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The Drosophila mushroom bodies (MBs), paired brain structures composed of vertical and medial lobes, achieve their final organization at metamorphosis. The alpha lobe absent (ala) mutant randomly lacks either the vertical lobes or two of the median lobes. We characterize the ala axonal phenotype at the single-cell level, and show that the ala mutation affects Drosophila ethanolamine (Etn) kinase activity and induces Etn accumulation. Etn kinase is overexpressed in almost all cancer cells. We demonstrate that this enzymatic activity is required in MB neuroblasts to allow a rapid rate of cell division at metamorphosis, linking Etn kinase activity with mitotic progression. Tight control of the pace of neuroblast division is therefore crucial for completion of the developmental program in the adult brain.  相似文献   

The intrinsic neurons of mushroom bodies (MBs), centers of olfactory learning in the Drosophila brain, are generated by a specific set of neuroblasts (Nbs) that are born in the embryonic stage and exhibit uninterrupted proliferation till the end of the pupal stage. Whereas MB provides a unique model to study proliferation of neural progenitors, the underlying mechanism that controls persistent activity of MB-Nbs is poorly understood. Here we show that Tailless (TLL), a conserved orphan nuclear receptor, is required for optimum proliferation activity and prolonged maintenance of MB-Nbs and ganglion mother cells (GMCs). Mutations of tll progressively impair cell cycle in MB-Nbs and cause premature loss of MB-Nbs in the early pupal stage. TLL is also expressed in MB-GMCs to prevent apoptosis and promote cell cycling. In addition, we show that ectopic expression of tll leads to brain tumors, in which Prospero, a key regulator of progenitor proliferation and differentiation, is suppressed whereas localization of molecular components involved in asymmetric Nb division is unaffected. These results as a whole uncover a distinct regulatory mechanism of self-renewal and differentiation of the MB progenitors that is different from the mechanisms found in other progenitors.  相似文献   

The correct targeting of photoreceptor neurons (R-cells) in the developing Drosophila visual system requires multiple guidance systems in the eye-brain complex as well as the precise organization of the target area. Here, we report that the egghead (egh) gene, encoding a glycosyltransferase, is required for a compartment boundary between lamina glia and lobula cortex, which is necessary for appropriate R1-R6 innervation of the lamina. In the absence of egh, R1-R6 axons form a disorganized lamina plexus and some R1-R6 axons project abnormally to the medulla instead of the lamina. Mosaic analysis demonstrates that this is not due to a loss of egh function in the eye or in the neurons and glia of the lamina. Rather, as indicated by clonal analysis and cell-specific genetic rescue experiments, egh is required in cells of the lobula complex primordium which transiently abuts the lamina and medulla in the developing larval brain. In the absence of egh, perturbation of sheath-like glial processes occurs at the boundary region delimiting lamina glia and lobula cortex, and inappropriate invasion of lobula cortex cells across this boundary region disrupts the pattern of lamina glia resulting in inappropriate R1-R6 innervation. This finding underscores the importance of the lamina/lobula compartment boundary in R1-R6 axon targeting.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of intracellular proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) catalysed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) has been linked to regulation of diverse cellular functions. OGT possesses a C-terminal glycosyltransferase catalytic domain and N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeats that are implicated in protein–protein interactions. Drosophila OGT (DmOGT) is encoded by super sex combs (sxc), mutants of which are pupal lethal. However, it is not clear if this phenotype is caused by reduction of O-GlcNAcylation. Here we use a genetic approach to demonstrate that post-pupal Drosophila development can proceed with negligible OGT catalysis, while early embryonic development is OGT activity-dependent. Structural and enzymatic comparison between human OGT (hOGT) and DmOGT informed the rational design of DmOGT point mutants with a range of reduced catalytic activities. Strikingly, a severely hypomorphic OGT mutant complements sxc pupal lethality. However, the hypomorphic OGT mutant-rescued progeny do not produce F2 adults, because a set of Hox genes is de-repressed in F2 embryos, resulting in homeotic phenotypes. Thus, OGT catalytic activity is required up to late pupal stages, while further development proceeds with severely reduced OGT activity.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism requires the integration of positional information in the embryo with the sex determination pathway. Homeotic genes are a major source of positional information responsible for patterning along the anterior-posterior axis in embryonic development, and are likely to play a critical role in sexual dimorphism. Here, we investigate the role of homeotic genes in the sexually dimorphic development of the gonad in Drosophila. We have found that Abdominal-B (ABD-B) is expressed in a sexually dimorphic manner in the embryonic gonad. Furthermore, Abd-B is necessary and sufficient for specification of a sexually dimorphic cell type, the male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs). In Abd-B mutants, the msSGPs are not specified and male gonads now resemble female gonads with respect to these cells. Ectopic expression of Abd-B is sufficient to induce formation of extra msSGPs in additional segments of the embryo. Abd-B works together with abdominal-A to pattern the non-sexually dimorphic somatic gonad in both sexes, while Abd-B alone specifies the msSGPs. Our results indicate that Abd-B acts at multiple levels to regulate gonad development and that Abd-B class homeotic genes are conserved factors in establishing gonad sexual dimorphism in diverse species.  相似文献   

