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This study reports the phenotypic and genetic differences between individuals of puyen Galaxias maculatus from two sites in the same river basin in Tierra del Fuego National Park, southern South America. Individuals from the two sampling sites presented morphometric and genetic differences. The morphometric differences indicated that individuals from Laguna Negra (LN) were short and more robust and had large eyes, whereas those from Arroyo Negro (AN) were thin and elongated and had small eyes. Genetic differences showed that AN individuals had a greater genetic structuration and an older demographic history than LN individuals. The results of this study affirmed that the individuals from the two sampling sites belong to different populations with a high degree of isolation. The demographic history could indicate that the individuals of G. maculatus which migrated to northern areas during the last glaciation settled in the Beagle Channel after its formation. The LN population could have originated after the retreat of the glaciers, migrating from AN.  相似文献   

Reproductive aspects of a peripheral population of Galaxias maculatus are described and the relationship with the physiology and handling of energetic reserves under marginal environmental conditions is investigated. The G. maculatus population of Tierra del Fuego has an extended reproductive season, with differences in timing and duration compared to other populations of continental Patagonia, New Zealand and Australia. Elevated gonadosomatic indexes (IG) were observed during this period in both sexes (maximum IG = 33.49% males; 35.94% females). The high abundance of mature males (with high IG values) on the spawning grounds during the reproductive season suggests that they were waiting for the return of the mature females. Larger females reached total maturation at the beginning of the reproductive season, whereas the size of maturing females diminished toward the end (mean TL = 96 mm, October; 70 mm, February). Both sexes showed an extremely high investment in reproduction, reaching a maximum IG of about 35% for both sexes. At the beginning of the reproductive season females reached the maximum median IH (3.37%) and males the minimum (0.96%), suggesting differences in the role of the liver in the management of energetic reserves during sexual maturation. The variation in the fat index (IF) suggests that fat reserves were used to survive winter (maximum median IF > 1%, autumn; minimum about 0.2%, spring).  相似文献   

The physiological challenges incurred during the transition from sea to fresh water and the constraints they place on the rate at which the common galaxiid Galaxias maculatus and the climbing galaxiid Galaxias brevipinnis can migrate from marine to freshwater habitats were examined. The duration of the marine to freshwater transition, the relationship between post-settlement age (PSA) and standard length ( L S) as a proxy for energetic costs incurred during settlement and the potential effects of estuary geomorphology on migratory behaviour was investigated. Rate of upstream migration after settlement was not uniform. Upstream migration rate was slowest directly after settlement and increased with increasing PSA and distance from the river mouth, indicating a delay in upstream migration by newly recruited galaxiids. L s did not increase with age, at least within the first 21 days post settlement. These patterns were consistent for both species, in spite of differences in their life histories, across the recruitment season, despite seasonal variation in recruit size, and among estuaries with different properties. The results suggest that the timing and speed of migratory behaviour primarily reflect physiological constraints. Given the duration of residency of these species in estuaries, this study indicates that estuaries are critical transitional habitats for diadromous fishes during their migration from marine to freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

