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Summary Three types of unicellular glands have been identified from the parapodial epithelium of Nereis. They conform to a common plan. The cell body, which lies at the base of the epithelium, has prominent rough-faced endoplasmic reticulum and golgi. It sends a long intra-cellular duct to the cuticle where it opens through a pore lined by the epicuticle. The end of the duct in two of the glands bears a ring of microvilli. The duct of the type-6 gland is lined by cytoplasm containing elongated mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum arranged in an alternating fashion. Each of these organelles is surrounded by an array of longitudionally orientated microtubules. The secretions are contained in membrane bound vesicles. In the type-4 cells the contents are homogeneous, whilst the other two contain distinctive electron-dense granules. The type-4 secretions are PAS negative and alcianophilic, the type-5 secretions are PAS positive and non-alcianophilic whilst the type-6 secretions have a strong affinity for Orange G.This work was supported by a grant from the Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary The principal supportive elements of the nereid central nervous system are non-neuronal cells that are referred to as supportive glia. Supportive glial cells form a conspicuous cortex in the nerve cord. The inner region of this cortex consists of closely packed processes and cell bodies of fibrous supportive glial cells that are arranged in concentric layers around the perimeter of the neuropile. The fibrous appearance of the glial cells results from dense bundles of cytoplasmic filaments. Many fibrous glial processes penetrate the neuropile and ramify among the neuronal elements. Larger, irregularly shaped cells are the chief supportive glial elements of the peripheral region of the cortex where they line the stromal sheath (neural lamella) and invest the neuronal perikarya with extensive concentric systems of lamellate processes. These glial cells usually possess a relatively undifferentiated cytoplasm with scattered glycogen granules, but occasionally have a well developed Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum and densely packed particulate glycogen. The supportive glia exhibits numerous desmosomes as well as 5-layered (tight) and 7-layered (gap) junctions. Interspersed among the supportive glial cells are non-neuronal cells referred to as granulocytes. These cells have abundant large, granular inclusions, electron lucent vesicles, plasmalemmal infoldings and microtubules. The granulocytes may be derived from undifferentiated glial cells or may represent coelomocytes that have invaded the nervous tissue.Supported by USPHS Grants No. NIH 5P01 NS-07512, NIH 2T01 GM-00102, and NB-00840.The author acknowledges the excellent technical assistance of Sarah Wurzelmann and Stanley Brown, and thanks Dr. Berta Scharrer for many stimulating discussions.  相似文献   

Cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni in daughter sporocysts in Biomphalaria glabrata were studied with the electron microscope to observe the maturing process of their acetabular glands. The undifferentiated acetabular gland displays its enlarged basal area (fundus) and extended narrow process (duct) before other organ systems are recognized. Its fundus contains a prominent nucleus and subcellular organelles typical of active secretory cells.The secretory granules of the postacetabular glands are formed in a milieu of dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Two morphologically different secretory granules are produced: (1) homogeneously granular ones, and (2) other granular ones with electron dense bodies in their matrices. Mostly, the homogeneously granular ones are produced first in the fundus and are forced into the ducts as the other type is formed.The secretory granules of preacetabular glands are formed from translucent vacuoles which arise from an environment of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Two morphologically different secretory granules are produced: (1) one type has a homogeneous dense matrix, and (2) the other type has a less dense matrix containing electron-lucid bodies.The duct of an undifferentiated acetabular gland has either filamentous material or microtubules dispersed in its cytoplasm. Once microtubules are formed, they persist during the life of the cercaria. The microtubules are believed to have possibly two functions: (1) to support the long duct, and (2) to assist the movement of the secretory granules into the channels of the ducts where they remain until released during host penetration.Few of the subcellular organelles associated with secretory granules formation are seen in the duct except the area in close proximity to the fundus; thus, the few secretory granules produced in the duct are in this region.  相似文献   

