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The selective incorporation of vitellogenin into developing locust oöcytes was studied using 125I-vitellin. Vitellogenin incorporation does not start before the oöcytes are 1.5 mm in length. It increases rapidly up to a maximum at 4.7 mm oöcyte length and decreases steadily until the eggs are fully developed (6.5 mm). Concentrations of serum proteins and vitellogenin in the haemolymph show parallel changes, vitellogenin titre reaching a maximum of 7.5 mg/ml. Incorporation rates for vitellogenin increase from 1.5 μg/hr/oöcyte (2.2 mm) up to 13.8 μg/hr/oöcyte (4.7 mm). In this range incorporation per unit surface area increases 4-fold. While the vitelline and chorionic membranes are being formed, the incorporation rates as well as the protein concentrations in the haemolymph decrease steadily until the second gonotrophic cycle starts. The hormonal basis for oögenesis and the mechanism for selective uptake of locust vitellogenin are discussed.  相似文献   

Haemolymph and fat body soluble protein titres have been examined during the reproductive cycle of Diploptera punctata, with particular emphasis on the occurrence of vitellogenin and its uptake into the developing oöcytes. Vitellogenin was first detected in the haemolymph of mated females 2 days after adult eclosion at about the same time that vitellin deposition in basal oöcytes began. Peak haemolymph titres of vitellogenin occurred on day 6, correlated with the completion of yolk uptake. Thereafter vitellogenin levels declined and were generally undetectable throughout most of gestation, rising again shortly before parturition in association with the second gonotrophic cycle. Total haemolymph protein levels were not correlated with vitellogenesis.Soluble fat body vitellogenin titres of mated females remained low during the first oöcyte growth period but then rose several-fold at its completion and remained high throughout pregnancy and the second gonotrophic cycle. Total fat body soluble proteins decline after adult eclosion in association with oöcyte growth.Vitellin accumulation in basal oöcytes was related linearly to increase in volume until the onset of chorion formation. Thus no post-vitellogenic growth period was detected.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(3):323-329
Oöcytes of Locusta migratoria accumulate lipids during vitellogenesis by acylation of haemolymph diacylglyerols and by de novo synthesis from free fatty acids and glycerol. This was shown by following the incorporation of lipids in vivo after injecting (1-14C)-palmitate to vitellogenic females and in vitro by incubation of isolated oöcytes with (1-14C)-palmitate, (1,3-14C)-glycerol and (14C)-labelled male and female haemolymph. Both the lipid and protein components of diacylglycerol carrier protein were taken up by isolated locust oöcytes incubated in vitro.Triacylglycerols were preferentially synthesized in vitro by isolated oöcytes incubated in the presence of labelled haemolymph, while phospholipids were the major component synthesized by incubating with (1-14C)-palmitate.  相似文献   

Vitellin and vitellogenin labelled in vitro with 125I and in vivo with 3H were incorporated into yolk by locust oöcytes incubated in an in vitro system. This incorporation was specific and linear with the duration of incubation. Uptake of vitellin by oöcytes was 3–4 times higher than 125I-bovine serum albumin in 2.1-mm oöcytes and 20 times higher than 125I-bovine serum albumin in 4.0-mm long oöcytes. The uptake of the albumin was enhanced by the presence of vitellin in the incubation medium. 3H-labelled yolk protein was incorporated at higher rates than that labelled with 125I. The addition of the juvenile hormone analogue ZR 515, caused the incorporation rates of vitellogenin to be increased. The amount of vitellin or vitellogenin taken up by the oöcytes increased with their length, and the rate of incorporation per unit surface area was highest in 3–4-mm long oöcytes. These results corroborate previously reported in vivo patterns of incorporation rates of developing oöcytes.  相似文献   

The corpora allata (CA) and median neurosecretory cells (MNC) of Phormia regina and Sarcophaga bullata become active with increasing age of the fly, on a diet of sugar alone. To prevent or retard oögenesis the CA or MNCs must be removed shortly after emergence, with subsequent protein meals. Topical JH application partially compensates for CA or MNC removal. This shows that the MNC activate the CA, and not vice versa. The trauma of either operation slightly depresses egg development.Injection of ecdysone into both species in the stage of initial yolk deposition causes the primary oöcytes to degenerate. This leads to development of the penultimate oöcytes. Older and younger egg stages are not sensitive to ecdysone. In P. regina the application of JH to females with developing primary oöcytes stimulates yolk deposition in the penultimate oöcytes.  相似文献   