The effect of extended incubation (delayed hatching) on larval morphology in the terrestrially spawning common galaxias Galaxias maculatus was investigated by inducing larvae to hatch 1 and 2 weeks after the normal 2 week incubation period. After 1 week of extended incubation, larvae were larger (longer in standard length, L(S), and greater in body depth) compared to controls (larvae that experienced normal incubation durations). After 2 weeks of extended incubation, larvae were smaller (shorter in L(S) and smaller in body depth) than larvae that experienced 1 week of extended incubation. Furthermore, eye area increased while yolk-sac size decreased monotonically with increasing incubation duration. These results suggest that larvae experiencing long periods of extended incubation are using somatic tissue to meet their metabolic demands. Larvae that experienced 2 weeks of extended incubation succumbed to starvation sooner than control larvae, but hatching success was not significantly different. Temperature mediated the effect of extended incubation on the morphology of larvae at hatching, most likely, through its effects on developmental rate and efficiency of yolk utilization. This study demonstrates some of the consequences of terrestrial spawning with extended incubation, which will assist in determining why this intriguing behaviour has evolved several times in a diverse range of taxa.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the impact of a caged-trout farm on the helminth parasites of the wild fish puyen chico (Galaxias maculatus) in Lake Moreno, southern Argentina. Samples of water, fish (G. maculatus), and snails (Heleobia hatcheri) were taken at 4 sampling stations in January 2001. Wild fish were parasitized by 8 helminth species, all of which are endemic in the region; therefore, the farm did not introduce any helminth parasite to G. maculatus. Fish captured near the farm were not infected by the digenean Steganoderma szidati, whereas the abundance of the digenean Acanthostomoides apophalliformis in these fish was significantly lower than that in fish captured away from the farm. This lower abundance may be explained by the absence in this area of the snail H. hatcheri, the parasite's first intermediate host, because of the effect of sediments and ammonium produced by the farm. To our knowledge, this is the first study in the Americas linking fish-farm pollution to helminth parasites in wild fish.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary energy density on the performance of growing, gestating and lactating C57BL/6J mice were determined in order to develop pelleted non-purified practical diets for use in all stages of the mouse life cycle. Experimental diets with 4 levels of energy at 24% crude protein (CP) were pelleted and the nutritional values were determined using adult rats. The nitrogen-corrected metabolizable energy (MEn) values ranged from 2.86 to 3.73 kcal/g and the digestive CP (DCP) contents ranged from 20.5 to 22.6% on a dry matter (DM) basis. Mice responded to decreased dietary energy by increasing their feed intake to maintain MEn intake levels, except for 1 week after weaning and during lactation periods. During these periods, mice fed lower energy diets could not consume as much MEn as those fed higher energy diets. The lowest energy diet, in comparison with the highest energy diet, resulted in approximately a 33% lower weaning weight of pups at 3 weeks of age, a 13.2 to 34.4% slower growth at 3 to 4 weeks of age, and a 9.3 day delay in the onset of vaginal opening in young females. Lower energy diets, however, did not affect the litter size or the birth weight of pups. The DCP intake usually increased with decreases in dietary energy but apparently this did not affect the performance of the mice. It was concluded that an optimal diet should have an MEn value of 3.73 kcal/g DM or more for both the one week post weaning growth period and during lactation, but a diet with an MEn value of 2.86 kcal/g DM was sufficient for growth after 4 weeks of age and during gestation.  相似文献   

The salinity tolerance and osmoregulatory ability of Galaxias maculatus were investigated. In the field this species has been recorded from salinities of less than 1‰ to 49‰. In the laboratory, upper L.D.50 salinity values of 62‰ after gradual acclimation and 45‰ after direct transfer were established. Within the salinity range of its field occurrence the species is a powerful osmoregulator, being able both to hypo- and hyper-osmoregulate.  相似文献   

饥饿对牙鲆幼鱼补偿生长、生化组成及能量收支的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水温(23.0±1.0)℃条件下,以鲜杂鱼(x)和配合饲料(P)为饵料,采用室内循环流水的试验方法研究饥饿后再投喂对牙鲆幼鱼补偿生长、生化组成及能量收支模式的影响.结果表明:试验组S1F5、S5F25均表现出完全补偿生长现象,且S1F5组主要通过提高摄食率(FR)来实现补偿生长,而S5F25组主要通过提高食物转化率(FCE)来实现补偿生长;经补偿生长后,各试验组鱼体的生化组成与对照组均无显著差异(P>0.05);经饥饿处理后牙鲆幼鱼生长能占摄食能的比例增加,用于排泄和代谢的比重有所下降.  相似文献   

