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The peritremes of the British intertidal Gamasina are structurally similar to those described for species occurring in soil and leaf litter, the highly elaborate peritreme plastrons present in species occurring in low oxygen tension environments are not typical of the fauna. It is shown that elaborate peritremes can form effective gas gills if an airfilm is supported by the peritrematic slit; however, if the airfilm is supported by the micropapillae on the floor of the peritreme, then the respiratory efficiency of the gas gilhbecomes comparable with that of elaborate peritreme plastrons. Evidence is presented reinforcing the theory that the plastron is supported by the micropapillae. The absence of elaborate respiratory peritreme plastrons among the intertidal Gamasina suggests that these mites are preadapted to respiration during tidal inundation. Other preadaptations include the distal parabolic shape of the micropapillae, however in the plastron forming species the micropapillae are shorter and basally thicker to prevent bending under pressure Developmental trends within the peritremes, with respect to plastron formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Many species within Elmidae (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea) have plastrons composed of flattened setae. However, some genera display fine plastrons on the epicuticle, called plastron hairs. In Japanese elmids, members of the genera Stenelmis, Ordobrevia, Nomuraelmis and Leptelmis bear ventral plastron hairs. Based on a maximum likelihood tree including most Japanese genera within Elmidae, we found that these genera are monophyletic and that plastron hairs are a derived character in Elmidae. We also found that the genus Graphelmis bears jigsaw puzzle‐like plastron scales with plastron hair‐like projections, and is sister to the group with plastron hairs.  相似文献   

In the naucorid bug, Alphelocheirus, the plastron hairs are twice as thick and nearly twice as dense (ca. 4 × 106/mm2) as they had been thought to be by previous workers. From experiments and calculations it seems clear that when the plastron is subjected to excess pressures it is wetted long before there is any question of the collapse of the hair pile itself. The plastron of Aphelocheirus is thus like the plastrons of other insects in that it is wetted long before the structures supporting the air film collapse.A plastron has been independently evolved in at least five subfamilies of the Naucoridae. A plastron is here recorded for the first time in bugs of the family Helotrephidae.It has been claimed that the plastron-bearing elmid beetles are unable to fly. Many, if not most, of these beetles fly after they emerge from their pupal cells. However, once they have begun to live under water they cease to be able to fly: the flight muscles degenerate, and this degeneration seems to be irreversible.The structure of the plastron scales of several kinds of weevils is described. The resistance of the plastron of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus, to wetting at excess pressures is examined. An explanation is advanced to account for the fact that weevils and other plastron-bearing beetles that live in still waters can often swim whereas those, like elmids and dryopids, that live in running waters cannot swim.  相似文献   

Davis DR  Landry JF 《ZooKeys》2012,(183):37-83
The indigenous North American micropterigid genus Epimartyria Walsingham,1898 is revised. Three species are recognized, including Epimartyria auricrinella Walsingham, 1898 which occurs widely over much of the northeastern United States and Canada, a new species, Epimartyria bimaculella Davis & Landry from northwestern United States and Canada, and Epimartyria pardella (Walsingham, 1880) from northern California to northern Oregon. The larva of Epimartyria auricrinella is described in detail, supplemented with illustrations of the external structure of the larval integument. The larval plastron is described and illustrated for Epimartyria, and this is compared with the plastrons of Neomicropteryx Issiki, 1931 and Micropterix Hübner, 1825. COI barcode sequences show that the three species are genetically distinct, congruent with morphological differences. Marked haplotype divergence within some Epimartyria auricrinella populations appears to be unrelated to morphology, geography or phenology.  相似文献   

Veteiks R 《Biofizika》2005,50(4):719-725
An analytical solution of the differential equation describing the distribution of the electrotonic potential in the three-dimensional RC-medium of finite thickness when the current source is hemispheric was obtained. Computerized programs were developed, and families of curves of T1/2 (time during which the electrotonic potential reaches half of the stationary amplitude) dependence on the size of current electrode (R0), the distance between the current electrode and the potential recording site (R), and medium thickness (D) were established. It is shown that function T1/2 = f(R) is not linear in close vicinity of the current electrode, and the application of linear dependence T1/2 = R/2 + const for the determination of the plasmic membrane time constant (taum) in myocardial tissue would lead to errors of -70% / +20%.  相似文献   

