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  1. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann) and insect pests negatively affect soybean production; however, little is known about how these herbivores potentially interact to affect soybean yield. Previous studies have shown deer browse on non-crop plants affects insect density and insect-mediated leaf damage, which together reduce plant reproductive output. In soybeans, reproductive output is influenced by direct and indirect interactions of different herbivores.
  2. Here, we quantified indirect interactions between two groups of herbivores (mammals and insects) and their effects on soybean growth and yield. We examined responses of insect pest communities along a gradient of deer herbivory (29% to 49% browsed stems) in soybean monocultures.
  3. Structural equation models showed that deer browse had direct negative effects on soybean plant height and yield. Deer browse indirectly decreased insect-mediated leaf damage by reducing plant height. Deer browse also indirectly increased pest insect abundance through reductions in plant height. Similarly, deer herbivory had an indirect positive effect on leaf carbon: nitrogen ratios through changes in plant height, thereby decreasing leaf nutrition.
  4. These results suggest that pest insect abundance may be greater on soybean plants in areas of higher deer browse, but deer browse may reduce insect herbivory through reduced leaf nutrition.

万方浩 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):790-797
2002年12月,国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"项目)"农林危险生物入侵机理与控制基础研究"经科技部批准正式立项,2003年启动。文章主要介绍该项目的立项背景、主要研究内容、研究方案和技术路线、总体研究目标及研究进展。  相似文献   

Summary   Widespread exotic species provide one of the greatest challenges to biodiversity conservation because they often have devastating impacts on native biota but are near impossible to eradicate. The Red Fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) is established across most of mainland Australia, where it has been linked to severe declines and extinctions of a broad suite of native fauna. A targeted approach to reducing the impacts of Foxes on biodiversity was instigated in New South Wales in 2001 under the New South Wales Fox Threat Abatement Plan. It is based on three simple steps. First, explicit priorities for Fox control are established by identifying which native species are at greatest risk from Fox predation and at which sites Fox control for these species is most critical. Second, high-frequency broad-area Fox-control programmes are established across all land tenures at these priority sites. Third, monitoring programmes are established to measure the response of targeted native fauna and Foxes to Fox control. Monitoring helps refine the priorities for control and the methods used over time. This approach provides a model for the strategic control of widespread exotic pests which threaten biodiversity.  相似文献   

Exotic invasive plants can alter ecosystem processes. For the first time in Europe, we have analysed the impacts of exotic invasive plants on topsoil chemical properties. At eight sites invaded by five exotic invasive species (Fallopia japonica, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Solidago gigantea, Prunus serotina and Rosa rugosa), soil mineral element composition was compared between invaded patches and adjacent, uninvaded vegetation. We found increased concentrations of exchangeable essential nutrients under the canopy of exotic invasive plants, most strikingly so for K and Mn (32% and 34% increase, respectively). This result fits in well with previous reports of enhanced N dynamics in invaded sites, partly due to higher net primary productivity in exotic invasive plants compared to native vegetation. Sonia Vanderhoeven and Nicolas Dassonville - Equally contributing authors.  相似文献   

[目的]为了明确全球生物安全与植物保护领域内数据库建设进展和我国数据库的建设成效,对全球重要的外来入侵生物与植物有害生物数据库进行分类介绍和比较评价研究.[方法]根据数据库收录物种的地理范围、类群及数据库特色功能,对数据库进行分类.对重要数据库的主要功能进行简要介绍,设立多指标评价体系将我国数据库与国际优质数据库进行比...  相似文献   

