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The adaptive significance of midlife menopause in human females has long engaged the attention of evolutionary anthropologists. In spite of extensive debate, the problem has only recently been examined in the context of primate life histories. Here I extend those investigations by comparing life history traits in 16 primate species to test predictions generated from life history theory. In humans, late ages of maturity and higher than expected birth rates are systematically associated with extended postmenopausal longevity. Links among these adjustments on the primate pattern can explain how selection could slow somatic senescence without favoring extension of the fertile span. This conclusion is consistent with the observation that our fertile spans are similar to those of other pongids. The shape of the argument herein demonstrates the utility of life history theory for solving problems of adaptive evolution in female life history traits, with consequences for broader arguments regarding human evolution.  相似文献   

Viney M  Cable J 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(18):R767-R774
Parasites and parasitism is common. Worm macroparasites have evolved life-history traits that allow them to successfully transmit between spatially and temporally separated patches of host resource and to survive within these environments. Macroparasites have common life-history strategies to achieve this, but these general themes are modified in a myriad of ways related to the specific biology of their hosts. Parasite life histories are also dynamic, responding to conditions inside and outside of hosts, and they continue to evolve, especially in response to our attempts to control them and the harm that they cause.  相似文献   

An animal's life history can be summarized by key variables that account for its life course from conception to death. Biological parameters that are of interest relate to reproductive effort and developmental rates (e.g., gestation length, neonatal weight, prenatal and postnatal growth rates, weaning age, and weaning weight) and the rate of reproduction (e.g., age at first and last reproduction, interbirth interval, the number of offspring per litter, birth rate, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase [rmax]). The rather obvious fact that such variables differ from species to species and from individual to individual has been the subject of much interest since the late 1960s, following the observation that species seem to be arranged in a spectrum that ranges from small animals that breed rapidly and develop early, have many young per litter, and have short lives, to large animals that breed slowly and develop late, have few young per litter, and have long lives. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Optimality models assume that phenotypes evolve by natural selection largely independently of underlying genetic mechanisms. This neglect of genetic mechanisms is considered an advantage by some evolutionary biologists but a fatal flaw by others. The controversy has gone unresolved, in part, from a lack of complex phenotypes that meet optimality criteria and for which the underlying genetic mechanisms are known. Here, we look at both perspectives for lysis time in bacteriophages. We find that the basic assumptions of the optimality model are compatible with the genetic details, but the optimality model is limited in its ability to accommodate lysis time plasticity because the mechanistic underpinnings of plasticity are poorly known.  相似文献   

Mammals display considerable geographical variation in life history traits. To understand how climatic factors might influence this variation, we analysed the relationship between life history traits – adult body size, litter size, number of litters per year, gestation length, neonate body mass, weaning age and age at sexual maturity – and several environmental variables quantifying the seasonality and predictability of temperature and precipitation across the distribution range of five terrestrial mammal groups. Environmental factors correlated strongly with each other; therefore, we used principal components analysis to obtain orthogonal climatic predictors that could be used in multivariate models. We found that in bats, primates and even‐toed ungulates adult body size tends to be larger in species inhabiting cold, dry, seasonal environments, whereas in carnivores and rodents a smaller body size is characteristic of warm, dry environments, suggesting that low food availability might limit adult size. Species inhabiting cold, dry, seasonal habitats have fewer, larger litters and shorter gestation periods; however, annual fecundity in these species is not higher, implying that the large litter size of mammals living at high latitudes is probably a consequence of time constraints imposed by strong seasonality. On the other hand, the number of litters per year and annual fecundity were greater in species inhabiting environments with higher seasonality in precipitation. Lastly, we found little evidence for specific effects of environmental variability. Our results highlight the complex effects of environmental factors in the evolution of life history traits in mammals. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 719–736.  相似文献   

