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Electrical penetration graphs of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding behaviour on four resistant and two susceptible genotypes of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) and related species showed that resistance was mainly linked to (i) reduced duration of phloem sap uptake, (ii) reduced percentage of pattern E1 (salivary secretion into sieve elements) followed by pattern E2 (sap ingestion) and (iii) increased number of shifts from E1 to E2 and back. These results suggest the unsuitability of phloem sap, and thus repetitive failures to initiate sustained ingestion. Extensive comparisons of the EPGs also revealed more specific trends. Aphids on the most susceptible cultivar GF305 produced significantly longer potential drops than on other peach genotypes. On the resistant Rubira, aphids generated more penetrations before the first E occurred, indicating the possible presence of a resistance factor before the phloem was reached. The clone P1908 of the wild species Prunus davidiana displayed traits of both susceptibility (less but longer probes) and resistance. In particular, aphids produced more E1, suggesting difficulties in preparing sieve elements before feeding. The aphid probing process could be correlated with aphid settling behaviour and bionomics, as previously reported, and gave evidence for the existence of different mechanisms underlying resistance in the tested genotypes against M. persicae.  相似文献   

Resistance to cyclodiene insecticides is associated with replacements of a single amino acid (alanine 302) in a γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subunit encoded by the single-copy gene Resistance to dieldrin (Rdl). Alanine 302 is predicted to reside within the second membrane-spanning region of the Rdl receptor, a region that is thought to line the integral chloride ion channel pore. In all cyclodiene-resistant insects studied to date, this same alanine residue is replaced either by a serine, or, in some resistant strains of Drosophila simulans, a glycine residue. Therefore, individuals can carry only two different Rdl alleles. In contrast, here we report the presence of up to four different Rdl-like alleles in individual clones of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. In addition to the wild-type copy of Rdl gene (encoding A302 or allele A), M. persicae carries three other alleles with the following amino acid replacements: A302 → Glycine (allele G), A302 → SerineTCG (allele S) and A302 → SerineAGT (allele S′). Evidence from direct nucleotide sequencing and Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis shows that at least three of these different Rdl alleles (i.e. A, G and S) are commonly present in individual aphids or aphid clones. Southern analysis using allele-specific probes and analysis of sequences downstream of the exon containing the resistance-associated mutation confirm the presence of two independent Rdl-like loci in M. persicae. One locus carries the susceptible alanine (A) and/or resistant glycine (G) allele while the other carries the two serine alleles (S or S′). Whereas resistance levels are correlated with the glycine replacement, the S allele was present in all aphid clones, regardless of their resistance status. These results suggest that target site insensitivity is associated with replacements at the first (A/G) but not the second (S/S′) locus. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences indicates that both putative aphid Rdl loci are monophyletic with respect to other insect Rdl genes and may have arisen through a recent gene duplication event. The implications of this duplication with respect to insecticide resistance and insect GABA receptor subunit diversity are discussed. Received: 10 March 1998 / Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Desireé were transformed with the genes encoding the proteins bean chitinase (BCH), snowdrop lectin (GNA) and wheat -amylase inhibitor (WAI) under the control of the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter. Transgenic plants with detectable levels of foreign RNA were then selected for further characterisation with respect to protein expression levels by immunodot blot analysis using polyclonal antibodies raised against the respective protein. With the exception of WAI, plants expressing high levels of RNA, expressed correspondingly high levels of the foreign protein (1.5–2.0% of the total soluble protein). Although high levels of WAI mRNA were detected in some of the transformants, the protein could not be detected. On the bases of expression levels, two lines, designated PWG6#85 (transformed with the double construct WAI/GNA) and PBG6#47 (transformed with the double construct BCH/GNA), were selected for testing in aphid trials for enhanced levels of resistance.Both transgenic lines had a marked and significant effect on fecundity. The number of nymphs produced per female per day peaked at 4.1 and 4.2 for lines PBG6#47 and PWG6#85 respectively, compared to a value of 5.4 on control plants. Total nymphal production was also significantly lower on either of the transgenic lines compared to control plants (P<0.001) with the differences between the lines being only just significant (P=0.058). On line PBG6#47 there was a delay in nymphal production of 1.6 days, representing a delay of 15%, and on line PWG6#85 this was 3.2 days, representing a delay of ca. 30%. The intrinsic rates of increase (r m ) were also significantly lower on both of the transgenic lines in comparison to that on control plants (P<0.001), however the differences between the lines were not significant. The potential of using such genes as part of an over all strategy for the control of aphid populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Three isomers of farnesene occur in the siphon excretions of at least four aphid species: the siphon excretions of Myzus persicae contain (E)--farnesene, as well as (Z,E)--farnesene. The significance of (E)--farnesene as an alarm pheromone was evaluated by the investigation of the ratios and quantities of the above-mentioned farnesene isomers in various morphs of Myzus persicae (Sulz.). It is suggested that a relationship exists between the production of farnesene isomers and the occurrence of morphs.
Zusammenfassung Es ist bekannt, dass drei Isomere des Farnesens in der Siphonensekret von wenigstens vier Blattläusmorphen vorkommen. So enthielt zum Beispiel das Siphonensekret bei Myzus persicae (E)--, (Z,E)-- und (E,E)--Farnesen. Um die Bedeutung des (E)--Farnesens zu ermitteln, haben wir die Mengen und Verhältnisse der Farnesenisomere in verschiedenen Morphen von Myzus persicae bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine Beziehung zwischen der Produktion von Farnesenisomeren und der Bildung der Morphe in dieser Blattläus besteht.

