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The interaction of nitric oxide with cytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium has been analyzed by spectroscopic techniques and enzyme assays. Nitric oxide ligates tightly to the ferric heme iron, inducing large changes in each of the main visible bands of the heme and inhibiting the fatty acid hydroxylase function of the protein. However, the ferrous adduct is unstable under aerobic conditions, and activity recovers rapidly after addition of NADPH to the flavocytochrome due to reduction of the heme via the reductase domain and displacement of the ligand. The visible spectral properties revert to that of the oxidized resting form. Aerobic reduction of the nitrosyl complex of the BM3 holoenzyme or heme domain by sodium dithionite also displaces the ligand. A single electron reduction destabilizes the ferric-nitrosyl complex such that nitric oxide is released directly, as shown by the trapping of released nitric oxide. Aerobically and in the absence of exogenous reductant, nitric oxide dissociates completely from the P450 over periods of several minutes. However, recovery of the nativelike visible spectrum is accompanied by alterations in the catalytic activity of the enzyme and changes in the resonance Raman spectrum. Specifically, resonance Raman spectroscopy identifies the presence of internally located nitrated tyrosine residue(s) following treatment with nitric oxide. Analysis of a Y51F mutant indicates that this is the major nitration target under these conditions. While wild-type P450 BM3 does not form an aerobically stable ferrous-nitrosyl complex, a site-directed mutant of P450 BM3 (F393H) does form an isolatable ferrous-nitrosyl complex, providing strong evidence for the role of this residue in controlling the electronic properties of the heme iron. We report here the spectroscopic characterization of the ferric- and ferrous-nitrosyl complexes of P450 BM3 and describe the use of resonance Raman spectroscopy to identify nitrated tyrosine residue(s) in the enzyme. Nitration of tyrosine in P450 BM3 may exemplify a typical mechanism by which the ubiquitous messenger molecule nitric oxide exerts a regulatory function over the cytochromes P450.  相似文献   

Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3 is a catalytically self-sufficient fatty acid hydroxylase formed by fusion of soluble NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and P450 domains. Selected mutations at residue 264 in the haem (P450) domain of the enzyme lead to novel amino acid sixth (distal) co-ordination ligands to the haem iron. The catalytic, spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of the A264M, A264Q and A264C variants were determined in both the intact flavocytochromes and haem domains of P450 BM3. Crystal structures of the mutant haem domains demonstrate axial ligation of P450 haem iron by methionine and glutamine ligands trans to the cysteine thiolate, creating novel haem iron ligand sets in the A264M/Q variants. In contrast, the crystal structure of the A264C variant reveals no direct interaction between the introduced cysteine side chain and the haem, although EPR data indicate Cys(264) interactions with haem iron in solution. The A264M haem potential is elevated by comparison with wild-type haem domain, and substrate binding to the A264Q haem domain results in a approximately 360 mV increase in potential. All mutant haem domains occupy the conformation adopted by the substrate-bound form of wild-type BM3, despite the absence of added substrate. The A264M mutant (which has higher dodecanoate affinity than wild-type BM3) co-purifies with a structurally resolved lipid. These data demonstrate that a single mutation at Ala(264) is enough to perturb the conformational equilibrium between substrate-free and substrate-bound P450 BM3, and provide firm structural and spectroscopic data for novel haem iron ligand sets unprecedented in nature.  相似文献   

P450 BM3: the very model of a modern flavocytochrome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Flavocytochrome P450 BM3 is a bacterial P450 system in which a fatty acid hydroxylase P450 is fused to a mammalian-like diflavin NADPH-P450 reductase in a single polypeptide. The enzyme is soluble (unlike mammalian P450 redox systems) and its fusion arrangement affords it the highest catalytic activity of any P450 mono-oxygenase. This article discusses the fundamental properties of P450 BM3 and how progress with this model P450 has affected our comprehension of P450 systems in general.  相似文献   

