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Age and size at sexual maturity was determined for 185 male and 96 female smooth skates Malacoraja senta (ranging in size from 370 to 680 mm total length LT), collected from the western Gulf of Maine. Maturity ogives for males, based on clasper length, testis mass and the proportion of mature spermatocysts in the testes, suggest that 50% maturity occurs between 9 and 10 years and 560 mm LT. Maturity ogives for females, based on ovary mass, shell‐gland mass and maximum follicle size, suggest that 50% maturity occurs at age 9 years and 540 mm LT.  相似文献   

In 2014, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) was unexpectedly unable to provide an analytical assessment of eastern Baltic cod stock; factors such as data issues, assessment methodology, and the ecological situation of cod were indicated as the reasons for this failure. Some evidence suggests that the natural mortality (M) of cod could increase substantially in forthcoming years and that the selectivity could change. In this paper, age‐structured and stock‐production assessment models were applied to simulate the dynamics of cod stock; in the models, both constant and increasing natural mortalities were permitted. In the age‐structured model, the effects of selectivity related to the cod size on the cod assessment were also analysed. In addition, stock with characteristics similar to Baltic cod stock and increasing natural mortality was generated and assessed with the age‐structured model using both constant and increasing M. It was shown that models with increasing natural mortality of cod in recent years perform much better than models with constant natural mortality in terms of the distribution of residuals and retrospective patterns. The models with size‐dependent selectivity did not perform better than other standard assessments. The assessment of generated stock (where natural mortality was increasing) with constant natural mortality in the assessment model showed a poor distribution of residuals and strong retrospective patterns, similar to the ICES assessment with constant M. The conducted simulations strongly suggest that the main reason for the poor recent cod assessment is the increase in natural mortality, which is not considered in the assessment methodology.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal maturity development of cod in four areas of the Baltic Sea. Two different spawning peaks were identified and found to be consistent over the period 1992–2005. In the Kiel Bight and Mecklenburg Bight (ICES SD 22) a spawning peak was observed from March to April (spring spawning). In the areas of the Arkona Sea (ICES SD 24) and Bornholm Sea (ICES SD 25) the spawning peak occurred during summer. In the Bornholm Sea, the main spawning activities began in June and ended in September, with a spawning peak in June–August (summer spawning). In the Arkona Sea, which is a transition area between the Mecklenburg Bight and the central Baltic Sea, spawning began in March and lasted until July, with a spawning peak in June–July (summer spawning). Seasonal maturity development and proportions of spawning cod in June in the Arkona Sea were similar to that of the Bornholm Sea. In addition, the proportion of spawning cod in the Arkona Sea was positively correlated with the size of the spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea. Our results provide evidence of a spatial expansion of spawning activities of the summer spawning stock from the eastern Baltic Sea into the Arkona Sea. Therefore, the Arkona Sea should be considered as one of the spawning habitats of the summer spawning stock of Baltic cod.  相似文献   

Two cod stocks (western Baltic cod, WBC, and eastern Baltic cod, EBC) are managed in the Baltic Sea which is characterized by different main spawning areas and different main spawning periods. In this study we analyse the spatial and temporal occurrence of spawning individuals of both cod stocks in the main spawning grounds of the Baltic Sea based on eight microsatellite loci. Our results suggest that EBC (Gadus morhua callarias) has formed currently temporally stable, substantially homogeneous population not only in the Bornholm Sea (ICES SD: 25) but also in the Arkona Sea (ICES SD: 24). The presented analyses proved that EBC (G. m. callarias) can temporarily also spawn in the Belt Sea.  相似文献   

