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Sexual signals can be used to attract mates, but to be honest indicators of signaller quality they need to convey information reliably. However, environmental variation and genotype‐by‐environment (G × E) interactions have the potential to compromise the reliability of sexual signals. Here, we test the reliability of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) as signals of heritable aspects of male attractiveness in Drosophila simulans. We examined the heritability of male attractiveness and a measure of the difference between fathers' and sons' CHC profiles across dietary and temperature environments. Our results show that environmental heterogeneity disrupts the similarity of some components of father and son CHC profile. However, overall male attractiveness is heritable within and across environments, so that sire attractiveness is a good predictor of son attractiveness even with environmental heterogeneity. This suggests that although some male CHC signals are unreliable, attractive genotypes retain their attractiveness across environments on average.  相似文献   

Elucidating the nature of genetic variation underlying both sexually selected traits and the fitness components of sexual selection is essential to understanding the broader consequences of sexual selection as an evolutionary process. To date, there have been relatively few attempts to connect the genetic variance in sexually selected traits with segregating DNA sequence polymorphisms. We set out to address this in a well‐characterized sexual selection system – the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata – using an indirect association study design that allowed simultaneous estimation of the genetic variance in CHCs, sexual fitness and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects in an outbred population. We cloned and sequenced an ortholog of the D. melanogaster desaturase 2 gene, previously shown to affect CHC biosynthesis in D. melanogaster, and associated 36 SNPs with minor allele frequencies > 0.02 with variance in CHCs and sexual fitness. Three SNPs had significant multivariate associations with CHC phenotype (q‐value < 0.05). At these loci, minor alleles had multivariate effects on CHCs that were weakly associated with the multivariate direction of sexual selection operating on these traits. Two of these SNPs had pleiotropic associations with male mating success, suggesting these variants may underlie responses to sexual selection due to this locus. There were 15 significant male mating success associations (q‐value < 0.1), and interestingly, we detected a nonrandom pattern in the relationship between allele frequency and direction of effect on male mating success. The minor‐frequency allele usually reduced male mating success, suggesting a positive association between male mating success and total fitness at this locus.  相似文献   

Genotype‐by‐genotype (G×G) interactions are an essential requirement for the coevolution of hosts and parasites, but have only been documented in a small number of animal model systems. G×G effects arise from interactions between host and pathogen genotypes, such that some pathogen strains are more infectious in certain hosts and some hosts are more susceptible to certain pathogen strains. We tested for G×G interactions in the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and its baculovirus. We infected 21 full‐sib families of gypsy moths with each of 16 isolates of baculovirus and measured the between‐isolate correlations of infection rate across host families for all pairwise combinations of isolates. Mean infectiousness varied among isolates and disease susceptibility varied among host families. Between‐isolate correlations of infection rate were generally less than one, indicating nonadditive effects of host and pathogen type consistent with G×G interactions. Our results support the presence of G×G effects in the gypsy moth–baculovirus interaction and provide empirical evidence that correlations in infection rates between field‐collected isolates are consistent with values that mathematical models have previously shown to increase the likelihood of pathogen polymorphism.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict results from sexually antagonistic selection on traits shared by the sexes. This can displace males and females from their respective fitness optima, and negative intersexual correlations (rmf) for fitness are the unequivocal indicator of this evolutionary conflict. It has recently been suggested that intersexual fitness correlations can vary depending on the segregating genetic variation present in a population, and one way to alter genetic variation and test this idea is via inbreeding. Here, we test whether intersexual correlations for fitness vary with inbreeding in Drosophila simulans isolines reared under homogenous conditions. We measured male and female fitness at different times following the establishment of isofemale lines and found that the sign of the association between the two measures varied with time after initial inbreeding. Our results are consistent with suggestions that the type of genetic variation segregating within a population can determine the extent of intralocus sexual conflict and also support the idea that sexually antagonistic alleles segregate for longer in populations than alleles with sexually concordant effects.  相似文献   

The insect cuticle is the interface between internal homeostasis and the often harsh external environment. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are key constituents of this hard cuticle and are associated with a variety of functions including stress response and communication. CHC production and deposition on the insect cuticle vary among natural populations and are affected by developmental temperature; however, little is known about CHC plasticity in response to the environment experienced following eclosion, during which time the insect cuticle undergoes several crucial changes. We targeted this crucial to important phase and studied post‐eclosion temperature effects on CHC profiles in two natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. A forty‐eight hour post‐eclosion exposure to three different temperatures (18, 25, and 30°C) significantly affected CHCs in both ancestral African and more recently derived North American populations of D. melanogaster. A clear shift from shorter to longer CHCs chain length was observed with increasing temperature, and the effects of post‐eclosion temperature varied across populations and between sexes. The quantitative differences in CHCs were associated with variation in desiccation tolerance among populations. Surprisingly, we did not detect any significant differences in water loss rate between African and North American populations. Overall, our results demonstrate strong genetic and plasticity effects in CHC profiles in response to environmental temperatures experienced at the adult stage as well as associations with desiccation tolerance, which is crucial in understanding holometabolan responses to stress.  相似文献   