Flavocytochrome P450 BM3 FMN domain is unique among the family of flavodoxins and homologues, in not forming a stable neutral blue FMN semiquinone radical. Anaerobic, one-electron reduction of the isolated domain over the pH 7-9.5 range showed that it forms an anionic red semiquinone that disproportionates slowly (0.014s(-1) at pH 7). The rate of disproportionation decreased at higher pH, indicating that protonation of the anionic semiquinone is an important feature of the mechanism. The reduction potential for the oxidised-semiquinone couple was determined to be -240mV and was largely independent of pH. The semiquinone appears, therefore, to be kinetically trapped by a slow protonation event, enabling it to act as a low-potential electron donor to the P450 heme.  相似文献   

In the model P450 BM3 system, the P450 is fused to its diflavin reductase partner in a single polypeptide. BM3 dimerizes in solution, but the catalytic relevance of the phenomenon was hitherto unknown. We show that BM3 fatty acid hydroxylase specific activity decreases sharply at low enzyme concentrations, consistent with separation of active dimer into inactive monomer. Reductase-dependent specific activities are maintained or enhanced at low concentration, suggesting inter-flavin electron transfer is unaffected. Fatty acid oxidation is reconstituted by mixing inactive oxygenase (A264H) and FMN-depleted (G570D) mutants, demonstrating that inter-monomer (FMN(1)-to-heme(2)) electron transfer supports oxygenase activity in the BM3 dimer.  相似文献   

Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3 (BM3) is a high activity fatty acid hydroxylase, formed by the fusion of soluble cytochrome P450 and cytochrome P450 reductase modules. Short chain (C6, C8) alkynes were shown to be substrates for BM3, with productive outcomes (i.e. alkyne hydroxylation) dependent on position of the carbon-carbon triple bond in the molecule. Wild-type P450 BM3 catalyses ω-3 hydroxylation of both 1-hexyne and 1-octyne, but is suicidally inactivated in NADPH-dependent turnover with non-terminal alkynes. A F87G mutant of P450 BM3 also undergoes turnover-dependent heme destruction with the terminal alkynes, pointing to a key role for Phe87 in controlling regioselectivity of alkyne oxidation. The terminal alkynes access the BM3 heme active site led by the acetylene functional group, since hydroxylated products are not observed near the opposite end of the molecules. For both 1-hexyne and 1-octyne, the predominant enantiomeric product formed (up to ~90%) is the (S)-(-)-1-alkyn-3-ol form. Wild-type P450 BM3 is shown to be an effective oxidase catalyst of terminal alkynes, with strict regioselectivity of oxidation and potential biotechnological applications. The absence of measurable octanoic or hexanoic acid products from oxidation of the relevant 1-alkynes is also consistent with previous studies suggesting that removal of the phenyl group in the F87G mutant does not lead to significant levels of ω-oxidation of alkyl chain substrates.  相似文献   

We report the crystal structure of the FAD/NADPH-binding domain (FAD domain) of the biotechnologically important Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3, the last domain of the enzyme to be structurally resolved. The structure was solved in both the absence and presence of the ligand NADP(+), identifying important protein interactions with the NADPH 2'-phosphate that helps to dictate specificity for NADPH over NADH, and involving residues Tyr974, Arg966, Lys972 and Ser965. The Trp1046 side chain shields the FAD isoalloxazine ring from NADPH, and motion of this residue is required to enable NADPH-dependent FAD reduction. Multiple binding interactions stabilize the FAD cofactor, including aromatic stacking with the adenine group from the side chains of Tyr860 and Trp854, and several interactions with FAD pyrophosphate oxygens, including bonding to tyrosines 828, 829 and 860. Mutagenesis of C773 and C999 to alanine was required for successful crystallization, with C773A predicted to disfavour intramolecular and intermolecular disulfide bonding. Multiangle laser light scattering analysis showed wild-type FAD domain to be near-exclusively dimeric, with dimer disruption achieved on treatment with the reducing agent dithiothreitol. By contrast, light scattering showed that the C773A/C999A FAD domain was monomeric. The C773A/C999A FAD domain structure confirms that Ala773 is surface exposed and in close proximity to Cys810, with this region of the enzyme's connecting domain (that links the FAD domain to the FMN-binding domain in P450?BM3) located at a crystal contact interface between FAD domains. The FAD domain crystal structure enables molecular modelling of its interactions with its cognate FMN (flavodoxin-like) domain within the BM3 reductase module.  相似文献   

