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The D-alanine-activating enzyme (Dae; EC encoded by the dae gene from Lactobacillus casei ATCC 7469 is a cytosolic protein essential for the formation of the D-alanyl esters of membrane-bound lipoteichoic acid. The gene has been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli, an organism which does not possess Dae activity. The open reading frame is 1,518 nucleotides and codes for a protein of 55.867 kDa, a value in agreement with the 56 kDa obtained by electrophoresis. A putative promoter and ribosome-binding site immediately precede the dae gene. A second open reading frame contiguous with the dae gene has also been partially sequenced. The organization of these genetic elements suggests that more than one enzyme necessary for the biosynthesis of D-alanyl-lipoteichoic acid may be present in this operon. Analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from the dae gene identified three regions with significant homology to proteins in the following groups of ATP-utilizing enzymes: (i) the acid-thiol ligases, (ii) the activating enzymes for the biosynthesis of enterobactin, and (iii) the synthetases for tyrocidine, gramicidin S, and penicillin. From these comparisons, a common motif (GXXGXPK) has been identified that is conserved in the 19 protein domains analyzed. This motif may represent the phosphate-binding loop of an ATP-binding site for this class of enzymes. A DNA fragment (1,568 nucleotides) containing the dae gene and its putative ribosome-binding site has been subcloned and expressed in E. coli. Approximately 0.5% of the total cell protein is active Dae, whereas 21% is in the form of inclusion bodies. The isolation of this minimal fragment without a native promoter sequence provides the basis for designing a genetic system for modulating the D-alanine ester content of lipoteichoic acid.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the wall teichoic acid in Bacillus licheniformis   总被引:18,自引:12,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
1. The biosynthesis of the wall teichoic acid, poly(glycerol phosphate glucose), has been studied with a particulate membrane preparation from Bacillus licheniformis A.T.C.C. 9945. The precursor CDP-glycerol supplies glycerol phosphate residues, whereas UDP-glucose supplies only glucose to the repeating structure of the polymer. 2. Synthesis proceeds through polyprenol phosphate derivatives, and chemical studies and pulse-labelling techniques show that the first intermediate is the phosphodiester, glucose polyprenol monophosphate. CDP-glycerol donates a glycerol phosphate residue to this to give a second intermediate, (glycerol phosphate glucose phosphate) polyprenol. 3. The glucose residue in the lipid intermediates has the beta configuration, and chain extension in the synthesis of polymer occurs by transglycosylation with inversion of anomeric configuration at two stages.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound enzymes participating in the syntheses of the teichoic acid main chain and linkage unit have been solubilized with Triton X-100 and fractionated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Two main fractions were obtained: a heavy fraction, containing enzymes effecting synthesis of the main chain attached to the linkage unit, which was associated with only a small amount of lipid, and a light fraction which was rich in prenyl phosphate and catalyzed only linkage-unit synthesis. The separation by density was not based entirely on polypeptide chain length, as some of the shortest chains appeared in the denser fractions and some relatively high-molecular-weight peptides occurred in the lightest fraction. High activity for linkage-unit synthesis was observed in a fraction containing only a few peptides. Addition of ficaprenyl phosphate to the enzyme preparations had no stimulatory effect. It is concluded that the enzymes for main-chain and linkage unit syntheses frm one or more fairly tightly associated complexes and that polyprenyl phosphate is an integral firmly bound component of the complex in which the linkage unit is synthesized.  相似文献   

The membrane teichoic acid of Staphylococcus lactis I3   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
1. Teichoic acid was isolated by extraction with trichloroacetic acid of the membrane fraction of disrupted cells of Staphylococcus lactis I3. 2. The purified material contains glycerol, phosphate and alanine, but little or no sugar or amino sugar. 3. A study of the products of hydrolysis with acid and alkali established that the membrane teichoic acid is a (1-->3)-linked poly(glycerol phosphate) that differs in structure from the glycerol teichoic acid in the wall of this organism. 4. The alanine ester residues show the characteristic high lability to alkali and are thus distinguishable from the more stable alanine ester residues of the wall teichoic acid. 5. The significance of these structural features and the possible function of teichoic acids are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of several ionophores and uncouplers on glycerol and N-acetylglucosamine incorporation by Bacillus subtilis 61360, a glycerol auxotroph, were tested at different pH values. In particular, the effect of valinomycin on the synthesis of teichoic acid and peptidoglycan was examined in more detail in both growing cells and in vitro biosynthetic systems. Valinomycin inhibited synthesis of wall teichoic acid and peptidoglycan in whole cells but not in the comparable in vitro systems. It did not inhibit formation of free lipid or lipoteichoic acid. The results were consistent with a role for the electrochemical proton gradient in maintaining full activity of cell wall synthetic enzymes in intact cells. Such an energy source would be required for a model in which rotation or reorientation of synthetic enzyme complexes is envisaged for the translocation of wall precursor molecules across the cytoplasmic membrane (Harrington and Baddiley, J. Bacteriol. 155:776-792, 1983).  相似文献   

