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Food intake, growth and food conversion of young, O-group herring were studied at two temperatures and feeding regimes over a period of 19 weeks. The food intake of fish fed to satiation twice daily showed considerable variation. Food intake per fish at 14.5° C was about three times that at 6.5° C, and was generally much higher than in most other species of fish studied. The mean increase in wet weight over the 19-week period was 0.581 g/week at 14.5° C and 0.236 g/week at 6.5° C in fish fed to satiation and 0.094 g/week at 6.2° C and a ration of 1.3% of the body weight. Growth depensation was found to occur even in fish fed to satiation. The changes in specific growth rate, that is the percentage increase in weight/day, showed similar trends at different temperatures and food regimes. The mean conversion efficiency of fish on a ration of 1.3% at 6.2° C was higher than that of fish fed until satiation, at 14.5 and 6.5° C. The conversion efficiency of fish fed to satiation at 14.5° C showed a distinct decrease with increasing weight while at 6.5° C such a clear trend was not observed. In general, the conversion efficiency of young herring were found to be much lower than that of most other species studied. The weight exponent of the quantitative relationship between food intake and body weight at 14.5° C was 0.744. The total metabolic expenditure at 14.5° C, calculated using Winberg's (1956) 'utilization coefficient, gave a weight exponent of 0.773.  相似文献   

Predation encounters were staged in the laboratory between yearling herring, Clupea harengus L., 66 to 104 mm t.l. , and herring larvae, 8 to 30 mm t.l. ., at 8,11 and 14 o C. Video records were used to quantify prey behaviour. Prey responsiveness, reactive distance, response latency, and apparent looming threshold were not affected by temperature. Response speeds increased with temperature. Predator error rate and capture success showed no consistent thermal effects. Although the experiments could not fully evaluate the influence of temperature on the predators, results suggest that the predator's performance largely governs the outcome of an attack on a larva and that higher temperatures favour the predator by increasing the frequency of its encounter with prey.  相似文献   

During the last decade, genetic studies have been carried out on samples of Atlantic herring, CIupea harengus L., from the Baltic, North Sea, British Isles, Norwegian sea-waters and in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Based on direct comparisons of samples drawn from several areas, the available information on allozyme variation was compiled into a comparable data set and analysed for population structure and genetic distance. The results are discussed in relation to the present stock model for herring.  相似文献   

Energy content of Clyde spring-spawning herring, Clupea harengus L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Sustained swimming performance of juvenile sprat, S. sprattus (29–48 mm s.l.), and herring, C. harengus (46–58 mm) was measured in a laboratory flume over a range of salinities from 18 to 33%0 at water temperatures of 16–19°C. Critical swimming speeds (CSS) of both species, relative to body length, were similar, averaging 10–12 body lengths per second (bl s−1). There was no apparent relationship with salinity.
These swimming speeds are higher than values generally quoted in the literature for sustained swimming of sprat and herring (2–7 bl s−1) and it is concluded that the better performance found in this study was a function of improved fish handling techniques, and of the size of fish used since most other studies have dealt with larger, commercial sized fish.  相似文献   

Interannual variation in Fulton's condition factor ( K ), total body-fat content and growth rate were investigated for the Icelandic summer-spawning herring Clupea harengus over the period from 1963 to 1999. The results show a close relationship between K and the body-fat content in the autumn, both of which correlated to the growth rate in the same calendar year. A relationship was also found between K during the prespawning season (February to June) and K in the autumn (September to December) in the same year. The different measures of body condition were not found to be related to sea temperature or zooplankton indices, while the spawning stock biomass had negative effects on the fish condition. The results imply that the body condition in the autumn is representative of the feeding success over the whole foregoing year and is therefore related to the growth rate that year. The growth rate appears to be relatively uniform throughout the year.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 5762 herring caught during North Sea trawl surveys in February 1983, February 1984 and February, May and August 1986 were analysed. The principal prey organisms were the copepods Calanus finmarchicus and Temora longicaudata , but Euphausiacea and the post-larval stages of Ammodytes spp. and clupeoids contributed a large percentage of the weight. Fish eggs were eaten, chiefly those of plaice, Pleuronectes platessa , but not in large numbers.  相似文献   

