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Red‐winged Blackbirds (RWBL; Agelaius phoeniceus) have a polygynous mating system and, because territorial males commonly have harems of two to five females, some second‐year (SY) and after‐second‐year (ASY) males do not establish nesting territories, but become floaters. Previous studies have revealed high rates of extra‐pair copulations in this species and that sexually mature male floaters and territory owners do not differ in size, testosterone levels, or reproductive capability, suggesting that floaters may occasionally gain paternity. During May and June 2008, we observed the behavioral responses of floater males to taxidermic mounts (models) of female RWBL placed in a precopulatory position. Floaters intruded into territories during 46% of model presentations, with 20% of intrusions by ASY floaters and 80% by SY floaters. During intrusions, ASY floaters attempted to copulate with models 93% of the time compared to 80% for SY floaters. Copulations were successful during 30% of attempts by ASY males and 25% of attempts by SY floaters. The frequency of intrusions by ASY and SY floaters, attempted copulations by SY floaters, and successful copulations by ASY floaters increased as territorial males spent more time off their territories. Responses of floater males toward models in our study suggest that floater male RWBL attempt to exploit available breeding opportunities. The lack of evidence for extrapair young (EPY) fathered by floater male RWBL in previous studies, combined with our results indicating that the presence of territorial males limits floater intrusions, copulation attempts, and successful copulations, suggests that the reproductive success of floater males is limited in part by the aggressive behavior of territorial males.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although individually distinct begging calls may permit parents to recognize their offspring, birds nesting in dense breeding colonies where fledglings intermingle might benefit from additional adaptations. For example, if the calls of all nestlings in a brood were similar, parents would need to recognize only one brood call instead of the identity calls of each nestling. We recorded nestling Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to determine whether their calls function to identify individuals (identity call hypothesis) or broods (brood call hypothesis). We used spectrogram cross‐correlation and dynamic time warping as well as call duration, peak frequency, and frequency range to estimate the similarity of begging calls of nestling Red‐winged Blackbirds. We recorded individual nestlings on day 5 and on day 9 of the nestling period to determine whether calls of individuals were more similar than calls of different nestlings, and whether calls of broodmates were more similar than calls of nestlings from different broods. We found that calls of 8‐d‐old individuals were more similar than calls of different nestlings, but the calls of broodmates were not more similar than those of nestlings from different broods. These results were consistent with the identity call hypothesis. We then compared begging calls of pairs of nestlings recorded separately and together on day 9. We found that the calls of 8‐d‐old nestlings recorded together were more similar than when they were recorded separately. In addition, using playback of begging calls from normal broods and artificial “broods” constructed from the calls of single nestlings, we found that females returned with food sooner in response to the calls of single nestlings (with enhanced call similarity) than to those of normal broods. Our results suggest that similar begging calls may be beneficial for both nestlings and parents, with broodmates fed at higher rates when their calls are more similar and, after fledging, parents needing to recognize only one brood call instead of the identity calls of each fledgling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nestling begging and parental provisioning can attract nest predators and reduce reproductive success, so parents and their offspring might be expected to respond adaptively by minimizing predator‐attracting cues when predators threaten nests. Male Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are well known for their antipredator alarm calls that contain information about the approach of potential nest predators. We examined the begging behavior of nestlings and the provisioning behavior of females in response to antipredator alarm calls of males to test the adaptive response hypothesis. Playback experiments provided no evidence that alarm calls function to switch off vocal begging; nestlings were equally likely to beg vocally during playback and control periods. Video recordings showed that male alarm calling had no significant effect on inappropriate vocal begging (in the absence of an adult), but significantly reduced the incidence of spontaneous calling (in the absence of begging). Adult females responded to male antipredator alarm calls by delaying their provisioning visits. In addition, although having no significant effect on use of nest‐arriving calls by females, male alarm calling significantly reduced their use of nest‐leaving calls. We conclude that nestling and female Red‐winged Blackbirds respond to male alarm calls in ways that might reduce the risk of predation, but nestlings beg vocally when females arrive to feed them, regardless of male alarm calling, perhaps to avoid a competitive disadvantage with broodmates.  相似文献   

