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Adult Trogoderma glabrum females assume stationary postures characterized by abdominal elevation and partial exposure of the ovipositor segments. The postural activity was studied in relation to sex pheromone production and was designated calling, or sex pheromone-releasing behaviour because it was accompanied by an increase in the rate of release of sex pheromone(s). Calling was largely restricted to an 8 hr interval centered toward the middle of a 16 hr photophase. Mating frequency and female pheromone content increased during the same interval. Because females extracted during the calling period yielded at least 10 times more pheromone than extracts prepared at other times, and because pheromone activity released during one calling period was estimated to be at least 10-fold higher than that which could be extracted from whole females several hours prior to the start of calling, heightened production of active pheromone(s) was postulated to occur during calling. Functional significance of the calling posture is discussed in relation to sex pheromone gland location.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption is circadian (about 24 hr) rhythmic in sterilized Tribolium confusum adults kept on a 12 hr light-12 hr dark regimen. High values for oxygen consumption occur shortly after ‘light-on’ and low ones at the beginning of the dark span. When the light-dark cycle is advanced by 6 hr, the oxygen consumption rhythm is phase-shifted within about 6 days; with a delay of the light-dark schedule (a return to the initial regimen) the oxygen consumption rhythm re-adjusts in 3 days. This directedness or polarity of the phase-shift adjustment constitutes a quantitative circadian system characteristic shared by organisms studied thus far.  相似文献   

Dr. Anand Karvé 《Planta》1962,58(3):257-260
Summary The effect of interruption light upon two photomorphogenic processes, the germination of seeds and the unfolding of cotyledons, was studied in the case ofCassia tora Linn. The response to the light was found to be obeying an endogenous circadian rhythm and differed according to the time at which the light was provided. The similarities between this phenomenon and that of photoperiodic induction of flowering under similar conditions are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Bei Störlichtversuchen mit Samen vonCassia tora Linn. wurde festgestellt, daß bei zwei photomorphogenetischen Prozessen, nämlich bei der Samenkeimung und bei der Kotyledonenentfaltung, die Empfindlichkeit für Störlicht einem ungefähr tagesperiodischen (circadian) Rhythmus folgt. Es wird auf die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen diesem Phänomen und dem der Störlichtwirkung bei der photoperiodischen Blühinduktion hingewiesen.

With 2 Figures in the Text  相似文献   

Kubli E 《Current biology : CB》2008,18(5):R210-R212
Male Drosophila manipulate the sexual behaviour of their female mating partners by release of a Sex-peptide, but how does this work? A G-protein-coupled receptor has now been identified which acts in the female flies to detect male Sex-peptide and trigger increased egg laying and reduced sexual receptivity.  相似文献   

中国柑橘园柑桔潜叶蛾雄虫对性诱剂趋向的昼夜节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑桔潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton是柑桔重要害虫之一.本文研究了从美国引进的性诱剂对柑桔潜叶蛾雄虫的引诱活性和引诱的日节律,结果表明该性诱剂对广州、深圳和江西新余地区的柑桔潜叶蛾雄虫有显著的引诱活性.性诱剂对柑桔潜叶蛾雄虫的诱捕数量日节律明显,4:00~6:00诱集到的雄虫数量最多,3:00~4:00和6:00~11:00诱集到少量雄虫,其它时间没有诱集到雄虫.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adults of Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera, Silvanidae) placed in an open arena containing a refuge showed a cyclic pattern of activity in light, dark (LD) cycles when food in the form of damaged wheat grains was placed in the arena outside the refuge. Placing food in the refuge reduced cyclic change and lowered the general activity of the beetles. Batches of fifty insects conditioned in LD 9:15 h or 15:9 h at 25°C , 65% r.h., and transferred to continuous darkness (DD) at the end of a photophase, showed a circadian rhythm of foraging activity of periodicity near 24 h. Those transferred to continuous light at the end of a scotophase showed a 6 h delay in the onset of the next peak of activity, but subsequent peaks, although damped, revealed a periodicity near that in DD. The mean number of beetles wandering in the arena ranged from about eight in LD 15:9 h with all food in the refuge to about twenty-one in LD 9:15 h with all food in the arena.  相似文献   

