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Identifying genomic signatures of natural selection can be challenging against a background of demographic changes such as bottlenecks and population expansions. Here, we disentangle the effects of demography from selection in the House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) using samples collected before and after a pathogen‐induced selection event. Using ddRADseq, we genotyped over 18,000 SNPs across the genome in native pre‐epizootic western US birds, introduced birds from Hawaii and the eastern United States, post‐epizootic eastern birds, and western birds sampled across a similar time span. We found 14% and 7% reductions in nucleotide diversity, respectively, in Hawaiian and pre‐epizootic eastern birds relative to pre‐epizootic western birds, as well as elevated levels of linkage disequilibrium and other signatures of founder events. Despite finding numerous significant frequency shifts (outlier loci) between pre‐epizootic native and introduced populations, we found no signal of reduced genetic diversity, elevated linkage disequilibrium, or outlier loci as a result of the epizootic. Simulations demonstrate that the proportion of outliers associated with founder events could be explained by genetic drift. This rare view of genetic evolution across time in an invasive species provides direct evidence that demographic shifts like founder events have genetic consequences more widespread across the genome than natural selection.  相似文献   

We assess the impact of habitat fragmentation on the effective size (N(e)) of local populations of the flightless ground beetle Carabus violaceus in a small (<25 ha) and a large (>80 ha) forest fragment separated by a highway. N(e) was estimated based on the temporal variation of allele frequencies at 13 microsatellite loci using two different methods. In the smaller fragment, N(e) estimates ranged between 59 and a few hundred, whereas values between 190 and positive infinity were estimated for the larger fragment. In both samples, we detected a signal of population decline, which was stronger in the small fragment. The estimated time of onset of this N(e) reduction was consistent with the hypothesis that recent road constructions have divided a continuous population into several isolated subpopulations. In the small fragment, N(e) of the local population may be so small that its long-term persistence is endangered.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cumulative effect of founding events on the genetic differentiation and the within-population heterozygosity in a metapopulation increasing its size by colonisation. Two contrasting models are considered: first, an island model, where migrants and colonists are taken at random from the entire metapopulation, and second, a linear stepping-stone model, where migrants and colonists are sampled from a limited neighbourhood. The genetic consequences of a range expansion depend on the relative magnitudes of the number of colonists and migrants, in a way similar to extinction and colonisation processes (Wade and McCauley, 1988). The cumulative effect of founding events, resulting most often in a transient increase in genetic differentiation and a gradual loss of within-population heterozygosity, also depends on the age-structure that is established during colonisation. It is the highest when colonists are sampled from recently founded populations and migrants are exchanged among populations of similar ages. The genetic consequences of a range expansion are therefore far more pronounced and lasting in the linear stepping-stone model than in the island model. These two models, however, represent the two extremes between which real populations will fall.  相似文献   

Colonizing species are predicted to suffer from reductions in genetic diversity during founding events. Although there is no unique mode of reproduction that is characteristic of successful plant colonizers, many of them are predominantly self-fertilizing or apomictic species, and almost all outcrossing colonizers are self-compatible. Carduus acanthoides comprises a species of disturbed habitats with wind-dispersed seeds that colonizes open spaces of various sizes. Population genetic diversity was expressed by assessing patterns of variation at nine putatively neutral allozyme loci within and among 20 natural populations in its native distribution range in the Czech Republic. Overall, C. acanthoides displayed high levels of genetic diversity compared to other herbaceous plants. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 84.5, with values of 2.37, 0.330, and 0.364 for the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus ( A ), observed heterozygosity ( H o), and expected heterozygosity ( H e), respectively. There was only weak evidence of inbreeding within populations ( f  = 0.097) and very low genetic differentiation among populations ( θ  = 0.085). Analyses of the data provide strong evidence for isolation-by-distance for the whole study area. Even the colonizing species, C. acanthoides , currently supports a substantial amount of allozyme variation at both the species and population levels.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 596–607.  相似文献   

