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Song BH  Yun SI  Choi YJ  Kim JM  Lee CH  Lee YM 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2008,14(9):1791-1813
Tertiary or higher-order RNA motifs that regulate replication of positive-strand RNA viruses are as yet poorly understood. Using Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), we now show that a key element in JEV RNA replication is a complex RNA motif that includes a string of three discontinuous complementary sequences (TDCS). The TDCS consists of three 5-nt-long strands, the left (L) strand upstream of the translation initiator AUG adjacent to the 5′-end of the genome, and the middle (M) and right (R) strands corresponding to the base of the Flavivirus-conserved 3′ stem–loop structure near the 3′-end of the RNA. The three strands are arranged in an antiparallel configuration, with two sets of base-pairing interactions creating L-M and M-R duplexes. Disrupting either or both of these duplex regions of TDCS completely abolished RNA replication, whereas reconstructing both duplex regions, albeit with mutated sequences, fully restored RNA replication. Modeling of replication-competent genomes recovered from a large pool of pseudorevertants originating from six replication-incompetent TDCS mutants suggests that both duplex base-pairing potentials of TDCS are required for RNA replication. In all cases, acquisition of novel sequences within the 3′M-R duplex facilitated a long-range RNA–RNA interaction of its 3′M strand with either the authentic 5′L strand or its alternative (invariably located upstream of the 5′ initiator), thereby restoring replicability. We also found that a TDCS homolog is conserved in other flaviviruses. These data suggest that two duplex base-pairings defined by the TDCS play an essential regulatory role in a key step(s) of Flavivirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

Replication of picornaviruses is dependent on VPg uridylylation, which is linked to the presence of the internal cis-acting replication element (cre). Cre are located within the sequence encoding polyprotein, yet at distinct positions as demonstrated for poliovirus and coxsackievirus-B3, cardiovirus, and human rhinovirus (HRV-A and HRV-B), overlapping proteins 2C, VP2, 2A, and VP1, respectively. Here we report a novel distinct cre element located in the VP2 region of the recently reported HRV-A2 species and provide evolutionary evidence of its functionality. We also experimentally interrogated functionality of recently identified HRV-B cre in the 2C region that is orthologous to the human enterovirus (HEV) cre and show that it is dispensable for replication and appears to be a nonfunctional evolutionary relic. In addition, our mutational analysis highlights two amino acids in the 2C protein that are crucial for replication. Remarkably, we conclude that each genetic clade of HRV and HEV is characterized by a unique functional cre element, where evolutionary success of a new genetic lineage seems to be associated with an invention of a novel cre motif and decay of the ancestral one. Therefore, we propose that cre element could be considered as an additional criterion for human rhinovirus and enterovirus classification.  相似文献   

Pestiviruses, such as bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), share many similarities with hepatitis C virus (HCV) yet are more amenable to virologic and genetic analysis. For both BVDV and HCV, translation is initiated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). Besides IRES function, the viral 5' nontranslated regions (NTRs) may also contain cis-acting RNA elements important for viral replication. A series of chimeric RNAs were used to examine the function of the BVDV 5' NTR. Our results show that: (1) the HCV and the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRES element can functionally replace that of BVDV; (2) two 5' terminal hairpins in BVDV genomic RNA are important for efficient replication; (3) replacement of the entire BVDV 5' NTR with those of HCV or EMCV leads to severely impaired replication; (4) such replacement chimeras are unstable and efficiently replicating pseudorevertants arise; (5) pseudorevertant mutations involve deletion of 5' sequences and/or acquisition of novel 5' sequences such that the 5' terminal 3-4 bases of BVDV genome RNA are restored. Besides providing new insight into functional elements in the BVDV 5' NTR, these chimeras may prove useful as pestivirus vaccines and for screening and evaluation of anti-HCV IRES antivirals.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses require complementarity between the 5' and 3' ends of the genome for RNA replication. For mosquito-borne flaviviruses, the cyclization sequences (CS) and upstream of AUG region (UAR) elements at the genomic termini are necessary for viral RNA replication, and a third motif, the downstream of AUG region (DAR), was recently designated for dengue virus. The 3' DAR sequence is also part of a hairpin (HP-3'SL), and both complementarity between 5' and 3' DAR motifs and formation of the HP-3'SL in the absence of the 5' end are conserved among mosquito-borne flaviviruses. Using West Nile virus as a model, we demonstrate that 5'-3' DAR complementarity and HP-3'SL formation are essential for viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

