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【目的】比较分析不同发酵阶段的酱香型白酒北大仓酒醅中酵母菌的群落结构。【方法】酒醅样本采集自黑龙江省北大仓白酒不同阶段的发酵窖池,采用平板分离技术获得大量酵母菌纯培养物;基于26S rDNA D1/D2区域的碱基序列,准确鉴定酒醅中的酵母菌;根据酵母菌的数量变化、种类组成、相对频率、多样性指数及其相似性系数,研究酱香型北大仓白酒酒醅中酵母菌的群落结构特征。【结果】北大仓白酒酒醅中酵母菌数量在酿造过程中的变化,遵循着"升高-降低-升高-降低"的规律;第1轮"升高-降低"的过程表现出急剧的"速升速降"特点,而第2轮"升高-降低"的过程则具有相对来说比较温和的"缓升缓降"特征。酒醅内的酵母菌鉴定为8属13种,总体多样性指数处于较高的水平,发酵初期酵母菌多样性指数逐渐增加,最高的多样性指数(1.89)出现在发酵第5 d的酒醅内;然后又逐渐下降,发酵至第11 d时降至最低(0.66);酒醅发酵至13 d时开始直至发酵末期,多样性指数呈现出波动性变化。北大仓白酒酒醅中酵母菌的种类组成总体来说比较接近,大多数情况下相似性系数都高于0.5,说明在白酒酿造过程中酵母菌的组成和分布处于一个相对稳定的状态。对于北大仓白酒酒醅内存在的常见酵母菌来说,Issatchenkia orientalis、Pichia kudriavzevii和Saccharomyces cerevisiae可能在酿造过程中发挥更重要的作用。【结论】北大仓等酱香型白酒的酒醅内存在着丰富的酵母菌资源,阐明酒醅内酵母菌的群落结构可以为解析酱香型白酒的发酵机理提供基础数据和理论基础。  相似文献   

为解析酱香型白酒酿造酒醅中酵母菌的菌群结构,获取酒醅中的主要酵母菌,采用高通量测序法分析酱香型白酒酒醅中酵母菌多样性及主要功能菌群,同时采用可培养分离方法获取酒醅中酵母菌活性菌株。从酱香型白酒下沙至五轮次酒醅中共检出59个属、129个种的酵母菌,分离得到酵母菌活性菌株41种,检测到的酵母菌种类与获得的酵母菌活菌在各香型白酒中最多。不同时期酒醅中的酵母菌种类和数量差异明显,其中下沙、造沙轮次以Pichia kudriavzevii为绝对优势酵母菌;一至五轮次随着轮次的递增,酒醅中优势酵母菌的种类增多,其中主要的优势酵母菌有Pichia kudriavzevii、Pichia manshurica、Zygosaccharomyces bailii、Saccharomyces cerevisiae、Candida apicola。酱香型白酒酒醅中蕴藏着极其丰富的酵母菌资源,对酵母菌菌群结构的解析有助于科学地认识酱香型白酒酿造过程中产酒与风味代谢机理,为发酵过程的调控提供一定依据。  相似文献   

