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The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is generally thought to be critical for explicit, but not implicit, memory. Here, we demonstrate that the perirhinal cortex (PRc), within the MTL, plays a role in conceptually-driven implicit memory. Amnesic patients with MTL lesions that converged on the left PRc exhibited deficits on two conceptual implicit tasks (i.e., exemplar generation and semantic decision). A separate functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study in healthy subjects indicated that PRc activation during encoding of words was predictive of subsequent exemplar generation. Moreover, across subjects, the magnitude of the fMRI and behavioral conceptual priming effects were directly related. Additionally, the PRc region implicated in the fMRI study was the same region of maximal lesion overlap in the patients with impaired conceptual priming. These patient and imaging results converge to suggest that the PRc plays a critical role in conceptual implicit memory, and possibly conceptual processing in general.  相似文献   

Recognition memory is widely viewed as consisting of two components, recollection and familiarity, which have been proposed to be dependent on the hippocampus and the adjacent perirhinal cortex, respectively. Here, we propose an alternative perspective: we suggest that the methods traditionally used to separate recollection from familiarity instead separate strong memories from weak memories. A review of work with humans, monkeys and rodents finds evidence for familiarity signals (as well as recollection signals) in the hippocampus and recollection signals (as well as familiarity signals) in the perirhinal cortex. We also indicate ways in which the functions of the medial temporal lobe structures are different, and suggest that these structures work together in a cooperative and complementary way.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) includes several structures--the hippocampus, and the adjacent perirhinal, entorhinal and parahippocampal cortices--that have been associated with memory for at least the past 50 years. These components of the putative 'MTL memory system' are thought to operate together in the service of declarative memory--memory for facts and events--having little or no role in other functions such as perception. Object perception, however, is thought to be independent of the MTL, and instead is usually considered to be the domain of the ventral visual stream (VVS) or 'what' pathway. This 'textbook' view fits squarely into the prevailing paradigm of anatomical modularisation of psychological function in the brain. Recent studies, however, question this view, indicating that first, the MTL is functionally heterogeneous, and second, structures in the MTL might have a role in perception. Furthermore, the specific contributions of the individual structures within the MTL are being elucidated. These new findings indicate that it might no longer be useful to assume a strict functional dissociation between the MTL and the VVS, and that psychological functions might not be modularised in the way usually assumed. We propose an alternative approach to understanding the functions of these brain regions in terms of what computations they perform, and what representations they contain.  相似文献   

The long and the short of it: memory signals in the medial temporal lobe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suzuki WA 《Neuron》1999,24(2):295-298

Fear conditioning is a valuable behavioral paradigm for studying the neural basis of emotional learning and memory. The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a crucial site of neural changes that occur during fear conditioning. Pharmacological manipulations of the LA, strategically timed with respect to training and testing, have shed light on the molecular events that mediate the acquisition of fear associations and the formation and maintenance of long-term memories of those associations. Similar mechanisms have been found to underlie long-term potentiation (LTP) in LA, an artificial means of inducing synaptic plasticity and a physiological model of learning and memory. Thus, LTP-like changes in synaptic plasticity may underlie fear conditioning. Given that the neural circuit underlying fear conditioning has been implicated in emotional disorders in humans, the molecular mechanisms of fear conditioning are potential targets for psychotherapeutic drug development.  相似文献   

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Regularities are gradually represented in cortex after extensive experience [1], and yet they can influence behavior after minimal exposure [2, 3]. What kind of representations support such rapid statistical learning? The medial temporal lobe (MTL) can represent information from even a single experience [4], making it a good candidate system for assisting in initial learning about regularities. We combined anatomical segmentation of the MTL, high-resolution fMRI, and multivariate pattern analysis to identify representations of objects in cortical and hippocampal areas of human MTL, assessing how these representations were shaped by exposure to regularities. Subjects viewed a continuous visual stream containing hidden temporal relationships-pairs of objects that reliably appeared nearby in time. We compared the pattern of blood oxygen level-dependent activity evoked by each object before and after this exposure, and found that perirhinal cortex, parahippocampal cortex, subiculum, CA1, and CA2/CA3/dentate gyrus (CA2/3/DG) encoded regularities by increasing the representational similarity of their constituent objects. Most regions exhibited bidirectional associative shaping, whereas CA2/3/DG represented regularities in a forward-looking predictive manner. These findings suggest that object representations in MTL come to mirror the temporal structure of the environment, supporting rapid and incidental statistical learning.  相似文献   