A lipid intermediate in the biosynthesis of a teichoic acid   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The interaction of magnesium ions with teichoic acid.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of Mg2+ to the wall teichoic acid of Lactobacillus buchneri N.C.I.B. 8007 was measured by equilibrium dialysis at controlled ionic concentration and pH. In an aqueous solution containing 10mM-NaCl at pH 5.0 one Mg2+ ion was bound for every two phosphate groups of the teichoic acid, with an apparent association constant, Kassoc. = 2.7 x 10(3) M-1. On lowering the pH below the pKa of the phosphate groups the amount of bound Mg2+ decreased concomitantly with decreasing ionization of the phosphate groups. Both the amount of Mg2+ bound to the teichoic acid and the apparent association constants were similar in the presence of 10 mM concentrations of NaCl or KCl but decreased markedly in the presence of 10 mM-CaCl2 because of competition between Ca2+ and Mg2+ for the binding sites. A similar effect was found when the concentration of NaCl was increased from 0 to 50 mM. The results are discussed in relation to the function of teichoic acid in the walls of Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

The first synthesis of different Enterococcus faecium wall teichoic acid (WTA) fragments is presented. The structure of these major cell wall components was elucidated recently and it was shown that these glycerolphosphate (GroP) based polymers are built up from -6-(GalNAc-α(1–3)-GalNAc-β(1–2)-GroP)- repeating units. We assembled WTA fragments up to three repeating units in length, in two series that differ in the stereochemistry of the glycerolphosphate moiety. The key GalNAc-GalNAc-GroP synthons, required for the synthesis, were generated from galactosazide building blocks that were employed in highly stereoselective glycosylation reactions to furnish both the α- and β-configured linkages. By comparing the NMR spectra of the synthesized fragments with the isolated material it appears that the hereto undefined stereochemistry of the glycerol phosphate moiety is sn-glycerol-3-phosphate. The generated fragments will be valuable tools to study their immunological activity at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The synthesis of teichoic acids was examined in Bacillus subtilis Marburg grown under conditions of phosphate limitation. The results indicate that the inhibition of polyglycerolphosphate synthesis observed under these conditions is the result of two processes. The first process is reversible and is independent of new protein synthesis; the second process is irreversible and requires the synthesis of new protein. During growth, under conditions of phosphate limitation, there is a slow decrease in the level of CDP glycerol pyrophosphorylase activity which is by itself not sufficient to account for the decrease in the rate of polyglycerolphosphate synthesis.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis W-23, when placed in phosphate-free medium, ceases to synthesize teichoic acid and synthesizes teichuronic acid. The enzymatic basis for the cessation of teichoic acid synthesis is the irreversible inhibition of the first membrane-bound enzyme involved in teichoic acid synthesis which catalyzes the reaction Undecapenol-P + UDP-GlcNAc leads to undecaprenol-P-P-GlcNAc + UMP.  相似文献   

