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Expansins: expanding importance in plant growth and development   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Expansins were originally identified as cell wall-loosening proteins. The existence and various roles of expansins have been discovered in many plants. Expansins are encoded by a superfamily of genes comprised of subfamilies that evolved from a common ancestor and encode the α-expansins (EXPAs), the β-expansins (EXPBs), the expansin-like A (EXLA), and expansin-like B (EXLB) proteins. Several expansin-like genes have also been identified in non-plant organisms (e.g. a slime mold, fungi, nematodes, and a mollusk). Localization of EXPA and EXPB in the cell wall was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy. Studies using transgenic plants provided evidence for a broad range of biological roles of expansins in diverse aspects of plant growth and development, such as cell wall extension, fruit softening, abscission, floral organ development, symbiosis, and the response to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, endogenous, noncoding RNAs that negatively modulate the expression of genes by inhibiting translation or by promoting the degradation of target mRNAs. miRNAs are now known to have greatly expanded roles in a variety of plant developmental processes, in signal transduction, and in the response to environmental stress and pathogen invasion. Because of their ability to inactivate either specific genes or entire gene families, artificial miRNAs function as dominant suppressors of gene activity when brought into a plant. Consequently, miRNA-based manipulations have emerged as promising new approaches for the improvement of crops. This includes the development of breeding strategies and the genetic modification of agronomic traits. Herein, we highlight new findings regarding the roles of miRNAs in plant traits, and describe the current miRNA-based plant engineering approaches. Finally, we consider the feasibility of modulating current approaches to address future challenges such as breeding programs to increase crop yield.  相似文献   

Plant genome sequencing: applications for crop improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequencing technology is undergoing a revolution with the commercialization of second generation technologies capable of sequencing thousands of millions of nucleotide bases in each run. The data explosion resulting from this technology is likely to continue to increase with the further development of second generation sequencing and the introduction of third generation single‐molecule sequencing methods over the coming years. The question is no longer whether we can sequence crop genomes which are often large and complex, but how soon can we sequence them? Even cereal genomes such as wheat and barley which were once considered intractable are coming under the spotlight of the new sequencing technologies and an array of new projects and approaches are being established. The increasing availability of DNA sequence information enables the discovery of genes and molecular markers associated with diverse agronomic traits creating new opportunities for crop improvement. However, the challenge remains to convert this mass of data into knowledge that can be applied in crop breeding programs.  相似文献   

Expansins and cell growth   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Expansins are now generally accepted to be key regulators of wall extension during growth. Several alternative roles for expansins have emerged in which the emphasis of their action is on wall breakdown or softening in processes such as fruit ripening, pollination, germination and abscission. Expansins are commonly encoded by substantial gene families and have classically been divided into two subfamilies, referred to as alpha- and beta-expansins. Two further subfamilies have now been identified: gamma-expansins, which were first described in Arabidopsis, and delta-expansins, which were identified in rice and are absent from Arabidopsis. Both are truncated versions of alpha- and beta-expansins, with gamma-expansins representing the amino-terminal half of a mature expansin and delta-expansins the carboxy-terminal half of a beta-expansin. Functional roles for gamma- and delta-expansins have yet to be defined, although recent data indicate a signalling role for gamma-expansins.  相似文献   

Applying plant genomics to crop improvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A report of the European Science Foundation-Wellcome Trust Conference on Crop Genomics, Trait Analysis and Breeding, Hinxton, UK, 8-11 November 2006.  相似文献   

Crop improvement is very essential to meet the increasing global food demands and enhance food nutrition. Conventional crop-breeding methods have certain limitations such as taking lot of time and resources, and causing biosafety concerns. These limitations could be overcome by the recently emerged-genome editing technologies that can precisely modify DNA sequences at the genomic level using sequence-specific nucleases (SSNs). Among the artificially engineered SSNs, the CRISPR/Cas9 is the most recently developed targeted genome modification system and seems to be more efficient, inexpensive, easy, user-friendly and rapidly adopted genome-editing tool. Large-scale genome editing has not only improved the yield and quality but also has enhanced the disease resistance ability in several model and other major crops. Increasing case studies suggest that genome editing is an efficient, precise and powerful technology that can accelerate basic and applied research towards crop improvement. In this review, we briefly overviewed the structure and mechanism of genome editing tools and then emphatically reviewed the advances in the application of genome editing tools for crop improvement, including the most recent case studies with CRISPR/Cpf1 and base-editing technologies. We have also discussed the future prospects towards the improvement of agronomic traits in crops.  相似文献   

? Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum; Poaceae) is a crop plant of great importance. It provides nearly 20% of the world's daily food supply measured by calorie intake, similar to that provided by rice. The yield of wheat has doubled over the last 40 years due to a combination of advanced agronomic practice and improved germplasm through selective breeding. More recently, yield growth has been less dramatic, and a significant improvement in wheat production will be required if demand from the growing human population is to be met. ? Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are revolutionizing biology and can be applied to address critical issues in plant biology. Technologies can produce draft sequences of genomes with a significant reduction to the cost and timeframe of traditional technologies. In addition, NGS technologies can be used to assess gene structure and expression, and importantly, to identify heritable genome variation underlying important agronomic traits. ? This review provides an overview of the wheat genome and NGS technologies, details some of the problems in applying NGS technology to wheat, and describes how NGS technologies are starting to impact wheat crop improvement.  相似文献   

