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Seven tetranucleotide and three dinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from the short‐beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Number of alleles and observed heterozygosity ranged from three to twelve (mean 8.4) and from 0.087 to 0.978 (mean 0.741), respectively. All loci were tested in four other odontocete species and showed polymorphisms in most locus–species combinations. This panel of nuclear markers will be useful for the investigation of population ecology and social interactions in common dolphins and other cetacean species.  相似文献   

The resolution of taxonomic classifications for delphinid cetaceans has been problematic, especially for species in the genera Delphinus, Tursiops and Stenella. The frequent lack of correspondence between morphological and genetic differentiation in these species raises questions about the mechanisms responsible for their evolution. In this study we focus on the genus Delphinus, and use molecular markers to address questions about speciation and the evolution of population structure. Delphinus species have a worldwide distribution and show a high degree of morphological variation. Two distinct morphotypes, long-beaked and short-beaked, have been considered different species named D. capensis and D. delphis, respectively. However, genetic differentiation between these two forms has only been demonstrated in the Pacific. We analysed samples from eight different geographical regions, including two morphologically defined long-beaked form populations, and compared these with the eastern North Pacific populations. We found high differentiation among the populations described as long-beaked instead of the expected monophyly, suggesting that these populations may have evolved from independent events converging on the same morphotype. We observed low genetic differentiation among the short-beaked populations across a large geographical scale. We interpret these phylogeographical patterns in the context of life history and population structure in related species.  相似文献   

Growth, allometric relationships and sexual dimorphism are described from measurements of 105 male, 149 female and 38 unsexed specimens of short‐beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, stranded along the Irish coastline (53.8% of the sample) or by‐caught in fisheries (46.2% of the sample), from 1990 to 2003. For each dolphin, 24 external body length measurements were recorded. Ages were determined for 183 dolphins by analysis of growth layer groups in the dentine. Males ranged in total body length (TBL) from 105 to 231 cm and females from 93 to 230 cm, with a maximum age of 25 years obtained for both sexes. Using a single Gompertz growth curve, asymptotic values obtained for TBL were 211.6 cm and 197.4 cm for males and females, respectively. Asymptotic lengths were attained at 11 years in males and 9 years in females. The gestation period was estimated to last approximately 11.5 months. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) was evident, with males being significantly larger than females for 20 of the characters measured, and an SSD ratio of 1.06 was obtained. Sexual shape dimorphism was lacking, except for the presence of prominent postanal humps in mature males.  相似文献   

New Zealand is the southernmost limit of the common dolphin's (genus Delphinus) distribution in the Pacific Ocean. In this area, common dolphins occur in both coastal and oceanic habitats, exhibit seasonal and resident occurrence, and present high morphological variability. Here we investigated the population structure and the taxonomic identity of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) within New Zealand waters using 14 microsatellite loci, 577 bp of the mtDNA control region, and 1,120 bp of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene across 90 individuals. We found high genetic variability and evidence of population expansion. Phylogenetic analyses conducted to clarify the taxonomic status of New Zealand common dolphins did not show any clustering reflecting geographic origin or morphotypes. The microsatellite analysis showed genetic differentiation between Coastal and Oceanic putative populations, while mtDNA revealed significant genetic differentiation only between the Hauraki Gulf and other putative groups. Our results suggest that differences in habitat choice and possible female site fidelity may play a role in shaping population structure of New Zealand common dolphins.  相似文献   

Eels are unique species in the biological world. The two North Atlantic eel species, the American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and the European eel (A. anguilla), occupy a broad range of habitats from the Caribbean to Greenland in the western Atlantic and from Morocco to Iceland in the eastern Atlantic, respectively. North Atlantic eels have a catadromous life cycle, spawning only in the Sargasso Sea and spending the majority of their lives in continental (fresh, brackish and coastal) waters. Despite such a wide distribution range, North Atlantic eels have been regarded as a textbook example of panmictic species. In contrast with the large amount of population genetic studies testing the panmixia hypothesis in the European eel, a relatively modest effort has been given to study the population structure of the American eel. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Côté et al. ( 2013 ) present the most comprehensive American eel data set to date, which includes samples of different life stages obtained throughout all its distribution range in North America. Results show a total lack of genetic differentiation among samples and provide decisive evidence for panmixia in the American eel.  相似文献   

Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) exhibit different social behaviours at two regions in the Hawaiian Archipelago: off the high volcanic islands in the SE archipelago they form dynamic groups with ever‐changing membership, but in the low carbonate atolls in the NW archipelago they form long‐term stable groups. To determine whether these environmental and social differences influence population genetic structure, we surveyed spinner dolphins throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago with mtDNA control region sequences and 10 microsatellite loci (n = 505). F‐statistics, Bayesian cluster analyses, and assignment tests revealed population genetic separations between most islands, with less genetic structuring among the NW atolls than among the SE high islands. The populations with the most stable social structure (Midway and Kure Atolls) have the highest gene flow between populations (mtDNA ΦST < 0.001, P = 0.357; microsatellite FST = ?0.001; P = 0.597), and a population with dynamic groups and fluid social structure (the Kona Coast of the island of Hawai’i) has the lowest gene flow (mtDNA 0.042 < ΦST < 0.236, P < 0.05; microsatellite 0.016 < FST < 0.040, P < 0.001). We suggest that gene flow, dispersal, and social structure are influenced by the availability of habitat and resources at each island. Genetic comparisons to a South Pacific location (n = 16) indicate that Hawaiian populations are genetically depauperate and isolated from other Pacific locations (mtDNA 0.216 < FST < 0.643, P < 0.001; microsatellite 0.058 < FST < 0.090, P < 0.001); this isolation may also influence social and genetic structure within Hawai’i. Our results illustrate that genetic and social structure are flexible traits that can vary between even closely‐related populations.  相似文献   

Geist J  Kuehn R 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(2):425-439
Despite the fact that mollusc species play an important role in many aquatic ecosystems, little is known about their biodiversity and conservation genetics. Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) populations are seriously declining all over Europe and a variety of conservation programs are being established to support the remaining endangered central European populations. In order to provide guidelines for conservation strategies and management programs, we investigated the genetic structure of 24 freshwater pearl mussel populations originating from five major central European drainages including Elbe, Danube, Rhine, Maas and Weser, representing the last and most important populations in this area. We present a nondestructive sampling method of haemolymph for DNA analyses, which is applicable for endangered bivalves. The analyses of nine microsatellite loci with different levels of polymorphism revealed a high degree of fragmented population structure and very different levels of genetic diversity within populations. These patterns can be explained by historical and demographic effects and have been enforced by anthropogenic activities. Even within drainages, distinct conservation units were detected, as revealed from high F(ST) values, private alleles and genetic distance measures. Populations sampled close to contact zones between main drainage systems showed lowest levels of correct assignment to present-day drainage systems. Populations with high priority for conservation should not only be selected by means of census population size and geographical distance to other populations. Instead, detailed genetic analyses are mandatory for revealing differentiation and diversity parameters, which should be combined with ecological criteria for sustainable conservation and recovery programs.  相似文献   