Kerodon rupestris, a Brazilian caviidae rodent, lives in dry stony places. In a first experiment, seven animals were kept in LD (250:0 lux and 400:0 lux) during 40 days in each condition. In the second, four animals were kept in LD (470 lux: red dim light) for 47 days, then in LL (470 lux) for 18 days and in DD (red dim light) for 23 days. Motor activity was continuously recorded by infrared sensors. Animals showed entrained rhythms to the LD cycle being light and dark active, with higher values in phase transitions. When the light intensity was increased, four animals increased and two reduced the activity. In LL, three animals expressed an endogenous tau of 24.4, 26.5 and 24.6 h and one was arrhythmic; in DD, two expressed tau of 23.6 and 23.7 h and one was arrhythmic. Results indicate that Kerodon rupestris circadian rhythm is affected by light intensity but it is not yet possible to determine its habit.  相似文献   

Regulation of flowering by photoperiod in Arabidopsis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium, is one of the most important stored product pests worldwide. A study of digestive proteinases in T. granarium was performed to identify potential targets for proteinaceous biopesticides, such as proteinase inhibitors. The pH of guts was determined by addition of pH indicator solutions to broken open gut regions. The last instar larvae were dissected in cold distilled water and the whole guts were cleaned from adhering unwanted tissues. The pooled gut homogenates were centrifuged and the supernatants were used in the subsequent enzyme assay. Total proteinases activity of the gut homogenates was determined using the protein substrate azocasein. Optimal azocasein hydrolysis by luminal proteinases of the larvae of T. granarium was highly alkaline in pH 10-10.5, although the pH of luminal contents was slightly acidic (pH 6.5). The extract showed the highest activity at 55 degrees C (pH 6.5), 45 degrees C (pH 8) and 30 degrees C (pH 10). The proteolytic activity was strongly inhibited in the presence of phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (82.33+/-4.37% inhibition). This inhibition was decreased with increasing of the pH of assay incubating medium. N-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (51.6+/-3.3% inhibition) and N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (27.23+/-4.37 % inhibition) showed inhibitory effect on proteolysis. Addition of thiol activators dithiothreitol and L-cysteine had not enhanced azocaseinolytic activity. The data suggest that protein digestion in the larvae of T. granarium is primarily dependent on serine proteinases; trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteinases.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic control of diapause induction in the larvae of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe), was investigated using a west Japan-type population collected from Ino, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. In this population, the larvae expressed a long-day photoperiodic response with a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14 h at 25 °C ; under a long daylength, the larvae pupated after the 4th or 5th instar, while the larvae entered diapause under a short daylength after 2.3 additional molts on average. When the photoperiod was changed from a short (L12:D12) to a long (L15:D9) daylength, pupation occurred in most of the individuals irrespective of the time of the change. When the photoperiod was changed from long to short at 1 or 2 weeks after hatching, all of the larvae entered diapause, whereas when the photoperiod was changed at 5 weeks after hatching or later, most of the larvae pupated. The 2 weeks exposures to a long daylength against a 'background' of a short daylength at various times revealed that the larvae of this insect are most sensitive to the photoperiod from 4 to 6 weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

The postembryonic stages of Anthrenus vorax proved to be susceptible to doses of 5, 10, 15 and 20 k rad. Pupation was more or less completely inhibited, but some larvae pupated after repeated moults, reduction in size and regrowth, and emerged as normal adults. Percentage of successful moults decreased with increasing doses.At lower doses, more last-stage larvae died in the prepupal stage; at higher doses, larval mortality was higher. Radiation of the early prepupa hampered the pupal moult, that of the late prepupa did not, but produced certain malformations in the adult.In the pupal stage, the later the pupa was radiated, the less susceptible it was, radiation during the first 3 days after pupation being more harmful than later. Pre-emergent adults and pupae of 5 and 6 days old were exposed to different doses of radiation. Data on the fecundity and fertility of various mating combinations of irradiated and non-irradiated males and females are presented and discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die postembryonalen Stadien von Anthrenus vorax erwiesen sich gegen Strahlendosen von 5, 10, 15 und 20 k rad als empfindlich. Die Verpuppung war mehr oder weniger vollständig gehemmt, jedoch verpuppten sich einige wenige Larven nach wiederholten Häutungen, Größen-rückgang und erneutem Wachstum und schliipften als normale Adulte. Der Prozentsatz erfolgreicher Häutungen verringerte sich mit ansteigenden Dosen.Bei niederen Dosen starben die älteren Larven vor allem im Präpuppenstadium; bei höheren Dosen war ihre Larvensterblichkeit höher. Bestrahlung im frühen Präpuppenstadium hemmte die Puppenhäutung, im späten Puppenstadium dagegen nicht, verursachte dann aber gewisse Mißbildungen bei der Imago.Das Puppenstadium war gegenüber der Bestrahlung um so weniger empfindlich, je später die Puppe bestrahlt wurde. Während der ersten drei Tage nach der Verpuppung wirkte die Bestrahlung schädlicher als danach. Schlüpfreife Käfer und 5–6 Tage alte Puppen wurden verschiedenen Strahlendosen ausgesetzt. Es werden Angaben über Zeugungsfähigkeit und Fruchtbarkeit verschiedener Paarungskombinationen bestrahlter und unbestrahlter Männchen und Weibchen gemacht und besprochen.