By distorting Mendelian transmission to their own advantage, X‐linked meiotic drive elements can rapidly spread in natural populations, generating a sex‐ratio bias. One expected consequence is the triggering of a co‐evolutionary arms race between the sex chromosome that carries the distorter and suppressors counteracting its effect. Such an arms race has been theoretically and experimentally established and can have many evolutionary consequences. However, its dynamics in contemporary populations is still poorly documented. Here, we investigate the fate of the young X‐linked Paris driver in Drosophila simulans from sub‐Saharan Africa to the Middle East. We provide the first example of the early dynamics of distorters and suppressors: we find consistent evidence that the driving chromosomes have been rising in the Middle East during the last decade. In addition, identical haplotypes are at high frequencies around the two co‐evolving drive loci in remote populations, implying that the driving X chromosomes share a recent common ancestor and suggesting that East Africa could be the cradle of the Paris driver. The segmental duplication associated with drive presents an unusual structure in West Africa, which could reflect a secondary state of the driver. Together with our previous demonstration of driver decline in the Indian Ocean where suppression is complete, these data provide a unique picture of the complex dynamics of a co‐evolutionary arms race currently taking place in natural populations of D. simulans.  相似文献   

Mutations that are beneficial in one environment can have different fitness effects in other environments. In the context of antibiotic resistance, the resulting genotype‐by‐environment interactions potentially make selection on resistance unpredictable in heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, resistant bacteria frequently fix additional mutations during evolution in the absence of antibiotics. How do these two types of mutations interact to determine the bacterial phenotype across different environments? To address this, I used Escherichia coli as a model system, measuring the effects of nine different rifampicin resistance mutations on bacterial growth in 31 antibiotic‐free environments. I did this both before and after approximately 200 generations of experimental evolution in antibiotic‐free conditions (LB medium), and did the same for the antibiotic‐sensitive wild type after adaptation to the same environment. The following results were observed: (i) bacteria with and without costly resistance mutations adapted to experimental conditions and reached similar levels of competitive fitness; (ii) rifampicin resistance mutations and adaptation to LB both indirectly altered growth in other environments; and (iii) resistant‐evolved genotypes were more phenotypically different from the ancestor and from each other than resistant‐nonevolved and sensitive‐evolved genotypes. This suggests genotype‐by‐environment interactions generated by antibiotic resistance mutations, observed previously in short‐term experiments, are more pronounced after adaptation to other types of environmental variation, making it difficult to predict long‐term selection on resistance mutations from fitness effects in a single environment.  相似文献   

Transposable elements are abundant, dynamic components of the genome that affect organismal phenotypes and fitness. In Drosophila melanogaster, they have increased in abundance as the species spread out of Africa, and different populations differ in their transposable element content. However, very little is currently known about how transposable elements differ between individual genotypes, and how that relates to the population dynamics of transposable elements overall. The sister species of D. melanogaster, D. simulans, has also recently become cosmopolitan, and panels of inbred genotypes exist from cosmopolitan and African flies. Therefore, we can determine whether the differences in colonizing populations are repeated in D. simulans, what the dynamics of transposable elements are in individual genotypes, and how that compares to wild flies. After estimating copy number in cosmopolitan and African D. simulans, I find that transposable element load is higher in flies from cosmopolitan populations. In addition, transposable element load varies considerably between populations, between genotypes, but not overall between wild and inbred lines. Certain genotypes either contain active transposable elements or are more permissive of transposition and accumulate copies of particular transposable elements. Overall, it is important to quantify genotype‐specific transposable element dynamics as well as population averages to understand the dynamics of transposable element accumulation over time.  相似文献   