Adult apterousMyzus persicae, which had fed for 26 h on diet containing azadirachtin at concentrations of 25–100 ppm, produced nymphs at less than half the rate of aphids on control diets. After 50 h on azadirachtin-treated diets nymph production had virtually ceased. After this period, any nymphs produced by adults that had fed on azadirachtin-treated diets were born dead with undeveloped appendages. Honeydew production on azadirachtin-treated diets was unaffected during the first 26 h period but was approximately three times less than on control diets during the subsequent 24 h period.  相似文献   

Three mannose-binding lectins were assayed in artificial diets for their toxic and growth-inhibitory effects on nymphal development of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae. The snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin GNA was the most toxic, with an induced nymphal mortality of 42% at 1500 g ml–1 (30 M) and an IC50 (50% growth inhibition) of 630 g ml–1 (13 M). The daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) lectin NPA and a garlic (Allium sativum) lectin ASA induced no significant mortality in the range 10–1500 g ml–1, but did result in growth inhibition of 59% (NPA) and 26% (ASA) at 1500 g ml–1 (40 M for NPA, 63 M for ASA). All three lectins were responsible for a slight but significant growth stimulation when ingested at 10 g ml–1, reaching +26%, +18% and +11% over the control values for the garlic lectin, the daffodil lectin and the snowdrop lectin, respectively. GNA, as well as the glucose/mannose binding lectin Concanavalin A, were also provided at sublethal doses throughout the life cycle of the aphids, and effects on adult performance were monitored. Adult survival was not significantly altered, but both lectins adversely affected total fecundity and the dynamics of reproduction, resulting in significant reduction in calculated r ms (population intrinsic rate of natural increase) on lectin-containing diets. These effects are discussed in relation to the use of transgenic plants expressing these toxic lectins for potential control of aphid populations.  相似文献   

Aphids are one of the most important groups of phytophagous insects because of their polyphenism, host alternation, heteroecious behavior and reproductive habits. Laboratory culture of the aphid Myzus persicae on the host plant Brassica pekinensis Hubner was maintained seasonally for biometrical studies. The metric analysis revealed gradual developmental changes from the first instar nymph to the adult stage in size, shape, and a number of characters. The transitional changes were sufficiently distinct to allow differentiation of each of the life stages irrespective of the season. A key to the nymphal stages of the pest is provided.  相似文献   

