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Discovery of an encrusting juvenile holdfast assigned to the Mississippian crinoid Barycrinus demonstrates that this stalked crinoid had a complex life history. The free-swimming larva settled to become a hard substratum encrusting juvenile, which broke free to become a free-living adult rooted into an unconsolidated substratum. Furthermore, additional small, encrusting holdfast types suggest that this was a common life-history strategy among Mississippian crinoids and, perhaps, blastoids.  相似文献   

In 2003, Stanley & Powell reported depressed rates of origination and extinction in marine invertebrates during the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA). Using a database of crinoid genera, rates of origination, extinction and genus duration were calculated at the stage level from the Early Devonian to the Late Permian. This 165 m.y. time span includes non‐glacial intervals before and after the LPIA, which spanned the Serpukhovian to Sakmarian, providing background rates for comparison. Data generated on crinoid evolutionary rates during the Middle to Late Palaeozoic were analysed and compared to Stanley & Powell's data to determine whether crinoid evolutionary patterns support their findings or suggest an alternative hypothesis. Rates of origination and extinction in all crinoid clades were reduced during the LPIA compared to the combined background intervals before and after the LPIA. However, crinoid diversity was higher during the LPIA than the surrounding time intervals. The difference in diversity trends between crinoids and other marine invertebrates is due to the advanced cladids clade. Unstable, fluctuating environmental conditions during the LPIA may have created habitats suitable for opportunistic crinoid genera that reduced both the probability of origination and extinction. The increased diversity of the advanced cladids is likely due to their unique adaptation of muscular arm articulations, which allowed them to thrive in marine settings with increased siliciclastic influx brought on by the Alleghenian orogeny. Despite the advanced cladids’ departure from the expected diversity count, the results of analyses performed on the updated crinoid database provide independent confirmation of Stanley & Powell's original hypothesis of depressed evolutionary rates in marine invertebrates during the LPIA.  相似文献   

Fossilized tube feet are described on Codiacrinus schultzei Follmann from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Germany. This is the first definitive proof of tube feet on any fossil crinoid. Three lightly pyritized, flattened tube feet are preserved in a single interray of this cladid crinoid. The tube feet were at least 7 mm long. Their preservation is very similar to the tube feet reported previously from a Hunsrück ophiuroid, except that the Codiacrinus tube feet have small papillae, similar to living crinoids.  相似文献   

Platycrinites was long a “catch-all” genus that was loosely defined in North America. Ausich and Kammer (2009) rectified the inconsistencies of generic diagnoses to define the Platycrinitidae better; however, due to preservation, many species were not known from specimens with sufficient characters to be placed confidently into a genus and, thus, were designated Platycrinites sensu lato. Collicrinus excavates (n. comb.) was one such species. A specimen with a complete theca and partial arms preserved was discovered in southwestern Missouri in the Burlington–Keokuk Limestone. With the discovery of this specimen, C. excavatus has been fully described and placed in the correct genus. Further, the associated fauna of new C. excavatus specimens, reported here, helps to evaluate the stratigraphic position of this species, which is now considered to be only from Burlington Pelmatozoan Association I and II, roughly equivalent to the Dolbee Creek and Haight Creek Members of the Burlington Limestone.  相似文献   

Two new species of flexible crinoids of the genus Cibolocrinus (Crinoidea, Flexibilia) from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Region are described: C. kutasovi (Moscovian Stage, Podolskian Regional Substage) and C. gerassimovi (Gzhelian Stage, Dobryatinian Regional Substage). The first species, C. kutasovi, belongs to a group with low cone shaped cups that first appeared in the Moscow Basin and then spread to the Midcontinent of North America. In one specimen of C. gerassimovi the smallest infrabasal plate is situated in the A ray, which is not typical for flexible crinoids. A poorly preserved crown of Cibolocrinus sp. from the Upper Carboniferous (Gzhelian Stage) of the Darvaz Ridge (western Pamir, central Tajikistan) is also described. The described specimens of Cibolocrinus from the Moscow Region and the Darvaz Ridge are the first reliable specimens of this genus described from Europe and Asia.  相似文献   

