during the adult flight period. Sixty-seven percent of the females and 38 % of the males moved less than 50 m, and 17 % of recaptured females and 38 % of males moved more than 200 m. The mean movement distance was 107 ± 177 m for males and 182 ± 122 m for females. The majority of the recaptures (86 %) were made within the patches, only a few individuals (14 %) moved between patches. Due to human disturbance and destruction, all of the eight potentially suitable patches are becoming smaller and increasingly isolated, thus these populations of P. teleius may face an increasing risk of extinction, which may well be a tip of the iceberg of habitat loss and fragmentation of P. teleius in Taibai County and possibly beyond. Hence we hope our initial study of P. teleius could have positive impacts on the conservation of Phengaris butterflies in China.  相似文献   

In addition to the already known cagA gene, novel genetic markers have been associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) virulence: the dupA and vacAi genes. These genes might play an important role as specific markers to determine the clinical outcome of the disease, especially the vacAi gene, which has been expected to be a good marker of severe pathologies like gastric adenocarcinoma. In the present study, the association of cagA, dupA, and vacAi genes with gastroduodenal pathologies in Chilean patients was studied. One hundred and thirty-two patients positive for H. pylori were divided into two groups—non-severe and severe gastric pathologies—and investigated for the presence of cagA, dupA, and vacAi H. pylori virulence genes by PCR. The cagA gene was detected in 20/132 patients (15.2%), the vacAi1 gene was detected in 54/132 patients (40.9%), the vacAi2 gene was detected in 26/132 patients (19.7%), and the dupA gene was detected in 50/132 (37.9%) patients. Logistic regression model analysis showed that the vacAi1 isoform gene in the infected strains and the severity of the diseases outcome were highly associated, causing severe gastric damage that may lead to gastric cancer (p < 0.0001; OR = 8.75; 95% CI 3.54–21.64). Conversely, cagA (p = 0.3507; OR = 1.62; 95% CI 0.59–4.45) and vacAi2 (p = 0.0114; OR = 3.09; 95% CI 1.26–7.60) genes were not associated with damage, while the dupA gene was associated significantly with non-severe clinical outcome (p = 0.0032; OR = 0.25; 95% CI 0.09–0.65). In addition, dupA gene exerts protection against severe gastric pathologies induced by vacAi1 by delaying the outcome of the disease by approximately 20 years.  相似文献   

Although the Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) has a pan-Arctic distribution, little is known about its occurrence in near-shore waters where this species is the principal prey for seabirds, marine mammals and other fish. Published research describes the scyphomedusa Cyanea capillata as an Arctic cod predator, and this paper presents observations from long-term investigations using active hydroacoustics that suggest the Arctic cod avoided C. capillata in two small bays of Cornwallis Island (Canadian High Arctic archipelago). Distribution patterns in echograms suggested that features such as boundary layer fronts restricted jellyfish movements and Arctic cod were often abundant on the side of fronts where C. capillata were absent. Thus, habitat partitioning allowed Arctic cod to share habitat with its predator, albeit exceptions to this sharing occurred when jellyfish abundance was high and Arctic cod were displaced. Thus, if a warmer Arctic triggers an increase in C. capillata abundance, it is possible that small-scale aspects of Arctic cod distribution could be affected. This in turn could have significant ripple effects within the Arctic food web, an additional and previously unrecognized consequence of climate change.  相似文献   