Local field potentials (EEGs) in the medial septal area, amygdala and piriform cortex were recorded in waking guinea pigs in the control and during epileptogenesis in the model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy (lithium-pilocarpin model of status epilepticus). Analysis of changes in rhythmical activity and interstructural relations was carried out at different stages of epileptogenesis. Increased frequency of rhythmic activity in delta, theta, and alphabands was observed during epileptogenesis. Correlation relations between the activities of the medical septum with the piriform cortex and amygdala clearly decreased to 5 months after development of status epilepticus. Changes in the frequency of oscillations and structural correlations developed in time from two months on and reached a maximum 5 months after the status epilepticus development. It point to intensification of the pathological changes during formation of the epileptic focus. A possible role of the observed EEG changes in the formation of a pathological centre is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present paper we describe five tests, 3 of which were designed to be similar to tasks used with rodents. Results obtained from control subjects, patients with selective thermo-coagulation lesions to the medial temporal lobe and results from non-human primates and rodents are discussed. The tests involve memory for spatial locations acquired by moving around in a room, memory for objects subjects interacted with, or memory for objects and their locations. Two of the spatial memory tasks were designed specifically as analogs of the Morris water task and the 8-arm radial-maze tasks used with rats. The Morris water task was modeled by hiding a sensor under the carpet of a room (Invisible Sensor Task). Subjects had to learn its location by using an array of visual cues available in the room. A path integration task was developed in order to study the non-visual acquisition of a cognitive representation of the spatial location of objects. In the non-visual spatial memory task, we blindfolded subjects and led them to a room where they had to find 3 objects and remember their locations. We designed an object location task by placing 4 objects in a room that subjects observed for later recall of their locations. A recognition task, and a novelty detection task were given subsequent to the recall task. An 8-arm radial-maze was recreated by placing stands at equal distance from each other around the room, and asking subjects to visit each stand once, from a central point. A non-spatial working memory task was designed to be the non-spatial equivalent of the radial maze. Search paths recorded on the first trial of the Invisible Sensor Task, when subjects search for the target by trial and error are reported. An analysis of the search paths revealed that patients with lesions to the right or left hippocampus or parahippocampal cortex employed the same type of search strategies as normal controls did, showing similarities and differences to the search behavior recorded in rats. Interestingly, patients with lesions that included the right parahippocampal cortex were impaired relative to patients with lesions to the right hippocampus that spared the parahippocampal cortex, when recall of the sensor was tested after a 30 min delay (Bohbot et al. 1998). No differences were obtained between control subjects and patients with selective thermal lesions to the medial temporal lobe, when tested on the radial-maze, the non-spatial analogue to the radial-maze and the path integration tasks. Differences in methodological procedures, learning strategies and lesion location could account for some of the discrepant results between humans and non-human species. Patients with lesions to the right hippocampus, irrespective of whether the right parahippocampal cortex was spared or damaged, had difficulties remembering the particular configuration and identity of objects in the novelty detection of the object location task. This supports the role of the human right hippocampus for spatial memory, in this case, involving memory for the location of elements in the room; learning known to require the hippocampus in the rat.  相似文献   

Observers are often unaware of changes in their visual environment when attention is not focused at the location of the change . Because of its rather intriguing nature, this phenomenon, known as change blindness, has been extensively studied with psychophysics as well as with fMRI . However, whether change blindness can be tracked in the activity of single cells is not clear. To explore the neural correlates of change detection and change blindness, we recorded from single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe (MTL) during a change-detection paradigm. The preferred pictures of the visually responsive units elicited significantly higher firing rates on the attended trials when subjects correctly identified a change (change detection) compared to the unattended trials when they missed it (change blindness). On correct trials, the firing activity of individual units allowed us to predict the occurrence of a change, on a trial-by-trial basis, with 67% accuracy. In contrast, this prediction was at chance for incorrect, unattended trials. The firing rates of visually selective MTL cells thus constitute a neural correlate of change detection.  相似文献   

