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The genetic divergence between two closely related rockfishes, Sebastes longispinis and Sebastes hubbsi, was inferred from both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variations and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. The two species were placed into two distinct clades in a neighbour-joining tree based on the AFLP data, clearly indicating that they represented separate species. Although this evidence, together with a previous morphological study, revealed clear differences between the two species, no obvious clustering of haplotypes by species was detected in the minimum spanning network inferred from sequence variations in the mtDNA control region (c. 500 base pairs). In fact, the significant Φ(ST) estimates indicated only a restriction of gene flow between the two species. Uncorrected pairwise sequence differences in mtDNA between two species were small (1·8% at maximum, on the lower end of the range of control region divergence between previously studied sister species pairs), suggesting their speciation event as having been fairly recent. The incongruent results of AFLP and mtDNA phylogenies suggested incomplete lineage sorting and introgression of mtDNA in the course of the evolution of the two species. Differences in their main distributional ranges and the small level of sequence divergence in mtDNA suggests that speciation and dispersal may have been associated with glacio-eustatic sea level fluctuations between the Japanese Archipelago and the Korean Peninsula during the past 0·4 million years.  相似文献   

The genetic composition of a hybrid zone can provide insight into the evolution of diversification in plants. We carried out morphological and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses to investigate the genetic composition of a hybrid zone between two violets, Viola bissetii Hemsl. and Viola rossii Maxim. Our aim was to clarify the formation and maintenance of hybrids between these Viola species. We found that most hybrid individuals (V. bissetii × V. rossii) were of the F1 generation, with a few of the F2 generation. We found no backcrosses. The scarcity of post‐F1 hybrids indicates that a species barrier is established between the parental species. The F1‐dominated hybrid zone occupied only a narrow, intermediate ecotone between the parental habitats, suggesting that selection by environmental factors against hybrids may help to maintain the current conditions in this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Hybridization is known to be involved in a number of evolutionary processes, including species formation, and the generation of novel defence characteristics in plants. The genus Senecio of the Asteraceae family is highly speciose and has historically demonstrated significant levels of interspecific hybridization. The evolution of novel chemical defence characteristics may have contributed to the success of Senecio hybrids. Chemical defence against pathogens and herbivores has been studied extensively in the model species Senecio jacobaea, which is thought to hybridize in nature with Senecio aquaticus. Here, we use amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) composition to confirm that natural hybridization occurs between S. jacobaea and the closely related species S. aquaticus. AFLPs are also used to estimate the ancestry of hybrids. We also demonstrate that even highly back-crossed hybrids can possess a unique mixture of defence chemicals specific to each of the parental species. This hybrid system may therefore prove to be useful in further studies of the role of hybridization in the evolution of plant defence and resistance.  相似文献   

Many of the sunfishes (Centrarchidae) hybridize in natural systems, yet little is known about the interactions among hybridizing individuals in nature. We used allozyme electrophoresis to identify interspecific hybrids between bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) in Lake Opinicon, Ontario, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to identify the maternal parentage of those individuals. All 44 individuals collected and identified electrophoreti-cally as F1 hybrids had a pumpkinseed mtDNA haplotype, indicating that hybridization between these species in Lake Opinicon is asymmetrical; F1 hybrids result only from matings between female pumpkinseed and male bluegill.  相似文献   

The analysis of hybrid plant taxa using molecular methods has considerably extended understanding of possible pathways of hybrid evolution. Here, we investigated the origin of the tetraploid Senecio mohavensis ssp. breviflorus and the hexaploid Senecio hoggariensis by sequencing of nuclear and chloroplast DNA, and by analysis of the distribution of taxon-specific amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fragments. Both taxa originated from hybridization between the diploid Senecio flavus and Senecio glaucus. Whereas S. glaucus was the female parent in the origin of S. mohavensis ssp. breviflorus, S. flavus was the female parent in the origin of S. hoggariensis. The distribution of AFLP fragments suggests that S. hoggariensis is an allohexaploid species with two diploid genomes of S. glaucus and one diploid genome of S. flavus. The high frequency of S. flavus-specific fragments in S. mohavensis ssp. breviflorus is explained either as the result of introgression between a primary hybrid and S. flavus or as the result of intergenomic recombination in a primary hybrid. These two alternative processes cannot easily be distinguished.  相似文献   

