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Cooperative breeding, where some individuals help to raise offspring that are not their own, is a relatively rare social system in birds. We studied the breeding biology of a declining cooperative breeder, the grey-crowned babbler Pomatostomus temporalis , with the aim of isolating the social factors that affect its reproductive success. Most breeding pairs were assisted by philopatric offspring, although pairs could breed successfully without helpers. Females laid up to four clutches (usually three eggs per clutch) per season. Male (but not female) helpers increased the number of young fledged from individual nests and the likelihood of re-nesting, resulting in higher seasonal fledgling production. Helper effects on brood size and fledgling production were greater in the second year of the study, which was also characterized by higher nest failure. This suggests that helpers enhance reproduction more in poor conditions. Our study demonstrates the interacting effects of social and ecological factors on reproductive success, and that retention of offspring is not always beneficial for the breeders in cooperative species.  相似文献   

In both animal and human societies, individuals may forego personal reproduction and provide care to the offspring of others. Studies aimed at investigating the adaptive nature of such cooperative breeding systems in vertebrates typically calculate helper 'fitness' from relationships of helper numbers and offspring survival to independence. The aim of this study is to use observations and supplemental feeding experiments in cooperatively breeding meerkats, Suricata suricatta, to investigate whether helpers influence the long-term reproductive potential of offspring during adulthood. We show that helpers have a significant and positive influence on the probability that offspring gain direct reproductive success in their lifetimes. This effect arises because helpers both reduce the age at which offspring begin to reproduce as subordinates and increase the probability that they will compete successfully for alpha rank. Supplemental feeding experiments confirm the causality of these results. Our results suggest that one can neither discount the significance of helper effects when none is found nor necessarily estimate accurately the fitness benefit that helpers accrue, unless their effects on offspring are considered in the long term.  相似文献   

Studies of cooperatively breeding birds and mammals generallyconcentrate on the effects that helpers have on the number ofreproductive attempts females have per year or on the numberand size of offspring that survive from hatching/weaning toindependence. However, helpers may also influence breeding successbefore hatching or weaning. In the present study, we used anultrasound imager to determine litter sizes close to birth,and multivariate statistics to investigate whether helpers influencefemale fecundity, offspring survival to weaning, and offspringsize at weaning in cooperative meerkats, Suricata suricatta.We found that the number of helpers in a group was correlatedwith the number of litters that females delivered each year,probably because females in large groups gave birth earlierand had shorter interbirth intervals. In addition, althoughpup survival between birth and weaning was primarily influencedby maternal dominance status, helper number may also have asignificant positive effect. By contrast, we found no evidenceto suggest that helpers have a direct effect on either littersizes at birth or pup weights at weaning, which were both significantlyinfluenced by maternal weight at conception. However, becausedifferences in maternal weight were associated with differencesin helper number, helpers have the potential to influence maternalfecundity and offspring size within reproductive attempts indirectly.These results suggest that future studies may need to considerdirect and indirect helper effects on female fecundity and investmentbefore assessing helper effects on reproductive success in societiesof cooperatively breeding vertebrates.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between current and future reproduction to maximize lifetime fitness. In cooperatively breeding species, where offspring care is shared between breeders and helpers, helper presence may influence the female breeders’ egg investment, and consequently, survival and future reproductive success. For example, female breeders may reduce egg investment in response to helper presence if this reduction is compensated by helpers during provisioning. Alternatively, female breeders may increase egg investment in response to helper presence if helpers allow the breeders to raise more or higher quality offspring successfully. In the facultatively cooperative‐breeding Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis, previous studies found that helpers improve total nestling provisioning rates and fledgling recruitment, but have no apparent effects on the number and body mass of fledglings produced, while breeders with helpers show reduced provisioning rates and higher survival. Here, we investigated whether some of these effects may be explained by female breeders reducing their investment in eggs in response to helper presence. In addition, we investigated whether egg investment is associated with the female breeder's future fitness. Our results showed that helper presence had no effect on the female breeders’ egg investment, and that egg investment was not associated with breeder survival and reproductive success. Our findings suggest that the responses of breeders to helping should be investigated throughout the breeding cycle, because the conclusions regarding the breeders’ adjustment of reproductive investment in response to being helped may depend on which stage of the breeding cycle is considered.  相似文献   

