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What to attack is one of the most basic decisions predators must make, and these decisions are reliant upon the predator's sensory and cognitive capacity. Active choice of spiders as preferred prey, or araneophagy, has evolved in several distantly related spider families, including jumping spiders (Salticidae), but has never been demonstrated in ant-like jumping spiders. We used prey-choice tests with motionless lures to investigate prey-choice behaviour in Myrmarachne melanotarsa , an East African ant-like salticid that normally lives in aggregations and often associates with other spider species. We show that M . melanotarsa chooses spiders as prey in preference to insects and, furthermore, discriminates between different types of spiders. Myrmarachne melanotarsa 's preferred prey were juvenile hersiliids and its second most preferred were other salticids. To date, all documented examples of araneophagic salticids have been from the basal subfamily Spartaeinae. Myrmarachne melanotarsa is the first non-spartaeine and also the first ant-like salticid for which araneophagy has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The predatory behaviour of 31 species of Myrmarachne , ant-like salticids, was studied in the laboratory and the field. The ant-like morphology and locomotion of these spiders appears to function primarily in Batesian mimicry. No evidence was found of Myrmarachne feeding on ants. However, predatory sequences were found to differ considerably from those typical of salticids. Instead of stalking and leaping on prey, Myrmarachne lunged at prey from close range. Myrmarachne used its legs I to tap prey before lunging, another unusual behaviour for a salticid. Myrmarachne fed on a wide range of arthropod prey in nature and the laboratory, but appears to be especially efficient at catching moths. Also, Myrmarachne tends to open up, or enter into, other spiders' nests and eat other spiders' eggs. Myrmarachne males were less efficient than females, in laboratory tests, at catching various types of arthropod prey, but they appear to be as efficient as females at oophagy. Myrmarachne tend to use webs of other spiders as nest sites, but no evidence was found of Myrmarachne preying on spiders in webs. It appears that the unusual features of Myrmarachne's predatory and nesting behaviour are important in enabling these spiders to preserve their ant-like appearance.  相似文献   

Portia fimbriata from Queensland, a previously studied jumping spider (Salticidae), routinely includes web-building spiders and cursorial salticids in its diet, both of these types of prey being dangerous and unusual prey for a salticid. The present paper is the first detailed study ofP. fimbriata's prey preferences. Three basic types of tests of prey preference were used, providing evidence that (1)P. fimbriata males and females prefer spiders (both web-building spiders in webs and salticids away from webs) to insects; (2)P. fimbriata males and females prefer salticids to web-building spiders; (3)P. fimbriata males and females prefer larger spiders to smaller spiders; (4) there are intersexual differences in the preferences ofP. fimbriata for prey size, females preferring larger prey and males preferring smaller prey; and (5)P. fimbriata's prey preferences are not affected by a prior period without food of 2 weeks. When preferences were tested for by using both living, active prey and dead, motionless lures, the same preferences were expressed, indicating thatP. fimbriata can distinguish among different types of prey independent of the different movement patterns of different prey.  相似文献   


The display and predatory behaviour of Tauala lepidus Wanless, an abundant salticid in north Queensland rainforests, was investigated in the laboratory and, to a lesser extent, in nature. T. lepidus leapt and walked into alien webs to catch spiders and insects, and was captured and fed on by other spiders. Females ate each other’s eggs. During intraspecific interactions, a complex repertoire of displays was used. Courtship versatility occurred, each individual male having a conditional strategy of different behaviours depending on whether the female is at or away from her nest, and whether she is adult or subadult. Yet other combinations of displays occurred during male-male and female-female interactions. Apparently, pheromones on nests and draglines of females released male courtship. Abdomen twitching, a behaviour common to the display repertoires of many salticids, was an especially complex and pervasive behaviour of T. lepidus. T. lepidus also twitched its abdomen when it contacted alien webs and preyed on other species of spiders. The behaviour of T. lepidus is compared to that of Jacksonoides queenslandica Wanless, a species from the same group (Astieae).  相似文献   