A previous study has demonstrated that in sandy sediment the marine yabby (Trypaea australiensis) stimulated benthic metabolism, nitrogen regeneration and nitrification, but did not stimulate denitrification, as the intense bioturbation of the yabbies eliminated anoxic microzones amenable to denitrification. It was hypothesised that organic matter additions would alleviate this effect as the buried particles would provide anoxic microniches for denitrifiers. To test this hypothesis a 55-day microcosm (75 cm × 36 cm diameter) experiment, comprising four treatments: sandy sediment (S), sediment + yabbies (S + Y), sediment + A. marina litter (S + OM) and sediment + yabbies + A. marina litter (S + Y + OM), was conducted. Trypaea australiensis significantly stimulated benthic metabolism, nitrogen regeneration, nitrification and nitrate reduction in the presence and the absence of litter additions. In contrast, the effects of litter additions alone were more subtle, developed gradually and were only significant for sediment oxygen demand. However, there was a significant interaction between yabbies and litter with rates of total nitrate reduction and denitrification being significantly greater in the S + Y + OM than all other treatments, presumably due to the decaying buried litter providing anoxic micro-niches suitable to nitrate reduction. In addition, both T. australiensis and litter significantly decreased rates of DNRA and its contribution to nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong driver of population dynamics and community structure and it is essential to reliably quantify and predict predation impacts on prey populations in a changing thermal landscape. Here, we used comparative functional response analyses to assess how predator-prey interactions between dogfish and invertebrate prey change under different warming scenarios. The Functional Response Type, attack rate, handling time and maximum feeding rate estimates were calculated for Scyliorhinus canicula preying upon Echinogammarus marinus under temperatures of 11.3 °C and 16.3 °C, which represent both the potential daily variation and predicted higher summer temperatures within Strangford Lough, N. Ireland. A two x two design of “Predator Acclimated”, “Prey Acclimated”, “Both Acclimated”, and “Both Unacclimated” was implemented to test functional responses to temperature rise. Attack rate was higher at 11.3 °C than at 16.3 °C, but handling time was lower and maximum feeding rates were higher at 16.3 °C. Non-acclimated predators had similar maximum feeding rate towards non-acclimated and acclimated prey, whereas acclimated predators had significantly higher maximum feeding rates towards acclimated prey as compared to non-acclimated prey. Results suggests that the predator attack rate is decreased by increasing temperature but when both predator and prey are acclimated the shorter handling times considerably increase predator impact. The functional response of the fish changed from Type II to Type III with an increase in temperature, except when only the prey were acclimated. This change from population destabilizing Type II to more stabilizing Type III could confer protection to prey at low densities but increase the maximum feeding rate by Scyliorhinus canicula in the future. However, predator movement between different thermal regimes may maintain a Type II response, albeit with a lower maximum feeding rate. This has implications for the way the increasing population Scyliorhinus canicula in the Irish Sea may exploit valuable fisheries stocks in the future.  相似文献   

Nymphs and larvae belonging to Ixodes spp. were collected from a red fox in Turkey. The ticks were identified morphologically and molecularly (16S rDNA PCR and phylogenetic analysis) as I. kaiseri. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses show that our I. kaiseri isolate is very similar to I. kaiseri isolates collected from Germany, Serbia, Romania, and Hungary. Therefore, the existence of I. kaiseri has been demonstrated for the first time in Turkey. More studies relating to the regional distribution and vectorial competence of I. kaiseri are needed.  相似文献   

Hybridization between alien and native species is biologically very important and could lead to genetic erosion of native taxa. Solidago × niederederi was discovered over a century ago in Austria and described by Khek as a natural hybrid between the alien (nowadays regarded also as invasive) S. canadensis and native S. virgaurea. Although interspecific hybridization in the genus Solidago is considered to be relatively common, hybrid nature of S. × niederederi has not been independently proven using molecular tools, to date. Because proper identification of the parentage for the hybrid Solidago individuals solely based on morphological features can be misleading, in this paper we report an additive polymorphism pattern expressed in the ITS sequences obtained from individuals representing S. × niederederi, and confirm the previous hypothesis that the parental species of this hybrid are S. canadensis and S. virgaurea. Additionally, based on variability at the cpDNA rpl32-trnL locus, we showed that in natural populations hybridization occurs in both directions.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Pseudomonas fragi P121 strain in a soil sample taken from the Arctic Circle is able to produce trehalose. The P121 strain was able to grow at temperatures ranging from 4 to 25 °C, had an optimum pH of 6.5, and an optimum salt concentration of 2 %. The P121 strain had a survival rate of 29.1 % after being repeatedly frozen and thawed five times, and a survival rate of 78.9 % when placed in physiological saline for 15 days at 20 °C after cold shock, which is far higher than the type strain Pseudomonas fragi ATCC 4973. The P121 strain could produce 2.89 g/L trehalose, which was 18.6 % of dry cell weight within 52 h in a 25 L fermention tank using the malt extract prepared from barley as medium at 15 °C, while only 11.8 % of dry cell weight at 20 °C. These results suggested that cold stress promoted the strain producing trehalose. It is the first reported cold-tolerant bacterium that produces trehalose, which may protect cells against the cold environment.  相似文献   

Polyploid Prunus spinosa (2n = 4×) and P. insititia (2n = 6×) represent enormous genetic potential in Central Europe, which can be exploited in breeding programmes. In Hungary, 17 cultivar candidates were selected from wild-growing populations including 10 P. spinosa, 4 P. insititia and three P. spinosa × P. domestica hybrids (2n = 5×). Their taxonomic classification was based on their phenotypic characteristics. Six simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and the multiallelic S-locus genotyping were used to characterize genetic variability and reliable identification of the tested accessions. A total of 98 SSR alleles were identified, which presents 19.5 average allele number per locus, and each of the 17 genotypes could be discriminated based on unique SSR fingerprints. A total of 23 S-RNase alleles were identified. The complete and partial S-genotype was determined for 8 and 9 accessions, respectively. The identification of a cross-incompatible pair of cultivar candidates and several semi-compatible combinations help maximize fruit set in commercial orchards. Our results indicate that the S-allele pools of wild-growing P. spinosa and P. insititia are overlapping in Hungary. A phylogenetic and principal component analysis confirmed the high level of diversity and genetic differentiation present within the analysed genotypes and helped clarify doubtful taxonomic identities. Our data confirm that S-locus genotyping is suitable for diversity studies in polyploid Prunus species. The analysed accessions represent huge genetic potential that can be exploited in commercial cultivation.  相似文献   