Abstract: The problem of understanding the recognition and specific interactions in a population of yeast flocculating cells is discussed. The biochemistry, physiology and genetics of flocculation is briefly reviewed. Yeast flocculation requires the expression of a specific protein (lectin) on flocculent cells, and carbohydrate (receptors) on neighbouring cells. Adhesion experiments performed with cells whose flocculation is repressed by growth conditions, indicating that the inhibition of flocculation is due to inhibition or inactivation of 'lectin-like' component. Additionally, using adhesion experiments, it is demonstrated that cells of non-flocculent strain interact by establishing a true bond with flocculent cells rather than by entrapment inside the floc matrix. As phenotypic expression of flocculation, for several strains, is shown to be repressed, modulated or induced by modifying growth conditions, the constitutiveness and inducibility of flocculation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Samples of cocoa beans were taken on two separate occasions during heap and tray fermentations in Ghana, West Africa. In total 496 yeast isolates were identified by conventional microbiological analyses and by amplification of their ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 regions. For important species the identifications were confirmed by sequencing of the D1/D2 domain of the 5' end of the large subunit (26S) rDNA. Assimilations of organic acids and other carbon compounds were conducted. For dominant yeasts intraspecies variations were examined by determination of chromosome length polymorphism (CLP) using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. For the heap fermentations maximum yeast cell counts of 9.1 x 10(7) were reached, whereas maximum yeast counts of 6.0 x 10(6) were reached for the tray fermentations. Candida krusei was found to be the dominant species during heap fermentation, followed by P. membranifaciens, P. kluyveri, Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Trichosporon asahii, whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae and P. membranifaciens were found to be the dominant species during tray fermentation followed by low numbers of C. krusei, P. kluyveri, H. guilliermondii and some yeast species of minor importance. For isolates within all dominant species CLP was evident, indicating that several different strains are involved in the fermentations. Isolates of C. krusei, P. membranifaciens, H. guilliermondii, T. asahii and Rhodotorula glutinis could be found on the surface of the cocoa pods and in some cases on the production equipment, whereas the origin of e.g. S. cerevisiae was not indicated by the results obtained. In conclusion, the results obtained show that fermentation of cocoa beans is a very inhomogeneous process with great variations in both yeast counts and species composition. The variations seem to depend especially on the processing procedure, but also the season and the post-harvest storage are likely to influence the yeast counts and the species composition.  相似文献   

王鹏  吴群  徐岩 《微生物学报》2018,58(1):142-153
【目的】揭示白酒酿造过程复杂微生物群落中的核心微生物群(core microbiota),定量分析核心微生物群的环境调控因素。【方法】通过高通量测序揭示发酵过程中的微生物群落结构,使用气相色谱-质谱联仪(GC-MS)测定发酵过程中的挥发性化合物。采用微生物群落与挥发性化合物轮廓关联分析获得风味代谢的功能微生物群(functional microbiota);通过微生物共现性网络分析,获得群落组成中的共现微生物群(co-occurring microbiota),两类微生物群的集合即为白酒酿造的核心微生物群。利用冗余分析(redundancy analysis)和蒙特卡洛置换检验(Monte Carlo permutation test)研究每个环境因素对该核心微生物群的影响。【结果】白酒发酵过程中的核心微生物群主要包含10个属,分别是Lactobacillus、Saccharomyces、Candida、Rhizopus、Saccharomycopsis、Pichia、Dipodascus、Bacillus、Thermoascus和Lactococcus。冗余分析和蒙特卡洛置换检验表明,化学因素(还原糖和乙醇)对核心微生物群的变化比物理因素(水分、温度和酸度)具有更加重要的影响作用,此外物理-化学因素的相互作用对核心微生物群的驱动也有很大的影响。【结论】本研究揭示了白酒发酵过程中的微生物群落组成和代谢物轮廓的变化规律及其二者之间的相关关系,确立了发酵过程中的核心微生物群并量化了影响核心微生物群变化的环境因素,为实现合成微生物组生产白酒及其定向调控奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Summary With pure D-xylulose as substrate, Schizosaccharomyces pombe produced ethanol in good yield with low quantities of polyols as by-products. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to be a good alcohol producer in glucose but not as good in D-xylulose. Other yeast cultures converted D-xylulose to xylitol, or D-arabitol or both, with lower ethanol yield.  相似文献   

混菌发酵对白酒液态发酵效率和风味物质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱并生 《微生物学通报》2014,41(7):1477-1478
<正>我国白酒发酵属于典型的自然发酵过程,其特点是在开放的生产环境中,多种不同微生物共同发酵,相互作用,最终形成具有独特风格的白酒。因此,认识微生物群体发酵机制的关键之一是认识微生物之间的相互作用。研究微生物之间的相互作用对于白酒酿造机制的认识,以及酿造技术发展具有重要作用。发酵体系中微生物相互作用关系是白酒功能微生物研究的关键,以往研究多集中于白酒微生物菌群结构及单菌种功能。而选择不同的微生物组合进行发酵,不仅是阐明微生物之间相互作用的常用研究策略,  相似文献   