In many cooperatively-breeding species, the presence of one or more helpers improves the reproductive performance of the breeding pair receiving help. Helper contributions can take many different forms, including allo-feeding, offspring provisioning, and offspring guarding or defence. Yet, most studies have focussed on single forms of helper contribution, particularly offspring provisioning, and few have evaluated the relative importance of a broader range of helper contributions to group reproductive performance. We examined helper contributions to multiple components of breeding performance in the Karoo scrub-robin Cercotrichas coryphaeus , a facultative cooperative breeder. We also tested a prediction of increased female investment in reproduction when helpers improve conditions for rearing young. Helpers assisted the breeding male in allo-feeding the incubating female, increasing allo-feeding rates. Greater allo-feeding correlated with greater female nest attentiveness during incubation. Nest predation was substantially lower among pairs breeding with a helper, resulting in a 74% increase in the probability of nest survival. Helper contributions to offspring provisioning increased nestling feeding rates, resulting in a reduced incidence of nestling starvation and increased nestling mass. Nestling mass had a strong, positive effect on post-fledging survival. Controlling for female age and habitat effects, annual production of fledged young was 130% greater among pairs breeding with a helper, and was influenced most strongly by helper correlates with nest survival, despite important helper effects on offspring provisioning. Females breeding with a helper increased clutch size, supporting the prediction of increased female investment in reproduction in response to helper benefits.  相似文献   

1. Numerous studies of cooperatively breeding species have tested for effects of helpers on reproductive success to evaluate hypotheses for the evolution of cooperation, but relatively few have used experimental or statistical approaches that control for the confounding effects of breeder and territory quality. 2. In the brown treecreeper Climacteris picumnus, most helpers are male offspring of the breeding pair that have delayed dispersal. We analysed 5 years of data (97 territory-years) using hierarchical linear modelling to test for effects of helpers on reproductive success while controlling for confounding factors. 3. The number of helpers was related positively to reproductive success even after controlling for differences between territories and breeders. A threshold effect was observed, with success increasing most with the presence of a second helper (i.e. at group size of four). 4. Feeding at the nest was one mechanism responsible for this effect, as larger groups had higher total feeding rates at all nesting stages. Higher total feeding rates, as well as higher feeding rates by helpers, were correlated in turn with greater reproductive success. 5. An analysis of the effects of helper feeding rate on reproductive success in groups with just one helper produced only weak support for a positive effect of helpers. Controlled comparisons of this kind utilize only a small fraction of the total data available and thus have limited statistical power compared to hierarchical or mixed-modelling. 6. A number of hypotheses to explain the evolution and maintenance of helping behaviour are consistent with our results for brown treecreepers including kin selection and hypotheses based on future direct benefits. 7. A previous synthesis of studies of helper effects that controlled for confounding factors suggested a pattern in which male helpers rarely have positive effects on reproductive success. However, revising that synthesis to include recent hierarchical or mixed-modelling studies suggests that helpers of both sexes usually have positive effects, and that the relative importance of future direct benefits may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding birds have been used frequently to study sex allocation because the adaptive value of the sexes partly depends upon the costs and benefits for parents of receiving help. I examined patterns of directional sex allocation in relation to maternal condition (Trivers-Willard hypothesis), territory quality (helper competition hypothesis), and the number of available helpers (helper repayment hypothesis) in the superb starling, Lamprotornis superbus, a plural cooperative breeder with helpers of both sexes. Superb starlings biased their offspring sex ratio in relation to prebreeding rainfall, which was correlated with maternal condition. Mothers produced relatively more female offspring in wetter years, when they were in better condition, and more male offspring in drier years, when they were in poorer condition. There was no relationship between offspring sex ratio and territory quality or the number of available helpers. Although helping was male biased, females had a greater variance in reproductive success than males. These results are consistent with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis and suggest that although females in most cooperatively breeding species make sex allocation decisions to increase their future direct reproductive success, female superb starlings appear to base this decision on their current body condition to increase their own inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

