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动物中存在众多多肽信号分子,它们在信号转导方面发挥重要作用。近几年,对植物中多肽信号分子的研究取得了重大突破,它们积极参与调控植物生长发育的众多过程,同时也表明多肽信号分子在细胞之间的"交流"过程中发挥作用在进化上是保守的。CLE(CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION)家族是目前植物领域研究较热的多肽信号分子家族,通过对拟南芥CLV3和百日草TDIF等CLE多肽信号分子的研究发现,CLE蛋白在成为有功能活性的信号分子之前,存在翻译后蛋白剪切和修饰的过程,这方面与动物中多肽信使的成熟过程相似。对CLE家族成员的分子特征、生物学功能、翻译后的加工修饰和研究中出现的问题进行综述,并对本领域未来的发展方向作出展望。  相似文献   

Legumes form root nodules to house beneficial nitrogen‐fixing rhizobia bacteria. However, nodulation is resource demanding; hence, legumes evolved a systemic signalling mechanism called autoregulation of nodulation (AON) to control nodule numbers. AON begins with the production of CLE peptides in the root, which are predicted to be glycosylated, transported to the shoot, and perceived. We synthesized variants of nodulation‐suppressing CLE peptides to test their activity using petiole feeding to introduce CLE peptides into the shoot. Hydroxylated, monoarabinosylated, and triarabinosylated variants of soybean GmRIC1a and GmRIC2a were chemically synthesized and fed into recipient Pisum sativum (pea) plants, which were used due to the availability of key AON pathway mutants unavailable in soybean. Triarabinosylated GmRIC1a and GmRIC2a suppressed nodulation of wild‐type pea, whereas no other peptide variant tested had this ability. Suppression also occurred in the supernodulating hydroxyproline O‐arabinosyltransferase mutant, Psnod3, but not in the supernodulating receptor mutants, Pssym29, and to some extent, Pssym28. During our study, bioinformatic resources for pea became available and our analyses identified 40 CLE peptide‐encoding genes, including orthologues of nodulation‐suppressive CLE peptides. Collectively, we demonstrated that soybean nodulation‐suppressive CLE peptides can function interspecifically in the AON pathway of pea and require arabinosylation for their activity.  相似文献   

Cell‐to‐cell communication is essential for the coordinated development of multicellular organisms. Members of the CLAVATA3/EMBRYO‐SURROUNDING REGION‐RELATED (CLE) family, a group of small secretory peptides, are involved in these processes in plants. Although post‐translational modifications are considered to be indispensable for their activity, the detailed mechanisms governing these modifications are not well understood. Here, we report that SUPPRESSOR OF LLP1 1 (SOL1), a putative Zn2+ carboxypeptidase previously isolated as a suppressor of the CLE19 over‐expression phenotype, functions in C–terminal processing of the CLE19 proprotein to produce the functional CLE19 peptide. Newly isolated sol1 mutants are resistant to CLE19 over‐expression, consistent with the previous report (Casamitjana‐Martinez, E., Hofhuis, H.F., Xu, J., Liu, C.M., Heidstra, R. and Scheres, B. (2003) Curr. Biol. 13, 1435–1441). As expected, our experiment using synthetic CLE19 peptide revealed that the sol1 mutation does not compromise CLE signal transduction pathways per se. SOL1 possesses enzymatic activity to remove the C–terminal arginine residue of CLE19 proprotein in vitro, and SOL1‐dependent cleavage of the C–terminal arginine residue is necessary for CLE19 activity in vivo. Additionally, the endosomal localization of SOL1 suggests that this processing occurs in endosomes in the secretory pathway. Thus, our data indicate the importance of C–terminal processing of CLE proproteins to ensure CLE activities.  相似文献   

By screening a T-DNA population of Arabidopsis mutants for alterations in inflorescence stem vasculature, we have isolated a mutant with a dramatic increase in vascular tissue development, characterized by a continuous ring of xylem/phloem. This phenotype is the consequence of premature and numerous cambial cell divisions in both the fascicular and interfascicular regions that result in the loss of the alternate vascular bundle/fiber organization typically observed in Arabidopsis stems. The mutant was therefore designated high cambial activity (hca). The hca mutation also resulted in pleiotropic effects including stunting and a delay in developmental events such as flowering and senescence. The physiological characterization of hca seedlings in vitro revealed an altered auxin and cytokinin response and, most strikingly, an enhanced sensitivity to cytokinin. These results were substantiated by comparative microarray analysis between hca and wild-type plants. The genetic analysis of hca indicated that the mutant phenotype was not tagged by the T-DNA and that the hca mutation segregated as a single recessive locus, mapping to the long arm of chromosome 4. We propose that hca is involved in mechanisms controlling the arrangement of vascular bundles throughout the plant by regulating the auxin-cytokinin sensitivity of vascular cambial cells. Thus, the hca mutant is a useful model for examining the genetic and hormonal control of cambial growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

