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Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a pivotal role in parasite resistance, and their allelic diversity has been associated with fitness variations in several taxa. However, studies report inconsistencies in the direction of this association, with either positive, quadratic or no association being described. These discrepancies may arise because the fitness costs and benefits of MHC diversity differ among individuals depending on their exposure and immune responses to parasites. Here, we investigated in black‐legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks whether associations between MHC class‐II diversity and fitness vary with sex and hatching order. MHC‐II diversity was positively associated with growth and tick clearance in female chicks, but not in male chicks. Our data also revealed a positive association between MHC‐II diversity and survival in second‐hatched female chicks (two eggs being the typical clutch size). These findings may result from condition‐dependent parasite infections differentially impacting sexes in relation to hatching order. We thus suggest that it may be important to account for individual heterogeneities in traits that potentially exert selective pressures on MHC diversity in order to properly predict MHC–fitness associations.  相似文献   

Polymorphic genes involved in the conserved molecular signalling of circadian and circannual clocks may play important roles in governing the timing of breeding and dispersal and thereby affect fitness in vertebrates. However, relatively few studies have explored associations between phenological candidate genes and behaviour, and these are somewhat biased towards particular taxonomic groups such as passerine birds and salmonid fish. Consequently, we assayed microsatellite polymorphisms within the exonic and 3′ untranslated regions of the regulatory genes CLOCK, NPAS2, ADCYAP1 and CREB1 in the common buzzard (Buteo buteo), a polymorphic raptor species with three plumage morphs that differ in key life history traits including lifetime reproductive success. In contrast to studies of passerines, CLOCK poly‐glutamine (poly‐Q) was found to be monomorphic in 976 common buzzard nestlings as well as in three other Buteo species. Moreover, none of the candidate genes were significantly associated with fledging dates, although intermediately melanized females were found to lay earlier on average than light or dark morph individuals, and their offspring carried longer ADCYAP1 alleles. In contrast, all three candidate genes explained significant variation in one or more measures of juvenile buzzard dispersal (resighting probability, timing of dispersal and distance dispersed). Our findings contribute towards a broader body of work on the adaptive significance of CLOCK polymorphism, while also building upon previous studies that have documented links between ADCYAP1 variability and the timing of migration.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that marker‐based heterozygosity‐fitness correlations may be driven by only one or a few markers, indicating local heterozygosity effects caused by linkage disequilibrium with functional genes. In this study, we investigated the relationship between microsatellite heterozygosity and a measure of cell‐mediated immunity (phytohaemagglutinin; PHA) in bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica) nestlings using a full‐sibling design. We found significant positive associations between PHA response and two different indices of microsatellite heterozygosity, i.e. multi‐locus heterozygosity and mean d2. However, model comparisons disclosed that both associations were more likely caused by local effects rather than general effects and that the two local effects appeared to be realized through two different genetic mechanisms. Our results indicate that both the random assortment of parental chromosomes during meiosis as well as inbreeding can drive heterozygosity‐fitness correlations.  相似文献   

Boerner  M.; Kruger  O. 《Behavioral ecology》2009,20(1):180-185
Genetic plumage polymorphism in birds is increasingly recognizedas a potentially important trait influencing birds’ lifehistories. In the common buzzard Buteo buteo, the 3 color morphsvary in lifetime reproductive success (LRS), but the proximatemechanisms leading to these differences are unknown. We firstconfirmed the stability of the fitness differences found previously,using a greatly extended LRS data set. To find potential causesfor these differences, we experimentally studied variation inaggressive behavior of the morphs, both against an interspecificpredator and intraspecific competitors. The morphs showed substantialvariation in aggressive behavior. Light-colored males were mostaggressive toward an interspecific predator, followed by intermediateand dark males. In females, this pattern was reversed, resultingin sex-related differences of aggression in 2 morphs. When defendingtheir territory against intraspecific competitors, no absolutedifference in aggression was found, but the morphs reacted strongesttoward intruders of a morph similar to their own. This suggeststhat aggression differs both between and within morphs, leadingto a complex pattern on the population level. Coupled with thestrong fitness differences, our results suggest that the geneticbasis of the polymorphism has far-reaching behavioral consequences.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositolphosphates (PIPs) are phospholipids that contain a phosphorylated inositol head group. PIPs represent a minor fraction of total phospholipids, but are involved in many regulatory processes, such as cell signalling and intracellular trafficking. Membrane compartments are enriched or depleted in specific PIPs, providing a unique composition for these compartments and contributing to their identity. The precise subcellular localization and dynamics of most PIP species is not fully understood in plants. Here, we designed genetically encoded biosensors with distinct relative affinities and expressed them stably in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analysis of this multi‐affinity ‘PIPline’ marker set revealed previously unrecognized localization of various PIPs in root epidermis. Notably, we found that PI(4,5)P2 is able to localize PIP2‐interacting protein domains to the plasma membrane in non‐stressed root epidermal cells. Our analysis further revealed that there is a gradient of PI4P, with the highest concentration at the plasma membrane, intermediate concentration in post‐Golgi/endosomal compartments, and the lowest concentration in the Golgi. Finally, we also found a similar gradient of PI3P from high in late endosomes to low in the tonoplast. Our library extends the range of available PIP biosensors, and will allow rapid progress in our understanding of PIP dynamics in plants.  相似文献   