Human and nonhuman primates have a remarkable ability to recall, maintain and manipulate visual images in the absence of external sensory stimulation. Evidence from lesion, single-unit neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies shows that these visual working memory processes are consistently associated with sustained activity in object-selective inferior temporal neurons. Furthermore, results from these studies suggest that mnemonic activity in the inferior temporal cortex is, in turn, supported by top-down inputs from multimodal regions in prefrontal and medial temporal cortex, and under some circumstances, from the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily comprises a group of non-selective cation channels that have been implicated in both receptor and store-operated channel functions. The family of the classical TRPs (TRPCs) consists of seven members (TRPC1-7). The presence of TRPC1 and TRPC5 mRNA in the brain has previously been demonstrated by real-time polymerase chain reaction. However, the distribution of these receptors within different brain areas of mice has not been investigated in detail. We have used antibodies directed against TRPC1 and TRPC5 to study the distribution and localization of these channels in murine medial temporal lobe structures. Both TRPC1 and TRPC5 channels are present in the various nuclei of the amygdala, in the hippocampus, and in the subiculum and the entorhinal cortex. We have found that TRPC1 channels are primarily expressed on cell somata and on dendrites, whereas TRPC5 channels are exclusively located on cell bodies. Moreover, TRPC1 channels are selectively expressed by neurons, whereas TRPC5 channels are mainly expressed by neurons, but also by non-neuronal cells. The expression of TRPC1 and TRPC5 channels in mammalian temporal lobe structures suggests their involvement in neuronal plasticity, learning and memory. This work was supported by the DFG (SFB 636/A5).  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from epileptic patients with electrodes chronically implanted in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and other intracranial locations, and from monkeys with epidural, transcortical, and MTL electrodes. For both humans and monkeys, the eliciting events consisted of trains of auditory or visual stimuli in which a random 10–20% deviated in pitch or pattern from the remaining stimuli. The distribution of ERPs elicited by the rare (oddball) stimuli in both species was similar, consisting of a P3 recorded from the scalp or cortical surface and a slightly later, but temporally overlapping, focal negativity in the hippocampus and nearby MTL structures. The similarity between the patterns of ERPs in humans and monkeys establishes the feasibility of studying the electrogenesis of P3-like activity with detailed intracranial recordings in an animal model. The data also establish that the MTL ERPs in human patients represent a normal neurophysiological process unrelated to epilepsy.  相似文献   

Schendan HE  Searl MM  Melrose RJ  Stern CE 《Neuron》2003,37(6):1013-1025
fMRI was used to investigate the neural substrates supporting implicit and explicit sequence learning, focusing especially upon the role of the medial temporal lobe. Participants performed a serial reaction time task (SRTT). For implicit learning, they were naive about a repeating pattern, whereas for explicit learning, participants memorized another repeating sequence. fMRI analyses comparing repeating versus random sequence blocks demonstrated activation of frontal, parietal, cingulate, and striatal regions implicated in previous SRTT studies. Importantly, mediotemporal lobe regions were active in both explicit and implicit SRTT learning. Moreover, the results provide evidence of a role for the hippocampus and related cortices in the formation of higher order associations under both implicit and explicit learning conditions, regardless of conscious awareness of sequence knowledge.  相似文献   

CM Greene  D Soto 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40870
It remains an intriguing question why the medial temporal lobe (MTL) can display either attenuation or enhancement of neural activity following repetition of previously studied items. To isolate the role of encoding experience itself, we assessed neural repetition effects in the absence of any ongoing task demand or intentional orientation to retrieve. Experiment 1 showed that the hippocampus and surrounding MTL regions displayed neural repetition suppression (RS) upon repetition of past items that were merely attended during an earlier study phase but this was not the case following re-occurrence of items that had been encoded into working memory (WM). In this latter case a trend toward neural repetition enhancement (RE) was observed, though this was highly variable across individuals. Interestingly, participants with a higher degree of neural RE in the MTL complex displayed higher memory sensitivity in a later, surprise recognition test. Experiment 2 showed that massive exposure at encoding effected a change in the neural architecture supporting incidental repetition effects, with regions of the posterior parietal and ventral-frontal cortex in addition to the hippocampus displaying neural RE, while no neural RS was observed. The nature of encoding experience therefore modulates the expression of neural repetition effects in the MTL and the neocortex in the absence of memory goals.  相似文献   

We measured local field potential (LFP) and blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the medial temporal lobes of monkeys and humans, respectively, as they performed the same conditional motor associative learning task. Parallel analyses were used to examine both data sets. Despite significantly faster learning in humans relative to monkeys, we found equivalent neural signals differentiating new versus highly familiar stimuli, first stimulus presentation, trial outcome, and learning strength in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus of both species. Thus, the use of parallel behavioral tasks and analyses in monkeys and humans revealed conserved patterns of neural activity across the medial temporal lobe during an associative learning task.  相似文献   

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