Ticks are blood-feeding arthropods known for their long survivability off the host. Although ticks are terrestrial, they can survive extended periods of time submerged underwater. A plastron is an alternative respiration system that can absorb oxygen from water via a thin layer of air trapped by hydrophobic hairs or other cuticular projections. The complex spiracular plate of ticks has been postulated to serve as a plastron but that function has not been verified. This study provides evidence of plastron respiration in the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and for the first time confirmed the existence of plastron respiration in Ixodidae. Longer survival rates in oxygenated water indicate that underwater respiration requires oxygen. Wetting the spiracular plate with alcohol debilitates any potential plastron function and lowers the survival rate. Survival underwater may also be enhanced by metabolic depression and possibly anaerobic respiration. This study describes the first example of plastron respiration in the Ixodidae.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the electrical properties of a myelinated nerve fiber is given, consisting of the Hodgkin-Huxley ordinary differential equations to represent the membrane at the nodes of Ranvier, and a partial differential cable equation to represent the internodes. Digital computer solutions of these equations show an impulse arising at a stimulating electrode and being propagated away, approaching a constant velocity. Action potential curves plotted against distance show discontinuities in slope, proportional to the nodal action currents, at the nodes. Action potential curves plotted against time, at the nodes and in the internodes, show a marked difference in steepness of the rising phase, but little difference in peak height. These results and computed action current curves agree fairly accurately with published experimental data from frog and toad fibers.  相似文献   

The kind of physical gill known as a plastron is a gas film of constant volume and an extensive water-air interface. Such films are held by hydrofuge structures, and they resist wetting at the hydrostatic pressures to which they are normally subjected in nature. In well-aerated water a plastron enables the insect to be immersed indefinitely. A plastron is here recorded for the first time in adult beetles of the suborder Myxophaga. In both known genera of the family Torridincolidae a plastron is present on the abdomen. In Ptyopteryx of Brazil the plastron forms a diffraction grating that is responsible for the iridescence oi the abdomen. The structure of the plastron of Torridincola of Rhodesia is like that of some other beetles, and it is not iridescent. Among adult beetles plastron respiration has been independently evolved in at least eight quite different groups, and within some of these groups it has been evolved on more than one occasion.  相似文献   

The present study suggests that the peritremes of both Phaulodinychus repleta (Berlese) (Uropo-didae) and Thinozercon michaeli Halbert (Thinozerconidae) are incapable of forming peritreme plastrons in the same manner as the Gamasina or Phaulodinychus mitis (Leonardi) (Uropodidae) described in previous studies. However, it is proposed that extra-peritrematic plastrons may be formed by other structures, for example the pedofossae and legs in P. repleta and the coarse sculpturing on the dorsal surface of the peritrematic shield in T. michaeli , which may trap an airfilm during inundation.  相似文献   

We have studied the conductance properties of unmodified monoglyceride membranes as a function of monoglyceride chain length. As membrane thickness decreases from 31 to 20 nm, the steepness of the current-voltage (I-V) curve increases from 80 mV per e-fold current increase to 52 mV per e-fold current increase. The zero-voltage conductance increases more than 1,000-fold and the apparent activation energy of conductance decreases from 18.4 to 14.2 kcal/mol. We have analyzed our results using both the Nernst-Planck equation and absolute rate theory. Both approaches are consistent with our results and give consistent values for the parameters describing the I-V curves. We conclude that both the surface ion concentration and the distance from the surface of the membrane at which the energy of an ion rises appreciably above its value in solution (position of the barrier) are invariant with thickness.  相似文献   

A juvenile turtle from the upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of Nusplingen is identified as an eurysternid turtle. It differs in plastral morphology from a juvenile eurysternid turtle from the latest Kimmerdigian of Kelheim described in the 19th century, which represents a comparably early developmental stage. Both juveniles have primordial ribs not yet transformed into costals and lack all other carapacial elements whereas the plastral elements are well developed. The new specimen from Nusplingen has a more robust plastron type when compared to the very gracile, bow- or arc-shaped plastron type of the formerly described juvenile. Both plastron types are also represented by yet undescribed additional juvenile, medium-sized and/or larger eurysternid specimens. The juvenile specimens thus likely document the presence of two morphologically very similar eurysternid taxa in the Upper Jurassic of southern Germany. Both plastron types are different from those described for Idiochelys and Solnhofia but may resemble plastron morphology of Eurysternum, which is, however, only incompletely known.  相似文献   

The auditory spiracle of tettigoniid Orthoptera influences hearing threshold and, for the most part, individuals with larger auditory spiracles have lower hearing thresholds; they are more sensitive. Hearing thresholds of both sexes of the bushcricket, Requena verticalis Walker (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae; Listroscelidinae), were measured at the male call's carrier frequency and were found to correlate with spiracle dimension. In turn, spiracle dimension correlates with the size of the insect as measured by pronotum length. The best frequency of hearing is close to 16 kHz and this appears to be independent of size. Males show a higher variation in threshold than females and this was reflected in a trend toward lower variance in spiracle size in females.
To test the effects of size on sensitivity, spiracle size was manipulated by partially blocking it. Blocking the spiracle decreases sensitivity to high rather than low frequencies. As in other tettigoniids, the spiracle and associated auditory system act as a high-pass filter. Within and between sex differences in hearing sensitivity were compared with differences in male call intensity. It is argued that sensitivity to sounds associated with mating should be as much under sexual selection as the sexual calls of males.  相似文献   