The Ordovician to Devonian family Petalocrinidae includes 28 species belonging to 5 genera. This family is unique because the arm plates are fused into a large fan or cylinder. Paleobiogeographic occurrences of this family include Laurentia, Baltica, Avalonia, South China, Sibumasu, and Perunica blocks. The family has the oldest petalocrinids from China. An early radiation of this clade resulted in three genera during the Llandovery of China. Petalocrinus became cosmopolitan during the Llandovery and Wenlock, and the youngest genus is present in the Lower Devonian of the Czech Republic. Taxonomic determination for the Petalocrinidae is based on the fused arm plates instead of cup plates. The diverse morphology of these arm plates suggests a variety of aerosol suspension-feeding modes may have been used by petalocrinids.  相似文献   

Several tiny crinoids with crowns as small as 1 mm, or less, in width are newly recognized from the Hunsrück Slate of southwestern Germany. The presence of erect arms above an amorphous calyx in some specimens can be inferred. Based on comparison with the size and gross morphology of developmental stages in living crinoids, these tiny Hunsrück crinoids are judged to be at an early postlarval stage that is analogous to the pentacrinoid stage just after development from the stalked, but armless, smaller cystidean larval stage found in both living comatulids and isocrinids. Some of these tiny crinoids have a stalk up to 4 mm long attached to a now pyritized former substrate. Their clustered occurrence suggests gregarious settlement of larvae. Taxonomic identification of these presumed pentacrinoids is not possible, even to the sub‐class level, although they are preserved with larger juveniles of the cladids Propoteriocrinus and Lasiocrinus. These larger juveniles exhibit 3‐D pyritized calcite plates, whereas the probable pentacrinoids appear to be preserved as flattened, micro‐crystalline pyritized dermal tissues that enclosed lightly calcified, porous ossicles. The pentacrinoids were likely buried within weeks or months of hatching, based on developmental stages in similar‐sized living crinoids. These tiny crinoids, presumably pentacrinoids, are a further example of the extraordinarily detailed preservation of delicate tissues in pyrite from the Hunsrück Slate. They are most likely the pentacrinoid stage from one or more of the crinoid taxa (30 genera) present in the Hunsrück Slate. Assuming these are not microcrinoids, they are the first report of pentacrinoids from the fossil record and document that a Palaeozoic sister group to modern crinoids had similar developmental stages.  相似文献   

Abstract: The described fauna of well‐preserved Llandovery (Telychian) echinoderms from the North Esk Inlier, including six crinoids, one echinoid and seven starfish species, is mainly allochthonous. Most of these taxa are known only from starfish beds, channel fill deposits probably representing submarine mass flows and preserving a biota probably derived from elsewhere, presumably shallower water. Only one crinoid species, Pisocrinus cf. campana Miller, is recognized as a common fossil away from the starfish beds and is a biostratigraphic marker for the base of the Wether Law Linn Formation, forming part of the SkenidioidesCyrtia Association. Crinoid columnals preserved perpendicular to bedding (that is, in putative life position) in Lamont’s bivalve bed, Deerhope Formation, are tentatively interpreted as being in situ by comparison with a similar occurrence in the Silurian of Arisaig, Nova Scotia. Two new species of crinoid are described, the cladid Dendrocrinus? sp. and the columnal morphospecies Pentagonocyclicus (col.) lamonti sp. nov.  相似文献   

Detailed examination of isolated thecal plates belonging to three discocystinid edrioasteroids, Spiraclavus nacoensis Sumrall, Hypsiclavus kinsleyi Sumrall, and Giganticlavus bennisoni Sumrall and Bowsher, reveals striking similarity in morphology among these species. Stereom observed in the ambulacral floor plates indicates that ligamentous connective tissue opened the ambulacral cover plates and muscle tissue closed them. The ambulacral floor plates are interpreted as rigid supports for the oral surface with the interambulacral areas acting as flexible integuments of plates. The aboral surface is interpreted as flexible and highly contractile. All discocystinid thecal openings are consistent in morphology with adaptations for thecal pressurization. Extension and contraction of the theca was accomplished by pumping water in and out of an inflatable sac associated with the periproctial opening. The pedunculate zone is interpreted as passively expanding and contracting by relaxing of mutable collagenous tissue and stiffening when the theca was in the desired position. All of these features illustrate that discocystinid edrioasteroids have highly–evolved morphology and function.  相似文献   