Total or partial ablation experiments were performed on the pars interecerebralis (P.I.), thoracic glands and corpus allatum of Panstrongylus megistus at two critical times during the initial development of the ovary: the periods before the mitotic crisis and before meiosis.Ablation of the P.I. clearly shows that ovarian mitoses and meiosis in the female P. megistus are two distinct phenomena, both dependent on the brain. Induction of mitosis is regulated by the A cells of the P.I. Once the mitotic crisis is over, these cells are no longer necessary for further ovarian development or, in particular, for the initiation of meiosis. The latter is dependent on the A cells of the P.I.The thoracic gland is not required for ovarian mitosis, but is indispensable for meiosis to occur. The corpus allatum has no influence on the differentiation of the ovariole but seems to be required for correct ovarian function during the cytoplasmic growth period of the oöcytes.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis and morphological changes in the follicular epithelial cells of oöcytes of Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae were studied during the reproductive phase. Inhibition of synthesis of DNA dependent RNA by actinomycin D injections blocked yolk deposition in the oöcytes as well as oviposition within the normal period. A mixture of radioactively labelled haemolymph and ovarial proteins was deposited as yolk proteins in the oöcytes of normal beetles. Such proteins were not deposited in the oöcytes of females injected with actinomycin D; the blockage of yolk deposition persisted even when such females were treated extraneously with juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Growth of the sub-terminal follicle is hindered by the terminal oöcyte itself during maturation until its ovulation. An inhibition identical to that exercised by the sub-terminal oöcyte exists at the level of the third follicle. The inhibitory substance passes from one oöcyte to the next through the interfollicular tissue. Sub-terminal oöcytes have no particular action on the terminal follicles.Vitellogenesis requires stimulation from the tissues proximal to the ovariole. Both the oviduct and the interfollicular tissue could play a role in this stimulation. Chorionation is seen to be an autonomous mechanism.  相似文献   

The corpora allata are inhibited during pregnancy in ovoviviparous Eublaberus posticus, and yolk is not deposited in the basal oöcytes for the entire or almost the entire gestation period.Precocious oöcyte development occurs if the oötheca is removed but this can be prevented by substituting a plastic oötheca for the true egg case in the uterus. Implantation of a uterus containing an oötheca into the abdomen of a female whose oötheca is removed does not prevent precocious oöcyte development even though many of the eggs in the implant grow and stretch the donor uterus. These experiments argue against the hypothesis that an ‘agent’ from the uterine eggs or stretched uterus inhibits the activity of the corpora allata (CA), and supports the hypothesis that inhibition from the uterus is mechanical.Cyclical activity of neurosecretory cells in certain abdominal ganglia in one species of ovoviviparous cockroach has been correlated with the cyclical inhibition of the oöcytes during pregnancy. Mechanoreceptors are found in the uteri of several ovoviviparous species including Eublaberus.In Eublaberus transecting the nerve cord between various ganglia in pregnant females only results in a marked decrease in the percentage of famales showing precocious oöcyte development when the nerves posterior to the sixth abdominal ganglion are severed. However, the results are the same if these nerves are severed after removing the oötheca. It is suggested that pressure of the oötheca on mechanoreceptors in the uterus, or cessation of pressure (after removal of the oötheca), result in sensory information being transmitted to the last abdominal ganglion which affect the CA, perhaps indirectly by controlling the activity of the neurosecretory cells in various abdominal ganglia.  相似文献   

By using thin-layer chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography combined with radioimmunoassay as well as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry we have identified and quantified ecdysteroids in ovaries and haemolymph of adult female Nauphoeta cinerea. Our analyses demonstrate the presence of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone, the latter being clearly predominant in all stages investigated. Titre determinations of free ecdysteroids in ovaries show that the 20-hydroxyecdysone concentration is highest (approximately 400 ng/g) at the beginning of chorion formation, suggesting an involvement in this process. Towards ovulation, the titre of free ecdysteroid drops and is low in the newly ovulated egg case. Measurement of immunoreactive highly polar products demonstrates that their concentration remains on a low level throughout the oöcyte maturation period; hydrolysis experiments with Helix pomatia enzymes reveal that, compared to the free ecdysteroids in the ovary, only small quantities of ecdysteroids are present as Helix hydrolysable conjugates. If one compares the quantities of free ecdysteroids in the ovary with those in the haemolymph it becomes apparent that the concentration in the haemolymph is about 10 times lower than that in the ovary.In vitro incubation of follicle cells from oöcytes at stages around chorion formation reveals that these cells are able to produce ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone, and incubation with [3H]-ecdysone demonstrates that ecdysone is efficiently converted to 20-hydroxyecdysone in a stage-dependent manner. These observations strongly suggest that the follicle cells are the site of ecdysteroid biosynthesis and of C-20-ecdysone hydroxylation.A comparison of these findings with observations made of other insects such as locusts and mosquitoes demonstrates significant differences in quality, composition, titre fluctuation and distribution of ecdysteroids in adult females from different species and suggests that these ecdysteroids might fulfil multiple and various biological functions.  相似文献   