Many wetland systems are being lost or degraded by human activities such as plantation forestry. Therefore, efforts to restore these wetland systems are important for biodiversity recovery. We assess the recovery of arthropod assemblages that occupy hydromorphic grassland topsoil and leaf litter after the removal of exotic pine trees. We sampled arthropods in three biotopes (natural untransformed hydromorphic grasslands, restored hydromorphic grasslands, and commercial pine plantations) replicated across a large‐scale timber‐grassland mosaic in the KwaZulu‐Natal Midlands, South Africa. In the restored sites, overall species richness, as well as species richness of spiders, ants, and orthopterans, was significantly higher than in plantations, and was as high as in natural, untransformed sites. Additionally, overall assemblage structure along with spider, beetle, ant, and orthopteran assemblages showed no significant differences between restored and natural grasslands. Therefore, pine tree removal enables recovery of these arthropod taxa to levels similar to those in natural hydromorphic grassland. Recovery was rapid, with the assemblages in some restored sites resembling those in untransformed sites after only 6 years, indicating a high level of resilience and recovery in these systems. Contrary to expectations, time since pine removal had a negative effect on arthropod recovery. This was due to the strongly negative effect of alien invasive American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius), which was most common in older restored sites, causing deviation from their restoration trajectory. The potential for arthropod recovery in these hydromorphic grasslands is high, but successful restoration is dependent on ongoing appropriate grassland management, especially removal of bramble.  相似文献   

The leaf miner Coptodisca lucifluella and the carpophagous Rhagoletis completa, of American origin, are two non‐native walnut (Juglans spp.) pests in Italy. For the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (FVG) (N‐E Italy), C. lucifluella is not yet listed, while R. completa has been present for over 25 years. During 2015, samples of leaves and fruits were collected from 219 single old common walnut trees (Juglans regia) placed at different altitudes (0–1,073 m a.s.l.) in FVG to detect the distribution and abundance of both pests. Samples of leaf miner larvae and their parasitoids were subjected to mitochondrial DNA analysis for identification. C. lucifluella has been found in 55 out of 219 sites. The species has been identified by typical leaf symptoms and by its DNA barcode. This is the first report of the species for FVG. The leaf miner distribution was negatively correlated with altitude. The species has not been observed at sites over 600 m a.s.l. Larvae were parasitized by native parasitoids identified as belonging to the genus Chrysocharis by morphological features and by DNA barcode. R. completa has been found in 89 out of 165 sites on walnut trees with fruits. The infestation level was very high in lowland localities. At sites over 700 m a.s.l., no infestation was found. Both species are widespread in the region, and their occurrence is significantly affected by altitude. Data suggest that walnut trees could be cultivated in some mountain areas without the need to control R. completa with insecticides.  相似文献   

Understanding entry pathways resulting from global trade is critical to assess the risks of introduction of invasive alien species (IAS). From 1996 onward, the import of timber from Russia and the Baltic States to Belgium dramatically increased, with more than one million cubic metres of coniferous round wood imported until 2004. Such a high volume could have served as entry pathway for exotic bark beetles from the East that have the potential to become forest insect pests upon establishment. We collected and cross-checked different data sources (FAOSTAT, Eurostat, National Bank of Belgium, Belgian Customs, the Belgian sawmills industry) regarding the import of timber in an attempt to trace back the spatial and temporal patterns of this trade, and to assess the expected validity of a pest risk analysis based on those data. We found that the timber trade between 1996 and 2004 is particularly dynamic in space and time, and may have allowed several opportunities for exotic bark-beetle introductions. In addition, the patterns of trade change so quickly from year to year that the existing data sources are essentially not adequate for IAS risk assessment in a near real-time fashion. The data are either comprehensive, but then aggregated at a too coarse level (space, time, or category) to be of real use in risk assessment, or available with adequate levels of details, in which case they are mostly partial or incomplete. Better accessibility to data and data exchanges between organizations in charge of trade data collection and plant protection would help better targeting of phytosanitary controls.  相似文献   