The extent of inbreeding depression and the magnitude of heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFC) have been suggested to depend on the environmental context in which they are assayed, but little evidence is available for wild populations. We combine extensive molecular and capture–mark–recapture data from a blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) population to (1) analyze the relationship between heterozygosity and probability of interannual adult local recruitment and (2) test whether environmental stress imposed by physiologically suboptimal temperatures and rainfall influence the magnitude of HFC. To address these questions, we used two different arrays of microsatellite markers: 14 loci classified as neutral and 12 loci classified as putatively functional. We found significant relationships between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment that were most likely explained by variation in genomewide heterozygosity. The strength of the association between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment was positively associated with annual accumulated precipitation. Annual mean heterozygosity increased over time, which may have resulted from an overall positive selection on heterozygosity over the course of the study period. Finally, neutral and putatively functional loci showed similar trends, but the former had stronger effect sizes and seemed to better reflect genomewide heterozygosity. Overall, our results show that HFC can be context dependent, emphasizing the need to consider the role of environmental heterogeneity as a key factor when exploring the consequences of individual genetic diversity on fitness in natural populations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study, conducted in seven large woodlands and three areas with small woodlots in northeastern Poland in 2004–2008, was to infer genetic structure in yellow‐necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis population and to evaluate the roles of environmental and population ecology variables in shaping the spatial pattern of genetic variation using 768 samples genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci. Genetic variation was very high in all studied regions. The primal genetic subdivision was observed between the northern and the southern parts of the study area, which harbored two major clusters and the intermediate area of highly admixed individuals. The probability of assignment of individual mice to the northern cluster increased significantly with lower temperatures of January and July and declined in regions with higher proportion of deciduous and mixed forests. Despite the detected structure, genetic differentiation among regions was very low. Fine‐scale structure was shaped by the population density, whereas higher level structure was mainly shaped by geographic distance. Genetic similarity indices were highly influenced by mouse abundance (which positively correlated with the share of deciduous forests in the studied regions) and exhibited the greatest change between 0 and 1 km in the forests, 0 and 5 km in small woodlots. Isolation by distance pattern, calculated among regions, was highly significant but such relationship between genetic and geographic distance was much weaker, and held the linearity at very fine scale (~1.5 km), when analyses were conducted at individual level.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous environments, landscape features directly affect the structure of genetic variation among populations by functioning as barriers to gene flow. Resource‐associated population genetic structure, in which populations that use different resources (e.g., host plants) are genetically distinct, is a well‐studied example of how environmental heterogeneity structures populations. However, the pattern that emerges in a given landscape should depend on its particular combination of resources. If resources constitute barriers to gene flow, population differentiation should be lowest in homogeneous landscapes, and highest where resources exist in equal proportions. In this study, we tested whether host community diversity affects population genetic structure in a beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus) that exploits three sympatric host fungi. We collected B. cornutus from plots containing the three host fungi in different proportions and quantified population genetic structure in each plot using a panel of microsatellite loci. We found no relationship between host community diversity and population differentiation in this species; however, we also found no evidence of resource‐associated differentiation, suggesting that host fungi are not substantial barriers to gene flow. Moreover, we detected no genetic differentiation among B. cornutus populations separated by several kilometers, even though a previous study demonstrated moderate genetic structure on the scale of a few hundred meters. Although we found no effect of community diversity on population genetic structure in this study, the role of host communities in the structuring of genetic variation in heterogeneous landscapes should be further explored in a species that exhibits resource‐associated population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variability in horn characteristics, such as their size, number and shape, offers the opportunity to elucidate the molecular basis of horn development. The objective of this study was to map the genetic determinant controlling the production of four horns in two breeds, Jacob sheep and Navajo‐Churro, and examine whether an eyelid abnormality occurring in the same populations is related. Genome‐wide association mapping was performed using 125 animals from the two breeds that contain two‐ and four‐horned individuals. A case–control design analysis of 570 712 SNPs genotyped with the ovine HD SNP Beadchip revealed a strong association signal on sheep chromosome 2. The 10 most strongly associated SNPs were all located in a region spanning Mb positions 131.9–132.6, indicating the genetic architecture underpinning the production of four horns is likely to involve a single gene. The closest genes to the most strongly associated marker (OAR2_132568092) were MTX2 and the HOXD cluster, located approximately 93 Kb and 251 Kb upstream respectively. The occurrence of an eyelid malformation across both breeds was restricted to polled animals and those carrying more than two horns. This suggests the eyelid abnormality may be associated with departures from the normal developmental production of two‐horned animals and that the two conditions are developmentally linked. This study demonstrated the presence of separate loci responsible for the polled and four‐horned phenotypes in sheep and advanced our understanding of the complexity that underpins horn morphology in ruminants.  相似文献   

