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Historical data from 26 progeny trials in the NSW breeding program was analyzed to determine the extent and practical importance of genotype by environment (G×E) interactions for a range of traits. Significant G×E interaction was present for diameter (DBH) with 75% of the 35 estimated between-site genetic correlations falling below the threshold value of 0.6 where regionalization should be considered. Estimated genetic correlations for stem straightness, branch quality, and outerwood density were much higher, indicating these traits are not as affected by G×E. Levels of G×E for DBH are sufficient to have serious impacts on the expression of genetic gain in deployed material. For DBH, altitude differences between sites appear to be the key factor driving the G×E with a difference of greater than 280 m in altitude leading to a breakdown in correlations. Two groups of sites were identified as having limited G×E within each group: one for sites above 900 m elevation plus a lower-altitude group. Sites included in the higher-altitude group were located across the entire north–south geographic range of NSW. Equations for prediction of site mean DBH indicate that altitude, prior land use, and underlying geology are key driving variables. A more complex model was developed for predicting the between-site genetic correlations for DBH with the model accounting for approximately 50% of the observed variation.  相似文献   

Studies of nitrogen availability were carried out in radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations on former pasture sites in N.S.W. in conjunction with studies of the effects of previous land use on tree form. Sites were selected on previously improved pastures (cleared with introduced legumes) and unimproved pastures (partially cleared without legumes) to form age sequences of stands which had been established for periods of up to fifteen years. Mineral-N pools in soils and forest floor samples were determined monthly for thirteen months and nitrification potentials were determined from periodic laboratory incubations.Nitrate and ammonium pools in 2-, 4-, 6-, 9- and 15-year-old radiata pine stands fluctuated seasonally, peaking in summer and autumn. Maximum total mineral-N concentrations of 20 to 40 g g–1 soil occurred in the youngest, ex-improved pastures with nitrate-N concentrations of up to 25 g g–1. In the 15-year-old stands, nitrate-N was only detected during autumn, at less than 5 g g–1 soil. Net N-mineralization and nitrification potentials were consistently higher in the ex-improved pasture soils compared with the ex-unimproved pastures. N availability decreased with increasing stand age in the ex-improved pasture soils, but the pattern was less clear for the unimproved pasture sites. Suppression of clover by pines and the accumulation of nitrogen in the standing biomass are thought to be the major factors controlling the decline of available N during stand development.  相似文献   

Silicified polyplacophorans are common in the Lower Devonian Garra Formation in New South Wales. Four taxa occur within the lower 237 m of the formation at 14 horizons associated with an abundant and diverse fauna. Chelodes calceoloides Etheridge ranges through the section. New taxa are Chelodes cordatus sp. nov., Acutichiton depressolatus sp. nov., and Jugochiton patulus gen. and sp. nov. A single plate of an indeterminate genus occurs in the lower portion of the Camelford Limestone.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Griman Creek Fm. at Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia, has yielded seven partial femora of hypsilophodontid ornithopods. Six of these femora represent a member of the hypsilophodont group of the Hypsilophodontidae. Similarities of the structure of the medial condyle and popliteal region indicate reference to Fulgurotherium australe. The seventh femur appears to derive from a second, unnamed hypsilophodontid species. These specimens confirm the presence of hypsilophodontids in Australia.  相似文献   

A phytosociological survey of seacliff and headland vegetation on the central and south coast of New South Wales was carried out. Analysis of the quadrat data led to the recognition of 15 communities; the occurrence of a number of other vegetation types is briefly discussed. The vegetation types fall into three major groupings: grasslands, scrub and heathland, although the coincidence between structural and floristic boundaries is poor. Ordination of the communities indicates that the major factors varying between communities are exposure and soil fertility, the grasslands and scrubs occurring on more fertile soils than the heathlands. Amongst the woody communities it is suggested that the two major groups recognized fall into different phytosociological alliances, although lack of studies of Australian vegetation limits the applicability of a conventional hierarchical classification. The true heathlands correspond closely with the alliance Leptospermion, previously recognized in Victoria. The scrub communities are assigned to a new alliance, the Westringio-Banksion integrifoliae.  相似文献   