GIT1-like proteins are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for Arfs and interact with a variety of signaling molecules to function as integrators of pathways controlling cytoskeletal organization and cell motility. In this report, we describe the characterization of a Drosophila homologue of GIT1, dGIT, and show that it is required for proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube guidance in the fly embryo. The dGIT protein is concentrated at the termini of growing myotubes and localizes to muscle attachment sites in late stage embryos. dgit mutant embryos show muscle patterning defects and aberrant targeting in subsets of their muscles. dgit mutant muscles fail to localize the p21-activated kinase, dPak, to their termini. dPak and dGIT form a complex in the presence of dPIX and dpak mutant embryos show similar muscle morphogenesis and targeting phenotypes to that of dgit. We propose that dGIT and dPak are part of a complex that promotes proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube targeting during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

GATA factors play an essential role in endodermal specification in both protostomes and deuterostomes. In Drosophila, the GATA factor gene serpent (srp) is critical for differentiation of the endoderm. However, the expression of srp disappears around stage 11, which is much earlier than overt differentiation occurs in the midgut, an entirely endodermal organ. We have identified another endoderm-specific Drosophila GATA factor gene, dGATAe. Expression of dGATAe is first detected at stage 8 in the endoderm, and its expression continues in the endodermal midgut throughout the life cycle. srp is required for expression of dGATAe, and misexpression of srp resulted in ectopic dGATAe expression. Embryos that either lacked dGATAe or were injected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) corresponding to dGATAe failed to express marker genes that are characteristic of differentiated midgut. Conversely, overexpression of dGATAe induced ectopic expression of endodermal markers even in the absence of srp activity. Transfection of the dGATAe cDNA also induced endodermal markers in Drosophila S2 cells. These studies provide an outline of the genetic pathway that establishes the endoderm in Drosophila. This pathway is triggered by sequential signaling through the maternal torso gene, a terminal gap gene, huckebein (hkb), and finally, two GATA factor genes, srp and dGATAe.  相似文献   

The remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is essential for cell migration, cell division, and cell morphogenesis. Actin-binding proteins play a pivotal role in reorganizing the actin cytoskeleton in response to signals exchanged between cells. In consequence, actin-binding proteins are increasingly a focus of investigations into effectors of cell signaling and the coordination of cellular behaviors within developmental processes. One of the first actin-binding proteins identified was filamin, or actin-binding protein 280 (ABP280). Filamin is required for cell migration (Cunningham et al. 1992), and mutations in human alpha-filamin (FLN1; Fox et al. 1998) are responsible for impaired migration of cerebral neurons and give rise to periventricular heterotopia, a disorder that leads to epilepsy and vascular disorders, as well as embryonic lethality. We report the identification and characterization of a mutation in Drosophila filamin, the homologue of human alpha-filamin. During oogenesis, filamin is concentrated in the ring canal structures that fortify arrested cleavage furrows and establish cytoplasmic bridges between cells of the germline. The major structural features common to other filamins are conserved in Drosophila filamin. Mutations in Drosophila filamin disrupt actin filament organization and compromise membrane integrity during oocyte development, resulting in female sterility. The genetic and molecular characterization of Drosophila filamin provides the first genetic model system for the analysis of filamin function and regulation during development.  相似文献   

