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In response to our review of the use of genetic bottleneck tests in the conservation literature (Peery et al. 2012, Molecular Ecology, 21 , 3403–3418), Hoban et al. (2013, Molecular Ecology, in press) conducted population genetic simulations to show that the statistical power of genetic bottleneck tests can be increased substantially by sampling large numbers of microsatellite loci, as they suggest is now possible in the age of genomics. While we agree with Hoban and co‐workers in principle, sampling large numbers of microsatellite loci can dramatically increase the probability of committing type 1 errors (i.e. detecting a bottleneck in a stable population) when the mutation model is incorrectly assumed. Using conservative values for mutation model parameters can reduce the probability of committing type 1 errors, but doing so can result in significant losses in statistical power. Moreover, we believe that practical limitations associated with developing large numbers of high‐quality microsatellite loci continue to constrain sample sizes, a belief supported by a literature review of recent studies using next generation sequencing methods to develop microsatellite libraries. conclusion, we maintain that researchers employing genetic bottleneck tests should proceed with caution and carefully assess both statistical power and type 1 error rates associated with their study design.  相似文献   

Landscape features notoriously affect spatial patterns of biodiversity. For instance, in dendritic ecological networks (such as river basins), dendritic connectivity has been proposed to create unique spatial patterns of biodiversity. Here, we compared genetic datasets simulated under a lattice‐like, a dendritic and a circular landscape to test the influence of dendritic connectivity on neutral genetic diversity. The circular landscape had a level of connectivity similar to that of the dendritic landscape, so as to isolate the influence of dendricity on genetic diversity. We found that genetic diversity and differentiation varied strikingly among the three landscapes. For instance, the dendritic landscape generated higher total number of alleles and higher global Fst than the lattice‐like landscape, and these indices also varied between the dendritic and the circular landscapes, suggesting an effect of dendricity. Furthermore, in the dendritic landscape, allelic richness was higher in highly connected demes (e.g. confluences in rivers) than in low‐connected demes (e.g. upstream and downstream populations), which was not the case in the circular landscape, hence confirming the major role of dendricity. This led to bell‐shaped distributions of allelic richness along an upstream–downstream gradient. Conversely, genetic differentiation (Fst) was lower in highly than in low‐connected demes (which was not observed in circular landscape), and significant patterns of isolation by distance (IBD) were also observed in the dendritic landscape. We conclude that in dendritic networks, the combined influence of dendricity and connectivity generates unique spatial patterns of neutral genetic diversity, which has implications for population geneticists and conservationists.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1999, two species of endemic Hawaiian thrushes, `Oma`o (Myadestes obscurus) and Puaiohi (M. palmeri), were captive‐reared and re‐introduced into their historic range in Hawai`i by The Peregrine Fund, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey–Biological Resources Division (BRD) and the Hawai`i State Department of Land and Natural Resources. This paper describes the management techniques that were developed (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive propagation, and release) with the non‐endangered surrogate species, the `Oma`o; techniques that are now being used for recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. In 1995 and 1996, 29 viable `Oma`o eggs were collected from the wild. Of 27 chicks hatched, 25 were hand‐reared and released into Pu`u Wa`awa`a Wildlife Reserve. Using the techniques developed for the `Oma`o, a captive propagation and release program was initiated in 1996 to aid the recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. Fifteen viable Puaiohi eggs were collected from the wild (1996–1997) to establish a captive breeding flock to produce birds for re‐introduction. These Puaiohi reproduced for the first time in captivity in 1998 (total Puaiohi chicks reared in captivity 1996–1998 = 41). In 1999, 14 captive‐bred Puaiohi were re‐introduced into the Alaka`i Swamp, Kaua`i. These captive‐bred birds reproduced and fledged seven chicks in the wild after release. This is the first endangered passerine recovery program using this broad spectrum of management techniques (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive‐breeding, and release) in which re‐introduced birds survived and bred in the wild. Long‐term population monitoring will be published separately [BRD, in preparation]. Zoo Biol 19:263–277, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many species have already shifted their distributions in response to recent climate change. Here, we aimed at predicting the future breeding distributions of European birds under climate, land‐use, and dispersal scenarios. We predicted current and future distributions of 409 species within an ensemble forecast framework using seven species distribution models (SDMs), five climate scenarios and three emission and land‐use scenarios. We then compared results from SDMs using climate‐only variables, habitat‐only variables or both climate and habitat variables. In order to account for a species’ dispersal abilities, we used natal dispersal estimates and developed a probabilistic method that produced a dispersal scenario intermediate between the null and full dispersal scenarios generally considered in such studies. We then compared results from all scenarios in terms of future predicted range changes, range shifts, and variations in species richness. Modeling accuracy was better with climate‐only variables than with habitat‐only variables, and better with both climate and habitat variables. Habitat models predicted smaller range shifts and smaller variations in range size and species richness than climate models. Using both climate and habitat variables, it was predicted that the range of 71% of the species would decrease by 2050, with a 335 km median shift. Predicted variations in species richness showed large decreases in the southern regions of Europe, as well as increases, mainly in Scandinavia and northern Russia. The partial dispersal scenario was significantly different from the full dispersal scenario for 25% of the species, resulting in the local reduction of the future predicted species richness of up to 10%. We concluded that the breeding range of most European birds will decrease in spite of dispersal abilities close to a full dispersal hypothesis, and that given the contrasted predictions obtained when modeling climate change only and land‐use change only, both scenarios must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this project was to assess vegetation changes in the Sabah Al‐Ahmad Nature Reserve, Kuwait, which is a war‐affected area following the Iraqi invasion in 1990. After the liberation in 1991, several portions of the reserve were under a restoration program. Remote sensing has been used as a tool to assess vegetation and land cover changes. We studied the feasibility of three common methods—the Mahalanobis distance (MD), maximum likelihood (ML), and support vector machine (SVM)—for classification of the multispectral imagery (Landsat) and hyperspectral (Hyperion). The reserve was also compared to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) located at Umm Nigga at the northern border of Kuwait, as it had recovered naturally, to distinguish between an autogenic recovery and a restored area. We discovered that the location was damaged during the military occupation, but a rapid recovery of the vegetation was then recorded in the reserve after the war from less than 1% measured in 1991 to 42% in 1998. Then, the vegetation cover significantly decreased in 2002 (26%) and slightly increased in 2013 (28%). We found that similar rapid increase in vegetation cover occurred in most parts of the reserve that was under the restoration program, and in the DMZ, which was naturally recovered. We concluded that remote sensing technologies are helpful tools in understanding the process of vegetation recovery as it provides information on location and timing of recovery, particularly where optimal condition exists.  相似文献   

