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Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II) as an electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic substrates. However, it is unclear whether R. palustris TIE-1 conducts Fe(II) oxidation in conditions where organic substrates and Fe(II) are available simultaneously. In addition, the effect of organic co-substrates on Fe(II) oxidation rates or the identity of Fe(III) minerals formed is unknown. We incubated R. palustris TIE-1 with 2 mM Fe(II), amended with 0.6 mM organic co-substrate, and in the presence/absence of CO2. We found that in the absence of CO2, only the organic co-substrates acetate, lactate and pyruvate, but not Fe(II), were consumed. When CO2 was present, Fe(II) and all organic substrates were consumed. Acetate, butyrate and pyruvate were consumed before Fe(II) oxidation commenced, whereas lactate and glucose were consumed at the same time as Fe(II) oxidation proceeded. Lactate, pyruvate and glucose increased the Fe(II) oxidation rate significantly (by up to threefold in the case of lactate). 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed that short-range ordered Fe(III) oxyhydroxides were formed under all conditions. This study demonstrates phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation proceeds even in the presence of organic compounds, and that the simultaneous oxidation of organic substrates can stimulate Fe(II) oxidation.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a phototrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)]-oxidizing bacterium named TIE-1 that differs from other Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in that it is genetically tractable. Under anaerobic conditions, TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources. TIE-1 also grows chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This isolate appears to be a new strain of the purple nonsulfur bacterial species Rhodopseudomonas palustris, based on physiological and phylogenetic analysis. Fe(II) oxidation is optimal at pH 6.5 to 6.9. The mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation are pH dependent: below pH 7.0 goethite (α-FeOOH) forms, and above pH 7.2 magnetite (Fe3O4) forms. TIE-1 forms colonies on agar plates and is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics. A hyperactive mariner transposon is capable of random insertion into the chromosome with a transposition frequency of ~10−5. To identify components involved in phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation, mutants of TIE-1 were generated by transposon mutagenesis and screened for defects in Fe(II) oxidation in a cell suspension assay. Among approximately 12,000 mutants screened, 6 were identified that are specifically impaired in Fe(II) oxidation. Five of these mutants have independent disruptions in a gene that is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein that appears to be part of an ABC transport system; the sixth mutant has an insertion in a gene that is a homolog of CobS, an enzyme involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a phototrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)]-oxidizing bacterium named TIE-1 that differs from other Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in that it is genetically tractable. Under anaerobic conditions, TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources. TIE-1 also grows chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This isolate appears to be a new strain of the purple nonsulfur bacterial species Rhodopseudomonas palustris, based on physiological and phylogenetic analysis. Fe(II) oxidation is optimal at pH 6.5 to 6.9. The mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation are pH dependent: below pH 7.0 goethite (alpha-FeOOH) forms, and above pH 7.2 magnetite (Fe3O4) forms. TIE-1 forms colonies on agar plates and is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics. A hyperactive mariner transposon is capable of random insertion into the chromosome with a transposition frequency of approximately 10(-5). To identify components involved in phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation, mutants of TIE-1 were generated by transposon mutagenesis and screened for defects in Fe(II) oxidation in a cell suspension assay. Among approximately 12,000 mutants screened, 6 were identified that are specifically impaired in Fe(II) oxidation. Five of these mutants have independent disruptions in a gene that is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein that appears to be part of an ABC transport system; the sixth mutant has an insertion in a gene that is a homolog of CobS, an enzyme involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

It is unknown to which extent phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation takes place in the simultaneous presence of organic electron donors (e.g., acetate/lactate). Therefore, the photoferrotrophic strain Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 was inoculated with various combinations of Fe(II), acetate and lactate to understand metabolic substrate preference. When acetate was provided together with Fe(II), TIE-1 consumed acetate first before Fe(II). When provided lactate plus Fe(II), TIE-1 consumed both substrates in parallel. When all three substrates were provided in one culture, TIE-1 used all substrates simultaneously. Our study suggests that the availability of alternative electron donors in addition to ferrous iron limits phototrophic iron oxidation.  相似文献   

Anoxygenic photosynthesis based on Fe(II) is thought to be one of the most ancient forms of metabolism and is hypothesized to represent a transition step in the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. However, little is known about the molecular basis of this process because, until recently (Y. Jiao and D. K. Newman, J. Bacteriol. 189:1765-1773, 2007), most phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria have been genetically intractable. In this study, we circumvented this problem by taking a heterologous-complementation approach to identify a three-gene operon (the foxEYZ operon) from Rhodobacter sp. strain SW2 that confers enhanced light-dependent Fe(II) oxidation activity when expressed in its genetically tractable relative Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003. The first gene in this operon, foxE, encodes a c-type cytochrome with no significant similarity to other known proteins. Expression of foxE alone confers significant light-dependent Fe(II) oxidation activity on SB1003, but maximal activity is achieved when foxE is expressed with the two downstream genes foxY and foxZ. In SW2, the foxE and foxY genes are cotranscribed in the presence of Fe(II) and/or hydrogen, with foxZ being transcribed only in the presence of Fe(II). Sequence analysis predicts that foxY encodes a protein containing the redox cofactor pyrroloquinoline quinone and that foxZ encodes a protein with a transport function. Future biochemical studies will permit the localization and function of the Fox proteins in SW2 to be determined.  相似文献   

The purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 expresses multiple small high-potential redox proteins during photoautotrophic growth, including two high-potential iron-sulfur proteins (HiPIPs) (PioC and Rpal_4085) and a cytochrome c2. We evaluated the role of these proteins in TIE-1 through genetic, physiological, and biochemical analyses. Deleting the gene encoding cytochrome c2 resulted in a loss of photosynthetic ability by TIE-1, indicating that this protein cannot be replaced by either HiPIP in cyclic electron flow. PioC was previously implicated in photoferrotrophy, an unusual form of photosynthesis in which reducing power is provided through ferrous iron oxidation. Using cyclic voltammetry (CV), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and flash-induced spectrometry, we show that PioC has a midpoint potential of 450 mV, contains all the typical features of a HiPIP, and can reduce the reaction centers of membrane suspensions in a light-dependent manner at a much lower rate than cytochrome c2. These data support the hypothesis that PioC linearly transfers electrons from iron, while cytochrome c2 is required for cyclic electron flow. Rpal_4085, despite having spectroscopic characteristics and a reduction potential similar to those of PioC, is unable to reduce the reaction center. Rpal_4085 is upregulated by the divalent metals Fe(II), Ni(II), and Co(II), suggesting that it might play a role in sensing or oxidizing metals in the periplasm. Taken together, our results suggest that these three small electron transfer proteins perform different functions in the cell.  相似文献   

Hopanoids are among the most widespread biomarkers of bacteria that are used as indicators for past and present bacterial activity. Our understanding of the production, function, and distribution of hopanoids in bacteria has improved greatly, partly due to genetic, culture‐independent studies. Culture‐based studies are important to determine hopanoid function and the environmental conditions under which these compounds are produced. This study compares the lipid inventory of Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE‐1 under anoxic photoautotrophic conditions using either H2 or Fe(II) as electron donor. The high amount to which adenosylhopane is produced irrespective of the used electron donor suggests a specific function of this compound rather than its exclusive role as an intermediate in bacteriohopanepolyol biosynthesis. C‐2 methylated hopanoids and tetrahymanol account for as much as 59% of the respective C‐2 methylated/non‐methylated homologs during growth with Fe(II) as electron donor, as compared with 24% C‐2 methylation for growth with H2. This observation reveals that C‐2 methylated hopanoids have a specific function and are preferentially synthesized in response to elevated Fe(II) concentrations. The presence of C‐2 methylated pentacyclic triterpenoids has commonly been used as a biosignature for the interpretation of paleoenvironments. These new findings suggest that increased C‐2 methylation may indicate anoxic ferrous conditions, in addition to other environmental stressors that have been previously reported.  相似文献   

An indigenous strain of the purple non-sulphur phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain B1, was selected for the utilization and treatment of wastewater from a sago-starch-processing decanter. Growth of Strain B1 under anaerobic–light conditions in the carbohydrate-rich effluent was optimized by using 50% (v/v) effluent diluted in a basal minimal mineral medium with the addition to 0.1% (w/v) yeast extract. The optimum level of nitrogen source supplement, ammonium sulphate, was 1.0g/l. Highest cell mass concentration was achieved by using tungsten lamps as the light source with a light intensity of 4 klux. Under these optimal conditions, a maximum biomass of about 2.5g dry cell/l with a pigment content of about 1.1mg carotenoid/g dry weight cell was achieved after 96h of anaerobic cultivation. There was a 77% reduc n the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the effluent. A cell yield of about 0.59g dry weight cell/g COD was obtained.  相似文献   

We isolated a strain of Rhodopseudomonas palustris (RCB100) by selective enrichment in light on 3-chlorobenzoate to investigate the steps that it uses to accomplish anaerobic dechlorination. Analyses of metabolite pools as well as enzyme assays suggest that R. palustris grows on 3-chlorobenzoate by (i) converting it to 3-chlorobenzoyl coenzyme A (3-chlorobenzoyl-CoA), (ii) reductively dehalogenating 3-chlorobenzoyl-CoA to benzoyl-CoA, and (iii) degrading benzoyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA and carbon dioxide. R. palustris uses 3-chlorobenzoate only as a carbon source and thus incorporates the acetyl-CoA that is produced into cell material. The reductive dechlorination route used by R. palustris for 3-chlorobenzoate degradation differs from those previously described in that a CoA thioester, rather than an unmodified aromatic acid, is the substrate for complete dehalogenation.  相似文献   