Jumping spiders are known to possess ultraviolet (UV) receptors in the retinas of their large-principal eyes. The existence of UV visual cells, however, does not prove that jumping spiders can see into the UV part of spectrum (300–400 nm) or whether such an ability plays any role in salticid intra-specific interactions. In the study reported herein, we performed behavioural experiments to test whether a UV−reflecting jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, is sensitive to UV wavelengths and whether UV cues are important in intra-specific communication. The absence of UV cues not only affected intra-specific behaviour by significantly reducing the frequency of agonistic displays, but also elicited unprecedented courtship displays in males towards their own mirror images and conspecific opponents. Furthermore, C. umbratica males were able to respond rapidly to changes in UV cues of conspecific mirror images by switching between agonistic and courtship displays. These findings clearly demonstrate that C. umbratica males are capable of seeing UV wavelengths and that UV cues are necessary and sufficient for this species to enable the agonistic displays. Hence, UV light may have an important role to play in intra-specific communication in jumping spiders.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphological and behavioural adaptations responsible for ant-like appearance in eight species (genera Zuniga, Synemosyna, Sphecotypus, and Myrmecium) of salticid and clubionid spiders studied in Amazonian and SE Brazil. All ant-mimicking spiders have body and legs thin, and the shiny integument typical of their models. Light horizontal hair bands and constrictions of the cephalothorax and abdomen simulate, respectively, the head-thorax joint and segmented gaster of ants. The petiole and postpetiole of the ants are usually mimicked by a lengthened pedicel, together with a narrowing of the posterior cephalothorax and/or anterior abdomen. The prominent pedipalps of the spiders often simulate ant mandibles, but they may also be strikingly similar to an ant's head. All ant-mimicking spiders walked in a zig-zag ant-like pattern, and frequently raised and moved about the first pair of legs as ‘antennae’. The mimics were found in the same microhabitats (foliage or ground) as their models, and displayed strong avoidance reactions toward the latter both in the field and in captivity. The inoffensive characteristics of the mimics and the noxious traits of their models (strong mandibles, potent sting, hard integument, venomous secretions) strongly suggest that the spiders are Batesian ant-mimics. The detailed structural and behavioural adaptations enhancing ant-mimicry provide strong circumstantial evidence that the selective agents involved must have good visual acuity, and are probably small insectivorous vertebrates (e.g. birds, lizards and toads) or arthropods (e.g. wasps and spiders) which avoid ants.  相似文献   

Myrmarachne assimilis , an ant-like jumping spider (Araneae, Salticidae) from the Philippines and a Batesian mimic of Oecophylla smaragdina , the Asian weaver ant, aggregates on leaves in the company of its model. All stages in this species' lifecycle are sometimes found in nest complexes (nests connected to each other by silk). Although aggregating and forming nest complexes is known for a few other salticid species, the aggregations of M. assimilis have some unusual characteristics. In particular, reproductive females appear to be most frequently found with other reproductive females in nest complexes, suggesting that nest complexes have a role in parental care and are often built by females joining other females. An egg-survival experiment showed that eggs in solitary nests were more often destroyed than were eggs in nest complexes, suggesting that, for females of M. assimilis , choosing aggregations as oviposition sites may be functionally akin to life insurance for their progeny.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 475–481.  相似文献   

Myrtnarachne is a genus of ant-like salticids. Eight species were observed feeding, in nature, in Australia, Kenya, Malaysia and Sri Lanka, on varied types of insects but not ants. The behaviour of M. lupata , from Australia, was studied in the laboratory. Predatory sequences were found to differ considerably from those of typical salticids. Attacking by lunging instead of leaping and the pronounced use of pre-attack tapping are especially noteworthy. The unusual behaviour of M. lupata when preying on insects is consistent with maintenance of ant mimicry. Myrmarachne lupata also preys on the eggs of other spiders which it extracts from their nests. The males of many species have very large chelicerae, and the large chelicerae of M. lupata males influence the course of predatory sequences, with insects and with eggs.  相似文献   