The effect of population size on population genetic diversity and structure has rarely been studied jointly with other factors such as the position of a population within the species’ distribution range or the presence of mutualistic partners influencing dispersal. Understanding these determining factors for genetic variation is critical for conservation of relict plants that are generally suffering from genetic deterioration. Working with 16 populations of the vulnerable relict shrub Cneorum tricoccon throughout the majority of its western Mediterranean distribution range, and using nine polymorphic microsatellite markers, we examined the effects of periphery (peripheral vs. central), population size (large vs. small), and seed disperser (introduced carnivores vs. endemic lizards) on the genetic diversity and population structure of the species. Contrasting genetic variation (HE: 0.04–0.476) was found across populations. Peripheral populations showed lower genetic diversity, but this was dependent on population size. Large peripheral populations showed high levels of genetic diversity, whereas small central populations were less diverse. Significant isolation by distance was detected, indicating that the effect of long‐distance gene flow is limited relative to that of genetic drift, probably due to high selfing rates (FIS = 0.155–0.887), restricted pollen flow, and ineffective seed dispersal. Bayesian clustering also supported the strong population differentiation and highly fragmented structure. Contrary to expectations, the type of disperser showed no significant effect on either population genetic diversity or structure. Our results challenge the idea of an effect of periphery per se that can be mainly explained by population size, drawing attention to the need of integrative approaches considering different determinants of genetic variation. Furthermore, the very low genetic diversity observed in several small populations and the strong among‐population differentiation highlight the conservation value of large populations throughout the species’ range, particularly in light of climate change and direct human threats.  相似文献   

Interacting species of pollinator–host systems, especially the obligate ones, are sensitive to habitat fragmentation, due to the nature of mutual dependence. Comparative studies of genetic structure can provide insights into how habitat fragmentation contributes to patterns of genetic divergence among populations of the interacting species. In this study, we used microsatellites to analyse genetic variation in Chinese populations of a typical mutualistic system – Ficus pumila and its obligate pollinator Wiebesia sp. 1 – in a naturally fragmented landscape. The plants and wasps showed discordant patterns of genetic variation and geographical divergence. There was no significant positive relationship in genetic diversity between the two species. Significant isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) patterns occurred across the populations of F. pumila and Wiebesia sp. 1 as whole, and IBD also occurred among island populations of the wasps, but not the plants. However, there was no significant positive relationship in genetic differentiation between them. The pollinator populations had significantly lower genetic variation in small habitat patches than in larger patches, and three island pollinator populations showed evidence of a recent bottleneck event. No effects of patch size or genetic bottlenecks were evident in the plant populations. Collectively, the results indicate that, in more fragmented habitats, the pollinators, but not the plants, have experienced reduced genetic variation. The contrasting patterns have multiple potential causes, including differences in longevity and hence number of generations experiencing fragmentation; different dispersal patterns, with the host's genes dispersed as seeds as well as a result of pollen dispersal via the pollinator; asymmetrical responses to fluctuations in partner populations; and co‐existence of a rare second pollinating wasp on some islands. These results indicate that strongly interdependent species may respond in markedly different ways to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