Sparsely distributed species attract conservation concern, but insufficient information on population trends challenges conservation and funding prioritization. Occupancy‐based monitoring is attractive for these species, but appropriate sampling design and inference depend on particulars of the study system. We employed spatially explicit simulations to identify minimum levels of sampling effort for a regional occupancy monitoring study design, using white‐headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolvartus), a sparsely distributed, territorial species threatened by habitat decline and degradation, as a case study. We compared the original design with commonly proposed alternatives with varying targets of inference (i.e., species range, space use, or abundance) and spatial extent of sampling. Sampling effort needed to achieve adequate power to observe a long‐term population trend (≥80% chance to observe a 2% yearly decline over 20 years) with the previously used study design consisted of annually monitoring ≥120 transects using a single‐survey approach or ≥90 transects surveyed twice per year using a repeat‐survey approach. Designs that shifted inference toward finer‐resolution trends in abundance and extended the spatial extent of sampling by shortening transects, employing a single‐survey approach to monitoring, and incorporating a panel design (33% of units surveyed per year) improved power and reduced error in estimating abundance trends. In contrast, efforts to monitor coarse‐scale trends in species range or space use with repeat surveys provided extremely limited statistical power. Synthesis and applications. Sampling resolutions that approximate home range size, spatially extensive sampling, and designs that target inference of abundance trends rather than range dynamics are probably best suited and most feasible for broad‐scale occupancy‐based monitoring of sparsely distributed territorial animal species.  相似文献   

New Zealand's native frogs (genus Leiopelma) display a very high degree of endemism and belong to a distinctive and ancient evolutionary lineage. All four extant species are considered to be threatened or endangered, but the mechanisms behind their decline are poorly understood. Many of the potential factors causing population declines are confounded for the two species living on the mainland; in particular, habitat degradation and the presence of introduced mammalian pests have been difficult to disentangle in the past. Here we present data on a population of Hochstetter's Frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) living in a pest‐free mainland sanctuary, the 3363‐ha Maungatautari Ecological Island. Survey data from this population shows a fourfold increase in numbers between 2009 and 2012 from a very low initial density. Our results suggest that for Hochstetter's Frog at least, and possibly the other mainland species of Leiopelma, introduced mammals are a major driving factor in population declines. Given that the frog population at Maungatautari was discovered by serendipity when planning for the pest‐free sanctuary was already well underway, this also highlights the conservation value of large pest‐free areas and ecosystem‐level management.  相似文献   