Natural and sexual selection are classically thought to oppose one another, and although there is evidence for this, direct experimental demonstrations of this antagonism are largely lacking. Here, we assessed the effects of sexual and natural selection on the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), a character subject to both modes of selection, in Drosophila simulans. Natural selection and sexual selection were manipulated in a fully factorial design, and after 27 generations of experimental evolution, the responses of male and female CHCs were assessed. The effects of natural and sexual selection differed greatly across the sexes. The responses of female CHCs were generally small, but CHCs evolved predominantly in the direction of natural selection. For males, profiles evolved via sexual and natural selection, as well as through the interaction between the two, with some male CHC components only evolving in the direction of natural selection when sexual selection was relaxed. These results indicate sex‐specific responses to selection, and that sexual and natural selection act antagonistically for at least some combinations of CHCs.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are hydrophobic compounds deposited on the arthropod cuticle that are of functional significance with respect to stress tolerance, social interactions and mating dynamics. We characterized CHC profiles in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster at five levels: across a latitudinal transect in the eastern United States, as a function of developmental temperature during culture, across seasonal time in replicate years, and as a function of rapid evolution in experimental mesocosms in the field. Furthermore, we also characterized spatial and temporal changes in allele frequencies for SNPs in genes that are associated with the production and chemical profile of CHCs. Our data demonstrate a striking degree of parallelism for clinal and seasonal variation in CHCs in this taxon; CHC profiles also demonstrate significant plasticity in response to rearing temperature, and the observed patterns of plasticity parallel the spatiotemporal patterns observed in nature. We find that these congruent shifts in CHC profiles across time and space are also mirrored by predictable shifts in allele frequencies at SNPs associated with CHC chain length. Finally, we observed rapid and predictable evolution of CHC profiles in experimental mesocosms in the field. Together, these data strongly suggest that CHC profiles respond rapidly and adaptively to environmental parameters that covary with latitude and season, and that this response reflects the process of local adaptation in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Sexual signals in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis include cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), contact pheromones that mediate female discrimination of males during courtship. CHCs, along with male courtship songs, cause premating isolation between diverged populations, and are influenced by genotype × environment interactions caused by different host cacti. CHC profiles of mated and unmated adult flies from a Baja California and a mainland Mexico population of D. mojavensis reared on two host cacti were assayed to test the hypothesis that male CHCs mediate within‐population female discrimination of males. In multiple choice courtship trials, mated and unmated males differed in CHC profiles, indicating that females prefer males with particular blends of CHCs. Mated and unmated females significantly differed in CHC profiles as well. Adults in the choice trials had CHC profiles that were significantly different from those in pair‐mated adults from no‐choice trials revealing an influence of sexual selection. Females preferred different male CHC blends in each population, but the influence of host cactus on CHC variation was significant only in the mainland population indicating population‐specific plasticity in CHCs. Different groups of CHCs mediated female choice‐based sexual selection in each population suggesting that geographical and ecological divergence has the potential to promote divergence in mate communication systems.  相似文献   