The endangered plant species Dianthus gratianopolitanus exhibits a highly fragmented distribution range comprising many isolated populations. Based upon this pattern of distribution, we selected a study region in Switzerland with a lower magnitude of isolation (Swiss Jura) and another study region in Germany with a higher degree of isolation (Franconian Jura). In each region, we chose ten populations to analyze population structure, reproduction, and genetic variation in a comparative approach. Therefore, we determined population density, cushion size, and cushion density to analyze population structure, investigated reproductive traits, including number of flowers, capsules, and germination rate, and analyzed amplified fragment length polymorphisms to study genetic variation. Population and cushion density were credibly higher in German than in Swiss populations, whereas reproductive traits and genetic variation within populations were similar in both study regions. However, genetic variation among populations and isolation by distance were stronger in Germany than in Switzerland. Generally, cushion size and density as well as flower and capsule production increased with population size and density, whereas genetic variation decreased with population density. In contrast to our assumptions, we observed denser populations and cushions in the region with the higher magnitude of isolation, whereas reproductive traits and genetic variation within populations were comparable in both regions. This corroborates the assumption that stronger isolation must not necessarily result in the loss of fitness and genetic variation. Furthermore, it supports our conclusion that the protection of strongly isolated populations contributes essentially to the conservation of a species' full evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization are the most pervasive threats to biodiversity in southern California. Loss of habitat and fragmentation can lower migration rates and genetic connectivity among remaining populations of native species, reducing genetic variability and increasing extinction risk. However, it may be difficult to separate the effects of recent anthropogenic fragmentation from the genetic signature of prehistoric fragmentation due to previous natural geological and climatic changes. To address these challenges, we examined the phylogenetic and population genetic structure of a flightless insect endemic to cismontane southern California, Stenopelmatus'mahogani' (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). Analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequence data suggest that diversification across southern California began during the Pleistocene, with most haplotypes currently restricted to a single population. Patterns of genetic divergence correlate with contemporary urbanization, even after correcting for (geographical information system) GIS-based reconstructions of fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Theoretical simulations confirm that contemporary patterns of genetic structure could be produced by recent urban fragmentation using biologically reasonable assumptions about model parameters. Diversity within populations was positively correlated with current fragment size, but not prehistoric fragment size, suggesting that the effects of increased drift following anthropogenic fragmentation are already being seen. Loss of genetic connectivity and diversity can hinder a population's ability to adapt to ecological perturbations commonly associated with urbanization, such as habitat degradation, climatic changes and introduced species. Consequently, our results underscore the importance of preserving and restoring landscape connectivity for long-term persistence of low vagility native species.  相似文献   

Vast areas of forests in North‐eastern Ethiopia have been replaced by cropland, shrub land or grazing areas. Thus, information about how vegetation composition and structure varies with disturbance is fundamental to conservation of such areas. This study aimed to investigate the effects of disturbance on the population structure and regeneration potential of five dominant woody species within forest where local communities harvest wood and graze livestock. Vegetation structure and environmental variables were assessed in 50 quadrats (20 m × 20 m). In most of both disturbed and undisturbed treatments, Juniperus procera was the highest contributor to the basal area of the forest, while that of Olinia rochetiana was the lowest. Analysis of population structure showed high density at lower Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and low density at higher DBH classes. Undisturbed forest treatments had 84% canopy cover, 22 m mean vegetation height and a density of 1320 trees of dominant species and 1024 seedlings/saplings ha?1. In disturbed habitats, canopy cover (73%), mean vegetation height (18 m) and density of dominant trees and saplings were significantly lower than in undisturbed habitats. Thus, to ensure species, survival and maintain species diversity managed use of the protected area is essential.  相似文献   

Many species are locally adapted to decreased habitat quality at their range margins, and therefore show genetic differences throughout their ranges. Under contemporary climate change, range shifts may affect evolutionary processes at the expanding range margin due to founder events. In addition, populations that are affected by such founder events will, in the course of time, become located in the range centre. Recent studies investigated evolutionary changes at the expanding range margin, but have not assessed eventual effects across the species' range. We explored the possible influence of range shift on the level of adaptation throughout the species' total range. For this we used a spatially explicit, individual‐based simulation model of a woodland bird, parameterized after the middle spotted woodpecker ( Dendrocopos medius) in fragmented habitat. We simulated its range under climate change, and incorporated genetic differences at a single locus that determined the individual's degree of adaptation to optimal temperature conditions. Generalist individuals had a large thermal tolerance, but relatively low overall fitness, whereas climate specialists had high fitness combined with a small thermal tolerance. In equilibrium, the populations in the range centre were comprised of the specialists, whereas the generalists dominated the margins. In contrast, under temperature increase, the generalist numbers increased at the expanding margin and eventually also occupied the centre of the shifting range, whereas the specialists were located in the retracting margins. This was caused by founder events and led to overall maladaptation of the species, which resulted in a reduced metapopulation size and thus impeded the species' persistence. We therefore found no evidence for a complementary effect of local adaptation and range shifts on species' survival. Instead, we showed that founder events can cause local maladaptation which can amplify throughout the species' range, and, as such, hamper the species' persistence under climate change.  相似文献   