F. Hegler 《Cryobiology》2010,61(1):158-160
Preservation and storage of microbial stock cultures is desirable since the risk of contamination or loss of living cultures is immanent while over long periods mutations accumulate. Generally, it is rather difficult to preserve photosynthetic bacteria due to their sensitive photosynthetic membranes [1]. Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria face an additional challenge; since they are exposed to light and Fe(II) during growth, they have to cope with radicals from Fenton reactions of Fe(II)-species, light and water. Therefore, phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing strains are thought to be especially susceptible to genetic modifications. Here, we provide a simple and fast protocol using glycerol as cryo-protectant to cryopreserve three strains of anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria from different taxa: α-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria and chloroflexi. All three strains investigated could be revived after 17 months at −72 °C. This suggests that a long-term storage of phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing strains is possible.  相似文献   

A species of Dechlorospirillum was isolated from an Fe(II)-oxidizing, opposing-gradient-culture enrichment using an inoculum from a circumneutral, freshwater creek that showed copious amounts of Fe(III) (hydr)oxide precipitation. In gradient cultures amended with a redox indicator to visualize the depth of oxygen penetration, Dechlorospirillum sp. strain M1 showed Fe(II)-dependent growth at the oxic-anoxic interface and was unable to utilize sulfide as an alternate electron donor. The bacterium also grew with acetate as an electron donor under both microaerophilic and nitrate-reducing conditions, but was incapable of organotrophic Fe(III) reduction or nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation. Although members of the genus Dechlorospirillum are primarily known as perchlorate and nitrate reducers, our results suggest that some species are members of the microbial communities involved in iron redox cycling at the oxic-anoxic transition zones in freshwater sediments.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are known to participate in the weathering of primary phyllosilicate minerals through the production of organic ligands and acids and through the uptake of products of weathering. Here we show that the lithotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing enrichment culture described by Straub et al. (K. L. Straub, M. Benz, B. Schink, and F. Widdel, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:1458–1460, 1996) can grow via oxidation of structural Fe(II) in biotite, a Fe(II)-rich trioctahedral mica found in granitic rocks. Oxidation of silt/clay-sized biotite particles was detected by a decrease in extractable Fe(II) content and simultaneous nitrate reduction. Mössbauer spectroscopy confirmed structural Fe(II) oxidation. Approximately 1.5 × 107 cells were produced per μmol of Fe(II) oxidized, in agreement with previous estimates of the growth yield of lithoautotrophic circumneutral-pH Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria. Microbial oxidation of structural Fe(II) resulted in biotite alterations similar to those found in nature, including a decrease in the unit cell b dimension toward dioctahedral levels and Fe and K release. Structural Fe(II) oxidation may involve either direct enzymatic oxidation, followed by solid-state mineral transformation, or indirect oxidation as a result of the formation of aqueous Fe, followed by electron transfer from Fe(II) in the mineral to Fe(III) in solution. Although it is not possible to distinguish between these two mechanisms with available data, the complete absence of aqueous Fe in oxidation experiments favors the former alternative. The demonstration of microbial oxidation of structural Fe(II) suggests that microorganisms are directly responsible for the initial step in the weathering of biotite in granitic aquifers and the plant rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Nitrate‐reducing, Fe(II)‐oxidizing bacteria were suggested to couple with enzymatic Fe(II) oxidation to nitrate reduction. Denitrification proceeds via intermediates (, NO) that can oxidize Fe(II) abiotically at neutral and particularly at acidic pH. Here, we present a revised Fe(II) quantification protocol preventing artifacts during acidic Fe extraction and evaluate the contribution of abiotic vs. enzymatic Fe(II) oxidation in cultures of the nitrate‐reducing, Fe(II) oxidizer Acidovorax sp. BoFeN1. Sulfamic acid used instead of HCl reacts with nitrite and prevents abiotic Fe(II) oxidation during Fe extraction. Abiotic experiments without sulfamic acid showed that acidification of oxic Fe(II) nitrite samples leads to 5.6‐fold more Fe(II) oxidation than in anoxic samples because the formed NO becomes rapidly reoxidized by O2, therefore leading to abiotic oxidation and underestimation of Fe(II). With our revised protocol using sulfamic acid, we quantified oxidation of approximately 7 mm of Fe(II) by BoFeN1 within 4 days. Without addition of sulfamic acid, the same oxidation was detected within only 2 days. Additionally, abiotic incubation of Fe(II) with nitrite in the presence of goethite as surface catalyst led to similar abiotic Fe(II) oxidation rates as observed in growing BoFeN1 cultures. BoFeN1 growth was observed on acetate with N2O as electron acceptor. When adding Fe(II), no Fe(II) oxidation was observed, suggesting that the absence of reactive N intermediates (, NO) precludes Fe(II) oxidation. The addition of ferrihydrite [Fe(OH)3] to acetate/nitrate BoFeN1 cultures led to growth stimulation equivalent to previously described effects on growth by adding Fe(II). This suggests that elevated iron concentrations might provide a nutritional effect rather than energy‐yielding Fe(II) oxidation. Our findings therefore suggest that although enzymatic Fe(II) oxidation by denitrifiers cannot be fully ruled out, its contribution to the observed Fe(II) oxidation in microbial cultures is probably lower than previously suggested and has to be questioned in general until the enzymatic machinery‐mediating Fe(II) oxidation is identified.  相似文献   