Summary Following observation of conical groups of stiff, but motile cilia on the tentacles of the branchial crown of Sabella pavonina, these were examined with the electron microscope. The bundles consist of about 40 unenclosed standard cilia supported by one or two primary sense cells with centrally directed axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter. Axons in the distal portions of the branchial crown occur in small bundles surrounded by a basement membrane. More centrally, glial elements appear and the nerves are surrounded by a collagenous sheath. The branchial nerve trunk shows similarities in organisation to other previously investigated annelid central nervous tissue in that the whole nerve is surrounded by a fibrous sheath central to which there is a layer of glial cells with processes penetrating a central neuropile. The 0.1–0.2 axons commonly occur in glial-enveloped groups of < 40 whilst other axons of larger and mixed diameter are found together.Each tentacle has two branchial nerves on the oral side, and each nerve gives rise to two small 75-axon branches running to each pinnule. The branchial nerves fuse to form the branchial nerve trunk running to the supra-oesophageal ganglia.Sections of the branchial nerves of the branchial crown at progressively more central levels show that the branchial nerve trunk contains enough axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter to account for all the sensory cells on the tentacles. This is taken as evidence for the sensory cells having axons terminating within the central nervous system and that there is no peripheral confluence or fusion of these afferent axons.  相似文献   

Guillaume, O. 2000. The ventral skin glands, new additional cloacal glands in Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). II. Male. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 223–234 Cloacae from male Proteus anguinus were examined for the first time by light and electron microscopy. Male P. anguinus possess anterior and posterior ventral glands, dorsal and lateral pelvic glands, vent glands and Kingsbury’s glands as do Necturus males. However, male P. anguinus also possess the new additional cloacal glands found in females and which the author has called the ventral skin glands. Furthermore, the number, the length and the diameter of these tubular glands are higher in males. Therefore the inference is that these glands are sexually dimorphic glands.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: fine structure of cercarial acetabular glands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emerged cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni were studied with the electron microscope for the purpose of describing the acetabular (penetration) glands and their cellular investment. The two pre- and three postacetabular unicellular glands consist of enlarged aboral areas (funduses) and their oral extensions as ducts. The glands were morphologically similar except for their shape and secretory globules. In the funduses of the postacetabular glands the globules were of a single type, spheroidal to irregular in shape, with numerous electron-dense areas. Preacetabular secretory globules appeared to be of several types, varying in size, shape, and homogeneity. Some were of uniform density; others showed electron-lucid areas. The fine structure of both pre- and postacetabular globules changed as they were compared in the funduses, in progressively oral areas of the ducts and after extrusion. These changes were thought to be transitional. Microtubules and close cellular investiture of the glands by muscle, nerve, and unclassified cells with extended interwoven processes appeared to provide structural support.  相似文献   

Guillaume, O. 2000. The ventral skin glands, new additional cloacal glands in Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). I. Female. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 213–221 Cloacae of female Proteus anguinus were examined by light and electron microscopy. Females possess spermathecae and anterior ventral glands such as Necturus females. However, female P. anguinus possess new additional cloacal glands of unknown homology. These tubular glands secrete on the ventral epidermis of the cloacal area. Considering these characteristics, it is proposed that they will be called the ventral skin glands.  相似文献   

