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Female–female aggression often functions in competition over reproductive or social benefits, but the proximate mechanisms of this apparently adaptive behaviour are not well understood. The sex steroid hormone testosterone (T) and its metabolites are well-established mediators of male–male aggression, and several lines of evidence suggest that T-mediated mechanisms may apply to females as well. However, a key question is whether mechanisms of female aggression primarily reflect correlated evolutionary responses to selection acting on males, or whether direct selection acting on females has made modifications to these mechanisms that are adaptive in light of female life history. Here, I examine the degree to which female aggression is mediated at the level of T production, target tissue sensitivity to T, or downstream genomic responses in order to test the hypothesis that selection favours mechanisms that facilitate female aggression while minimizing the costs of systemically elevated T. I draw heavily from avian systems, including the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), as well as other organisms in which these mechanisms have been well studied from an evolutionary/ecological perspective in both sexes. Findings reveal that the sexes share many behavioural and hormonal mechanisms, though several patterns also suggest sex-specific adaptation. I argue that greater attention to multiple levels of analysis—from hormone to receptor to gene network, including analyses of individual variation that represents the raw material of evolutionary change—will be a fruitful path for understanding mechanisms of behavioural regulation and intersexual coevolution.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) regulates many traits related to fitness, including aggression. However, individual variation in aggressiveness does not always relate to circulating T, suggesting that behavioural variation may be more closely related to neural sensitivity to steroids, though this issue remains unresolved. To assess the relative importance of circulating T and neural steroid sensitivity in predicting behaviour, we measured aggressiveness during staged intrusions in free-living male and female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). We compared aggressiveness to plasma T levels and to the abundance of androgen receptor (AR), aromatase (AROM) and oestrogen receptor alpha (ORα) mRNA in behaviourally relevant brain areas (avian medial amygdala, hypothalamus and song control regions). We also asked whether patterns of covariation among behaviour and endocrine parameters differed in males and females, anticipating that circulating T may be a better predictor of behaviour in males than in females. We found that circulating T related to aggressiveness only in males, but that gene expression for ORα, AR and AROM covaried with individual differences in aggressiveness in both sexes. These findings are among the first to show that individual variation in neural gene expression for three major sex steroid-processing molecules predicts individual variation in aggressiveness in both sexes in nature. The results have broad implications for our understanding of the mechanisms by which aggressive behaviour may evolve.  相似文献   

Male aggressive behavior is generally regulated by testosterone (T). In most temperate breeding males, aggressive behavior is only expressed during the reproductive period. At this time circulating T concentrations, brain steroid receptors, and steroid metabolic enzymes are elevated in many species relative to the nonreproductive period. Many tropical birds, however, display aggressive behavior both during the breeding and the nonbreeding season, but plasma levels of T can remain low throughout the year and show little seasonal fluctuation. Studies on the year-round territorial spotted antbird (Hylophylax n. naevioides) suggest that T nevertheless regulates aggressive behavior in both the breeding and nonbreeding season. We hypothesize that to regulate aggressive behaviors during the nonbreeding season, when T is at its minimum, male spotted antbirds increase brain sensitivity to steroids. This can be achieved by locally up-regulating androgen receptors (ARs), estrogen receptors (ERs), or the enzyme aromatase (AROM) that converts T into estradiol. We therefore compared mRNA expression of AR, ERalpha, and AROM in free- living male spotted antbirds across reproductive and nonreproductive seasons in two brain regions known to regulate both reproductive and aggressive behaviors. mRNA expression of ERalpha in the preoptic area and AR in the nucleus taeniae were elevated in male spotted antbirds during the nonbreeding season when circulating T concentrations were low. This unusual seasonal receptor regulation may represent a means for the year-round regulation of vertebrate aggressive behavior via steroids by increasing the brain's sensitivity to sex steroids during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