Intergeneric hybridization between the endemic New Zealand species Helichrysum lanceolatum and Anaphalioides bellidioides (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) at two Banks Peninsula populations was investigated by DNA sequencing and amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting. Crosses in both directions have contributed to the generation of the F1 hybrids, but in the study season hybridization was far more common with H. lanceolatum as the maternal parent. F1 hybrids have reduced, but considerable, fertility and seed collected from them includes back-crosses. Two hybrid plants sampled from the wild appear to be back-crosses to H. lanceolatum. Despite back-crossing, introgression was not demonstrated and is at most limited in scope. These results also corroborate important roles for small population size and rarity in the formation of hybrid lineages in New Zealand's everlastings.  © 2007 Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 89–98.  相似文献   

Two new species of Leptobotia are here described as L. rotundilobus from the Xin'an-Jiang of the upper Qiantang-Jiang basin in both Anhui and Zhejiang Provinces and the Cao'e-Jiang in Zhejiang Province, and L. paucipinna from the Qing-Jiang of the middle Chang-Jiang basin in Hubei Province, South China. Both have a plain brown body as found in L. bellacauda Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2016, L. microphthalma Fu & Ye, 1983, L. posterodorsalis Chen & Lan, 1992 and L. tientainensis (Wu, 1930). The two new species are distinct from these species in vertebral counts, further from L. posterodorsalis in vent placement and further from the other three species in pectoral-fin length. Both differ in caudal-fin coloration and shape, and dorsal-fin location and coloration, and also in internal morphology. Their validity is confirmed by their own monophyly recovered in a phylogenetic analysis based on the mitochondrial cyt b and COI genes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated potential differences in morphology of unextruded larvae from Sebastes mentella and Sebastes norvegicus in Icelandic waters. Fifty‐four larvae of each species were measured, and 18 measurements were recorded for each specimen (morphometric, meristic and pigmentation patterns). Pre‐extrusion larvae of S. norvegicus were longer than those of S. mentella. Additionally, there were significant differences in morphometric, meristic and pigmentation characters between pre‐extrusion larvae of these species. Pigmentation of S. mentella differed from that of S. norvegicus in several aspects. Dorsal and ventral body pigmentation tended to begin more posteriorly in S. mentella, therefore, the overall length of these pigmented areas tended to be longer in S. norvegicus.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora, smooth cordgrass, native to the eastern USA, was introduced into south San Francisco Bay ≈ 25 years ago. It has spread by purposeful introduction of rooted plants and dispersal of seeds on the tides. Previous work suggested that S. alterniflora was competitively superior to the native California cordgrass, S. foliosa, and that the two species hybridized. The present study determined the spread of S. alterniflora and S. foliosa × alterniflora hybrids in California and examined the degree of hybridization. We used nuclear DNA markers diagnostic for each species to detect the parental species and nine categories of hybrids. The California coast outside San Francisco Bay contained only the native species. All hybrid categories exist in the Bay, implying that several generations of crossing have occurred and that hybridization is bidirectional. Hybrids were found principally near sites of deliberate introduction of the exotic species. Where S. alterniflora was deliberately planted, we found approximately equal numbers of S. alterniflora and hybrid individuals; S. foliosa was virtually absent. Marshes colonized by water-dispersed seed contained the full gamut of phenotypes with intermediate-type hybrids predominating. The proliferation of hybrids could result in local extinction of S. foliosa. What is more, S. alterniflora has the ability to greatly modify the estuary ecosystem to the detriment of other native species and human uses of the Bay. To the extent that they share these engineering abilities, the proliferation of cordgrass hybrids could grossly alter the character of the San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

We performed analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in order to characterize the evolutionary history of Orinus according to its population genetic structure, as well as to investigate putative hybrid origins of O. intermedius and to provide additional insights into relationships among species. The genus Orinus comprises three clonal grasses that are dominant species within xeric alpine grasslands of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). Here, we used eight selectively obtained primer pairs of EcoRI/MseI to perform amplifications in 231 individuals of Orinus representing 48 populations and all three species. We compared our resulting data to genetic models of hybridization using a Bayesian algorithm within NewHybrids software. We determined that genetic variation in Orinus was 56.65% within populations while the among‐species component was 30.04% using standard population genetics statistics. Nevertheless, we detected that species of Orinus were clustered into three highly distinct genetic groups corresponding to classic species identities. Our results suggest that there is some introgression among species. Thus, we tested explicit models of hybridization using a Bayesian approach within NewHybrids software. However, O. intermedius likely derives from a common ancestor with O. kokonoricus and is probably not the result of hybrid speciation between O. kokonoricus and O. thoroldii. We suspect that recent isolation of species of Orinus in allopatry via vicariance may explain the patterns in diversity that we observed, and this is corroborated by a Mantel test that showed significant positive correlation between geographic and genetic distance (r = 0.05, p < 0.05). Recent isolation may explain why Orinus differs from many other clonal species by exhibiting the highest diversity within populations rather than among them.  相似文献   