Cruciferous plants produce a wide variety of glucosinolates as a protection against herbivores and pathogens. However, very little is known about the importance of individual glucosinolates in plant defense and the regulation of their production in response to herbivory. When Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) feeds on Arabidopsis aliphatic glucosinolates pass through the aphid gut intact, but indole glucosinolates are mostly degraded. Although aphid feeding causes an overall decrease in Arabidopsis glucosinolate content, the production of 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate is induced. This altered glucosinolate profile is not a systemic plant response, but is limited to the area in which aphids are feeding. Aphid feeding on detached leaves causes a similar change in the glucosinolate profile, demonstrating that glucosinolate transport is not required for the observed changes. Salicylate-mediated signaling has been implicated in other plant responses to aphid feeding. However, analysis of eds5, pad4, npr1 and NahG transgenic Arabidopsis, which are compromised in this pathway, demonstrated that aphid-induced changes in the indole glucosinolate profile were unaffected. The addition of purified indol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate to the petioles of cyp79B2 cyp79B3 mutant leaves, which do not produce indole glucosinolates, showed that this glucosinolate serves as a precursor for the aphid-induced synthesis of 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate. In artificial diets, 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate is a significantly greater aphid deterrent in the absence of myrosinase than its metabolic precursor indol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate. Together, these results demonstrate that, in response to aphid feeding, Arabidopsis plants convert one indole glucosinolate to another that provides a greater defensive benefit.  相似文献   

Effects of sublethal concentrations (LC25) of six insecticides (imidacloprid, rotenone, fenvalerate, abamectin, pirimicarb and azadirachtin) on fecundity and wing dimorphism of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), were studied both under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In the laboratory, aphid reproduction reduced by 44.29% and 54.01% when rotenone and abamectin treatments were applied at sublethal dose, respectively, and sublethal fenvalerate application resulted in markedly lower average reproduction per female per day compared with control. Reproductive duration of aphid treated with abamectin significantly decreased by 44.19%. But in the greenhouse, there were no evident differences in the aphid fecundity and reproductive duration between treatments and control. Life‐table parameters also demonstrated that the six insecticides at sublethal doses did not stimulate the aphid reproductive potential. In the laboratory, after being exposed to sublethal doses of imidacloprid and fenvalerate, the proportions of alate progeny in aphid progeny were significantly higher than that of the control. In the greenhouse, percentages of alate offspring from the mother aphids treated with imidacloprid, fenvalerate and abamectin increased pronouncedly compared with control. Mortality rates of offspring in the nymphal stages from adults treated with insecticides revealed no significant changes between laboratory and greenhouse. The developmental time in days of the offspring varied in all treatments. Mechanisms of insecticide‐induced resurgence are discussed.  相似文献   

Preimaginal development, mortality, aphid consumption rate, and size and weight upon reaching the adult stage of the aphidophagous coccinellids Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville and Coccinella septempunctata L. collected from Karditsa, central Greece, were examined at four constant temperatures (14, 17, 20 and 23 °C) and L16:D8. The coccinellids fed on the tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae nicotianae Blackman. Egg, larval and pupal mortality was highest at 14 °C reaching 85.0, 73.8 and 29.4% in H. convergens and 49.3, 75.4 and 58.8% in C. septempunctata, respectively. Total preimaginal development ranged from 57.2 to 70.4 days at 14 °C, and to 16.9 and 22.1 days at 23 °C in H. convergens and C. septempunctata, respectively. Heavier and larger adults of H. convergens were obtained at 17 and 20 ° C. In C. septempunctata temperature did not affect adult weight while the lowest size was observed at 14 and 17 °C. Day-degrees requirements for preimaginal development in H. corvengens were 212.9 above a developmental threshold of 11.0 °C. The corresponding values for C. septempunctata were 281.5 and 10.7 °C. In H. convergens total and daily aphid consumption ranged from 46.8 aphids at 14 °C to 85.0 aphids at 23 °C and from 1.5 aphids at 14 °C to 9.2 aphids at 23 °C, respectively. The corresponding values for C. septempunctata were 112.0 and 2.7 at 14 °C and 157.7 and 12.4 at 23 °C. The results show the high potential of both predators as biological control agents against the tobacco aphid. The knowledge obtained could be essential for their appropriate use and for the improvement of mass rearing systems.  相似文献   