The role of the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) in the replication of enteroviruses has been studied with a series of mutants derived from either poliovirus type 3 (PV3) or a PV3 replicon containing the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. Replication was observed when the PV3 3'UTR was replaced with that of either coxsackie B4 virus, human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14), bovine enterovirus, or hepatitis A virus, despite the lack of sequence and secondary structure homology of the 3'UTRs of these viruses. The levels of replication observed for recombinants containing the 3'UTRs of hepatitis A virus and bovine enterovirus were lower than those for PV3 and the other recombinants. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis of the single stem-loop structure formed by the HRV14 3'UTR indicated the importance of (i) the loop sequence, (ii) the stability of the stem, and (iii) the location of the stem immediately upstream of the poly(A) tail. The role of a 4-bp motif at the base of the HRV14 stem, highly conserved among rhinoviruses, was examined by site-directed mutagenesis of individual base pairs. This analysis did not pinpoint a particular base pair as crucial for function. The requirement for immediate adjacent positioning of the open reading frame and the 3'UTR was examined by insertion of a 1.1-kb heterologous sequence. A replicon containing this insert replicated to about 30% of the level observed for the wild type. However, the corresponding virus consistently deleted most of the inserted fragment, suggesting that its presence was incompatible with a full replication cycle.  相似文献   

The genome of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a plus-strand RNA molecule that carries a single long open reading frame. It is flanked at either end by highly conserved nontranslated regions (NTRs) that mediate crucial steps in the viral life cycle. The 3' NTR of HCV has a tripartite structure composed of an about 40-nucleotide variable region, a poly(U/UC) tract that has a heterogeneous length, and a highly conserved 98-nucleotide 3'-terminal sequence designated the X tail or 3'X. Conflicting data as to the role the sequences in the 3' NTR play in RNA replication have been reported. By using the HCV replicon system, which is based on the self-replication of subgenomic HCV RNAs in human hepatoma cell line Huh-7, we mapped in this study the sequences in the 3' NTR required for RNA replication. We found that a mutant with a complete deletion of the variable region is viable but that replication is reduced significantly. Only replicons in which the poly(U/UC) tract was replaced by a homouridine stretch of at least 26 nucleotides were able to replicate, whereas RNAs with homopolymeric guanine, adenine, or cytosine sequences were inactive. Deletions of individual or all stem-loop structures in 3'X were not tolerated, demonstrating that this region is most crucial for efficient RNA replication. Finally, we found that none of these deletions or substitutions within the 3' NTR affected RNA stability or translation, demonstrating that the primary effect of the mutations was on RNA replication. These data represent the first detailed mapping of sequences in the 3' NTR assumed to act as a promoter for initiation of minus-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Wang L  Jeng KS  Lai MM 《Journal of virology》2011,85(16):7954-7964
Sequences in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is important for modulating both translation and RNA replication. The translation of the HCV genome depends on an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located within the 341-nucleotide 5'UTR, while RNA replication requires a smaller region. A question arises whether the replication and translation functions require different regions of the 5'UTR and different sets of RNA-binding proteins. Here, we showed that the 5'-most 157 nucleotides of HCV RNA is the minimum 5'UTR for RNA replication, and it partially overlaps with the IRES. Stem-loops 1 and 2 of the 5'UTR are essential for RNA replication, whereas stem-loop 1 is not required for translation. We also found that poly(C)-binding protein 2 (PCBP2) bound to the replication region of the 5'UTR and associated with detergent-resistant membrane fractions, which are the sites of the HCV replication complex. The knockdown of PCBP2 by short hairpin RNA decreased the amounts of HCV RNA and nonstructural proteins. Antibody-mediated blocking of PCBP2 reduced HCV RNA replication in vitro, indicating that PCBP2 is directly involved in HCV RNA replication. Furthermore, PCBP2 knockdown reduced IRES-dependent translation preferentially from a dual reporter plasmid, suggesting that PCBP2 also regulated IRES activity. These findings indicate that PCBP2 participates in both HCV RNA replication and translation. Moreover, PCBP2 interacts with HCV 5'- and 3'UTR RNA fragments to form an RNA-protein complex and induces the circularization of HCV RNA, as revealed by electron microscopy. This study thus demonstrates the mechanism of the participation of PCBP2 in HCV translation and replication and provides physical evidence for HCV RNA circularization through 5'- and 3'UTR interaction.  相似文献   

The properties that define centromeres in complex eukaryotes are poorly understood because the underlying DNA is normally repetitive and indistinguishable from surrounding noncentromeric sequences. However, centromeric chromatin contains variant H3-like histones that may specify centromeric regions. Nucleosomes are normally assembled during DNA replication; therefore, we examined replication and chromatin assembly at centromeres in Drosophila cells. DNA in pericentric heterochromatin replicates late in S phase, and so centromeres are also thought to replicate late. In contrast to expectation, we show that centromeres replicate as isolated domains early in S phase. These domains do not appear to assemble conventional H3-containing nucleosomes, and deposition of the Cid centromeric H3-like variant proceeds by a replication-independent pathway. We suggest that late-replicating pericentric heterochromatin helps to maintain embedded centromeres by blocking conventional nucleosome assembly early in S phase, thereby allowing the deposition of centromeric histones.  相似文献   