1. In many noncooperative vertebrates, maternal effects commonly influence offspring survival and development. In cooperative vertebrates, where multiple adults help to raise young from a single brood, social effects may reduce or replace maternal effects on offspring. 2. Factors affecting offspring survival and development at different stages (fledging, nutritional independence and adulthood) were tested in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler to determine the relative importance of social, maternal and environmental factors at each stage. An influence of maternal effects was found during the nestling stage only. 3. Social factors affected the survival and development of young at all stages. The amount of food received from helpers influenced post-fledging weight gain, development of foraging skills, and survival to reproductive age. Environmental effects were also important, with groups occupying high-quality territories more likely to produce young that survived to maturity. 4. The strong influence of helper contributions on the survival and development of young at all stages from hatching to maturity suggests social factors may have important long-term effects on offspring fitness in cooperative societies. Traditional measures of offspring survival in cooperative birds, which commonly measure survival to fledging age only, may underestimate the significant benefit of helper contributions on the survival and development of young.  相似文献   

Helpers in cooperative and communal breeding species are thought to accrue fitness benefits through improving the condition and survival of the offspring that they care for, yet few studies have shown conclusively that helpers benefit the offspring they rear. Using a novel approach to control for potentially confounding group-specific variables, I compare banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) offspring within the same litter that differ in the amount of time they spend with a helper, and hence the amount of care they receive. I show that pups that spend more time in close proximity to a helper are fed more, grow faster and have a higher probability of survival to independence than their littermates. Moreover, high growth rates during development reduce the age at which females breed for the first time, suggesting that helpers can improve the future fecundity of the offspring for which they care. These results provide strong evidence that it is the amount of investment per se that benefits offspring, rather than some correlate such as territory quality, and validate the assumption that helpers improve the reproductive success of breeders, and hence may gain fitness benefits from their actions. Furthermore, the finding that helpers may benefit offspring in the long-term suggests that current studies underestimate the fitness benefits that helpers gain from rearing the offspring of others.  相似文献   

Cooperative enhancement of reproductive success in white-winged choughs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary White-winged choughs are a cooperatively breeding species which provide parental care to their young over an entire year. I traced the reproductive success of groups of white-winged choughs from the start of one breeding season to the next over 3 years. I examined the effect of helper number on timing of breeding, the success of each effort, the number of efforts made in a season, and the final reproductive success at the end of each year. Timing of commencement of breeding varied between years but was not related to group size. Early broods were not more successful than late broods. Nest building (July–September) commenced earlier in years which had high rainfall in July; choughs rely on rainfall for supplies of mud for nest construction. Most nest failures occurred gradually and were attributed to starvation of nestlings, although some sudden failures were attributed to predation. Large groups have more young by the beginning of the following season; this is due to higher fledging success and a greater likelihood of having second broods. Disappearance of young after fledging and during the transition to independence was not dependent on group size. Only groups of seven and above produce more than one young on average over the entire year; choughs provide one of the most marked cases for helpers enhancing the reproductive success of breeders. Large groups are virtually guaranteed of reproductive success over the whole year and grow more quickly than small groups. These results highlight the need to consider the effect of helpers over the entire period of reproduction and care of young, rather than just at fledging.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical work has suggested that smaller brood sizes helped facilitate the emergence of cooperative breeding in birds. However, recent empirical evidence has found no statistically significant difference between the clutch sizes of cooperative breeders and that of noncooperative breeders. One explanation for this finding is that while small clutch sizes may predispose species to cooperative breeding, the emergence of cooperative breeding itself may influence the evolution of clutch size. Here, we develop a set of models using population dynamics to describe how the emergence of cooperative breeding influences clutch size. We find, in contrast to previous theoretical work, that the emergence of cooperative breeding does not necessarily decrease (and under certain conditions may actually increase) clutch size. In particular, clutch size may increase after the emergence of cooperative breeding if helpers – philopatric individuals that assist their breeding relatives – are able to substantially improve breeder fecundity at low costs to their own survival, and if the association between breeder and helper is brief. In many cases, clutch size increases following the emergence of cooperative breeding not because it is optimal for the breeder, but as the result of breeder–helper conflict over resource allocation.  相似文献   

