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Ovaries, fetuses and plasma were collected from zebra mares shot in the Etosha National Park in Namibia between 15 and 25 August 1983. Ovarian weight was affected by reproductive status and most of the non-pregnant mares were anoestrous. The number of follicles varied between individuals and only pro-oestrous/oestrous mares had follicles larger than 20 mm in diameter. The largest follicle in pregnant mares was only 9 mm in diameter. Corpora lutea and corpora albicantia were found in non-pregnant as well as pregnant mares: 4 pregnant mares had only corpora albicantia. The presence of secondary corpora lutea could not be confirmed in any of the pregnant mares. Implantation was estimated to occur at around 73 days of gestation, and most mares (84%) had conceived between November and April. Peripheral concentrations of plasma progesterone during pregnancy varied from 0.5 to 2.4 ng/ml.  相似文献   

De Hoop Nature Reserve and a neighbouring conservancy contain the most genetically diverse subpopulation of the Endangered (IUCN) Cape mountain zebra ( Equus zebra zebra Linnaeus 1758). Although vital for the long-term stability of the meta-population, the population had received limited monitoring post-1999. We summarize data obtained during a population monitoring programme established in 2005. Ninety-nine individuals were identified indicating a decline in annual population growth from 6.6% (1995–1999) to 4.5% (1999–2005). The population was male biased and the deficit of females is likely to have prevented additional breeding herd formation resulting in excess nonbreeding males. These animals are currently of limited reproductive value to the meta-population and may be contributing to the decline in reproductive potential at De Hoop by competing for limited resources. One solution may be to translocate 'excess' males to reinforce existing small populations or establish new populations with females from elsewhere provided that a minimum of 78 animals is maintained at De Hoop to limit genetic loss. Population monitoring and effective management strategies for the De Hoop population and the meta-population are vital to ensure the long-term survival of Cape mountain zebra and for the success of other species recovery programmes.  相似文献   

Equine sarcoid has been diagnosed in endangered Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) in at least two game reserves in South Africa, with prevalence as high as 53% in Bontebok National Park. Seven Cape mountain zebras with sarcoids were treated with either surgical excision, 5-fluorouracil, allogenous vaccine, or a combination of 5-fluorouracil and allogenous vaccine. One of the two sarcoids on one of the 5-fluorouracil-treated zebras was left untreated. The microscopic features of the tumors evaluated showed either all or most of the typical epidermal and dermal histologic features of equine sarcoid. The zebras were examined 2 yr posttreatment to determine outcome. All sarcoids had resolved except on the zebra on which one of the sarcoids was left untreated. The efficacy of the three treatment methods in Cape mountain zebra is encouraging.  相似文献   



Among songbirds, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) is an excellent model system for investigating the neural mechanisms underlying complex behaviours such as vocal communication, learning and social interactions. Neuropeptides and peptide hormones are cell-to-cell signalling molecules known to mediate similar behaviours in other animals. However, in the zebra finch, this information is limited. With the newly-released zebra finch genome as a foundation, we combined bioinformatics, mass-spectrometry (MS)-enabled peptidomics and molecular techniques to identify the complete suite of neuropeptide prohormones and final peptide products and their distributions.  相似文献   

Synopsis The sexual pattern of the zebra goby Lythrypnus zebra, is an apparent exception to sex allocation theory. Most L. zebra are simultaneous hermaphrodites (i.e., have active female and male gonadal tissue), yet it appears they do not reproduce as males and females simultaneously. Understanding the maintenance of simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra could expand sex allocation theory. In this study, I used a comparison with the blue-banded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, a sympatric congener with a qualitatively similar sexual pattern, to investigate the role of male spawning rate, body size and sexual flexibility in determining the sexual pattern of L. zebra and to isolate differences between the species that might explain their differing sexual patterns. Using field measurements of male nesting success, I found no differences between the species in the body size of nesting males suggesting that large size is associated with successful male reproduction in both species. In addition, nesting males spawned at approximately three times the rate of females in both species; thus, reproduction via male function can be equally advantageous relative to adopting the female role. However, the nest longevity of L. zebra males was shorter than that of L. dalli males, suggesting reproduction via male function may be less reliable in L. zebra. Finally, under laboratory conditions, L. zebra females tended to prefer large mates, and L. zebra were able to re-allocate in both directions, exhibiting a greater capacity to switch than L. dalli. Given these results, I suggest that switching between the sexes plays a greater role in maintaining simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra than L. dalli, perhaps because male reproduction is not as consistent in L. zebra. Sexual flexibility may be an important factor affecting patterns of sex allocation, generally.  相似文献   