New South Wales is the most populous state in Australia with 80% of its people living 100 km or less from the coast. One legacy of settlement has been the construction of structures that interrupt tidal flow to coastal wetlands. We initiated a four-phase operation to locate these structures. In the first phase, 148 1:25,000 scale topographic maps were examined for six types of structure with the potential to reduce tidal flow: bridges, causeways, culverts, floodgates, fords and weirs. In the second phase, anecdotal information on the presence, impact and suitability for modification of these structures was sought from commercial fishers, oyster farmers and district fisheries officers. In the third phase, field investigations were carried out to confirm the presence of the structures, gain a first-hand impression of rehabilitation potential, and gather site-specific information not available from the maps, such as the diameter of culverts. The fourth phase was a review of the anecdotal and field data by the commercial fishers and conservation managers working for NSW Fisheries. A database was constructed with catchment and sub-catchment data, type of habitat problem, rehabilitation potential and other relevant comments. Over 5,300 structures between mean sea level and the +10-m contour were located on the topographic maps; approximately 2,000 structures were not inspected (1,000 were above tidal limit and another 1,000 were inaccessible within the constraints of the project). Field inspections identified 500 structures that were incorrectly labeled. Another 1,000 structures were identified from sources other than the topographic maps, giving rise to a total of over 4,200 structures with potential for structural modification to rehabilitate estuarine habitat. Of these, 1,388, including 1,035 floodgates, 185 culverts, 91 weirs, 46 causeways, 26 bridges and 5 fords, were considered modifiable. Investigations are continuing to set up a ranking system by which to initiate rehabilitation activities. The results have relevance to habitat managers along the eastern seaboard and elsewhere in Australia, and the method by which the results were obtained may have application elsewhere.  相似文献   

Saline lakes of the Paroo,inland New South Wales,Australia   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
B. V. Timms 《Hydrobiologia》1993,267(1-3):269-289
Twenty-five lakes from fresh to crystallizing brine in the semi-desert of northwestern New South Wales, Australia, were studied regularly for 27 months. The lakes are small, shallow and ephemeral. Chemically waters are mainly of the NaCl type. Seventy-four species of invertebrate occur in saline waters (>3 g l–1) with crustaceans such as Parartemia minuta, Apocyclops dengizicus, Daphniopsis queenslandensis, Diacypris spp. and Reticypris spp. dominant, particularly at higher salinities. The insects Tanytarsus barbitarsis and Berosus munitipennis are also important in meso- and hypersaline lakes. They are joined in hypo- and mesosaline waters by many others, including more beetles, odonatans, trichopterans, pyralids, notonectids, and corixids. Species richness declines with increasing salinity. There is a prominent inland faunal component mainly of crustaceans, including P. minuta, D. queenslandensis, R. walbu, Trigonocypris globulosa and Moina baylyi.  相似文献   

Timms  B. V. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):435-444
To provide an overview for the State Pollution Control Commission of NSW, 102 lakes were visited throughout the state during the 1988–9 summer to ascertain their ecological condition. The sites chosen covered a spectrum of geomorphic types in approximate proportion to their perceived relative abundance. Field work concentrated on some physicochemical parameters and on zooplankton and littoral invertebrates. A summary of these features of the lakes of NSW is given.The most widespread problem is eutrophication, though for many lakes changes in trophic status could be part of wider changes in lakes since European settlement. A significant number of lakes suffer eroded shorelines and sedimentation. The introduced mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis, is associated with decreased diversity mainly in coastal lakes where also alien plants may be pestiferous. A few lakes in western areas have their flooding regime altered, while a number in the east are drained. With few exceptions there are no management programs to improve the conservation status of degraded lakes in NSW.  相似文献   