Terrestrial egg development is advantageous for the amphidromous fish Galaxias maculatus because it increases access to oxygen, increases incubation temperatures, and reduces aquatic predation. The characteristics of New Zealand's riparian vegetation have changed considerably since colonial times from native vegetation to exotic grasses, with potential effects on the spawning dynamics of fish. Here, we used a series of experiments to test preferences of G. maculatus for egg laying in combinations of a native sedge and rush, and two exotic grasses. In laboratory experiments, G. maculatus spawned in all available habitats with no preference for native over exotic vegetation. Egg survival did not differ between the vegetative habitats, but in a treatment where only river stones were available, eggs were laid but they dehydrated and died. In a field experiment, there was no evidence for a preference for spawning in native vegetation, and no association between a “key” feature of vegetation—tiller density—and the number of eggs laid. The microclimate beneath dense vegetation in experimental treatments was more constant than ambient conditions with few extreme temperatures and low humidities. Given the readiness of G. maculatus to spawn in exotic vegetation, there appears to be no benefit in restoring native vegetation to enhance egg laying or survival of these taxa.  相似文献   

In this study we analysed the effects of Galaxias maculatus, a landlocked small fish species, on nutrient dynamics, and the consequent effects on phytoplankton biomass of an oligotrophic North Patagonian lake. We performed field and laboratory experiments in order to explore nutrient release by G. maculatus with increasing fish biomass and body size, and the resulting phytoplankton responses. Our results showed that phytoplankton biomass was strongly enhanced in the presence of fish, and that enhancement was greater with increasing fish biomass. These algal increments were associated with higher nutrient concentrations, due to the excretion/egestion processes of fish. In our two laboratory experiments we did not observe phytoplankton increase, probably due to light conditions, but we did observe significant effects of fish on nutrient concentrations. As was expected, mass-specific nutrient release rates were higher in smaller fish than in larger ones. So, the amount of nutrients supplied to phytoplankton would be influenced by the size structure of fish population. As a consequence of different N and P release rates, an increase in the :PTDP ratio was observed in the presence of fish. The fact that G. maculatus is a species that moves in schools would determine spatial heterogeneity in nutrient release, with important effects of reducing nutrient limitation and shifting :PTDP ratios.  相似文献   

1. The growth response to clenbuterol is a dynamic process. 2. Body weight gain is stimulated within two days of treatment and the effect attenuates by two weeks of treatment. 3. Intermittent feeding prevents the attenuation of the growth response. 4. Muscle weight increased 14-22% by both feeding regimens. 5. Clenbuterol decreased cathepsin B activity in the EDL and gastrocnemius and increased the activity in the soleus after two weeks of continuous clenbuterol treatment.  相似文献   

Sd phage were incubated in 1 m-O-methylhydroxylamine. At various time-intervals, samples of modified phage were isolated and disrupted either by heating or by treatment with detergent. Changes in viscosity and buoyant density of disrupted preparations took place in the course of modification. Three transient synchronous drops in viscosity and buoyant density levels were observed with minima at five minutes, one and three hours of modification. The specific viscosity of the preparations at minima was 10 to 20% that of the disrupted unmodified phage.Properties of the phage preparation isolated during the third period of decreased viscosity were studied in more detail. This preparation, subjected to thermal disruption, gives a single DNA-containing band in Cs2SO4 gradient centrifugation corresponding to a buoyant density of 1.37 g/cm3 (cf. 1.39, 1.29 and 1.43 g/cm3 for whole phage, phage ghosts and native phage DNA, respectively).The band contains practically all the 35S label that was present in the starting phage, suggesting that it corresponds to a complex of phage DNA with protein. Electron microscopy revealed complexes as thick strands of 50 to 300 Å diameter bonded to globular particles of varying size.In four hours of modification, the viscosity and buoyant density of disrupted phage returned to values characteristic of unmodified preparations. The DNA band contained no 35S label. Electron microscopy of the substance of this band revealed fibres of 20 Å diameter.A possible explanation of the results is based on the assumption of pre-existing non-covalent interaction of C(4)—NH2 moieties of cytidine residues with nucleophilic groupings of coating protein within the virion. It is assumed that it is this interaction that holds DNA in “non-native” conformation within intact phage particles and thus explains its peculiar properties discovered earlier. In the present case, the interaction determines the formation of DNA-protein crosslinks under O-methylhydroxylamine treatment via the earlier postulated intermediate product of cytosine modification. Restoration of “normal” physical properties of disrupted phage after more prolonged modification is explained by cleavage of the DNA-protein cross-links due to reaction of the postulated intermediate with O-methylhydroxylamine affording N(4)-methoxy-6-methoxy-amino-5,6-dihydrocytidine residues.  相似文献   

