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Telomeres play a fundamental role in the maintenance of genomic integrity at a cellular level, and average leukocyte telomere length (LTL) has been proposed as a biomarker of organismal aging. However, studies tracking LTL across the entire life course of individuals are lacking. Here, we examined lifelong patterns of variation in LTL among four birth cohorts of female Soay sheep (Ovis aries) that were longitudinally monitored and sampled from birth to death. Over the first 4 months of life, there was within‐individual loss of LTL, consistent with findings in the human and primate literature, but there was little evidence of consistent LTL loss associated with age after this point. Overall, we observed only weak evidence of individual consistency in LTL across years and over the entire lifespan: Within‐individual variation was considerable, and birth cohorts differed markedly in their telomere dynamics. Despite the high levels of LTL variation within the lifetimes of individuals, there remained significant associations between LTL and longevity. Detailed analysis of the longitudinal data set showed that this association was driven by improved survival of individuals with longer LTL over the first 2 years of life. There was no evidence that LTL predicted survival in later adulthood. Our data provide the first evidence from a mammal that LTL can predict mortality and lifespan under natural conditions, and also highlight the potentially dynamic nature of LTL within the lifetimes of individuals experiencing a complex and highly variable environment.  相似文献   

The transfer of antibodies from mother to offspring provides crucial protection against infection to offspring during early life in humans and domestic and laboratory animals. However, few studies have tested the consequences of variation in maternal antibody transfer for offspring fitness in the wild. Further, separating the immunoprotective effects of antibodies from their association with nutritional resources provided by mothers is difficult. Here, we measured plasma levels of total and parasite-specific antibodies in neonatal (less than 10 days old) wild Soay sheep over 25 years to quantify variation in maternal antibody transfer and test its association with offspring survival. Maternal antibody transfer was predicted by maternal age and previous antibody responses, and was consistent within mothers across years. Neonatal total IgG antibody levels were positively related to early growth, suggesting they reflected nutritional transfer. Neonatal parasite-specific IgG levels positively predicted first-year survival, independent of lamb weight, total IgG levels and subsequent lamb parasite-specific antibody levels. This relationship was partly mediated via an indirect negative association with parasite burden. We show that among-female variation in maternal antibody transfer can have long-term effects on offspring growth, parasite burden and fitness in the wild, and is likely to impact naturally occurring host–parasite dynamics.  相似文献   