Large male helpers in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulchergain reproductive success by parasitizing the reproductive effort ofmale territory owners. Under controlled, experimental conditionswe examined the genetic relatedness between the members of broodpairs (n = 14), their male helpers (n = 8), and offspring (n= 292) in seven families. We used multilocus DNA fingerprintingto check for potential reproductive parasitism by male helpersand to assess their fertilization success. Of offspring producedin these families, 10.3% were sired by helpers. In parasitizedbroods, helper fertilization success varied between 12.5% and35.8%. Male helpers parasitized parental reproduction when theirbody size exceeded 4.5 cm standard length (SL), even thoughsexual maturity may be reached much earlier (3.5 cm SL). Twoof three parasitic helpers were punished by severe aggressiveattacks when parasitizing the reproduction of breeders, whichled to their expulsion from the territory. This study demonstratesa potential fitness benefit to broodcare helpers that is oftenneglected. It also points to the delicate balance that may exist betweencooperative and competitive behavior in cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed 6 years of reproduction data for 176 California gulls (Larus californicus) surviving from 1980 to 1988. Using a statistical model adapted from Rao's (1958) and Tucker's (1966) generalized growth curve analysis, we reconstructed the reproductive patterns of gulls aged from 0 to 26 years. Individuals were highly consistent in following one of two patterns of reproduction. In a primary pattern employed by most gulls, individuals skipped breeding less frequently and laid larger clutches as they aged. Clutch size increased to a plateau and remained at high levels throughout remaining life. In an alternate pattern employed by a smaller subset of the sample, clutch size also increased to a plateau. However, as a result of frequent skipping of breeding and smaller clutches, this plateau was considerably lower compared to that of gulls adopting the primary reproductive pattern. Data on fledging success from 1980 and 1984 were consistent with the finding of two reproductive patterns. Gulls adopting the alternate reproductive pattern produce fewer offspring per breeding attempt but survive longer than gulls adopting the primary pattern. The frequency of gulls employing the alternate pattern will increase with age relative to gulls employing the primary pattern. The alternate pattern, and not senescence, may explain why several cross-sectional studies on seabirds report declines among the oldest breeders in measures of clutch size, egg mass, hatching success, and fledging success.  相似文献   

Helpers in cooperatively breeding species forego all or partof their reproduction when remaining at home and assisting breedersto raise offspring. Different models of reproductive skew generatealternative predictions about the share of reproduction unrelatedsubordinates will get depending on the degree of ecologicalconstraints. Concession models predict a larger share when independentbreeding options are good, whereas restraint and tug-of-warmodels predict no effects on reproductive skew. We tested thesepredictions by determining the share of reproduction by unrelatedmale and female helpers in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologuspulcher depending on experimentally manipulated possibilitiesfor helper dispersal and independent breeding and dependingon helper size and sex. We created 32 breeding groups in thelaboratory, consisting of two breeders and two helpers each,where only the helpers had access to a nearby dispersal compartmentwith (treatment) or without (control) breeding substrate, usinga repeated measures design. We determined the paternity andmaternity of 1185 offspring from 47 broods using five to nineDNA microsatellite loci and found that: (1) helpers participatedin reproduction equally across the treatments, (2) large malehelpers were significantly more likely to reproduce than smallhelpers, and (3) male helpers engaged in significantly morereproduction than female helpers. Interestingly, in four broods,extragroup helper males had fertilized part of the brood. Nohelper evictions from the group after helper reproduction wereobserved. Our results suggest that tug-of-war models based oncompetition over reproduction within groups describe best thereproductive skew observed in our study system. Female breedersproduced larger clutches in the treatment compared to the controlsituation when the large helpers were males. This suggests thatmale breeder-male helper reproductive conflicts may be alleviatedby females producing larger clutches with helpers around.  相似文献   