Application of high‐throughput sequencing platforms in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology is developing quickly with the introduction of efficient methods to reduce genome complexity. Numerous approaches for genome complexity reduction have been developed using different combinations of restriction enzymes, library construction strategies and fragment size selection. As a result, the choice of which techniques to use may become cumbersome, because it is difficult to anticipate the number of loci resulting from each method. We developed SimRAD, an R package that performs in silico restriction enzyme digests and fragment size selection as implemented in most restriction site associated DNA polymorphism and genotyping by sequencing methods. In silico digestion is performed on a reference genome or on a randomly generated DNA sequence when no reference genome sequence is available. SimRAD accurately predicts the number of loci under alternative protocols when a reference genome sequence is available for the targeted species (or a close relative) but may be unreliable when no reference genome is available. SimRAD is also useful for fine‐tuning a given protocol to adjust the number of targeted loci. Here, we outline the functionality of SimRAD and provide an illustrative example of the use of the package (available on the CRAN at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SimRAD ).  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC is an antioxidant enzyme that represents the primary cellular defense against superoxide radicals and has interesting applications in the medical and cosmetic industries. In the present work, the partition behavior of SOD in aqueous two‐phase systems (ATPS) (using a standard solution and a complex extract from Kluyveromyces marxianus as sample) was characterized on different types of ATPS (polymer–polymer, polymer–salt, alcohol–salt, and ionic liquid (IL)–salt). The systems composed of PEG 3350‐potassium phosphate, 45% TLL, 0.5 M NaCl (315 U/mg, 87% recovery, and 15.1‐fold purification) and t‐butanol‐20% ammonium sulfate (205.8 U/mg, 80% recovery and 9.8‐fold purification), coupled with a subsequent 100 kDa ultrafiltration stage, allowed the design of a prototype process for the recovery and partial purification of the product of interest. The findings reported herein demonstrate the potential of PEG‐salt ATPS for the potential recovery of SOD. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1326–1334, 2014  相似文献   

Peroxidase‐mimicking DNAzyme has a potential to self‐assemble into a G‐quadruplex and shows peroxidase activity. In comparison to proteins, peroxidase‐mimicking DNAzyme is less expensive and more stable. Herein, it is used in fabricating non‐labeling biosensors. This paper investigates the structural and functional properties of a DNA biosensor based on split DNAzyme with a detection limit in nM range (9.48 nM). Two halves of DNAzyme were linked by a complementary sequence of DNA target. Hybridization of the DNA target pulled two DNAzyme halves apart and peroxidase activity decreased. This study can be divided into 3 stages. First, the characteristics of DNAzyme were studied by Circular Dichroism technique and UV–Vis spectroscopy to find out DNAzyme's optimum activity. It is worth to note that some divalent cations were used to form G‐quadruplex, in addition to common monovalent cations. Furthermore, the hemin incubation was also optimized. Secondly, the structural and functional properties of two types of split DNAzyme were compared with DNAzyme. Thirdly, the hybridization of DNA target was monitored. The results revealed that peroxidase activities of split types decreased by half without any specific conformational changes. Interestingly, the catalytic activities of split DNAzymes could be promoted by adding Mg2+. Besides, it was demonstrated that the structure, peroxidation reaction, and DNA target hybridization of 2:2 and 3:1 split modes were almost alike. It was also illustrated that magnesium promoted the possibility of hybridization.  相似文献   