Strong selection from herbicides has led to the rapid evolution of herbicide‐resistant weeds, greatly complicating weed management efforts worldwide. In particular, overreliance on glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp®, has spurred the evolution of resistance to this herbicide in ≥40 species. Previously, we reported that Conyza canadensis (horseweed) has evolved extreme resistance to glyphosate, surviving at 40× the original 1× effective dosage. Here, we tested for underlying fitness effects of glyphosate resistance to better understand whether resistance could persist indefinitely in this self‐pollinating, annual weed. We sampled seeds from a single maternal plant (“biotype”) at each of 26 horseweed populations in Iowa, representing nine susceptible biotypes (S), eight with low‐level resistance (LR), and nine with extreme resistance (ER). In 2016 and 2017, we compared early growth rates and bolting dates of these biotypes in common garden experiments at two sites near Ames, Iowa. Nested ANOVAs showed that, as a group, ER biotypes attained similar or larger rosette size after 6 weeks compared to S or LR biotypes, which were similar to each other in size. Also, ER biotypes bolted 1–2 weeks earlier than S or LR biotypes. These fitness‐related traits also varied among biotypes within the same resistance category, and time to bolting was inversely correlated with rosette size across all biotypes. Disease symptoms affected 40% of all plants in 2016 and 78% in 2017, so we did not attempt to measure lifetime fecundity. In both years, the frequency of disease symptoms was greatest in S biotypes and similar in LR versus ER biotypes. Overall, our findings indicate there are no early growth penalty and possibly no lifetime fitness penalty associated with glyphosate resistance, including extremely strong resistance. We conclude that glyphosate resistance is likely to persist in horseweed populations, with or without continued selection pressure from exposure to glyphosate.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for Rhododendron section Brachycalyx in order to elucidate its evolutionary processes and reproductive ecology. Nineteen polymorphic EST‐SSR markers were developed from EST libraries of R. amagianum and R. hyugaense. Polymorphisms for these markers were assessed using four species of section Brachycalyx. The number of alleles ranged from 1 to 14, and the observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.000 to 0.931 and 0.000 to 0.904, respectively. The EST‐SSR markers developed in this study will be useful for elucidating population genetic structure and breeding systems in section Brachycalyx.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity fitness correlations (HFCs) have frequently been used to detect inbreeding depression, under the assumption that genome‐wide heterozygosity is a good proxy for inbreeding. However, meta‐analyses of the association between fitness measures and individual heterozygosity have shown that often either no correlations are observed or the effect sizes are small. One of the reasons for this may be the absence of variance in inbreeding, a requisite for generating general‐effect HFCs. Recent work has highlighted identity disequilibrium (ID) as a measure that may capture variance in the level of inbreeding within a population; however, no thorough assessment of ID in natural populations has been conducted. In this meta‐analysis, we assess the magnitude of ID (as measured by the g2 statistic) from 50 previously published HFC studies and its relationship to the observed effect sizes of those studies. We then assess how much power the studies had to detect general‐effect HFCs, and the number of markers that would have been needed to generate a high expected correlation (r2 = 0.9) between observed heterozygosity and inbreeding. Across the majority of studies, g2 values were not significantly different than zero. Despite this, we found that the magnitude of g2 was associated with the average effect sizes observed in a population, even when point estimates were nonsignificant. These low values of g2 translated into low expected correlations between heterozygosity and inbreeding and suggest that many more markers than typically used are needed to robustly detect HFCs.  相似文献   

The oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, is a serious agricultural pest in China. Seasonal and roundtrip migration has recently led to sudden, localized outbreaks and crop losses. To evaluate genetic differentiation between populations in eastern and western China and elucidate gene flow, the genetic structure of 20 natural populations from nine provinces was examined using seven microsatellite markers. The results indicated high genetic diversity. However, little to moderate (0 < FST < 0.15) genetic differentiation was detected, and there was no correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Bayesian clustering analysis identified three groups whereas discriminant analysis of principal components identified ten clusters that were considered as two clear‐cut clusters and one admixed group. Gene flow occurred frequently in most population pairs, and an asymmetrical migration rate was detected in several pairwise population comparisons. The bottleneck test showed that few populations had experienced recent bottlenecks. Correspondingly, large‐scale and long‐distance migration of M. separata has caused low genetic differentiation and frequent gene exchange. Our findings are important for studying genetic evolution and help to improve predictions of M. separata outbreaks in China.  相似文献   

Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are found worldwide in temperate and tropical regions, often occurring as distinct coastal and offshore ecotypes. Along the west coast of the United States, two stocks are recognized for management based on morphological and photo‐identification studies: a California coastal stock, estimated at 450–500 individuals, and a California/Oregon/Washington offshore stock of about 1,000 animals. This study is the first to analyze genetic differentiation between these stocks. We examined both the hypervariable portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and fifteen microsatellite markers for coastal (n = 64) and offshore (n = 69) dolphins. Significant genetic differentiation was found between the two stocks for mtDNA (ΦST = 0.30, P < 0.001; FST = 0.14, P < 0.001) and microsatellite loci (FST = 0.19, P < 0.001). Coastal dolphins had less genetic diversity than offshore dolphins. Further substructuring within the offshore stock was not detected. The level of genetic differentiation between the coastal and offshore dolphins is consistent with long‐term separation and reinforces recognizing them as separate stocks. These findings are particularly important for management of the smaller, less genetically diverse, coastal stock that is vulnerable to a variety of anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

Animal body coloration serves several functions such as thermoregulation, camouflage, aposematism, and intraspecific communication. In some orb‐web spiders, bright and conspicuous body colours are used to attract prey. On the other hand, there are other species whose body colour does not attract prey. Using a spider species showing individual body‐colour variation, the present study aimed to determine whether or not the variation in body colour shows a correlation with predation rates. We studied the orb‐web spider (Cyclosa argenteoalba) using both field observations and T‐maze experiments, in which the prey were exposed to differently coloured spiders. Cyclosa argenteoalba has silver‐ and black‐coloured areas on its dorsal abdomen, with the ratio of these two colours varying continuously among individuals. The bright and conspicuous silver area reflects ultraviolet light. Results of both field observations and colour choice experiments using Drosophila flies as prey showed that darker spiders have a greater chance of capturing prey than silver spiders. This indicates that body‐colour variation affects predation success among individuals and that the bright silver colour does not function to attract prey in C. argenteoalba.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification over the past decades has led to a generalized decline in farmland biodiversity. Farmland birds are particularly exposed to rapid changes in habitat and reduced food resources or availability. Understanding how farmland specialists can be preserved and their populations enhanced are major challenges for this century. Based on a long‐term (19‐year) study of a Eurasian Stone‐curlew Burhinus oedicnemus population, we estimated the demographic parameters, including clutch size, egg volume, hatching success, survival rate and apparent population size. Demographic rates found for this French population were, on average, comparable to those found elsewhere in Europe. However, all demographic parameters showed negative trends, including a dramatic decline in the local population (26% decline over 14 years) and a 10% decline in adult survival rate over 11 years. Such a long‐term decline, despite on‐going conservation efforts, calls into question the overall sustainability of arable Stone‐curlew populations. We infer some of the possible causes of this decline, in particular food shortage, and discuss how this pattern could be reversed through conservation measures applicable at very large spatial scales.  相似文献   

By constraining gene flow, group living and natal philopatry can result in fine‐scale genetic structure. Although the genetic structure of some group‐living lizards has been characterised, studies are few compared with those for group‐living bird and mammal species. The Egerniinae group of lizards exhibits a high diversity of social structures, making it a useful group for comparative studies of genetic structure across a broader range of social taxa. A well‐studied member of Egerniinae is Egernia stokesii, a lizard that forms long‐term pair bonds and stable social groups and exhibits natal philopatry and limited dispersal. Evidence exists for consistent E. stokesii social structure across seven close but disconnected rocky outcrops within a 40 × 10 km area. We used summary statistics, analysis of molecular variance, Bayesian clustering, and discriminant analysis of principal components to assess if E. stokesii exhibit a consistent pattern of fine‐scale genetic structure across the same seven outcrops. Due to E. stokesii social structure and constrained dispersal, we predicted significant genetic structuring – based on microsatellite markers – among outcrops. We found significant fine‐scale genetic structuring and evidence for two genetic clusters. We discuss features of E. stokesii biology and ecology that may explain our findings. Some rocky outcrops, and some social groups, contained lizards from both genetic clusters. An examination of the composition of mixed cluster social groups did not detect any notable patterns. Therefore, further work is necessary to identify how the observed patterns may have arisen. Future investigations in E. stokesii and other group‐living lizard species are likely to contribute greatly to our understanding of the genetic consequences of group living.  相似文献   

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