Females often mate with several different males, which may promote sperm competition and increase offspring viability. However, the potential benefits of polyandry remain controversial, particularly in birds where recent reviews have suggested that females gain few genetic benefits from extra‐pair mating. In tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females with prior breeding experience had more sires per brood when paired to genetically similar social mates, and, among experienced females, broods with more sires had higher hatching success. Individual females breeding in two consecutive years also produced broods with more sires when they were more genetically similar to their mate. Thus, experienced females were able to avoid the costs of mating with a genetically similar social mate and realize fitness benefits from mating with a relatively large number of males. This is one of the first studies to show that female breeding experience influences polyandry and female fitness in a natural population of vertebrates. Our results suggest that the benefits of polyandry may only be clear when considering both the number of mates females acquire and their ability to modify the outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

A fundamental assumption of sexual selection theory is that the reproductive advantage of large size is balanced by a survival disadvantage. Previous studies of the sexually size-dimorphic red-winged blackbird ( Agelaius phoeniceus ) have indicated that the largest adult males have a survival advantage, suggesting that the limit to male size may be the cost of getting big rather than the cost of being big. If the cost of getting big limits male size, then starvation rates for male nestlings should exceed those of female nestlings. In addition, given high heritability of body size, larger parents should lose more nestlings, particularly males, to starvation. We tested these predictions for red-winged blackbirds using data on the sex of 1356 fledglings from 465 nests collected over 10 years. We found no disadvantage for male nestlings relative to females – 49% of fledglings were male and previous research had shown that 48% of hatchlings are male. We also found no disadvantage for male nestlings that would become large adults (i.e. those with larger parents) – partial brood loss and fledging sex ratios did not vary with mid-parent size. Given no apparent disadvantage to large size for males either as adults or as nestlings, this leaves only the period between fledging and adulthood during which natural selection might limit sexual size dimorphism, although other mechanisms might explain the failure to find a limit to male size.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 353–361.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research effort, it remains unclear whether extra‐pair fertilizations (EPF) drive the evolution of male secondary ornamentation in socially monogamous systems. In this study, we test the hypothesis that EPF contribute to the evolution or maintenance of male feather ornamentation in a sexually dichromatic passerine, the Scarlet Rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus. We show that the colouration of ornamental breast feathers is a good predictor of basic sources of variation in male annual reproductive output in rosefinches and that the annual realized reproductive success of males is positively associated with measures of ornamental colouration only when gains and losses because of EPF are considered. The results indicate that EPF in rosefinches may rely on absolute (good genes) rather than self referential (genetic complementarity) criteria of mate choice. Our study corroborates the potentially important role of EPF in the evolution and/or maintenance of elaborate male ornaments in socially monogamous taxa.  相似文献   

Testosterone is important in mediating investment in competing activities such as territoriality, parental care, and maintenance behavior. Most studies of testosterone function have focused on temperate species and less is known about the role of testosterone in territoriality or variation in mating systems of tropical species. Results of studies of tropical species with year‐round territoriality indicate that territorial aggression during the non‐breeding season is maintained with low levels of testosterone, and increased levels of testosterone in males during the breeding season may increase mating opportunities or aid in competition for mates. We studied seasonal variation in testosterone levels of male Red‐throated Ant‐tanagers (Habia fuscicauda), a socially monogamous species with year‐round territoriality and with high levels of extra‐pair matings (41% of young), to determine if testosterone levels increased during the breeding season. We captured males during the non‐breeding and breeding seasons and collected blood samples for hormone analysis. We found that mean testosterone concentrations were low during the non‐breeding season (0.18 ± 0.05 [SD] ng/ml, range = 0.11–0.31 ng/ml), and significantly higher during the breeding season (2.37 ± 2.47 ng/ml, range = 0.14–6.28 ng/ml). Testosterone levels of breeding males were not related to aggression levels as measured by attack rates toward a stuffed decoy or singing rates during simulated territorial intrusions. These results suggest that the higher testosterone levels of breeding male Red‐throated Ant‐tanagers may be important in an extra‐pair mating context, possibly in display behavior or mate attraction, but additional study is needed to clarify the role of testosterone during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Ecological and physiological factors such as breeding density, breeding synchrony, and adult body condition can all affect extra‐pair mating behavior, but the relative importance of these factors may vary among species. White‐rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) nesting in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, exhibit high rates of extra‐pair paternity, with 77% of nests having extra‐pair young. Our objective was to determine the extent to which extra‐pair paternity in this species is explained by breeding synchrony, breeding density, and adult body condition. Our study of a population of White‐rumped Swallows breeding in nest boxes was conducted during two consecutive breeding seasons (September – early January 2006–2008). We found that neither breeding synchrony nor density of neighbors predicted levels of extra‐pair paternity in our study population. Leaner females were more likely to engage in extra‐pair behavior and fledged more nestlings, but did not differ in structural size from females that did not engage in extra‐pair behavior, suggesting that female mass is an important predictor of mating decisions and fitness for these aerial insectivores. Male body condition was not related to male extra‐pair behavior. The mass of female White‐rumped Swallows may affect their flying ability such that, during their fertile period, they are exposed to more potential extra‐pair mates during longer foraging flights. Being lighter may also improve the ability of females to provision nestlings later in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

The frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in socially monogamous birds varies substantially between and within species, but ecological drivers of this variation remain poorly understood. Habitat configuration could influence EPP by moderating access to extra‐pair mates, because species occupying territories in a clustered ‘honeycomb’ configuration have a larger pool of potential extra‐group mates in their immediate neighbourhood than those living in linearly arranged territories (e.g. along narrow strips of riparian or fragmented habitat). We exploited variation in the spatial arrangement of territories due to anthropogenic modification of habitat of the cooperatively breeding superb fairy‐wren Malurus cyaneus to test whether habitat configuration influenced the frequency of EPP. In this species, most paternity is obtained by males outside the social group [extra‐group paternity (EGP)]. We found that the frequency of EGP among groups living in linear strips of roadside vegetation (41% of 44 offspring) was lower than it was for groups living in clustered territories within continuous habitat (59% of 70 offspring). Differences in group size and pair relatedness did not explain differences in EGP associated with territory configuration, although the frequency of EGP was negatively correlated with pair relatedness. Our finding suggests that territory configuration can influence rates of EGP and that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has the potential to limit access to extra‐pair mates, affecting mating systems and ultimately fitness.  相似文献   

Parental care provided by males occurs in a diverse array of animals and there are large differences among species in its extent compared with female care. However, social and ecological factors responsible for interspecific differences in male's share of parental duties remain unclear. Genetic fidelity of females has been long considered important. Theory predicts that females should receive more help from their mates in raising the offspring in species with high genetic fidelity. Using avian incubation behaviour as a model system, we confirmed this prediction. The extent of male's help during incubation increased with decreasing rate of extra‐pair paternity across species (22 species of socially monogamous songbirds from 13 families; male's share of incubation ranged from 6% to 58%), even after accounting for covariates, biases in species selection and intraspecific variability. Moreover, this result was not sensitive to two different phylogenies and branch length estimates. We suggest that our findings support the notion, backed by theory, that genetic fidelity is an important factor in the evolution of male parental care. We offer several behavioural scenarios for the coevolution between male's share of parental duties and the genetic mating system.  相似文献   

Extra‐group paternity (EGP) occurs commonly among group‐living mammals and plays an important role in mating systems and the dynamics of sexual selection; however, socio‐ecological and genetic correlates of EGP have been underexplored. We use 23 years of demographic and genetic data from a high‐density European badger (Meles meles) population, to investigate the relationship between the rate of EGP in litters and mate availability, mate incompatibility and mate quality (heterozygosity). Relatedness between within‐group assigned mothers and candidate fathers had a negative quadratic effect on EGP, whereas the number of neighbouring‐group candidate fathers had a linear positive effect. We detected no effect of mean or maximum heterozygosity of within‐group candidate fathers on EGP. Consequently, EGP was associated primarily with mate availability, subject to within‐group genetic effects, potentially to mitigate mate incompatibility and inbreeding. In badgers, cryptic female choice, facilitated by superfecundation, superfoetation and delayed implantation, prevents males from monopolizing within‐group females. This resonates with a meta‐analysis in group‐living mammals, which proposed that higher rates of EGP occur when within‐group males cannot monopolize within‐group females. In contrast to the positive meta‐analytic association, however, we found that EGP associated negatively with the number of within‐group assigned mothers and the number of within‐group candidate fathers; potentially a strategy to counter within‐group males committing infanticide. The relationship between the rate of EGP and socio‐ecological or genetic factors can therefore be intricate, and the potential for cryptic female choice must be accounted for in comparative studies.  相似文献   