Selection for synchronous breeding in the European starling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Henrik G. Smith 《Oikos》2004,105(2):301-311
Colonial birds often demonstrate considerable breeding synchrony. In southern Sweden the semi-colonial European starling initiated the vast majority of clutches within one week. Laying dates were positively skewed so that many birds initiated clutches at similar dates early in the season. Breeding was further synchronised by a particularly strong clutch-size reduction equivalent to one third of an egg per day during the first part of the breeding season. The decline in clutch size with season also held true for separate age-classes of females, for individual females laying at different times at different years and for individual females laying at different times the same year. Trends in breeding success during nestling rearing were unlikely to explain the high degree of breeding synchrony or the seasonal decline in clutch size; nestling survival and growth were weakly related or unrelated to reproductive timing. In contrast recruitment success of fledged offspring declined sharply with season. Even within the synchronous laying period, defined as clutches initiated during the first week each year, local recruitment success declined. It is suggested that the early seasonal decline is caused by selection for synchronous fledging permitting the immediate formation of flocks after fledging, whereas the late seasonal trends may be caused by either population differences in female quality or deteriorating conditions for raising young.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, in which non‐breeding helpers assist in rearing the offspring of breeding individuals, conflicts of interest commonly occur between breeders and helpers over their respective contributions to offspring care. During such conflicts, breeders might use aggressive behavior to enforce contributions of helpers to offspring care, especially if helpers are not related to the breeders and their offspring and thus do not stand to gain indirect fitness benefits by helping. Using a combination of behavioral and genetic data, we investigated in the cooperatively breeding El Oro parakeet Pyrrhura orcesi (i) whether breeders are commonly dominant over helpers, (ii) whether they use aggressive behavior toward helpers to enforce offspring provisioning, and (iii) whether the relatedness of helpers to the nestlings affects the frequency of—or the reaction of helpers to—such aggressions. Even though breeders were generally dominant over helpers, we found no evidence for the enforcement of alloparental care. This finding was independent of the relatedness between helpers and nestlings, even though distantly related helpers overall contributed little to offspring care. We suggest that the inability of breeders to properly assess the work rates of their helpers at least partly explains the absence of enforcement. More generally, our results add to a body of evidence suggesting that enforcement might be an exceptional rather than a general mechanism underlying the expression of alloparental care in cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Breeding success in Blue Tits: good territories or good parents?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Territorial quality and parental quality are usually assumed to be the main sources of variation in the reproductive success of passerine birds. To evaluate their relative importance for variation in breeding time (itself an important factor for breeding success), clutch size and offspring condition at fledging, we analysed six years of data from a Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population breeding on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Hatching dates and the condition of offspring were consistent for territories between years and accounted for 30% and 33% of the variation in these variables, respectively. After removing the effect of territory quality, none of the breeding parameters were significantly repeatable for individual females, but offspring condition was repeatable for males, accounting for 28% of variation. For females breeding on the same territory in subsequent seasons (combined effect of individual and territory quality) only hatching date was repeatable (45% of variation accounted for). In males, the combined effect of individual and territory quality was repeatable for offspring condition and accounted for 33% of variation, but this result was only marginally significant. Consistency of the peak frass-fall date for individual frass collectors over the study period suggests that repeatable hatching dates on territories may be related to the relationship between timing of breeding and timing of peak food availability on territories. Our results suggest that territory quality is more important than parental quality for breeding success in the Blue Tit, and that male (but not female) quality makes a considerable contribution to reproductive success.  相似文献   

