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Methacrylate can be readily infiltrated into woody tissues. After infiltration, the tissue is transferred to a polymerizing mixture of 95:5 butyl methacrylate to methyl methacrylate by volume. For each 100 ml of polymerizing mixture, 2 grams of Luperco CDB catalyst are added. The hardness of the matrix may be increased by increasing the proportion of methyl methacrylate. Polymerization is accomplished by 2 days in a 50° C oven or 2 days in a small ultraviolet radiation chamber (42° C), the latter being the technique of choice. The blocks can be sectioned readily at 6 μ to more than 30 μ. Sectioning is facilitated by keeping the block wet with a 1:1 glycerol-alcohol solution. Best preparations are obtained when the matrix is removed after sectioning; however, staining in safranin O-fast green FCF may be-accomplished through the matrix. The technique is very rapid, convenient to use, and has produced excellent preparations from several species of woody plants.  相似文献   

Araldite as an Embedding Medium for Electron Microscopy   总被引:42,自引:27,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Epoxy resins are suitable media for embedding for electron microscopy, as they set uniformly with virtually no shrinkage. A mixture of araldite epoxy resins has been developed which is soluble in ethanol, and which yields a block of the required hardness for thin sectioning. The critical modifications to the conventional mixtures are the choice of a plasticized resin in conjunction with an aliphatic anhydride as the hardener. The hardness of the final block can be varied by incorporating additional plasticizer, and the rate of setting can be controlled by the use of an amine accelerator. The properties of the araldite mixture can be varied quite widely by adjusting the proportions of the various constituents. The procedure for embedding biological specimens is similar to that employed with methacrylates, although longer soaking times are recommended to ensure the complete penetration of the more viscous epoxy resin. An improvement in the preservation of the fine structure of a variety of specimens has already been reported, and a typical electron microgram illustrates the present paper.  相似文献   

A new plastic embedding medium for light microscopy is described. The monomer mixture consists of equal proportions by volume of acrylonitrile, dimethyl acrylamide and methyl methacrylate, and may be polymerized by exposure to ultraviolet light in the presence of benzoin methyl ether as catalyst. Dithiothreitol may also be added to the monomer mix to limit the degree of polymerization. The resulting polymer is soluble in dimethyl formamide.  相似文献   

Tissue blocks with surface areas up to 2 cm2 can be sectioned at 1 or 2 μ after embedding in a medium consisting of: methyl methacrylate, 27 ml; polyethylene glycol distearate MW 1540, 6 gm; dibutyl phthalate, 4 ml; and Plexiglas molding powder A-100, 9 gm (added last). The methacrylate mixture is polymerized at 50° C by benzoyl peroxide, 0.8 gm/ 100 ml of methacrylate. The polymerized matrix is transparent and the blocks can be cut on a rotary microtome with a steel knife. The plastic can be removed from sections with acetone prior to staining. Artifacts caused by embedding and sectioning are negligible  相似文献   

Glycol methacrylate (GMA), a water and ethanol miscible plastic, was introduced to histology as an embedding medium for electron microscopy. This medium may be made soft enough for cutting thick sections for routine light microscopy by altering its composition. A procedure for the infiltration, polymerization, and sectioning of animal tissues in GMA for light microscopy is presented which is no more complex than paraffin techniques and which has a number of advantages: (I) The GMA medium is compatible with both aqueous fixatives (formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, Bouin's, and Zenker's) and non-aqueous fixatixes (Carnoy's, Newcomer's, ethanol, and acetone). (2) Undue solvent extraction of the tissue is avoided because adequate dehydration occurs during infiltration of the embedding medium. Separate dehydration and clearing of the tissue prior to embedding is eliminated. (3) When polymerized, the supporting matrix is firm enough that hard and soft tissues adjacent to one another may be sectioned without distortion. (4) Thermal artifact is reduced to a minimum during polymerization because the temperature of the tissue may be maintained at 0-4 C from fixation through ultraviolet light polymerization of the embedding medium. (5) Shrinkage during polymerization of the embedding medium is minimized by prepolymerization of the medium before use. (6) Sections may be easily cut using conventional steel knives and rotary microtomes at a thickness of 0.5 to 3.0 microns, thus improving resolution compared with routinely thicker paraffin sections. (7) The polymerized GMA medium is porous enough so that staining, auto radiography, and other histological procedure are done without removal of the embedding medium from the sections. A list of these stains and related procedures are included. (8) Enzyme digestion of ultra thin sections of tissue embedded in GMA is common in electron microscopic cyto chemistry. me same digestion techniques appear compatible with the thicker seaions used in light microscopy.  相似文献   

The effects of storing 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate (HEMA) solutions for embedding tissues for light microscopy were studied using three commercially available HEMA embedding kits: Technovit 7100, Technovit 8100, and JB-4. These HEMA solutions were examined at various times of storage over a period of one year using a panel of physicochemical techniques including gas chromatography, tltration, viscosimetry, determination of the maximum polymerization temperature and the time required to reach the maximum temperature, and detection of degradation products of HEMA monomers by histochemical procedures. The quality of the resin blocks was examined by the observation of mini-folds in sections. Data obtained from these tests showed that the release of by-products as a result of the degradation of the HEMA monomer during storage of HEMA solutions does not occur. Development of cross-linking agents by transesterification of HEMA monomer was not detected either. Gradual decrease of the inhibitor concentration during storage proved to be the main cause of the reduction of shelf-life of HEMA solutions. Inconsistent tissue infiltration after storage may be due to decreased rates of tissue penetration as a result of HEMA chain lengthening. Guidelines for safe and economical handling of HEMA mixtures are given.  相似文献   

