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The putative histone H4 (F2a1) mRNA has been isolated from early blastula Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin embryos. Nucleotide sequences of oligonucleotides obtained by digestion of this RNA with T1 ribonuclease have been obtained and many are found to be colinear with the amino acid sequence of histone H4 protein. The sequences obtained from the H4 mRNAs of S. pnrpuratus have been compared with those obtained from Lytechinus pictus (Grunstein & Schedl, 1976). The two mRNAs for this highly conserved protein have undergone considerable divergence of the sort that would be predicted from the degeneracy of the genetic code. 11.5% of the bases have undergone substitution at a rate calculated to be 3 × 10?9 base changes · codon?1 · year?1.  相似文献   

Extraction of sea urchin eggs and embryos with Triton X-100 generated a cytoskeletal framework (CSK) composed of a cortical filamentous network and an internal system of filaments associated with ribosomes. The CSK contained only 10-20% of the cellular protein, RNA, and lipid. A specific subset of proteins was enriched in the CSK. Several lines of evidence suggest that mRNA is a component of the CSK of both eggs and embryos. First, the CSK contained poly(A) sequences which hybridized with [3H]poly(U). Second, the CSK contained polyribosomes. Finally, RNA extracted from the CSK showed translational activity in an in vitro system. The nonhistone messages present in the CSK were qualitatively similar to those solubilized by detergent, as determined by separation on polyacrylamide gels of the products of in vitro translation. In the unfertilized egg, most mRNA was present as nonpolyribosomal messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes which, along with monoribosomes, were efficiently extracted by Triton X-100. The converse was found in blastulae, as most of the mRNA was present as polyribosomes associated with the CSK, although monoribosomes were still efficiently extracted by detergent. These results indicate a correlation between the activation of protein synthesis in eggs and the association of polyribosomes with the CSK.  相似文献   

The half-lives of functional messenger RNAs were determined by a method employing the drugs actinomycin D and daunomycin for the inhibition of mRNA synthesis; the activity of extracted mRNAs was determined by an in vitro translation assay. Several controls indicated that this method yielded reliable values for mRNA half-lives; in particular, the declining rate of protein synthesis in the presence of the drugs is due predominantly to the decay of translatable mRNA. This method was used to determine the half-lives of two specific mRNAs—encoding actin and a protein of MW 51,000—as well as that of total cytoplasmic mRNA activity during growth and at several times in differentiation. The half-lives of at least these two mRNAs were shown to be distinctly different from that of the total mRNA population—about 4 hr. However, no significant change in any of these half-lives was observed between growing and developing cells. Therefore wholesale alterations in the degradation rates of total and at least specific messages do not appear to play a role in the regulation of gene expression during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

The first measurement has been made of the number of diverse mRNA sequences (mRNA sequence complexity) in the total polysomes of a eucaryotic system, the sea urchin gastrula. mRNA was purified of nuclear RNA and any other heterogeneous RNA contaminants by release from polysomes with puromycin. Trace quantities of labeled nonrepetitive DNA fragments were hybridized with an excess of mRNA. The hybridization reaction followed ideal first order kinetics in mRNA concentration. At completion of the hybridization reaction, 1.35% of the nonrepetitive DNA was present as mRNA-DNA hybrid. The hybridized DNA was extracted and was at least 70% hybridizable with mRNA, demonstrating a 50-fold purification of the expressed sequences. This purified DNA fraction reassociated with excess unfractionated sea urchin DNA at a rate identical to that of the total nonrepetitive DNA tracer. The mRNA had therefore been hybridized to nonrepetitive DNA sequence, and the amount of hybrid could be used as a direct measure of the mRNA sequence complexity.The complexity of the gastrula mRNA can be calculated as about 17 million nucleotides, sufficient to comprise some 14,000 distinct structural genes. This result also provides an estimate of the number of diverse proteins being translated in the gastrula. From the rate of mRNA-DNA hybrid formation, we estimate that about 8% of the mRNA belongs to this complex class, and that less than 500 copies of each species of message in this class exist per embryo. Most of the mRNA population consists of a relatively small number of diverse species represented a much larger number of times.  相似文献   

