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By means of in vitro studies, in which isolated suboesophageal ganglions of the Bombyx silkworm were cultured, it was shown that at least two kinds of substances are biosynthesized and exert independent effects on determination of diapause or non-diapause in silkworm eggs. They are referred to as the diapause and non-diapause substance, respectively. Whether diapause or non-diapause eggs are laid may depend upon the different quality of these substances.  相似文献   

The ultimate timing of hatching in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is controlled by a circadian oscillator. The presence of eclosion hormone in developing embryos of the silkworm is demonstrated. Eclosion hormone activity first becomes detectable in embryos which have developed almost to the stage of the differentiation of the neuroendocrine system. Hormonal activity increases sharply to a maximum level 1 day before hatching and falls by about a half in the newly hatched larvae. Eclosion hormone was partially purified from the pharate first-instar larvae and approx, a 2100-fold purification was achieved. The molecular weight of the embryo eclosion hormone is estimated to be 7000 ~ 9000 Daltons by gel-filtration on Sephadex G-50 (superfine). The role of eclosion hormone on hatching behaviour of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is discussed.  相似文献   

Starch-gel zone electrophoresis was performed on proteins of pharate adult and emerged adult ovaries, and in mature eggs in adults, in order to ascertain the mode of action of the diapause hormone on protein metabolism in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.  相似文献   

From an acetone-ethanol extract of the developing embryos of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, the presence of α-ecdysone, but not of β-ecdysone, was shown by high pressure liquid chromatography and bioassay. The amount of α-ecdysone was estimated to be 0.74 μg per gram of eggs. The absence of a hydroxylating system at C-20 in the embryos is suggested.  相似文献   

The rôle of the brain hormone as an activation hormone of the prothoracic glands in silkworm larvae was examined using decapitated larva of the fourth instar. The gland was activated by the brain hormone injected and induced early larval or larval-pupal apolysis.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of the larval brain of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, show that the largest median neurosecretory cell of the diapause egg producer may participate in the production of lipo-granules, and that of the non-diapause egg producer in the production of electron-lucent vesicles. It was found that there were ribosome-like particles in the diapause median neurosecretory cell, and they gradually developed into highly dense particles and lined up along the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. They finally became lipo-granules.  相似文献   

The flacherie virus of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was isolated from infected larvae reared under aseptic conditions. Two types of infectious particles, tentatively designated FVS I and FVS II, were separated by density gradient centrifugation. Some properties of the separated particles were investigated. Electron micrographs showed that FVS I and FVS II were spherical particles with diameters of 27 ± 2 nm and 22 ± 2 nm, respectively. The sedimentation coefficients of FVS I and FVS II were 180 S and 134 S, respectively. It was concluded from experiments of incorporation of 3H-uracil inoculated into diseased larvae at late stage of flacherie disease that the nucleic acid of FVS II was RNA. The two types of particles were present in Sakaki and Wadayama strains of flacherie virus.  相似文献   

It is well-known that insect eggs can contain very high concentrations of ecdysteroids, which undergo drastic changes during embryogenesis. We found that this is equally valid for juvenile hormones. Three juvenile hormone-immunoreactive compounds were observed in developing Bombyx mori eggs. They were assumed to be juvenile hormones 1, 2 and 3 according to their retention time in HPLC. These hormones underwent drastic and sudden changes. In the space of one day their concentration was seen to rise rapidly from an undetectable level up to as high as 4 × 10?6 micromoles per mg of eggs. Their presence was detected as early as the first day of embryonic development, as well as during the blastokinesis period (day 5 to day 9) and in late embryos (day 12 to day 14). Their relative concentrations varied greatly. On two occasions, day 1 and day 8, all three hormones were simultaneously present. Moreover, juvenile hormone 3 was present during the blastokinesis period, either alone or in combination with hormone 2. The latter was the only hormone present in late embryos, before hatching. Thus, with regard to both ecdysteroids (ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone) and juvenile hormones, each day of embryonic development displayed a different hormonal pattern. These patterns undoubtedly constitute a “hormonal code” of embryogenesis control. While 20-hydroxyecdysone can be assumed to trigger cuticulogenesis in embryos as it does in larvae, the effects of the other hormones as well as their possible interactions are questionable.  相似文献   

