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Observations on wild populations of Gracilaria bursapastoris (Gmelin) Silva and G. coronopifolia J. Ag. showed significant differences in gametophyte: tetrasporophyte ratios from the expected 1: 1 ratio. As in many other perennial red algae, the proportion of tetrasporic individuals in a population of these two Gracilaria spp. dominates the combined male and female gametophytc stage. There were significantly more male than female thalli in the G. cornopifolia population whereas the gametophytes of G. bursapastoris occurred in the expected 1: 1 ratio. In addition, there are seasonal changes in the proportions of tetrasporic and gametophytic individuals within the populations. Tetrasporic thalli of G. coronopifolia evinced a biphasic seasonal pattern with high proportions in winter and summer. The tetrasporic phase of G. bursapastoris, on the other hand, showed a low proportion in winter. Maximum biomass does not necessarily correlate with maximum proportion of the tetrasporophyte generation. Seasonal patterns in the proportion of male and female gametophytes differed for each stage as well as for each species. The proportion of male thalli in G. bursapastoris and G. coronopifolia showed high peaks in winter and autumn, respectively. Cystocarpic thalli were most abundant in the former in late winter and summer and in the latter in winter and spring. In both species the female gametophytes grew significantly slower than did the male gametophytic or tetrasporophytic stages. Practical applications regarding seasonal cycles in the various reproductive stages and their differential growth rates are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):193-212

Twenty-five species of mosses collected in Costa Rica, mostly in 1965, are recorded. Leptodontium ramosum, remarkable for its peg-like gemmae borne on stout leafless branches, Sematophyllum serrulatum and Trichosteleum sarapiquensis are described as new species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure thermal and metabolic responses of six marathon runners and six long-distance ocean swimmers during a standard cold tolerance test, and to compare the results. The two groups of lean endurance athletes lived in Hawaii and were matched on the basis of age, height, weight, and skinfold thickness. Maximal oxygen uptake, however, was significantly higher in the runners (66.5 versus 58.8 ml/(kg·min) for the swimmers). There were no significant differences in maximal tissue insulation or the derived nonfat insulation, although the runners tended to have higher values. Our findings suggest a possible hypothermic insulative adaptation in the runners and, therefore, indirectly support a recent hypothesis that marathon training may potentiate cross-adaptation to cold. Reasons for a relatively high nonfat insulation in the runners (0.098 (°C.m2)/W) are unknown, but seem related to a vascular mechanism.  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷生态恢复区昆虫多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以元谋退化生态系统初始生态恢复中人工构建植被为研究对象,在样地调查的基础上,对比分析了退化生态系统和恢复生态系统昆虫群落多样性组成与结构的恢复状况及其对人工群落类型的生态响应。结果表明,植物群落组成是影响昆虫群落多样性的关键因子。与天然植被相比,混交林促进了昆虫在退化地的扩散和定居,物种多样性明显增加。主成分分析排序将6种生境分为两大类:第Ⅰ类为赤桉纯林,代表物种单一、林下空旷、环境干燥为特点的植被;第Ⅱ类为扭黄茅草坡、车桑子灌丛及赤桉 银合欢、赤桉 相思、相思 银合欢3种混交林,代表物种相对复杂,生境偏向湿润的植被。不同生境的特有昆虫和优势昆虫种类和数量分析表明,在3种混交林中,相思 合欢恢复的效果较赤桉 相思与赤桉 合欢显著,是最好的先锋群落植物混交模式,能够较快改良生境,提高其物种多样性。但由于造林面积较小,植被恢复时间短,受人为干扰较大,昆虫多样性恢复的效果还不明显。  相似文献   

White spruce [ Picea glauca (Moench) Voss.] seedlings were used to study the changes in cell wall composition and elasticity in mature needles before and after the resumption of growth following winter dormancy. Dormant seedlings showed high cell wall elasticity that decreased after the resumption of shoot growth. Cell wall hemicellulose content increased 3 days after planting and decreased after the buds flushed. Non-cellulosic glucose and arabinose were the sugars showing the most pronounced changes related to shoot growth. Arabinose was the most abundant sugar residue in the pectin and hemicellulose fractions and it decreased until day 10 after planting. At the same time, the levels of glucose in pectin and hemicellulose increased. The results provide evidence for cell wall carbohydrate turnover in dormant and active seedlings before and after bud flushing.  相似文献   

Summary Franseria dumosa Gray and Hilaria rigida (Thurb.) Benth. ex Scribn. seedlings were grown in a glasshouse in potted soil which was collected from the Mojave Desert near Mercury, Nevada. The soil represented areas under living shrubs and also areas between shrubs. Soil was either steam sterilized or not steam sterilized. The sterilization resulted in greatly decreased yields of plants possibly because of induced P deficiency. It was suggested that symbiotic mycorrhizae necessary for P absorption for the species involved might have been eliminated by the sterilization. The effect did not hold for a noncalcareous soil well supplied with available P. Soil sterilization increased both Mn and Zn in plants. There was an interaction in that plants did not grow well in soil from under shrubs regardless of steaming indicating possible allelopathic effects. re]19720711  相似文献   