By considering controversial discussions in the literature with regard to gland denomination in Indigofera species, as well as the taxonomic value of secretory structures in Leguminosae, we aim to morphologically detail glands that had been previously observed in I. microcarpa and I. sabulicola, and to investigate the occurrence of glands in vegetative and reproductive organs of other six Neotropical species that belong to the genus. Glands analyzed through scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) in combination with anatomic analyses correspond to secretory trichomes that are classified into seven types. Main variations in relation to types occurred with regard to head shape and peduncle size. Trichome heads were multicellular, with a thin cuticle. Hollow heads with conspicuous inner space characterized only one type (type 1); the other trichome types had massive heads. Peduncles, which varied from biseriate to multiseriate, had thick, pecto-cellulosic cell walls. Trichomes were found on stems, stipules, petioles, rachis, petiolules, leaflets, bracteoles, sepals, standards and fruits, more commonly along the margins. Each of the eight Indigofera species analyzed had at least two different trichome types out of the seven types that occurred in reproductive and vegetative organs of these taxa. Various types of secretory trichomes were found in I. campestris, I. lespedezioides, I. microcarpa, I. spicata, I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis. Stems and rachis were the vegetative organs in which a greater variety of trichomes occurred, and sepals were parts of reproductive organs with the same status. Five out of the seven secretory trichome types occurred on both vegetative and reproductive organs. Distribution and gland types differed between species and these gland distribution patterns can be used as diagnostic characters. Reports of glands in Indigofera campestris, I. hirsuta, I. lepedezioides, I. suffruticosa, I. spicata and I. truxillensis, their recognition as secretory trichomes, and the morphological variety of types found for such trichomes are novel data for Indigofera.  相似文献   

Summary The median ocellus of Limulus consists of irregular groups of large photoreceptor cells which form a cup-shaped retina around the ocellar lens. Each group is surrounded and penetrated by guanophores and glia. The photoreceptor cells have extensive rhabdomeric regions, both along infoldings of cell membranes and between cells. Five-layered junctions occur between rhabdomeric microvilli. An occasional arhabdomeric (AR) cell is associated with a group of photoreceptors. Fine dendritic branches of the AR cell penetrate the rhabdomeric regions and form five-layered junctions with photoreceptor rhabdomeres. Axons of photoreceptor cells, and of at least some AR cells, gather at the proximal side of the cup to form an optic nerve.Supported in part by NIH EY00312 and EY00377.We would like to thank Dr. W. K. Stell, Dr. A. C. Bell, and Dr. W. H. Fahrenbach for their helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Development of hypopharyngeal glands (HPG) of native honey bee workers (Apis mellifera jemenitica) and Carniolan hybrid bees reared under normal constipations was studied. The HPG development degree and acini surface were influenced with age. The development degrees increased gradually. The maximum developmental degree was recorded at 9-days old in both two races. The development decreased after 12 days. The HPG development degree and acini surface of all ages in native bees were significantly less than Carniolan hybrid bees.Histological studies on HPG showed that there were some differences between the glands of the two races at the maximum developmental stage (9-days). The staining of cell cytoplasm by haematoxylin and eosin was similar. However secretory cells numbers were more in Carniolan hybrid than the native one.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the fetal rat thyroid and parathyroid glands was studied at term and during prolonged gestation, which was induced by subcutaneous injections of progesterone to the mothers from gestational days 20 through 24. At term, the follicular and parafollicular cells of the thyroid as well as cells of the parathyroid exhibited well developed cytoplasmic organelles. Morphological changes were not detected in either of the endocrine glands during prolonged gestation. The results are discussed in relationship to 1) thyroid follicular cell activity during stress and 2) the function of thyroid parafollicular and parathyroid cells in calcium homeostasis.Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada Grant No. MA4740.  相似文献   