Common hamsters Cricetus cricetus (L.)show a highly fragmented distributionpattern across Europe. Over the last decades,human influence caused significant populationdeclines in particular at the western rangeboundary. Despite the initiation of breedingand release programs the genetic structure anddiversity of European common hamsterpopulations is largely unknown. In this study,hamsters from ten localities in five Europeancountries were investigated. Mitochondrialcontrol region was sequenced from 145 animalsrepresenting all sampled populations. 385hamster were screened for polymorphisms at 11microsatellite loci. Both marker systemsrevealed extensive genetic differentiationamong European common hamsters. Westernpopulations displayed very low levels of mtDNAdiversity (H = 0 – 0.2, Alsace, Limburg,Flanders, Baden-Wuerttemberg) compared toeastern populations from Saxony-Anhalt,Thuringia and Southern Moravia (H = 0.663– 0.816). Microsatellite analyses revealed asimilar pattern with low to moderate diversityvalues in western hamsters (A = 1.636 –5.364; H e = 0.111 – 0.504) and highlevels of polymorphism in eastern hamsters(A = 8.909 – 9.818; H e = 0.712– 0.786). High microsatellite based F STmeasures (up to 0.635) suggest a typical islandmodel of distribution with no current gene flowbetween most areas. Western hamster populationsexhibit obvious similarities in mitochondrialhaplotype and microsatellite alleledistributions. Gene trees group westernhamsters consistently together on the samebranch but bootstrap values never reachedsignificance. There are strong indications thatlow diversity in western populations ispartially caused by a joint historic founderevent and not only by recent population breakdowns. Overlapping mitochondrial haplotypesprove a close association between westernhamsters and animals from the east German rangein the recent past which does not support theexistence of a separate subspecies C. c.canescens in Europe. Hamsters from southernMoravia emerged as the genetically mostdistinguished population and could be part of a different genetic lineage in Europe.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean bath sponge Spongia officinalis is an iconic species with high socio‐economic value and precarious future owing to unregulated harvesting, mortality incidents and lack of established knowledge regarding its ecology. This study aims to assess genetic diversity and population structure of the species at different geographical scales throughout its distribution. For this purpose, 11 locations in the Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea), Western Mediterranean (Provence coast) and the Strait of Gibraltar were sampled; specimens were analysed using partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences, along with a set of eight microsatellite loci. According to our results (i) no genetic differentiation exists among the acknowledged Mediterranean morphotypes, and hence, S. officinalis can be viewed as a single, morphologically variable species; (ii) a notable divergence was recorded in the Gibraltar region, indicating the possible existence of a cryptic species; (iii) restriction to gene flow was evidenced between the Aegean Sea and Provence giving two well‐defined regional clusters, thus suggesting the existence of a phylogeographic break between the two systems; (iv) low levels of genetic structure, not correlated to geographical distance, were observed inside geographical sectors, implying mechanisms (natural or anthropogenic) that enhance dispersal and gene flow have promoted population connectivity; (v) the genetic diversity of S. officinalis is maintained high in most studied locations despite pressure from harvesting and the influence of devastating epidemics. These findings provide a basis towards the effective conservation and management of the species.  相似文献   

Introduced species offer unique opportunities to study evolution in new environments, and some provide opportunities for understanding the mechanisms underlying macroecological patterns. We sought to determine how introduction history impacted genetic diversity and differentiation of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), one of the most broadly distributed bird species. We screened eight microsatellite loci in 316 individuals from 16 locations in the native and introduced ranges. Significant population structure occurred between native than introduced house sparrows. Introduced house sparrows were distinguished into one North American group and a highly differentiated Kenyan group. Genetic differentiation estimates identified a high magnitude of differentiation between Kenya and all other populations, but demonstrated that European and North American samples were differentiated too. Our results support previous claims that introduced North American populations likely had few source populations, and indicate house sparrows established populations after introduction. Genetic diversity also differed among native, introduced North American, and Kenyan populations with Kenyan birds being least diverse. In some cases, house sparrow populations appeared to maintain or recover genetic diversity relatively rapidly after range expansion (<50 years; Mexico and Panama), but in others (Kenya) the effect of introduction persisted over the same period. In both native and introduced populations, genetic diversity exhibited large-scale geographic patterns, increasing towards the equator. Such patterns of genetic diversity are concordant with two previously described models of genetic diversity, the latitudinal model and the species diversity model.  相似文献   

An isolated population of dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, became established on the campus of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), probably in the early 1980s. It now numbers about 70 breeding pairs. Populations across the entire natural range of the subspecies J. h. thurberi are weakly differentiated from each other at five microsatellite loci (FST = 0.01). The UCSD population is significantly different from these populations, the closest of which is 70 km away. It has 88% of the genetic heterozygosity and 63% of the allelic richness of populations in the montane range of the subspecies, consistent with a harmonic mean effective population size of 32 (but with 95% confidence limits from four to > 70) over the eight generations since founding. Results suggest a moderate bottleneck in the early establishment phase but with more than seven effective founders. Individuals in the UCSD population have shorter wings and tails than those in the nearby mountains and a common garden experiment indicates that the morphological differences are genetically based. The moderate effective population size is not sufficient for the observed morphological differences to have evolved as a consequence of genetic drift, indicating a major role for selection subsequent to the founding of the UCSD population.  相似文献   