Glutamate-alpha-ketoadipate transaminase, saccharopine reductase, and saccharopine dehydrogenase activities were demonstrated in extracts of Rhodotorula glutinis but alpha-aminoadipate reductase activity could not be measured in whole cells or in extracts. Lysine auxotroph lys1 grew in the presence of L-lysine or DL-alpha-aminoadipate and incorporated radioactivity from DL-alpha-amino-[I-14C]adipate into lysine during growth. Growing wild-type cells converted L-[U-14C]lysine into alpha-amino-[14C]adipate, suggesting both biosynthetic and degradative roles for alpha-aminoadipate. Lysine auxotrophs lys1, lys2 and lys3 of R. glutinis, unlike lysine auxotrophs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, satisfied their growth requirement with L-pipecolate. Moreover, extracts of wild-type R. glutinis catalysed the conversion of L-pipecolate to alpha-aminoadipate-delta semialdehyde. These results suggest a biosynthetic role for L-pipecolate in R. glutinis but not in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The cell wall of a pathogenic strain Streptomyces sp. VKM Ac-2275 isolated from potato tubers infected by scab contains a teichoic acid related to poly(glycosylpolyol phosphate) with a repeating unit established by chemical and NMR spectroscopic methods. About 60% of l-rhamnose residues bear an O-acetyl group at O-2 and 20% of the internal glucose residues contain an additional phosphate at C-4. The polymer is built of 5-6 units. This structure is found in bacteria for the first time. The strain is phylogenetically closest to the scab-causing species Streptomyces scabiei and Streptomyces europaeiscabiei, but differs from both these species in morphological and physiological characters and does not produce thaxtomin A, the main phytotoxin produced by S. scabiei.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas syringae syringopeptins are cationic cyclic lipodepsipeptides that inhibit fungi and bacteria. The homolog syringopeptin (SP)25A was strongly inhibitory to several Gram-positive bacteria with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging between 1.95 and 7.8 microg mL(-1). In contrast, it was not inhibitory to several Gram-negative bacteria. At 5 and 10 microg mL(-1), SP25A rapidly inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis and was bacteriocidal. Teichoic acid D-alanylation dltB- and dltD-defective mutant strains of B. subtilis were more susceptible to SP25A compared with the parental wild-type strain. The degree of susceptibility of the parent strain, but not the dltB and dltD mutant strains, increased at alkaline pH (9.0). In contrast, the parental and mutant strains had the same susceptibilities to syringopeptins SP22A and SP508A at pH 7.0 and 9.0. These results suggest that the cell wall anionic teichoic acids modulate SP25A action against B. subtilis, and they provide an explanation for the selective inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria by SP25A.  相似文献   

Organization of teichoic acid in the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A (Con A), interacts specifically and reversibly with the polyglucosyl glycerol phosphate teichoic acid of Bacillus subtilis 168 cell walls. Advantage has been taken of this interaction to examine the organization of the surface teichoic acid at the ultrastructural level. Con A-treated whole cells and cell walls contain an irregular, fluffy layer 25 to 60 nm thick which is absent in untreated or alpha-methyl glucoside-treated preparations. This discontinuous layer is present only on the outer profile of Con-A-treated cell walls. The surface teichoic acid is proposed to be oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the cell. Fixation and embedment for electron microscopy result in condensation of this layer which then contributes to the stainable portion of the wall. Con A treatment binds adjacent teichoic acid molecules in their native configuration producing the irregular, fluffy layer visualized.  相似文献   

A tunicamycin-like antibiotic 24010 at a concentration of 1 μg/ml selectively inhibited the in vivo synthesis of glycerol teichoic acid of cell walls in Bacillus cereus AHU 1030. Incubation of membranes of this strain with N-acetylglucosaminyl pyrophosphorylundecaprenol and UDP-N-acetylmannosamine led to formation of a glycolipid having a saccharide moiety identical with the cell wall teichoic acid linkage unit, N-acetylmannosaminylβ(1→4)-N-acetylglucosamine. The membranes also catalyzed transfer of glycerol phosphate units from CDP-glycerol to this disaccharide-linked lipid. Thus the biosynthesis of the cell wall glycerol teichoic acid in this strain seems to involve the disaccharide-linked lipid as an intermediate.  相似文献   

Distribution of teichoic acid in the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Hydrolysis of the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis 168 by autolysins or lysozyme resulted in the exposure of glucosylated teichoic acid molecules as evidenced by increased precipitation of [14C] concanavalin A. The number of concanavalin A-reactive sites increased significantly after only limited enzymatic digestion of the walls. Quantitative analyses of [14C] concanavalin A-treated wall or wall hydrolysate complexes indicate that approximately one-half of the teichoic acid molecules are surface-exposed, whereas the remainder are probably embedded within the peptidoglycan matrix. Treatment of the cell walls with sodium dodecyl sulfate or Triton X-100 did not result in new concanavalin A-reactive sites. Partial autolysis diminished the ability of the cell walls to adsorb bacteriophage phi25. Fluorescein-labeled concanavalin A bound intensely over the entire surface of growing B. subtilis 168 cells, suggesting that teichoic acid molecules are located on the total solvent-exposed surface area of the bacteria.  相似文献   

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