The messenger RNAs for five classes of histone proteins are shown by competitive RNA-DNA hybridization to be stored in the unfertilized egg of the sea urchin, Lytechinus pictus. The masked mRNAs for f2b, f2a2, f3 and f2al histones migrate in polyacrylamide slab gels with the same mobility as the histone mRNAs that are synthesized after fertilization and are found engaged in protein synthesis on polysomes. The masked maternal and embryonic mRNAs for histone f2a1 are identical in mobility when analyzed in a gel system capable of resolving differences estimated as small as 4–5 nucleotides in length. We conclude that these histone mRNAs synthesized during oogenesis and inactive prior to fertilization are not activated during embryogeny by alteration in their molecular size.  相似文献   

Membrane potential of the unfertilized sea urchin egg   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The membrane potential, specific resistance, and potassium selectivity of the unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus egg were determined by two independent methods: tracer flux and microelectrode. The potassium influx was 0.50 ± 0.2 pmole/cm2· sec, which was greater than the sodium, chloride, and calcium influxes by factors of 4, 7, and 75, respectively. By means of the constant-field equations, the flux data were used to calculate membrane potential (?70 mV) and specific resistance (420 kΩ · cm2). The effect of the external potassium concentration on the sodium influx was determined and the results closely fit the result expected if the membrane behaved as a potassium electrode. Microelectrode measurements of the potential and resistance were ?75 ± 3 mV and 380 ± kΩ · cm2.  相似文献   

Mischarging mutants of Escherichia coli sup3 tyrosine transfer RNA have been isolated by selecting for suppression of bacterial amber mutations not suppressed by sup3. Five of the mutants have single base changes in the amino acid acceptor stem (A1, A2, U80, U81 and G82). Mutants A1 and A2 are weak thermosensitive suppressors from which thermostable derivatives have been isolated. Some of these derivatives affect the amount of tRNA synthesized but not the sequence (precursor or promoter mutations), and others are double mutants A1U81 and A2U80. The latter mutant does not mischarge. The efficiency of suppression of A1 and A2 can also be increased by recombination events that lead to duplication and triplication of the suppressor gene.The amino acid inserted by some of these mutants at the amber site has been determined. Mutant A1 inserts glutamine, while U81 and A1U81 insert both glutamine and tyrosine.Taken together the results show that the terminal part of the amino acid acceptor stem has an important role in the specificity of aminoacylation by the glutamine and tyrosine synthetase.  相似文献   

This report describes the preparation of a sodium (4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-N-acetylneuraminate) substrate and its use in a sensitive fluorometric assay of neuraminidase (EC from Vibrio cholerae, cultured fibroblasts, and human leucocytes. V. cholerae neuraminidase showed maximum activity at pH 4.6 and an apparent Km of 1.5 mm and was activated by CaCl2 and inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetate, NaCl, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. The inhibition by N-acetylneuraminic acid was competitive (Ki = 6.1 mm). Cultured fibroblast and leucocyte neuraminidases showed maximum activity between pH 4.2 and 4.4 and apparent Km values of 0.13 and 0.22 mm, respectively. Neuraminidase activity was considerably reduced in cultured fibroblasts of patients with mucolipidosis types I, II, and III.  相似文献   

Oligo(U) tracts were identified and measured in RNA from sea urchin eggs and embryos using a quantitative assay based on the amount of [3H]poly(A) protected from RNase T2 in duplexes with the oligo(U). The oligo(U) amounted to 0.0035% of egg RNA (0.063 X 10(-12) g/egg) and decreased to 0.0015% (0.027 X 10(-12) g/embryo) by 2 hr after fertilization. The oligo(U) tracts had a maximum size of 15-30 nucleotides and were associated with two size classes of RNA. In eggs about half were in 100 to 200 nucleotide RNA and half in mRNA-sized molecules. After fertilization, the oligo(U) in the population of large-mRNA-sized molecules was greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeled mitochondrial RNA from hamster cells contains a number of discrete high molecular weight poly[A(+)] and poly[A(?)] RNAs. Characterization of the largest and most plentiful of the poly[A(+)] RNAs, the “20SE RNA,” showed it to be a labile, unmethylated component with a molecular weight ~- 730,000. Hybridization of the 20SE RNA to mtDNA was 60–70% inhibited in the presence of excess 17S rRNA, suggesting a significant degree of primary sequence homology between these RNA species. In vitro treatment with RNAse III converted the 20SE RNA to a poly[A(?)] “17S” product, while similar treatment of mitochondrial 17S rRNA or a poly[A(+)] 12SE RNA had no effect on these RNAs. These data support the proposition that the 20SE RNA is a precursor to the 17S rRNA.  相似文献   