Size and age estimates at sexual maturity were determined for 162 male and 273 female little skates Leucoraja erinacea collected from the western Gulf of Maine. Maturity ogives suggest that 50% maturity in females occurs at age 9·5 years and 480 mm total length (LT), whereas 50% maturity in males occurs at a slightly younger age of 7·7 years and smaller size of 460 mm LT. Age estimates were made from 389 L. erinacea ranging in size from 93 to 570 mm LT. The index of average per cent error and age‐bias plots indicated that the ageing methods were precise and non‐biased. Additionally, annual periodicity of band formation was validated with oxytetracycline in eight individuals (three males and five females) ranging in age from 3 to 12 years. In conclusion, results from this study indicate that L. erinacea exhibits characteristics that make other elasmobranch populations highly susceptible to overexploitation.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus, had not been described for the Canary Islands. Between March 2005 and March 2006 monthly samples of T. picturatus were collected randomly at the central fishery wharf from the commercial catches of purse‐seiners in Tenerife Island waters (Canary Islands). Some 2472 specimens were analysed, with total lengths from 10.4 to 31.9 cm. Although females outnumbered males in summer, males were more abundant in the sex ratio (1.36 : 1). Based on the monthly evolution of the gonado‐somatic index and the proportion of mature individuals, the spawning season occurred between January and April, peaking in February. Lengths at first maturity (LFM) were calculated from the maturity ogives by the Gompertz model for all specimens (22.79 cm), for males (21.20 cm) and for females (23.05 cm). In this area the minimum legal size for T. picturatus is actually smaller than the length at first maturity and should be revised to avoid depletion of the stock.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Caranx rhonchus (Geoffroy Saint‐Hilaire, 1817) (Pisces, Carangidae) was studied in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea) from June 2004 to May 2006. Of 1313 individuals examined, 668 were females (50.9%) and 645 were males (49.1%). The overall sex ratio did not deviate significantly in favour of females (♀ : ♂ = 1.04 : 1). Monthly changes in the Gonado–Somatic Index (GSI) showed a rapid increase from May to June and an extended very high level from June to September (4.43–3.47% for females and 3.35–2.61% for males), before declining sharply in October (down to 2.02% for females and 0.57% for males). The gametogenesis activity began with a pre‐maturation phase from March to May, followed by a ripe‐spawning phase from June to September. From the last days of July to the end of October, the gonads were in the spent and post‐spawning stages. From November to early May, gonads were in the resting stages. The size at which 50% of the population reached sexual maturity was not significantly different between males and females :  males attained sexual maturity at fork length FL50 = 161.20 ± 0.37 mm (n = 262), whereas females attained maturity at FL50 = 160.70 ± 0.23 mm (n = 296). The age of maturity for both sexes occurred at 2.1 years.  相似文献   

To determine the selectivity of gillnets in the Chilean artisanal fishery for the Chilean hake Merluccius gayi gayi, an experimental net was used with three mesh sizes (5.2, 6.8 and 7.6 cm). A total of 2279 specimens of Chilean hake were caught (24–56 cm total length, TL), mainly via gilling and snagging. The catch proportion below the size of sexual maturity SSM50% (37 cm TL) for each mesh size tested was estimated. Models were fitted separately according to the sex to compensate for differences in size compositions, with the males fitted to a binormal model and females fitted to the normal location model. Analysing both sexes combined, the model with the lowest deviance was lognormal, with estimated modal lengths of 30.9, 40.2 and 43.9 cm TL for meshes of 5.2, 6.8 and 7.6 cm, respectively. The estimated selectivity factor (SF) indicates that the modal size matches the SSM50% with a mesh size of 6.2 cm, while the length of retention of 50% (l50) coincides with the SSM50% with a mesh size of 7.6 cm.  相似文献   

The dusky flathead (Platycephalus fuscus) is an important teleost harvested by recreational and commercial fishers throughout its endemic distribution along eastern Australia. This study indicates that the species has an extended spawning period throughout the austral summer, with females in spawning condition occurring in lower estuarine and coastal waters. Total length (L50) and age (A50) at which 50% (±1 SE) of the population was mature was 31.72 (±1.08) cm TL and 1.22 (±0.44) years for males and 56.75 (±0.60) cm TL and 4.55 (±0.13) years for females. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters differed significantly between sexes; females grew faster and attained a greater maximum TL and age than males. The largest female was 98.5 cm TL (7.5 kg), and the oldest 16 years, whereas the largest male was 61.5 cm TL (1.58 kg) and 11 years of age. A tag‐and‐release study identified the exchange of sub‐adult and mature‐sized individuals among estuaries. Determinations of length‐based management regulations for the species are compounded by the large gender‐based differences in growth and length‐at‐maturity. Current minimum legal lengths of 30–40 cm TL protect approximately 3–9% of the female spawning population. Alternative management options, including harvest slot sizes, need to be investigated and tested.  相似文献   