Historic angling records suggest the occurrence of a drastic decline in the River Eo (Spain) Atlantic salmon population size during the past two decades, as a result of overexploitation and habitat deterioration. In recent years, the population has been apparently recovering, and the present study is aimed to report information on the level of genetic diversity and the effective size of the current population as these may have immediate consequences for its conservation. Eighty-six salmon from two temporal groups (1998–1999 and 2004–2006), representing three generations, were genotyped using a panel of eight microsatellites. Inspite of the recent decline in census numbers and the detection of the signs of a population bottleneck, the population exhibits a high level of genetic diversity, similar to that from other populations, and almost unchanged during the period of study [average allelic richness ( A ) = 14·0 and 13·9, and average heterozygosity ( H e) = 0·843 and 0·851 in 1998–1999 and 2004–2006, respectively]. The effective population size ( N e) estimated by two different temporal methods showed a consistent value around 80 salmon, whereas the estimates from the linkage disequilibrium (LD) method provided a value around 165 individuals for either sample. The recent growing number of salmon, as indicated by fisheries records, the relatively large estimates of the ratio N e/ N (with range 0·23–0·44 for the temporal estimates and 0·31–0·59 for the LD estimates) and the high levels of diversity found suggest that the population has not been greatly affected by the historical census declines and can be expected to recover in the future.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the maturity status of specimens included in evolutionary, taxonomic or life history investigations is fundamentally important. This study investigated the use of the degree of cranial suture fusion, the developmental status of cranial bones, and the degree of tooth wear as indicators for cranial maturity status in Delphinus sp. from New Zealand waters. In total, 15 sutures, one joint and three nonmetric characters were assessed on 66 skulls obtained from stranded and bycaught individuals sampled between 1932 and 2011. A suture index (SI) was computed based on 10 sutures, in which degree of fusion was correlated with age and the three misclassification indices (MI), calculated for a given suture, were <50%. In addition to these, five premaxilla‐maxilla fusion and seven tooth wear categories were assessed. Results suggest that New Zealand Delphinus sp. skulls should be regarded as cranially mature if at least two of the following criteria are met: (1) individuals assessed as sexually mature, (2) aged ≥ 11 yr, (3) SI ≥ 8, and (4) premaxilla‐maxilla fusion ≥ 75% of the length of the dorsal side of the rostrum. Presence of any number of rostral teeth worn to the gum line provided further evidence for cranial maturity.  相似文献   

Abstract Orchids of the genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae) are pollinated by male bees and wasps through sexual deception. The Ophrys sphegodes group encompasses several closely related species that differ slightly in floral morphology and are pollinated by different solitary bee species. Populations representing different species of the O. sphegodes group often flower simultaneously in sympatry. To test whether gene flow across the species boundaries occurs in these sympatric populations, or whether they are reproductively isolated, we examined the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations and species of this group. We collected at each of five different localities in southern France and Italy two sympatric, co-flowering Ophrys populations, representing six Ophrys species in total. The six microsatellite loci surveyed were highly variable. Genetic differentiation among geographically distant populations of the same species was lower than differentiation among sympatric populations of different species. However, the strength of genetic differentiation among species was among the lowest reported for orchids. Genotype assignment tests and marker-based estimates of gene flow revealed that gene flow across species boundaries occurred and may account for the low observed differentiation among species. These results suggest that sexual deceit pollination in Ophrys may be less specific than thought, or that rare mistakes occur.  相似文献   