The kinetics of formation and transformation of oxygen complexes of two heme-thiolate proteins (the F393H mutant of cytochrome P450 BM3 and the oxygenase domain of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, eNOS) were studied under high pressure. For BM3, oxygen-binding characteristics (rate and activation volume) matched those measured for CO-binding. In contrast, pressure revealed a different CO- and oxygen-binding mechanism for eNOS, suggesting that it is hazardous to take CO-binding as a model for oxygen-binding. With eNOS, a ferric NO complex is formed as an intermediate in the second reaction cycle. Here we report the pressure stability of this compound. Furthermore, in the presence of 4-amino-tetrahydrobiopterin (ABH(4)), an analog to the natural second electron donor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)), biphasic pressure profiles of the oxygen-binding rates were observed, both in the first and the second reaction cycles, indicative of the formation of an additional reaction intermediate. This was confirmed by experiments where ABH(4) was replaced by ABH(2), a cofactor which cannot deliver an electron. Altogether, high pressure appears to be a useful tool to characterize elementary steps in the reaction cycle of heme-thiolate proteins.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutants of the phylogenetically conserved phenylalanine residue F393 were constructed in flavocytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium. The high degree of conservation of this residue in the P450 superfamily and its proximity to the heme (and its ligand Cys400) infers an essential role in P450 activity. Extensive kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of mutant enzymes F393A, F393H, and F393Y highlighted significant differences from wild-type P450 BM3. All enzymes expressed to high levels and contained their full complement of heme. While the reduction and subsequent treatment of the mutant P450s with carbon monoxide led to the formation of the characteristic P450 spectra in all cases, the absolute position of the Soret absorption varied across the series WT/F393Y (449 nm), F393H (445 nm), and F393A (444 nm). Steady-state turnover rates with both laurate and arachidonate showed the trend WT > F393Y > F393H > F393A. Conversely, the trend in the pre-steady-state flavin-to-heme electron transfer was the reverse of the steady-state scenario, with rates varying F393A > F393H > F393Y approximately wild-type. These data are consistent with the more positive substrate-free [-312 mV (F393A), -332 mV (F393H)] and substrate-bound [-151 mV (F393A), -176 mV (F393H)] reduction potentials of F393A and F393H heme domains, favoring the stabilization of the ferrous-form in the mutant P450s relative to wild-type. Elevation of the heme iron reduction potential in the F393A and F393H mutants facilitates faster electron transfer to the heme. This results in a decrease in the driving force for oxygen reduction by the ferrous heme iron, so explaining lower overall turnover of the mutant P450s. We postulate that the nature of the residue at position 393 is important in controlling the delicate equilibrium observed in P450s, whereby a tradeoff is established between the rate of heme reduction and the rate at which the ferrous heme can bind and, subsequently, reduce molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper in this issue [Ost, T. W. B., Miles, C. S., Munro, A. W., Murdoch, J., Reid, G. A., and Chapman, S. K. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 13421-13429], we have established that the primary role of the phylogenetically conserved phenylalanine in flavocytochrome P450 BM3 (F393) is to control the thermodynamic properties of the heme iron, so as to optimize electron-transfer both to the iron (from the flavin redox partner) and onto molecular oxygen. In this paper, we report a detailed study of the F393H mutant enzyme, designed to probe the structural, spectroscopic, and metabolic profile of the enzyme in an attempt to identify the factors responsible for causing the changes. The heme domain structure of the F393H mutant has been solved to 2.0 A resolution and demonstrates that the histidine replaces the phenylalanine in almost exactly the same conformation. A solvent water molecule is hydrogen bonded to the histidine, but there appears to be little other gross alteration in the environment of the heme. The F393H mutant displays an identical ferric EPR spectrum to wild-type, implying that the degree of splitting of the iron d orbitals is unaffected by the substitution, however, the overall energy of the d-orbitals have changed relative to each other. Magnetic CD studies show that the near-IR transition, diagnostic of heme ligation state, is red-shifted by 40 nm in F393H relative to wild-type P450 BM3, probably reflecting alteration in the strength of the iron-cysteinate bond. Studies of the catalytic turnover of fatty acid (myristate) confirms NADPH oxidation is tightly coupled to fatty acid oxidation in F393H, with a product profile very similar to wild-type. The results indicate that gross conformational changes do not account for the perturbations in the electronic features of the P450 BM3 heme system and that the structural environment on the proximal side of the P450 heme must be conformationally conserved in order to optimize catalytic function.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) reductase domains are members of the FAD-FMN family of proteins. The FAD accepts two reducing equivalents from NADPH (dehydrogenase flavin) and FMN acts as a one-electron carrier (flavodoxin-type flavin) for the transfer from NADPH to the heme protein, in which the FMNH*/FMNH2 couple donates electrons to cytochrome P450 at constant oxidation-reduction potential. Although the interflavin electron transfer between FAD and FMN is not strictly regulated in CPR, electron transfer is activated in neuronal NOS reductase domain upon binding calmodulin (CaM), in which the CaM-bound activated form can function by a similar mechanism to that of CPR. The oxygenated form and spin state of substrate-bound cytochrome P450 in perfused rat liver are also discussed in terms of stepwise one-electron transfer from CPR. This review provides a historical perspective of the microsomal mixed-function oxidases including CPR and P450. In addition, a new model for the redox-linked conformational changes during the catalytic cycle for both CPR and NOS reductase domain is also discussed.  相似文献   

