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Excretion of active proteolytic enzymes during the period of blood digestion in a mosquito has been demonstrated for the first time. The rate of excretion has been determined for both proteases and uric acid; each appears in a distinct peak. During the first half of the digestion period, when protease activity in the midgut is increasing, uric acid excretion predominates. During the second half of the digestion period, after the protease has reached its maximum in the midgut, there is considerable excretion of active protease, mainly trypsin.By sealing the anus after feeding (blood enema), it has been demonstrated that secretion of the proteolytic enzymes in the midgut actually stops when maximum activity is reached. Sealing the anus did not interfere with egg development.A model for protease secretion is suggested in which the proteolytic enzymes are induced by their substrate (globular proteins), and secretion stops when 80 per cent of the protein is digested, or the inducer is removed.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have presented evidence for the role of peptides, isolated from heads of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, in stimulating fluid secretion by isolated Malpighian tubules. In the present study we conducted experiments to investigate whether these peptides are involved in hormone-mediated diuresis after a blood meal. In vivo experiments showed that the head was required to maintain diuresis after the blood meal. Whereas feeding on blood triggered a prompt diuresis in the intact mosquito, subsequent decapitation caused a gradual, not an abrupt, decline in urine excretion rate. Hemolymph collected from mosquitoes fed blood significantly stimulated fluid secretion in vitro by isolated Malpighian tubules, whereas hemolymph from unfed or blood-fed decapitated mosquitoes did not. These results indicate that a diuretic factor was released into the hemolymph after a blood meal. This factor was not present in the hemolymph of decapitated females. We identified the head as a source of diuretic factors. Peptides isolated from a head extract by high-performance liquid chromatography, when injected into the hemocoel of blood-fed decapitated mosquitoes, triggered diuresis in vivo and also stimulated fluid secretion in isolated Malpighian tubules. These studies support the hypothesis that the head is a storage site for diuretic peptides that may be released after a blood meal to control diuresis.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(7):1095-1098
The effects of exogenous hormones on oocyte development in isolated abdomens from blood-fed female Aedes aegypti were examined. Abdomens were prepared immediately after a blood meal. Single applications of hormones were administered immediately after ligation or 18 hr after the blood meal. Double applications were done at both times. Oocyte development was assayed by measuring the amount of yolk in oocytes 66 hr after the blood meal. Topical application of maximum doses of methoprene immediately after ligation caused oocytes to mature in 60% of the abdomens; a half-maximum response was obtained with 300 pg. Injection of 700 ng of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) was necessary to cause an equivalent response. Delaying the injection of 20-HE until 18 hr after feeding reduced the amount necessary to obtain a half-maximum response to 150 ng. Treating the abdomens twice dramatically reduced the amount of 20-HE needed for the second dose: pretreatment of abdomens immediately after ligation with 50 pg of 20-HE reduced the amount of 20-HE needed in the second injection to 30 ng. Pretreatment with a topical application of 50 pg of methoprene had a similar effect. These data indicate that the sensitivity of the mosquito to exogenous hormones changes after a blood meal, and that either 20-HE or methoprene can promote a further increase in sensitivity.  相似文献   

The failure of Aedes aegypti females to engage in host-seeking behaviour following a replete blood meal was investigated. Abdominal distention appears to be responsible for this immediate inhibition after feeding. Large enemas of saline had the same effect as blood in terminating host-seeking; this was not due merely to the presence of large amounts of fluid, but rather to the distention produced by these liquids. Since transection of the ventral nerve cord anterior to the 2nd abdominal ganglion did not release the inhibition in blood-fed females, we restricted the degree of distention of abdominal segments with wax. Distention of the abdomen anteriorly by a blood meal more effectively inhibited host-seeking than did distention posteriorly, suggesting that stretch receptors in the anterior portion of the abdomen regulate the response towards a host.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(5):835-842
This investigation presents a method of preparation and comparison of the fully-formed eggshells (chorions) of the aedine mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes atropalpus, by a gentle lysis-washing protocol. Light and scanning electron micrographs of the prepared chorions display a two-layered structure in the characteristically sculptured endochorion and the tubercle-patterned exochorion. SDS-gel electrophoresis of solubilized whole ovaries and prepared chorions, stained for protein and carbohydrate, show significant differences between the two species mainly in the chorion electrophoresis patterns.  相似文献   