Complex life-histories are common in nature, have many importantbiological consequences, and are an important focal area forintegrative biology. For organisms with complex life-histories,a legacy is something handed down from an ancestor or previousstage, and can be genetic, nutritional/provisional, experiential,as well as the result of random chance and natural variationin the environment. As we learn more about complex life-histories,it becomes clear that legacies are inexorably linked in theshort- and long-term through ecology and evolution. Understandingthe consequences and drivers of life-history patterns can thereforeonly be understood by considering all types of legacies andintegrating legacies across the entire life cycle. Larry McEdwardwas a leader in the field of ecological physiology, and evolutionaryecology of marine invertebrate larvae with complex life-histories.Through his scientific work and publications, devotion to students,colleagues, family, and friends, Larry has left a lasting legacythat will impact the future development of the field of larvalecology and complex life-histories.  相似文献   

Mammalian cerebral cortices are characterized by elaborate convolutions. Radial convolutions exhibit homology across primate species and generally are easily identified in individuals of the same species. In contrast, circumferential convolutions vary across species as well as individuals of the same species. However, systematic study of circumferential convolution patterns is lacking. To address this issue, we utilized structural MRI (sMRI) and diffusion MRI (dMRI) data from primate brains. We quantified cortical thickness and circumferential convolutions on gyral banks in relation to axonal pathways and density along the gray matter/white matter boundaries. Based on these observations, we performed a series of computational simulations. Results demonstrated that the interplay of heterogeneous cortex growth and mechanical forces along axons plays a vital role in the regulation of circumferential convolutions. In contrast, gyral geometry controls the complexity of circumferential convolutions. These findings offer insight into the mystery of circumferential convolutions in primate brains.  相似文献   

Jones JH 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(18):R708-R717
Primates are characterized by relatively late ages at first reproduction, long lives and low fertility. Together, these traits define a life-history of reduced reproductive effort. Understanding the optimal allocation of reproductive effort, and specifically reduced reproductive effort, has been one of the key problems motivating the development of life-history theory. Because of their unusual constellation of life-history traits, primates play an important role in the continued development of life-history theory. In this review, I present the evidence for the reduced reproductive effort life histories of primates and discuss the ways that such life-history tactics are understood in contemporary theory. Such tactics are particularly consistent with the predictions of stochastic demographic models, suggesting a key role for environmental variability in the evolution of primate life histories. The tendency for?primates to specialize in high-quality, high-variability food items may make them particularly susceptible to environmental variability and explains their?low reproductive-effort tactics. I discuss recent applications of life-history theory to human evolution and emphasize the continuity between models used to explain peculiarities of human reproduction and senescence with the long, slow life histories of primates more generally.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data on natural populations have been analysed using multistage models in which survival depends on reproductive stage, and individuals change stages according to a Markov chain. These models are special cases of stage-structured population models. We show that stage-structured models generate dynamic heterogeneity: life-history differences produced by stochastic stratum dynamics. We characterize dynamic heterogeneity in a range of species across taxa by properties of the Markov chain: the entropy, which describes the extent of heterogeneity, and the subdominant eigenvalue, which describes the persistence of reproductive success during the life of an individual. Trajectories of reproductive stage determine survivorship, and we analyse the variance in lifespan within and between trajectories of reproductive stage. We show how stage-structured models can be used to predict realized distributions of lifetime reproductive success. Dynamic heterogeneity contrasts with fixed heterogeneity: unobserved differences that generate variation between life histories. We show by an example that observed distributions of lifetime reproductive success are often consistent with the claim that little or no fixed heterogeneity influences this trait. We propose that dynamic heterogeneity provides a 'neutral' model for assessing the possible role of unobserved 'quality' differences between individuals. We discuss fitness for dynamic life histories, and the implications of dynamic heterogeneity for the evolution of life histories and senescence.  相似文献   

Small insectivores and rodents, despite similarities in body size and attributes scaling to body size, exhibit significant differences in other properties, including many life history traits. In this article major differences between life history traits of the two taxa are reviewed, with an indication of contrasting selection pressures related to somewhat different body size, as well as to differences in metabolic rates, diet and exposure to predation. Additionally, since the life history differences between small mammals are particularly well pronounced in highly seasonal habitats, the winter ecology of shrews and rodents is compared. Finally, the two different reproductive strategies typical for soricine shrews and small nonhibernating rodents, are presented. In conclusion, it is proposed that the reproduction delayed to the second calendar year of life in shrews is the result of selection for traits ensuring successful survival in winter, a period that is more perilous for shrews than for rodents. In rodents, in contrast, opportunistic reproduction is the most prominent characteristic which also helps to maximize their reproductive output. This ability for high reproduction seems to be the main antipredatory measure selected for in rodent evolution.  相似文献   

