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用B95-8细胞株产生的EB病毒,转化棉顶绒猴外周血淋巴细胞,获得KMT3细胞株。该细胞株能产生高滴度的EB病毒。含EB病毒衣壳抗原的自然阳性细胞率为3 ̄5%,激活后达50 ̄60%,其培养上清液可直接转化人淋巴细胞得到传代细胞系。KMT3细胞染色体数2n=46条。  相似文献   

目的模拟HIV性传播感染特点进行中国恒河猴阴道黏膜小剂量多次感染研究,为我国艾滋病疫苗有效性评价提供新的模型构建思路。方法选用20-30TCID50剂量的SHIVSF162p3病毒阴道黏膜途径感染六只成年雌性中国恒河猴,共感染13次,每次攻毒间隔4~7 d。采取测定血浆病毒载量和外周血CD4+∶CD8+。结果 6只中国恒河猴经13次病毒攻击后,经检测均建立系统性感染,血浆病毒载量呈阳性;CD4+∶CD8+均有下降。结论成功建立了中国恒河猴阴道黏膜小剂量多次感染模型,为艾滋病研究提供了新的更接近于自然感染状态的模型建立模式。  相似文献   

目的研究当艾滋病恒河猴模型的血浆病毒载量处于低水平或阴性时,猴免疫缺陷病毒(simian immunodeficiency viruses,SIV)在宿主组织中的分布情况。方法SIVmac251感染恒河猴10只,定期检测其血浆载量,感染病毒平均高峰时间第14天时,活检取淋巴结。选取感染18个月后病毒载量最低水平和阴性的2只艾滋病猴(SAIDS),经安死术后取淋巴结、脾、肝、肺、肾、脑等组织,用原位杂交和实时荧光定量PCR的方法检测病毒在组织中的分布和组织中的病毒载量。结果感染后14d,10只猴血浆病毒载量达到10^7copies/mL,淋巴结组织病毒载量为10^5-10^8copies/g,原位杂交方法在腹股沟淋巴结中检测到强阳性斑点。感染后第18个月的2只猴,血浆病毒载量下降并维持不高于10^2copies/mL水平或阴性,但组织分布不尽相同,在肠系膜淋巴结、肾上腺、海马回、空肠、脾脏等组织中检测到10^5-10^6copies/g的病毒载量,于一只猴的脑积液中检测到10^3copies/mL的病毒载量。用原位杂交的方法在肠系膜淋巴结和空肠中检测到强阳性斑点,其它组织中未检测到阳性斑点。结论实验证实SAIDS猴在血浆病毒载量低甚至阴性时,病毒在不同组织中仍有分布,有些组织中甚至出现高病毒载量,提示在制备SIV/SAIDS模型中,尤其在药物筛选和疫苗评价时,应考虑组织病毒载量指标的测定和药物、疫苗对组织病毒的治疗清除作用的评价。  相似文献   

AIDS是人类严重免疫缺损和自身免疫病的病毒性传染病为害严重。我们通过200多只SIV感染猕猴,进行了发病机制的病理学和免疫学的探讨,获得如下资料。1.猴SIV急性感染:SIV进入CD4+T淋巴细胞进行了复制释放。血浆病毒血症上升。一些带SIVT淋巴细胞进到淋巴组织潜伏。同时SIV抗体上升。CD4+T淋巴细胞减少,淋巴结滤泡生发中心B细胞高度增生。SIV感染2-3个月后,病毒血症略下降,CD4+T淋巴细胞数回升,SIV抗体上升,淋巴结生发中心细胞增生,这一时期淋巴结病理为淋巴结增生病变。2.无症状期:临床上潜伏期,病毒血症维持在较低水平。但C…  相似文献   