The level of homosexual behaviour is evaluated in one laboratory population of seed beetle and derived lines selected to reproduce early (E) or late in life (L), where inadvertent selection for either low or high heterosexual activity has been detected. The magnitudes of homosexual interaction, measured as chasing and mounting individuals of the same sex, are estimated over different age classes. These magnitudes are correlated with previously observed levels and patterns of age‐specific variation of heterosexual activity of both sexes in the E and L experimental lines. The results obtained support the perception error hypothesis proposing that a low degree of sexual discrimination is genetically correlated with high sexual activity. The fitness costs of the same‐sex interactions are tested by assessing their effects on longevity. In both sexes, the longevities of homosexual pairs are reduced relative to individually‐housed virgin beetles in both the E and L lines, although homosexual interactions have a more pronounced effect on male survival than on female survival. Although the results obtained suggest that the longevity cost of homosexual interactions can be substantial, this cost is much smaller than the cost of heterosexual interactions.  相似文献   

1. Female burying beetles behave differently towards males of different sizes, avoiding mating with large males that are not defending resources but mating with small males regardless of the presence of resources. Females of the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis were therefore examined to determine whether they discriminate among males using only pheromonal signals. The influence of female size on its own mate choice was also examined. 2. Females do use male pheromonal signals to discriminate among males and these signals do appear to convey information about male body size to females. Overall, females were more likely to be attracted to larger males than to smaller males. 3. Female choice of a male was influenced by both the female's own body size and the size of the female relative to the size of the two males available to it. 4. While there is an overall mating advantage for larger males, resulting from female preferences based on odour cues, smaller males are also attractive to some females under some circumstances. 5. It is argued that there are different costs and benefits of mating with different sized males, leading to the evolution of context‐dependent mate choice for females and the need to be able to discriminate males of different sizes from a distance.  相似文献   

Blattella bisignata (Brunner) and B. germanica (L.) are oviparous cockroaches with cyclic reproductive behaviour, but in B. germanica only males show circadian rhythmicity of locomotion at 28°C and DD (constant darkness). In B. bisignata, males and virgin females cockroaches entrained by light–dark cycles show free‐running rhythmicity in DD, and most activities occur during the subjective night. Daily locomotor activities of virgin females show cyclic changes that coincided with ovarian development. Virgin females also exhibit calling behaviour during the subjective night, and this shows a free‐running rhythm. Male mate‐finding locomotion and female calling behaviour are under circadian control, so the timing for both behaviours is synchronized. However, most mated females do not show a locomotor free‐running rhythm under DD conditions. Our results indicate that only mated females could not express a circadian locomotor rhythm. Pregnancy reduces a female’s locomotory intensity and masks the expression of a circadian locomotor rhythm. We attribute the differences in circadian locomotory rhythms between these two species to their living environments and mate‐finding strategies.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythm of histamine in the pineal gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stimulating effects of 2-guanidinbenzimidazole and phentolamine on sodium transport through the isolated skin of the frog Rana esculenta are described. These substances only act when added to the epithelial side, suggesting that they affect the permeability of the external barrier of sodium compartment. The role of the imidazole group in the activation of sodium transport is discussed.  相似文献   

Taurine is believed to be a modulator of membrane excitability in muscle and a neuroinhibitory transmitter in the central nervous system. The retina and pineal contain relatively large quantities of taurine. Taurine levels in the retina are reported to be responsive to variations in lighting conditions. We report here a carcadian rhythm for taurine in the mature male rat pineal gland. The maximum taurine concentration occurs at the midpoint of the light period, 24 ± 1.9 nmoles/gland, and the minimum at the beginning of the dark period, 13.9 ± 1.6 nmoles/gland. Sympathectomy by bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy lowered pineal taurine levels. Constant light and blinding had no effect. Taurine was demonstrated to be taken up by the pineal gland invitro in organ culture. The uptake was saturable, Km = 2.0 mM, and sodium dependent. The close structural analogs hypotaurine and β-alanine inhibited taurine uptake but α-alanine did not. We have demonstrated a circadian rhythm for taurine content in the rat pineal gland and the presence of a sodium-dependent transport system for taurine in the pineal invitro in organ culture.  相似文献   

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