为了提高韭菜迟眼蕈蚊性信息素监控水平,本文在25℃、RH70%±5%、光周期L∶D=14∶10的条件下研究韭菜迟眼蕈蚊不同日龄雄虫的交配能力及其对雌虫生殖力的影响。结果表明,未交配雄虫平均寿命4.5d,雌虫4.2d,雌雄成虫的平均寿命无显著差异。雄虫一生最多可交配13次,且随着雄虫日龄增加,雌虫交配成功率逐渐减少。随着雄虫交配经历的增加,雌虫交配的时间延长,最长达97min。雄虫的日龄并不影响与之交配雌虫的产卵量和卵孵化率,但是雄虫的交配经历与雌虫的产卵量和卵孵化率相关,尤其当雄虫交配经历超过8次时,与之交配的雌虫的产卵量和卵孵化率显著下降。研究阐明了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生殖行为特征,为其性信息素应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory study to determine if male fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, altered their territorial behaviour associated with reproduction in response to combinations of visual and chemical cues from northern pike, Esox lucius. We introduced the following stimuli to a territorial male: a brick (control), fathead minnow alarm pheromone, a pike fed brook stickleback, Culea inconstans, or a pike fed fathead minnow. The territorial behaviour of males did not change when the control was added. Male minnows experiencing threat from pike fed stickleback significantly reduced the frequency at which they performed three territorial behaviours, but, within 12 h, had returned to pre-exposure activity levels. Male minnows subjected to alarm pheromone alone and to pike fed fathead minnow significantly reduced their territorial behaviour, abandoned their nests, and did not return to pre-exposure levels of activity after 24 h. We suggest that because risk of predation triggers prolonged decreases in territorial defense, it may affect competition between nesting males and female mate choice. We conclude that fathead minnows can assess the severity of predatory threat and adjust their reproductive behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Female‐emitted pheromonal inputs possess an intrinsic rewarding value for conspecific males, promoting approach and investigation of the potential mating partner. In mice these inputs are detected mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the main olfactory epithelium (MOE). We investigated the role of VNO‐mediated inputs in experience‐dependent plasticity of reproductive responses. We applied a sex‐specific conditioned odor aversion (COA) paradigm on adult, wild‐type (WT) male mice and on male mice impaired in VNO‐mediated signal transduction (TrpC2?/?). We found that WT males, which underwent COA to female‐soiled bedding, lost their innate preference to female odors and presented lower motivation to approach a sexually receptive female. COA also abolished the testosterone surge normally seen following exposure to female odors. Moreover, the conditioned males displayed impairments in copulatory behaviors, which lasted for several weeks. Surprisingly, these males also exhibited phobic behaviors towards receptive females, including freezing and fleeing responses. In contrast, WT males which underwent COA specifically to male pheromones showed no change in olfactory preference and only a marginally significant elevation in intermale aggression. Finally, we show that TrpC2?/? males were able to acquire aversion to female‐soiled bedding and presented similar behavioral alterations following COA in their responses to female cues. Our results demonstrate that the intrinsic rewarding value of female pheromones can be overridden through associative olfactory learning, which occurs independently of VNO inputs, probably through MOE signaling.  相似文献   