Two nonnative Caribbean frogs, the Puerto Rican coqui and the Cuban greenhouse frog, recently invaded Hawaii. Because of its louder breeding call, management efforts have focused on the coqui, while little has been done to address the more cryptic greenhouse frog, even though it may be as widespread and have similar ecological impacts. The goal of this research was to determine the distribution and detection probability of both species on the island of Hawaii. We conducted a breeding call presence/absence survey at 446 sites every 2 km along major road networks. We re-surveyed 125 sites twice to determine detection and occupancy probabilities. Greenhouse frog detection probabilities (0.24, 0.29, 0.48, for each of the three visits, respectively) were lower than coqui detection probabilities (0.58, 0.73, 0.50, respectively) and increased with visits while those of the coqui did not. Greenhouse frog detection probabilities were lower in the presence of coquis for the first two surveys (0.12, 0.14) than in sites with greenhouse frogs alone (0.41), while greenhouse frogs had no effect on the detection of coquis. Site occupancy estimates for the greenhouse and coqui frog were 0.35 and 0.31, respectively, suggesting the species are similarly widespread. Results suggest multiple visits to sites are required to detect the greenhouse frog. Furthermore, results suggest that accounting for detectability is essential when determining the extent of invasion of cryptic species.  相似文献   

Twelve young male Japanese were exposed to a hot environment in summer, and changes in systolic blood pressure induced by changing the position from recumbent to sitting were observed. Sweating was induced in a climatic chamber at 30 degree C with 70% relative humidity by immersing both legs up to the knees into a water bath of 42 degree C for 90 min after sitting on a chair at rest for 30 min in the chamber. The mean values of rise in rectal temperature, body weight loss and mean sodium concentration in sweat were 0.62 degree C, 0.67 kg and 46 mEq/l, respectively. The mean values of fall in systolic blood pressure associated with changing posture and its recovery time were 13.7 mm Hg and 77.5 sec, respectively. Heat tolerance at rest was assessed by a numerical heat tolerance index involving relative water loss, relative rise in rectal temperature, and relative salt loss. Values of relative water loss, relative rise in rectal temperature, and the numerical heat tolerance index correlated closely to those of fall in systolic blood pressure and its recovery time.  相似文献   

The response of two rapid-cycling Brassica species differing in tolerance to seawater salinity was studied over a period of 24 days. In response to 8 dS m−1 salinity, the two Brassica species showed clear differences in the changes in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and leaf area ratio (LAR). The RGR of B. napus was slightly reduced by salinity, wheareas the RGR of B. carinata was largely reduced in the early stages of salinization. LAR of B. napus was affected by salinity in the later stages of growth and significantly correlated with the reduction in RGR. On the other hand, the NAR of B. carinata was decreased by salinity, corresponding to the decrease of the RGR of B. carinata. The NAR of B. napus was not significantly affected by salinity according to analysis of covariance. The shoot concentrations of Na, Mg and Cl increased while the concentrations of K and Ca decreased sharply during the first 5 days of salinization; subsequently, all ion concentrations remained relatively constant. The concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg and Cl in the root were similarly affected by salinity. There were no significant differences of ion concentrations between species that could be related to the differences in salt tolerance. Thus, the differences in salt tolerance between species can not be related to differences in specific-ion effects, but may be related to some factor that reduces the NAR of B. carinata during the early stages of growth.  相似文献   

Chara corallina is an obligate freshwater alga, while C. buckellii can be grown in salt and freshwater culture. When grown in fresh water, C. buckellii has electrophysiological properties similar to C. corallina, but when cultured in salt water, it has a less negative membrane potential and has a higher conductance. We show in internally perfused, tonoplast-free cells that the ATP-dependence of the two species cultured in fresh water is similar, although C. buckellii hyperpolarizes at lower ATP concentrations. We determined the pump parameters in perfused and intact cells. Using both techniques, C. corallina and C. buckellii cultured in fresh water show similar values of Ep, Gp and Ip. However, there is a significant difference between the two techniques: Ep is more negative (–400 to –700 mV) in perfused cells than in intact cells (–220 to –260mV); Gp is lower (0·1–0·2 versus 0·3–0·9 S m?2); and Ip is higher (40–60 versus 10–18 mA m?2). Salt-cultured C. buckellii was compared with freshwater C. buckellii using intact cells; Gp and Ep were similar, but Ip was much higher in salt-cultured cells (60 versus 15mA m?2). This higher pump rate is due to the depolarization of the membrane of salt-cultured algae, which is caused by a higher passive conductance. The significance of the less negative membrane potential and the higher rate of proton pumping is discussed with respect to the banding pattern and salt stress.  相似文献   