When adult apterae of the green peach aphid in a dual choice situation is offered an artificial diet and the same diet to which one of 24 secondary plant substances is added, none of these compounds enhances the diet's acceptability. With the exception of sinigrin and tomatine, all substances make the diet less acceptable. When the same compounds are offered in a no-choice experiment, some of them are tolerated (normal survival, and reproduction starting at the same time as in the control) whereas others are deleterious. This is probably due to their feeding deterrent character. Polyphagy of the green peach aphid is probably realized by ignoring some allelochemics and avoiding others.
Résumé Quand on soumet des adultes aptères de Myzus persicae à un choix alimentaire, entre un aliment artificiel éprouvé (basic diet de Mittler & Kleinjan 1970) et ce même aliment supplémenté avec l'une des 24 substances chimiques secondaires extraites de diverses plantes, aucun de ces composés allélochimiques ne renforce le choix alimentaire en sa faveur. Au contraire, à l'exception de la sinigrine et de la tomatine, toutes les substances testées rendent l'aliment moins acceptable pour ce puceron.Quand ces mêmes composés chimiques sont présentés dans des expériences ne comportant pas un choix alimentaire, certains d'entre eux sont tolérés (survie normale et délai de la reproduction identique à celui des lots témoins), tandis que d'autres se révèlent nocifs. Cela est probablement dû à leur action inhibitrice sur l'alimentation.La polyphagie de Myzus persicae résulte probablement du fait que l'insecte ne réagit pas à une partie de ces composés allélochimiques et en évite d'autres.

桃蚜自然种群初级和次级共生菌的分子鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李正西  李定旭 《昆虫学报》2005,48(5):810-814
蚜虫不仅带有专性初级内共生菌,还常常带有不同类群的兼性次级共生菌。本研究采用真细菌16S rDNA的通用引物,从桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer)烟草种群体内扩增出1.5 kb的共迁移目的条带,然后将其克隆,并在阳性克隆筛选时进行了RFLP分析。当采用EcoRⅠ进行单酶切分析时,目的片段被切割成~650 bp和~850 bp两个小片段;当采用EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ进行双酶切分析时,该蚜群共生菌酶切谱带被分成2组,其中1组(GroupⅠ)只具有一个EcoRⅠ酶切位点,而另1组(Group Ⅱ)不仅具有一个EcoRⅠ酶切位点,还具有一个HindⅢ酶切位点,而且GroupⅠ为优势共生菌群。在此基础上分别对2组共生菌的16S rDNA全序列(~1.5 kb)进行了测定,结果表明:GroupⅠ属于泛菌属Pantoea,与成团泛菌Pantoea agglomerans亲缘关系最近(同源性达99.70%),而Group Ⅱ属于蚜虫的专性内共生菌,即Buchnera aphidicola(同源性达99.50%)。这是在蚜虫体内存在泛菌次级共生菌的首次报道。  相似文献   

Growth of the aphidMyzus persicae fed artificial diets in which the required trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn) were incorporated as chlorides was compared to growth on diets in which the minerals were supplied as sodium EDTA complexes. If the mineral chlorides were allowed to interact with L ascorbic acid prior to their incorporation into a diet, much less ascorbic acid was needed than if the ascorbic acid was added after incorporation of the mineral chlorides into a diet. Low levels of D ascorbic acid or citric acid acted similarly to L ascorbic acid. This was presumably by chelating the minerals. The complexes thus formed not only maintained the minerals in solution for ingestion but appeared to facilitate their utilization by the aphids. However, higher levels of L ascorbic acid were needed by the insects, presumably for purposes other than trace-mineral nutrition, when they were maintained for longer periods on the diets.  相似文献   

