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The genetic control of susceptibility to tolerance induction with human gamma-globulin (HGG) was studied by using H-2 congenic mice. Strains tested that were congenic with C57BL/10Sn were completely tolerized by 1.0 mg deaggregated HGG. In contrast A/Sn mice showed full tolerance whereas A.SW mice were only intermediately tolerant. It was further shown that (B10 X SJL)F1 mice could be rendered tolerant but (B10.S X SJL)F1 mice could not. These data indicate a role for H-2 linked genes in control of tolerance susceptibility. Results obtained with the progeny of (B10.S X SJL)F1 backcrossed to B10.S indicate that two non-H-2 linked genes are involved in control of tolerance induction. Preliminary mapping studies show the H-2 gene located to the left of the IC subregion. These results confirm our previous finding that both H-2 and non-H-2 genes control susceptibility of adult mice to tolerance induction with HGG.  相似文献   

BALB/c and DBA/2 mice differ with respect to ease of tolerance induction with HGG, BALB/c mice being the resistant strain. When tested for susceptibility to tolerance induction with individual IgG subclasses, both strains were easily rendered unresponsive with IgG1 and IgG2 and less so with IgG4. A strain difference appeared with IgG3, where only BALB/c mice showed complete resistance to tolerance induction. Mixtures of the IgG subclasses Showed that IgG1 and IgG2 accounted for most of the tolerance to whole HGG seen in both strains, while addition of IgG3 to the mixture made DBA/2 completely tolerant but reversed the trend toward tolerance in the BALB/c mice. By rosette assay it was found that BALB/c macrophages had receptors for IgG3 (and to a lesser extent for IgG4). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that resistance to tolerance induction with HGG is dependent on the presence of a receptor on the macrophage for a minor IgG subclass.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated delayed hypersensitivity (DH) to human gamma-globulin (HGG) can be induced in chickens by subcutaneous injection of the antigen in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). In the present work, it has been demonstrated that specific tolerance of the cells mediating this DH can readily be induced in both normal and bursectomized (BX) FP strain chickens by simple i.v. injection of soluble antigen, regardless of the presence of antibody production to the tolerogen. A significant degree of tolerance at the DH and helper T cell levels could be generated in BX birds by injection of as little as 0.5 mg of HGG; such a dose only induced tolerance in normal birds when it had been previously deagregated by ultracentrifugation. Regular, nondeaggregated antigen could produce tolerance in normal animals, but only at doses of greater than 5 mg. The tolerizing injection induced a primary antibody response in normal birds in all cases, but a secondary response could not be obtained in animals rendered tolerant at the T cell level. Establishment of tolerance appeared to be very rapid, and animals remained refractory to induction of DH for at least 3 weeks after the tolerizing injection. The mode in which the antigen was presented to the animals appeared to be crucial in determining whether tolerance or sensitivity would be established.  相似文献   

As with agents capable of causing the release of IL 1, IL 1 itself is capable of modulating certain tolerance-inducing events. Under the condition used in the present study, it previously has been firmly established that injection of A/J mice with DHGG induces a state of antigen-specific tolerance in both T helper (Th) and B cells. The tolerance in the B cell is of long duration, whereas that in the B cell is of shorter duration. Recombinant IL 1 (rIL 1) given shortly after the tolerogen DHGG results in the inhibition of the induction of tolerance resulting in antibody production. The induction of tolerance is inhibited at both its antigen-specific Th cell and B cell levels, although the latter may be caused by the former. The inhibition of the induction of tolerance by rIL 1 is not correlated to the generation of antigen-specific T suppressor cells. IL 1 mimics lipopolysaccharide and 8-bromoguanosine, which generate IL 1 production, in its ability to interfere with the in vivo induction of tolerance. However, in contrast to these latter mitogens which cause both terminal differentiation of B cells and IL 1 production, IL 1 itself does not cause in vivo circumvention of long-term tolerant Th cells in the presence of competent B cells and antigen. These latter findings suggest that a signal(s) in addition to those delivered by IL 1 is required for activation of the B cell compartment recovering from tolerance to antibody production. AHGG (immunogen) is a potent generator of IL 1 release, whereas DHGG has no effect on IL 1 release from macrophages and AHGG inhibits the induction of tolerance by DHGG. These latter results suggest that the lack of an IL 1 signal may be responsible for the deliverance of a tolerogenic rather than an immunogenic signal to the Th cell.  相似文献   

The immune response to highly dinitrophenylated human gamma-globulin (DNP56HGG) was tested in inbred strains of mice. Significant differences in the anti-DNP response among inbred strains were found, including the magnitude of serum antibody and the location of plaque-forming cells (spleen or lymph nodes). The strain differences persisted when the dose and adjuvant were changed. The genetic control of the anti-DNP response to DNP56HGG was investigated. The analysis of the response of congenic and F1 hybrid mice to DNP56HGG suggests that at least two genes are involved in the control of the anti-DNP response. The two genes are demonstrated by complementation in the F1 generation, and show no correlation with H-2 haplotype or IgG2a allotype. A third gene may be implicated by differences in response observed between male and female mice.  相似文献   