Allometric growth of the stomach, intestine, and caeca was compared between two sympatric congeners, the copper rockfish ( Sebastes caurinus ) and the quillback rockfish ( S. maliger ), to examine the species-specific differences in their gut tract in relation to their general feeding habits. The intestine of copper rockfish was shorter and its mass less than the intestine of quillback rockfish. Copper rockfish also had a greater stomach mass and, on average, a greater number of pyloric caeca than quillback rockfish. The differences in the gut allometry between the species were consistent with differences in their general food habits as copper rockfish consume proportionally more fish and larger crustaceans than quillback rockfish.  相似文献   

The evolutionary importance of introgressive hybridization has long been recognized by plant evolutionists, and there is now a growing recognition for its potential role in animals as well. Detailed empirical investigations of this evolutionary process, however, are still lacking in many animal groups, particularly in the marine environment. Using integrated microsatellite DNA data (eight loci analysed over 803 individuals representing 17 sampling locations) and multivariate statistical procedures (principal component, factorial correspondence and admixture proportion analyses), we: (i) provide a detailed dissection of the dynamics of introgressive hybridization between Sebastes fasciatus and S. mentella, two economically important redfishes from the North-west Atlantic; and (ii) infer the factors potentially involved in the maintenance of the hybrid zone observed in the gulf of St. Lawrence and south of Newfoundland. This study provided one of the rare examples of extensive introgressive hybridization in the ocean, and highlighted the predominant role of this process in shaping the extent of genetic diversity, interspecific differences and population structuring among redfishes from the North-west Atlantic. The extensive (average rate of introgression = 15%) but geographically circumscribed and asymmetrical pattern of introgressive hybridization, the sympatric persistence of two reproductively isolated introgressed groups, the differential patterns of linkage disequilibrium among samples, and the maintenance of genetic integrity of both species outside the defined zone of introgression despite high potential for gene flow, all implicated selection in promoting and maintaining the observed pattern of introgression.  相似文献   

Seed mass variation and heteromorphism may afford plant species differential germination behavior and ultimately seedling success, particularly in disturbed habitats. We asked whether such variation occurs in Packera tomentosa (Michx.) C. Jeffrey (Asteraceae), a clonal species of the southeastern USA. Seed mass was compared within and among genetic individuals differentiated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms. We compared central and peripheral seeds produced by disc and ray florets, respectively, for their morphology, mass, and germination behavior, including response to water availability, aging, and cold stratification. Seed mass was highly variable both within and among individuals and influenced germination behavior. We found cryptic seed heteromorphism in P. tomentosa. Central and peripheral seeds had similar morphologies but dissimilar mass and biomass allocation. We used failure time analysis to detect different germination behavior. Central seeds were heavier, contained larger embryos, and germinated faster and at a higher proportion in most germination studies. Highly variable mass and heteromorphism of seeds may allow persistence of P. tomentosa in its disturbed habitats. Based on our results, some future studies of Asteraceae species with disc and ray florets may need to account for possible differences between seed types, even when morphological differences are not apparent. Evaluation of individual seed mass and maternal differences in germination studies may assist in the detection of cryptic seed heteromorphism, a phenomenon thought to be common, yet rarely documented.  相似文献   

The role of crop-to-weed gene flow is often controversial and overlooked. As a consequence, the likelihood of spontaneous crop-to-weed hybridization in most crop/weed systems is generally unknown. The lack of data relating to the formation of crop/weed hybrids has particular contemporary significance when considering the wide scale commercial release of transgenic crop plants and the potential for escape of engineered genes via crop-to-weed hybridization. We created an experimental system whereby we could examine the incidence and rate of spontaneous crop-to-weed hybridization between Sorghum bicolor and S. halepense, johnsongrass. An isozyme marker was used to identify hybrid plants through progeny testing. Incidence and rate of hybridization were highly variable with respect to weed distance from the crop, location of the study site, and year the study was performed. Crop/weed hybrids were detected at distances of 0.5–100 m from the crop. Interspecific hybridization can and does occur in this system at a substantial and measurable rate. Transgenes introduced into crop sorghum can be expected to have the opportunity to escape cultivation through interspecific hybridization with johnsongrass. Traits that prove to be beneficial to weeds possessing them can be expected to persist and spread. This is an issue that needs to be addressed when developing biosafety guidelines for the commercial release of transgenic sorghums.  相似文献   