Epithelial tubes of the correct size and shape are vital for the function of the lungs, kidneys, and vascular system, yet little is known about epithelial tube size regulation. Mutations in the Drosophila gene sinuous have previously been shown to cause tracheal tubes to be elongated and have diameter increases. Our genetic analysis using a sinuous null mutation suggests that sinuous functions in the same pathway as the septate junction genes neurexin and scribble, but that nervana 2, convoluted, varicose, and cystic have functions not shared by sinuous. Our molecular analyses reveal that sinuous encodes a claudin that localizes to septate junctions and is required for septate junction organization and paracellular barrier function. These results provide important evidence that the paracellular barriers formed by arthropod septate junctions and vertebrate tight junctions have a common molecular basis despite their otherwise different molecular compositions, morphologies, and subcellular localizations.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are negative regulators that maintain the expression of homeotic genes and affect cell proliferation. Pleiohomeotic (Pho) is a unique PcG member with a DNA-binding zinc finger motif and was proposed to recruit other PcG proteins to form a complex. The pho null mutants exhibited several mutant phenotypes such as the transformation of antennae to mesothoracic legs. We examined the effects of pho on the identification of ventral appendages and proximo-distal axis formation during postembryogenesis. In the antennal disc of the pho mutant, Antennapedia (Antp), which is a selector gene in determining leg identity, was ectopically expressed. The homothorax (hth), dachshund (dac) and Distal-less (Dll) genes involved in proximo-distal axis formation were also abnormally expressed in both the antennal and leg discs of the pho mutant. The engrailed (en) gene, which affects the formation of the anterior-posterior axis, was also misexpressed in the anterior compartment of antennal and leg discs. These mutant phenotypes were enhanced in the mutant background of Posterior sex combs (Psc) and pleiohomeotic-like (phol), which are another PcG genes. These results suggest that pho functions in maintaining expression of genes involved in the formation of ventral appendages and the proximo-distal axis.  相似文献   

Drosophila parkin, the ortholog of the human parkin gene, responsible for a familiar form of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism, has been shown previously to be involved in Drosophila male fertility. Loss-of-function mutations in the parkin gene cause failure of spermatid individualization by affecting the proper progression of the actin-based investment cones that assemble in the nuclear region, but fail to translocate in synchrony down the cyst. In parkin mutants, the investment cones are scattered along the post-elongated spermatid bundles and fail to act properly in the process of sperm individualization. Using phase-contrast and electron microscopy analysis, we demonstrate that the parkin spermatids assemble a seemingly normal onion-stage nebenkern, but when the axoneme elongates only one mitochondrial derivative unfurls from the nebenkern. This unique mitochondrial derivative undergoes abnormal shaping and condensation during spermatid elongation. Our results indicate that parkin gene function is necessary for mitochondrial morphogenesis during earlier and later phases of spermiogenesis. The failure of cyst individualization may be due to the sensitivity of investment cone movement to the perturbation of mitochondrial morphology during spermatid elongation.  相似文献   

We have screened a collection of EMS mutagenized fly lines in order to identify genes involved in cardiogenesis. In the present work, we have studied a group of alleles exhibiting a hypertrophic heart. Our analysis revealed that the ADAM protein (A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease) Kuzbanian, which is the functional homologue of the vertebrate ADAM10, is crucial for proper heart formation. ADAMs are a family of transmembrane proteins that play a critical role during the proteolytic conversion (shedding) of membrane bound proteins to soluble forms. Enzymes harboring a sheddase function recently became candidates for causing several congenital diseases, like distinct forms of the Alzheimer disease. ADAMs play also a pivotal role during heart formation and vascularisation in vertebrates, therefore mutations in ADAM genes potentially could cause congenital heart defects in humans. In Drosophila, the zygotic loss of an active form of the Kuzbanian protein results in a dramatic excess of cardiomyocytes, accompanied by a loss of pericardial cells. Our data presented herein suggest that Kuzbanian acts during lateral inhibition within the cardiac primordium. Furthermore we discuss a second function of Kuzbanian in heart cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Autophagy, an evolutionarily conserved lysosome-mediated degradation, promotes cell survival under starvation and is controlled by insulin/target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling. In Drosophila, nutrient depletion induces autophagy in the fat body. Interestingly, nutrient availability and insulin/TOR signaling also influence the size and structure of Drosophila ovaries, however, the role of nutrient signaling and autophagy during this process remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that starvation induces autophagy in germline cells (GCs) and in follicle cells (FCs) in Drosophila ovaries. This process is mediated by the ATG machinery and involves the upregulation of Atg genes. We further demonstrate that insulin/TOR signaling controls autophagy in FCs and GCs. The analysis of chimeric females reveals that autophagy in FCs, but not in GCs, is required for egg development. Strikingly, when animals lack Atg gene function in both cell types, ovaries develop normally, suggesting that the incompatibility between autophagy-competent GCs and autophagy-deficient FCs leads to defective egg development. As egg morphogenesis depends on a tightly linked signaling between FCs and GCs, we propose a model in which autophagy is required for the communication between these two cell types. Our data establish an important function for autophagy during oogenesis and contributes to the understanding of the role of autophagy in animal development.  相似文献   

Tuning of RNA editing by ADAR is required in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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