The effects of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium longisporum (Zimmerman) Zare & Gams on three parameters of behaviour (feeding, reproduction and movement) of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) were investigated in the laboratory. Visual analysis of video tapes established that honeydew excretion events of mycosed aphids gradually declined from 2 d post inoculation and reproduction rate was significantly reduced 2 d prior to death (which occurred on day 6); both parameters were stable in controls over the same period. A detailed comparison was made between mobility of aphids during infection with two isolates of L. longisporum, using image analysis of video recordings. Both isolates caused an increase in activity at the beginning of mycosis (during fungal germination and cuticle invasion) though the intensity and the duration of this behaviour varied with the isolate. The possibility that increased movement in early mycosis helps disseminate disease is discussed in the light of the observation that saprophytic surface growth occurs on living M. persicae as it does in at least some other Lecanicillium spp-insect interactions.  相似文献   

几种病原真菌对二点叶螨、桃蚜的侵染能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从兰州市刘家堡乡自然感病的菜豆蚜尸上,经分离、纯化、筛选得到5种病原真菌,即新接霉属、干尸霉属、虫瘴霉属、虫疠霉属、匍柄霉属。以室内盆栽菜豆上饲养供试桃蚜、二点叶螨为供试生物,测定了几种病原真菌的侵染力。结果表明:匍柄霉属、新接霉属、虫瘴霉属、虫疠霉属对桃蚜有较高的侵染力,接种第7 d后校正死亡率分别为74.0%、70.0%、64.0%、62.0%;对二点叶螨雌成螨的侵染力相对较低,干尸霉属、新接霉属、虫瘴霉属、匍柄霉属接种第7 d后校正死亡率分别为48%、45.9%、42.7%和38.8%。几种病原真菌孢子悬浮液处理二点叶螨螨卵后,可延长螨卵的发育历期,降低螨卵孵化率。  相似文献   

Infectivity of entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) Steinernema carpocapsae Pocheon strain on the green peach aphid Myzus persicae and its parasitic wasps (e.g., Aphidius colemani, Aphidius gifuensis and Diaeretiella rapae) was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Infective juveniles (IJs) of S. carpocapsae Pocheon strain had low infectivity against nymph and adult stages of M. persicae, showing 2% and 6.7% of mortality, respectively. Application of the EPNs had little effect on mummies caused by the three parasitoid species, allowing them to remain intact. No IJ invaded the host, regardless of EPN application rate. The parasitoid emergence from mummies ranged from 80% to 85% in the presence of EPN while 79–86% was recorded in the absence of EPN. However, the presence of the IJs reduced oviposition by the three parasitoid species, decreasing the rate up to 59% when the nematodes were applied before parasitoid release, while little difference in oviposition was observed when nematodes were applied after parasitoid release.  相似文献   

Model terrestrial ecosystems were set-up in the Ecotron controlled environment facility. The effects of elevated CO2 (ambient + 200 mol/mol) and temperature (ambient + 2.0°C) on plant chemistry, the abundance of the peach potato aphid Myzus persicae, and on the performance of one of its parasitoids Aphidius matricariae, were studied. Total above-ground plant biomass at the end of the experiment was not affected by elevated atmospheric CO2, nor were foliar nitrogen and carbon concentrations. Elevated temperature decreased final plant biomass while leaf nitrogen concentrations increased. Aphid abundance was enhanced by both the␣CO2 and temperature treatment. Parasitism rates remained unchanged in elevated CO2, but showed an increasing trend in conditions of elevated temperature. Our results suggest that M. persicae, an important pest of many crops, might increase its abundance under conditions of climate change. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Adults of the lady beetle Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville requiring aphids for egg production, were fed suboptimal amounts of apteriform virginoparous larvae or alatiform gynoparous larvae of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), and artificial diet ad lib. The beetles initiated oviposition sooner and deposited significantly more eggs when supplied with the same weight of apterous virginoparous morph. The possible nutritional, hormonal, and ecological implications of the findings are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Eiproduktion des Marienkäfers Hippodamia convergens, welcher hierzu Blattläuse als Nahrung benötigt, wurde bei Fütterung mit zwei verschiedenen Morphen der Blattlaus Myzus persicae untersucht. Der Verzehr derselben Menge flügelloser Virginoparen führte im Vergleich zu geflügelten Gynoparen zu früherer und signifikant erhöhter Eiabgabe. Der hormonale und ernährungsphysiologische Hintergrund und die ökologische Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.