Adaptive introgression—the flow of adaptive genetic variation between species or populations—has attracted significant interest in recent years and it has been implicated in a number of cases of adaptation, from pesticide resistance and immunity, to local adaptation. Despite this, methods for identification of adaptive introgression from population genomic data are lacking. Here, we present Ancestry_HMM-S, a hidden Markov model-based method for identifying genes undergoing adaptive introgression and quantifying the strength of selection acting on them. Through extensive validation, we show that this method performs well on moderately sized data sets for realistic population and selection parameters. We apply Ancestry_HMM-S to a data set of an admixed Drosophila melanogaster population from South Africa and we identify 17 loci which show signatures of adaptive introgression, four of which have previously been shown to confer resistance to insecticides. Ancestry_HMM-S provides a powerful method for inferring adaptive introgression in data sets that are typically collected when studying admixed populations. This method will enable powerful insights into the genetic consequences of admixture across diverse populations. Ancestry_HMM-S can be downloaded from https://github.com/jesvedberg/Ancestry_HMM-S/.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress, which results from an imbalance between the production of potentially damaging reactive oxygen species versus antioxidant defenses and repair mechanisms, has been proposed as an important mediator of life‐history trade‐offs. A plethora of biomarkers associated with oxidative stress exist, but few ecological studies have examined the relationships among different markers in organisms experiencing natural conditions or tested whether those relationships are stable across different environments and demographic groups. It is therefore not clear to what extent studies of different markers can be compared, or whether studies that focus on a single marker can draw general conclusions regarding oxidative stress. We measured widely used markers of oxidative damage (protein carbonyls and malondialdehyde) and antioxidant defense (superoxide dismutase and total antioxidant capacity) from 706 plasma samples collected over a 4‐year period in a wild population of Soay sheep on St Kilda. We quantified the correlation structure among these four markers across the entire sample set and also within separate years, age groups (lambs and adults), and sexes. We found some moderately strong correlations between some pairs of markers when data from all 4 years were pooled. However, these correlations were caused by considerable among‐year variation in mean marker values; correlation coefficients were small and not significantly different from zero after accounting for among‐year variation. Furthermore, within each year, age, and sex subgroup, the pairwise correlation coefficients among the four markers were weak, nonsignificant, and distributed around zero. In addition, principal component analysis confirmed that the four markers represented four independent axes of variation. Our results suggest that plasma markers of oxidative stress may vary dramatically among years, presumably due to environmental conditions, and that this variation can induce population‐level correlations among markers even in the absence of any correlations within contemporaneous subgroups. The absence of any consistent correlations within years or demographic subgroups implies that care must be taken when generalizing from observed relationships with oxidative stress markers, as each marker may reflect different and potentially uncoupled biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Parasites detrimentally affect host fitness, leading to expectations of positive selection on host parasite resistance. However, as immunity is costly, host fitness may be maximized at low, but nonzero, parasite infection intensities. These hypotheses are rarely tested on natural variation in free-living populations. We investigated selection on a measure of host parasite resistance in a naturally regulated Soay sheep population using a longitudinal data set and found negative correlations between parasite infection intensity and annual fitness in lambs, male yearlings and adult females. However, having accounted for confounding effects of body weight, the effect was only significant in lambs. Associations between fitness and parasite resistance were environment-dependent, being strong during low-mortality winters, but negligible during harsher high-mortality winters. There was no evidence for stabilizing selection. Our findings reveal processes that may shape variation in parasite resistance in natural populations and illustrate the importance of accounting for correlated traits in selection analysis.  相似文献   

Despite our rapidly advancing mechanistic understanding of vertebrate immunity under controlled laboratory conditions, the links between immunity, infection and fitness under natural conditions remain poorly understood. Antibodies are central to acquired immune responses, and antibody levels circulating in vivo reflect a composite of constitutive and induced functional variants of diverse specificities (e.g. binding antigens from prevalent parasites, self tissues or novel non-self sources). Here, we measured plasma concentrations of 11 different antibody types in adult females from an unmanaged population of Soay sheep on St Kilda. Correlations among antibody measures were generally positive but weak, and eight of the measures independently predicted body mass, strongyle parasite egg count or survival over the subsequent winter. These independent and, in some cases, antagonistic relationships point to important multivariate immunological heterogeneities affecting organismal health and fitness in natural systems. Notably, we identified a strong positive association between anti-nematode immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies in summer and subsequent over-winter survival, providing rare evidence for a fitness benefit of helminth-specific immunity under natural conditions. Our results highlight both the evolutionary and ecological importance and the complex nature of the immune phenotype in the wild.  相似文献   

Hybridization and resulting introgression are important processes shaping the tree of life and appear to be far more common than previously thought. However, how the genome evolution was shaped by various genetic and evolutionary forces after hybridization remains unresolved. Here we used whole-genome resequencing data of 227 individuals from multiple widespread Populus species to characterize their contemporary patterns of hybridization and to quantify genomic signatures of past introgression. We observe a high frequency of contemporary hybridization and confirm that multiple previously ambiguous species are in fact F1 hybrids. Seven species were identified, which experienced different demographic histories that resulted in strikingly varied efficacy of selection and burdens of deleterious mutations. Frequent past introgression has been found to be a pervasive feature throughout the speciation of these Populus species. The retained introgressed regions, more generally, tend to contain reduced genetic load and to be located in regions of high recombination. We also find that in pairs of species with substantial differences in effective population size, introgressed regions are inferred to have undergone selective sweeps at greater than expected frequencies in the species with lower effective population size, suggesting that introgression likely have higher potential to provide beneficial variation for species with small populations. Our results, therefore, illustrate that demography and recombination have interplayed with both positive and negative selection in determining the genomic evolution after hybridization.  相似文献   