斑纹薄鳅(Leptobotia zebra)最初是由Wu(1939)描述的一个新种,当时定名为斑纹沙鳅(Botia zebra),后来Chen(1980)根据眼下刺不分叉将其改归为薄鳅属的物种。本研究通过对线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因序列的测定和分析,发现斑纹薄鳅和薄鳅属(除斑纹薄鳅)物种间的平均遗传距离为0.177,和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅(Sinibotia pulcher)的平均遗传距离仅为0.057。系统发育分析发现斑纹薄鳅并未和薄鳅属的物种聚在一起,而是和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅聚在一起形成姐妹群。进一步对斑纹薄鳅进行形态学特征检视,发现该物种具有颊部裸露无鳞、颏部具一对纽状突起等中华沙鳅属鱼类的特征,但又具有眼下刺简单不分叉的薄鳅属鱼类的特征。结合分子数据分析的结果,将斑纹薄鳅订正为中华沙鳅属的物种,其命名为斑纹沙鳅(Sinibotia zebra)。另外,对沙鳅科鱼类属的划分标准及形态特征的演化也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Resource use of Cape mountain zebra was studied in the Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (BNR) over concerns of the poor performance in population growth. We assessed the seasonal diet, habitat suitability and forage quality of the Bergplaas area in BNR for mountain zebra. Grasses contributed 95.2% to the annual diet of mountain zebra, Tristachya leucothrix contributing the most (39.4%), followed by Themeda triandra (27.6%). Seasonally, T. triandra contributed most to the diet in winter, while Tleucothrix became more important in the summer and also was the only species preferred in all seasons. Mountain zebra concentrated their feeding in Kouga Grassy Fynbos and from our assessment this was the only habitat suitable for mountain zebra. Our analysis of mountain zebra dung indicated that the seasonal nitrogen and phosphorus content was below the threshold values prescribed for grazers, and our study suggests that mountain zebra at Bergplaas are severely resource limited. We emphasize the importance of fire and access to nutrient‐rich lowlands in influencing the nutritional ecology of mountain zebra and provide conservation management recommendations.  相似文献   

Many birds acquire carotenoid pigments from the diet that they deposit into feathers and bare parts to develop extravagant sexual coloration. Although biologists have shown interest in both the mechanisms and function of these colorful displays, the carotenoids ingested and processed by these birds are poorly described. Here we document the carotenoid-pigment profile in the diet, blood and tissue of captive male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Dietary carotenoids including: lutein; zeaxanthin; and β-cryptoxanthin were also present in the plasma, liver, adipose tissue and egg-yolk. These were accompanied in the blood and tissues by a fourth pigment, 2′,3′-anhydrolutein, that was absent from the diet. To our knowledge, this is the first reported documentation of anhydrolutein in any avian species; among animals, it has been previously described only in human skin and serum and in fish liver. We also identified anhydrolutein in the plasma of two closely related estrildid finch species (Estrilda astrild and Sporaeginthus subflavus). Anhydrolutein was the major carotenoid found in zebra finch serum and liver, but did not exceed the concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in adipose tissue or egg yolk. Whereas the percent composition of zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin were similar between diet and plasma, lutein was comparatively less abundant in plasma than in the diet. Lutein also was proportionally deficient in plasma from birds that circulated a higher percentage of anhydrolutein. These results suggest that zebra finches metabolically derive anhydrolutein from dietary sources of lutein. The production site and physiological function of anhydrolutein have yet to be determined.  相似文献   

