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Perhaps Darwin would agree that speciation is no longer the mystery of mysteries that it used to be. It is now generally accepted that evolution by natural selection can contribute to ecological adaptation, resulting in the evolution of reproductive barriers and, hence, to the evolution of new species (Schluter & Conte 2009 ; Meyer 2011 ; Nosil 2012 ). From genes that encode silencing proteins that cause infertility in hybrid mice (Mihola et al. 2009 ), to segregation distorters linked to speciation in fruit flies (Phadnis & Orr 2009 ), or pollinator‐mediated selection on flower colour alleles driving reinforcement in Texan wildflowers (Hopkins & Rausher 2012 ), characterization of the genes that drive speciation is providing clues to the origin of species (Nosil & Schluter 2011 ). It is becoming apparent that, while recent work continues to overturn historical ideas about sympatric speciation (e.g. Barluenga et al. 2006 ), ecological circumstances strongly influence patterns of genomic divergence, and ultimately the establishment of reproductive isolation when gene flow is present (Elmer & Meyer 2011 ). Less clear, however, are the genetic mechanisms that cause speciation, particularly when ongoing gene flow is occurring. Now, in this issue, Franchini et al. ( 2014 ) employ a classic genetic mapping approach augmented with new genomic tools to elucidate the genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shapes in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. From over 450 segregating SNPs in an F2 cross, 72 SNPs were linked to 11 QTL associated with external morphology measured by means of traditional and geometric morphometrics. Annotation of two highly supported QTL further pointed to genes that might contribute to ecological divergence in body shape in Midas cichlids, overall supporting the hypothesis that genomic regions of large phenotypic effect may be contributing to early‐stage divergence in Midas cichlids.  相似文献   

A population faced with a new selection pressure can only adapt if appropriate genetic variation is available. This genetic variation might come from new mutations or from gene exchange with other populations or species, or it might already segregate in the population as standing genetic variation (which might itself have arisen from either mutation or gene flow). Understanding the relative importance of these sources of adaptive variation is a fundamental issue in evolutionary genetics (Orr & Betancourt 2001 ; Barrett & Schluter 2008 ; Gladyshev et al. 2008 ) and has practical implications for conservation, plant and animal breeding, biological control and infectious disease prevention (e.g. Robertson 1960 ; Soulé & Wilcox 1980 ; Prentis et al. 2008 ; Pennings 2012 ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Roesti et al. ( 2014 ) make an important contribution to this longstanding debate.  相似文献   

Many eukaryotic genomes contain a large fraction of gene duplicates (or paralogs) as a result of ancient or recent whole‐genome duplications (Ohno 1970 ; Jaillon et al. 2004 ; Kellis et al. 2004 ). Identifying paralogs with NGS data is a pervasive problem in both ancient polyploids and neopolyploids. Likewise, paralogs are often treated as a nuisance that has to be detected and removed (Everett et al. 2012 ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Waples et al. ( 2015 ) show that exclusion might not be necessary and how we may miss out on important genomic information in doing so. They present a novel statistical approach to detect paralogs based on the segregation of RAD loci in haploid offspring and test their method by constructing linkage maps with and without these duplicated loci in chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Fig.  1 ). Their linkage map including the resolved paralogs shows that these are mostly located in the distal regions of several linkage groups. Particularly intriguing is their finding that these homoeologous regions appear impoverished in transposable elements (TE). Given the role that TE play in genome remodelling, it is noteworthy that these elements are of low abundance in regions showing residual tetrasomic inheritance. This raises the question whether re‐diploidization is constrained in these regions and whether they might have a role to play in salmonid speciation. This study provides an original approach to identifying duplicated loci in species with a pedigree, as well as providing a dense linkage map for chum salmon, and interesting insights into the retention of gene duplicates in an ancient polyploid.  相似文献   