In the midgut of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, a vector of dengue and yellow fever, an intense release of heme and iron takes place during the digestion of a blood meal. Here, we demonstrated via chromatography, light absorption and mass spectrometry that xanthurenic acid (XA), a product of the oxidative metabolism of tryptophan, is produced in the digestive apparatus after the ingestion of a blood meal and reaches milimolar levels after 24 h, the period of maximal digestive activity. XA formation does not occur in the White Eye (WE) strain, which lacks kynurenine hydroxylase and accumulates kynurenic acid. The formation of XA can be diminished by feeding the insect with 3,4-dimethoxy-N-[4-(3-nitrophenyl)thiazol-2-yl] benzenesulfonamide (Ro-61-8048), an inhibitor of XA biosynthesis. Moreover, XA inhibits the phospholipid oxidation induced by heme or iron. A major fraction of this antioxidant activity is due to the capacity of XA to bind both heme and iron, which occurs at a slightly alkaline pH (7.5-8.0), a condition found in the insect midgut. The midgut epithelial cells of the WE mosquito has a marked increase in occurrence of cell death, which is reversed to levels similar to the wild type mosquitoes by feeding the insects with blood supplemented with XA, confirming the protective role of this molecule. Collectively, these results suggest a new role for XA as a heme and iron chelator that provides protection as an antioxidant and may help these animals adapt to a blood feeding habit.  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of new insect repellents, an efficient and safe in vitro bioassay system using a multiple‐membrane blood‐feeding device and a cocktail meal was developed. The multiple‐membrane blood‐feeding device facilitates the identification of new insect repellents by the high‐throughput screening of candidate chemicals. A cocktail meal was developed as a replacement for blood for feeding females of Stegomyia aegypti (=Aedes aegypti) (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae). The cocktail meal consisted of a mixture of salt, albumin and dextrose, to which adenosine triphosphate was added to induce engorging. Feeding rates of St. aegypti on the cocktail meal and pig blood, respectively, did not differ significantly, but were significantly higher than the feeding rate on citrate phosphate dextrose‐adenine 1 (CPDA‐1) solutions, which had been used to replace bloodmeals in previous repellent assays. Dose‐dependent biting inhibition rates were analysed using probit analysis. The RD50 (the dose producing 50% repellence of mosquito feeding) values of DEET, citronella, carvacrol, geraniol, eugenol and thymol were 1.62, 14.40, 22.51, 23.29, 23.83 and 68.05 µg/cm2, respectively.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) mediates the relationship between fecundity and nutrition during the gonotrophic cycle of the mosquito in three ways: (1) by regulating initial previtellogenic development, (2) by mediating previtellogenic resorption of follicles and (3) by altering intrinsic previtellogenic follicle “quality”, physiology, and competitiveness thereby predetermining the fate of follicles after a blood meal. To support a role for JH in mediating the response of ovarian follicles after a blood meal, we explored three main questions: (1) Do changes in nutrition during the previtellogenic resting stage lead to relevant biochemical and molecular changes in the previtellogenic ovary? (2) Do hormonal manipulations during the previtellogenic resting stage lead to the same biochemical and molecular changes? (3) Does nutrition and hormones during the previtellogenic resting stage affect vitellogenic resorption and reproductive output? We examined the accumulation of neutral lipids in the previtellogenic ovary as well as the previtellogenic expression of genes integral to endocytosis and oocyte development such as the: vitellogenin receptor (AaVgR), lipophorin receptor (AaLpRov), heavy-chain clathrin (AaCHC), and ribosomal protein L32 (rpL32) under various previtellogenic nutritional and hormonal conditions. mRNA abundance and neutral lipid content increased within the previtellogenic ovary as previtellogenic mosquitoes were offered increasing sucrose concentrations. Methoprene application mimicked the effect of offering the highest sucrose concentrations on mRNA abundance and lipid accumulation in the previtellogenic ovary. These same nutritional and hormonal manipulations altered the extent of vitellogenic resorption. Mosquitoes offered 20% sucrose during the previtellogenic resting stage had nearly 3 times less vitellogenic resorption than mosquitoes offered 3% sucrose despite taking smaller blood meals and developed ~10% more eggs during the first gonotrophic cycle. Mosquitoes treated with JH III during the previtellogenic resting stage and then offered a blood meal had a ~40% reduction in the amount of vitellogenic resorption and developed ~12% more eggs. Taken together, these results suggest that previtellogenic nutrition alters the extent and pattern of resorption after a blood meal through the effect of JH on mRNA abundance and lipid accumulation in previtellogenic follicles.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes utilize the amino acids derived from blood meal protein to produce egg proteins. But the amino acids can also be used to produce egg lipid or can be oxidized for energy production. These latter two processes result in the release of nitrogen as toxic ammonia. Therefore, amino acids must be processed in such a way that amino acid nitrogen can be incorporated into non-toxic waste products. Proline is the predominant amino acid in the hemolymph of the adult female mosquito Aedes aegypti. After feeding on albumin meal, hemolymph proline levels increased five-fold over unfed levels, reached maximal levels in the first hours after feeding and remained high through oviposition. Hemolymph proline levels increased as the concentration of protein in the meal increased. When starved of sugar for 24 h prior to feeding on an albumin meal, hemolymph proline levels increased four-fold over the proline levels of non-starved mosquitoes. Proline levels after feeding on a protein deficient in essential amino acids, pike parvalbumin, increased to twice the levels of albumin fed mosquitoes. Based on these observations, we propose that mosquitoes utilize proline as a temporary nitrogen sink to store ammonia arising from deamination of blood meal amino acid.  相似文献   