目的了解SHIVKU一1静脉途径感染中国恒河猴的感染特点及进展规律。方法两只健康中国恒河猴,静脉感染SHIVKU-1病毒,定期采样检测血浆病毒载量、CD4+/CD8+比值、CD4+T细胞绝对数变化和血清中抗SHIVKU-1特异性IgG抗体水平。多色流式技术分析外周血、腹股沟淋巴结和十二指肠粘膜固有层CD4+T淋巴细胞记忆细胞亚群变化。结果两只实验猴成功感染SHIVKU-1病毒,一直到感染后3个月均保持稳定水平的病毒载量。外周血CD4+T淋巴细胞下降明显,CD4+/CD8+T细胞比值严重倒置。CD4+Tcm细胞比例在经历了感染早期的下降后,大幅升高,尤其是外周血和淋巴结。CD4+Tem则在粘膜固有层中增加明显。结论SHIVKU.1静脉途径成功感染了中国恒河猴,为SHIV/中国恒河猴疾病及评价模型的建立奠定了良好的基础,为今后使用此模型评价抗病毒药物或疫苗提供了条件。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒实验感染恒河猴的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了用戊型肝炎(HepatitisE,HE)病人粪便悬液感染恒河猴后的组织病理学、血液生化与免疫学以及病毒学分子生物学检测的结果。三只实验猴在感染后第3~4周均出现ALT异常;粪便以及肝脏与胆囊组织超薄切片中电镜观察到27~34nm大小的病毒样颗粒;病理组织切片观察表明,肝脏组织有典型的急性炎症病灶;粪便与血清经RTnPCR扩增到戊型肝炎病毒(HepatitisEVirus,HEV)特异性片段,粪便排毒从感染后第7天持续至第50天左右,病毒血症迟于粪便排毒,出现于感染后两周左右,维持1~2周;ELISA检测发现,实验猴血清中HEVIgG抗体水平在感染后3~4周阳转,4~5个月后转阴。这些实验结果提示,恒河猴作为HEV感染实验动物模型是理想的,建立系统的恒河猴实验模型对探讨HEV感染发病机理、机体免疫应答以及临床诊断与疫苗研制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

用B958细胞株产生的EB病毒,转化棉顶狨猴外周血淋巴细胞,获得KMT3细胞株。该细胞株能产生高滴度的EB病毒。含EB病毒衣壳抗原的自然阳性细胞率为3~5%,激活后达50~60%,其培养上清液可直接转化人淋巴细胞得到传代细胞系。KMT3细胞染色体数2n=46条  相似文献   

SARS-CoV恒河猴模型动物中组织病理学动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的在感染的8只恒河猴的SARS-CoV模型动物中,观察肺等组织中出现的系列病理学改变,为针对抗SARS药物筛选、疫苗评价中的免疫病理反应等奠定实验依据。方法SARS-CoV经鼻腔接种8只恒河猴,在感染的第5、7、10、15、20、30和60天,分别安乐处死动物,组织病理取材,制片,观察。结果经病毒分离和RT-PCR证实动物感染是成功的。系列病理改变表明,早期肺组织可见间质性肺炎,水肿、结构破坏、出血,巨噬细胞浸润;后期出现内皮细胞受损及再生,透明膜形成,小血管玻璃样变,肺组织纤维化及肺气肿形成,肺泡网状纤维和弹力纤维破坏并增生等,脾脏、淋巴结生发中心早期有萎缩,后期有恢复等病理学改变均和SARS患者相似。结论感染恒河猴出现与SARS患者类似的临床和病理学改变,为进一步研究该病毒的病原特性、发病机理、药物筛选、疫苗评价等方面的研究奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型作为引起儿童群体常见传染性手足口病(HFMD)的主要病原,具有导致少量感染个体出现脑炎等神经系统病变以及相关心肺功能衰竭的病理学特性.因此其预防性疫苗的研发具有重要的公共卫生意义.在前期工作的基础上,一种EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在本研究中基于恒河猴婴猴模型进行了相应的免疫保护性分析.以160EU剂量对2~3月龄婴猴进行0,4周免疫后,动物在第4周接受了剂量为10。~CCID50的病毒经呼吸道的攻击.对病毒攻击后动物在14天内的临床症状、血液生物学、器官病原学分布以及病理学检测的动态观察表明,经疫苗免疫的动物未出现对照动物所具有的特征性临床表现,其血液生物学及病理学检测均无异常.同时,器官病原学分布亦呈阴性.结合动物中和抗体的明确增长及对照动物的综合表现分析,本文的工作证实了该EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在恒河猴婴猴体内的免疫保护性.  相似文献   