The modern synthesis was a seminal period in the biological sciences, establishing many of the core principles of evolutionary biology that we know today. Significant catalysts were the contributions of R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane and Sewall Wright (and others) developing the theoretical underpinning of population genetics, thus demonstrating adaptive evolution resulted from the interplay of forces such as natural selection and mutation within groups of individuals occupying the same space and time (i.e. a population). Given its importance, it is surprising that detailed population genetic data remain lacking for numerous organisms vital to many ecosystems. For example, the coral reef ecosystem is well recognized for its high biodiversity and productivity, numerous ecological services and significant economic and societal values (Moberg & Folke 1999; Cinner 2014). Many coral reef invertebrates form symbiotic relationships with single‐celled dinoflagellates within the genus Symbiodinium Freudenthal (Taylor 1974), with hosts providing these (typically) intracellular symbionts with by‐products of metabolism and in turn receiving photosynthetically fixed carbon capable of meeting hosts’ respiratory demands (Falkowski et al. 1984; Muscatine et al. 1984). Unfortunately, the health and integrity of the coral reef ecosystem has been significantly and negatively impacted by onslaughts like anthropogenic eutrophication and disease in addition to global climate change, with increased incidences of ‘bleaching’ events (characterized as the loss of photosynthetic pigments from the algal cell or massive reduction of Symbiodinium density from hosts’ tissue) and host mortality leading to staggering declines in geographic coverage (Bruno & Selig 2007) that have raised questions on the viability of this ecosystem as we know it (Bellwood et al. 2004; Parmesan 2006). One avenue towards anticipating the future of the coral reef ecosystem is by developing a broader and deeper understanding of the current genotypic diversity encompassed within and between populations of their keystone species, the scleractinian corals and dinoflagellate symbionts, as they potentially possess functional variation (either singularly or in combination) that may come under selection due to the ongoing and rapid environmental changes they are experiencing. However, such studies, especially for members of the genus Symbiodinium, are sparse. In this issue, Baums et al. (2014) provide a significant contribution by documenting the range‐wide population genetics of Symbiodinium ‘fitti’ (Fig. 1 ) in the context of complementary data from its host, the endangered Caribbean elkhorn coral Acropora palmata (Fig. 1 ). Notable results of this study include a single S. ‘fitti’ genotype typically dominates an individual A. palmata colony both spatially and temporally, gene flow among coral host populations is a magnitude higher to that of its symbiont populations, and the partners possess disparate patterns of genetic differentiation across the Greater Caribbean. The implications of such findings are discussed herein.  相似文献   

Linking molecular evolution to biological function is a long‐standing challenge in evolutionary biology. Some of the best examples of this involve opsins, the genes that encode the molecular basis of light reception. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, three studies examine opsin gene sequence, expression and repertoire to determine how natural selection has shaped the visual system. First, Escobar‐Camacho et al. ( 2017 ) use opsin repertoire and expression in three Amazonian cichlid species to show that a shift in sensitivity towards longer wavelengths is coincident with the long‐wavelength‐dominated Amazon basin. Second, Stieb et al. ( 2017 ) explore opsin sequence and expression in reef‐dwelling damselfish and find that UV‐ and long‐wavelength vision are both important, but likely for different ecological functions. Lastly, Suvorov et al. ( 2017 ) study an expansive opsin repertoire in the insect order Odonata and find evidence that copy number expansion is consistent with the permanent heterozygote model of gene duplication. Together these studies emphasize the utility of opsin genes for studying both the local adaptation of sensory systems and, more generally, gene family evolution.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations are characterized by adaptive diversification intertwined with rapid speciation within a lineage resulting in many ecologically specialized, phenotypically diverse species. It has been proposed that adaptive radiations can originate from ancestral lineages with pronounced phenotypic plasticity in adaptive traits, facilitating ecologically driven phenotypic diversification that is ultimately fixed through genetic assimilation of gene regulatory regions. This study aimed to investigate how phenotypic plasticity is reflected in gene expression patterns in the trophic apparatus of several lineages of East African cichlid fishes, and whether the observed patterns support genetic assimilation. This investigation used a split brood experimental design to compare adaptive plasticity in species from within and outside of adaptive radiations. The plastic response was induced in the crushing pharyngeal jaws through feeding individuals either a hard or soft diet. We find that nonradiating, basal lineages show higher levels of adaptive morphological plasticity than the derived, radiated lineages, suggesting that these differences have become partially genetically fixed during the formation of the adaptive radiations. Two candidate genes that may have undergone genetic assimilation, gif and alas1, were identified, in addition to alterations in the wiring of LPJ patterning networks. Taken together, our results suggest that genetic assimilation may have dampened the inducibility of plasticity related genes during the adaptive radiations of East African cichlids, flattening the reaction norms and canalizing their feeding phenotypes, driving adaptation to progressively more narrow ecological niches.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes underlying speciation has long been a challenge to evolutionary biologists. This spurs from difficulties teasing apart the various mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of barriers to reproduction. The study by Rafati et al. ( 2018 ) in this issue of Molecular Ecology combines spatially explicit whole‐genome resequencing with evaluation of differential gene expression across individuals with mixed ancestry to associate the genomic architecture of reproductive barriers with expression of reproductive incompatibilities. In a natural hybrid zone between rabbit subspecies, Oryctolagus cuniculus cuniculus and O. c. algirus (Figure  1 ), Rafati et al. ( 2018 ) use landscape‐level patterns of allele frequency variation to identify potential candidate regions of the genome associated with reproductive isolation. These candidate regions are used to test predictions associated with the genomic architecture of reproductive barriers, including the role of structural rearrangements, enrichment of functional categories associated with incompatibilities, and the contribution of protein‐coding versus regulatory changes. A lack of structural rearrangements and limited protein‐coding changes in candidate regions point towards the importance of regulatory variation as major contributors to genetic incompatibilities, while functional enrichments indicate overrepresentation of genes associated with male infertility. To quantify phenotypic expression of proposed incompatibilities, the authors assess gene expression of experimental crosses. Extensive misregulation of gene expression within the testes of backcross hybrids relative to F1 and parental individuals provides an important link between genotype and phenotype, validating hypotheses developed from assessment of genomic architectures. Together, this work shows how pairing natural hybrid zones with experimental crosses can be used to link observations in nature to mechanistic underpinnings that may be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are a very peculiar part of the genome that have evolved independently in many groups of animals and plants (Bull 1983 ). Major research efforts have so far been focused on large heteromorphic sex chromosomes in a few animal and plant species (Chibalina & Filatov 2011 ; Zhou & Bachtrog 2012 ; Bellott et al. 2014 ; Hough et al. 2014 ; Zhou et al. 2014 ), while homomorphic (cytologically indistinguishable) sex chromosomes have largely been neglected. However, this situation is starting to change. In this issue, Geraldes et al. ( 2015 ) describe a small (~100 kb long) sex‐determining region on the homomorphic sex chromosomes of poplars (Populus trichocarpa and related species, Fig.  1 ). All species in Populus and its sister genus Salix are dioecious, suggesting that dioecy and the sex chromosomes, if any, should be relatively old. Contrary to this expectation, Geraldes et al. ( 2015 ) demonstrate that the sex‐determining region in poplars is of very recent origin and probably evolved within the genus Populus only a few million years ago.  相似文献   