Blood feeding in Aedes aegypti is essential for reproduction, but also permits the mosquito to act as a vector for key human pathogens such as the Zika and dengue viruses. Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium that can manipulate the biology of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, making them less competent hosts for many pathogens. Yet while Wolbachia affects other aspects of host physiology, it is unclear whether it influences physiological processes associated with blood meal digestion. To that end, we examined the effects of wMel Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti, on survival post-blood feeding, blood meal excretion, rate of oviposition, expression levels of key genes involved in oogenesis, and activity levels of trypsin blood digestion enzymes. We observed that wMel infection altered the rate and duration of blood meal excretion, delayed the onset of oviposition and was associated with a greater number of eggs being laid later. wMel-infected Ae. aegypti also had lower levels of key yolk protein precursor genes necessary for oogenesis. However, all of these effects occurred without a change in trypsin activity. These results suggest that Wolbachia infection may disrupt normal metabolic processes associated with blood feeding and reproduction in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Relationships between egg volume and an array of life-history traits have been identified for many bird species. Despite the importance of egg volume and the need for precise and accurate measurements, egg volume is usually estimated using a mathematical model that incorporates length and width measurements along with a shape variable. We developed an instrument that provides precise estimates of egg volume and can be easily used in the field. Using Clapper Rail ( Rallus longirostris ) eggs, we compared egg volumes measured using our instrument with estimates based on linear measurements. We found our instrument to be both precise and accurate. Compared with a method based on linear measurements of eggs, use of our instrument reduced variation in egg volume estimates by 1.6 cm3, approximately 8% of the volume of a Clapper Rail's egg. Further advantages of our technique include ease of use, increased accuracy of field-based volume estimates, and increased resolution of variation in egg volume estimates. In addition, our technique does not require postdata collection processing time and did not influence hatching success. Also, for Clapper Rails and similar species, our technique can be combined with other techniques (e.g., egg flotation) so that both egg volume and embryonic stage can be estimated at the same time.  相似文献   



The indocyanine green dilution method is one of the methods available to estimate plasma volume, although some researchers have questioned the accuracy of this method.