The development of commercial cephalopod fisheries is a relatively recent phenomenon in Australia. Multiple commercial fisheries land cephalopods in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, yet few useful data exist for the sustainable management of these resources. This paper presents results of the first study to quantitatively document cephalopod diversity in commercial fisheries landings of NSW. A total of 21 cephalopod taxa were observed in randomly selected market samples from the three major regions of landings. Few species comprised the majority of landings in each market category, but several species constituted the remaining proportions. Sepia rozella and S. hedleyi comprised the largest proportion by numbers and weight in cuttlefish samples. Octopus australis and O. tetricus were most abundant in octopus samples, while Sepioteuthis australis, Nototodarus gouldi, and Uroteuthis (Photololigo) sp. comprised the largest proportion of squid samples. The proportion each species contributes to commercial cephalopod landings reported at the Sydney Fish Market was estimated. Cephalopod diversity in the present study was generally consistent with that observed in previous years during fishery independent surveys of prawn trawl grounds. Quantifying cephalopod diversity in New South Wales commercial fisheries provides the necessary first step toward the sustainable management of these valuable resources.  相似文献   

New records of marine benthic algae from New South Wales, eastern Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty‐four species of marine macroalgae are recorded from the mainland coast of New South Wales for the first time. One species, Laurencia platyclada Boergesen, represents a new record for Australia and the Pacific Ocean. Included in these new records is the introduced, invasive and cold‐tolerant strain of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia, which was formerly known only as native, non‐invasive populations from Lord Howe Island. Based on published accounts, the composition of the marine benthic algae for the state of New South Wales now stands at 131 green, 140 brown and 449 red macroalgae. This baseline information adds significantly to our knowledge of the overall marine biodiversity of the state, as well as to the phycogeography of the southwestern Pacific region.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that, as the climate continues to warm, bushfires are becoming more common and severe, particularly in regions such as south-eastern Australia. The extraordinary Australian bushfires over the summer of 2019/2020 resulted in the burning of habitats such as highland peat swamps and intertidal estuarine wetlands over unprecedented spatial scales. Across New South Wales, these bushfires affected 183 ha of saltmarshes and 23 ha of mangroves in 19 estuaries. The percentage of fire-affected saltmarsh ranged from 51% to 81% in the worst impacted estuaries, although typically ≤15% of mapped saltmarsh was damaged. Just over 50% of mangroves were burnt in Wonboyn Lake (although this constituted <0.2 ha), whereas in all other estuaries, ≤5% of mangroves were burnt. At the state-wide scale, the likelihood of saltmarshes being affected by fire was unrelated to adjacent terrestrial vegetation; however, mangroves adjacent to burnt wet sclerophyll forest were more likely to burn than not. Burnt mangroves were almost exclusively associated with extreme or high severity fires in adjacent terrestrial vegetation, yet saltmarshes were also impacted in some cases by moderate or low-intensity fires. Many species of saltmarsh plants had re-sprouted or germinated after 6–24 months, but the extent of any recovery or changes in species composition were not quantified. The majority of fire-affected mangrove trees appeared to be dead 24 months after the fires, despite observations of epicormic growth on some trees after six months. Bushfire impacts to estuarine wetlands are likely to become more frequent and results from our work can help target hazard reduction burning that might be considered for minimising damage to mangroves. More work is required to better understand potential longer term impacts and the capacity for natural recovery of estuarine wetlands from bushfires.  相似文献   

Abstract We present regression models of species richness for total tree species, two growth forms, rainforest trees (broadleaf evergreens) and eucalypts (sclerophylls), and two large subgenera of Eucalyptus. The correlative models are based on a data set of 166 tree species from 7208 plots in an area of southeastern New South Wales, Australia. Eight environmental variables are used to model the patterns of species richness, four continuous variables (mean annual temperature, rainfall, radiation and plot size), plus four categorical factors (topographic position, lithology, soil nutrient level and rainfall seasonality). Generalized linear modelling with curvilinear and interaction terms, is used to derive the models. Each model shows a significant and differing response to the environmental predictors. Maximum species richness of eucalypts occurs at high temperatures, and intermediate rainfall and radiation conditions on ridges with aseasonal rainfall and intermediate nutrient levels. Maximum richness of rainforest species occurs at high temperatures, intermediate rainfall and low radiation in gullies with summer rainfall and high nutrient levels. The eucalypt subgenera models differ in ways consistent with experimental studies of habitat preferences of the subgenera. Curvilinear and interaction terms are necessary for adequate modelling. Patterns of richness vary widely with taxonomic rank and growth form. Any theories of species diversity should be consistent with these correlative models. The models are consistent with an available energy hypothesis based on actual evapotranspiration. We conclude that studies of species richness patterns should include local (e.g. soil nutrients, topographic position) and regional (e.g. mean annual temperature, annual rainfall) environmental variables before invoking concepts such as niche saturation.  相似文献   

