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Certain forms of marking behavior in Lemur catta have been considered to be aggressive in nature but had not been analyzed specifically in this respect. This study examines the relationship between the occurrence of all forms of marking behavior displayed by a captive group of lemurs and their physical and nonphysical aggressive interactions. All forms of marking behavior, especially males' tail mark and tail wave displays, were found to correlate with aggressive behavior including female-instigated agonism. In comparison, allogrooming, a behavior thought not to have an agonistic component, was not significantly correlated with any marking nor agonistic category. The data suggest that in intersexual interactions male marking behavior is an aggressive but nonphysical substitute for physical aggression toward females who have generally been regarded as dominant to males in this species.  相似文献   

The desert gerbil, M. hurrianae scent marks the general substratum in its territory with the sebum exudation of mid abdominal gland and urine. Having assessed number of functions, which scent marking plays in the social life of these rodents, the scent marking behaviour was studied in animals, in which the gland was surgically removed and was compared with that of intact rodents. After recovery from the operation, the scent marking frequency of both male and female M. hurrianae declined significantly and was maintained at a low level. Surprisingly, scent marking with urine also declined considerable with time. After 5 months of the operation, desert gerbils were given a choice to respond to male and female sebum odours. The frequency of their scent marking with either sebum or urine did not show any significant enhancement as compared to their initial marking rate. However, the duration of their stay and scent marking frequency near the source of the sebum odour was more that in the clean side of the cage. The role of such altering behaviors of M. hurrianae and their impact on social organization are discussed.  相似文献   

Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) display a territorial scent marking response associated with a ventral sebaceous gland. In males, both the gland and behavior are androgen dependent and hormone control of marking is delimited to the preoptic area. The present study examines the effects of eleven steroids, injected subcutaneously or implanted into the preoptic area, on territorial marking in adult male castrates. Steroid effects on ventral gland function are also described. The neural target cells that mediate marking respond to a narrower range of steroids than do peripheral target cells in the ventral gland. Testosterone appears to be the only endogenous steroid capable of eliciting marking in males. Other steroids which share molecular commonalities with testosterone (a 17β-hydroxyl group and a double bond involving carbon 4) also induce marking behavior. Central receptors may recognize the relevant endogenous steroid, testosterone, by these features.  相似文献   

Scent gland size and activity and frequency of marking under standard conditions were compared in five groups of male and female gerbils: (1) intact, sham-operated controls, (2) intact with scent glands excised, (3) gonadectomized, (4) gonadectomized injected with 1000 μg testosterone propionate (TP) on alternate days, and (5) gonadectomized with a low dose (25 μg) TP applied topically to the ventral scent gland on alternate days. The animals were housed in individual cages and tested for marking in an open field arena with plastic pegs.The scent gland is not required in either sex for the behavioural act of marking. Topical application of a dose of TP too low to exert a systematic effect restored the scent gland but not marking. Injection of sufficient TP to restore seminal vesicle weight restored marking, as well as the scent glands.It was concluded that in the male, both marking behaviour and scent gland size are controlled by the testes. The effect of androgens on marking is mediated directly through the central nervous system, and not through peripheral stimulation of the glands.Females have smaller glands and mark less than males. The ovaries appear to have little control over marking frequency, and some control over scent gland size. It is possible to stimulate marking behaviour to supernormal levels by TP injection, but not by topical application.  相似文献   

The possibility of aromatization of androgen in human prostate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aromatase in human prostate tissue was determined in homogenized human prostate (three BPH and two normal specimens) incubated with [1-beta-3H]androstenedione (radiometric method) or [1,2,6,7-3H]androstenedione (estrogen production analysis method) in the presence of NADPH. Using the former procedure, significant amounts of 3H2O, resulting from the release of 3H at the C-1 position during aromatization, were measured and these increased with incubation time and amount of tissue, whereas the amount of estrone and estradiol-17 beta resulting from the latter method and calculated from the 3H/14C ratio in preparations of purified crystal was very small. The preliminary results, which suggest that an androgen aromatase system exists in the human prostate, point to the need to further investigate the identity and properties of the metabolic products resulting from the conversion of androgen to estrogens and other metabolites.  相似文献   

The role of scent marking in the social communication of mammals is widely variable. One reason for this variation is that the function of scent marking may vary with different ecological and social conditions. The purpose of this study was to test four nonexclusive hypotheses explaining the role of scent-marking frequency in different ecological and social contexts for wild golden lion tamarins. Relative to ecological contexts, we compared scent-marking frequency during seasons of abundant and scarce food resources. Relative to social contexts, we compared scent-marking frequency when groups were isolated and when groups were in the presence of neighbouring groups. We found that the tamarins used scent marking to mark the location of food resources. Additionally, males used scent marking to communicate intrasexual dominance within their groups, while females did not. Our results also indicate that alpha females increased their scent-marking frequency to communicate to members of other groups, while the presence of members of other groups did not elicit a similar response by alpha males. We did not find evidence for a territorial function of scent marking in golden lion tamarins. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour   相似文献   

