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Fifteen Suffolk ewes were used in three experiments to compare plasma follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) patterns during the estrous cycle and to determine whether FSH levels undergo changes in pulse frequency. Luteinizing hormone changed inversely with progesterone levels whereas FSH and progesterone concentrations revealed no obvious relationship. Unlike LH, FSH levels did not pulsate during the follicular phase. Higher FSH levels were detected on days 1, 6 and 12 and lower levels on days 0, 4 and 16. Coincident preovulatory LH and FSH surges were observed and this was the only time FSH and LH levels appeared to be jointly controlled.  相似文献   

Aromatase activity was measured in striatal and hypothalamic regions of the brain of the male ring dove throughout its breeding cycle. The enzyme activity in the anterior hypothalamus and hyperstriatum was significantly reduced in broody birds. A reduction in plasma LH and the number of spermatogonia per tubule cross-section were also observed at this time. The results support the view that testosterone is involved in the control of aromatase activity in the anterior hypothalamus and hyperstriatum. The enzyme activity in the posterior hypothalamus, paleostriatum and archistriatum showed no changes throughout the breeding cycle, indicating that other factors in addition to testosterone are involved in controlling the enzyme in these tissues.  相似文献   

Three chronically catheterized Duroc gilts were used to characterize the pattern of plasma LH in the systemic circulation during pregnancy. Blood samples were collected four times daily (08.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00 h) from the second day of estrus until day 7 postpartum in one pig and to 108 and 98 days of gestation in the remaining two. The concentration of plasma LH fluctuated in a pulsatile manner throughout the studied periods of gestation in all three pigs, with decreasing amplitude towards parturition. Significant correlations between the decline of LH levels and the day of pregnancy were found, and the equations for the linear regression lines are presented. It is suggested that the level of LH in early and mid-pregnancy mimics LH concentrations in the midluteal phase of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) immunoreactivity (IR) was measured in the blood of 22 healthy women with normal ovulatory process in the early and late follicular (near to ovulation) phases and in the early luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Plasma alpha-MSH IR ranged from undetectable values to 81.3 pg/ml, the highest levels being found in the late follicular phase (15.52 +/- 4.16 pg/ml). In contrast, plasma ACTH IR was always detectable (range: 18.5-63.2 pg/ml), but its concentration did not differ significantly between the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. High-pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of Sep pak C18-purified alpha-MSH IR revealed in all 3 phases the presence of 3 major peaks of alpha-MSH IR, coeluting with desacetyl-alpha-MSH, alpha-MSH and diacetyl-alpha-MSH, respectively. The most abundant peak always coeluted with authentic desacetyl-alpha-MSH, and the ratio between this deacetylated and the other 2 acetylated forms was similar in the 2 follicular phases (1:1.25 and 1:1.16 in the early and late phase, respectively), but significantly different in the luteal phase (1:0.48). The fluctuations in plasma concentration of the above MSH-related peptides suggest that different rates of alpha-MSH acetylation and release take place in the pituitary gland depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

This review examines possible role of progesterone receptor (PR) and androgen receptor (AR) "cross-talk" in the expression of courtship behaviour in the ring dove (Streptopelia risoria). In doves, although androgen has been mostly associated with aggressive courtship behaviour and progesterone with the initiation of incubation, progesterone administration to courting birds terminates the aggressive component of courtship whilst having no effect on nesting behaviour. Recent results in doves have identified a high density of androgen receptor and progesterone receptor immunoreactivity (AR-ir and PR-ir) in the hypothalamus of both sexes in regions known to be directly involved in courtship and incubation behaviour. Nuclear AR-ir in courting birds is widespread throughout the brain. Nuclear PR-ir is only localized in discrete regions of the preoptic hypothalamus of both sexes. In the anterior and posterior hypothalamus of courting birds an increase number of AR-ir and PR-ir neurons colocalizes (70-90%) in the nucleus preopticus anterior (POA), nucleus preopticus medialis (POM), nucleus preopticus paraventricularis magnocellularis (PPM), nucleus hypothalami lateralis posterioris (PLH), and tuberal hypothalamus (Tu). A lower percentage of colocalization is seen in birds at other stages of the breeding cycle. The high percentage of AR-ir and PR-ir colocalization in the preoptic hypothalamus of courting doves supports previous reports involving progesterone acting in these brain regions to terminate the androgen-dependent aggressive courtship behaviour in male doves. The increase in PR-ir staining intensity in AR-ir neurons in courting birds suggests that this progesterone-dependent termination of aggressive courtship display in males occurs at the receptor level and may be orchestrated by central oestrogen.  相似文献   

