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Compact bone distribution and biomechanics of early hominid mandibles.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation explores the effects of compact bone distribution on the biomechanical properties of the postcanine mandibular corpus of the fossil hominid taxa Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. The mandibles of extant great apes, modern humans, and the fossil hominids are examined by computed tomography (CT), and compact bone contours are used to calculate cross-sectional biomechanical properties (cortical area, second moments of area, and Bredt's formula for torsional strength). The relative amount of compact bone is comparable in the modern and fossil mandibles, but the mechanical properties of A. africanus and P. robustus jaws are distinct in terms of the ratio of minimum to maximum second moments of area. This difference most likely represents a structural response to elevated torsional moments in the fossil hominids. Although the relative amount of compact bone in cross-section does not differ significantly between taxa by statistical criteria, A. africanus utilizes less cortical bone than P. robustus in the same manner in which Pongo is separated from the condition in other extant large-bodied hominoids. It has been suggested that the phenomenon of mandibular "robusticity" (expressed as an index of corpus breadth/corpus height) may be an effect of postcanine megadontia and/or reduced canine size in the australopithecines. Results presented here, however, indicate that it is unlikely that either factor adequately accounts for mandibular size and shape variation in early hominids.  相似文献   

It is argued that the value of the various multivariate approaches in dealing with functional, taxonomic, and phylogenetic problems can only be determined empirically. A review of three studies dealing with multivariate analyses of the early hominid dentition suggests that at best, the multivariate statistics used are inappropriate and the results contradictory.  相似文献   

The Pliocene hominid mandibles of A. afarensis from Hadar, Ethiopia are described anatomically.  相似文献   

A hominid upper premolar was discovered in the Azmaka quarry, near Chirpan (Bulgaria). The associated fauna, especially the co-occurrence of Choerolophodon and Anancus among the proboscideans, and Cremohipparion matthewi and Hippotherium brachypus among the hipparions, constrains the age of the locality to the second half of the middle Turolian (ca. 7 Ma), making it the latest pre-human hominid of continental Europe and Asia Minor. The available morphological and metric data are more similar to those of Ouranopithecus from the Vallesian of Greece than to those of the early to middle Turolian hominids of Turkey and Georgia, but the time gap speaks against a direct phyletic link, and Turolian migration from the east cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic taxonomy (ThT) is established from both a theoretical and pragmatical point of view. An application of thermodynamic taxonomy is given.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship between Australopithecus anamensis and Australopithecus afarensis has been hypothesized as ancestor‐descendant. However, the weakest part of this hypothesis has been the absence of fossil samples between 3.6 and 3.9 million years ago. Here we describe new fossil specimens from the Woranso‐Mille site in Ethiopia that are directly relevant to this issue. They derive from sediments chronometrically dated to 3.57–3.8 million years ago. The new fossil specimens are largely isolated teeth, partial mandibles, and maxillae, and some postcranial fragments. However, they shed some light on the relationships between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis. The dental morphology shows closer affinity with Au. anamensis from Allia Bay/Kanapoi (Kenya) and Asa Issie (Ethiopia) than with Au. afarensis from Hadar (Ethiopia). However, they are intermediate in dental and mandibular morphology between Au. anamensis and the older Au. afarensis material from Laetoli. The new fossils lend strong support to the hypothesized ancestor‐descendant relationship between these two early Australopithecus species. The Woranso‐Mille hominids cannot be unequivocally assigned to either taxon due to their dental morphological intermediacy. This could be an indication that the Kanapoi, Allia Bay, and Asa Issie Au. anamensis is the primitive form of Au. afarensis at Hadar with the Laetoli and Woranso‐Mille populations sampling a mosaic of morphological features from both ends. It is particularly difficult to draw a line between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis in light of the new discoveries from Woranso‐Mille. The morphology provides no evidence that Au. afarensis and Au. anamensis represent distinct taxa. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The following paper develops a sexual selection model for the evolution of bipedal locomotion, canine reduction, brain enlargement, language and higher intelligence. The model involves an expansion of Darwin’s ideas about human evolution based on recent elaborations of sexual selection theory. Modern notions about intrasexual competition and female and male choice and their ecological correlates are summarized along with a new model for the role of sexual selection in speciation. Rapid evolution of bipedal locomotion as a male adaptation for nuptial feeding of females is proposed as a model for ape-hominid divergence through sexual selection; canine reduction is attributed to selection for associated epigamic displays. The analogy with male specialization through sexual selection speciation in hamadryas baboons is noted. Subsequent changes in female reproductive physiology are attributed to female competition for increased male parental investment during the time of early Homo andHomo erectus. The origin of higher intellectual and language abilities inHomo sapiens is attributed to male competition through technology and rule production to control resources and females; intellectual abilities involved in social manipulation are attributed to female competition for male parental investment and maintenance of polyandry. The course of hominid evolution is characterized as involving a trend from a promiscuous mating system toward increasing intensity of adaptations for male control of females, and by increasing intensity of female adaptation to maintain male parental investment while circumventing male control.  相似文献   