T Takahashi  E Asahina 《Cryobiology》1977,14(3):367-372
Unfertilized egg cells of the sea urchin St. intermedius could survive slow freezing to ?15 °C for a short period of time, but at the same freezing temperature extracellular freezing became fatal within a few hours. Such freezing injury resulted in “black” or “white” cytolysis in frozen-thawed cells. “Black” cytolysis took place in the process of both freezing and thawing, while “white” cytolysis occurred only on thawing. Rapid rewarming consistently produced “white” cytolysis in extracellularly frozen cells. The observed behavior of the injured cells during freeze-thawing appeared favorable for the explanation of freezing injury by the SH-SS hypothesis. Protein-bound SH groups were quantitatively determined in both whole cell and cortex with plasma membrane before and after freeze-thawing. However, no significant change in the SH value was observed between freeze-thaw cytolysed materials and unfrozen ones.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if sodium metaperiodate (NaIO4)-treated lymphocytes secrete lymphokines and if these lymphokines are similar to those obtained from mitogen- or antigen-stimulated lymphocytes. A brief exposure of CBA spleen cells to NaIO4 induced the secretion of significant amounts of migration inhibitory factor (MIF). This MIF had a molecular weight range between 30,000 and 58,000, and was stable when heated at 56 °C for 30 min, but unstable at 80 °C. These characteristics are similar to those previously reported for mitogen- and antigen-induced MIF. In addition, NaIO4 induced the secretion of lymphotoxin (LT) from CBA and Balb/c spleen cells, as well as from guinea pig lymph node cells. NaIO4 was compared to the other inducers in regard to the quantity of LT secreted. Supernatant derived from NaIO4-treated mouse spleen cells contained less LT than supernatants derived from concanavalin A- or phytohemagglutinin-treated cells, but contained more activity than those supernatants derived from lipopolysaccharide-treated cells. CBA spleen cells secreted significantly more LT than Balb/c spleen cells after NaIO4 stimulation. NaIO4-stimulated CBA spleen cells secreted LT in cultures with or without serum, but stimulated Balb/c spleen cells secreted LT only in serum-containing cultures. The advantages of NaIO4 as an inducer of lymphokines, as opposed to other mitogens or antigens, is the brief exposure of this agent to the cells after which the NaIO4 is removed, and the lymphokines can be obtained free from the inducer.  相似文献   

J Nathans  D S Hogness 《Cell》1983,34(3):807-814
We have isolated cDNA clones generated from the mRNA encoding the opsin apoprotein of bovine rhodopsin and used these cDNAs to isolate genomic DNA clones containing the complete opsin gene. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned DNAs has yielded a complete amino acid sequence for bovine rhodopsin and provided an intron-exon map of its gene. The mRNA homologous sequences in the 6.4 kb gene consist of a 96 bp 5' untranslated region, a 1044 bp coding region, and a surprisingly long approximately 1400 bp 3' untranslated region, and are divided into five exons by four introns that interrupt the coding region. Secondary structure analysis predicts that the bovine rhodopsin chain, like that of bacteriorhodopsin, contains seven transmembrane segments. Interestingly, three of the four introns are immediately distal to the codons for three of these segments, and one of these introns marks the boundary between the C-terminal domain and a transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Males of the spring peeper (Hyla crucifer) in central Missouri produce frequency-modulated, sinusoidal advertisement calls with a duration of 90–250 ms, and a mid-point frequency of 2800–3360 Hz. The frequency of the call is inversely correlated with body size. In playback experiments with synthetic stimuli, females did not prefer a frequency-modulated call to a call of constant frequency. Females preferred a call with a duration of 150 ms to sounds with durations of 40, 75 and 400 ms; a call of 300 ms was just as attractive as the 150-ms call. Females preferred a call of 2875 Hz to alternatives of 4000 Hz and 2600 Hz. The auditory system of H. crucifer is thus only roughly tuned to the temporal and spectral properties of the advertisement call. The female's specificity with respect to duration alone is adequate for species recognition, but intraspecific mate choice based on call frequency is extremely unlikely.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that chronic daily administration of a superactive GnRH analog to intact rats resulted in an initial stimulation of serum LH levels with a subsequent return of LH levels to baseline at a time when testosterone levels were marked decreased. These data demonstrated pituatary desensitization following chronic GnRH analog treatment. Administration of GnRH analog with a dose of testosterone which did not markedly lower serum LH levels when administered alone prevented the stimulation of LH secretion by analog. The present studies were undertaken to determine the effects of GnRH analog and testosterone administration on the regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors. Pituitary GnRH receptor binding was increased by analog treatment alone at 20 days and returned to control levels at 40 and 60 days of treatment in parallel to the observed changes in serum LH, demonstrating that one mechanism by which chronic GnRH analog treatment leads to pituitary desensitization is down-regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors. Testosterone administration alone decreased pituitary GnRH receptor binding. Combined GnRH analog and testosterone administration prevented the increase in pituitary GnRH receptors observed with analog administration alone. These studies demonstrate that changes in pituitary GnRH receptor binding correlate with changes in serum LH and that the stimulatory effects of analog administration on LH are sensitive to inhibition by small doses of testosterone.  相似文献   