Our aim was to identify age-related changes in the dynamics of luteinizing hormone (LH) release that may contribute to the decline in pituitary sensitivity to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) during sexual maturation of female rats. We studied LHRH-stimulated LH secretion curves of superfused pituitaries from rats ranging in age from 10 days to the first estrous cycle. Pituitary fragments were exposed for 10 min to medium alone or to medium plus LHRH; incubation continued in medium alone for 130 min and effluent was collected for LH analysis. Secretion curves were compared on the basis of total secretion (area under the curve), maximal change in LH secretion rate, and rates of rise and decay of the curves. The data show that total LH secretion in response to LHRH is greatest in 15-, 20-day-old and first-proestrus animals. Also, the maximal change in LH secretion rate was greater, and the increase in LH secretion rate faster in younger animals than in 30-day-old animals. Analysis of secretory granules in LH-containing gonadotropes of 15- and 30-day-old animals revealed changes in he granule population with age. We conclude that younger animals respond faster with a greater LH secretion response to LHRH than do 30-day-old or first-estrus animals, and that these age-related changes in the dynamics of LH secretion may be due in part to maturation of the LH secretory granules.  相似文献   

Sequential bleeding and push-pull perfusion of the hypothalamus were used to characterize luteinizing hormone (LH) and LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) release in ovariectomized (OVX) ewes after injection of corn oil or estradiol benzoate (EB). Push-pull cannulae were surgically implanted into the stalk median eminences of 24 OVX ewes. Seven to 14 days later each of 20 animals was given an i.m. injection of 50 micrograms EB. Blood samples and push-pull perfusate were collected at 10-min intervals for 6-12 h beginning 12-15 h after EB injection. Four OVX ewes were given i.m. injections of corn oil 7 days after implantation of push-pull cannulae. Blood samples and push-pull perfusate were collected at 10-min intervals for 4 h between 18 and 22 h after injection of corn oil. Luteinizing hormone remained below 2 ng/ml throughout most of the sampling periods in 9 of 20 EB-treated ewes. In 5 of these 9 LHRH also was undetectable, whereas in 4 LHRH was detectable (1.84 +/- 0.29 pg/10 min), but did not increase with time. Preovulatory-like surges of LH occurred in 11 EB-treated ewes, but LHRH was undetectable in 5. In 4 of 6 ewes showing LH surges and detectable LHRH, sampling occurred during the onset of the LH surge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) may inhibit the rate of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release and hence the frequency of pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) release, particularly in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Our objectives were to compare the effects of an opiate antagonist, naloxone (NAL), on the patterns of LH, estradiol-17 beta (E2), and progesterone (P4) secretion during the follicular and luteal phases of the macaque menstrual cycle. Plasma levels of E2, P4, and bioactive LH were measured in serial, 15-min blood samples during 8-hr infusions of NAL (2 mg/hr) or saline, either on Days 5 or 6 of the follicular phase (FN and FS, n = 5 and 4, respectively) or on Days 8, 9, or 10 of the luteal phase (LN and LS, n = 5 each) of a menstrual cycle. The pulsatile parameters of each hormone were determined by PULSAR analysis and the correspondence of steroid pulses with those of LH were analyzed for each cycle stage in each animal. As expected, LH mean levels and pulse frequencies in LS monkeys were only about one-third of those values in FS animals. NAL had no effects on pulsatile LH, E2, or P4 release during the follicular phase. In contrast, luteal phase NAL infusions increased both LH mean levels and pulse frequencies to values which were indistinguishable from those in FS animals. LH pulse amplitudes did not differ among the four groups. Mean levels and pulse frequencies of P4 secretion in LS monkeys were about 4- and 14-fold greater than those values in FS animals. Mean levels and pulse amplitudes of P4 release in LN animals were greater than those values in all other groups. LH and E2 pulses were not closely correlated in follicular phase animals, and this pulse association was not altered by NAL. In FS monkeys, LH and P4 pulses were not correlated; however, NAL increased this LH-p4 pulse correspondence. LH and P4 pulses were closely correlated in luteal phase animals and this association was not affected by NAL. Our data suggest that the EOPs inhibit the frequency of pulsatile LH secretion in the presence of luteal phase levels of P4. During the midfollicular phase when LH pulses occur every 60 to 90 min, the opioid antagonist NAL alters neither the pulsatile pattern of LH release nor E2 secretion, but NAL may directly affect P4-secreting cells.  相似文献   

The temporal relationships between plasma concentrations of prolactin, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were determined in a group of six wild mallard drakes during the development and maintenance of long-day refractoriness after transfer from 6 h light: 18 h darkness (6L:18D) to 20L:4D for 24 weeks. As shown by changes in the plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone, the birds came into breeding condition and then became long-day refractory within 5 weeks of photostimulation. Long-day refractoriness was maintained for the remainder of the study. Plasma prolactin began to increase immediately after photostimulation, although not as fast as the increases in plasma LH and testosterone. The concentration of plasma T4 also increased after photostimulation but, as shown by decreased plasma LH and testosterone levels, only after the birds had become long-day refractory. The development of long-day refractoriness was thus directly correlated with an increased plasma prolactin and not with a change in plasma concentration of T4. Plasma T3 decreased after photostimulation but returned to prestimulation values as the birds became long-day refractory and remained stable for the remainder of the study. Concentrations of plasma T4 and prolactin returned to baseline values after about 15 weeks photostimulation showing that the long-term maintenance of long-day refractoriness is not directly related to continuously high plasma concentrations of either hormone.  相似文献   