The first x-ray crystal structure has been solved for an activated transition-state analog-bound form II ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). This enzyme, from Rhodopseudomonas palustris, assembles as a unique hexamer with three pairs of catalytic large subunit homodimers around a central 3-fold symmetry axis. This oligomer arrangement is unique among all known Rubisco structures, including the form II homolog from Rhodospirillum rubrum. The presence of a transition-state analog in the active site locked the activated enzyme in a “closed” conformation and revealed the positions of critical active site residues during catalysis. Functional roles of two form II-specific residues (Ile165 and Met331) near the active site were examined via site-directed mutagenesis. Substitutions at these residues affect function but not the ability of the enzyme to assemble. Random mutagenesis and suppressor selection in a Rubisco deletion strain of Rhodobacter capsulatus identified a residue in the amino terminus of one subunit (Ala47) that compensated for a negative change near the active site of a neighboring subunit. In addition, substitution of the native carboxyl-terminal sequence with the last few dissimilar residues from the related R. rubrum homolog increased the enzyme''s kcat for carboxylation. However, replacement of a longer carboxyl-terminal sequence with termini from either a form III or a form I enzyme, which varied both in length and sequence, resulted in complete loss of function. From these studies, it is evident that a number of subtle interactions near the active site and the carboxyl terminus account for functional differences between the different forms of Rubiscos found in nature.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Minotti, G., and Ikeda-Saito, M. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 20011-20017) we demonstrated the existence of a M(r) 66,000 microsomal iron protein (MIP) which stimulates NADPH oxidation by shunting electrons from NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reducase to its bound Fe(III). In the present study, purified MIP was depleted of iron and the apoMIP was examined for its ability to incorporate Fe(III) upon an incubation with Fe(II). It was found that apoMIP had an oxygen-dependent ferroxidase activity coupled with the incorporation of Fe(III). The reconstituted MIP exhibited a Fe(III) content and an NADPH oxidation activity similar to those of native MIP. However, the reconstitution of MIP from apoMIP and Fe(II) had to be performed in the presence of detergents to prevent the formation of protein aggregates and the oxidative incorporation of an iron which could not react with NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. This redox inactive iron was probably bound nonspecifically to artifactual sites formed by the protein aggregates.  相似文献   

A nitrate-dependent Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium was isolated and used to evaluate whether Fe(II) chemical form or oxidation rate had an effect on the mineralogy of biogenic Fe(III) (hydr)oxides resulting from nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation. The isolate (designated FW33AN) had 99% 16S rRNA sequence similarity to Klebsiella oxytoca. FW33AN produced Fe(III) (hydr)oxides by oxidation of soluble Fe(II) [Fe(II)sol] or FeS under nitrate-reducing conditions. Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Fe(III) (hydr)oxide produced by oxidation of FeS was shown to be amorphous, while oxidation of Fe(II)sol yielded goethite. The rate of Fe(II) oxidation was then manipulated by incubating various cell concentrations of FW33AN with Fe(II)sol and nitrate. Characterization of products revealed that as Fe(II) oxidation rates slowed, a stronger goethite signal was observed by XRD and a larger proportion of Fe(III) was in the crystalline fraction. Since the mineralogy of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides may control the extent of subsequent Fe(III) reduction, the variables we identify here may have an effect on the biogeochemical cycling of Fe in anoxic ecosystems.  相似文献   

We show that iron(II)-phthalocyanines are able to catalyze guanosine oxidation by molecular oxygen in the presence of reducing agents such as ascorbic acid and 2-mercaptoethanol. The products of 5′-monophosphate-2′-deoxyguanosine (dGMP) oxidation were directly analyzed using the HPLC-ESI/MS method. The main oxidation products were 5′-phospho-2′-deoxy-8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine and the 1,N2-glyoxal adduct of the 5′-monophosphate-2′-deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

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