We developed a new, physiologically based mathematical model of indocyanine green kinetics that more accurately represents indocyanine green kinetics during the first few minutes postinjection than what is assumed when using the traditional mono-exponential back-extrapolation method. The mathematical model is used to develop an optimal back-extrapolation method for estimating plasma volume based on simulated indocyanine green kinetics obtained from the physiological model.


Results from a clinical study using the indocyanine green dilution method in 36 subjects with type 2 diabetes indicate that the estimated plasma volumes are considerably lower when using the traditional back-extrapolation method than when using the proposed back-extrapolation method (mean (standard deviation) plasma volume?=?26.8 (5.4) mL/kg for the traditional method vs 35.1 (7.0) mL/kg for the proposed method). The results obtained using the proposed method are more consistent with previously reported plasma volume values.


Based on the more physiological representation of indocyanine green kinetics and greater consistency with previously reported plasma volume values, the new back-extrapolation method is proposed for use when estimating plasma volume using the indocyanine green dilution method.

We investigated the mechanisms by which Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are able to metabolize ammonia. When females were given access to solutions containing NH(4)Cl or to a blood meal, hemolymph glutamine and proline concentrations increased markedly, indicating that ammonium/ammonia can be removed from the body through the synthesis of these two amino acids. The importance of glutamine synthetase was shown when an inhibitor of the enzyme was added to the meal causing the glutamine concentration in hemolymph to decrease significantly, while the proline concentration increased dramatically. Unexpectedly, we found an important role for glutamate synthase. When mosquitoes were fed azaserine, an inhibitor of glutamate synthase, the glutamine concentration increased and the proline concentration decreased significantly. This confirms the presence of glutamate synthase in mosquitoes and suggests that this enzyme contributes to the production of glutamate for proline synthesis. Several key enzymes related to ammonium/ammonia metabolism showed activity in homogenates of mosquito fat body and midgut. The mosquito genes encoding glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase were cloned and sequenced. The mRNA expression patterns of these genes were examined by a real-time RT-PCR in fat body and midgut. The results show that female mosquitoes have evolved efficient mechanisms to detoxify large loads of ammonium/ammonia.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the feasibility of making the mosquito ovitrap lethal to Aedes aegypti (L.) when they attempt to oviposit in the trap. Heavy-weight velour paper strips (2.54 x 11 cm) were used as an alternative to the wooden paddle normally provided as a substrate for mosquito oviposition. The paper strips were pretreated with insecticide solutions and allowed to dry before being used in oviposition cups of 473 ml capacity, filled with water initially to within 2.5 cm of the brim. Insecticides chosen for their quick knock-down efficacy were bendiocarb 76% WP (1.06 mg a.i./strip) and four pyrethroids: permethrin 25% WP (0.16 mg a.i./strip), deltamethin 4.75% SC (0.87 mg a.i./strip), cypermethrin 40% WP (2.81 mg a.i./strip), and cyfluthrin 20% WP (0.57 mg a.i./ strip). For experimental evaluation, two oviposition cups (one with an insecticide-treated strip and one with an untreated strip) were placed in cages (cubic 30 cm) with gravid female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes (aged 6-8 days) from a susceptible laboratory strain. Mortality-rates of female mosquitoes were 45% for bendiocarb, 47% for permethrin, 98% for deltamethrin, 100% for cypermethrin, and 100% for cyfluthrin. Young instar larvae added to the treated cups died within 2h. After water evaporation from the cups for 38 days, fresh mosquito females had access to previously submerged portions of the velour paper paddle, and mortality rates of 59% or more occurred. Cups that had water (360 ml) dripped into them, to simulate rain, produced female mosquito mortality rates of > 50% and all larvae died within 3 h of being added. These tests demonstrate that the ovitrap can be made lethal to both adults and larvae by insecticidal treatment of the ovistrip. Field efficacy trials are underway in Brazil to access the impact of this simple, low-cost, environmentally benign approach on populations of the dengue vector Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(18):4180-4187.e6
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