Observations on a habituated troop of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis)revealed that lone males did not achieve significant mating opportunities during a breeding season in which few females were sexually receptive. This stood in contrast to the previous year and was associated with the maintenance of shorter resident male-female distances, confirming suggestions that the reproductive benefits of residency are associated primarily with low numbers of simultaneously receptive females. At the same time, lone males made no attempt to challenge the resident male physically in order to gain access to females. Given the presence of a stable bachelor group and the absence of other, transient, males, these data are used to argue for male mating strategies that are sensitive to regional and temporal variability in the availability of receptive females.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogastermales initiated aggressive behavior toward other males and defended territories several hours after they were able to court and mate females. Males that were 3 days or more posteclosion were more successful at holding territories than younger males. Three-day-old males established territories more readily and escalated more often against territory residents than males that were 1 day old. Residents did not usually force young males from territories until they were a few hours posteclosion. The development of territorial behavior was not affected by familiarity or prior exposure to females. Males held in isolation established territories more quickly and behaved more aggressively than males held in groups. Males that previously held territories were more likely to reestablish them after a disturbance.  相似文献   

Old‐male mating advantage has been convincingly demonstrated in Bicyclus anynana butterflies. This intriguing pattern may be explained by two alternative hypotheses: (i) an increased aggressiveness and persistence of older males during courtship, being caused by the older males' low residual reproductive value; and (ii) an active preference of females towards older males what reflects a good genes hypothesis. Against this background, we here investigate postcopulatory sexual selection by double‐mating Bicyclus anynana females to older and younger males, thus allowing for sperm competition and cryptic mate choice, and by genotyping the resulting offspring. Virgin females were mated with a younger virgin (2–3 days old) and afterwards an older virgin male (12–13 days old) or vice versa. Older males had a higher paternity success than younger ones, but only when being the second (=last) mating partner, while paternity success was equal among older and younger males when older males were the first mating partner. Older males produced larger spermatophores with much higher numbers of fertile sperm than younger males. Thus, we found no evidence for cryptic female mate choice. Rather, the findings reported here seem to result from a combination of last‐male precedence and the number of sperm transferred upon mating, both increasing paternity success.  相似文献   

A rare form of alternative reproductive behaviour without simultaneous parasitic spawning was observed in Ophthalmotilapia ventralis, a lekking mouth‐brooding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Floater males attempted to sneak opportunistically into the territory to actively court the female, while the owner (bourgeois male) defended the territory against other potential intruders. Floater males had more body fat than territory owners and generally higher condition factors. In field experiments, the response of bourgeois males and courted females was tested towards floaters and egg predators (a catfish Synodontis multipunctatus) present in the territories. Territory owners responded aggressively particularly to floaters, and female responsiveness to bourgeois male courtship tended to decline when floaters were present. The potential influence of reproductive parasitism on sexual selection in mouth‐brooding cichlids is discussed.  相似文献   

Korndeur  Jan 《Behavioral ecology》1996,7(3):326-333
Reproductive success of the cooperative breeding Seychelleswarbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) increases with age. Thisage effect is not due to differential survival or increasedreproductive effort, but to accumulated helping and breedingexperience. In their first year of breeding, reproductive performanceof inexperienced warblers with neither helping nor breedingexperience was significandy lower than that of warblers of thesame age with either previous helping or breeding experience.Reproductive performance was the same for primiparae with helpingexperience and for birds with breeding experience. Female primiparaewith helping experience or breeding experience built betternests and spent more time incubating than inexperienced females,which led to increased hatching success. Male primiparae withhelping experience or males with breeding experience guardedthe clutch better than inexperienced males, which led to reducedegg predation. Even-aged warblers with different previous experienceswere transferred to unoccupied islands, where birds startedbreeding immediately in high-quality territories. The experimentshowed that birds with helping experience produced their firstfledgling as fast as experienced breeders, and significandyfaster than inexperienced birds. Breeding performance did notimprove further with experience after the first successful breedingattempt. Only birds with previous breeding experience who pairedwith inexperienced birds, were likely to change mate. The otherpair combinations remained stable. Thus, primiparous birds withhelping experience have greater lifetime reproductive successthan inexperienced primiparae of the same age. This experimentshows that helping behavior has not only been selected for inthe context of promoting an individual's indirect fitness, butalso in the context of gaining helping experience which translatesinto improved reproductive success when a helper becomes a breeder.[Behav Ecol 7: 326-333 (1996)]  相似文献   

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