As species struggle to keep pace with the rapidly warming climate, adaptive introgression of beneficial alleles from closely related species or populations provides a possible avenue for rapid adaptation. We investigate the potential for adaptive introgression in the copepod, Tigriopus californicus, by hybridizing two populations with divergent heat tolerance limits. We subjected hybrids to strong heat selection for 15 generations followed by whole-genome resequencing. Utilizing a hybridize evolve and resequence (HER) technique, we can identify loci responding to heat selection via a change in allele frequency. We successfully increased the heat tolerance (measured as LT50) in selected lines, which was coupled with higher frequencies of alleles from the southern (heat tolerant) population. These repeatable changes in allele frequencies occurred on all 12 chromosomes across all independent selected lines, providing evidence that heat tolerance is polygenic. These loci contained genes with lower protein-coding sequence divergence than the genome-wide average, indicating that these loci are highly conserved between the two populations. In addition, these loci were enriched in genes that changed expression patterns between selected and control lines in response to a nonlethal heat shock. Therefore, we hypothesize that the mechanism of heat tolerance divergence is explained by differential gene expression of highly conserved genes. The HER approach offers a unique solution to identifying genetic variants contributing to polygenic traits, especially variants that might be missed through other population genomic approaches.  相似文献   

Age‐related changes in immunity are well documented in humans and laboratory mammals. Using blood samples collected from wild Soay sheep, we show that pronounced differences in T‐cell subsets and inflammatory markers amongst age classes are also evident under natural conditions. These shifts parallel those observed in mammals experiencing protected environments. We found progressive declines in the proportion of naïve CD4 T cells with age, a precipitous drop in γδ T cells after the second year of life and an increase in acute phase protein levels amongst geriatric sheep. Our findings suggest immune aging patterns observed in laboratory and domestic mammals may generalize to more complex, challenging environments and could have fitness costs under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that average telomere length reflects previous stress and predicts subsequent survival across vertebrate species. In humans, leucocyte telomere length (LTL) is consistently shorter during adulthood in males than in females, although the causes of this sex difference and its generality to other mammals remain unknown. Here, we measured LTL in a cross‐sectional sample of free‐living Soay sheep and found shorter telomeres in males than in females in later adulthood (>3 years of age), but not in early life. This observation was not related to sex differences in growth or parasite burden, but we did find evidence for reduced LTL associated with increased horn growth in early life in males. Variation in LTL was independent of variation in the proportions of different leucocyte cell types, which are known to differ in telomere length. Our results provide the first evidence of sex differences in LTL from a wild mammal, but longitudinal studies are now required to determine whether telomere attrition rates or selective disappearance are responsible for these observed differences.  相似文献   

Feral livestock offer an excellent opportunity lo study factors affecting fertility as the physiology of their husbanded relatives is well known and social and environmental influences can be studied free of man's interference. This is so in the population of about 1250 sheep of the primitive Soay breed on the islands of St Kilda, Scotland. There is a high coincidence of oestrus amongst the ewes in mid November, and the breeding season is constant within a few days, from year to year. The breeding season in other British breeds of sheep demonstrates a strong correlation with latitude. On St Kilda, mortality rates in male sheep are higher than in females so that the ratio of rams to ewes at mating time is about 1:5. Competition amongst rams is intense. The optimal time for mating and the place of ram lambs in the social system are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to detect introgression of other Alectoris genus species into wild populations of Spanish Alectoris rufa, we studied a sample of 93 red-legged partridges (supposed to be A. rufa) captured in the island of Majorca. A set of 31 chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) from Cyprus and 33 red-legged partridges (A. rufa) from one Spanish farm were also studied to provide suitable populations for comparison. Factorial correspondence analysis on microsatellite genotypes supported a clear distinction of birds from Cyprus, whereas partridges from Majorca and the Spanish farm overlapped in a wide area. The existence of A. chukar mitochondrial DNA in 16 individuals from Majorca indicated introgression into their maternal lineage even if their phenotypes were not different from A. rufa. Bayesian inference based on microsatellite analysis indicated a noticeable degree of genetic proximity to A. chukar only for one of these hybrids.  相似文献   