Oviposition and oögenesis can be inhibited in female Rhodnius prolixus by ecdysone given by the digestive tract. The inhibition is dose-dependent, and doses higher than 4.0 ng ecdysone/mg body weight drastically reduce the size and shape of the whole ovaries. In ecdysone-treated insects, normal oviposition and oögenesis can be re-established by a subsequent blood meal without ecdysone, or by the application of a juvenile hormone analogue.These results suggest that ecdysone inhibits juvenile hormone production.  相似文献   

Summary Oöcytes in various stages of maturation were studied with the electron microscope. Stacks of annulate lamellae were found attached to large ribosome studded vesicles. The outer nuclear membrane was found to form blebs and it is considered that these produce the large vesicles. It is suggested that mRNA enters the cytoplasm in membraneous vesicles which collapse, liberating the mRNA, and thus produce annulate lamellae which may later form E.R. Oöcyte nuclei were examined in the E.M. as a potential source of accessory nuclei. Membrane bound organelles containing granules were found in the periphery of the nucleus. The granules were shown to be extruded from the oöcyte nucleolus. The timing of the disappearance of these organelles from the nucleus, together with their structure, suggests that they are precursors of accessory nuclei.The author is indebted to Miss Audrey Taylor, Mr. A. W. Morison, and Mr. M. Craig for technical assistance. The Science Research Council provided a grant for the purchase of equipment with the author gratefully acknowledges.  相似文献   

A. Dorn  P. Hoffmann 《Tissue & cell》1981,13(3):461-473
Deposition, detachment and removal of the three embryonic cuticles are studied. The menbrane-like cuticle 1 covers the embryo during katatrepsis and ‘disappears’ thereafter. Cuticle 2 deposition starts shortly before dorsal closure. Its apolysis is accompanied by contractions of the embryo. Ecdysis of cuticle 2 takes place during hatching. Only cuticle 3 (= first larval cuticle) shows differentiations like sensilla and cornea. Peaks of ecdysteroid (and probably JH) titre are observed during apolysis of cuticle 1 and cuticle 2 (Dorn, 1981). Transition from ectoderm to epidermis proper takes place shortly before and during onset of cuticle 2 synthesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro repression of RNA synthesis by the cI protein of phage λ. We find that highly purified cI protein is an effective and specific repressor of RNA synthesis from the early gene region of λ DNA. Under optimal conditions at least 95% of the early gene RNA synthesis is repressed and this repression is eliminated or severely impaired by the use of λ DNA-carrying operator-type mutations which reduce the binding affinity of the cI protein. Highly effective repression can be demonstrated only through the use of the initiation-inhibitor rifampicin, which presumably, selects “properly” initiated RNA chains; thus we can by-pass in vitro but not yet solve the problem of how the host polymerase initiates specifically in vivo from the immediate-early promoter sites.  相似文献   