Following artificial hibernation, sexually mature male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) exhibited a decline in courtship behavior irrespective of castration, sham operation, or castration with testosterone replacement therapy. Behavior declined more rapidly in castrated animals with testosterone replacement than in castrated or sham-operated animals. In sham-operated animals, the decline in courtship was accompanied by changes in testicular weight and spermatogenic state from small spermatogenically inactive testes to large spermatogenically active testes. Serum androgen levels were more than fourfold greater in sham-operated animals than in castrated animals; cell height of the androgensensitive renal sex segment was greatest in castrated animals with testosterone replacement and least in castrated animals. These findings indicate that following artificial hibernation, male courtship behavior of T.s. parietalis is independent of the presence of the testes.  相似文献   

Simultaneous detection of histone H5 by indirect immunofluorescence and of [3H]thymidine incorporation by autoradiography on the same preparations of developing erythroid cells have been used to precisely define the extent of correlation between the loss of nuclear activity and the presence of histone H5. It was found that from day 3–12 of embryonic life there are two successive waves of double-labelled cells. At some stages, as many as 30% of the cells which incorporate [3H]thymidine also contain histone H5. Thus, the simple presence of H5 cannot be sufficient to cause nuclear inactivation. A kinetic analysis of the appearance and disappearance of [3H]thymidine-labelled cells, containing histone H5, and cells which are positive for both markers is presented. The result is consistent with the interpretation that the appearance of H5 in the first wave of double labelled cells occurs just before the erythroid cells become metabolically inactive. These observations modify the concept that histone H5 functions uniquely or solely as a template repressor.  相似文献   

Effects of commonly used purification procedures on the yield and specific activity of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (Mg2+-dependent, Na+ + K+-activated ATP phosphohydrolase, EC, the turnover number of the enzyme, and the kinetic parameters for the ATP-dependent ouabain-enzyme interaction were compared in canine brain, heart and kidney. Kinetic parameters were estimated using a graphical analysis of non-steady state kinetics. The protein recovery and the degree of increase in specific activity of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and the ratio between (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities during the successive treatments with deoxycholate, sodium iodide and glycerol were dependent on the source of the enzyme. A method which yields highly active (Na+ + K+)-ATPase preparations from the cardiac tissue was not suitable for obtaining highly active enzyme preparations from other tissues. Apparent turnover numbers of the brain (Na+ + K+)-ATPase preparations were not significantly affected by the sodium iodide treatment, but markedly decreased by deoxycholate or glycerol treatments. Similar glycerol treatment, however, failed to affect the apparent turnover number of cardiac enzyme preparations. Cerebral and cardiac enzyme preparations obtained by deoxycholate, sodium iodide and glycerol treatments had lower affinity for ouabain than renal enzyme preparations, primarily due to higher dissociation rate constants for the ouabain enzyme complex. This tissue-dependent difference in ouabain sensitivity seems to be an artifact of the purification procedure, since less purified cerebral or cardiac preparations had lower dissociation rate constants. Changes in apparent association rate constants were minimal during the purification procedure. These results indicate that the presently used purification procedures may alter.  相似文献   

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