Guenons (tribe Cercopithecini) are the most widely distributed nonhuman primate in the tropical forest belt of Africa and show considerable phenotypic, taxonomic, and ecological diversity. However, genomic information for most species within this group is still lacking. Here, we present a high-quality de novo genome (total 2.90 Gb, contig N50 equal to 22.7 Mb) of the mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona), together with genome resequencing data of 13 individuals sampled across Nigeria. Our results showed differentiation between populations from East and West of the Niger River ∼84 ka and potential ancient introgression in the East population from other mona group species. The PTPRK, FRAS1, BNC2, and EDN3 genes related to pigmentation displayed signals of introgression in the East population. Genomic scans suggest that immunity genes such as AKT3 and IL13 (possibly involved in simian immunodeficiency virus defense), and G6PD, a gene involved in malaria resistance, are under positive natural selection. Our study gives insights into differentiation, natural selection, and introgression in guenons.  相似文献   

A number of procedures have been developed that allow the genetic parameters of natural populations to be estimated using relationship information inferred from marker data rather than known pedigrees. Three published approaches are available; the regression, pair‐wise likelihood and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sib‐ship reconstruction methods. These were applied to body weight and molecular data collected from the Soay sheep population of St. Kilda, which has a previously determined pedigree. The regression and pair‐wise likelihood approaches do not specify an exact pedigree and yielded unreliable heritability estimates, that were sensitive to alteration of the fixed effects. The MCMC method, which specifies a pedigree prior to heritability estimation, yielded results closer to those determined using the known pedigree. In populations of low average relationship, such as the Soay sheep population, determination of a reliable pedigree is more useful than indirect approaches that do not specify a pedigree.  相似文献   

Genetic exchange by hybridization or admixture can make an important contribution to evolution, and introgression of favourable alleles can facilitate adaptation to new environments. A small number of honeybees (Apis mellifera) with African ancestry were introduced to Brazil ~60 years ago, which dispersed and hybridized with existing managed populations of European origin, quickly spreading across much of the Americas in an example of a massive biological invasion. Here, we analyse whole‐genome sequences of 32 Africanized honeybees sampled from throughout Brazil to study the effect of this process on genome diversity. By comparison with ancestral populations from Europe and Africa, we infer that these samples have 84% African ancestry, with the remainder from western European populations. However, this proportion varies across the genome and we identify signals of positive selection in regions with high European ancestry proportions. These observations are largely driven by one large gene‐rich 1.4‐Mbp segment on chromosome 11 where European haplotypes are present at a significantly elevated frequency and likely confer an adaptive advantage in the Africanized honeybee population. This region has previously been implicated in reproductive traits and foraging behaviour in worker bees. Finally, by analysing the distribution of ancestry tract lengths in the context of the known time of the admixture event, we are able to infer an average generation time of 2.0 years. Our analysis highlights the processes by which populations of mixed genetic ancestry form and adapt to new environments.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed 93 whole genomes from Chinese spot-billed ducks (CSB), meat-type ducks (MET), and egg and dual purpose-type ducks (EDT) to characterize the genetic material flowing between the CSB and modern ducks. Using a frequency of shared identical-by-descent method, approximately 10.9 Mb introgression segments containing 140 genes were identified showing the signatures of introgression between CSB and EDT. Meanwhile, nearly 10.6 M introgression regions containing 149 genes were identified between CSB and MET. Based on the haplotypes tree of each segment, we found that the introgression between CSB and domesticated ducks was asymmetric with a high level of gene flow from domestic to CSB and a low level of migration in the opposite direction. Moreover, we identified several genes that were introgressions from CSB and showed the signature of positive selection, which may contribute to the breeding of modern ducks. Our results provide new insight into the evolution and breeding history of domestic ducks and may be useful for the future management of wild and domestic duck populations.  相似文献   