Social carnivores, such as wolves and coyotes, have distinct and well-defined home ranges. During the formation of these home ranges scent marks provide important cues regarding the use of space by familiar and foreign packs. Previous models for territorial pattern formation have required a den site as the organizational center around which the territory is formed. However, well-defined wolf home ranges have been known to form in the absence of a den site, and even in the absence of surrounding packs. To date, the quantitative models have failed to describe a mechanism for such a process. In this paper we propose a mechanism. It involves interaction between scent marking and movement behavior in response to familiar scent marks. We show that the model yields distinct home ranges by this new means, and that the spatial profile of these home ranges is different from those arising from the territorial interactions with den sites.  相似文献   

The inhibitory activity of aminoglutethimide, 4-hydroxy-androstenedione and 7α-(4'-amino) phenylthioandrostenedione on human placental and mammary tumor aromatase activity was examined. [14C]-Androstenedione was incubated with placental microsomes and mammary tumor homogenates in the presence of an NADPH generating system with or without inhibitor. All three inhibitors were equally effective in inhibiting microsomal placental aromatase at various inhibitor concentrations. Inhibitions of mammary tumor aromatase using 12 μM inhibitor concentrations were essentially similar to results on placental aromatase inhibition and ranged from 81–97% inhibition. These findings are discussed in regard to the potential clinical use of aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of estrogen dependent metastatic breast carcinoma.  相似文献   

Major urinary proteins (MUPs) in the urine of male house mice, Mus domesticus, bind the male signalling volatiles 2- sec -butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (thiazole) and 3,4-dehydro- exo -brevicomin (brevicomin) and slowly release these volatiles from urinary scent marks. To examine the role of urinary proteins and volatiles, either attached or unattached to the proteins, in competitive scent marking, we fractionated urine from isolated male BALB/c laboratory mice, Mus musculus, by size-exclusion chromatography into three pools. Pool I contained all of the urinary proteins and their bound ligands while pools II and III contained lower molecular weight components including unbound signalling volatiles. In experiment 1, pools I-III were streaked out on to absorbent paper (Benchkote) and introduced into enclosures housing single wild-caught male mice, together with a clean control surface. Each male was tested with fresh stimuli and with aged stimuli deposited 24 h previously. Only pool I stimulated significantly more countermarking and investigation than the control, attracting mice to investigate from a distance even when the rate of ligand release was considerably reduced after 24 h. Experiment 2 examined responses to pool I when this was fresh, aged by 7 days, or had been mixed with menadione to displace ligands from the proteins. Although all three protein stimuli were investigated and countermarked more than a clean control, the aged and menadione-treated pool I stimulated the strongest responses, despite containing the lowest levels of thiazole and brevicomin. Thus competitive countermarking is stimulated by proteins or by nonvolatile protein-ligand complexes in male urine, while release of volatile ligands attracts attention to a competitor's scent marks. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Female gerbils were bilaterally bulbectomized, unilaterally bulbectomized or sham-operated at 2 days of age (Birth DAY = 0). As adults, the occurrence of scent marking and aggressive behavior was measured prior to and following administration of either testosterone propionate (TP) or oil. TP-treated sham operates showed increased scent marking; bilaterally bulbectomized and unilaterally bulbectomized females treated with TP did not. The display of aggressiveness increased for all females following TP. Neonatally bulbectomized animals treated with TP, however, were the most aggressive. Although androgen augments these species-typical response patterns, it seems dependent upon the integrity of the olfactory bulbs.  相似文献   

Utilization pattern of latrines by raccoon dogs,Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus, was studied on a small island in western Kyushu, Japan. Seventy-eight latrines were spread over the study areas, these were mainly formed on the flat surface in woody areas. Although the site and number of latrines were fairly stable throughout the year, distribution of the utilized latrines and number of scats per latrine were changed seasonally. Latrines were grouped into several clusters and communal utilization of latrines by several animals was observed within the cluster. Seasonal changes of utilization pattern observed in communal utilization rate and cluster formation was assumed to be caused by the changing of the social unit of raccoon dogs. Familiarization within the home range and information site to conspecifics may be concluded as the function of latrines.  相似文献   

Investigated the role of the odor of the flank gland in the stimulation of flank marking by male hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. In the first experiment it was shown that a ♂ has customary marking posts and that a second ♂ introduced into the first ♂'s area will mark in the same places. In experiment 2 nine test ♂♂ flank marked less in the home cages of flank glandectomized ♂♂ than in the cages of normal ♂♂. In experiment 3 it was shown that flank glandectomized ♂♂ marked at within the range of frequencies for normal ♂♂.  相似文献   

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