CLE peptides are involved in the balance between cell division and differentiation throughout plant development, including nodulation. Previously, two CLE genes of Medicago truncatula, MtCLE12 and MtCLE13, had been identified whose expression correlated with nodule primordium formation and meristem establishment. Gain-of-function analysis indicated that both MtCLE12 and MtCLE13 interact with the SUPER NUMERIC NODULES (SUNN)-dependent auto-regulation of nodulation to control nodule numbers. Here we demonstrate that cytokinin, which is essential for nodule organ formation, regulates MtCLE13 expression. In addition, simultaneous knockdown of MtCLE12 and MtCLE13 resulted in an increase in nodule number, implying that both genes play a role in controlling nodule number. Additionally, a weak link may exist with the ethylene-dependent mechanism that locally controls nodule number.  相似文献   

Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes secrete CLAVATA3 (CLV3)/ESR (CLE)-like effector proteins. These proteins have been shown to act as ligand mimics of plant CLE peptides and are required for successful nematode infection; however, the receptors for nematode CLE-like peptides have not been identified. Here we demonstrate that CLV2 and CORYNE (CRN), members of the receptor kinase family, are required for nematode CLE signaling. Exogenous peptide assays and overexpression of nematode CLEs in Arabidopsis demonstrated that CLV2 and CRN are required for perception of nematode CLEs. In addition, promoter-reporter assays showed that both receptors are expressed in nematode-induced syncytia. Lastly, infection assays with receptor mutants revealed a decrease in both nematode infection and syncytium size. Taken together, our results indicate that perception of nematode CLEs by CLV2 and CRN is not only required for successful nematode infection but is also involved in the formation and/or maintenance of nematode-induced syncytia.  相似文献   

采用Illumina HiSeqTM2500高通量测序技术,获得泡桐维管形成层及木质部区组织转录组的109021918条clean reads(16.35 Gb)。将clean reads从头组装得到104432个单基因簇(Unigene),平均长度662 nt。将组装得到的Unigenes与公共数据库进行序列比对,分别有40789(Nr:39.05%)、31675(NT:30.33%)、15539(COG:14.87%)、29168(GO:27.93%)、16316(KEGG:15.62%)、30499(SwissProt:29.20%)以及28828(Pfam:27.6%)个Unigenes获得功能注释。通过与GO数据库的比对分析,注释的29168个Unigenes归于生物过程、细胞组分及分子功能三大类的55个功能组;15539条Unigenes注释到COG数据库,被分为25个类别中;基于KEGG数据库可将16316个Unigenes归于130个代谢途径。此外,在泡桐的维管形成层及木质部区转录组中共检测出16118个简单序列重复(SSR)位点。为进一步挖掘泡桐重要功能基因提供了大量数据。  相似文献   


Biochemical changes in Angiosperms and Gymnosperms cell-walls during cellular differentiation in xylem. - During differentiation of the vascular cambium in xylem cells there are changes on the biosynthesis of cell-wall polysaccharides in angiosperms and gymnosperms. Pectins are synthesized during primary growth only, whereas the synthesis of hemicelluloses and cellulose increases markedly during secondary thickening; simultaneously the synthesis of lignin begins. The cells can modulate the synthesis of cell-wall polysaccharides by an induction and repression or an activation and inactivation of certain key enzymes. It has been shown that the major control operating during xylem differentiation is exerted on polysaccharide synthases. Further controls are envisaged on the transport of nucleoside diphosphate sugars from the cytoplasmic pool to the endomembrane, on the transport of neoformed polysaccharides through the endomembrane flow, and at plasmalemma level. It has also been emphasized the role of cell-wall in autoregulating its growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

CLE peptides have been implicated in various developmental processes of plants and mediate their responses to environmental stimuli. However, the biological relevance of most CLE genes remains to be functionally characterized. Here, we report that CLE9, which is expressed in stomata, acts as an essential regulator in the induction of stomatal closure. Exogenous application of CLE9 peptides or overexpression of CLE9 effectively led to stomatal closure and enhanced drought tolerance, whereas CLE9 loss‐of‐function mutants were sensitivity to drought stress. CLE9‐induced stomatal closure was impaired in abscisic acid (ABA)‐deficient mutants, indicating that ABA is required for CLE9‐medaited guard cell signalling. We further deciphered that two guard cell ABA‐signalling components, OST1 and SLAC1, were responsible for CLE9‐induced stomatal closure. MPK3 and MPK6 were activated by the CLE9 peptide, and CLE9 peptides failed to close stomata in mpk3 and mpk6 mutants. In addition, CLE9 peptides stimulated the induction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis associated with stomatal closure, which was abolished in the NADPH oxidase‐deficient mutants or nitric reductase mutants, respectively. Collectively, our results reveal a novel ABA‐dependent function of CLE9 in the regulation of stomatal apertures, thereby suggesting a potential role of CLE9 in the stress acclimatization of plants.  相似文献   

Using 26 chemically synthetic CLAVATA3/ESR (CLE) peptides, which correspond to the predicted products of the 31 Arabidopsis CLE genes, we investigated the CLE peptide function in Arabidopsis and rice. Treatment with some CLE peptides inhibited root elongation in rice as well as in Arabidopsis. It also reduced the size of the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis but not in rice. Database searches revealed 47 putative CLE genes in the rice genome and multiple CLE domains in some CLE genes, indicating diverse CLE function in these plants.  相似文献   

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