In avian cooperative breeding systems, many benefits obtained by social pairs from the presence of helpers have been uncovered. However, until now, the factors that determine the type of assistance helpers provide and the responses of social pairs have not been well illustrated. We examined the contribution of helpers to cooperative groups and the relevant responses of dominant pairs in the azure‐winged magpie Cyanapica cyana which breeds on the Tibetan Plateau. We used the capture–mark–recapture method to identify helpers. Results showed that helpers were mostly the yearling sons of dominant pairs. They mainly contributed to the cooperative group in three ways, courtship‐feeding the incubation female, provisioning the brood, and defending the nest. For responses of dominant pairs, we unexpectedly found that clutch size was not influenced by the presence of helpers at the nest. However, cooperative groups had higher brood feeding rates than biparental nests and their feeding pattern also differed to that of the latter. Consequently, nestlings in cooperative groups had larger fledging body mass than that in biparental nests. By examining reasons for nest failure, we revealed that conspecific nest‐raiding contributed to more nest failure than any other natural predators. Because of the contribution of helpers in defending against both predators and conspecific nest‐raiders, cooperative groups had higher survival rate than biparental nests. Thus, our findings suggest that in a highly‐clumped nesting pattern, factors concerning the risk of nest predation, rather than that influencing food supply, play an important role in determining helper effects and responses of aided dominant pairs.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, care provided by helpers may affect the dominant breeders’ investment trade‐offs between current and future reproduction. By negatively compensating for such additional care, breeders can reduce costs of reproduction and improve their own chances of survival. Alternatively, helper care can be additive to that of dominants, increasing the fledging fitness of the current brood. However, the influence helpers have on brood care may be affected by group size and territory quality. Therefore, the impact of helping needs to be disentangled from other factors determining offspring investment before conclusive inferences about the effect of help on additive and compensatory care can be made. We used 20 years of provisioning data to investigate the effect of helping on provisioning rates in the facultative cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis. Our extensive dataset allowed us to statistically disentangle the effects of helper presence, living in larger groups and different food availability. We show compensatory and additive care (i.e., partial compensation) in response to helper provisioning. Helpers lightened the provisioning load of the dominant male and female and increased total provisioning to nestlings. This was irrespective of group size or territory quality (food availability). Moreover, our results illustrate sex‐specific variation in parental care over the course of the breeding event. We discriminate between temporal variation, group size, and territory quality processes affecting cooperative care and as such, gain further insight into the importance of these factors to the evolutionary maintenance of helping behavior.  相似文献   

The possibility that older, often nonreproductive, individuals may engage in kin-directed cooperative behavior has been largely overlooked in the study of cooperative breeding. Here, we describe and investigate the adaptive significance of such "grandparent" helpers in the Seychelles warbler, the first bird species in which this phenomenon has been observed. On Cousin Island, over a period of 24 years, a significant proportion (13.7%) of females, but few males (3.0%), was deposed from dominant positions. Deposed females were replaced by related females. However there was no evidence that older, senescent females were stepping aside to gain greater fitness benefits by increasing the reproductive success of their offspring, rather than breeding themselves; deposed females were not postreproductive, nor was being deposed linked to age or reproductive senescence. Of the deposed females, 68% became subordinates and helped to raise group offspring, accounting for ca. 10% of subordinates in any year. Demoted females were related (r= 0.24) to the group offspring and, consequently, could gain indirect benefits through helping. As direct benefits appeared to be limited, we suggest that indirect benefits have driven the evolution of such "grandparent helpers." This study now provides evidence for a new route to cooperative breeding in birds.  相似文献   

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