Hormones have been suggested as a key proximate mechanism that organize and maintain consistent individual differences in behavioural traits such as aggression. The steroid hormone testosterone in particular has an important activational role in mediating short-term aggressive responses to social and environmental stimuli within many vertebrate systems. We conducted two complementary experiments designed to investigate the activational relationship between testosterone and aggression in male Egernia whitii, a social lizard species. First, we investigated whether a conspecific aggressive challenge induced a testosterone response and second, we artificially manipulated testosterone concentrations to examine whether this changed aggression levels. We found that at the mean level, plasma T concentration did not appear to be influenced by an aggression challenge. However, there was a slight indication that receiving a challenge may influence intra-individual consistency of plasma T concentrations, with individuals not receiving an aggression challenge maintaining consistency in their circulating testosterone concentrations, while those individuals that received a challenge did not. Manipulating circulating testosterone concentrations had no influence on either mean-level or individual-level aggression. Combined with our previous work, our study adds increasing evidence that the relationship between testosterone and aggression is not straightforward, and promotes the investigation of alternative hormonal pathways and differences in neuro-synthesis and neuroendocrine pathways to account for species variable testosterone - aggression links.  相似文献   

Individual hormone profiles can be important generators of phenotypic variation. Despite this, work on the consequences of hormone profiles has traditionally ignored the large inter-individual variation within natural populations. However, recent research has advocated the need to explicitly consider this variation and address its consequences for selection. One of the key steps in this process is examining repeatability in hormone profiles and their links to behavioral traits under selection. In this study we show that individuals within a free-ranging population of the Australian lizard Egernia whitii exhibit temporal repeatability in their circulating baseline testosterone concentrations as well as their aggressive response towards conspecific intruders. Furthermore, we show significant, sex-specific links between testosterone and aggression. Specifically, testosterone and aggression is negatively linked in males, while there is no relationship in females. As conspecific aggression has significant consequences for fitness-related traits (parental care, mating strategies) in this species, inter-individual variation in testosterone concentrations, through their effects on aggression, could have important implications for individual fitness. We discuss the potential causes and consequences of hormonal repeatability as well as provide explanations for its sex-specific links with aggression. Specifically, we suggest that these patterns are the result of alternative hormonal pathways governing aggression within Egernia and may indicate a decoupling of aggression and testosterone across the sexes.  相似文献   

In many songbird species, application of exogenous testosterone (T) during the breeding season has the general effects of reducing male parental investment and increasing allocation of time and energy to mating. Most studies record the number of feeding trips made by males as a function of their hormone treatment, but few have investigated the ways in which testosterone affects the dynamics of male and female provisioning behavior or the quantity of food delivered by males. We attempt to fill these gaps in our understanding of testosterone and male parental effort by utilizing data from a long‐term study on the behavioral endocrinology of the dark‐eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). We found that male and female feeding rates covaried positively, although to different degrees, throughout the nestling period, but that this relationship was degraded in pairs in which males were given T implants. We also found that the coefficients of variation in the duration of intervals between successive feeding trips by males and females were highly positively related in broods of older nestlings. Male hormone treatment, however, had no effect on the coefficients of variation in either male or female feeding intervals. Finally, we examined the quantity of prey delivered by males and found no significant effect of hormone treatment.  相似文献   

The Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) is an arctic‐breeding songbird that shows rapid behavioral changes during a short breeding season. Changes in plasma testosterone (T) in the spring are correlated with singing but not territorial aggression in males. Also, T treatment increases song but not aggression in this species. In contrast, in temperate‐zone breeders, song and aggression are highly correlated, and both increase after T treatment. We asked whether regional or temporal differences in androgen‐metabolizing enzymes in the longspur brain explain hormone‐behavior patterns in this species. We measured the activities of aromatase, 5α‐reductase and 5β‐reductase in free‐living longspur males. Aromatase and 5α‐reductase convert T into the active steroids 17β‐estradiol (E2) and 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (5α‐DHT), respectively. 5β‐Reductase deactivates T via conversion to 5β‐DHT, an inactive steroid. We examined seven brain regions at three stages in the breeding season. Overall, aromatase activity was high in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and ventromedial telencephalon (containing nucleus taeniae, the avian homologue to the amygdala). 5β‐Reductase activity was high throughout the telencephalon. Activities of all three enzymes changed over time in a region‐specific manner. In particular, aromatase activity in the rostral hypothalamus was decreased late in the breeding season, which may explain why T treatment at this time does not increase aggression. Changes in 5β‐reductase do not explain the effects of plasma T on aggressive behavior. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 41: 176–188, 1999  相似文献   