为建立恒河猴严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS)的模型并对其致病特点进行观察,采用病毒分离、免疫荧光、光镜及RT-PCR方法对病毒感染组和非感染组恒河猴不同时间、不同组织或分泌物进行检测。结果显示从恒河猴不同组织中分离到病毒,而且在病毒感染后第2d和第5d的血液、第7、9d的鼻咽分泌物、第3d的粪、第5d的粪尿中均检测到SARS-CoV RNA。光镜观察到病毒感染组肺组织肺泡问隔增宽,有大量淋巴细胞、单核细胞浸润,肺泡腔有渗出,甚至形成透明膜样物;多个肺泡形成机化性肺炎的表现。感染组肝组织可见较大的坏死灶,并伴有大量炎性细胞浸润。结论认为已成功建立了恒河猴SARS模型,可用于评价抗SARS药物和疫苗的研究。  相似文献   

A spectrum of pathogenicity has been observed for primate lentiviruses in their natural hosts. For example, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a potent etiologic agent for AIDS in man, whereas there is no evidence to date which indicates that simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVAGM) causes immunodeficiency in AGM. We measured the relative rates of amino acid change, as the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous to synonymous (silent) nucleotide substitutions, for six primate lentiviruses evolving in their respective hosts. These rates for the external envelope glycoprotein (gp120) and gag coding sequences are 2–3 times higher for pathogenic HIV-1 and SIV..ac (macaque) than for minimally pathogenic SIVAGM and SIVsn,m (sooty mangabey), and intermediate for HIV-2. We speculate that the increased rates of nonsynonymous changes in gp120 and gag coding sequences are due to viral escape from immune surveillance and are indicative of higher immunogenicity of these proteins in their hosts. Based on these results and available experimental data, we conclude that there is a positive correlation between lentiviral pathogenicity and immunogenicity of the Env and Gag proteins in a given host. This hypothesis is consistent with recent data suggesting that immune system activation or autoimmunity induced by viral antigens may be important in the pathogenesis of AIDS.Correspondence to: E.G. Shpaer  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of biologically-active proviral molecular clones of SIVsm and SIVagm to infect rhesus macaques, pig-tail macaques, and African green monkeys. Two clones of SIVsm were individually inoculated into four rhesus and four pig-tail macaques. All eight macaques became infected, and two have experienced a significant decline in absolute numbers of circulating CD4+ cells. None of three African green monkeys were infected by an SIVsm molecular clone. However, one of four African green monkeys did become infected by SIVsm after receiving lymphocytes directly from an SIVsm-infected rhesus macaque. A molecular clone of SIVagm infected three of four macaques and three of three African green monkeys. None of the three infected macaques had a significant decline in circulating CD4+ cells. Interestingly, infection of pig-tail macaques (but not rhesus macaques) with uncloned SIVagm induced a significant drop in circulating CD4+ cells. These data suggest that molecular clones of SIVsm and SIVagm can be used in experimental models of AIDS for the evaluation of viral gene functions and for the study of in vivo genetic variation.  相似文献   

During human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection, type I interferon(IFN-I) signaling induces an antiviral state that includes the production of restriction factors that inhibit virus replication, thereby limiting the infection. As seen in other viral infections, type I IFN can also increase systemic immune activation which, in HIV disease, is one of the strongest predictors of disease progression to acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) and non-AIDS morbidity and mortality.Moreover, IFN-I is associated with CD4 T cell depletion and attenuation of antigen-specific T cell responses. Therefore,therapeutic manipulation of IFN-I signaling to improve HIV disease outcome is a source of much interest and debate in thefield. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of timing(acute vs. chronic infection) and have suggested that specific targeting of type I IFNs and their subtypes may help harness the beneficial roles of the IFN-I system while avoiding its deleterious activities.  相似文献   