Flavocytochrome P450 BM3, an FMN-deficient mutant (G570 D), the component reductase and an FAD-containing domain were studied using surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS). They were compared to spectra obtained from the free flavins FAD and FMN. For the holoenzyme and reductase domain, FMN is displaced during SERRS analysis. However, studies with the G570 D mutant indicate that FAD is retained in its active site. Analysis of SERRS frequencies and intensities provides information on the nature of the flavin binding site and the planarity of the ring, and enables an interpretation of the hydrogen bonding environment around ring III of the isoalloxazine moiety. Hydrogen bonding is strong at N3–H, C2=O and C4=O, but weak at N5. Structural alteration of the FAD domain of P450 BM3 is caused by removal of the FMN-binding domain. Further, the hydrogen bond at N3–H is lost and that at C2=O is weakened and the isoalloxazine ring system in the FAD domain appears to adopt a more planar arrangement. Alterations in the environment of the FAD in its isolated domain are likely to relate to changes in the redox properties and suggest a close structural interplay of FAD with the FMN-binding domain in intact flavocytochrome P450 BM3. Received: 5 August 1998 / Revised version: 11 February 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

The cyp102A2 and cyp102A3 genes encoding the two Bacillus subtilis homologues (CYP102A2 and CYP102A3) of flavocytochrome P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) from Bacillus megaterium have been cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized spectroscopically and enzymologically. Both enzymes contain heme, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactors and bind a variety of fatty acid molecules, as demonstrated by conversion of the low-spin resting form of the heme iron to the high-spin form induced by substrate-binding. CYP102A2 and CYP102A3 catalyze the fatty acid-dependent oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and reduction of artificial electron acceptors at high rates. Binding of carbon monoxide to the reduced forms of both enzymes results in the shift of the heme Soret band to 450 nm, confirming the P450 nature of the enzymes. Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of products from the reaction of the enzymes with myristic acid demonstrates that both catalyze the subterminal hydroxylation of this substrate, though with different regioselectivity and catalytic rate. Both P450s 102A2 and 102A3 show kinetic and binding preferences for long-chain unsaturated and branched-chain fatty acids over saturated fatty acids, indicating that the former two molecule types may be the true substrates. P450s 102A2 and 102A3 exhibit differing substrate selectivity profiles from each other and from P450 BM3, indicating that they may fulfill subtly different cellular roles. Titration curves for binding and turnover kinetics of several fatty acid substrates with P450s 102A2 and 102A3 are better described by sigmoidal (rather than hyperbolic) functions, suggesting binding of more than one molecule of substrate to the P450s, or possibly cooperativity in substrate binding. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the three flavocytochromes shows that several important amino acids in P450 BM3 are not conserved in the B. subtilis homologues, pointing to differences in the binding modes for the substrates that may explain the unusual sigmoidal kinetic and titration properties.  相似文献   