[目的] 明确世界自然保护联盟公布的“世界100种恶性外来入侵物种”在我国大陆发生分布现状,为我国制定外来入侵物种管控对象和分级管理对策提供依据。[方法] 基于在线数据库系统、文献报道以及外来入侵物种本底调查结果,采用分类统计方法,对物种的分类地位、原产地、在我国的入侵状态及其所在的生态系统进行分析。[结果] 世界100种恶性外来入侵物种已有82种在我国发生分布,包括本地种33种、外来入侵种32种、外来非入侵种16种,以及未明确入侵状态1种。其中,32种外来入侵种包括陆生无脊椎动物8种、哺乳动物2种、鱼类2种、两栖动物1种、爬行动物1种、水生无脊椎动物2种、陆生植物9种、水生植物4种、真菌1种、卵菌1种和病毒1种。以上物种主要分布在东南沿海地区和西南地区,而较少分布在西北地区和东北地区;约75%物种分布在农田、城镇、森林和湿地4类生态系统。[结论] 建议外来入侵物种管理部门重点关注尚未在国内发生分布的18种潜在外来入侵物种,并列入国家外来入侵物种相关管理对象,严防其传入与扩散;严密监控国内已发生且具有潜在危险的外来物种,防止其向可能入侵的生态系统边缘扩散;继续对在国内已发生的外来入侵种实施区域性分级控制管理措施。  相似文献   

The impact that an exotic species can have on the composition of the community it enters is a function of its abundance, its particular species traits and characteristics of the recipient community. In this study we examined species composition in 14 sites burned in fires fuelled by non‐indigenous C4 grasses in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. We considered fire intensity, time since fire, climatic zone of site, unburned grass cover, unburned native cover and identity of the most abundant exotic grass in the adjacent unburned site as potential predictor variables of the impact of fire upon native species. We found that climatic zone was the single best variable for explaining variation in native cover among burned sites and between burned and unburned pairs. Fire in the eastern coastal lowlands had a very small effect on native plant cover and often stimulated native species regeneration, whereas fire in the seasonal submontane zone consistently caused a decline in native species cover and almost no species were fire tolerant. The dominant shrub, Styphelia tameiameia, in particular was fire intolerant. The number of years since fire, fire intensity and native cover in reference sites were not significantly correlated with native species cover in burned sites. The particular species of grass that carried the fire did however, have a significant effect on native species recovery. Where the African grass Melinis minutiflora was a dominant or codominant species, fire impacts were more severe than where it was absent regardless of climate zone. Overall, the impacts of exotic grass‐fuelled fires on native species composition and cover in seasonally dry Hawaiian ecosystems was context specific. This specificity is best explained by differences between the climatic zones in which fire occurred. Elevation was the main physical variable that differed among the climatic zones and it alone could explain a large percentage of the variation in native cover among sites. Rainfall, by contrast, did not vary systematically with elevation. Elevation is associated with differences in composition of the native species assemblages. In the coastal lowlands, the native grass Heteropogon contortus, was largely responsible for positive changes in native cover after fire although other native species also increased. Like the exotic grasses, this species is a perennial C4 grass. It is lacking in the submontane zone and there are no comparable native species there and almost all native species in the submontane zone were reduced by fire. The lack of fire tolerant species in the submontane zone thus clearly contributes to the devastating impact of fire upon native cover there.  相似文献   

Exotic species become invasive aliens when they have an adverse effect on the community of the recipient ecosystem, and their spread among closed water systems is of recent concern for the conservation of native biodiversity in Japan. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède) is recognized as one of the worst 100 alien species, being undesirable because of its trophic level as a top predator. Smallmouth bass that have been illegally introduced into Lake Aoki, central Japan, in the 1990s for the purpose of sports fishing have seriously affected the lower trophic levels in the lake including fisheries resources, while a strong effort to remove them has proved to be limited in usefulness. We intended to identify indigenous agents that have a potential to control smallmouth bass in the lake. Snorkeling observations in the daytime revealed that Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis Günther) intruded into smallmouth bass spawning nest as a school and were able to consume the eggs while the male bass was guarding the nest. Consequently, the proportion of lost eggs owing to the predation reached 92.4% per clutch on average, proving that native cyprinids are able to function as an efficient egg predator that reduces the survival of smallmouth bass. We consider that employing the indigenous egg predator can be a practical means to eradicate exotic smallmouth bass, combined with the removal of stones on the nest as a subsidiary step to expose smallmouth bass eggs to predation by Japanese dace.  相似文献   