Ophrys iricolor and O. mesaritica are a pair of morphologically similar, closely related sexually deceptive orchids from the eastern Mediterranean. Ophrys iricolor is known to be pollinated by Andrena morio males and the specific pollinator of Ophrys mesaritica is determined as Andrena nigroaenea. Amplified fragment length polymorphism revealed O. iricolor and O. mesaritica to be genetically intermixed on the whole, although populations of O. iricolor and O. mesaritica in geographical proximity are strongly differentiated, suggesting that specific pollinators locally differentiate these taxa. Based on the available biological data and the system of pollinator attraction operative in Ophrys, we hypothesize that O. mesaritica may have arisen from O. iricolor by pollinator shift and that this is more probable than scenarios invoking hybridization as a result of mispollination by rare, non‐specific flower visitors or specifically attracted insects. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 583–598.  相似文献   

Hypochaeris palustris (Phil.) De Wild. is a species growing in the southern Andean chain. To elucidate potential Pleistocene refugia and recolonization routes in the southern Andes, we analysed amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in 206 individuals in 21 populations of H. palustris from the coastal Cordillera, the central, northern, and eastern ranges of the southern Andes, and Patagonia. Populations from the coastal Cordillera harboured more private AFLP fragments, and exhibited a higher frequency of polymorphic fragments as well as higher Shannon diversity than all other areas investigated. The comparison among pooled AFLP profiles of each region revealed that the central Andean ranges shared most fragments with populations from the margins of the distributional area in the Andes, in the N, E, and S (Patagonia). Phenetic analysis indicated close relationships among populations of the central ranges. Populations of the coastal Cordillera were shown to be highly differentiated from the Andean populations. It is very likely therefore that (1) H. palustris recolonized the central ranges of the southern Andes from nearby refugia, possibly unglaciated areas N, E, and/or S of its present distributional area; (2) the postglacial spread of H. palustris in the central ranges of the southern Andes occurred rapidly; and (3) the coastal Cordillera served as a refugium for H. palustris, but these populations did not contribute to the recolonization of the central Andean ranges.  相似文献   

We postulated that the biogeographical history of South-east Asia contributed to extensive admixture during Pleistocene low sea levels of genetic groups of an obligate freshwater fish (the river catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus) isolated during periods of high sea levels. During Pleistocene glacial maxima, the sea level was lower than at present and the islands of the Sunda shelf (Sumatra, Borneo and Java) and the Asian mainland were connected by lowlands traversed by rivers. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA were documented for 140 putative H. nemurus analysed from 13 sampling sites resulting in the definition of 35 haplotypes. The high level of haplotype differentiation (mean P × 100 = 2.22, SD = 1.33) indicates that the subdivision of the ancestral H. netnurus group was extensive and probably occurred early in the Pleistocene. The occurrence of some genetically divergent groups of the H. netnurus complex occurring in sympatry in widely separated locations supports the proposition that low sea levels aided the dispersion and mingling of genetic groups. Based on both genetic and morphological evidence, the main H. nemurus line gave rise to three regional groups: (1) a morphologically distinct ‘Indochinese’ group composed of two mtDNA clades overlapping in east peninsular Malaysia; (2) a ‘Sundaic’ group composed of various lineages of differing morphology and genetic identity; (3) a genetically distinct ‘Sarawak’ group in west Borneo, similar in morphology to the ‘Sundaic’ and ‘Indochinese’ groups, but including a small, golden colour morph as a distinct dade. The morphologically similar Sundaic forms from west Java, Sumatra and west Borneo show some degree of genetic divergence, but their phylogenetic relationships are poorly resolved. The most genetically and morphologically distinct Sundaic dade, assigned to H. hoevenii, colonized the Kapuas river (west Borneo), east Sumatra and south peninsular Malaysia. Contrary to our original hypothesis and present biogeographical theory, little exchange of genetic groups has apparently occurred between the mainland and the Sunda Islands during recent glaciations.  相似文献   

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