Basidiomycete communities were profiled using terminal RFLP (TRFLP) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) approaches at seven field sites under differing land use in northern-central New South Wales (NSW), Australia. TRFLP data indicated greater basidiomycete species richness at sites with natural vegetation. Sixty-seven basidiomycete ARDRA-types were detected. Various putatively ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected at all sites with native vegetation. Most ectomycorrhizal taxa had affinities to the genus Tomentella, while two Pisolithus taxa and putatively ectomycorrhizal Cantharellales taxa were also detected. Although soils under woodland or grassland communities supported a range of putatively saprotrophic taxa, only members of the Ceratobasidiales were detected in soils under agricultural land use. This study is the first investigation of fungal communities in soils of northern-central NSW, Australia.  相似文献   

Abstract The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii grazes areas of reef free of large brown algae (the barrens habitat). Survival of the kelp Ecklonia radiata adjacent to patches of barrens habitat was compared to that in the centre of kelp forests (centre) and edges of forests not adjacent to patches of barrens habitat (ungrazed). Estimates of rates of instantaneous mortality for tagged plants, as described by the slope of a negative exponential model (± 95% CI) were: barrens, 0.078 ± 0.004; centre, 0.051 ± 0.004 and ungrazed edge, 0.065 ± 0.007. Survival of plants was greatest in the middle of forests and least on the margins of patches of barrens habitat. A significant proportion of mortality in the barrens and centre positions was caused by herbivorous fish. When these plants were excluded from analysis there were no significant differences in survival between the barrens and ungrazed positions. It is concluded that C. rodgersii has little impact on the abundance of Ecklonia outside sharply defined boundaries.  相似文献   

D. M. HART 《Austral ecology》1995,20(2):266-272
Abstract The annual litterfall and decomposition rate of litter in three semi-arid vegetation communities (forest, mallee and broom) in the Pilliga State Forests, New South Wales, Australia, were measured over a period of 3 years. Annual litterfall was found to vary widely between the communities, ranging from 1005 to 3409 kg ha?1 year?1. Decomposition rates were measured and the half lives obtained ranged from 2. 5 to 5. 3 years. In many forests fire removes much of the accumulated litter at regular intervals. Two of the three study sites (the forest and mallee) had reached steady state after 36 years of litter accumulation after fire, while the broom, with only 20 years accumulation, was not in steady state. Between fires decomposition of the liner dominates. In the mallee soil fauna were most active, burying the litter under mineral soil before comminution commenced, demonstrating a cycling of litter which differs markedly from that in more humid climates.  相似文献   

Abstract:Amphorothecium occultum P. M. McCarthy, Kantvilas & Elix gen. et sp. nov. is described from deeply shaded, saxicolous bryophytes in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. This genus is characterized by a trentepohlioid photobiont, distinctive thallus chemistry, pale, simple perithecia, largely unbranched paraphyses and periphyses, thin-walled, non-amyloid asci and very large, multiseptate ascospores. Its systematic position is uncertain.  相似文献   

Moderately-preserved Silurian radiolarians have been recovered from the Jenolan Caves region, eastern NSW, Australia. Radiolarians were first reported from this area in the late 19th Century by T.W. Edgeworth David, but were not described in detail, neither were they illustrated. Nearly 120 years later, the first images of these fossils are presented. The radiolarians reported include: ?Futobari cf. solidus Furutani, ?Zadrappolus sp., Haplentactiniid gen. and sp. indet, Borisella sp., ?Palaeoephippium sp., ?Insolitignum vivanima MacDonald and ?Helenifore speciosus (Furutani). The fauna is similar to others described from Upper Silurian strata in Japan.  相似文献   

