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薛成  李波卡  雷天宇  山红艳  孔宏智 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22460-22560
生物多样性的起源与进化是生命科学领域最重要的科学问题之一。多组学数据的积累和相关分析技术的发展, 极大地推动了人们对生物多样性起源与进化的理解和研究, 使得阐明生物进化事件发生的过程与机制成为可能。值此《生物多样性》创刊30周年之际, 本文简要回顾生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在近年来取得的重要研究进展, 以期帮助读者了解该研究方向的发展现状。过去10年中, 生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在生命之树重建、生物多样性时空分布格局、物种概念、物种形成与适应性进化以及新性状起源与多样化等方面取得了许多重要进展, 并在此基础上厘清了许多分类单元间的系统发育关系、揭示了生物多样性分布格局的部分历史成因、提出了新的物种概念和物种形成模型、阐明了新性状和新功能发生的部分分子机制。我们认为, 更精准地重建生命之树、深入挖掘基因组数据以及多学科交叉融合将是今后生物多样性研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   

Molecular biology has entrenched the gene as the basic hereditary unit and genomes are often considered little more than collections of genes. However, new concepts and genomic data have emerged, which suggest that the genome has a unique place in the hierarchy of life. Despite this, a framework for the genome as a major evolutionary transition has not been fully developed. Instead, genome origin and evolution are frequently considered as a series of neutral or nonadaptive events. In this article, we argue for a Darwinian multilevel selection interpretation for the origin of the genome. We base our arguments on the multilevel selection theory of hypercycles of cooperative interacting genes and predictions that gene‐level trade‐offs in viability and reproduction can help drive evolutionary transitions. We consider genomic data involving mobile genetic elements as a test case of our view. A new concept of the genome as a discrete evolutionary unit emerges and the gene–genome juncture is positioned as a major evolutionary transition in individuality. This framework offers a fresh perspective on the origin of macromolecular life and sets the scene for a new, emerging line of inquiry—the evolutionary ecology of the genome.  相似文献   

If the problem of the origin of life is conceptualized as a process of emergence of biochemistry from proto-biochemistry, which in turn emerged from the organic chemistry and geochemistry of primitive earth, then the resources of the new sciences of complex systems dynamics can provide a more robust conceptual framework within which to explore the possible pathways of chemical complexification leading to living systems and biosemiosis. In such a view the emergence of life, and concomitantly of natural selection and biosemiosis, is the result of deep natural laws (the outlines of which we are only beginning to perceive) and reflects a degree of holism in those systems that led to life. Further, such an approach may lead to the development of a more general theory of biology and of natural organization, one informed by semiotic concepts.  相似文献   

On the assumption of a uniform sample space probability hypothesis it is estimated a maximum number of polypeptides (or other kind of polymers) that could be synthesized in the prebiotic Earth. Besides, on the basis of five premises that are postulated as indispensable requirements for the origin of a living system, under the constraints of a protein-nucleic acid chemistry, it is concluded categorically that the origin of life event could not be the result of unbiased polymerization phenomena. On the contrary, biased and specific patterns of polymerization had to be an essential component in this fundamental event.Finally, several theories on the origin of life and complementary concepts like hypercyclic organization and self-organization phenomena in dissipative structures are discussed in the light of the conclusions arrived at in this work.  相似文献   

The origin of life on Earth remains a mystery, but the question can still be approached with scientific rigor. Identifying life??s origins requires the definition of life itself, which has been described as a self-sustaining system capable of Darwinian evolution, although it's also possible that there is no good scientific definition. All known living systems contain linear strings of information based on DNA, a molecule that makes Darwinian evolution possible through replication and mutation. This review explains the scientific concepts and issues underlying the origin of life, possible mechanisms of origins, and the features of living systems that can arguably be viewed as an inevitable consequence of the earliest molecules.  相似文献   