Changes in the diapause factor content of the subesophageal ganglion of the silkworm were examined from the viewpoint of sex and voltinism differences. The diapause factor content was comparatively low from the 4th larval ecdysis to the larval-pupal ecdysis, irrespective of sex and voltinism. However, remarkable changes occurred after the larval-pupal ecdysis. An interesting finding is that the diapause factor content in the female diapause egg-producer decreased gradually with pupal-adult development, but in the male diapause egg-producer as well as in the non-diapause egg-producer it increased up to the half-way stage in the pupal-adult development. This suggests that the diapause factor is not secreted from the subesophageal ganglion of the male pharate adult of the diapause egg-producer. This finding was confirmed by implantation experiments using brain-subesophageal ganglion complex or only subesophageal ganglion.  相似文献   

The haemolymph protein concentration in Bombyx mori decreases normally by about one-fourth during pharate adult development. In females homozygous for the small egg gene, the concentration of haemolymph protein remained constant throughout the pupal and pharate adult stages. The sm gene does not influence the synthesis of vitellogenic female protein of pupal and pharate adult haemolymph (FP). Normal ovaries transferred to the haemocoele of sm females undergo normal vitellogenesis. In the absence of normal alleles of sm, the ovaries encounter difficulties in the incorporation of FP into their oöcytes from pharate adult haemolymph. These results suggest that an active translocation mechanism is involved in the transfer of haemolymph protein into the ovaries.  相似文献   

It was reported previously that two spherical flacherie viruses of silkworm, FVS I and FVS II, had been isolated from flacherie silkworm larvae and the nucleic acid of FVS II was RNA as suggested by the experiments of incorporation of [3H]-uracil. In this paper, it has been confirmed by biochemical methods that the nucleic acid of FVS I and FVS II is RNA. FVS I and FVS II were labeled with 32P in flacherie silkworms, and the viruses were analyzed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. When the 32P-labeled compound in the viruses was treated with 0.5 n KOH, the acid-insoluble 32P-labeled compound changed to acid-soluble compounds. It was determined by paper chromatography and ion-exchange column chromatography that the alkali-decomposed compounds included four ribonucleotides. Therefore, the viral nucleic acid of FVS I and FVS II was determined to be RNA. The correlations between FVS I and FVS II particles were discussed, and it was suggested that FVS I and FVS II might be closely related or were the same viral species.  相似文献   