Net food conversion efficiency κ was estimated from growth experiments on saithe Pollachius virens and whiting Merlangius merlangus that were fed natural prey at a range of ration levels including satiation rations. The conversion efficiency, which specifies the net energy fraction of ingested energy C , was described appropriately by a simple power function of food consumption rate as κ  = 0·272 C 0·18 and κ  = 0·426 C 0·11 for saithe and whiting. This functional relationship was supported by the patterns of accretion of lipids and proteins in saithe. No significant effects of temperature and body size on κ was, however, demonstrated in this study except for the indirect influence using feeding levels (rations expressed relatively to satiation rations) in bioenergetics models.  相似文献   

Analysis of laboratory video-recordings of herring feeding by biting and filtering on Calanus finmarchicus and three sizes of Artemia enabled the capture rates of the two methods to be estimated at different prey concentrations. At low concentrations the fish feed by selective capture of individual particles, but the capture rate achievable by this method is constrained by the maximum rate at which they can bite. Filter-feeding is not subject to this constraint because capture rate is directly proportional to prey concentration and above a critical prey concentration its capture rate exceeds that of biting. The possession of two feeding methods allows the fish to maximize prey intake over a wide range of concentrations and the phenomenon of switching between feeding methods can be explained by their relative profitabilities at different concentrations. The observation that less than 50% of fish are filtering when capture rates by the two methods are equal suggests that filtering is energetically more costly than biting. Estimates of the energy cost of filtering indicated that it may be from 1.4 to 4.6 times higher than that of biting.  相似文献   

Growth performance of a high latitude (Norway) population of juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus , was superior to that of two other lower latitude populations (Scotland, France) especially at 18° and 22° C. Overall these results lend some support to the hypothesis of countergradient variation in growth. The Norwegian population had the highest estimated temperature optimum for growth ( T opt.G, ±S.E.) (23·0±0·9°C) and food conversion efficiency ( T opt.Ec) (17·5±0·3), followed by the French ( T opt.G 21·1±1·0; T opt.Ec, 16·7±0·1) population, whereas the Scottish population had the lowest optimum ( T opt.G, 19·6±0·6; T opt Ec, 16·5±0·1°C). These results have two major implications: firstly, for turbot culture, particularly in selection work focusing on growth performance; secondly, if countergradient variation in growth performance takes place within a species one cannot assume automatically that one set of physiological parameters, in this case growth-related parameters, is satisfactory to predict growth for a species throughout its range as different populations might show a difference in response towards different physiological parameters.  相似文献   

Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed on seven anatomical characters of Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus , sampled from seven discrete spawning grounds to the west of the British Isles and from spawning sites in the Baltic and Thames Estuary. Analysis of mean similarities, Mahalanobis D2, percentage overlap and projections from prinicipal co-ordinate analysis demonstrated that a high degree of anatomical similarity exists among the herring spawning communities to the west of the British Isles. Although local aggregations had distinct centres of abundance they appeared to have large overlapping distributions. However, the Celtic Sea sample was found to be distinctly different from adjacent and neighbouring stocks. The samples of coastal herring from the Thames Estuary and the Baltic Sea showed little overlap with other samples.  相似文献   

Food conversion efficiency and growth of juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus , reared under temperatures of 14, 18 and 22° C, were found to be higher in one experiment (7–70 g fish) in a higher latitude (Norway) strain than lower latitude (France and Scotland) strains. In a second study (20–150 g fish), food intake, food conversion efficiency and growth were higher in higher latitude (Iceland and Norway) compared with a lower latitude (France) strain.  相似文献   

The maximum growth rate of juvenile perch, PercaJuviatilis L., at different constant temperatures and in naturally changing day-lengths was studied in the laboratory. Standard metabolic rate was studied in starvation experiments at constant temperatures under short- and long-day conditions. Growth occurred in temperatures above 8 to 10°C. In winter, from mid-October until mid-April, maximal growth was considerably reduced and was relatively slow but constant. The standard metabolic rate was reduced c . 50% under short-day conditions. The seasonal change in metabolic rates, presumably controlled by an endogenous rhythm, was considered to be an adaptation to low food availability during the short winter days.  相似文献   