The effects of surface type and slope on fish passage over artificial ramps were evaluated for two small diadromous fish species native to New Zealand: the redfin bully Gobiomorphus huttoni and adult and juvenile inanga Galaxias maculatus . Surfaces tested include smooth plastic, sand, gravel (limestone chips 5–20 mm), nylon brush and two plastic moulded cores of ground drainage products Cordrain® and Miradrain®. Slopes of 15° (1:3·7), 30° (1:1·7) and 45° (1:1) were assessed. Slope was the greatest factor influencing successful passage, with the lowest gradient tested (15°) providing the highest passage for both fish species. Most ramps at 45° only allowed the passage of redfin bullies, these fish being capable of 'climbing' the wetted margin of the ramps. Because of this climbing ability, redfin bullies were not as affected by the ramp surface, as inanga. Nevertheless, the smooth plastic surface, which resulted in the highest water velocities over the ramps, was un-passable by either species at slopes >15°. Gravel, the nylon brush and the two plastic moulds provided high passage rates for inanga at gradients of 15 and 30°. At a slope of 45°, Miradrain® was the only surface inanga could pass. Overall, Miradrain® produced the most successful passage for both inanga and redfin bullies, but to maximize passage, slope should not be >15° and a wetted margin is essential for climbing species.  相似文献   

Climate, food, density and wildlife population growth rate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The aim of this study was to derive and evaluate a priori models of the relationship between annual instantaneous population growth rate (r) and climate. These were derived from the numerical response of annual r and food, and the effect of climate on a parameter in the numerical response. The goodness of fit of a range of such deductive models to data on annual r of Soay sheep and red deer were evaluated using information-theoretic (AICc-based) analyses. 2. The analysis for sheep annual r showed negative effects of abundance and negative effects of the interaction of abundance and climate, measured as March rainfall (and winter NAO) in the best fitting models. The analysis for deer annual r showed a negative effect of deer abundance and a positive effect of climate measured as March rainfall (but a negative effect of winter NAO), but no interaction of abundance and climate in the best fitting models. 3. There was most support in the analysis of sheep dynamics for the ratio numerical response and the assumption that parameter J (equilibrium food per animal) was influenced by climate. In the analysis of deer dynamics there was most support for the numerical responses assuming effects of food and density (Ivlev and density, food and density, and additive responses) and slightly less support for the ratio numerical response. The evaluation of such models would be aided by the collection of and incorporation of food data into the analyses.  相似文献   

Food availability and predation risk have been shown to affect phenotypes during early life history of fishes. Galaxias maculatus, a small fish widely distributed around the southern hemisphere, clearly exhibits a complex trade-off between feeding and predation avoidance during growth over the larval period. We studied the effect of different environmental variables on diet, growth, mortality, and morphology through field surveys and data revision in the literature for limnetic G. maculatus larvae in five oligotrophic lakes of Patagonia. Both number of food categories and prey ingested by larvae were directly related to zooplankton density. Larval growth rate was related with zooplankton density and temperature. Lakes with high zooplankton densities and low predation risk had larvae with deeper bodies and shorter caudal peduncles, while in lakes with less food and high predation risk larvae were slender with shallower bodies and longer peduncles. Food availability and predation risk seem to operate on the swimming performance of G. maculatus larvae through the slenderness of the body and the length of the caudal peduncle. The observed phenotypic variation in growth and morphology could be a key feature that has allowed this species to successfully colonize a wide variety of environments in the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   



Energy density (ED) and eating rate (ER) influence energy intake; their combined effects on intake and on postprandial pancreatic and gut hormone responses are undetermined. To determine the combined effects of ED and ER manipulation on voluntary food intake, subjective appetite, and postprandial pancreatic and gut hormone responses.