As an important economic insect, Bombyx mori is also a useful model organism for lepidopteran insect. Integrins are evolutionarily conserved from sponges to humans, and play vital roles in many physiological and pathological processes. To explore their diverse functions of integrins in insect, eleven integrins including six α and five β subunits were cloned and characterized from silkworm. Our results showed that integrins from silkworm own more family members compared to other invertebrates. Among those α subunits, integrins α1, α2, and the other four subunits belong to PS1, PS2, and PS3 groups, respectively. The β subunits mainly gather in the insect βν group except the β1 subunit which belongs to the insect β group. Expression profiles demonstrated that the integrins exhibited distinct patterns, but were mainly expressed in hemocytes. α1 and β2 subunits are the predominant ones either in the embryogenesis or larva stages. Interestingly, integrins were significantly up-regulated after stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-E) in vivo. These results indicate that integrins perform diverse functions in hemocytes of silkworm. Overall, our results provide a new insight into the functional and evolutionary features of integrins.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) proteins are involved in cell adhesion, cell communication and immune functions. In this study, 152 IgSF genes containing at least one immunoglobulin (Ig) domain were predicted in the Bombyx mori silkworm genome. Of these, 145 were distributed on 25 chromosomes with no genes on chromosomes 16, 18 and 26. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic evolution analysis indicated that IgSFs evolved rapidly. Gene ontology (GO) annotation indicated that IgSF members functioned as cellular components and in molecular functions and biological processes. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis suggested that IgSF proteins were involved in signal transduction, signaling molecules and interaction, and cell communication. Microarray-based expression data showed tissue expression for 136 genes in anterior silkgland, middle silkgland, posterior silkgland, testis, ovary, fat body, midgut, integument, hemocyte, malpighian tubule and head. Expression pattern of IgSF genes in the silkworm ovary and midgut was analyzed by RNA-Seq. Expression of 105 genes was detected in the ovary in strain Dazao. Expression in the midgut was detected for 74 genes in strain Lan5 and 75 genes in strain Ou17. Expression of 34 IgSF genes in the midgut relative to the actin A3 gene was significantly different between strains Lan5 and Ou17. Furthermore, 1 IgSF gene was upregulated and 1 IgSF gene was downregulated in strain Lan5, and 4 IgSF genes were upregulated and 2 IgSF genes were downregulated in strain Ou17 after silkworms were challenged with B. mori cypovirus (BmCPV), indicating potential involvement in the response to BmCPV-infection. These results provide an overview of IgSF family members in silkworms, and lay the foundation for further functional studies.  相似文献   

The silkworm, Bombyx mori, was reared aseptically on a synthetic diet with and without β-carotene and the effects of carotenoid and vitamin A deficiency on photosensitivities in larval phototaxis, visual function and adult eclosion were studied.β-Carotene or vitamin A acted as a growth-promoting factor in continuous darkness and under photoperiodic conditions. The deficiency of β-carotene decreased the larval phototactic response as growth proceeded. The offspring larvae from eggs laid by β-carotene-deficient moths also lost the phototactic response, but successive rearing with dietary β-carotene or vitamin A re-established the response. The deficiency of β-carotene caused the loss of the electric response by light stimuli in the ocelli of fifth instar larvae and the compound eyes of adult moths. These results indicate that vitamin A is essential for visual function in the silkworm, as reported in other insects. The lack of carotenoid did not affect the development of the pupae or the specific time of eclosion which is regulated by a photoperiodic condition of pupal stage. This observation suggests that the carotenoid and its derivative are not involved in photoreception for the entrainment of the adult eclosion of the silkworm.  相似文献   

The occurrence of developmental arrest after brain removal in pupae of Bombyx mori was examined using a racial hybrid Chinese No. 115 × Japanese No. 122. The results are as follows: (1) Adult development was blocked for a long period in most insects debrained shortly after larval-pupal ecdysis; (2) the earlier the brain removal, the more arrested pupae were obtained; (3) the critical period of brain hormone secretion for adult development was earlier in the female than in the male; (4) the developmental arrest which had been induced in female pupae tended to terminate earlier than that in males; (5) the developmental arrest which was induced by extremely early brain removal terminated earlier than that obtained by later brain removal.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein across different eukaryotic species, and is crucial in the establishment and maintenance of heterochromatin. HP1 proteins have two distinct functional domains, an N-terminal chromodomain (CD) and a C-terminal chromoshadow domain (CSD), which are required for the selective binding of HP1 proteins to modified histones. During our screen for HP1-like proteins in the Bombyx mori genome, we found a novel silkworm gene, Bombyx mori chromodomain protein 1 (BmCdp1), encoding a putative chromobox protein with only two CDs. The BmCdp1 family proteins are closely related to the HP1 proteins, and most of them belong to insect lineages. qRT-PCR analysis indicated that BmCdp1 mRNA was most abundantly expressed in early embryos, and relatively higher expression was observed in larval testes, hemocytes, and pupal ovaries. Western blot and immunostaining experiments showed that BmCdp1 was localized mainly in the nucleus of BmN4 cells. We searched BmCdp1-bound loci in the Bombyx genome by ChIP-seq analysis using Flag-tagged BmCdp1-expressing BmN4 cells. Combined with ChIP-qPCR experiments, we identified two reliable BmCdp1-bound loci in the genome. siRNA-mediated knockdown of BmCdp1 in BmN4 cells and early embryos did not affect the expression of the gene located close to the BmCdp1-bound locus.  相似文献   