Roitel O  Scrutton NS  Munro AW 《Biochemistry》2003,42(36):10809-10821
Cys-999 is one component of a triad (Cys-999, Ser-830, and Asp-1044) located in the FAD domain of flavocytochrome P450 BM3 that is almost entirely conserved throughout the diflavin reductase family of enzymes. The role of Cys-999 has been studied by steady-state kinetics, stopped-flow spectroscopy, and potentiometry. The C999A mutants of BM3 reductase (containing both FAD and FMN cofactors) and the isolated FAD domain are substantially compromised in their capacity to reduce artificial electron acceptors in steady-state turnover with either NADPH or NADH as electron donors. Stopped-flow studies indicate that this is due primarily to a substantially slower rate of hydride transfer from nicotinamide coenzyme to FAD cofactor in the C999A enzymes. The compromised rates of hydride transfer are not attributable to altered thermodynamic properties of the flavins. A reduced enzyme-NADP(+) charge-transfer species is populated following hydride transfer in the wild-type FAD domain, consistent with the slow release of NADP(+) from the 2-electron-reduced enzyme. This intermediate does not accumulate in the C999A FAD domain or wild-type and C999A BM3 reductases, suggesting more rapid release of NADP(+) from these enzyme forms. Rapid internal electron transfer from FAD to FMN in wild-type BM3 reductase releases NADP(+) from the nicotinamide-binding site, thus preventing the inhibition of enzyme activity through the accumulation of a stable FADH(2)-NADP(+) charge-transfer complex. Hydride transfer is reversible, and the observed rate of oxidation of the 2-electron-reduced C999A BM3 reductase and FAD domain is hyperbolically dependent on NADP(+) concentration. With the wild-type BM3 reductase and FAD domain, the rate of flavin oxidation displays an unusual dependence on NADP(+) concentration, consistent with a two-site binding model in which two coenzyme molecules bind to catalytic and regulatory regions (or sites) within a bipartite coenzyme binding site. A kinetic model is proposed in which binding of coenzyme to the regulatory site hinders sterically the release of NADPH from the catalytic site. The results are discussed in the light of kinetic and structural studies on mammalian cytochrome P450 reductase.  相似文献   

Chemical reactions are often highly pressure-dependent. A perturbation of the elementary steps by pressure therefore offers the possibility of a detailed characterization of enzyme mechanisms. We used this method to study distinct steps in the reaction of nitric-oxide synthase (NOS), and compared them to analogous steps in the reaction of cytochrome P450 BM3 (BM3). Our results indicate that, in BM3, electron transfer depends on electrostatic interactions. In NOS, pressure, similarly to chemical denaturants, can mimic the structural effects of Ca/calmodulin. This helps to better understand the structural basis of the regulatory effect of Ca/calmodulin. Furthermore, stopped-flow kinetics under high pressure show that CO binding to the heme iron is hindered by substrate in NOS, but not in BM3. This indicates a relatively large or flexible substrate binding site in BM3, and a more narrow and rigid binding site in NOS.  相似文献   

In this study, we have analyzed interflavin electron transfer reactions from FAD to FMN in both the full-length inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and its reductase domain. Comparison is made with the interflavin electron transfer in NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR). For the analysis of interflavin electron transfer and the flavin intermediates observed during catalysis we have used menadione (MD), which can accept an electron from both the FAD and FMN sites of the enzyme. A characteristic absorption peak at 630 and 520 nm can identify each FAD and FMN semiquinone species, which is derived from CPR and iNOS, respectively. The charge transfer complexes of FAD with NADP+ or NADPH were monitored at 750 nm. In the presence of MD, the air-stable neutral (blue) semiquinone form (FAD-FMNH*) was observed as a major intermediate during the catalytic cycle in both the iNOS reductase domain and full-length enzyme, and its formation occurred without any lag phase indicating rapid interflavin electron transfer following the reduction of FAD by NADPH. These data also strongly suggest that the low level reactivity of a neutral (blue) FMN semiquinone radical with electron acceptors enables one-electron transfer in the catalytic cycle of both the FAD-FMN pairs in CPR and iNOS. On the basis of these data, we propose a common model for the catalytic cycle of both CaM-bound iNOS reductase domain and CPR.  相似文献   