Selective genotyping of individuals from the two tails of the phenotypic distribution of a population provides a cost efficient alternative to analysis of the entire population for genetic mapping. Past applications of this approach have been confounded by the small size of entire and tail populations, and insufficient marker density, which result in a high probability of false positives in the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL). We studied the effect of these factors on the power of QTL detection by simulation of mapping experiments using population sizes of up to 3,000 individuals and tail population sizes of various proportions, and marker densities up to one marker per centiMorgan using complex genetic models including QTL linkage and epistasis. The results indicate that QTL mapping based on selective genotyping is more powerful than simple interval mapping but less powerful than inclusive composite interval mapping. Selective genotyping can be used, along with pooled DNA analysis, to replace genotyping the entire population, for mapping QTL with relatively small effects, as well as linked and interacting QTL. Using diverse germplasm including all available genetics and breeding materials, it is theoretically possible to develop an “all-in-one plate” approach where one 384-well plate could be designed to map almost all agronomic traits of importance in a crop species. Selective genotyping can also be used for genomewide association mapping where it can be integrated with selective phenotyping approaches. We also propose a breeding-to-genetics approach, which starts with identification of extreme phenotypes from segregating populations generated from multiple parental lines and is followed by rapid discovery of individual genes and combinations of gene effects together with simultaneous manipulation in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genome-editing tools provide advanced biotechnological techniques that enable the precise and efficient targeted modification of an organism’s genome. Genome-editing systems have been utilized in a wide variety of plant species to characterize gene functions and improve agricultural traits. We describe the current applications of genome editing in plants, focusing on its potential for crop improvement in terms of adaptation, resilience, and end-use. In addition, we review novel breakthroughs that are extending the potential of genome-edited crops and the possibilities of their commercialization. Future prospects for integrating this revolutionary technology with conventional and new-age crop breeding strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

H2AX: functional roles and potential applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Upon DNA double-strand break (DSB) induction in mammals, the histone H2A variant, H2AX, becomes rapidly phosphorylated at serine 139. This modified form, termed γ-H2AX, is easily identified with antibodies and serves as a sensitive indicator of DNA DSB formation. This review focuses on the potential clinical applications of γ-H2AX detection in cancer and in response to other cellular stresses. In addition, the role of H2AX in homeostasis and disease will be discussed. Recent work indicates that γ-H2AX detection may become a powerful tool for monitoring genotoxic events associated with cancer development and tumor progression.  相似文献   

Sucrose accumulation in sugarcane: a potential target for crop improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sugarcane is a highly productive crop plant with the capacity of storing large amounts of sucrose. Sucrose accumulation in the stem of sugarcane has been studied extensively. The initial recognition and characterization of the enzymes involved in sucrose synthesis and cleavage led to the widely accepted models of how sucrose accumulation occurs in the storage tissue. New insights were gained into the physiological role of individual enzyme activities in the process of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. Studies on cell cultures and on isolated cell fragments initially supported and strengthened these models, but more recent research has revealed their weaknesses. A dynamic model of rapid cycling of sucrose and turnover of sucrose between vacuole, metabolic and apoplastic compartments explains much of the data, but the details of how the cycling is regulated needs to be explored. Genomic research into sucrose metabolism has been based on the premise that cataloging genes expressed in association with the stalk development would ultimately lead to the identification of genes controlling the accumulation of sucrose. Considerable progress has been made in understanding and manipulating the sugarcane genome using biotechnological and cell biology approaches. Thus, the greater understanding of physiology of sucrose accumulation and the sugarcane genome will play a significant role in the future sugarcane improvement programs and will offer new opportunities to develop it as a new-generation industrial crop.  相似文献   

Prospects for the applications ofrol genes for crop improvement are discussed. As suggested in many reports, rol genes are suitable tools to modify plant developmental processes, such as formation of adventitious roots and release of axillary buds from apical dominance. Practical applications, however, might be hampered by the many pleiotropic side effects that are observed in plants transformed withrol genes. Alternative approaches need to be developed, therefore, to overcome these undesired effects. We offer a novel approach for application that is clearly different from earlier strategies, and that is based on the application ofrol genes incombination plants; i.e., plants consisting of an untransformed scion grafted on a rootstock transformed with arol gene. In rose it was demonstrated for the first time that expression ofrol genes in rootstocks led to an accelerated release of axillary buds of the untransformed scion, but without the transmission of many undesired pleiotropic effects. We expect that this stimulation will result in a changed plant architecture leading to a more efficient production of roses. Alternatively, the pleiotropic effects may be overcome by employingrol genes that are driven by organ- or tissue-specific promoters, leading to a more defined expression of these genes.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Arabidopsis is the plant species in which Cryptochrome, the first known flavin-type blue light receptor, was identified after over...  相似文献   

Plastids, found in plants and some parasites, are of endosymbiotic origin. The best-characterized plastid is the plant cell chloroplast. Plastids provide essential metabolic and signaling functions, such as the photosynthetic process in chloroplasts. However, the role of plastids is not limited to production of metabolites. Plastids affect numerous aspects of plant growth and development through biogenesis, varying functional states and metabolic activities. Examples include, but are not limited to, embryogenesis, leaf development, gravitropism, temperature response and plant-microbe interactions. In this review, we summarize the versatile roles of plastids in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

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