J. M. Bohn    T. Heinzeller 《Acta zoologica》1999,80(3):241-249
Bohn, J. M. & Heinzeller, T. 1999. Morphology of the bourgueticrinid and isocrinid aboral nervous system and its possible phylogenetic implications (Echinodermata, Crinoidea). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 80: 241-249.
On the basis of semithin serial sections the aboral nervous system within the calyx of five bourgueticrinid and one isocrinid species was reconstructed using the computer programm NIH Image. The aboral nervous system of all bourgueticrinids belongs to a common type which is proposed to be called ' Bathycrinus -type' (B-type), that differs from the ' Isocrinus -type' (I-type). The morphology of the B-type and the I-type are described and differences are discussed. Together with the B-type there are now six aboral nervous system types well established and the consequences regarding phylogeny are discussed. Conclusions: 1) The morphology of the aboral nervous system may be a useful tool for the clarification of relationships between crinoid groups; 2) All known aboral nervous system types can be derived from the I-type, which seems to be the most primitive one; 3) The B-type aboral nervous system is probably a synapomorphic feature charac-terizing a monophyletic group within the Bourgueticrinida.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(2):109-118
Cyrtocrinids (Cyrtocrinida) are fully sessile post-Palaeozoic crinoids (Crinoidea) of unusual morphology exhibiting complex diversity dynamics and evolutionary history. To date, however, no study has ever examined the macro-evolutionary patterns of body-size trends in these crinoids. A compilation of a body-size dataset for cyrtocrinid genera revealed a trend of increasing size throughout their evolutionary history. A maximum-likelihood approach showed that the observed trend is best characterized by a general random walk. Recorded body-size pattern is thus consistent with the Cope-Depéret's rule implying the existence of active, directional selective pressures towards larger body-sizes. The case provides a rare example of directional body-size trend in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Aquatic vertebrates are reported from several facies of the Late Mississippian (Chesterian/Elviran/Serpukhovian) Buffalo Wallow Formation in western Kentucky, USA. Rhizodont bones and the partially articulated skeleton of a large anthracosaur (proterogyrinid) were found in rocks interpreted as a fluvial‐estuarine palaeochannel. Smaller, disarticulated tetrapod remains (anthracosaurs, whatcheeriids) were found in a weathered siltstone in an apparent channel margin‐sand flat facies. A putative oxbow‐abandoned channel facies contains skeletal elements of rhizodonts (cf. Rhizodus), colosteiids, Gyracanthus, Ageleodus, Cynopodius, xenacanthoids and palaeonisiciforms. Near the top of the channel fill, lungfish (cf. Tranodis) are found in carbonate‐rich nodules, which appear to be aestivation burrows. A presumed lacustrine facies contained a near‐complete colosteid. Thinning section, palaeosols, pedogenically‐altered carbonates and missing strata suggest tectonic and climatic overprints upon these depositional sequences. Multiple, incised channels in a low‐accommodation setting are interpreted to have provided local faunal traps for aquatic vertebrates. Late Mississippian palaeoclimate changes may have caused water table fluctuations, which might have aided in trapping and preserving aquatic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The camerate crinoids Hexacrinites hieroglyphicus (Goldfuss, 1839) and H. marginatus (Schultze, 1866) are valid species known from the Lower Givetian of the synclines of Gerolstein and Hillesheim, Eifel Hills (westernmost Germany). As shown by the refigured holotypes and new material, they are mostly separated by the expressed ornamentation of radials and basals. The radials of H. hieroglyphicus are characterized by prominent, variously formed bulges, stretching preferably in a radiate pattern across most of the plates. They do not reach the low plate boundaries. Vice versa, H. marginatus shows expressed depressions in the central part of the plates, but raised plate margins. The first known crowns of H. marginatus are described; one of them is proposed as neotype for the lost original.  相似文献   