The effects of nickel were studied in two serpentine species with different metal tolerance strategies:Silene italica L., which limits nickel uptake and translocation, andAlyssum bertolonii Desv., a serpentine endemic, which accumulates nickel mostly in the leaves. InS. italica, nickel 7.5 μM inhibited root growth and depressed mitotic activity in root tips. Peroxidase activity and phenol concentration both in roots and shoots were increased; under the same conditions nickel did not produce any relevant effect onA. bertolonii. InS. italica an adequate calcium concentration (25 mM) was able to reverse the effects of nickel on root growth and metabolism. InA. bertolonii the same calcium concentration reduced root growth, confirming this species adaptation also to low calcium concentrations, typical of serpentines.  相似文献   

Resistance (host capacity to reduce parasite burden) and tolerance (host capacity to reduce impact on its health for a given parasite burden) manifest two different lines of defense. Tolerance can be independent from resistance, traded off against it, or the two can be positively correlated because of redundancy in underlying (immune) processes. We here tested whether this coupling between tolerance and resistance could differ upon infection with closely related parasite species. We tested this in experimental infections with two parasite species of the genus Eimeria. We measured proxies for resistance (the (inverse of) number of parasite transmission stages (oocysts) per gram of feces at the day of maximal shedding) and tolerance (the slope of maximum relative weight loss compared to day of infection on number of oocysts per gram of feces at the day of maximal shedding for each host strain) in four inbred mouse strains and four groups of F1 hybrids belonging to two mouse subspecies, Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus. We found a negative correlation between resistance and tolerance against Eimeria falciformis, while the two are uncoupled against Eimeria ferrisi. We conclude that resistance and tolerance against the first parasite species might be traded off, but evolve more independently in different mouse genotypes against the latter. We argue that evolution of the host immune defenses can be studied largely irrespective of parasite isolates if resistance–tolerance coupling is absent or weak (E. ferrisi) but host–parasite coevolution is more likely observable and best studied in a system with negatively correlated tolerance and resistance (E. falciformis).  相似文献   

To investigate factors determining the differences in their salt tolerance, growth and germination, experiments were conducted on two plant species belonging to genus Artemisia: Artemisia fukudo Makino, a biennial salt marsh plant and Artemisia stelleriana Bess, a perennial coastal hind dune plant. Growth experiments revealed that salinity (100 and 300 m m NaCl) inhibited the relative growth rate (RGR) in A. stelleriana significantly but not in A. fukudo. These specific differences in salt tolerance were mainly attributed to differential responses of net assimilation rate (NAR). That is, the reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana was mainly due to the reduction in NAR, whereas no significant reduction in NAR was observed in A. fukudo. The reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana in the salt treatment was also attributable to a reduced leaf area ratio (LAR). Specific leaf area (SLA) in the two species decreased in the 300 m m treatment. The decrease in SLA in A. fukudo was, however, compensated for partly by an increase in leaf weight ratio (LWR). Germination experiments also showed that A. fukudo has a higher salt tolerance than does A. stelleriana. These results are consistent with the differences in the salinity conditions between the native habitats of the two species.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean deep-sea, scleractinian cold-water corals (CWC) are observed to survive at the uppermost end of their presumed thermal distribution range (4–13 °C). Here, we show that 2 common CWC species (i.e. Dendrophyllia cornigera and Desmophyllum dianthus) maintained in aquaria can indeed tolerate considerably elevated seawater temperatures (17.5 ± 0.1 °C), while growing at similar (D. dianthus) or significantly higher (D. cornigera) rates than conspecifics cultured in parallel for 87 days at ambient Mediterranean deep-sea temperature (12.5 ± 0.1 °C). Neither differences in coral appearance nor mortality were evident for both species at either temperature. D. dianthus grew significantly faster (0.23 ± 0.08 % day?1) than D. cornigera (0.05 ± 0.01 % day?1) under ambient thermal conditions. Growth of D. cornigera increased significantly (0.14 ± 0.07 % day?1) at elevated temperature, while Desmophyllum dianthus growth showed no significant difference under both conditions. These findings suggest that D. dianthus and D. cornigera may be capable of surviving in warmer environments than previously reported, and thus challenge temperature as the paramount limiting environmental factor for the occurrence of some CWC species.  相似文献   