Two novel P450 heme iron ligand sets were generated by directed mutagenesis of the flavocytochrome P450 BM3 heme domain. The A264H and A264K variants produce Cys-Fe-His and Cys-Fe-Lys axial ligand sets, which were validated structurally and characterized by spectroscopic analysis. EPR and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) provided fingerprints defining these P450 ligand sets. Near IR MCD spectra identified ferric low spin charge-transfer bands diagnostic of the novel ligands. For the A264K mutant, this is the first report of a Cys-Fe-Lys near-IR MCD band. Crystal structure determination showed that substrate-free A264H and A264K proteins crystallize in distinct conformations, as observed previously in substrate-free and fatty acid-bound wild-type P450 forms, respectively. This, in turn, likely reflects the positioning of the I alpha helix section of the protein that is required for optimal configuration of the ligands to the heme iron. One of the monomers in the asymmetric unit of the A264H crystals was in a novel conformation with a more open substrate access route to the active site. The same species was isolated for the wildtype heme domain and represents a novel conformational state of BM3 (termed SF2). The "locking" of these distinct conformations is evident from the fact that the endogenous ligands cannot be displaced by substrate or exogenous ligands. The consequent reduction of heme domain conformational heterogeneity will be important in attempts to determine atomic structure of the full-length, multidomain flavocytochrome, and thus to understand in atomic detail interactions between its heme and reductase domains.  相似文献   

It was shown that noncovalent complexes of riboflavins and cytochrome P450 2B4 (flavocytochrome P450 2B4) can be used for photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer between the isoalloxazine cycle of flavins and the cytochrome P450 2B4 heme. The measurement of the photocurrent generated by photoreduction of noncovalent flavocytochrome P450 2B4 was carried out. It was found that, in the presence of typical substrates for cytochromes P450, the cathode photocurrent generated by both riboflavin and a mixture of riboflavin with cytochrome P450 decreases. A comparison of photocurrents in the presence and absence of substrates enabled one to register xenobiotics in solutions and use the photosensitivity of artificial flavocytochrome P450 for the determination of xenobiotic concentration. It was demonstrated that artificial flavocytochromes may serve as molecular amplifiers of the photocurrent generated upon the reduction of flavins. The introduction of flavin residues into the cytochrome P450 molecule transformed this hemoprotein into a photoreceptor and a photodiod and, in addition, into a photoactivated enzyme.  相似文献   

We have shown that many fungi (eukaryotes) exhibit distinct denitrifying activities, although occurrence of denitrification was previously thought to be restricted to bacteria (prokaryotes), and have characterized the fungal denitrification system. It comprises NirK (copper-containing nitrite reductase) and P450nor (a cytochrome P450 nitric oxide (NO) reductase (Nor)) to reduce nitrite to nitrous oxide (N(2)O). The system is localized in mitochondria functioning during anaerobic respiration. Some fungal systems further contain and use dissimilatory and assimilatory nitrate reductases to denitrify nitrate. Phylogenetic analysis of nirK genes showed that the fungal-denitrifying system has the same ancestor as the bacterial counterpart and suggested a possibility of its proto-mitochondrial origin. By contrast, fungi that have acquired a P450 from bacteria by horizontal transfer of the gene, modulated its function to give a Nor activity replacing the original Nor with P450nor. P450nor receives electrons directly from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide to reduce NO to N(2)O. The mechanism of this unprecedented electron transfer has been extensively studied and thoroughly elucidated. Fungal denitrification is often accompanied by a unique phenomenon, co-denitrification, in which a hybrid N(2) or N(2)O species is formed upon the combination of nitrogen atoms of nitrite with a nitrogen donor (amines and imines). Possible involvement of NirK and P450nor is suggested.  相似文献   

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