In 1930W.E. Schmidt described all known crinoids from the German Early Carboniferous, including the Etroeungt beds of Germany, which are now judged to be latest Devonian (Famennian) in age. On a global basis, Famennian camerate crinoids generally show a closer relationship to succeeding Early Carboniferous faunas than they do to older Frasnian or Middle Devonian crinoids, which also is the case for the Strunian fauna. Holdovers from older Devonian faunas include, among others,Adelocrinus, a descendant of olderArthroacantha, in England and Germany, andPetaloblastus, which is one of the youngest genera of the blastoid family Hyperoblastidae. Precursors of younger Early Carboniferous groups include platycrinoids, primitive actinocrinoids, dichocrinoids, and the blastoid genusDoryblastus, which is one of the oldest members of the family Orbitremitidae. All of these groups, which became important parts of the Early Carboniferous crinoid and blastoid radiation, give Famennian crinoid faunas much more of an Early Carboniferous than a Devonian aspect. Rhipidocrinus schmidti n. sp. is erected for specimens that originally were reported from the Etroeungt asRhodocrinus uniarticulatus. We judge that there are currently four valid species assigned toRhipidocrinus: R. crenatus, R. perloricatus, R. praecursor, and our new species,R. schmidti. Hydriocrinus ratingensis Schmidt is reassigned to ?Sostronocrinus. We note thatSchmidt (1906), notJaekel (1906) as has been reported previously, is the author ofRhipidocrinus perloricatus. Owing to the poor preservation of the Etroeungt material, we regard the namePlatycrinites wunstorfi Schmidt 1930 to be a nomen nudum.  相似文献   

The study of biodiversity started as a single unified field that spanned both ecology and evolution and both macro and micro phenomena. But over the 20th century, major trends drove ecology and evolution apart and pushed an emphasis towards the micro perspective in both disciplines. Macroecology and macroevolution re‐emerged as self‐consciously distinct fields in the 1970s and 1980s, but they remain largely separated from each other. Here, we argue that despite the challenges, it is worth working to combine macroecology and macroevolution. We present 25 fundamental questions about biodiversity that are answerable only with a mixture of the views and tools of both macroecology and macroevolution.  相似文献   

Maimonachaetetes hispanica nov. gen., nov. sp. is described as a primitive red alga due to the presence of a coaxial dimerous thallus composed of tiny cellular structures with occasional cell fusion. It is recorded from Asbian (Mississippian) strata at Los Santos de Maimona Basin (south-western Spain). The species shows many characters in common with the Paleozoic Archaeolithophyllum and the solenoporaceans, but also with modern Corallinales.  相似文献   

The early history on the discovery of the first Chinese crinoid calyx of “Cupressocrinus abbreviatus” (now Halocrinites schlotheimii Steininger, 1831) remains unclear. The first record of “C. abbreviatus” was reported by Fritz Frech in 1911. It was included in the fifth and the last volume of the series titled China by the German traveler and explorer Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen. The cover page, title page, and prologue are informative; thus, they are explained and translated in detail. Richthofen's specimen is still the oldest documented cupressocrinitid calyx known in China today. Discovery of a second cupressocrinitid specimen confirms the existence of this family in China. Current taxonomic positions of the Chinese specimens are discussed.  相似文献   

The Exiguobacterium genus: biodiversity and biogeography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria of the genus Exiguobacterium are low G + C, Gram-positive facultative anaerobes that have been repeatedly isolated from ancient Siberian permafrost. In addition, Exiguobacterium spp. have been isolated from markedly diverse sources, including Greenland glacial ice, hot springs at Yellowstone National Park, the rhizosphere of plants, and the environment of food processing plants. Strains of this hereto little known bacterium that have been retrieved from such different (and often extreme) environments are worthy of attention as they are likely to be specifically adapted to such environments and to carry variations in the genome which may correspond to psychrophilic and thermophilic adaptations. However, comparative genomic investigations of Exiguobacterium spp. from different sources have been limited. In this study, we employed different molecular approaches for the comparative analysis of 24 isolates from markedly diverse environments including ancient Siberian permafrost and hot springs at Yellowstone National Park. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with I-CeuI (an intron-encoded endonuclease), AscI and NotI were optimized for the determination of genomic fingerprints of nuclease-producing isolates. The application of a DNA macroarray for 82 putative stress-response genes yielded strain-specific hybridization profiles. Cluster analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, PFGE I-CeuI restriction patterns and hybridization profiles suggested that Exiguobacterium strains formed two distinct divisions that generally agreed with temperature ranges for growth. With few exceptions (e.g., Greenland ice isolate GIC31), psychrotrophic and thermophilic isolates belonged to different divisions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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