Field data suggest that ants may be important predators of mantises which, in turn, may be important predators of jumping spiders (Salticidae). Using a tropical fauna from the Philippines as a case study, the reactions of mantises to ants, myrmecomorphic salticids (i.e. jumping spiders that resemble ants) and ordinary salticids (i.e. jumping spiders that do not resemble ants) were investigated in the laboratory. Three mantis species ( Loxomantis sp., Orthodera sp., and Statilia sp.) were tested with ten ant species, five species of Myrmarachne (i.e. myrmecomorphic salticids), and 23 ordinary salticid species. Two categories of the myrmecomorphic salticids were recognized: (1) 'typical Myrmarachne ' (four species with a strong resemblance to ants) and (2) Myrmarachne bakeri (a species with less strong resemblance to ants). Ants readily killed mantises in the laboratory, confirming that, for the mantises studied, ants are dangerous. In alternate-day testing, the mantises routinely preyed on the ordinary salticids, but avoided ants. The mantises reacted to myrmecomorphic salticids similarly to how they reacted to ants (i.e. myrmecomorphic salticids appear to be, for mantises, Batesian mimics of ants). Although myrmecomorphic salticids were rarely eaten, M . bakeri was eaten more often than typical Myrmarachne . Because the mantises had no prior experience with ants, ant mimics or ordinary salticids, our findings suggest that mantises have an innate aversion to attacking ants and that this aversion is generalized to myrmecomorphic salticids even in the absence of prior experience with ants. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 23–32.  相似文献   


Portia is a behaviourally complex and aberrant salticid genus. The genus is of unusual importance because it is morphologically primitive. Five species were studied in nature (Australia, Kenya, Malaysia, Sri Lanka) and in the laboratory in an effort to clarify the origins of the salticids and of their unique, complex eyes. All the species of Portia studied were both web builders and cursorial. Portia was also an araneophagic web invader, and it was a highly effective predator on diverse types of alien webs. Portia was an aggressive mimic, using a complex repertoire of vibratory behaviour to deceive the host spiders on which it fed. The venom of Portia was unusually potent to other spiders; its easily autotomised legs may have helped Portia escape if attacked by its frequently dangerous prey. Portia was also kleptoparasitic and oophagic when occupying alien webs. P. fimbriata from Queensland, where cursorial salticids were superabundant, used a unique manner of stalking and capturing other salticids. The display repertoires used during intraspecific interactions were complex and varied between species. Both visual (typical of other salticids) and vibratory (typical of other web spiders) displays were used. Portia copulated both on and away from webs and frequently with the female hanging from a dragline. Males cohabited with subadult females on webs, mating after the female matured. Adult and subadult females sometimes used specialised predatory attacks against courting or mating males. Sperm induction in Portia was similar to that in other cursorial spiders. Portia mimicked detritus in shape and colour, and its slow, mechanical locomotion preserved concealment. Portia occasionally used a special defensive behaviour (wild leaping) if disturbed by a potential predator. Two types of webs were spun by all species (Type 1, small resting platforms; Type 2, large prey-capture webs). Two types of egg sacs were made, both of which were highly aberrant for a salticid. Responses of different species and both sexes of Portia were quantitatively compared for different types of prey. Many of the trends in behaviour within the genus, including quantitative differences in predatory behaviour, seemed to be related to differences in the effectiveness of the cryptic morphology of Portia in concealing the spider in its natural habitat (‘effective crypsis’). The results of the study supported, in general, Jackson & Blest’s (1982a) hypothesis of salticid evolution which, in part, proposes that salticid ancestors were web builders with poorly developed vision and that acute vision evolved in conjunction with the ancestral spiders becoming proficient as araneophagic invaders of diverse types of webs.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is seen as an example of evolution by natural selection, with predation as the main driving force. The mimic is under selective pressure to resemble its model, whereas it is disadvantageous for the model to be associated with the palatable mimic. In consequence one might expect there to be an evolutionary arms race, similar to the one involving host-parasite coevolution. In this study, the evolutionary dynamics of a Batesian mimicry system of model ants and ant-mimicking salticids is investigated by comparing the phylogenies of the two groups. Although Batesian mimics are expected to coevolve with their models, we found the phylogenetic patterns of the models and the mimics to be indicative of adaptive radiation by the mimic rather than co-speciation between the mimic and the model. This shows that there is strong selection pressure on Myrmarachne, leading to a high degree of polymorphism. There is also evidence of sympatric speciation in Myrmarachne, the reproductive isolation possibly driven by female mate choice in polymorphic species.  相似文献   