自然保护区在生物多样性保护中起着关键作用,然而也面临外来物种入侵等诸多压力。基于72个已调查国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物数据,重点分析生态环境部发布的四批外来入侵物种名单中已有分布的35种外来入侵植物分布格局及其影响因素。研究发现72个国家级自然保护区平均记录有(7.78±0.47)种外来入侵植物,MaxEnt模型预测结果表明98.69%的国家级自然保护区面临外来植物入侵风险。低纬度地区(8.07±0.73)和中纬度地区(9.64±0.56)国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物数量显著高于高纬度地区(4.53±0.88),且不同类型国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物差异不显著。温度和降雨量是影响外来入侵植物在自然保护区分布的关键因素,且影响不同生活型外来入侵植物分布格局的关键因素不同:温度对一年生草本、藤本和灌木的分布解释量极为显著,保护区建立时间、温度、降雨量和海拔共同影响多年生草本植物在国家级自然保护区的分布。研究结果表明国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物调查与监测还存在很大的空白,未来需要进一步加强自然保护区外来入侵植物研究,并提升外来入侵植物的监管能力。  相似文献   

Invasion ecologists have often found that exotic invaders evolve to be more plastic than conspecific populations from their native range. However, an open question is why some exotic invaders can even evolve to be more plastic given that there may be costs to being plastic. Investigation into the benefits and costs of plasticity suggests that stress may constrain the expression of plasticity (thereby reducing the benefits of plasticity) and exacerbate the costs of plasticity (although this possibility might not be generally applicable). Therefore, evolution of adaptive plasticity is more likely to be constrained in stressful environments. Upon introduction to a new range, exotic species may experience more favorable growth conditions (e.g., because of release from natural enemies). Therefore, we hypothesize that any factors mitigating stress in the introduced range may promote exotic invaders to evolve increased adaptive plasticity by reducing the costs and increasing the benefits of plasticity. Empirical evidence is largely consistent with this hypothesis. This hypothesis contributes to our understanding of why invasive species are often found to be more competitive in a subset of environments. Tests of this hypothesis may not only help us understand what caused increased plasticity in some exotic invaders, but could also tell us if costs (unless very small) are more likely to inhibit the evolution of adaptive plasticity in stressful environments in general.  相似文献   

  • 1 The horse‐chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is a moth of unknown origin that has recently invaded Europe and severely defoliates the European horse‐chestnut, an important ornamental tree.
  • 2 Several indigenous parasitoids have colonized this new host, but parasitism remains low. One of the hypotheses suggested to explain the low parasitism is that candidate parasitoids emerge too early in spring to attack the first host generation and, thus, need early‐occurring leaf miners as alternate hosts. This hypothesis was tested by observing the synchronization between the phenology of the moth and that of its main parasitoids, and by comparing parasitism rates and parasitoid richness in different environments with various levels of biological diversity.
  • 3 In spring, the bulk of the parasitoids emerge at least 5 weeks before the occurrence of the first suitable larvae of C. ohridella whereas most parasitoid adults reared outdoors die within 5 weeks after emergence.
  • 4 Parasitism rates and parasitoid richness do not increase with biological diversity, suggesting that most parasitoids attacking the first generation of C. ohridella do not come from alternate hosts. Parasitism does not increase later in the year in the subsequent generations, when host‐parasitoid synchronization becomes less critical.
  • 5 We conclude that, although the spring emergence of parasitoids is not synchronized with the phenology of C. ohridella, the parasitoids attacking the first generation are probably old or late‐emerging adults of the overwintering generation. The lack of synchronization is probably not the only reason for the poor recruitment of native parasitoids by C. ohridella.