The term ??plastron??, as it applies to terrestrial and aquatic arthropods, has been used in a variety of ways. A generalised and simple definition of this term is provided based on a classification of its structural and functional aspects.  相似文献   

Approximate equations for epithelial solute and water transport have been combined with the relations of mass conservation to yield a single differential equation representing volume flow along the proximal tubule. This flow equation is first order, quasilinear and may be integrated directly. For the steady state, the result is an implicit relation between volume flow and distance along the tubule. For two time-dependent problems (step change of tubule inlet velocity or osmolality) the trajectories (distance as a function of transit time) of a fluid element starting at the inlet are obtained. Differentiation of the steady-state relation with respect to the inlet velocity yields a first-order differential equation relating inlet and outlet velocity. This equation is considered in detail, particularly with regard to the influence of solute-linked water reabsorption. Model calculations with parameters representing rat proximal tubule indicate that it will be difficult to discern coupled water flux in this epithelium from only outlet and inlet flows. Calculations using lower transport rates and lower permeabilities suggest that this equation may be useful in quantifying coupled water flow in proximal tubules from other species.  相似文献   

Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the development of new book lung lamellae in juvenile and adult spiders (Parasteatoda tepidariorum). As hypothesized earlier in a study of embryos, mesenchyme cells dispersed throughout the opisthosoma (EMT) are a likely source of precursor epithelial cells (MET) for the new lamellae. The precursor cells in juveniles and adults continue many of the complex activities observed in embryos, e.g., migration, alignment, lumen formation, thinning, elongation, and secretion of the cuticle of air channel walls and trabeculae. The apicobasal polarity of precursor cells for new channels is apparently induced by the polarity pattern of precursor cells of channels produced earlier. Thus, new air and hemolymph channels extend and continue the alternating pattern of older channels. At sites more distant from the spiracle and atrium, new channels are usually produced by the mode II process (intracellular alignment and merging of vesicles). These air channels have bridging trabeculae and are quite stable in size throughout their length. At sites closer to the spiracle and atrium, new channels may be produced by mode I (coalescence of merocrine vesicle secretion). This raises the hypothesis that structural and functional differences in mode I and II channels and differing oxygen and fluid conditions with distance from the spiracle and atrium determine the mode of formation of new channels. Observations herein support an earlier hypothesis that there is some intercellular apical/apical and basal/basal affinity among the opposed surfaces of aligned precursor cells. This results in the alternating pattern of air channels at the apical and hemolymph channels at the basal cell surfaces.  相似文献   

A previous genetic analysis of a reporter gene carrying a 375-bp region from a dpp intron (dppMX-lacZ) revealed that the Wingless and Dpp pathways are required to activate dpp expression in posterior spiracle formation. Here we report that within the dppMX region there is an enhancer with binding sites for TCF and Mad that are essential for activating dppMX expression in posterior spiracles. There is also a binding site for Brinker likely employed to repress dppMX expression. This combinatorial enhancer may be the first identified with the ability to integrate temporally distinct positive (TCF and Mad) and negative (Brinker) inputs in the same cells. Cuticle studies on a unique dpp mutant lacking this enhancer showed that it is required for viability and that the Filzkorper are U-shaped rather than straight. Together with gene expression data from these mutants and from brk mutants, our results suggest that there are two rounds of Dpp signaling in posterior spiracle development. The first round is associated with dorsal-ventral patterning and is necessary for designating the posterior spiracle field. The second is governed by the combinatorial enhancer and begins during germ band retraction. The second round appears necessary for proper spiracle internal morphology and fusion with the remainder of the tracheal system. Intriguingly, several aspects of dpp posterior spiracle expression and function are similar to demonstrated roles for Wnt and BMP signaling in proximal-distal outgrowth of the mammalian embryonic lung.  相似文献   

The present study introduces an approach to automatic classification of extracellularly recorded action potentials of neurons. The classification of spike waveform is considered a pattern recognition problem of special segments of signal that correspond to the appearance of spikes. The spikes generated by one neuron should be recognized as members of the same class. The spike waveforms are described by the nonlinear oscillating model as an ordinary differential equation with perturbation, thus characterizing the signal distortions in both amplitude and phase. It is shown that the use of local variables reduces the problem of spike recognition to the separation of a mixture of normal distributions in the transformed feature space. We have developed an unsupervised iteration-learning algorithm that estimates the number of classes and their centers according to the distance between spike trajectories in phase space. This algorithm scans the learning set to evaluate spike trajectories with maximal probability density in their neighborhood. Following the learning, the procedure of minimal distance is used to perform spike recognition. Estimation of trajectories in phase space requires calculation of the first- and second-order derivatives, and integral operators with piecewise polynomial kernels were used. This provided the computational efficiency of the developed approach for real-time application as required by recordings in behaving animals and in human neurosurgical operations. The new method of spike sorting was tested on simulated and real data and performed better than other approaches currently used in neurophysiology.  相似文献   

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