Despite the wide acceptance of Failure-to-Rescue (FTR) as a patient safety indicator (defined as the deaths among surgical patients with treatable complications), no study has explored the geographic variation of FTR in a large health jurisdiction. Our study aimed to explore the spatiotemporal variations of FTR rates across New South Wales (NSW), Australia. We conducted a population-based study using all admitted surgical patients in public acute hospitals during 2002–2009 in NSW, Australia. We developed a spatiotemporal Poisson model using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) methods in a Bayesian framework to obtain area-specific adjusted relative risk. Local Government Area (LGA) was chosen as the areal unit. LGA-aggregated covariates included age, gender, socio-economic and remoteness index scores, distance between patient residential postcode and the treating hospital, and a quadratic time trend. We studied 4,285,494 elective surgical admissions in 82 acute public hospitals over eight years in NSW. Around 14% of patients who developed at least one of the six FTR-related complications (58,590) died during hospitalization. Of 153 LGAs, patients who lived in 31 LGAs, accommodating 48% of NSW patients at risk, were exposed to an excessive adjusted FTR risk (10% to 50%) compared to the state-average. They were mostly located in state''s centre and western Sydney. Thirty LGAs with a lower adjusted FTR risk (10% to 30%), accommodating 8% of patients at risk, were mostly found in the southern parts of NSW and Sydney east and south. There were significant spatiotemporal variations of FTR rates across NSW over an eight-year span. Areas identified with significantly high and low FTR risks provide potential opportunities for policy-makers, clinicians and researchers to learn from the success or failure of adopting the best care for surgical patients and build a self-learning organisation and health system.  相似文献   

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection was found in KOH-cleared and lactophenolblue-stained roots of Salix babylonica, Melaleuca quinquenervia and Casuarina cunninghamiana. These are all trees growing on creeks and river banks, in stationary or slowly flowing fresh or brackish waters in swamps, creeks, drains and channels, and in seepage areas of New South Wales, Australia. Larger and older roots lacked VAM infection in the inner cortex, probably due to suberisation of cells, and the endophyte was restricted to the epidermal layers. Spores and sporocarps of the VAM fungi Glomus fasciculatus, G. mosseae, Sclerocystis rubiformis, Gigaspora margarita and an unidentified Scutellospora sp. were wet sieved and decanted from aquatic sediments and soils. The presence of similar VAM fungal spores in the aquatic sediments and terrestrial soil suggests that they probably enter the aquatic sediments through run off from the land ecosystem. All three plants formed vesicular arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizae almost exclusively in the marshy, periodically inundated soils, but the same plant species formed endo-/ ectomycorrhizae when growing in soil with higher redox potentials (E h). Salix and Melaleuca tree roots possessed both VAmycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. VAM roots of Casuarina were equipped with both N-fixing Frankia nodules and proteoid roots. VAM endophytes did not invade nodular cortical tissues, suggesting the presence of an exclusion mechanism which needs further study. The highest VAM infection was found in nodulated specimens. Free-floating roots growing in water close to the banks were non-mycorrhizal but were mycorrhizal in the bottom-rooting state. VAM spore number and mycorrhizal infection seem to be associated with redox-potential, i.e. lower at sites such as swamps, water or sediments with lower E h values than in terrestrial soils with higher E h values. A relationship between soil moisture gradient and VAM infection pattern became apparent from the study of a C. cunninghamiana transect on a creek embankment, i.e. typical vesicles and arbuscules were found in roots from drier soils, there was a lack of arbuscules in relatively wet soils but large lipid-filled intracellular vesicles were present, and typical vesicles and arbuscules were absent in flooded creek beds where roots were associated with coenocytic intercellular hyphae with abundant lipid droplets. The importance of VA mycorrhiza, ectomycorrhizae, N-fixing root nodules and proteoid roots at the land-water interface is discussed with reference to the use of these trees as pioneering species for stabilising river and stream banks, reducing erosion, windbreaking, and as a long-term and inexpensive means of achieving biological control of aquatic weeds by shading waterways.  相似文献   

Conodont data have been utilized to identify the Silurian/Devonian boundary within the Camelford Limestone near Wellington, NSW. Conodont faunas are documented from the eosteinhornensis Zone to early delta Zone with one new species of Walliserodus ( W. multistriatus ) and two new species of Ozarkodina ( O. brocki and O. camelfordensis ) described. An apparatus reconstruction of Belodella anomalis is also presented.  相似文献   

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