In order to provide guidelines for conservationand management of the severely declining LakeSaimaa (eastern Finland) European grayling(Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae), weinvestigated the microgeographic geneticstructure of three populations from the watersystem using 17 microsatellite loci andmitochondrial DNA polymerase chainreaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism analysis. Microsatellites revealedlow levels of intrapopulation genetic diversityand substantial divergence between populationssampled from spawning sites separated by aslittle as 55 kilometers. Mitochondrial analysisindicated the occurrence of two compositehaplotypes within Lake Saimaa. The nucleotidesubstitution estimates between the haplotypessuggested their separation to markedly predatethe late Pleistocene period. The populationsexhibited marked frequency differences for thetwo mitochondrial haplotypes, reinforcing theview of limited interpopulation gene flowwithin Lake Saimaa. An individual basedmicrosatellite Neighbor-Joining dendrogramdemonstrated clustering of all the specimensaccording to their sampling origin. Individualassignment tests revealed 100% assignmentsuccess of individuals into their population oforigin and 100% exclusion (p <0.05) from all alternative referencepopulations. These findings exemplify that T. thymallus populations may be genetically highly structured over small geographical scales and provide a good starting point for the development of appropriate conservation strategies for Lake Saimaa grayling.  相似文献   

Few bottlenecks of wild populations are sufficiently well-documented to constitute models for testing theories about the impact of bottlenecks on genetic variation, and subsequent population persistence. Relevant details of the Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus) introduction into New Zealand were recorded (founder number, source and approximate bottleneck duration) and suggest this may provide a rare opportunity to examine the efficacy of tests designed to detect recent bottlenecks in wild populations. We first assessed the accuracy of historic accounts of the introduction using genetic diversity detected in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and at five microsatellite loci. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA D-loop sequence haplotypes were consistent with the reported origin of the founders as Tasmania, rather than one of the Bass Strait islands in which Bennett's wallabies are also found. Microsatellite allele frequencies from the Tasmanian source population were then used to seed bottleneck simulations encompassing varying sizes and numbers of generations, in order to assess the severity of bottleneck consistent with diversity observed in the New Zealand population. The results suggested that the founder number was unlikely to have been as small as the three animals suggested by the account of the introduction. Nonetheless, the bottleneck was probably severe; in the range of three to five pairs of wallabies for one to three generations. It resulted in significantly reduced levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity relative to the source population. This bottleneck is only detectable under the infinite allele model (IAM) and not under the stepwise mutation model (SMM) or the two-phase model (TPM), and possible explanations for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it has been long presumed that population genetic variability should decrease as a species' range margin is approached, results of empirical investigations remain ambiguous. Sampling strategies employed by many of these studies have not adequately sampled the entire range. Here we present the results of an investigation of population genetic diversity in a vertebrate species, the Italian agile frog, Rana latastei, sampled comprehensively across its entire range. Our results show that genetic variability is not correlated with population location with respect to the range periphery. Instead, the model that best explains the genetic variation detectable across the range is based on an east-to-west gradient of declining diversity. Although we cannot state definitively what has led to this distribution, the most likely explanation is that the range of Rana latastei expanded postglacially from a Balkan refugium.  相似文献   

We investigate the utility of hypervariable microsatellite loci to measure genetic variability remaining in the northern hairy-nosed wombat, one of Australia's rarest mammals. This species suffered a dramatic range and population reduction over the past 120 years and now exists as a single colony of about 70 individuals at Epping Forest National Park, central Queensland. Because our preliminary research on mitochondrial DNA and multilocus DNA fingerprints did not reveal informative variation in this population, we chose to examine variation in microsatellite repeats, a class of loci known to be highly polymorphic in mammals. To assess the suitability of various wombat populations as a reference for comparisons of genetic variability and subdivision we further analysed mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequence, using phylogenetic methods. Our results show that appreciable levels of variation still exist in the Epping Forest colony although it has only 41% of the heterozygosity shown in a population of a closely-related species. From museum specimens collected in 1884, we also assessed microsatellite variation in an extinct population of the northern hairy-nosed wombat, from Deniliquin, New South Wales, 2000 km to the south of the extant population. The apparent loss of variation in the Epping Forest colony is consistent with an extremely small effective population size throughout its 120-year decline.  相似文献   

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