Successful deployment of machine learning algorithms in healthcare requires careful assessments of their performance and safety. To date, the FDA approves locked algorithms prior to marketing and requires future updates to undergo separate premarket reviews. However, this negates a key feature of machine learning—the ability to learn from a growing dataset and improve over time. This paper frames the design of an approval policy, which we refer to as an automatic algorithmic change protocol (aACP), as an online hypothesis testing problem. As this process has obvious analogy with noninferiority testing of new drugs, we investigate how repeated testing and adoption of modifications might lead to gradual deterioration in prediction accuracy, also known as “biocreep” in the drug development literature. We consider simple policies that one might consider but do not necessarily offer any error‐rate guarantees, as well as policies that do provide error‐rate control. For the latter, we define two online error‐rates appropriate for this context: bad approval count (BAC) and bad approval and benchmark ratios (BABR). We control these rates in the simple setting of a constant population and data source using policies aACP‐BAC and aACP‐BABR, which combine alpha‐investing, group‐sequential, and gate‐keeping methods. In simulation studies, bio‐creep regularly occurred when using policies with no error‐rate guarantees, whereas aACP‐BAC and aACP‐BABR controlled the rate of bio‐creep without substantially impacting our ability to approve beneficial modifications.  相似文献   

Large‐bodied predators are well represented among the world's threatened and endangered species. A significant body of literature shows that in terrestrial and marine ecosystems large predators can play important roles in ecosystem structure and functioning. By contrast, the ecological roles and importance of large predators within freshwater ecosystems are poorly understood, constraining the design and implementation of optimal conservation strategies for freshwater ecosystems. Conservationists and environmentalists frequently promulgate ecological roles that crocodylians are assumed to fulfil, but often with limited evidence supporting those claims. Here, we review the available information on the ecological importance of crocodylians, a widely distributed group of predominantly freshwater‐dwelling, large‐bodied predators. We synthesise information regarding the role of crocodylians under five criteria within the context of modern ecological concepts: as indicators of ecological health, as ecosystem engineers, apex predators, keystone species, and as contributors to nutrient and energy translocation across ecosystems. Some crocodylians play a role as indicators of ecosystem health, but this is largely untested across the order Crocodylia. By contrast, the role of crocodylian activities in ecosystem engineering is largely anecdotal, and information supporting their assumed role as apex predators is currently limited to only a few species. Whether crocodylians contribute significantly to nutrient and energy translocation through cross‐ecosystem movements is unknown. We conclude that most claims regarding the importance of crocodylians as apex predators, keystone species, ecosystem engineers, and as contributors to nutrient and energy translocation across ecosystems are mostly unsubstantiated speculation, drawn from anecdotal observations made during research carried out primarily for other purposes. There is a paucity of biological research targeted directly at: understanding population dynamics; trophic interactions within their ecological communities; and quantifying the short‐ and long‐term ecological impacts of crocodylian population declines, extirpations, and recoveries. Conservation practices ideally need evidence‐based planning, decision making and justification. Addressing the knowledge gaps identified here will be important for achieving effective conservation of crocodylians.  相似文献   

An ultra scale‐down primary recovery sequence was established for a platform E. coli Fab production process. It was used to evaluate the process robustness of various bioengineered strains. Centrifugal discharge in the initial dewatering stage was determined to be the major cause of cell breakage. The ability of cells to resist breakage was dependant on a combination of factors including host strain, vector, and fermentation strategy. Periplasmic extraction studies were conducted in shake flasks and it was demonstrated that key performance parameters such as Fab titre and nucleic acid concentrations were mimicked. The shake flask system also captured particle aggregation effects seen in a large scale stirred vessel, reproducing the fine particle size distribution that impacts the final centrifugal clarification stage. The use of scale‐down primary recovery process sequences can be used to screen a larger number of engineered strains. This can lead to closer integration with and better feedback between strain development, fermentation development, and primary recovery studies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014;111: 1971–1981. © 2014 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and related methods are increasingly used for studies of non‐model organisms from population genetic to phylogenetic scales. We present GIbPSs, a new genotyping toolkit for the analysis of data from various protocols such as RAD, double‐digest RAD, GBS, and two‐enzyme GBS without a reference genome. GIbPSs can handle paired‐end GBS data and is able to assign reads from both strands of a restriction fragment to the same locus. GIbPSs is most suitable for population genetic and phylogeographic analyses. It avoids genotyping errors due to indel variation by identifying and discarding affected loci. GIbPSs creates a genotype database that offers rich functionality for data filtering and export in numerous formats. We performed comparative analyses of simulated and real GBS data with GIbPSs and another program, pyRAD. This program accounts for indel variation by aligning homologous sequences. GIbPSs performed better than pyRAD in several aspects. It required much less computation time and displayed higher genotyping accuracy. GIbPSs retained smaller numbers of loci overall in analyses of real GBS data. It nevertheless delivered more complete genotype matrices with greater locus overlap between individuals and greater numbers of loci sampled in all individuals.  相似文献   

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