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The songs of oscine passerine birds vary on many spatial scales, reflecting the actions of diverse evolutionary pressures. Here we examine the songs of Cisticola erythrops, which effectively signal species identity across a geographical area spanning 6500 km in sub-Saharan Africa. Selection for species identification should promote stability in song traits, while sexual selection and geographical segregation should promote diversity. Cisticola erythrops share syllable types across the entire range of species and structure songs similarly, but individuals sing highly variable songs through improvisational recombination of syllables. Patterns of syllable use change gradually across the range of the species and do not show distinct breaks at subspecies boundaries. The acoustic properties of the most common syllable type also change gradually with distance. The results illustrate how songs can be simultaneously species-specific and highly variable at an individual level. At a larger level, patterns of variation indicate that cultural drift has generated song diversity through an isolation by distance mechanism.  相似文献   

Many species are locally adapted to decreased habitat quality at their range margins, and therefore show genetic differences throughout their ranges. Under contemporary climate change, range shifts may affect evolutionary processes at the expanding range margin due to founder events. In addition, populations that are affected by such founder events will, in the course of time, become located in the range centre. Recent studies investigated evolutionary changes at the expanding range margin, but have not assessed eventual effects across the species' range. We explored the possible influence of range shift on the level of adaptation throughout the species' total range. For this we used a spatially explicit, individual‐based simulation model of a woodland bird, parameterized after the middle spotted woodpecker ( Dendrocopos medius) in fragmented habitat. We simulated its range under climate change, and incorporated genetic differences at a single locus that determined the individual's degree of adaptation to optimal temperature conditions. Generalist individuals had a large thermal tolerance, but relatively low overall fitness, whereas climate specialists had high fitness combined with a small thermal tolerance. In equilibrium, the populations in the range centre were comprised of the specialists, whereas the generalists dominated the margins. In contrast, under temperature increase, the generalist numbers increased at the expanding margin and eventually also occupied the centre of the shifting range, whereas the specialists were located in the retracting margins. This was caused by founder events and led to overall maladaptation of the species, which resulted in a reduced metapopulation size and thus impeded the species' persistence. We therefore found no evidence for a complementary effect of local adaptation and range shifts on species' survival. Instead, we showed that founder events can cause local maladaptation which can amplify throughout the species' range, and, as such, hamper the species' persistence under climate change.  相似文献   

Knowing the natural dynamics of pathogens in migratory birds is important, for example, to understand the factors that influence the transport of pathogens to and their transmission in new geographical areas, whereas the transmission of other pathogens might be restricted to a specific area. We studied haemosporidian blood parasites of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon in a migratory bird, the garden warbler Sylvia borin. Birds were sampled in spring, summer and early autumn at breeding grounds in Sweden, on migration at Capri, Italy and on arrival and departure from wintering staging areas in West Africa: mapping recoveries of garden warblers ringed in Fennoscandia and Capri showed that these sites are most probably on the migratory flyway of garden warblers breeding at Kvismaren. Overall, haemosporidian prevalence was 39%, involving 24 different parasite lineages. Prevalence varied significantly over the migratory cycle, with relatively high prevalence of blood parasites in the population on breeding grounds and at the onset of autumn migration, followed by marked declines in prevalence during migration both on spring and autumn passage. Importantly, we found that when examining circannual variation in the different lineages, significantly different prevalence profiles emerged both between and within genera. Our results suggest that differences in prevalence profiles are the result of either different parasite transmission strategies or coevolution between the host and the various parasite lineages. When separating parasites into common vs. rare lineages, we found that two peaks in the prevalence of rare parasites occur; on arrival at Swedish breeding grounds, and after the wintering period in Africa. Our results stress the importance of appropriate taxonomic resolution when examining host‐parasite interactions, as variation in prevalence both between and within parasite genera can show markedly different patterns.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) hosts the most polymorphic genes ever described in vertebrates. The MHC triggers the adaptive branch of the immune response, and its extraordinary variability is considered an evolutionary consequence of pathogen pressure. The last few years have witnessed the characterization of the MHC multigene family in a large diversity of bird species, unraveling important differences in its polymorphism, complexity, and evolution. Here, we characterize the first MHC class II B sequences isolated from a Rallidae species, the Eurasian Coot Fulica atra. A next‐generation sequencing approach revealed up to 265 alleles that translated into 251 different amino acid sequences (β chain, exon 2) in 902 individuals. Bayesian inference identified up to 19 codons within the presumptive peptide‐binding region showing pervasive evidence of positive, diversifying selection. Our analyses also detected a significant excess of high‐frequency segregating sites (average Tajima's D = 2.36, < 0.05), indicative of balancing selection. We found one to six different alleles per individual, consistent with the occurrence of at least three MHC class II B gene duplicates. However, the genotypes comprised of three alleles were by far the most abundant in the population investigated (49.4%), followed by those with two (29.6%) and four (17.5%) alleles. We suggest that these proportions are in agreement with the segregation of MHC haplotypes differing in gene copy number. The most widespread segregating haplotypes, according to our findings, would contain one single gene or two genes. The MHC class II of the Eurasian Coot is a valuable system to investigate the evolutionary implications of gene copy variation and extensive variability, the greatest ever found, to the best of our knowledge, in a wild population of a non‐passerine bird.  相似文献   