Design and Methods:

Twenty nonobese volunteers each consumed high (1.6 kcal g?1; HED) and low (1.2 kcal g?1; LED) ED breakfasts slowly (20 g min?1; SR) and quickly (80 g min?1; FR) ad libitum to satiation. Appetite, and pancreatic and gut hormone concentrations were measured periodically over 3 h. Ad libitum energy intake during the subsequent lunch was then measured.


Main effects of ED and ER on energy intake and a main effect of ER, but not ED, on mass of food consumed were observed, FR and HED being associated with increased intake (P < 0.05). Across all conditions, energy intake was highest during FR‐HED (P ≤ 0.01). Area under the curve (AUC) of appetite ratings was not different between meals. Main effects of ED and ER on insulin, peptide‐YY, and glucagon‐like peptide‐1 AUC (P < 0.05) were observed, FR and HED being associated with larger AUC. No effects on active or total ghrelin AUC were documented. Total energy intake over both meals was highest during the FR‐HED trial with the greatest difference between FR‐HED and SR‐LED trials (P ≤ 0.01).


Consuming an energy dense meal quickly compounds independent effects of ER and ED on energy intake. Energy compensation at the following meal may not occur despite altered gut hormone responses.

  • 1 Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) damages early life stages of several fish species. Galaxias maculatus is a small catadromous fish, with landlocked forms occurring in many lakes within the Nahuel Huapi National Park (Patagonia, Argentina). In this work, the vulnerability of G. maculatus eggs exposed to both natural and artificial UVR was investigated in relation to water transparency.
  • 2 Field experiments were performed in two lakes differing in UVR attenuation. Galaxias maculatus eggs were exposed to in situ levels of UVR in quartz tubes incubated at various depths. For laboratory experiments, the eggs were exposed to five levels of artificial UVB radiation.
  • 3 Exposure to natural UVR causes various degrees of egg mortality depending on water transparency and incubation depth. In the less transparent lake (Kd320 = 3.08 m‐1), almost complete mortality was observed near the surface. At a depth of 43 cm the observed mortality was only 22%, but was still significantly different from the dark control. In the most transparent lake (Kd320 = 0.438 m‐1), almost total mortality was observed in tubes incubated at 2.56 m or shallower. A gradual decline in mortality was recorded from that depth to 3.78 m where the values approached those in the dark control treatments.
  • 4 A monotonic relationship between mortality and UV exposure could be observed both in field and laboratory experiments. Using the results from field incubations, a LD50 of 2.5 J cm‐2 nm‐1 was estimated. In a few mountain lakes, this value would be exceeded even if the eggs were laid at the maximum depth of the lake. Thus UVR seems a sufficient cause to explain the absence of G. maculatus populations in some mountain lakes. For most lakes, however, UVR is probably one of several important environmental factors, which together determine the habitat suitability.

Understanding the influence of landscape features on population differentiation is fundamental to evolutionary biology studies. We examined spatial patterns of genetic and phenotypic variability among Galaxias maculatus populations in a complex of four postglacial lakes in northwestern Patagonia differing in size and connectivity among them. A hierarchical Bayesian analysis grouped the individuals collected from eleven localities into three genetic clusters, first defining the populations of the two large lakes and separating the two small lakes in subsequent analysis. Genetic structuring was restricted within large lakes. It is known that the larval stage of Galaxias maculatus migrate to the limnetic zone of Patagonian lakes, possibly exerting an homogenizing effect on gene flow within lakes. Gene flow asymmetry and divergences among lakes can be explained by a combination of landscape characteristics and the presence of predators in the short streams that connect them. Individuals from the small lakes are the most divergent morphologically and genetically. The population in the isolated Redonda Lake, exhibits meristic differences as well, suggesting strong drift and environmental effects. This population is likely to have been isolated following the decline in water level of a paleolake that existed in this region approximately 13.2 kya BP. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)具有生长快、环境适应力强、适合进行集约化养殖等优点,现已成为我国沿海甚至内陆地区对虾养殖的主要品种.  相似文献   

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