Four sourdoughs (A to D) were produced under practical conditions, using a starter obtained from a mixture of three commercially available sourdough starters and baker's yeast. The doughs were continuously propagated until the composition of the microbiota remained stable. A fungi-specific PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) system was established to monitor the development of the yeast biota. The analysis of the starter mixture revealed the presence of Candida humilis, Debaryomyces hansenii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Saccharomyces uvarum. In sourdough A (traditional process with rye flour), C. humilis dominated under the prevailing fermentation conditions. In rye flour sourdoughs B and C, fermented at 30 and 40 degrees C, respectively, S. cerevisiae became predominant in sourdough B, whereas in sourdough C the yeast counts decreased within a few propagation steps below the detection limit. In sourdough D, which corresponded to sourdough C in temperature but was produced with rye bran, Candida krusei became dominant. Isolates identified as C. humilis and S. cerevisiae were shown by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR analysis to originate from the commercial starters and the baker's yeast, respectively. The yeast species isolated from the sourdoughs were also detected by PCR-DGGE. However, in the gel, additional bands were visible. Because sequencing of these PCR fragments from the gel failed, cloning experiments with 28S rRNA amplicons obtained from rye flour were performed, which revealed Cladosporium sp., Saccharomyces servazii, S. uvarum, an unculturable ascomycete, Dekkera bruxellensis, Epicoccum nigrum, and S. cerevisiae. The last four species were also detected in sourdoughs A, B, and C.  相似文献   

The plasmid instability of genetically modified microorganisms during prolonged bioreactor operations is one of the major problems to be overcome in the production of recombinant proteins. The use of flow cytometry to monitor a fermentation process with recombinant cells in a CSTR is reported here. This technique has been applied to determine the fraction of plasmid-bearing cells (P+) of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain harboring the EXG1 gene in a continuous stirred tank bioreactor with a working volume of 2 L. The different levels in the expression of the EXG1 gene, which encodes the enzyme exo-beta-glucanase, were used to determine the P+ fraction. Other parameters such as viability, cellular protein, cell size and structure were also monitored using flow cytometry. This technique has two main advantages over the conventional method of determining the P+ fraction (plating in selective and non-selective solid media): (a) it takes a very short period of time to obtain a measurement that provides multiple parametric information; and (b) it is more representative of the bioreactor cell population since it can analyze thousands of cells in the same sample. A continuous operation (432 h) with the recombinant strain in a CSTR was carried out to test the application of this technique. Measurements of cellular exo-beta-glucanase activity and cellular protein content closely correlates to the measured fraction of plasmid-containing cells in the population. Moreover, the standard deviation of the fraction of P+ cells determined using this technique was very low (about 2%). Recombinant protein production also increased the size of the yeast cells, whereas the recombinant cells also had a more complex internal structure than the non-recombinant host strain.  相似文献   

Four laboratory sourdough fermentations, initiated with wheat or spelt flour and without the addition of a starter culture, were prepared over a period of 10 days with daily back-slopping. Samples taken at all refreshment steps were used for determination of the present microbiota. Furthermore, an extensive metabolite target analysis of more than 100 different compounds was performed through a combination of various chromatographic methods including liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The establishment of a stable microbial ecosystem occurred through a three-phase evolution within a week, as revealed by both microbiological and metabolite analyses. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus rossiae, Lactobacillus brevis, and Lactobacillus paraplantarum were dominating some of the sourdough ecosystems. Although the heterofermentative L. fermentum was dominating one of the wheat sourdoughs, all other sourdoughs were dominated by a combination of obligate and facultative heterofermentative taxa. Strains of homofermentative species were not retrieved in the stable sourdough ecosystems. Concentrations of sugar and amino acid metabolites hardly changed during the last days of fermentation. Besides lactic acid, ethanol, and mannitol, the production of succinic acid, erythritol, and various amino acid metabolites, such as phenyllactic acid, hydroxyphenyllactic acid, and indolelactic acid, was shown during fermentation. Physiologically, they contributed to the equilibration of the redox balance. The biphasic approach of the present study allowed us to map some of the interactions taking place during sourdough fermentation and helped us to understand the fine-tuned metabolism of lactic acid bacteria, which allows them to dominate a food ecosystem.  相似文献   