An isolated population of dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, became established on the campus of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), probably in the early 1980s. It now numbers about 70 breeding pairs. Populations across the entire natural range of the subspecies J. h. thurberi are weakly differentiated from each other at five microsatellite loci (FST = 0.01). The UCSD population is significantly different from these populations, the closest of which is 70 km away. It has 88% of the genetic heterozygosity and 63% of the allelic richness of populations in the montane range of the subspecies, consistent with a harmonic mean effective population size of 32 (but with 95% confidence limits from four to > 70) over the eight generations since founding. Results suggest a moderate bottleneck in the early establishment phase but with more than seven effective founders. Individuals in the UCSD population have shorter wings and tails than those in the nearby mountains and a common garden experiment indicates that the morphological differences are genetically based. The moderate effective population size is not sufficient for the observed morphological differences to have evolved as a consequence of genetic drift, indicating a major role for selection subsequent to the founding of the UCSD population.  相似文献   

The role of genetic relatedness in the evolution of eusociality has been the topic of much debate, especially when contrasting eusocial insects with vertebrates displaying reproductive altruism. The naked mole‐rat, Heterocephalus glaber, was the first described eusocial mammal. Although this discovery was based on an ecological constraints model of eusocial evolution, early genetic studies reported high levels of relatedness in naked mole‐rats, providing a compelling argument that low dispersal rates and consanguineous mating (inbreeding as a mating system) are the driving forces for the evolution of this eusocial species. One caveat to accepting this long‐held view is that the original genetic studies were based on limited sampling from the species’ geographic distribution. A growing body of evidence supports a contrary view, with the original samples not representative of the species—rather reflecting a single founder event, establishing a small population south of the Athi River. Our study is the first to address these competing hypotheses by examining patterns of molecular variation in colonies sampled from north and south of the Athi and Tana rivers, which based on our results, serve to isolate genetically distinct populations of naked mole‐rats. Although colonies south of the Athi River share a single mtDNA haplotype and are fixed at most microsatellite loci, populations north of the Athi River are considerably more variable. Our findings support the position that the low variation observed in naked mole‐rat populations south of the Athi River reflects a founder event, rather than a consequence of this species’ unusual mating system.  相似文献   

Kin recognition is a critical element to kin cooperation, and in vertebrates, it is primarily based on associative learning. Recognition of socially unfamiliar kin occurs rarely, and it is reported only in vertebrate species where promiscuity prevents recognition of first‐order relatives. However, it is unknown whether the recognition of socially unfamiliar kin can evolve in monogamous species. Here, we investigate whether genetic relatedness modulates aggression among group members in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). This bird species is genetically and socially monogamous and lives in groups that are formed through the retention of offspring beyond independence, and the immigration of socially unfamiliar nonbreeders. Observations on feeders showed that genetic relatedness modulated aggression of breeders towards immigrants in a graded manner, in that they chased most intensely the immigrant group members that were genetically the least related. However, cross‐fostering experiments showed that breeders were equally tolerant towards their own and cross‐fostered young swapped as nestlings. Thus, breeders seem to use different mechanisms to recognize socially unfamiliar individuals and own offspring. As Siberian jays show a high degree of nepotism during foraging and predator encounters, inclusive fitness benefits may play a role for the evolution of fine‐scale kin recognition. More generally, our results suggest that fine‐graded kin recognition can evolve independently of social familiarity, highlighting the evolutionary importance of kin recognition for social species.  相似文献   

The way in which breeders respond to helping, in terms of either offspring production or their own survival, may reflect the adaptive aspects of a cooperative breeding system. We explore this issue using a 5‐year study of the Ground Tit Pseudopodoces humilis, a facultative cooperative breeder in which 47% of socially monogamous pairs have between one and four close male relatives as helpers. We found that helped nests did not fledge more or heavier nestlings than unhelped nests, and male young from helped and unhelped nests were equally likely to recruit into the local breeding population. However, helped parents of both sexes had a higher probability of survival to the following year than did unhelped parents. These findings suggest that Ground Tit parents with helpers trade current reproduction for personal survival and future reproduction, a strategy favoured by selection to cope with harsh, unpredictable environments such as the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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