Controversies on the origin of life.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different viewpoints, many with deep philosophical and historical roots, have shaped the scientific study of the origin of life. Some of these argue that primeval life was based on simple anaerobic microorganisms able to use a wide inventory of abiotic organic materials (i.e. a heterotrophic origin), whereas others invoke a more sophisticated organization, one that thrived on simple inorganic molecules (i.e. an autotrophic origin). While many scientists assume that life started as a self-replicative molecule, the first gene, a primitive self-catalytic metabolic network has also been proposed as a starting point. Even the emergence of the cell itself is a contentious issue: did boundaries and compartments appear early or late during life's origin? Starting with a recent definition of life, based on concepts of autonomy and open-ended evolution, it is proposed here that, firstly, organic molecules self-organized in a primordial metabolism located inside protocells. The flow of matter and energy across those early molecular systems allowed the generation of more ordered states, forming the cradle of the first genetic records. Thus, the origin of life was a process initiated within ecologically interconnected autonomous compartments that evolved into cells with hereditary and true Darwinian evolutionary capabilities. In other words, the individual existence of life preceded its historical-collective dimension.  相似文献   

Recent successes of systems biology clarified that biological functionality is multilevel. We point out that this fact makes it necessary to revise popular views about macromolecular functions and distinguish between local, physico-chemical and global, biological functions. Our analysis shows that physico-chemical functions are merely tools of biological functionality. This result sheds new light on the origin of cellular life, indicating that in evolutionary history, assignment of biological functions to cellular ingredients plays a crucial role. In this wider picture, even if aggregation of chance mutations of replicator molecules and spontaneously self-assembled proteins led to the formation of a system identical with a living cell in all physical respects but devoid of biological functions, it would remain an inanimate physical system, a pseudo-cell or a zombie-cell but not a viable cell. In the origin of life scenarios, a fundamental circularity arises, since if cells are the minimal units of life, it is apparent that assignments of cellular functions require the presence of cells and vice versa. Resolution of this dilemma requires distinguishing between physico-chemical and biological symbols as well as between physico-chemical and biological information. Our analysis of the concepts of symbol, rule and code suggests that they all rely implicitly on biological laws or principles. We show that the problem is how to establish physico-chemically arbitrary rules assigning biological functions without the presence of living organisms. We propose a solution to that problem with the help of a generalized action principle and biological harnessing of quantum uncertainties. By our proposal, biology is an autonomous science having its own fundamental principle. The biological principle ought not to be regarded as an emergent phenomenon. It can guide chemical evolution towards the biological one, progressively assigning greater complexity and functionality to macromolecules and systems of macromolecules at all levels of organization. This solution explains some perplexing facts and posits a new context for thinking about the problems of the origin of life and mind.  相似文献   

Reviewed are the history of invention of the molecular colony technique, also known under name "polony technology", applications of this method to studies of reactions between single RNA molecules, ultrasensitive diagnostics, gene cloning and screening in vitro, and also concepts on the origin of life that consider molecular colonies as a prototype of living organisms.  相似文献   

The review briefs the history of the invention of the molecular colony techique, also known as a polony technology; applications of this method to studies of the reactions between single RNA molecules, ultrasensitive diagnosis, gene cloning, and in vitro screening, as well as the concepts of the origin of life that regard molecular colonies as a prototype of living organisms.  相似文献   

旨在生命机体与危险因子间建立生命物质信息对话平台,以物质化的信息,或信息化的物质的思维进行理解和推论,建立物质承载信息,信息通过物质的形式传递的思维模式,对生命信息中危险因子的属性、分类以及生命机体对危险因子的识别方式进行分析,从以上两个方面不同角度阐述危险因子与生命机体机制信息的相关互动关系。在分析与解读的过程中,主张建立合乎自然生成逻辑的科学概念,而摒弃一些主观是非逻辑所推导建立起来的概念,还原生命物质和生命过程的本来生物学位置及性质;主张一元化的思考方式和整体性理解生命信息安全控制机制的核心部分。分析结果:就生命信息中危险因子的属性和分类进行了分析,指出危险因子具有生命信息属性和生命安全属性两个属性,依据危险因子物质来源的不同,分外源性和内源性两类,绘出危险因子来源分类汇总图;从机体方面对危险因子识别方式不同,分为PRR识别方式和抗原(样)受体识别方式两类,并绘出危险因子识别方式分类汇总图。综合危险因子的属性、分类和生命机体对危险因子的识别方式,绘制出危险因子与生命机体机制信息的相关互动图,从保守性结构信息、生理产物信息、对机体损伤信息、代谢通路信息、对机体变应信息、精细纯外观构象信息及内在性核心信息7个方面对两者的相互关系进行了引证和分析,进一步阐释了生命信息安全控制机制。  相似文献   