Abstract Invasive species have potentially devastating effects on ecological communities and ecosystems. To understand the invasion process of exotic forest pests in South Korea, we reviewed four major species of exotic forest pests: the pine needle gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis), pine wilt disease caused by the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) and the black pine bast scale (Matsucoccus thunbergianae). We consider their biology, ecology, invasion history, dispersal patterns and related traits, and management as exotic species. Among these species, the dispersal process of fall webworm was linear, showing a constant range expansion as a function of time, whereas the other three species showed biphasic patterns, rapidly increasing dispersal speed after slow dispersal at the early invasion stage. Moreover, human activities accelerated their expansion, suggesting that prevention of the artificial movement of damaged trees would be useful to slow expansion of exotic species. We believe that this information would be useful to establish management strategies for invasion species.  相似文献   

新疆农林外来入侵生物的发生现状、趋势及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆属于我国西北干旱和半干旱地区,荒漠绿洲是其农林业发展的主要载体。由于特殊的地理生态和区位优势,新疆成为我国遭受农林外来入侵生物危害最为严重的区域之一。研究表明,近66年来新疆农林外来入侵生物多达95种。近些年,生物入侵呈现间隔期越来越短、突发性疫情频率越来越高的特点;特别是自1990年以来,新疆农林外来入侵生物呈暴发式增长态势,这一时期传入该地区的农林外来入侵生物有75种,占农林外来入侵生物总量的78.95%,新入侵生物种类年平均2.88种。农林外来生物入侵不仅造成了严重的经济损失,而且对新疆农业和林业生产安全构成了严重威胁。在"一带一路"战略实施和电子商务快速发展的背景下,通过对新疆农业生产发展状况、地理生态特点和区位优势进行分析,结合新疆农林外来入侵生物发生现状、趋势及其研究进展,提出新疆乃至我国西北荒漠绿洲生态区未来农林外来生物研究的主要方向和目标,以期为有效遏制农林外来生物入侵和危害,以及保障新疆乃至全国农业生产和生态安全提供服务。  相似文献   

王发国  周劲松  易绮斐  邢福武  武丽琼   《广西植物》2006,26(4):424-428,348
由于火山岩特殊的自然地理条件,其植被的组成与分布也具有特殊性。野外调查表明,湛江火山沟共有维管束植物238种,含种类较多的科为菊科、大戟科、禾本科、蝶形花科、桑科和芸香科。较重要的物种有大果榕、对叶榕、樟树、幌伞枫、假苹婆、桃金娘、野牡丹、鸭脚木、厚皮树等,它们在植被的组成与演替中起着举足轻重的作用。值得注意的是,外来入侵种在本区占有较大比例,这与本区的地理位置和日益增长的外贸、旅游交流等密切相关。该文对植被的组成、外来入侵种的危害作了分析与探讨,并提出了相应的保育措施。  相似文献   

北京市建成区绿地植物物种来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨北京市建成区绿地植物的物种构成、外来植物组成及其在不同功能区的分布,采用机械布点和随机抽样法对北京市建成区绿地植物资源进行系统调查。结果表明:(1)北京市建成区绿地植物外来引进种173种,外来归化入侵种20余种:(2)外来引进种以国内引进为主,境外起源物种中美洲和欧亚区系植物占绝对优势:(3)外来种丰度按大小排列为:大型公园〉高等院校〉居住区绿地〉街头绿地/街心花园〉附属绿地〉街道绿地〉片林绿地,而各绿地类型的入侵种数量没有显著差异。  相似文献   

厦门市外来物种入侵现状及其风险评价指标体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
欧健  卢昌义 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1240-1244
通过对厦门地区外来物种入侵状况的实地调查,对已有文献资料的查阅和专家咨询,整理了厦门市已入侵或值得警惕的外来植物名录。并从气候、土壤、植被生态群落结构、地貌特征、人为和自然干扰状况以及港口交通贸易等方面分析了厦门市外来生物入侵现状的原因。结合前人在外来生物入侵的风险评价方面的研究成果,针对厦门市的外来植物入侵现状,构建了适应厦门地区外来植物入侵风险评价指标体系框架,该指标体系由“移居与建群的可能性”、“危害与影响”和“预防与控制”3大部分,共计6个一级指标,17个二级指标构成。  相似文献   

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