The KNM-ER 999 hominid femur, in light of improved knowledge of later Pleistocene human postcranial morphology and ongoing reassessments of the emergence of modern humans in Africa, appears morphologically aligned with early modern humans rather than with late archaic humans. This is reflected especially in its having a clear pilaster, a proximally positioned minimum diaphyseal breadth (thereby lacking a proximo-medial diaphyseal buttress) and an exceptionally high neck-shaft angle. In these features, and especially the fast, it shows affinities to the Levantine Qafzeh-Skhul early modern human sample. However, the uncertainty regarding its stratigraphic provenience (early Late Pleistocene versus early Holocene) makes its relevance to the emergence of modern humans in Africa tenuous.  相似文献   

A hominid mandible, KNM-ER 1482, is described. Provisionally it has not been assigned to any existing species or genus. However, after detailed anatomical and comparative studies have been carried out, its taxonomic status will be reviewed.  相似文献   

This study is based upon a new morphometric technique providing both size and shape variables. It has been applied to 189 pelvic bones of extant humans and African apes as well as to 13 hominid pelvic bones of various taxonomic status. The main aim of this work is to include such fossil bones in the same study in order to set a synthetic comparison of their shape in the light of the yardstick given by the African ape/human pelvic bone comparison. To do so, ratio diagrams are chosen because they are simple and very expressive tools with which to present such comparisons. Shape differences are very well illustrated and quantified by this technique. The ilium appears to be the most different of the three parts of the pelvic bone. Compared to these differences, discrepancies between fossil hominid and extant human bones are of a totally different scale. This shows the architectural unity related to the acquisition of bipedalism by hominids. It is nonetheless possible to detect two levels of difference. The first separates Australopithecus from Homo and could be seen as reflecting locomotor differences between both genera. The second splits both Homo erectus and Neanderthal from modern human pelvic bones. It appears from the hominid fossil record of pelvic bones that two periods of stasis exist and are separated by a period of very rapid evolution corresponding to the emergence of the genus Homo. We are of the opinion that the same could be true for the split between African ape and hominid lineages at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

The relationship between breadth and height of the mandibular corpus has been investigated in a sample of 77 hominid mandibles. An interspecific allometric increase in robusticity with size occurs between four taxonomic subgroups of Australopithecus, but subgroups of Homo vary in robusticity while differing little in size. Within taxonomic subgroups, variation in breadth is not significantly related to variation in height among the “gracile” australapithecines; however, it is isometrically related to height in the “robust” australopithecines and bears an allometric relationship to height in Homo. Thus, robusticity, in conjunction with size, may provide a useful indicator of the taxonomic affinities of hominid mandibles.  相似文献   

Reproduction, and thus information transfer across generations, is the most essential process of life, yet biologists lack a consensus on terms to define biological information. Unfortunately, multiple definitions of the same terms and other disagreements have long inhibited the development of a general framework for integrating the various categories of biological information. Currently, the only consensus is over two general categories, genetic information, which is encoded in DNA, and non‐genetic information, which is extracted from the environment. Non‐genetic information is the key to understanding gene‐environment interactions and is the raw material of fields such as developmental plasticity, behavior, communication, social learning and cultural evolution. In effect, differences in information possessed by individuals produce phenotypic variation. We thus define biological information as ‘factors that can affect the phenotype in ways that may influence fitness’. This definition encompasses all information that is potentially relevant to organisms, which includes the physical environment. Biological information can be acquired passively from genes or via processes such as epigenetics, parental effects and habitat inheritance, or actively by organisms sensing facts about their environment. The confusion over definitions mainly concerns non‐genetic information, which takes many more forms than genetic information. Much of the confusion derives from definitions based on how information is used rather than on the facts from which it is extracted. We recognize that a fact becomes information once it is detected. Information can thus be viewed analogously to energy in being either potential or realized. Another source of confusion is in the use of words outside their usual meanings. We therefore present intuitive definitions and classify them according to categories of facts in a hierarchical framework. Clarifying these concepts and terms may help researchers to manipulate facts, allowing a fuller study of biological information.  相似文献   

Before the early 1980s, the prevailing orthodoxy in paleoanthropology considered Early Stone Age archeological sites in East Africa to represent a primitive form of hominid campsites. The faunal evidence preserved in these sites was viewed as the refuse of carcass meals provided by hominid males in a social system presumptively characterized by sexual division of labor. This interpretation of early hominid life ways, commonly known as the “Home Base” or “Food Sharing” model, was developed most fully by Glynn Isaac.1–4 As Bunn and Stanford5 emphasized, this model was greatly influenced by a paradigm that coalesced between 1966 and 1968, referred to as “Man the Hunter.”6  相似文献   

Hindrances against bipedalism evolution are localized in obstetrical constraints, maternal mortality rates, infant birth trauma and unsafe pregnancy. Analysis of infant survival probability shows that a shift to bipedalism could occur as a necessary consequence of the process of body fur reduction, in a balance between such hindrances and safe infant transportation. Fur reduction is proposed to correlate with cooling mechanism in intra-species physical fights. The triggering of a feed-back mechanism connecting reduction of body fur to canine reduction would be responsible for a passage from threat displays to actual physical fights. The proposed scenario for such changes is the transition from uni-male to multi-male social structures among Hominoidea. The implications of the approach adopted are discussed.  相似文献   

The biogeography of hominid evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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