Larvae of Leptinotarsa decemlineata developed faster and consumed less food under short-day (Sd, 12:12 h light:darkness) than under long-day (Ld, 18:6 h L:D) conditions. The average index of food conversion efficiency was 5.4 in the Ld (25 degrees C), and 7.2 and 11.9 (at 20 and 25 degrees C, respectively) in the Sd insects. Pupae were smaller under the Ld conditions due to a greater loss of biomass during the prepupal period that was nearly twice longer than in the Sd insects. Virgin Ld females laid eggs for 6 months and survived 13 months. The lack of oviposition, reduced food intake, and behavioural changes characterised diapause in the Sd adults. Application of 100 microg JH III to newly ecdysed adults was used to probe diapause intensity. At 25 degrees C, the treatment elicited oviposition most effectively in females that were just transferred from the Ld to the Sd conditions. A distinctly lower response occurred in insects that had been kept under Sd conditions since hatching; their transfer to Ld conditions at the time of treatment had little effect on JH sensitivity. JH application to Sd females reared at 20 degrees C caused enlargement of the germaria but no eggs were formed.  相似文献   

The development of gill rakers in the herring, Clupea harengus L. was followed from the larva to the adult. The first rakers appear on the gill arches at a total length ( t.l .) of about 16 mm. Their number then increases rapidly until the fish are about 50 mm t.l . when the rate of addition becomes much slower. The length of individual rakers and the space between them continues to increase throughout life. The rakers on the first gill arch account for almost 60% of the whole filtering area. The observed particle retention capabilities of the fish when filter-feeding were lower than those expected on the basis of the estimated spaces between the rakers. Several reasons are suggested for the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Three family lines of fast growing transgenic rohu Labeo rohita (rohu) were generated by electroporated-sperm-mediated transfer of the vectors harboring CMV promoter or grass carp beta-actin promoter fused to endogenous rohu GH (rGH) cDNA. The gene transfer efficiency was 25%. The transgenic rohu (family line 1) with CMV promoter showed a growth enhancement of four times normal size, whereas those (family lines 2 and 3) generated with beta-actin promoter grew 4.5 and 5.8 times faster than their respective control siblings. Southern analysis confirmed the transgene extrachromosomal (Te) persistence until the 60th week in family 1. The individuals of family lines 2 and 3, however, showed integration (Ti), as well as persistence as extrachromosomal copies (Te) until the age of 30 weeks. Mosaicism of the transgene was shown at the levels of its presence and expression. The ectopic expression of rGH mRNA was confirmed by RT-PCR. Feeding experiments revealed that the transgenic rohu ate food at a lower rate but grew more efficiently than their control siblings.  相似文献   

Confusion over the nomenclature of the Pacific herring is shown to have stemmed from the comparison of it with White Sea herring which was mistakenly assumed to be conspecific with Atlantic herring.  相似文献   

Capture of wild, juvenile herring Clupea pallasii from Puget Sound (Washington, USA) and confinement in laboratory tanks resulted in outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS), viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) and ichthyophoniasis; however, the timing and progression of the 3 diseases differed. The VHS epidemic occurred first, characterized by an initially low infection prevalence that increased quickly with confinement time, peaking at 93 to 98% after confinement for 6 d, then decreasing to negligible levels after 20 d. The VHS outbreak was followed by a VEN epidemic that, within 12 d of confinement, progressed from undetectable levels to 100% infection prevalence with >90% of erythrocytes demonstrating inclusions. The VEN epidemic persisted for 54 d, after which the study was terminated, and was characterized by severe blood dyscrasias including reduction of mean hematocrit from 42 to 6% and replacement of mature erythrocytes with circulating erythroblasts and ghost cells. All fish with ichthyophoniasis at capture died within the first 3 wk of confinement, probably as a result of the multiple stressors associated with capture, transport, confinement, and progression of concomitant viral diseases. The results illustrate the differences in disease ecology and possible synergistic effects of pathogens affecting marine fish and highlight the difficulty in ascribing a single causation to outbreaks of disease among populations of wild fishes.  相似文献   

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