Hormones coordinate the co-expression of behavioral, physiological, and morphological traits, giving rise to correlations among traits and organisms whose parts work well together. This article considers the implications of these hormonal correlations with respect to the evolution of hormone-mediated traits. Such traits can evolve owing to changes in hormone secretion, hormonal affinity for carrier proteins, rates of degradation and conversion, and interaction with target tissues to name a few. Critically, however, we know very little about whether these changes occur independently or in tandem, and thus whether hormones promote the evolution of tight phenotypic integration or readily allow the parts of the phenotype to evolve independently. For example, when selection favors a change in expression of hormonally mediated characters, is that alteration likely to come about through changes in hormone secretion (signal strength), changes in response to a fixed level of secretion (sensitivity of target tissues), or both? At one extreme, if the phenotype is tightly integrated and only the signal responds via selection's action on one or more hormonally mediated traits, adaptive modification may be constrained by past selection for phenotypic integration. Alternatively, response to selection may be facilitated if multivariate selection favors new combinations that can be easily achieved by a change in signal strength. On the other hand, if individual target tissues readily "unplug" from a hormone signal in response to selection, then the phenotype may be seen as a loose confederation that responds on a trait-by-trait basis, easily allowing adaptive modification, although perhaps more slowly than if signal variation were the primary mode of evolutionary response. Studies reviewed here and questions for future research address the relative importance of integration and independence by comparing sexes, individuals, and populations. Most attention is devoted to the hormone testosterone (T) and a songbird species, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis).  相似文献   

In many birds and mammals, male territorial aggression is modulated by elevated circulating concentrations of the steroid hormone testosterone (T) during the breeding season. However, many species are territorial also during the non-breeding season, when plasma T levels are basal. The endocrine control of non-breeding territorial aggression differs considerably between species, and previous studies on wintering birds suggest differences between migratory and resident species. We investigated the endocrine modulation of territorial aggression during the breeding and non-breeding season in a resident population of European stonechats (Saxicola torquata rubicola). We recorded the aggressive response to a simulated territorial intrusion in spring and winter. Then, we compared the territorial aggression between seasons and in an experiment in which we blocked the androgenic and estrogenic action of T. We found no difference in the aggressive response between the breeding and the non-breeding season. However, similarly to what is found in migratory stonechats, the hormonal treatment decreased aggressive behaviors in resident males in the breeding season, whereas no effects were recorded in the non-breeding season. When we compared the aggressive responses of untreated birds with those obtained from migratory populations in a previous study, we found that territorial aggression of resident males was lower than that of migratory males during the breeding season. Our results show that in a resident population of stonechats T and/or its metabolites control territorial aggression in the breeding but not in the non-breeding season. In addition, our study supports the hypothesis that migratory status does modulate the intensity of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