To identify potential linkages between specific bacterial populations and process performance in anaerobic digestion, the dynamics of bacterial community structure was monitored with high-throughput sequencing in triplicate anaerobic digesters treating animal waste. Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were found as the two most abundant populations, however, with contrasting population dynamics in response to organic overloading. Firmicutes dominated the bacterial community during stable process performance at low organic loading rate, representing over 50 % of the bacterial abundance. In contrast, the onset of organic overloading raised the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes from 20 ± 2.6 to 44 ± 3.1 %. In addition to the significant negative correlation between the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, populations of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were found to be linked to process parameters including organic loading rate, volatile fatty acids concentration, and methane production. Therefore, the population abundance ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes (F/B ratio) was suggested as a potential indicator for process performance. The interactions between Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes populations could be exploited to develop strategies for the prevention of performance perturbation in anaerobic digestion processes.  相似文献   

In vitro culture and genetic transformation of black gram are difficult due to its recalcitrant nature. Establishment of gene transfer procedure is a prerequisite to develop transgenic plants of black gram in a shorter period. Therefore, genetic transformation was performed to optimize the factors influencing transformation efficiency through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated in planta transformation using EHA 105 strain harbouring reporter gene, bar, and selectable marker, gfp-gus, in sprouted half-seed explants of black gram. Several parameters, such as co-cultivation, acetosyringone concentration, exposure time to sonication, and vacuum infiltration influencing in planta transformation, have been evaluated in this study. The half-seed explants when sonicated for 3 min and vacuum infiltered for 2 min at 100 mm of Hg in the presence of A. tumefaciens (pCAMBIA1304 bar) suspensions and incubated for 3 days co-cultivation in MS medium with 100 µM acetosyringone showed maximum transformation efficiency (46 %). The putative transformants were selected by inoculating co-cultivated seeds in BASTA® (4 mg l?1) containing MS medium followed by BASTA® foliar spray on 15-day-old black gram plants (35 mg l?1) in green house, and the transgene integration was confirmed by biochemical assay (GUS), Polymerase chain reaction, Dot-blot, and Southern hybridisation analyses.  相似文献   

Subunit a is a membrane-bound stator subunit of the ATP synthase and is essential for proton translocation. The N-terminus of subunit a in E. coli is localized to the periplasm, and contains a sequence motif that is conserved among some bacteria. Previous work has identified mutations in this region that impair enzyme activity. Here, an internal deletion was constructed in subunit a in which residues 6–20 were replaced by a single lysine residue, and this mutant was unable to grow on succinate minimal medium. Membrane vesicles prepared from this mutant lacked ATP synthesis and ATP-driven proton translocation, even though immunoblots showed a significant level of subunit a. Similar results were obtained after purification and reconstitution of the mutant ATP synthase into liposomes. The location of subunit a with respect to its neighboring subunits b and c was probed by introducing cysteine substitutions that were known to promote cross-linking: a_L207C + c_I55C, a_L121C + b_N4C, and a_T107C + b_V18C. The last pair was unable to form cross-links in the background of the deletion mutant. The results indicate that loss of the N-terminal region of subunit a does not generally disrupt its structure, but does alter interactions with subunit b.  相似文献   

The factors that control lichen distribution in Antarctica are still not well understood, and in this investigation we focused on the distribution, local and continental, and gas exchange of a species pair, closely related lichens with differing reproductive strategies, Usnea aurantiaco-atra (fertile) and Usnea antarctica (sterile, sorediate). The local distributions of these species were recorded along an altitudinal gradient of nearly 300 m at South Bay, Livingston Island, and microclimate was also recorded over 1 year. The photosynthetic responses to temperature, light and thallus water content were determined under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The species were almost identical in their photosynthetic profiles. Locally, on Livingston Island, U. antarctica was confined to low altitude sites which were warmer and drier, whilst U. aurantiaco-atra was present at all altitudes. This contrasts with its distribution across Antarctica where U. antarctica grows 9° latitude further south than U. aurantiaco-atra. Temperature appears not to be the main controller of distribution in these species, but dryness of habitat, which will influence length of activity periods, may be important.  相似文献   

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