Three different methods for foreground selection and four different methods for background selection were compared in terms of the efficiency of marker-assisted introgression of a QTL allele from a donor line into a recipient line and also in terms of the recovery of the recipient genetic background. The results showed that for the introgression of a donor QTL allele, a direct selection on the QTL itself (when the QTL genotype can be directly identified) would ensure that the allele is successfully introgressed and rapidly fixed. However, when a direct selection on the QTL is not feasible, an indirect selection using two closely linked flanking markers can be used, which also shows similar results. For the recovery of the recipient genetic background, if the goal is to recover the whole genetic background of the recipient, genomic similarity selection or marker index selection would be the best choice: Only three generations of backcrosses were required to recover over 98% of the recipient genome. Whereas if the goal is to recover certain background traits of the recipient, MBLUP selection would give the best results, which achieved not only over 99% recovery of the recipient QTL alleles for the background traits after three generations of backcrosses, but also showed the best genetic improvement of these traits.  相似文献   

Introgression can introduce novel genetic variation at a faster rate than mutation alone and result in adaptive introgression when adaptive alleles are maintained in the recipient genome over time by natural selection. A previous study from our group demonstrated adaptive introgression from Populus balsamifera into P. trichocarpa in a target genomic region. Here we expand our local ancestry analysis to the whole genome of both parents to provide a comprehensive view of introgression patterns and to identify additional candidate regions for adaptive introgression genomewide. Populus trichocarpa is a large, fast‐growing tree of mild coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest, whereas P. balsamifera is a smaller stature tree of continental and boreal regions with intense winter cold. The species hybridize where they are parapatric. We detected asymmetric patterns of introgression across the whole genome of these two poplar species adapted to contrasting environments, with stronger introgression from P. balsamifera to P. trichocarpa than vice versa. Admixed P. trichocarpa individuals contained more genomic regions with unusually high levels of introgression (19 regions) and also the largest introgressed genome fragment (1.02 Mb) compared with admixed P. balsamifera (nine regions). Our analysis also revealed numerous candidate regions for adaptive introgression with strong signals of selection, notably related to disease resistance, and enriched for genes that may play crucial roles in survival and adaptation. Furthermore, we detected a potential overrepresentation of subtelomeric regions in P. balsamifera introgressed into P. trichocarpa and possible protection of sex‐determining regions from interspecific gene flow.  相似文献   

Small-scale spatial dynamics in a fluctuating ungulate population   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1. The scale at which population dynamics are analysed is important, as results from analyses at different spatial scales can differ and affect interpretation.
2. In this study, detailed census data collected over a 10-year period from a population of Soay sheep ( Ovis aries L.) on the Island of Hirta in the St Kilda archipelago, Scotland, is used, together with cluster analysis, to distinguish a temporally stable spatial substructure.
3. Structured demographic accounting of the variance in population change (SDA) is also used to analyse the dynamics of the whole population treated as (a) one unit; (b) one unit subdivided into three subunits; and (c) three independent units.
4. Differences in survival, recruitment and dispersal rates are demonstrated between divisions of the population, which are probably associated with variation in grazing quality.
5. If these groups were not coupled by dispersal and density-independent entrainment, the population dynamics of the three groups would diverge, however, the dynamics of the three subunits are strongly correlated.  相似文献   

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