We studied steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding in female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Females display vigorously towards courting males after copulating (female-male aggression), as well as fight for and defend nest sites against other females (female-female aggression). To understand the neuroendocrine basis of this aggressive behavior, we examined changes in testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), corticosterone (CORT), and progesterone (P4) during the mating and nesting periods, and then measured levels in nesting females captured during aggressive interactions. Testosterone reached maximal levels during the mating stage when female-male aggression was most common, and increased slightly, but significantly, during the nesting stage when female-female aggression was most common. However, fighting females had significantly lower T, but higher E2 and P4, than non-fighting females. It remains unclear whether these changes in hormone levels during aggressive interactions are a cause or a consequence of a change in behavior. Our results support the “challenge hypothesis”, but suggest that E2 and/or P4 may increase in response to aggressive challenges in females just as T does in males. Females may be rapidly aromatizing T to elevate circulating levels of E2 during aggressive interactions. This hypothesis could explain why non-fighting females had slightly elevated baseline T, but extremely low E2, during stages when aggressive interactions were most common. Although P4 increased rapidly during aggressive encounters, it is unclear whether it acts directly to affect behavior, or indirectly via conversion to E2. The rapid production and conversion of E2 and P4 may be an important mechanism underlying female aggression in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Birdsong is a sexually selected trait that could play an important evolutionary role when related taxa come into secondary contact. Many songbird species, however, learn their songs through copying one or more tutors, which complicates the evolutionary outcome of such contact. Two subspecies of a presumed vocal learner, the grey‐breasted wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys), replace each other altitudinally across the western slope of the Ecuadorian Andes. These subspecies are morphologically very similar, but show striking differences in their song. We examined variation in acoustic traits and genetic composition across the altitudinal range covered by both subspecies and between two allopatric populations. The acoustic boundary between the subspecies was found to be highly abrupt across a narrow elevational range with virtually no evidence of song convergence. Mixed singing and use of hetero‐subspecific song occurred in the contact zone and was biased towards the use of leucophrys song types. Hetero‐subspecific song copying by hilaris and not by leucophrys reflected a previously found asymmetric pattern of response to song playback. Using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) markers, we detected hybridization in the contact zone and asymmetric introgression in parapatric populations, with more leucophrys alleles present in hilaris populations than vice versa. This pattern may be a trail of introgression due to upslope displacement of leucophrys by hilaris. Our data suggest that song learning may impact speciation and hybridization in contrasting ways at different spatial scales: although learning may speed up population divergence in songs, thereby enhancing assortative mating and reducing gene flow, it may at a local level also lead to the copying of heterospecific songs, therefore allowing some level of hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

The gonadal hormone testosterone (T) regulates aggression across a wide range of vertebrate species. Recent evidence suggests that the adrenal prohormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) may also play an important role in regulating aggression. DHEA can be converted into active sex steroids, such as T and estradiol (E2), within the brain. Previous studies show that circulating DHEA levels display diurnal rhythms and that melatonin increases adrenal DHEA secretion in vitro. Here we examined serum DHEA and T levels in long-day housed Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), a nocturnal species in which melatonin treatment increases aggression. In Experiment 1, serum DHEA and T levels were measured in adult male hamsters during the day (1200 h, noon) and night (2400 h, midnight). In Experiment 2, aggression was elicited using 5-min resident–intruder trials during the day (1800 h) and night (2000 h) (lights-off at 2000 h). Serum DHEA and T levels were measured 24 h before and immediately after aggressive encounters. In Experiment 1, there was no significant difference in serum DHEA or T levels between noon and midnight, although DHEA levels showed a trend to be lower at midnight. In Experiment 2, territorial aggression was greater during the night than the day. Moreover, at night, aggressive interactions rapidly decreased serum DHEA levels but increased serum T levels. In contrast, aggressive interactions during the day did not affect serum DHEA or T levels. These data suggest that nocturnal aggressive encounters rapidly increase conversion of DHEA to T and that melatonin may play a permissive role in this process.  相似文献   