Wu TY  Wu CY  Chen YJ  Chen CY  Wang CH 《FEBS letters》2007,581(16):3120-3126
A bicistronic baculovirus expression vector and fluorescent protein-based assays were used to identify the sequences that possess internal translation activity in baculovirus-infected insect cells. We demonstrated that the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR; 473 nucleotides) of Perina nuda virus (PnV) and the 5'UTR (579 nucleotides) of Rhopalosiphum padi virus (RhPV), but not the IRES sequence of Cricket paralysis virus, have internal translation activity in baculovirus-infected Sf21 cells. In addition, we found that including the first 22 codons of the predicted PnV open reading frame (ORF; a total of 539 nucleotides) enhanced internal translation activity by approximately 18 times. This is the first report of internal translation activity for a baculovirus expression system (BEVS) in the iflavirus 5' sequence and may facilitate the development of polycistronic baculovirus transfer vectors that can be used in BEVS for the production of multiple protein complexes.  相似文献   

Patients with acute vitiligo have low epidermal catalase expression/activities and accumulate 10(-3) M H(2)O(2). One consequence of this severe oxidative stress is an altered calcium homeostasis in epidermal keratinocytes and melanocytes. Here, we show decreased epidermal calmodulin expression in acute vitiligo. Since 10(-3)M H(2)O(2) oxidises methionine and tryptophan residues in proteins, we examined calcium binding to calmodulin in the presence and absence of H(2)O(2) utilising (45)calcium. The results showed that all four calcium atoms exchanged per molecule of calmodulin. Since oxidised calmodulin looses its ability to activate calcium ATPase, enzyme activities were followed in full skin biopsies from lesional skin of patients with acute vitiligo (n=6) and healthy controls (n=6). The results yielded a 4-fold decrease of ATPase activities in the patients. Computer simulation of native and oxidised calmodulin confirmed the loss of all four calcium ions from their specific EF-hand domains. Taken together H(2)O(2)-mediated oxidation affects calcium binding in calmodulin leading to perturbed calcium homeostasis and perturbed l-phenylalanine-uptake in the epidermis of acute vitiligo.  相似文献   

The chromosomal replication origins (oriC) of gram positive, acid-fast actinomycetes have been investigated in streptomycetes and mycobacteria. A 1339 bp DNA fragment of the putative oriC region from the rifamycin SV producer Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 was cloned by PCR amplification employing primers designed based on the conserved flanking genes of dnaA and dnaN. The 884 bp sequence of the intergenic region between dnaA and dnaN genes consists of 19 DnaA-boxes and two 13-mer AT-rich sequences, which is similar to the oriC structure of Streptomyces lividans. A mini-chromosome constructed by cloning the putative U32 oriC DNA fragment into an Escherichia coli plasmid was able to replicate autonomously, but was unstable, in A. mediterranei U32 with an estimated copy number of two per cell. Although efficient replication of the mini-chromosome in U32 requires the complete set of DnaA-boxes and AT-rich regions, only one of the AT-rich sequences together with part of the DnaA-boxes is sufficient, suggesting the presence of combinatorial alternatives for a functional oriC region of A. mediterranei U32. Phylogenetic analysis based on definite oriC sequences among eubacteria reflects well the relationship between these species.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase (Plk)1 is required for mitosis progression. However, although Plk1 is expressed throughout the cell cycle, its function during S-phase is unknown. Using Xenopus laevis egg extracts, we demonstrate that Plx1, the Xenopus orthologue of Plk1, is required for DNA replication in the presence of stalled replication forks induced by aphidicolin, etoposide or reduced levels of DNA-bound Mcm complexes. Plx1 binds to chromatin and suppresses the ATM/ATR-dependent intra-S-phase checkpoint that inhibits origin firing. This allows Cdc45 loading and derepression of DNA replication initiation. Checkpoint activation increases Plx1 binding to the Mcm complex through its Polo box domain. Plx1 recruitment to chromatin is independent of checkpoint mediators Tipin and Claspin. Instead, ATR-dependent phosphorylation of serine 92 of Mcm2 is required for the recruitment of Plx1 to chromatin and for the recovery of DNA replication under stress. Depletion of Plx1 leads to accumulation of chromosomal breakage that is prevented by the addition of recombinant Plx1. These data suggest that Plx1 promotes genome stability by regulating DNA replication under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