Nearly 25 years ago, Allan Wilson and colleagues isolated DNA sequences from museum specimens of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys panamintinus) and compared these sequences with those from freshly collected animals (Thomas et al. 1990 ). The museum specimens had been collected up to 78 years earlier, so the two samples provided a direct temporal comparison of patterns of genetic variation. This was not the first time DNA sequences had been isolated from preserved material, but it was the first time it had been carried out with a population sample. Population geneticists often try to make inferences about the influence of historical processes such as selection, drift, mutation and migration on patterns of genetic variation in the present. The work of Wilson and colleagues was important in part because it suggested a way in which population geneticists could actually study genetic change in natural populations through time, much the same way that experimentalists can do with artificial populations in the laboratory. Indeed, the work of Thomas et al. ( 1990 ) spawned dozens of studies in which museum specimens were used to compare historical and present‐day genetic diversity (reviewed in Wandeler et al. 2007 ). All of these studies, however, were limited by the same fundamental problem: old DNA is degraded into short fragments. As a consequence, these studies mostly involved PCR amplification of short templates, usually short stretches of mitochondrial DNA or microsatellites. In this issue, Bi et al. ( 2013 ) report a breakthrough that should open the door to studies of genomic variation in museum specimens. They used target enrichment (exon capture) and next‐generation (Illumina) sequencing to compare patterns of genetic variation in historic and present‐day population samples of alpine chipmunks (Tamias alpinus) (Fig. 1). The historic samples came from specimens collected in 1915, so the temporal span of this comparison is nearly 100 years.  相似文献   

Most evolutionary theory focuses on species that reproduce through sexual reproduction where both sexes have a diploid chromosome count. Yet a substantial proportion of multicellular species display complex life cycles, with both haploid and diploid life stages. A classic example is haplodiploidy, where females develop from fertilized eggs and are diploid, while males develop from unfertilized eggs and are haploid. Although haplodiploids make up about 15% of all animals (de la Filia et al. 2015 ), this type of reproduction is rarely considered in evolutionary theory. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Patten et al. ( 2015 ) develop a theoretical model to compare the rate of nuclear and mitochondrial introgression in haplodiploid and diploid species. They show that when two haplodiploid species hybridize, nuclear genes are much less likely to cross the species barrier than if both species were to be diploids. The reason for this is that only half of the offspring resulting from matings between haplodiploid species are true hybrids: sons from such mating only inherit their mother genes and therefore only contain genes of the maternal species. Truly, hybrid males can only occur through backcrossing of a hybrid female to a male of one of the parental species. While this twist of haplodiploid transmission genetics limits nuclear introgression, mitochondrial genes, which are maternally inherited, are unaffected by the scarcity of hybrid males. In other words, the rate of mitochondrial introgression is the same for haplodiploid and diploid species. As a result, haplodiploid species on average show a bias of mitochondrial compared to nuclear introgression.  相似文献   

Invasive species provide excellent study systems to evaluate the ecological and evolutionary processes that contribute to the colonization of novel environments. While the ecological processes that contribute to the successful establishment of invasive plants have been studied in detail, investigation of the evolutionary processes involved in successful invasions has only recently received attention. In particular, studies investigating the genomic and gene expression differences between native and introduced populations of invasive species are just beginning and are required if we are to understand how plants become invasive. In the current issue of Molecular Ecology, Hodgins et al. ( 2013 ) tackle this unresolved question, by examining gene expression differences between native and introduced populations of annual ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The study identifies a number of potential candidate genes based on gene expression differences that may be responsible for the success of annual ragweed in its introduced range. Furthermore, genes involved in stress response are over‐represented in the differentially expressed gene set. Future experiments could use functional studies to test whether changes in gene expression at these candidate genes do in fact underlie changes in growth characteristics and reproductive output observed in this and other invasive species.  相似文献   

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