An ambient temperature of 30 degrees C compared to 18 degrees C accelerated the increase in serum prolactin (Prl) level induced by photostimulation of female turkeys. The contribution of reproductive stage and nesting behavior to this serum Prl elevation was assessed by housing adult female turkeys in individual wire cages while allowing other females free access to nests on the floor. Birds of both groups were exposed to 10 degrees C, 24 degrees C or 30 degrees C beginning 4 wk prior to photostimulation and continuing throughout the reproductive phase. Lapsed time between the onset of photostimulation and onset of sexual maturity, and between the onset of sexual maturity and onset of incubation behavior was shorter in birds housed at 30 degrees C with access to nests than in corresponding birds housed at 24 degrees C and 10 degrees C. The increases in serum Prl associated with sexual maturity or incubation behavior occurred at a greater rate in the birds maintained at 30 degrees C. Cage-reared birds had the same lapsed time between onset of photostimulation and onset of sexual maturity and the same sustained low Prl level regardless of ambient temperature exposure. All groups exhibited similar luteinizing hormone profiles. These findings indicate that the accelerated increase in Prl under elevated temperature in floor-reared turkeys is related to accelerated development of reproductive function, and not the direct effect of ambient temperature on mechanisms controlling Prl.  相似文献   

Serum levels of LH, total estrogen and progesterone were measured daily by radioimmunoassay during proestrus, estrus and early diestrus in five beagle bitches. Occurrence of the LH peak relative to the onset of estrus was quite variable ranging from 3 days before to 7 days after the onset of estrus. Serum LH levels were elevated for 3 days with a peak value of 25 ± 2 ng/ml reached 2.4 days after the start of estrus. LH levels were ≤ 2 ng/ml when measured at other times during the estrous cycle. Estrogen titers ranged from 84 ± 39 pg/ml at 9 days before the LH peak to 175 ± 15 pg/ml coincident with the LH peak. A broad estrogen peak was evident beginning 5 days before and continuing for 5 days after the LH peak. An estrogen surge was seen in 4 of 5 dogs immediately preceding or coincident with the LH peak suggesting that LH release in the bitch is triggered by a sharp elevation in estrogen levels. Serum progesterone levels rose from ≤ 5 ng/ml before the LH peak to 46 ± 6 ng/ml 6 days afterwards.  相似文献   

Using a turkey prolactin radioimmunoassay, the serum prolactin levels of male and female ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) during the breeding cycle were measured and their circulating prolactin levels were compared to crop-sac weight on a within-bird basis. During the early phase of the incubation period, crop weight showed a delayed response to prolactin stimulation and there was no correlation; during the midincubation period when prolactin and crop-sac weight were increasing, there was a strong positive correlation; around hatching, when prolactin was at its peak, there was no correlation. There were again strong positive correlations at later samples, when squabs were developing and both prolactin and crop-sac weight were declining. Thus, it appears that the correlation between the circulating prolactin level and crop-sac development depends on the stage of the breeding cycle. While males and females showed similar pattern of circulating prolactin during the period of incubation and parental care, only females consistently showed a postovulatory rise of prolactin. These results were discussed in the context of the role of prolactin in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated at various stages of the estrous cycle, pregnancy, lactation and following ovariectomy. Anterior pituitary and ovarian tissues were collected and assayed to quantify luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors. No changes were noted in receptor affinity either between tissues or physiological stages studied. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content were greater (P less than 0.05) during diestrus II and proestrus than during estrus. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content during pregnancy were not different from those during estrus, however, a significant decrease was noted in pituitary LHRH receptor content and concentrations during lactation compared to estrus. Ovarian LHRH receptor content did not change with stage of reproduction (P less than 0.05). There was, however, a decrease (P less than 0.05) in ovarian LHRH receptor concentrations at Week 3 of pregnancy and Week 1 of lactation which was possibly due to the increase ovarian weight noted at both these physiological stages. There was no correlation (P less than 0.1) between ovarian and pituitary LHRH receptor numbers (r = 0.096). These findings suggest that the internal mechanisms which control changes in pituitary LHRH receptor numbers do not control ovarian LHRH receptor numbers.  相似文献   

A sensitive radioimmunoassay for gonadotropin releasing hormone has been developed. The assay has been validated for its specificity by testing various analogues of gonadotropin releasing hormone. Analysis of plasma samples during the menstrual cycle of 4 female bonnet monkeys showed a significant increase in the immunoreactive gonadotropin releasing hormone levels during preovulatory period of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

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