On the assumption that infanticide exists in plains zebra, as reported for horses, Equus caballus, we tested the following hypothesis. Introducing a new zebra male into a herd of breeding females should increase foal mortality in comparison with herds in which the sire of the foals is still present. The younger the foal, the more likely infanticide should be. We collected data from five herds in two zoological gardens in the Czech Republic. We found nine records of infanticide in plains zebra and three cases of abortions that were probably induced by forced copulation. We analysed additional indirect data to investigate the possibility of introduced males causing other abortions. Abortions were three times more likely in herds with introduced males than with only fathers present. Postnatal mortality of the foals was four times greater with introduced males than with fathers. No indication of a sex preference was observed for infanticide by a new male for either abortions or postpartum deaths. When we combined all records involving introduced males, the probability of foal death was greatest when the new male joined the herd just after conception and decreased with increasing time between conception and date of the new male introduction (the chance of a foal surviving was less than 5% just after conception and more than 50% at the time of delivery). Mortality of foals did not depend on whether the new male was introduced before or after the foal was born. Survival increased to more than 60% after the foal reached 1 month of age. Our results suggest that captive plains zebra show the highest occurrence of infanticide reported among ungulates. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In a population of free-ranging Cape mountain zebra, median age at first foaling was 67 months (range 38-105 months), median foaling interval was 25 months (range 13-69 months) and annual foaling rate was 32%. Foaling rates of younger and older mares were similar. Foals were born all year round with a peak corresponding to the rainy season (summer). Conception occurred later in the season when the spring was dry.  相似文献   

Centromere repositioning (CR) is a recently discovered biological phenomenon consisting of the emergence of a new centromere along a chromosome and the inactivation of the old one. After a CR, the primary constriction and the centromeric function are localized in a new position while the order of physical markers on the chromosome remains unchanged. These events profoundly affect chromosomal architecture. Since horses, asses, and zebras, whose evolutionary divergence is relatively recent, show remarkable morphological similarity and capacity to interbreed despite their chromosomes differing considerably, we investigated the role of CR in the karyotype evolution of the genus Equus. Using appropriate panels of BAC clones in FISH experiments, we compared the centromere position and marker order arrangement among orthologous chromosomes of Burchelli's zebra (Equus burchelli), donkey (Equus asinus), and horse (Equus caballus). Surprisingly, at least eight CRs took place during the evolution of this genus. Even more surprisingly, five cases of CR have occurred in the donkey after its divergence from zebra, that is, in a very short evolutionary time (approximately 1 million years).These findings suggest that in some species the CR phenomenon could have played an important role in karyotype shaping, with potential consequences on population dynamics and speciation.  相似文献   

Aim Promoting population growth of genetically distinct subpopulations of Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) is crucial to the survival of the subspecies. Several important Cape mountain zebra reserves are dominated by fynbos vegetation, and population growth is limited by a lack of grassland habitat. A fossil ungulate sequence spanning the last c. 18,000 years is examined to understand the long‐term history of this conservation challenge. Location Boomplaas Cave (BPA), South Africa. Methods The fossil sequence from BPA is examined to reconstruct ungulate community dynamics in relation to climate and vegetation change over the last 18,000 years. Results Ungulates from 18,000 to 12,000 years ago suggest an expansion of open grasslands that supported a grazing ecosystem dominated by an extinct caprine antelope and equid remains attributed to E. zebra and E. quagga. At the onset of the Holocene, the grazing ungulate community disappears and small browsers and mixed feeders dominate the assemblage, indicating the loss of open grassland vegetation. Several open‐habitat grazers go extinct at this time, and Equus persists at much lower abundances. This shift can be explained by global climate change across the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Main conclusions The fossil sequence supports contemporary observations indicating that access to open grassland is crucial to maintaining large Cape mountain zebra subpopulations. Although fynbos is abundant throughout the historic range of the Cape mountain zebra, fossil evidence suggests that such vegetation is unlikely to support dense populations. It has been suggested that the acquisition of agricultural lands that were historically converted to open grasslands for livestock could promote Cape mountain zebra population growth. Results presented here support this management option, as the open grasslands in these converted landscapes likely approximate the vegetation structure during latest Pleistocene, when grasslands were widespread and grazing ungulates abundant.  相似文献   

Females across a range of taxa have been shown to differentiallyallocate their reproductive resources according to the attractivenessof their mate. Previous studies demonstrated a female preferencefor larger males in the zebra fish but have so far failed touncover a size-mediated difference in male mating success, possiblydue to the effects of male–male competition. By controllingfor male–male competition in the present study, we showthat females strategically allocate their reproductive resources(i.e., eggs) toward larger males. When females were mated sequentiallywith a large and small male, they released a greater numberof eggs to the second male when he was large than when he wassmall. Furthermore, there was also a trend for females to releasea greater proportion of their eggs to the first male when hewas large. Across females, the total number of eggs laid byeach female increased with the average standard length of themale pair, whereas the number of eggs laid to the second malealso increased with his standard length. This study representsone of the first attempts at identifying differential allocationin a resource-free egg scatterer and suggests that female preferencesmay play a greater role in the reproductive success of malesin this species than previously envisaged.  相似文献   