Summary The atrial musculature of rats given the cholesterol inhibitor triparanol (MER/29) (250 mg/kg daily) for 8 days was examined under the electron microscope and compared with that from untreated animals. The sarcoplasmic core of muscle fibers from animals given triparanol exhibited a new formation of sarcoplasmic granules which displayed a crystalline latticework with opaque lines approximately 40–60 Å separated by clear spaces 50–70 Å. They were partially or completely surrounded by a membrane. The crystalline bodies in cardiac muscle fibers were not as numerous as those observed in adrenocortical, testicular interstitial, or luteal cells as reported earlier by the investigators.This research was supported by USPHS Grants HE 12751, NS 05665, and 00690.Recipient of Career Research Development Award 1 K 3 GM 28064.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the dominant initial macroborers of dead coral substrate, sipunculans and polychaetes were investigated over time at seven sites within French Polynesia. Sites were located in the lagoon of high islands and atolls, and varied from highly eutrophic to oligotrophic. Significant differences occurred between sites and patterns of recruitment varied over time and between sites. With increasing exposure, the densities of polychaetes increased but not the number of species present, whereas both the densities and number of species of sipunculans increased. The atoll sites tended to be dominated by suspension feeding polychaetes and the high island sites by deposit feeding polychaetes. Sipunculans tended to dominate the high island sites in comparison to the atoll sites and they all fed by scraping algae and detritus from the substrate. We suggest that this distribution of feeding types is related to water quality and to land run off. In the atolls, the lagoonal waters are oligotrophic and little land run off occurs, whereas at the high island sites, high rates of land run off occur during the wet season with high levels of suspended material in the water column.These variations in densities of boring species, affect rates of bioerosion and have the potential to alter the equilibrium between reef growth and reef destruction. We suggest that it is critical for reef managers to try to maintain water quality and limit land-based terrestrial run off and associated nutrients into coastal waters. This is especially important if the reefs have been affected by bleaching events or Crown of Thorns plagues, resulting in extensive death of coral colonies and with it, the potential for a massive increase in the rate of bioerosion. The long-term maintenance of the reef structure is critical if coral recruitment and recovery of the reef are to occur.  相似文献   

Fish mucus has previously been reported to change in appearance and composition among species and in response to changes in salinity and disease status. This study reports on the mucus viscosity and glycoprotein biochemistry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) in freshwater and seawater, both naïve to and affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD). Cutaneous mucus viscosity was measured over a range of shear rates (11.5, 23, 46 and 115 s–1), and non-Newtonian behaviour was demonstrated for all three species. Mucus viscosity was significantly greater in seawater than in freshwater for all species, and significantly lower in AGD-affected Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Mucus glucose, total protein and osmolality data indicated that differences in viscosity due to salinity were mostly attributed to changes in mucus hydration, while differences due to disease were mostly attributed to changes in mucus composition. Trends in gill mucus cell histochemistry included shifts in glycoproteins from neutral mucins in freshwater to acidic mucins in seawater, and shifts towards neutral mucins, with an increase in mucus cell numbers, in response to AGD. Results suggested that Atlantic salmon and brown trout are more similar to one another in their mucus profile than to rainbow trout. Atlantic salmon and brown trout both exhibited a whole-body mucus response to AGD, whereas rainbow trout exhibited only a local gill response. Findings hold implications for fish physiology and pathology, and indicate that future fish-disease management strategies should be species and condition specific.Communicated by I.D. HumeThe word mucus has been used in its noun form throughout the paper for clarity
An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

A capture mechanism observed in a culture of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta when preying on the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum (also sometimes referred to as Myrionecta rubra) is described. The dinoflagellate released cohesive clumps of mucilage into the culture media. When M. rubrum cells came into contact with this mucilage, they were immediately immobilized, but remained alive for a short period of time. Observations of D. acuta cells ‘visiting and probing’ trapped M. rubrum cells were made and at a critical point D. acuta cells removed individual M. rubrum cells from the mucus to swim away with them. The removal of M. rubrum from the mucus coincided with the cells losing all their cilia and becoming swollen, presumably signifying the death of the cell. These changes may enable the D. acuta peduncle to penetrate the ciliate cell cortex. It is hypothesized that toxins produced by D. acuta play a role in the immobilization process within the mucilage trap.  相似文献   