Our expectations for the evolution of chemical signals in response to sexual selection are uncertain. How are chemical signals elaborated? Does sexual selection result in complexity of the composition or in altered quantities of expression? We addressed this in Drosophila pseudoobscura by examining male and female cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs) after 82 generations of elevated (E) sexual selection or relaxed sexual selection through monogamy (M). The CH profile consisted of 18 different components. We extracted three eigenvectors using principal component analysis that explained 72% of the variation. principal component (PC)1 described the amount of CHs produced, PC2 the trade‐off between short‐ and long‐chain CHs and PC3 the trade‐off between apparently arbitrary CHs. In both sexes, the amount of CHs produced was greater in flies from the E treatment. PC3 was also higher, indicating that sexual selection also influenced the evolution of CH composition. The sexes differed in all three PCs, indicating substantial sexual dimorphism in this species, although the magnitude of this dimorphism was not increased as a result of our experimental evolution. Collectively, our work provides direct evidence that sexual selection plays an important role in the evolution of CHs in D. pseudoobscura and that both increased quantity and overall composition are targeted.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits that convey information about individual identity or quality are important in animal social interactions, and the degree to which such traits are influenced by environmental variation can have profound effects on the reliability of these cues. Using inbred genetic lines of the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, we manipulated diet quality to test how the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of males and females respond across two different nutritional rearing environments. There were significant differences between lines in the CHC profiles of females, but the effect of diet was not quite statistically significant. There was no significant genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI), suggesting that environmental effects on phenotypic variation in female CHCs are independent of genotype. There was, however, a significant effect of GEI for males, with changes in both signal quantity and content, suggesting that environmental effects on phenotypic expression of male CHCs are dependent on genotype. The differential response of male and female CHC expression to variation in the nutritional environment suggests that these chemical cues may be under sex-specific selection for signal reliability. Female CHCs show the characteristics of reliable cues of identity: high genetic variability, low condition dependence and a high degree of genetic determination. This supports earlier work showing that female CHCs are used in self-recognition to identify previous mates and facilitate polyandry. In contrast, male CHCs show the characteristics of reliable cues of quality: condition dependence and a relatively higher degree of environmental determination. This suggests that male CHCs are likely to function as cues of underlying quality during mate choice and/or male dominance interactions.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic benefits derived from female mate choice comprise additive (good genes) and nonadditive genetic benefits (genetic compatibility). Although good genes can be revealed by condition‐dependent display traits, the mechanism by which compatibility alleles are detected is unclear because evaluation of the genetic similarity of a prospective mate requires the female to assess the genotype of the male and compare it to her own. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), lipids coating the exoskeleton of most insects, influence female mate choice in a number of species and offer a way for females to assess genetic similarity of prospective mates. Here, we determine whether female mate choice in decorated crickets is based on male CHCs and whether it is influenced by females' own CHC profiles. We used multivariate selection analysis to estimate the strength and form of selection acting on male CHCs through female mate choice, and employed different measures of multivariate dissimilarity to determine whether a female's preference for male CHCs is based on similarity to her own CHC profile. Female mating preferences were significantly influenced by CHC profiles of males. Male CHC attractiveness was not, however, contingent on the CHC profile of the choosing female, as certain male CHC phenotypes were equally attractive to most females, evidenced by significant linear and stabilizing selection gradients. These results suggest that additive genetic benefits, rather than nonadditive genetic benefits, accrue to female mate choice, in support of earlier work showing that CHC expression of males, but not females, is condition dependent.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) form the boundary between insects and their environments and often act as essential cues for species, mate, and kin recognition. This complex polygenic trait can be highly variable both among and within species, but the causes of this variation, especially the genetic basis, are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated phenotypic and genetic variation of CHCs in the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida, and found that composition was affected by both genetic (sex and population) and environmental (larval diet) factors. We subsequently conducted behavioral trials that show CHCs are likely used as a sexual signal. We identified general shifts in CHC chemistry as well as individual compounds and found that the methylated compounds, mean chain length, proportion of alkenes, and normalized total CHCs differed between sexes and populations. We combined these data with whole genome resequencing data to examine the genetic underpinnings of these differences. We identified 11 genes related to CHC synthesis and found population‐level outlier SNPs in 5 that are concordant with phenotypic differences. Together these results reveal that the CHC composition of C. frigida is dynamic, strongly affected by the larval environment, and likely under natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Genotype‐by‐genotype interactions demonstrate the existence of variation upon which selection acts in host–parasite systems at respective resistance and infection loci. These interactions can potentially be modified by environmental factors, which would entail that different genotypes are selected under different environmental conditions. In the current study, we checked for a G × G × E interaction in the context of average temperature and the genotypes of asexual lines of the endoparasitoid wasp Lysiphlebus fabarum and isolates of Hamiltonella defensa, a protective secondary endosymbiont of the wasp's host, the black bean aphid Aphis fabae. We exposed genetically identical aphids harbouring different isolates of H. defensa to three asexual lines of the parasitoid and measured parasitism success under three different temperatures (15, 22 and 29 °C). Although there was clear evidence for increased susceptibility to parasitoids at the highest average temperature and a strong G × G interaction between the host's symbionts and the parasitoids, no modifying effect of temperature, that is, no significant G × G × E interaction, was detected. This robustness of the observed specificity suggests that the relative fitness of different parasitoid genotypes on hosts protected by particular symbionts remains uncomplicated by spatial or temporal variation in temperature, which should facilitate biological control strategies.  相似文献   

In accordance with the consensus that sexual selection is responsible for the rapid evolution of display traits on macroevolutionary scales, microevolutionary studies suggest sexual selection is a widespread and often strong form of directional selection in nature. However, empirical evidence for the contemporary evolution of sexually selected traits via sexual rather than natural selection remains weak. In this study, we used a novel application of quantitative genetic breeding designs to test for a genetic response to sexual selection on eight chemical display traits from a field population of the fly, Drosophila serrata. Using our quantitative genetic approach, we were able to detect a genetically based difference in means between groups of males descended from fathers who had either successfully sired offspring or were randomly collected from the same wild population for one of these display traits, the diene (Z,Z)‐5,9‐C27 : 2. Our experimental results, in combination with previous laboratory studies on this system, suggest that both natural and sexual selection may be influencing the evolutionary trajectories of these traits in nature, limiting the capacity for a contemporary evolutionary response.  相似文献   

Temperate kelp forests (Laminarians) are threatened by temperature stress due to ocean warming and photoinhibition due to increased light associated with canopy loss. However, the potential for evolutionary adaptation in kelp to rapid climate change is not well known. This study examined family‐level variation in physiological and photosynthetic traits in the early life‐cycle stages of the ecologically important Australasian kelp Ecklonia radiata and the response of E. radiata families to different temperature and light environments using a family × environment design. There was strong family‐level variation in traits relating to morphology (surface area measures, branch length, branch count) and photosynthetic performance (Fv/Fm) in both haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) stages of the life‐cycle. Additionally, the presence of family × environment interactions showed that offspring from different families respond differently to temperature and light in the branch length of male gametophytes and oogonia surface area of female gametophytes. Negative responses to high temperatures were stronger for females vs. males. Our findings suggest E. radiata may be able to respond adaptively to climate change but studies partitioning the narrow vs. broad sense components of heritable variation are needed to establish the evolutionary potential of E. radiata to adapt under climate change.  相似文献   

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