K H Chang  E A Brown    S M Lemon 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6716-6725
The 5' nontranslated region (5'NTR) of hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA contains structural elements which facilitate 5' cap-independent initiation of virus translation and are likely to interact with cellular proteins functioning as translation initiation factors. To define these interactions, we characterized the binding of ribosome-associated proteins from several cell types to synthetic RNAs representing segments of the 5'NTR by using a UV cross-linking/label transfer assay. Four major proteins (p30, p39, p57, and p110) were identified. p30 and p39 were present in ribosomal salt washes prepared only from HAV-permissive BS-C-1 and FRhK-4 cells, while p57 was found only in HeLa cells and rabbit reticulocyte lysates. p110 was present in all cell types. Both p30 and p39 bound to multiple sites within the 5'NTR. Efficient transfer of label to p30 occurred with minimal RNA probes representing nucleotides (nt) 96 to 155, 151 to 354, and, to a much lesser extent, 634 to 744, while label transfer to p39 occurred with probes representing nt 96 to 155 and 634 to 744. All of these probes represent regions of the 5'NTR which are rich in pyrimidines. Competitive inhibition studies indicated that both p30 and p39 bound with greater affinity to sites in the 5' half of the NTR (a probe representing nt 1 to 354) than to the more 3' site (nt 634 to 744). Binding of p39 to the probe representing nt 96 to 155 was inhibited in the presence of an equal amount of proteins derived from HeLa cells, suggesting that p39 shares binding site specificity with one or more HeLa cell proteins. A 57-kDa protein in HeLa cell protein extracts reacted with antibody to polypyrimidine tract-binding protein in immunoblots, but no immunoreactive protein was identified in a similar BS-C-1 protein fraction. These results demonstrate that ribosome-associated proteins which bind to the 5'NTR of HAV vary substantially among different mammalian cell types, possibly accounting for differences in the extent to which individual cell types support growth of the virus. Mutations in the 5'NTR which enhance the growth of HAV in certain cell types may reflect specific adaptive responses to these or other proteins.  相似文献   

Human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a critical target in cancer chemotherapy. Previous studies showed that an 82-nt RNA fragment within the DHFR mRNA protein-coding region functions as a DHFR cis-acting response element. In this study, we further investigated the key elements contained within this sequence that are required for the DHFR mRNA-DHFR protein interaction. Using enzymatic foot-printing assays and RNA-binding experiments, we isolated a 27-nt sequence (DHFR27, corresponding to nts 407-433), which bound with high affinity and specificity to human DHFR to form a ribonucleoprotein complex. In vivo transient transfection experiments using a luciferase reporter system revealed that DHFR27 RNA could repress the luciferase expression in a DHFR-dependent manner when placed upstream of luciferase mRNA. This work provides new insights into the essential molecular elements that mediate RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The terminal half of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) in the (+)-strand RNA genome of tomato bushy stunt virus was analyzed for possible roles in viral RNA replication. Computer-aided thermodynamic analysis of secondary structure, phylogenetic comparisons for base-pair covariation, and chemical and enzymatic solution structure probing were used to analyze the 78 nucleotide long 5'-terminal sequence. The results indicate that this sequence adopts a branched secondary structure containing a three-helix junction core. The T-shaped domain (TSD) formed by this terminal sequence is closed by a prominent ten base-pair long helix, termed stem 1 (S1). Deletion of either the 5' or 3' segment forming S1 (coordinates 1-10 or 69-78, respectively) in a model subviral RNA replicon, i.e. a prototypical defective interfering (DI) RNA, reduced in vivo accumulation levels of this molecule approximately 20-fold. Compensatory-type mutational analysis of S1 within this replicon revealed a strong correlation between formation of the predicted S1 structure and efficient DI RNA accumulation. RNA decay studies in vivo did not reveal any notable changes in the physical stabilities of DI RNAs containing disrupted S1s, thus implicating RNA replication as the affected process. Further investigation revealed that destabilization of S1 in the (+)-strand was significantly more detrimental to DI RNA accumulation than (-)-strand destabilization, therefore S1-mediated activity likely functions primarily via the (+)-strand. The essential role of S1 in DI RNA accumulation prompted us to examine the 5'-proximal secondary structure of a previously identified mutant DI RNA, RNA B, that lacks the 5' UTR but is still capable of low levels of replication. Mutational analysis of a predicted S1-like element present within a cryptic 5'-terminal TSD confirmed the importance of the former in RNA B accumulation. Collectively, these data support a fundamental role for the TSD, and in particular its S1 subelement, in tombusvirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

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