This study describes the reproductive strategy of the sharpbelly Hemiculter leucisculus, an invasive and dominant species in Erhai Lake in China with the goal of understanding how reproductive strategy contributes to its environmental adaptability and invasive potential. Specimens (n = 3583) were collected monthly or bimonthly from July 2009 to June 2011 (min: 114‐Feb, max: 883‐Aug), using gill nets (inner/outer mesh = 30/110 mm, stretched mesh). Gonads were removed, weighed and preserved for further (histological) analyses. Oocyte size‐frequency distribution was continuous and had advanced vitellogenic oocytes with postovulatory follicles present in spawning females, both suggesting that sharpbelly is a multiple spawner with adhesive eggs. Spawning extended from April to September, with the peak period from May to August. Standard lengths (SL, cm) at minimal observed maturity/L50/L99.9 values were 4.6/5.6/10.5 for females and 5.1/5.5/7.5 cm for males, respectively. Females were over‐represented (P < 0.01) in SL‐classes over 9 cm and males completely absent from the 13 to 19 cm SL‐classes. Overall sex ratio was highly significantly (P < 0.01) biased towards females (♀ = 1518, ♂ = 685, ♀/♂  = 2.21), however this was reversed in the spawning stock (8.3–16 cm, ♀ = 58, ♂ = 142, ♂/♀  = 2.45, P < 0.01). Batch spawning, a long spawning period, high male investment in reproduction and adhesive eggs all represent local adaptations in reproductive strategy that, along with other environmental factors, contribute to the invasion success of sharpbelly in Erhai.  相似文献   

The tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the northeast Atlantic with recommendations made to monitor landings and discards and to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes, however, data are lacking for the species in the northeast Atlantic. Therefore, aims of this study were to provide data on the size/age‐structure and patterns of growth, maturity and mortality of C. lucerna in Northwest Wales, UK, and in doing so to provide data on the biological characteristics of the most northerly population studied to date for comparison with the existing data for southerly Mediterranean populations. Data on the age, growth and maturity of C. lucerna were collected by otter trawling (73 mm cod‐end stretched mesh size) in the coastal waters of Northwest Wales, UK in October (2000–2011, excluding 2006). Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 10.5–41.0 cm (males) and 10.4–57.5 cm (females). The majority of the female fish were between 20–30 cm TL (60.2%) and the majority of the male fish between 20–30 cm TL (58.3%) respectively. TL/weight (W) relations for male and female fish were similar and the combined data was described by W = 0.0067 TL3.10. Age of fish ranged between 1–7 years old for female fish and 1–5 years old for male fish respectively with the majority of female fish 3 years old (40%) and the majority of male fish 3 years old (37%). The age structures of female and male tub gurnards were not significantly different with the older age classes consisting predominantly of female fish. Both males and females exhibited similar asymptotic growth patterns and the combined von Bertalanffy growth function was TLt = 51.6 (1 ? e [?0.25(t + 0.41)]). Instantaneous rates of total mortality were calculated as 1.04 year?1 for males and 1.11 year?1 for females. The size (L50) and age at first maturity (A50) were estimated to be 29.1 cm TL and 2.8 years for males, 27.7 cm TL and 2.7 years for females and 28.0 cm TL and 2.8 years for both sexes combined. The results of this study provide the first information on the biology and population dynamics of C. lucerna in the Irish Sea, the first data collected in the northeast Atlantic since 1985 and the most northerly population studied to date.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, herring stocks are surveyed and managed according to a spatial allocation based on ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) subdivisions. In the western Baltic, the distribution areas of two stocks overlap: the Western Baltic Spring Spawning Herring (WBSSH) and the Central Baltic Herring (CBH). Survey results of length‐at‐age data indicate in Subdivision (SD) 24, which is a part of the WBSSH management area, that a considerable fraction of CBH is present and correspondingly erroneously allocated to WBSSH stock indices. Accordingly, a stock Separation Function (SF) based on growth parameters was established to identify the fraction of CBH in the WBSSH area. In the present study, the SF was applied to 8 years of data from the GERman Acoustic Survey (GERAS), which is conducted annually in autumn in ICES subdivisions 21‐24. Results showed a distinct fraction of CBH in SD 24, and exclusion of the CBH greatly improved the quality of the GERAS index used in the assessment of the WBSSH stock.  相似文献   

Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt & Ratzeburg, 1833) is one of the major commercial sturgeon species, but there is no adequate information and previous‐published about population dynamics and stock assessment of this species in the southern Caspian Sea. This paper examines the age structure, growth parameters, maturity, age at first capture, optimum length, natural and fishing mortality and amount of biomass in the southern Caspian Sea (Iranian waters), during a two decades time series period from 1990–1991 to 2008–2009. For a pooled data, the growth parameters were estimated as L = 214.0 cm, = 0.054, t0 = ?4.5 year. Size at fifty percent sexual maturity was at FL = 118 cm for females and 113 cm for males. The age at first capture (tc) estimated to be 12.1 years. In the catch composition, bulk of the catch (75%) belonged to 13–17 years old. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) was estimated as 0.120 year?1 and the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality (F) varied during the 19‐year period between 0.130 to 0.505 year?1. The biomass showed a descending trend from 1,941.2 mt in 1990–1991 collapsed to about 55 mt in 2004–2005, and then decreased to the lowest level and represented 18.5 mt in 2008–2009. The result revealed that, the stock of Russian sturgeon is being over‐fished. We concluded that to manage the sturgeons stocks, a coordinated regional and international effort are needed to provide immediate implementation of stock enhancement and management in the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationships, spawning season, sex ratio, size at first maturity and fecundity of Botia dario (Hamilton, 1822), also known as the Bengal loach, were analyzed based on 556 specimens collected from the wetlands of Majuli Island, Assam between June 2012 and May 2013. The sex ratio (M : F) was 1 : 0.68, differing significantly (P < 0.05) from a 1 : 1 ratio. Size at first maturity (Lm50) was estimated as 6.8 cm for males and 7.4 cm for females. Analysis of monthly variations in the gonado‐somatic index (GSI), the monthly proportions of macroscopic gonadal maturity, and the ova diameter suggest a prolonged spawning season of B. dario from May to August, with a peak in July for both males and females (GSI = 15.0 in females; 7.0 in males). Absolute fecundity varied from 2523 to 51 377, with a mean of 18 367 ± 1254 oocytes per ovary. A positive correlation was recorded between total fecundity and body weight (r2 = 0.678).  相似文献   

The ovaries of 501 female eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus, 1758) captured in the Mediterranean Sea from May to September between 1998 and 2004 were analysed histologically. Body size at median sexual maturity (L50) was 103.6 cm fork length (FL), while 100% maturity was reached above 135 cm FL. The age analysis, based on the count of the translucent zones of the first spiniform ray of the first dorsal fin, showed that most of the specimens with FL = L50 were 3 years old while 100% maturity was reached between 4 to 5 years. The reported evidence indicates that for the eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna stock, the size and age of first sexual maturity of females was lower than in the western Atlantic stock.  相似文献   

From June 2004 to May 2006, the reproductive biology of the blue runner Caranx crysos was studied in the Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia). Of 1668 individuals examined, 777 were females (46.6%) and 891 were males (53.4%). The sex ratio significantly deviated in favour of males (♀:♂ = 0.87 : 1). The difference in the numbers of females and males was significant among size‐classes. However, there was no significant difference between sexes over months and seasons. Monthly changes in the Gonado‐Somatic Index (GSI) showed a rapid increase during summer to very high levels in July (3.51% for males and 2.55% for females) and August (3.47% for males and 2.59% for females) before declining sharply in September (0.58% for females and 0.38% for males). The gametogenesis activity began with a pre‐maturation phase, from 20 May to the first 10 days of July, followed by a pre‐spawning phase, from 20 July to 20 August. From the last 10 days of August to 20 September the gonads were in the ripe and spawning stages. From the end of September to early May, gonads were in the post‐spawning and resting stages. The size at which 50% of the population reached sexual maturity was significantly different in males and females: males attained sexual maturity at fork length FL50 = 210.20, whereas females attained maturity at FL50 = 222.3 mm. Age at maturity was 2.4 years for males and 2.8 years for females.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis of Baltic Sea cod from the Bornholm Sea (ICES‐SD 25) and western Baltic (Belt Sea, ICES‐SD 22) revealed significant differences in the δ15N and δ13C values of the dorsal muscle, as well as in the δ18O values of otoliths. The method pledges to become especially appropriate to the Baltic due to the high variability in oxygen isotope ratios associated with its estuarine nature.  相似文献   

Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) and Kamchatka flounder (A. evermanni), major piscivorous predators in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, are morphologically similar. Consequently the two species have been managed together as a species complex using the length‐ and age‐at‐maturity derived from Gulf of Alaska arrowtooth flounder, which had been the only available maturity estimates. However, there could be serious management consequences if the two species matured at significantly different ages and fork lengths. Therefore, this study was conducted during 2007 and 2008 to determine if there were significant differences in maturation between the two species. Significant differences in size and age of female maturation and growth were found. The age and length of 50% maturity (A50,L50, respectively) for arrowtooth flounder females is 7.6 years of age and 480 mm in body length. In comparison, A50,L50 of Kamchatka flounder females is 10.1 years of age and 550 mm, meaning that Kamchatka flounder has a significantly lower reproductive potential than arrowtooth flounder. The large difference in reproductive potential indicates that managing the two species together as a species complex using the reproductive characteristics of arrowtooth flounder, was not conservative for Kamchatka flounder. This study also determined that arrowtooth flounder maturation was consistent between the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea populations.  相似文献   

This study examines the length‐weight (L‐W) and length‐length (L‐L) relationships, gonadosomatic indices, and size at sexual maturity for individuals of the endemic Mexican mojarra, Eugerres mexicanus (Steindachner, 1863) from the Usumacinta River Basin, Tabasco, Mexico. From April 2008 to January 2010, 360 specimens were examined, including 151 (41.9%) male, 179 (49.7%) female and 30 unsexed (8.3%) individuals. Overall female:male ratio was 1.2 : 1. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) values indicate increased reproductive activity during February, with significant differences between males (GSI = 2.07) and females (GSI = 5.48). The mean size at first maturity (L50) was 17.3 cm TL for males and 20.5 cm TL for females.  相似文献   

The grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus (L.) has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the NE Atlantic with recommendations made to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes. However, data on the population biology of this species is limited. In this study, data on the age, growth and maturity of grey gurnard were collected by otter trawling in the coastal waters of northwest Wales and Eastern Anglesey. Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 2.1–33.0 cm (male) and 1.9–36.9 cm (female) with the majority of female (70.8%) fish between 11 and 20 cm TL and male fish (70.5%) between 11 and 18 cm TL. The percentage of fish >20 cm TL was larger for females (30.4%) compared to males (17.6%). Total weight (TW) for female and male grey gurnard in the stratified subsample ranged from 1.9 to 499.9 g for females and 2.1–390.0 g for males, with the majority of female (66.3%) and male (76.1%) fish between 10 and 60 g. TL/TW relations for male and female fish and both sexes combined were: TW = 0.006TL3.07, TW = 0.007TL3.03 and TW = 0.007TL3.05 respectively. Age structure (based on otolith reading) ranged between 0.5 and 7.5 years old for females and 0.5 to 5.5 years old for male with the majority of female (41.7%) and male (46.0%) fish aged as 1.5 years old. The age structure of female and male grey gurnards was significantly different with the majority of older fish (>2.5 years) being female. The von Bertalanffy growth functions were calculated as Lt = 32.4[1 ? e?0.24(t + 1.41)] for males, Lt = 45.9[1 ? e?0.16(t + 1.37)] for females and Lt = 44.0[1 ? e?0.18(t + 1.20)] for both sexes combined. Instantaneous rates of total mortality were similar for males and females and the combined Z value 1.00 year?1 with the natural mortality rate estimated as 0.33 year?1. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated to be 25.3 cm TL for males, females and for both sexes combined. Age at 50% maturity (A50) was 3.2 years for both males and females. The results of this study provide the first information on the population biology of E. gurnardus in the Irish Sea, the first detailed study in the NE Atlantic since 1985 and helps to address the data gap identified by ICES in knowledge of the population biology of this species.  相似文献   

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