The breeding season is very brief for arctic-breeding passerines, and any interruptions of parental care by aggressive interactions over territory may reduce reproductive success. We tested both the "testosterone insensitivity" and "corticosterone insensitivity" hypotheses in the arctic-breeding Gambel's white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Additionally, we tested whether simulated territorial intrusions (STIs), known to stimulate increases in luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in mid-latitude breeding Z. l. pugetensis, would also be effective in either the early or late phases of the brief breeding season of Z. l. gambelii. Plasma levels of T and LH were high early in the breeding season and declined as egg laying began. Exposure of free-living males to 10 min of STI significantly increased LH but not T secretion. Nonetheless, the pituitary-gonadal axis is sensitive as jugular injection of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone increased plasma T at 10 min relative to saline-challenged controls. T implants failed to increase territorial aggression following STI during incubation. These data are consistent with the T insensitivity hypothesis and contrast sharply with the response of the southerly breeding subspecies, Z. l. pugetensis, in which the territorial response to T administration is retained throughout its relatively long breeding season. However, corticosterone implants during the incubation period decreased territorial aggression during STI. This responsiveness to corticosterone is not consistent with the corticosterone insensitivity hypothesis of stress modulation. Z. l. gambelii retain sensitivity to corticosterone levels that may occur naturally in response to environmental perturbations resulting in suppression of territorial behavior.  相似文献   

Many parasites alter the behaviour of their host to their own advantage, yet hosts often vary in their susceptibility to manipulation. The ecological and evolutionary implications of such variation can be profound, as resistant host populations may suffer lower parasite pressures than those susceptible to manipulation. To test this prediction, we assessed parasite‐induced aggressive behaviours across 16 populations of two Temnothorax ant species, many of which harbour the slavemaker ant Protomognathus americanus. This social parasite uses its Dufour's gland secretions to manipulate its hosts into attacking nestmates, which may deter defenders away from itself during invasion. We indeed find that colonies that were manipulated into attacking their Dufour‐treated nestmates were less aggressive towards the slavemaker than those that did not show slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Slavemakers benefited from altering their hosts’ aggression, as both the likelihood that slavemakers survived host encounters and slavemaker prevalence in ant communities increased with slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Finally, we show that Temnothorax longispinosus colonies were more susceptible to manipulation than Temnothorax curvispinosus colonies. This explains why T. curvispinosus colonies responded with more aggression towards invading slavemakers, why they were less likely to let slavemakers escape and why they were less frequently parasitized by the slavemaker than T. longispinosus. Our findings highlight that large‐scale geographic variation in resistance to manipulation can have important implications for the prevalence and host preference of parasites.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated whether testosterone itself or its metabolites activate aggression and dominance in white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis. Groups of five to six sparrows, each treated with a different steroid implanted subcutaneously, were observed in outdoor aviaries during late winter to determine the birds' rates of aggression (supplantations and attacks scaled to the number of available subordinates) and dominance rankings with opponents not previously encountered. In Experiment 1, testosterone (T) had a greater effect on aggression and dominance than did androstenedione, 5α-dihydrotestosterone (D), androsterone, or estradiol (E). In Experiment 2, birds with T or D + E had higher aggression scores and dominance ranks than birds with either D or E alone. Birds with T and D + E did not differ. The testosterone metabolites, D and E, thus acted synergistically to determine rates of aggression and dominance ranks. To corroborate these results, in Experiment 3 we treated T-implanted birds with the following blocking agents: ATD, expected to reduce conversion of T to E (AT birds); progesterone, expected to reduce conversion of T to D (PT birds); or both (APT birds). The APT birds had lower aggression scores and dominance ranks than did AT or PT birds, despite having higher mean levels of circulating T than AT or PT birds or birds implanted with T alone. Cyproterone acetate also reduced aggression scores and dominance in T-implanted birds. We conclude that the hormonal control of aggression and dominance in these birds requires conversion of testosterone to both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones regulate many aspects of brain development and function, and alterations in the levels of thyroid hormone action lead to abnormal anxiety‐ and depression‐like behaviors. A complement of factors in the brain function independently of circulating levels of hormone to strictly controlled local thyroid hormone signaling. A critical factor is the type 3 deiodinase (DIO3), which is located in neurons and protects the brain from excessive thyroid hormone. Here, we examined whether a local increase in brain thyroid hormone action secondary to DIO3 deficiency is of consequence for social behaviors. Although we did not observe alterations in sociability, Dio3?/? mice of both sexes exhibited a significant increase in aggression‐related behaviors and mild deficits in olfactory function. In addition, 85% of Dio3?/? dams manifested no pup‐retrieval behavior and increased aggression toward the newborns. The abnormal social behaviors of Dio3?/? mice were associated with sexually dimorphic alterations in the physiology of oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), 2 neuropeptides with important roles in determining social interactions. These alterations included low adult serum levels of OXT and AVP, and an abnormal expression of Oxt, Avp and their receptors in the neonatal and adult hypothalamus. Our results demonstrate that DIO3 is essential for normal aggression and maternal behaviors, and indicate that abnormal local regulation of thyroid hormone action in the brain may contribute to the social deficits associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies play an important role in access to mates or resources in many species. Rank is sometimes correlated with circulating testosterone levels or morphological traits such as body weight. The relationship of glucocorticoid secretion and rank, however, is less clear. In this study, we investigated the relationship of male rank to body weight, circulating testosterone and cortisol concentrations in captive possum triads (Trichosurus vulpecula). We carried out two experiments to examine hierarchy formation and the effects of castration of the dominant male during the non‐breeding season. A third experiment measured the effects of removal of the dominant male from a stable hierarchy during the breeding season. We found that dominant male rank was significantly correlated with higher circulating testosterone levels during periods of hierarchy formation and during the breeding season but not during periods of hierarchy stability in the non‐breeding season. Lack of correlation between plasma testosterone concentration and rank after male castration suggests that stable social rank is not dependent on hormone level and may be more dependent on behavioural traits. Any biocontrol measures that rely on manipulation of hormone levels may be unreliable when applied to unstable hierarchical situations, including the establishment of territories by subadult males, and the pre‐breeding season when circulating testosterone concentrations peak in males and a period of hierarchy establishment may occur.  相似文献   