The terms ‘life’, ‘species’ and ‘individuals’ are key concepts in biology. However, theoretical and practical concerns are directly associated with definitions of these terms and their use in researchers’ work. Although the practical implications of employing definition of ‘species’ and ‘individuals’ are often clear, it is surprising how most biologists work in their field of study without adhering to a specific definition of life. In everyday scientific practice, biologists rarely define life. This is somewhat understandable: the majority of biologists accept the standard definition of life without exploring it, but this represents a bad attitude. In this essay, we update the concepts of life, species, and individuals in the light of the new techniques for massive DNA sequencing collectively known as high throughput DNA sequencing (HTS). A re-evaluation of the newest approaches and traditional concepts is required, because in many scientific publications, HTS users apply concepts ambiguously (in particular that of species). However, the absence of clarity is understandable. For most of the last 250 years, from Linnaeus to the most recent researches, identification and classification have been performed applying the same process. On the contrary, through HTS, biologists have become simply identifiers, who construct boundaries around the biological entities and do not examine the taxa at length, resulting in uncertainty in most readers and displeasure in traditional taxonomists. We organised our essay to answer a basic question: can we develop new means to observe living organisms?  相似文献   

In several recent decades, a wealth of evidence was obtained (including new fossils and new nucleotide sequences) that allows a revision of the current evolutionary theories. The primary structure was determined for orthologous regions from a variety of genomes. Complete genome sequences were established for some organisms. The review considers the modern concepts of the origin and diversification of tetrapods and of the formation of modern vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

Phosphorus supply for atoll biological productivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of phosphorus for atoll productivity is discussed using biogeochemical data from Tikehau atoll (French Polynesia) and taking into account new concepts of the role of the coral reef fractal dimension on P uptake. The horizontal P flux from surface oceanic water is three orders of magnitude higher than the estimated outer reef new production and three times higher than the lagoon new production. Therefore, the nutrient paradox for atoll production is definitively obsolete.  相似文献   

Theories and hypotheses in science are continually subject to verification, critical re-evaluation, revision and indeed evolution, in response to new observations and discoveries. Theories of the origin of life have been more constrained than other scientific theories and hypotheses in this regard, through the force of social and cultural pressures. There has been a tendency to adhere too rigidly to a class of theory that demands a purely terrestrial origin of life. For nearly five decades evidence in favour of a non-terrestrial origin of life and panspermia has accumulated which has not been properly assessed. A point has now been reached that demands the serious attention of biologists to a possibly transformative paradigm shift of the question of the origin of life, with profound implications across many disciplines.  相似文献   

Pluralism is popular among philosophers of biology. This essay argues that negative judgments about universal biology, while understandable, are very premature. Familiar life on Earth represents a single example of life and, most importantly, there are empirical as well as theoretical reasons for suspecting that it may be unrepresentative. Scientifically compelling generalizations about the unity of life (or lack thereof) must await the discovery of forms of life descended from an alternative origin, the most promising candidate being the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Nonetheless, in the absence of additional examples of life, we are best off exploring the microbial world for promising explanatory concepts, principles, and mechanisms rather than prematurely giving up on universal biology. Unicellular microbes (especially prokaryotes) are by far the oldest, metabolically most diverse, and environmentally tolerant form of life on our planet. Yet somewhat ironically, much of our theorizing about life still implicitly privileges complex multicellular eukaryotes, which are now understood to be highly specialized, fragile latecomers to Earth. The problem with pursuing a pluralist approach to understanding life is that it is likely to blind us to the significance of just those entities and causal processes most likely to shed light on the underlying nature of life.  相似文献   