The diversity of a subtidal epifaunal mollusk community was studied from September, 1990 to September, 1991 in Chacopata, Sucre State, Venezuela. There were 40 species (24 bivalves and 16 gastropods). The diversity indexes (H' = 2.087, J' = 0.392, 1/D = 0.528) were low when compared with other tropical zones. Monthly diversity reached its maximum in September, 1990 (1.63 bits/ind.) and July, 1991 (1.60 bits/ind.); minimum diversity occurred in June, 1991 (0.52 bits/ind.). A Log series model applied to species abundance data showed a straight line with a diversity index alpha of 5.56. Of 40 species identified, the turkeywing Arca zebra was dominant (69% in number of individuals and 72% of biomass) followed by Pinctada imbricata, Modiolus squamosus, Chama macerophyla and Anadara notabilis. The predatory snails Phyllonotus pomum, Chicoreus brevifrons and Murex recurvirostris seemed to have trophic relationships with A. zebra. The total mean biomass in wet weight (469.20 +/- 263 g m-2, shell included) was high which indicates that A. zebra, a species with a rapid growth rate, occupies a central role in the assemblage as an efficient filter feeder that converts planktonic food into available biomass, supporting one of the most important fisheries in Venezuela.  相似文献   

Skeletogenic heterochronies have gained much attention in comparative developmental biology. The temporal appearance of mineralized individual bones in a species - the species ossification sequence - is an excellent marker in this kind of study. Several publications describe interspecific variation, but only very few detail intraspecific variation. In this study, we describe and analyze the temporal order of ossification of skeletal elements in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica, and the White Pekin duck, a domestic race of the mallard Anas platyrhynchos, and explore patterns of intraspecific variation in these events. The overall sequences were found to be conserved. In the duck, variability is present in the relative timing of ossification in the occipital, the basisphenoid and the otic regions of the skull and the phalanges in the postcranium. This variation appears generally in close temporal proximity. Comparison with previously published data shows differences in ossification sequence in the skull, the feet, and the pelvis in the duck, and especially the pelvis in the quail. This clearly documents variability among different breeds.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is suggested as a contributor to the ageing process. Knowledge of the relationship between age and energy expenditure may contribute to our understanding of ageing patterns, due to the link between oxygen consumption and free radical production. However, studies on basal metabolic rate (BMR) and age have generally been cross-sectional, which may confound estimates of the age effect due to disproportionate mortality (also known as 'selective disappearance'). We therefore performed a longitudinal study of BMR using captive zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) up to 5 years of age. BMR declined with age in individuals of both sexes when body mass was controlled for. Males gained mass with age while females did not. There was no evidence for disproportionate mortality with respect to BMR in either sex. To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of avian BMR over such a long proportion of the lifespan of the study species.  相似文献   

Testis mass of adult Cape mountain zebra stallions (mean 70.0 g) was appreciably less than that of other zebra species and domestic horses. The histological appearance of the testes of 11-, 24- and 29-month-old colts was typically prepubertal. Spermatogenic activity of a 4-year-old stallion obtained at the end of summer was at a very low level, while a 4.5-year-old stallion obtained 6 weeks after the winter solstice showed a marked increase in spermatogenesis compared with the 4-year-old. Stallions 6.5-19 years of age collected in different seasons all showed active spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1016-1024
Young male and female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, were tested for their ability to discriminate between the song of their father or tutor and that of another male in two types of preference test, one with a male whose song was dissimilar to that of the father or tutor and one with a male who sang a similar song, on removal from the father, at 4 months and at 6 months of age. Birds that were isolated from their father at 25 days (group A) did not show a preference for their father's song whereas those isolated from the father at 35 days (groups B and C) learnt to prefer their father's song. In addition, group C, which were housed with tutor 1 from 35 to 70 days and with tutor 2 from 4 to 6 months of age, preferred their tutors' songs to those of other males. If one compares the strength of preference in the two types of test, group B showed a weaker preference for the father in tests with the father and a similar male. Further, group C showed a weaker preference in the test with tutor 1 versus a similar male. The possible influence of tutor, sibling and own song on the discrimination of the father's song is discussed, and the results are compared with those for song performance learning. Finally, the mother birds preferred their mate's song.  相似文献   

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