Sauge MH  Lambert P  Pascal T 《Heredity》2012,108(3):292-301
The architecture and action of quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to plant resistance mechanisms against aphids, the largest group of phloem-feeding insects, are not well understood. Comparative mapping of several components of resistance to the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) was undertaken in Prunus davidiana, a wild species related to peach. An interspecific F(1) population of Prunus persica var. Summergrand × P. davidiana clone P1908 was scored for resistance (aphid colony development and foliar damage) and 17 aphid feeding behaviour traits monitored by means of the electrical penetration graph technique. Seven resistance QTLs were detected, individually explaining 6.1-43.1% of the phenotypic variation. Consistency was shown over several trials. Nine QTLs affecting aphid feeding behaviour were identified. All resistance QTLs except one co-located with QTLs underlying aphid feeding behaviour. A P. davidiana resistance allele at the major QTL was associated with drastic reductions in phloem sap ingestion by aphids, suggesting a phloem-based resistance mechanism. Resistance was also positively correlated with aphid salivation into sieve elements, suggesting an insect response to restore the appropriate conditions for ingestion after phloem occlusion. No significant QTL was found for traits characterising aphid mouthpart activity in plant tissues other than phloem vessels. Two QTLs with effects on aphid feeding behaviour but without effect on resistance were identified. SSR markers linked to the main QTLs involved in resistance are of potential use in marker-assisted selection for aphid resistance. Linking our results with the recent sequencing of the peach genome may help clarify the physiological resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Transgenesis developed in the last 20 years offers new possibilities for crop protection. The transgenic process, however, requires the use of marker fusion genes to select and visualize the transformed tissues. Although the expression products of these marker genes are stably expressed in crops, little attention has been given to assess the eventual risks of these recombinant proteins on phytophage populations. Three independent transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) clones from the cultivar Désirée (DG5, DG18, and DG20) carrying the commonly used nptII‐gus gene construct and exhibiting different β‐glucuronidase activity (0.843 ± 0.011, 0.576 ± 0.096, and 0.002 ± 0.000 pmol min?1.mg?1, respectively) were evaluated to determine the impact of the encoded proteins on the behaviour, development, reproduction, and demography of the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae, under laboratory‐controlled light and temperature. Our results revealed that the transgenic event can alter aphid physiology or behaviour. Experiments showed a probiotic effect of one transgenic line, the DG5, resulting in reduced prereproductive period and mortality, and enhanced daily fecundity, which was expressed in a greater population growth potential (rm = 0.205 vs. rm = 0.174 of the control). In contrast, aphids fed with the DG18 line exhibited reduced adult survival and reproductive period but no alteration of their demographic parameters (rm = 0.176). Finally, no physiological alteration was induced in aphids fed on a DG20 diet (rm = 0.170). Behavioural experiments conducted in a 4‐choice olfactometer demonstrated that insects were significantly more attracted by the odour of transgenic DG18 potato plant than that of Désirée non‐transformed plant, spending twice as much time in the DG18 plant odour. The two other transformed clones (DG5 and DG20) were as attractive as the non‐transformed cultivar. It is concluded that the β‐glucuronidase expression in potato plants might be responsible for the probiotic effect measured on the feeding aphids, whereas alteration of the foliage odour would result from a pleiotropic effect.  相似文献   

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