We evaluated the response of the Antarctic soil nematodes Scottnema lindsayae and Plectus antarcticus to various salts (NaCl, MgSO4, KNO3 and NaCl + MgSO4) and salt concentrations in prepared salt solutions ranging from 0.1 to 3 M, and in saturation paste extracts of soils collected from multiple locations where nematode abundance varied from zero to numerous, and where electrical conductivity ranged from 108 to >12,000 μS/cm. Nematode salt tolerance was salt specific; both nematode species survived in low-experimental concentrations of NaCl and MgSO4, and neither species survived in KNO3 solutions of any concentration. There was no survival of nematodes in the saturation paste extracts of highly saline soils (4,100 μS/cm), while survival was over 80–97% in less saline soils (1,945 μS/cm). A 1:1 dilution of these highly saline saturation paste extracts increased S. lindsayae survival to 80%, while survival of P. antarcticus was not observed until dilutions of greater than 200%. The results complement previous studies demonstrating niche partitioning of S. lindsayae and P. antarcticus across salinity gradients and strengthen interpretations of the physiological mechanisms underlying previously reported spatial correlation between soil salinity and nematodes abundance in the Antarctic Dry Valleys.  相似文献   

Four mutants induced by ethylmethane sulphonate (N22-H-dgl56, N22-H-dgl101, N22-H-dgl162 and N22-H-dgl219) with conspicuous dark green leaves were identified in the drought and heat-tolerant rice cultivar Nagina22 (N22), when screened under prolonged drought and heat conditions in field. During dark-induced senescence, these mutants maintained higher chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, and photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 in comparison with N22. Following heat treatment, these mutants accumulated less reactive oxygen species (assayed by histochemical staining for H2O2 and superoxide radicals) and maintained higher chlorophyll content than N22.  相似文献   

刘育梅  金亮  宋志瑜  周爽 《广西植物》2018,38(8):1056-1061
古巴牛乳树和人心果是铁线子属具有开发前景的热带珍稀果树。为了将这两种果树在亚热带地区推广种植,该研究在已知这两种果树具有较高耐盐性的研究基础上,采用盆栽试验法,对3年生幼苗设置10‰、20‰的Na Cl预处理,一定时间后依次进行9℃、3℃的低温胁迫,分析比较其叶片中多种渗透调节物质含量及抗氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明:两种果树叶片渗透调节物质含量及抗氧化酶活性的变化趋势是一致的。在9℃、3℃的低温胁迫下,10‰、20‰Na Cl预处理叶片中的游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均明显高于对照组,同一低温条件下,耐寒性强弱依次为10‰20‰对照(CK)。因此推断Na Cl预处理可以有效提高铁线子属果树的耐寒性,其中以10‰预处理最为理想,此时古巴牛乳树和人心果的实际盆土盐度分别为2.46‰、1.14‰。  相似文献   

Global warming is affecting the Antarctic continent in complex ways. Because Antarctic organisms are specialized to living in the cold, they are vulnerable to increasing temperatures, although quantitative analyses of this issue are currently lacking. Here we compiled a total of 184 estimates of heat tolerance belonging to 39 marine species and quantified how survival is affected concomitantly by the intensity and duration of thermal stress. Species exhibit thermal limits displaced toward colder temperatures, with contrasting strategies between arthropods and fish that exhibit low tolerance to acute heat challenges, and brachiopods, echinoderms, and molluscs that tend to be more sensitive to chronic exposure. These differences might be associated with mobility. A dynamic mortality model suggests that Antarctic organisms already encounter temperatures that might be physiologically stressful and indicate that these ecological communities are indeed vulnerable to ongoing rising temperatures.  相似文献   

Most studies have attempted to identify the major environmental factors responsible for elevational variations in species richness. Such studies have been mainly performed in temperate and tropical areas, whereas the mediterranean biome has been substantially neglected. The aim of this paper was to disentangle the effects of available area, mid-domain constraints, and the environmental tolerance of species, on the altitudinal distribution of tenebrionid beetles in a Mediterranean region. A comprehensive faunistic database was used to assess the elevational distribution of tenebrionids in Latium (Central Italy). Variations in species richness, beta diversity and nestedness were analysed in association with variation in species ranges and midpoints. Variation in species richness was contrasted with patterns expected on the basis of the mid domain effect (MDE) and available surface area. After correcting for differences in area availability due to the conical shape of mountains, an unexpected triphasic pattern emerged: (1) at low altitudes, species richness was higher than expected on the basis of the effect of area and the MDE; (2) at around 800 m elevation, there is an abrupt change in species assemblages, and richness values fit those predicted by the MDE; (3) a new dramatic change occurred at 1,700 m, with tenebrionid assemblages composed of a small number of mainly eurytopic species. The integrated approach used in this study demonstrates that neither MDE nor monotonic patterns fully explain the observed diversity patterns. Variations in species ranges indicate that the elevational gradient filters species according to their ecological tolerance.  相似文献   

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