Brain size, in relation to body size, has varied markedly during the evolution of mammals. In particular, a large cerebral cortex is a feature that distinguishes humans from our fellow primates. Such anatomical changes must have a basis in genetic alterations, but the molecular processes involved have yet to be defined. However, recent advances from the cloning of two human disease genes promise to make inroads in this important area. Microcephalin (MCPH1) and Abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated (ASPM) are genes mutated in primary microcephaly, a human neurodevelopmental disorder. In this 'atavistic' condition, brain size is reduced in volume to a size comparable with that of early hominids. Hence, it has been proposed that these genes evolved adaptively with increasing primate brain size. Subsequent studies have lent weight to this hypothesis by showing that both genes have undergone positive selection during great ape evolution. Further functional characterisation of their proteins will contribute to an understanding of the molecular and evolutionary processes that have determined human brain size.  相似文献   

Rae Sherwood, The Psychodynamics of Race: Vicious and Benign Spirals, The Harvester Press, Sussex, and Humanities Press, New Jersey, 1980, 590 pp., index, $55.00.  相似文献   

Summary An optimal age-structured life history is perturbed by increasing the mortality factors specific to an agek. These can be density dependent (DD) or independent (DI), avoidable or unavoidable. The last two refer to whether their effect on any individual depends or not on how much energy it devotes to defence. Agespecific trade-offs between the allocation of energy to defence and fecundity exist: survival probabilities through each agex, P x, are concave decreasing functions of the fecundity per unit size at that age,b x. These are constraints for the optimal life history. The changes induced by perturbation are evaluated by equations that predict whether some extra energy is diverted towards survivorship at the expense of fecundity or vice versa. The model predicts that for DI environments the degree of avoidability of the mortality source perturbed, is a decisive factor for the strategy selected at agek, but not for any other age class. DD environments are more complex since all ages are simultaneously embedded in density effects. The perturbations not only act directly — as in the DI situation — but also indirectly through their effect on equilibrium density,N *. When any kind of mortality source becomes more intense at agek, N * always decreases and all ages react in consequence according to the effect of density on each age-specific trade-off. Either coincidental or opposing reactions can be expected from direct and indirect effects. The resultant strategy for any age would be a matter of magnitude comparisons. Some possible general patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

If common processes generate size-abundance relationships among all animals, then similar patterns should be observed across groups with different ecologies, such as parasites and free-living animals. We studied relationships among body size, life-history traits, and population intensity (density in infected hosts) among nematodes parasitizing mammals. Parasite size and intensity were negatively correlated independently of all other parasite and host factors considered and regardless of type of analyses (i.e., nonphylogenetic or phylogenetically based statistical analyses, and across or within communities). No other nematode life-history traits had independent effects on intensity. Slopes of size-intensity relationships were consistently shallow, around -0.20 on log-log scale, and thus inconsistent with the energetic equivalence rule. Within communities, slopes converged toward this global value as size range increased. A summary of published values suggests similar convergence toward a global value around -0.75 among free-living animals. Steeper slopes of size-abundance relationships among free-living animals could be related to fundamental differences in ecologies between parasites and free-living animals, although such generalizations require reexamination of size-abundance relationships among free-living animals with regard to confounding factors, in particular by use of phylogenetically based statistical methods. In any case, our analyses caution against simple generalizations about patterns of animal abundance.  相似文献   

Summary Certain dimensionless numbers related to life histories are approximately conserved within some taxa; this suggests that the underlying life-history tradeoffs satisfy yet-to-be-discovered symmetry principles. Some possible examples are discussed.  相似文献   

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