An infection occurred in all African green monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys experimentally inoculated with SIVAGM [TYO-1], as demonstrated by the appearance of an antibody to SIVAGM [TYO-1] and the isolation of the virus. No monkey exhibited overt clinical disorders throughout the experimental period of 42 weeks. Thus, SIVAGM was not pathogenic to its original host or to macaques, This system is proposed as a model for HIV infection manifesting no overt disease.  相似文献   

一株猴泡沫病毒野毒Pol基因的cDNA的直接测序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 377 Kunming cell line of Rhesus Monkey Kidney (RMK) from Centre for Medical Pr imates was amplified the cDNA fragments of the pol gene by Nested-PCR,which of a natured infected SFV showed typical CPE after cultured for three weeks,sequence s of products position(nt 5989-6343)were determined directly.The result indicate d that the nucleotid sequences in the region had 48 nucleotids difference(10.78% ) between SFV infected cell and SFV-1 in GENE BANK,and there was 45 nucleotides difference(10.11%) compared with SFVmac in the region, the test with Vspshowe d aligment.  相似文献   

将猴免疫缺陷病毒(Simianimmunodeficiencyvirus,SIVmm239)中gag基因的衣壳蛋白部分置换成人免疫缺陷病毒(Humanimmunodeficiencyvirustype1,HIV-1HXBc2)的相应部分,构建出替换了衣壳蛋白基因的人/猿嵌合免疫缺陷病毒(SHIV)原病毒DNA。用此SHIV原病毒DNA转染293T细胞,细胞中能够检测到嵌合病毒基因的转录与翻译;在细胞培养液上清中亦可检测到装配出的病毒颗粒。病毒颗粒形态正常,含有基因组RNA,具有反转录酶活性,嵌合的外源衣壳蛋白能够正确剪切,形成棒状的核心。将此嵌合SHIV病毒感染MT4细胞,病毒能够吸附并进入细胞,能完成反转录过程,但不能增殖。  相似文献   

Because of the close phylogenetic relationship, nonhuman primates are highly susceptible to human pathogens, including infection of chimpanzees by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS. This, and the existence of a highly related simian virus, SIV, which causes an AIDS-like disease in macaques, emphasizes the continued importance of using nonhuman primates as model systems for identifying and developing prophylaxis and therapy for infectious agents and, in particular, for fighting the pandemic AIDS.  相似文献   

Asymptomatic infection with simian lentiviruses (also called simian immunodeficiency viruses, or SIV) is common among feral African green monkeys. To characterize the range of SIV genetic diversity among infected African green monkeys, we have determined nucleotide sequences from complete or partial molecular clones of four distinct SIVagm isolates from Kenya and Ethiopia. The nucleotide and amino acid variability we observed among the SIVagm isolates was greater than the variability within any other group of primate lentiviruses. These data suggest that: a) African green monkeys have been infected with simian lentiviruses for many years; and b) novel and uncharacterized primate lentiviruses may exist in the feral African green monkey population in other parts of Africa.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic and clinicopathologic data from 11 macaques with naturally acquired SIV infection--10 of which have died--were compared with those from 34 rhesus monkeys that have died of experimental SIVmac infection. Several differences, including gender affected, age at time of death, and the occurrence of certain opportunistic infections, could be explained by the experimental design; others remained unexplained. The most striking difference was the 41% incidence of meningoencephalomyelitis in the experimental group and its absence in naturally SIV-infected animals.  相似文献   

Recently, the authors determined the partial sequence of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from the mandrill (SIVMND) and found SIVMND to be a new member of the HIV/SIV group, equidistant from other members, including SIVAGM. Experimentally, the African green monkey and cynomolgus monkey could be infected with SIVAGM and the cottontop tamarin with SIVMND. However, no clinical sign of an AIDS-like disease was observed in these monkeys.  相似文献   

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