Summary The anterior pituitaries from a series of female White-crowned Sparrows,Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, in the periods of oviposition, incubation, and brooding under natural conditions, have been investigated by electron microscopy. The prolactin cells occur in cephalic lobe and are characterized by large (ca. 300–600 m), polymorphic electron-dense secretory granules and an extremely well developed, lamellated endoplasmic reticulum. During incubation and brooding it is only these prolactin cells that are in an activated secretory phase, as indicated by increase in number and size, extremely well developed endoplasmic reticulum, decrease in number of mature secretory granules, and by active formation of granules in the enlarged Golgi apparatus. In the late stages of brooding, and post-breeding, the prolactin cells regress with involution of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, reaccumulation of granules, and the appearance of lysosomes.The gonadotropes of both the cephalic and caudal lobes undergo progressive morphologic changes through the course of the breeding period. They are numerous and active in the ovulating bird. They undergo gradual regression during the periods of incubation and brooding to become typical broody cells.This investigation was supported by Grant No. GF-33334, U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program of the National Science Foundation and by Grant No. GB-28080X, also from the National Science Foundation, to Professor Farner; and by Grant No. 5R040 Japan-U.S. Cooperative Science Program of Japan Association of Science Promotion, to Professor Mikami.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of the polychaeteOphryotrocha labronica to3H-thymidine during vitellogenesis leads to substantial incorporation of label in the ooplasm, especially in yolk granule DNA. In embryos from oocytes labelled in this way it was possible to follow the amount and localization of the labelled material (DNA) throughout early development by means of light microscopical and electron microscopical autoradiography; liquid scintillation measurements also were carried out.Within the embryonic cells the bulk of the labelled DNA was localized in the yolk granules and noticeable amounts were associated with minor structural elements, whereas mitochondria and lipid droplets were only slightly labelled. Nuclear labelling was weak. Early development was found to be characterized by rapid loss of labelled DNA, so that larvae, ready to leave the egg packs, retained only about 30% of the amount originally present.It was concluded that yolk granule DNA cannot be a store of precursor material for nuclear DNA synthesis, as has been suggested sometimes, but most likely represents an informative DNA which upon release from the yolk granules is rapidly metabolized. Possible roles for yolk granule DNA is discussed.The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Siv Nilsson and Mrs. Annagreta Petersen is gratefully acknowledged. This work has been supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet, Lund.  相似文献   

Summary The anterior and the posterior drum muscles of the piranha resemble each other in all essential fine structural aspects: myofibrils are slender; sarcomeres are short compared with those of other drum muscles; mitochondria, located in the periphery of the fibers, are numerous and show an irregular internal structure; and the sarcoplasmic reticulum is abundant. Triads appear at the level of the Z lines. The drum muscles have many motor endplates, which, however, lack the characteristic junctional-fold apparatus. No lipid substances could be demonstrated in these muscles. In the posterior drum muscle the fibers depart from their orderly longitudinal arrangement at irregular intervals.  相似文献   

Summary Epidermal septate junctions of Nereis sp. and Cirriformia sp. fixed with OsO4 or glutaraldehyde/OsO4 display variable structure in electron micrographs. In transverse section the septa are often indistinct and obscured by opaque material that fills the junctional cleft. Septa (spaced at 180–280 Å) are more clearly defined in slightly oblique transverse section; they exhibit an electron lucent center and appear to be linked by arms. En face views of the junction show a honeycomb pattern. Cytoplasmic faces of junctional membranes are backed with plaques opposite the septa. Lanthanum used as a tracer delineates junctional structure in negative contrast. In transverse section a chain-like lattice is present in the junctional cleft. En face views show parallel rows of pleated elements often linked by arms into honeycomb arrays. Oblique sections demonstrate that these pleated elements are continuous with the chain-like lattice seen in transverse sections. Lanthanum does not pass entirely through the junction. Lanthanum reveals that the septa have a very intricate substructure, but it is difficult to visualize the architecture that could generate the various images presented by these junctions when seen in different orientations. However, it is clear that these junctions possess some features that are diagnostic of several supposedly different types of septate junctions in invertebrates.Supported by USPHS grants NIH 5 P01 NS-07512, NIH 2701 GM-00102, and NB-00840, and by a grant from the Pomona College Research CommitteeI thank Sarah Wurzelmann, Stanley Brown, Nancy Kelly, and Gerhard Ott for excellent technical assistance. Portions of this study were carried out while I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. I dedicate this article to Berta Scharrer as a token of appreciation and affection for her guidance, encouragement, inspiration, and example of excellence  相似文献   

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