The need for very durable mounting is especially felt in the teaching of parasitology and mycology; otherwise, the availability of microscope slides may depend on the use of fresh specimens. Resinous mounts and those in aqueous media sealed with fingernail lacquer, paraffin or asphalt do not preserve specimens satisfactorily. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp), a water-soluble mounting medium described by Burstone (1962), cannot be applied directly for mounting of insects and certain other parasites which have water-repelling integuments; moreover, pvp bleaches eosin. Grimley et al. (1965) prepared large epoxy sections of tissues from which areas for electron microscopy could be selected. This procedure however is designed for electron microscopic techniques whereas the present paper describes a direct epoxy mounting method to produce permanent mounts for light microscopy.  相似文献   

Diethylene glycol distearate can be used as an embedding medium for light microscopy. Two infiltration changes of about 6 hr each in the melted wax (melting point 47-52 C) are required before the final embedding which is done in 00 gelatin capsules for sectioning in the ultramicrotome by the procedure used in electron microscopy. Serial sections 1-2 μ thick can be cut without difficulty. No cooling devices are necessary for trimming and sectioning at laboratory temperature. Sections rarely become detached from the slides. The staining characteristics of the tissues are the same as when embedded in paraffin. For fluorescence microscopy, essentially the same procedure is followed. Tissues are not distorted and the intracellular structures are well preserved.  相似文献   

Polystyrene embedments of histological specimens can be Obtained with a solution 1 : 4 polystyrene-toluene, 5% benzyl alcohol and 1% dibutyl phthalate, allowing the solvent to evaporate in polyethylene containers for 2-3 days at 58 C. The resulting blocks are easily cut into truncated pyramids, each containing a piece of tissue. which are then glued to a Plexiglas support Drying is completed at 80 C for 20 hr. The pyramids can then be sectioned to produce thick sections, with a steel knife or to produce semi- or ultrathin sections with a glass knife. A 10% paraldehyde solution is used to mount the light microscopy dons on a slide heated on a hot plate to 80 C; those can be treated with the same techniques used with paraffin sections. The results are of high quality. Semithin sections of tissues fired for electron microscopy can be stained directly after mounting, or by a wider range of stains once the polystyrene has been removed by organic solvents. In electron-microscopy, the ultrathin sections obtained with the usual techniques are highly electron beam-resistant and give acceptable results.  相似文献   

Plastic containers are widely used for monolayer cell culture. In situ embedding, the obvious method of choice for subsequent ultrastructural study, has been achieved by Brinkley et al. (1967) using Epon as a final embedding medium and water soluble acrylates as intermediates. Although the results are satisfactory, the method has two drawbacks: firstly, the water soluble acrylates are difficult to get, and secondly, removal of the plastic container is possible only with blocks already cut off for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

By using a formula which gives a relatively soft epoxy embedding medium, it is possible to cut sections of plant material with a sliding microtome equipped with a regular steel knife. Blocks having a cutting face of 10 × 10 mm, giving sections of 4-10 μm, can be used. Tissues are fixed in Karnovsky's fluid, postfixed in 1 or 2% OsO4, embedded in Spurr's soft epoxy resin, Araldite, or Epon mixtures. 5% KMnO4, followed by 5% oxalic acid, then neutralized in 1% LiCO3, are used to mordant the sections. Some of the stains used are Mallory's phosphotungstic acid-hemotoxylin, acid fuchsin and toluidine blue, or toluidine blue. Mounting is done with whichever soft epoxy resin was used in casting the blocks.  相似文献   

A quick embedding method employing UV polymerization reactions has been devised for embedding fibers in acrylic and meth-acrylate media. The resultant thin, flat embed-dings are suitable for both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A quick embedding method employing UV polymerization reactions has been devised for embedding fibers in acrylic and meth-acrylate media. The resultant thin, flat embed-dings are suitable for both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

We describe chemical dehydration with 2,2-dimethoxypropane (DMP) for rapid paraffin embedding using a mixture of DMP and mineral oil followed by mineral oil as clearing intermediates. This method is useful for classical histological techniques as well as for histochemistry and immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

A quick embedding method using UV polymerization of methacrylate plastic has been devised for embedding fibers encased in a polyvinyl chloride tube. The resulting embedments are suitable for light microscopy and image analysis.  相似文献   

Pieces of tissue, with the largest dimension not exceeding 7 mm, are fixed and dehydrated by the procedures of choice. Two stock solutions: A, for infiltration; and B, the accelerator, are used in embedding. Formulas: A, 80 ml of glycol methacrylate (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate—Rohm and Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.) is mixed well with 12 ml of polyethylene glycol (Carbowax) 400 and 8 ml of water; then 0.27 gm of benzoyl peroxide added, heated to dissolve the peroxide, and allowed to cool to room temperature. B, polyethylene 200 or 400, 15 parts, and N,N-dimethylaniline, 1 part, mixed thoroughly. Tissues are first infiltrated completely with solution A, then cast in a mixture consisting of 42 parts of A mixed with 1 part of B. Polymerization occurs in 45 min to 3 hr, depending on the temperature. In a water bath at 20 C, the time required was found to be about 3 hr; at 25 C, 1.5 hr; and at 30 C, 45 min. The plastic block can be trimmed easily, and sections 1-2 μ thick readily cut. Sections can be attached to slides by water flotation, without adhesive, and should be dried at room temperature. Staining with aqueous solutions of basic and acid dyes, without removing the embedding matrix, is sharp and brilliant. When staining of the matrix by basic dyes occurs, this background stain can be completely removed by differentiating in either 2-butoxyethanol, pure ethanol, or a mixture of the two. A number of histochemical reagents have been found compatible with this embedding procedure.  相似文献   

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