The advent of efficient whole genome sequencing and the large molecular and genetic toolbox available for studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related species have allowed unprecedented analysis of big issues such as: what causes reproductive isolation and eventual speciation? The species complex encompassing S. cerevisiae and relatives consists of six species and several naturally occurring hybrids, which have nearly collinear genomes. They fit the biological species definition of within species fertility and between species sterility. There are examples of chromosome rearrangements and of genetic incompatibilities between species of the complex, which contribute to reproductive isolation but these are not universally present. In addition, simple sequence divergence has been shown to cause reproductive isolation via the action of the mismatch repair system. Although all three of these mechanisms contribute to extant reproductive isolation, which if any, drive the speciation process is still an open question. Population genomic surveys of whole genome sequences reveal introgressions and horizontal gene transfers between species, indicating that the species barriers are not complete. This gene flow between species, although infrequent, brings into question the nature of yeast species.  相似文献   

In this study, characterises of the microbial community structures of three typical Chinese liquor Daqu, as well as different kinds of light flavour Daqu were investigated using nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The results showed that microbial diversity was considerably different, and the microfloral compositions were highly variable among various Daqu. Lactic acid bacteria, which accounted for 30.95 % of all identified bacteria, were dominant in all Daqu samples, whereas Bacillus species were also predominant in the Luzhou (14.8 %) and Langjiu Daqu (18.2 %). Citrobacter and Burkholderia were first identified in light flavour Daqu. Aspergillus was the dominant moulds, and the non-Saccharomyces yeast species, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, Wallemia sebi, Wallemia muriae, and Pichia subpelliculosa, were the dominant yeasts. Rasamsonia, Galactomyces, Geotrichum and Wallemia were first identified using nested PCR-DGGE. Cluster analysis indicated that the microbial community structures of different Daqu samples exhibited some differences. These may be ascribed to the different peak production temperatures, raw material constituents and microhabitats around the liquor enterprises. The current study provides insights into the microbial community structures of three typical Daqu samples, and may facilitate the development of starter cultures for manufacturing Chinese liquor.  相似文献   

【目的】探究清香型白酒中不同乳酸菌和酵母菌的相互作用,了解不同菌株的发酵性能,为更深入地认识白酒发酵机理、实现发酵过程优化提供理论基础。【方法】利用程序控温和固态发酵模拟清香型白酒酿造环境,测定纯培养和共培养中菌株的理化指标、活菌数以及主要代谢产物的变化。【结果】Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJ1糖消耗快产乙醇和酯类物质多,Lactobacillus plantarum JMRS4糖消耗快产酸较多。共培养中乳酸菌对Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJ1的生长和产乙醇抑制较大,对Candida aaseri MJ7产乙醇几乎无影响。乳酸菌对Pichia kudriavzevii MJ14的生物量和乙醇代谢抑制作用较小,还对其产己酸乙酯、乙酸乙酯和异戊醇等代谢产物有促进作用;而反过来Pichia kudriavzevii MJ14对3株乳酸菌产乳酸均有抑制作用,对产乙酸则有促进作用。【结论】建立了一种固态培养方法,结合清香型白酒发酵温度变化规律,有效模拟了实际发酵环境。Pichia kudriavzevii MJ14在与乳酸菌共培养中受到的抑制较小并能有效抑制乳酸菌产乳酸,Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJ1能代谢产生多种风味物质,对清香型白酒酿造有重要意义。  相似文献   