The relationships of the unusual salticid spider Depreissia from central Africa and Borneo have been difficult to resolve, obscured by its highly modified ant-like body. Phylogenetic analysis of the gene 28S strongly supports its placement outside the major clade Salticinae and within the clade of cocalodines, spartaeines and lapsiines, with weaker support for a relationship with the cocalodines in particular. Excluding the genus from the Salticinae is supported also by the presence of a median apophysis on the male palp, and by the lack of a cymbial apical groove cradling the tip of embolus, which is newly presented here as a synapomorphy of Hisponinae plus Salticinae.  相似文献   

A. D. Blest  G. D. Price 《Protoplasma》1984,120(3):172-184
Summary Retinal mosaics of the four tiers of receptors (layers I–IV) in the principal eyes of two species of salticid spider known to exhibit high visual acuity are described at the ultrastructural level. The four tiers of receptors have been previously classified byLand (1969 a) andBlest et al. (1981). Only the tier (layer I) farthest from the dioptric system has a mosaic quality capable of sustaining the visual discriminations that have been demonstrated by behavioural experiments. More distal layers are of poor to negligible mosaic organization.It is shown that rhabdoms of layer I are disposed with respect to their surrounds in such a way as to enable them to act as light-guides: the ultrastructure of layer I receptors appears to be designed to minimize optical cross-talk between receptors. The cytoplasm of the more distal layers is packed with mitochondria which have been shown to equilibrate the refractive indices of the rhabdoms and the material that surrounds them. It is argued that the mitochondria show no evidence of metabolic activity, and that an optical role may be their only one. Their effect will be to minimize the degradation of images received by layer I.  相似文献   


Cocalus gibbosus was studied in the field in Queensland and in the laboratory. This is the first behavioural study of a species from the spartaeine genus Cocalus. C. gibbosus often omitted elements which are usually present in the predatory sequences of typical salticids and tended to lunge at prey from close range rather than leap from afar. Experiments showed that C. gibbosus prefers moths to other prey. In nature, C. gibbosus moulted and oviposited on silk sheets spun against tree trunks, and in the laboratory on sides of cages or blocks of wood, but this species never built an enclosing nest like typical salticids nor a large prey-catching web like some other spartaeines. C. gibbosus stalked across alien webs to catch spiders and insects, but it did not make vibratory signals. It did not stick to cribellate or ecribellate glue on alien webs. The behaviour of C. gibbosus is compared to that of other spartaeine salticids.  相似文献   

Myrmarachne lupata is an ant-like salticid in which males have very large chelicerae. The display repertoire of this species is unusually large and complex for a salticid spider. Each individual male uses one of three different mating tactics depending on the female's maturity and location. With adult females outside nests type 1 courtship occurs which seems to be a form of visual communication and includes specialized movements and postures of the legs, palps and body. With adult females inside nests, males use type 2 courtship, which seems to be a form of non-visual communication and consists primarily of probing with the legs on the silk; males mate with receptive females inside the nests. With subadult females, males first use type 2 courtship then spin an adjacent silken chamber and cohabit. After she moults and matures, mating occurs inside the nest. Vacant nests of conspecific females, but not those of another sympatric salticid species, elicit courtship behaviour from males. During male-male interactions, embracing occurs with the large chelicerae spread apart. Females and subadults also display, and different displays occur in interactions depending on the sex/age classes of the spiders involved. Despite the unusual morphology of these spiders, their individual displays are similar to those of more typical salticids. During copulation males stand beside the female instead of over or on her as occurs with typical salticids.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) have acute vision with some cells in the retina that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) spectra (< 400 nm). However, no study has documented the use of UV signals in salticids. To appreciate the function of UV vision, it is necessary to characterize the UV colours of salticids. In the present study, the UV and human-visible wavelengths of a tropical ornate salticid spider, Cosmophasis umbratica , were analysed using reflectance spectrometry to obtain evidence of sex-specific UV colours. An absolute sexual dimorphism in the UV colours of this salticid species was found. All of the body parts of adult males that are displayed to conspecifics during intra-specific interactions reflected UV (300–400 nm) light, whereas the adult females and juveniles did not reflect UV light from any body part. A great deal of variation was also found in the UV wavebands among males. This is the first full UV characterization of a salticid spider and the first study to demonstrate an extreme sexual UV dimorphism in jumping spiders. The findings obtained provide evidence that UV reflectance may comprise important sexual signals in jumping spiders.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 397–406.  相似文献   

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