Living matter is an organized system which requires a continual flux of energy for its survival. As a working assumption, the flux of energy required for the origin of a self-duplicating cell is taken as the power required for the maintenance of a modern cell: 10 mW per g of carbon or some 105 times the output per gram of the sun. Solar photochemistry supplies the energy for the continuing evolution of life and, by continuity, for its origin. The iron oxide-sulfide photosynthetic unit proposed by S. Granick 35 years ago was meant to supply this energy. The evolution of complex organic photosensitizers is rationalized by the Granick hypothesis that biosynthetic pathways recapitulate their evolution. These concepts are discussed in the context of the evolution of photosynthetic systems and the known properties of these pigments.  相似文献   

Five new concepts concerning the control of corpus luteum function in the cow have been developed in recent years. Prostacyclin (PGI-2) plays a luteotrophic role. Conversely, products of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, particularly 5 hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE), play luteolytic roles. Luteal cells arise from two sources. The small luteal cells are all of theca cell origin; the large cells found early in the cycle (Days 2-6) are mainly of granulosa cell origin. However, a population of large cells found after Day 10 of the cycle are of theca cell origin. Oxytocin of luteal cell origin plays a role in development of the corpus luteum and possibly in its regression. The recently described Ca2+-polyphosphoinositol-protein kinase C second messenger system, as well as the LH-cAMP system, is involved in control of progesterone synthesis in the bovine corpus luteum. Progesterone synthesis in the small theca-derived luteal cells is primarily controlled by the cAMP system. However, elevated intracellular calcium diminishes cAMP-mediated progesterone synthesis in these cells. These findings modify our current concepts of the mechanisms of control of progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum and suggest several new lines of research.  相似文献   

L T Hunt  D G George  W C Barker 《Bio Systems》1985,18(3-4):223-240
Over the past 30 years the study of the sequences of proteins and nucleic acids has produced almost incredible amounts of information, new concepts, and new avenues of research. The beginning was slow: the first peptide hormones sequenced in the early 1950's, the first cytochrome c (horse) in 1961, the first bacterial ferredoxin in 1964, and the first transfer RNA (yeast alanine tRNA) in 1965. In the past 6 years, the rate of data accumulation has accelerated tremendously, primarily due to technological advances in nucleic acid sequencing techniques. For investigators of biological evolution, the sequence data and the new information on genetic mechanisms would prove to be the best evidence for elucidating relationships among the genomes of living organisms and for deducing phylogenetic history. In particular, they needed evidence to decide between the two hypotheses for the origin of eukaryotic cells. Now, less than 20 years since Margulis renewed the investigation of this problem, comparisons of protein and nucleic acid sequences, especially of the small subunit ribosomal RNAs, have answered this question in favor of the endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotic cells. After briefly discussing some of the concepts that helped resolve this controversy and the problems involved in using sequence data for evolutionary studies, we describe a few examples of useful evolutionary trees.  相似文献   

The identification of dynamic kinetic stability (DKS) as a stability kind that governs the evolutionary process for both chemical and biological replicators, opens up new avenues for uncovering the chemical basis of biological phenomena. In this paper, we utilize the DKS concept to explore the chemical roots of two of biology’s central concepts—function and complexity. It is found that the selection rule in the world of persistent replicating systems—from DKS less stable to DKS more stable—is the operational law whose very existence leads to the creation of function from of a world initially devoid of function. The origin of biological complexity is found to be directly related to the origin of function through an underlying connection between the two phenomena. Thus the emergence of both function and complexity during abiogenesis, and their growing expression during biological evolution, are found to be governed by the same single driving force, the drive toward greater DKS. It is reaffirmed that the essence of biological phenomena can be best revealed by uncovering biology’s chemical roots, by elucidating the physicochemical principles that governed the process by which life on earth emerged from inanimate matter.  相似文献   

Recent advances in small molecule drug delivery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The majority of new drugs, and new drug products, being developed and marketed by the pharmaceutical industry are small molecules. Oral administration remains the most common route of delivering such drugs, typically in the form of immediate-release tablets or capsules. While the immediate-release dosage forms dominate the market today, more specialized and rationalized products incorporating the concepts of drug delivery are being developed to overcome the physicochemical, physiological and pharmacological challenges inherent with the drugs, and to improve the treatment regimens for the patients. Today, these specialized concepts are increasingly being applied to first-generation products and not just products intended for the life cycle management of the franchise.  相似文献   

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