Riverine fish populations are traditionally considered to be highly structured and subject to strong genetic drift. Here, we use microsatellites to analyse the population structure of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), focussing on the headwater floodplain area of the Caroni drainage in Trinidad. We also analyse the population genetics of guppies in the Northern Drainage in Trinidad, a habitat characterized by rivers flowing directly into the sea, and a small isolated population in Tobago. Upland Caroni populations are highly differentiated and display low levels of genetic diversity. However, we found no evidence to suggest that these upland populations experienced recent population crashes and the populations appear to approach mutation–drift equilibrium. Dominant downstream migration over both short‐ and long‐time frames has a strong impact on the population genetics of lowland Caroni populations. This drainage system could be considered a source–sink metapopulation, with the tributary furthest downstream representing a ‘super sink’, receiving immigrants from rivers upstream in the drainage. Moreover, the effective population size in the lowlands is surprisingly low in comparison with the apparently large census population sizes.  相似文献   

Study of the congruence of population genetic structure between hosts and pathogens gives important insights into their shared phylogeographical and coevolutionary histories. We studied the population genetic structure of castrating anther‐smut fungi (genus Microbotryum) and of their host plants, the Silene nutans species complex, and the morphologically and genetically closely related Silene italica, which can be found in sympatry. Phylogeographical population genetic structure related to persistence in separate glacial refugia has been recently revealed in the S. nutans plant species complex across Western Europe, identifying several distinct lineages. We genotyped 171 associated plant–pathogen pairs of anther‐smut fungi and their host plant individuals using microsatellite markers and plant chloroplastic single nucleotide polymorphisms. We found clear differentiation between fungal populations parasitizing S. nutans and S. italica plants. The population genetic structure of fungal strains parasitizing the S. nutans plant species complex mirrored the host plant genetic structure, suggesting that the pathogen was isolated in glacial refugia together with its host and/or that it has specialized on the plant genetic lineages. Using random forest approximate Bayesian computation (ABC‐RF), we found that the divergence history of the fungal lineages on S. nutans was congruent with that previously inferred for the host plant and probably occurred with ancient but no recent gene flow. Genome sequences confirmed the genetic structure and the absence of recent gene flow between fungal genetic lineages. Our analyses of individual host–pathogen pairs contribute to a better understanding of co‐evolutionary histories between hosts and pathogens in natural ecosystems, in which such studies remain scarce.  相似文献   

Aim We deconstructed the mammal species richness pattern in Europe to assess the importance of large‐scale gradients in current macroclimate relative to biogeographic history, habitat heterogeneity and human influence (HHH variables) as richness determinants for total species, and for widespread and endemic species separately. Location Europe, west of 30° E. Methods We deconstructed total species richness (50‐km resolution) into its widespread and endemic species richness components. We used simultaneous autoregressive modelling (SAR) with information‐theoretic model selection and variation partitioning to assess the importance of macroclimate and HHH variables. The HHH variables included two historical factors, estimated by novel methodologies: (1) ice‐age‐driven dynamics, represented by accessibility to recolonization from hindcasting‐estimated glacial refugia, and (2) biogeographic peninsular dynamics, represented by distance to the entry region for the main European faunal source in western Asia. Results A large fraction of explained variation was shared between macroclimate and HHH in the SAR models. For total species richness, more variation could be uniquely attributed to macroclimate than to HHH, whereas for the deconstructed patterns (widespread and endemic species) the opposite was the case. Considering the individual factors, there was a strong peninsula effect on both widespread and endemic species richness but not on total richness. Main conclusions Both macroclimate and HHH variables (history, habitat heterogeneity and human influence) proved important predictors of species richness, but also difficult to disentangle. Notably, biogeographic history, in particular peninsular dynamics, is an important determinant of widespread and endemic species richness.  相似文献   

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