The suboesophageal ganglion of the silkworm, Bombyx mori synthesizes sufficient diapause hormone to produce diapause eggs, regardless of the photoperiodic conditions experienced during the larval stages. When larvae destined to produce non-diapause eggs are implanted with the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex from larvae which have been reared under short-day conditions, the resulting adults lay diapause eggs. The larvae receiving the complex from larvae reared under long-day conditions gave rise to adults which did not produce any diapause eggs. The brains from pupae which have been reared under long-day conditions show an activity inhibiting the secretion of diapause hormone by the suboesophageal ganglion. The mechanism through which the brain controls the secretion of diapause hormone from the suboesophageal ganglion can be modified by photoperiodic conditions during the larval stages.  相似文献   

The transport of glucose and α-methyl glucoside into the fat body of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., has been studied. Glucose is transported into the tissue by a mechanism similar to facilitated diffusion and α-methyl glucoside by a diffusion process. The uptake of these sugars is neither energy dependent nor coupled to a phosphotransferase system.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand whether heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) participates in the environmental 5 °C signal reception/transduction toward breaking embryonic diapause of the silkworm Bombyx mori, we isolated a cDNA for Hsp70a and examined the expression of Hsp70a mRNA in B. mori diapause and nondiapause eggs by quantitative real-time PCR. Hsp70a mRNA gradually increased in diapause eggs continuously kept at 25 °C after oviposition to maintain diapause. When diapause eggs were exposed to the diapause-terminating condition of 5 °C beginning at 2 days post-oviposition, Hsp70a mRNA increased beginning at 5 days post-cold treatment. Even in nondiapause eggs, Hsp70a mRNA increased slightly with exposure to 5 °C. These results suggest that Hsp70a is involved in reception/transduction of the diapause-terminating (5 °C) signal via gene activation. The expression patterns of Hsp70a mRNA are discussed in relation to those of the cold-response gene Samui.  相似文献   

Sucrose is the most commonly transported sugar in plants and is easily assimilated by insects to fulfill the requirement of physiological metabolism. BmSuc1 is a novel animal β-fructofuranosidase (β-FFase, EC gene that was firstly cloned and identified in silkworm, Bombyx mori. BmSUC1 was presumed to play an important role in the silkworm-mulberry enzymatic adaptation system by effectively hydrolyzing sucrose absorbed from mulberry leaves. However, this has not been proved with direct evidence thus far. In this study, we investigated sucrose hydrolysis activity in the larval midgut of B. mori by inhibition tests and found that sucrase activity mainly stemmed from β-FFase, not α-glucosidase. Next, we performed shRNA-mediated transgenic RNAi to analyze the growth characteristics of silkworm larvae and variations in glycometabolism in vivo in transgenic silkworms. The results showed that in the RNAi-BmSuc1 transgenic line, larval development was delayed, and their body size was markedly reduced. Finally, the activity of several disaccharidases alone in the midgut and the sugar distribution, total sugar and glycogen in the midgut, hemolymph and fat body were then determined and compared. Our results demonstrated that silencing BmSuc1 significantly reduced glucose and apparently activated maltase and trehalase in the midgut. Together with a clear decrease in both glycogen and trehalose in the fat body, we conclude that BmSUC1 acts as an essential sucrase by directly modulating the degree of sucrose hydrolysis in the silkworm larval midgut, and insufficient sugar storage in the fat body may be responsible for larval malnutrition and abnormal petite phenotypes.  相似文献   

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