【背景】拜耳接合酵母(Zygosaccharomyces bailii)是酱香型白酒自然酿造过程中的优势菌株,但白酒酿造功能菌株对其酿造特征的影响尚不清晰。【目的】分析酱香型白酒酿造体系中3株主要功能菌株对Z.bailii的作用,揭示其在白酒酿造过程中的发酵特征。【方法】分别构建拜耳接合酵母与酿酒酵母、布氏乳酸杆菌和地衣芽孢杆菌的共培养体系,比较生物量、p H、乙醇及风味物质代谢差异;基于表型差异,从转录组学角度进一步分析拜耳接合酵母与地衣芽孢杆菌共培养的代谢机制。【结果】在共培养体系中,拜耳接合酵母的生长及乙醇代谢受到酿酒酵母的抑制,而不受布氏乳酸杆菌和地衣芽孢杆菌的影响。同时,拜耳接合酵母与酿酒酵母、布氏乳酸杆菌共培养时的风味物质产量下降;但与地衣芽孢杆菌共培养时,其风味代谢却显著提高,其中醇类、酸类、酯类和醛类物质含量较其纯培养时分别上升了41%、36%、44%和73%。转录组数据分析表明,与地衣芽孢杆菌共培养时,拜耳接合酵母中与碳水化合物代谢和氨基酸代谢相关的基因表达显著上调(≥2-fold,P0.05),而碳水化合物和氨基酸是风味物质的主要来源,其相关基因的表达上调有助于拜耳接合酵母的风味代谢。【结论】共培养体系中,地衣芽孢杆菌促进了拜耳接合酵母风味代谢,使之形成更多的醇类、酸类、酯类及醛类物质。研究拜耳接合酵母与主要酿造微生物共培养时的发酵特征,有助于正确认识其在酱香型白酒发酵过程中的功能和应用。  相似文献   

Overproduction of livestock manures with unpleasant odors causes significant environmental problems. The microbial fermentation bed (MFB) system is considered an effective approach to recycling utilization of agricultural byproducts and pig manure (PM). To gain a better understanding of bacterial communities present during the degradation of PM in MFB, the PM bacterial community was evaluated at different fermentation stages using 16S rRNA high throughput sequencing technology. The heatmap plot clustered five samples into short-term fermentation stage of 0–10 days and long-term fermentation stage of 15–20 days. The most abundant OTUs at the phylum level were Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria in the long-term fermentation stage of PM, whereas Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria predominated in the short-term fermentation stage of PM. At the genus level, organic degradation strains, such as Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Virgibacillus, Pseudomonas, Actinobacteria, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus were the predominate genera at the long-term fermentation stage, but were found only rarely in the short-term fermentation stage. C/N ratios increased and the concentration of the unpleasant odor substance 3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole (3-MI) decreased with prolonged period of fermentation. Redundancy analysis (RDA) demonstrated that the relative abundance of Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria had a close relationship with degradation of 3-MI and increasing C/N ratio. These results provide valuable additional information about bacterial community composition during PM biodegradation in animal husbandry.  相似文献   

林建春  吴群  徐岩 《微生物学通报》2017,44(11):2522-2529
【目的】探索清香型白酒发酵过程中酵母群落结构及演变,分析潜在的关键尿素代谢酵母及其环境调控因素,为降低发酵过程中氨基甲酸乙酯的含量提供理论依据。【方法】通过相关性分析明确发酵过程中氨基甲酸乙酯主要前体物质及其代谢微生物类群,利用高通量测序技术解析酵母群落结构组成,并结合偏最小二乘回归分析寻找潜在的关键尿素代谢酵母。采用冗余分析评价发酵过程中环境因素对酵母群落结构的影响。【结果】尿素是清香型白酒发酵过程中氨基甲酸乙酯的主要前体物质,酵母是尿素代谢的主要微生物。高通量测序结果显示,在97%的相似度下进行操作分类单元聚类后,共鉴定出22个酵母种。其中,嗜高压有孢汉生酵母(Hanseniaspora osmophila)、发酵毕赤酵母(Pichia fermentans)和酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)与尿素合成存在正相关性,库德毕赤酵母(Pichia kudriavzevii)与尿素降解存在正相关性。酒醅含水量、p H、乙醇和精氨酸是影响发酵过程中酵母群落演替的重要环境因素。【结论】环境因素影响潜在的关键尿素代谢酵母,为降低发酵过程中尿素与氨基甲酸乙酯含量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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