Integrating information from species occurrence data, environmental variables and molecular markers can provide valuable insights about the processes of population persistence and differentiation. In this study, we present the most comprehensive overview of the evolutionary history of the North African salamander Salamandra algira (Caudata, Salamandridae) to date, including analyses of climatic and topographical variables, and sequences of two mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA fragments, with a special focus on Algerian populations, under‐represented in previous studies. Coalescent‐based phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA data recover four well‐supported population groups corresponding to described subspecies, with a western clade including populations in north‐western Morocco (with two subclades corresponding to the subspecies tingitana and splendens), and an eastern clade including populations from north‐eastern Morocco (subspecies spelaea) and Algeria (subspecies algira). Inferred split times between major clades date back to the Miocene, with additional splits within each major clade in the Plio‐Pleistocene. Present climatic (aridity) and topographical factors account for geographical discontinuities across population groups and help identify potential areas of secondary contact between clades corresponding to the subspecies tingitana and splendens in the Rif mountains in Morocco. Niche analysis indicates the absence of phylogenetic signal in the use of environmental space in this species.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of triiodothyronine (T3) on pituitary gonadotropin (GTH) subunits, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) β subunit, and growth hormone (GH) mRNA levels, as well as gonadal steroid secretion during different stages of reproduction in goldfish. Goldfish pituitary cells cultured with T3 exhibited lower tshβ mRNA levels in all reproductive stages and lower luteinising hormone β (lhβ) mRNA levels in early recrudescence, whereas gh and fshβ mRNA levels were not altered. T3 injections significantly reduced circulating oestrogen (OE2) concentrations in early and mid recrudescent male goldfish, but were without effect on the circulating level of OE2 in female fish. T3 injections also reduced circulating levels of testosterone in both male and female goldfish during the mid stage of gonadal recrudescence. In vitro culture of goldfish ovarian follicles at the late stage of gonadal recrudescence, in the presence of T3, resulted in reduced OE2 secretion; no consistent effect of T3 on testosterone secretion was observed in cultured goldfish ovarian follicles and testis. These findings support the hypothesis that T3 impairs reproduction by inhibiting production of gonadal steroids and pituitary luteinising hormone production in goldfish. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 592–602, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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