The study reports on the effects of prenatal and/or postnatal exposures to short-night or long-night conditions, and of crowding, on embryogenesis and oögenesis in alate virginoparae, gynoparae, and oviparae of a holocyclic strain of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, from Yakima, Washington State.In alate virginoparae raised at a density of 10–20 per radish seedling in a short-night regime (8 hr darkness per diem), 3–4 embryos occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, when the aphids attained adulthood. More than 30 larvae were deposited by most of these alatae. However, in young adult gynoparae, raised at these densities in a long-night regime (15 hr darkness per diem), only one viable embryo (a presumptive ovipara) occurred per ovariole. The follicle containing this embryo was followed by 1–2 abnormal follicles in each ovariole, and the number of larvae deposited by a gynopara was generally less than 10. In young adult oviparae similarly raised under a long-night regime, only one egg typically occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, and the eggs deposited by an ovipara (only after it had mated) generally numbered less than 10. Alate virginoparae and gynoparae contained an additional embryo in some of their ovarioles when these morphs were raised at a lower density (1–5 per plant).Presumptive gynoparae partially developed the reproductive features of alate virginoparae when transferred to a short-night regime at birth; the converse was true when presumptive alate virginoparae were transferred to a long-night regime early in larval life. Oviparae maintained in short nights from before birth developed the appearance of apterous virginoparae but still produced eggs rather than embryos. However, their oögenesis was enhanced and eggs (10–20) were deposited by them without prior mating. Under all regimes tested, oviparae were always deposited early in the larviposition sequence of their alate mothers, and the number of oviparae deposited never exceeded 15.The possible involvement of juvenile hormone in the regulation of these events and the ecological significance of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is a prokaryotic endosymbiont of the aphidSchizaphis graminum. With the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and oligonucleotide primers to conserved regions, two DNA fragments of the endosymbiont -operon and L20 operon were amplified, cloned intoEscherichia coli, and their sequences were determined. The results indicated that the organization of the endosymbiont genes on these fragments was identical with that of the corresponding operons ofE. coli. The 1032 base pair (bp) fragment of the -operon contained the genes for small ribosomal subunit proteins S11 and S4, followed by the gene for the -subunit of RNA polymerase (-RNAP). The 702-bp fragment of the L20-operon contained the genes for initiation factor-3 (IF3) and large ribosomal subunit proteins L35 and L20. As in other prokaryotes, the genes of the -operon and the L20-operon were present as single copies in the genome ofB. aphidicola. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of these proteins were consistent with the previously established close relationship betweenB. aphidicola andE. coli and a distant relationship to species ofBacillus.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, blood feeding rates, oögenesis and fat body development were utilized to assess the effects of photoperiod and temperature in the conditioning of adult female Culiseta inornata for aestivation. Long-day (16L:8D) and short-day (8L:16D) photoperiods were examined in combination with temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C. All tested individuals were reared from egg to adult under one of six possible regimes.Blood feeding occurred in approximately 60% of the females subjected to short-day conditions. Females subjected to long-day regimes exhibited gonotrophic concordance (the inhibition of blood feeding), evidenced by a decrease in overall blood-feeding rate to 20%. Inhibition of blood feeding by long-day females decreased in a linear fashion with increasing temperature. No interaction of the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon blood feeding was apparent. Examination of the ovarioles of post-blood feeding females, reared under each of the above conditions, revealed no evidence of gonotrophic dissociation (the inhibition of oögenesis despite continued blood feeding).Fat body hypertrophy occurred in females reared under long-day conditions, whereas hypotrophy of this tissue was apparent in short-day females. No significant difference in fat body development occurred between parous and nulliparous females reared under long-day photoperiod conditions. Short-day blood-fed females reared at 15°C deposited a significantly greater amount of fat than short-day blood fed females reared at 20° and 25°C, and short-day nonbloodfed females reared at 15°, 20°, and 25°C. The primary stimulus for fat body hypertrophy appears to be long-day photoperiod conditions. Temperature exerted little discernible effect upon this process, and there was no interaction between the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon the degree of fat body development.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for the initiation of a second oöcyte maturation cycle were investigated by measuring oöcyte growth, vitellogenin titre, and corpus allatum activity after injection of juvenile hormone and/or removal of the egg-case from pregnant females and by performing ovary and corpus allatum transplant experiments.Egg-case removal in late pregnancy results in immediate oöcyte growth, whereas in early pregnancy oöcyte growth is resumed only after a lapse of time, even after injection of juvenile hormone. This, however, induces an immediate increase in the haemolymph vitellogenin titre. A single injection of 2 or 10 μg of juvenile hormone II first stimulates some oöcyte growth after this lapse of time and later activates the corpora allata, which in turn leads to completion of oöcyte maturation. A repeat injection of 10 μg stimulates continuous oöcyte growth without activating the corpora allata. In the presence of an egg case, activation of the corpora allata is suppressed, even after injection of 2 μg of juvenile hormone III, and the oöcytes do not grow. Injection of higher doses stimulates oöcyte growth and leads to expulsion of the egg case in up to 95% of the females. This, however, is not a direct consequence of the increase in size of the ovaries. Ovary transplant experiment show that in young pregnant females the second generation of oöcyte is not yet competent for growth and that ovaries which are competent can mature in young pregnant females, treated with juvenile hormone, whose egg case has been removed.The results are summarized in a model demonstrating the various factors involved in regulating corpus allatum activity in oöcyte maturation and pregnancy and after application of juvenile hormone. We prepose that the corpus allatum activating effect of exogenous juvenile hormone is mediated by the growing oöcyte and that this activation can be suppressed by the continuous presence of exogenous juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

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