The β-glucuronidase activity of mouse kidney proximal tubule cells increases rapidly after administration of dihydrotestosterone. Several inbred mouse strains show an approximately fourfold greater response in enzyme activity than the majority of strains, although both groups have similar uninduced kidney glucuronidase activity. This difference is maintained throughout a three-week induction period. It is not accounted for by a difference in any of the physiological parameters (e.g. hypertrophy, inducer specificity, enzyme secretion) associated with enzyme induction. The difference is specific to glucuronidase; assays of other androgen-indueible enzymes showed no difference between the two groups. Induction does not involve a change in enzyme structure since basal and induced glucuronidase have identical thermal stability and immunochemical reactivity.Rates of enzyme synthesis were determined by assaying the incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into antibody-purified glucuronidase. The rate of enzyme synthesis increases after induction, and the more rapidly inducing strains have a correspondingly greater increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis.The inducibility difference between the two classes of inbred strains segregates as a single Mendelian trait in both backcross and F2 progeny. Recombination studies with a coat color mutation closely linked to the enzyme structural gene and with a mutant of the enzyme structural gene altered in electrophoretic mobility showed that the inducibility gene, called Gur, maps in the region of the glucuronidase structural gene. Tests in heterozygotes showed that the Gur locus acts cis, affecting only the rate of synthesis of glucuronidase coded by the structural gene residing on the same chromosome.  相似文献   

Development of delayed hypersensitivity (DHS) to human γ-globulin (HIgG) in mice was documented by histological analysis, by the kinetics of footpad swelling in animals exhibiting humoral or delayed responses, and by the failure of sera to transfer delayed reactions to normal, syngeneic recipients. Since cyclophosphamide (CY) treatment resulted in diminished humoral and augmented delayed reactions, we used this as a tool to explore the nature of the regulatory mechanisms which affect expression of this type of cell-mediated immunity. In order to evaluate the effect which the presence or absence of antigen-specific cells might exert on expression of DHS, we subjected mice to experimental regimes which would result in lymphocyte proliferation or depletion, respectively (see Bachvaroff, R., and Rapaport, F. T., Cell. Immunol. 15, 336, 1975). Cell proliferation was induced by injection of 80 μg of aqueous antigen on Day ?4; this was followed by sensitization with HIgG-CFA (Freund's adjuvant) on Day 0, and footpad challenge on Day 13. These mice exhibited strong humoral reactivity; three of six died of anaphylaxis following footpad challenge, and the remaining three showed a diminished delayed response. Similarly treated mice that, in addition, received 6 mg of CY 3 days after injection of aqueous antigen and, therefore, would have antigen-specific cells present showed greatly diminished humoral reactivity, due to B-cell depletion. However, they also exhibited a marked diminution in delayed responsiveness. The data clearly demonstrate that a nonantibody-mediated, possibly cell-directed, regulatory influence is exerted on DHS where cell proliferation has occurred. We next examined the impact which the depletion of proliferating cells would exert on the expression of DHS. Cell depletion was attempted by giving one injection of aqueous antigen (Day 0) early in a regime of chronic CY administration (Days ?1 through +3) ; antigen-induced proliferating cells would be susceptible to CY and, therefore, depleted under these conditions. The results show that mice receiving both aqueous antigen and CY have depressed humoral and markedly diminished delayed reactivity compared to animals that were injected with CY alone. Thus, the augmenting effect which CY exerts on DHS is abrogated by stimulation with aqueous antigen. One interpretation is that CY removes a regulatory cell population in the normal animal, thereby allowing enhanced expression of delayed responsiveness. Clearly, regulatory function cannot be attributed solely to bumoral antibody production.  相似文献   

Monomeric human gamma-globulin (HGG), when injected into adult mice, induces a state of specific immunologic unresponsiveness to further challenge with immunogenic forms of HGG. In this report we have directly determined the role of the thymus in the induction of HGG tolerance and the proliferative responsiveness of T cells from normal and HGG-tolerant mice. Draining lymph node T cells were isolated from HGG-tolerized and -challenged mice, and tested for their proliferative response to HGG in vitro. T cells from untreated but challenged adult CBA/CaJ and A/J mice proliferate in response to HGG, whereas such mice given monomeric HGG before challenge fail to show an HGG-specific proliferative response. APC from tolerant or nontolerant mice were equally effective in the support of Ag-specific proliferation of primed T cells. The influence of the thymus gland on HGG-induced T cell unresponsiveness was assessed by determining whether thymectomized mice could be tolerized to HGG. The results suggest that the generation of T cell tolerance to HGG is independent of thymic function as assayed by both antibody production in vivo and T cell proliferation in vitro. Unresponsiveness of T cells from tolerant mice was not a result of the presence of CD8+ cells since removal of CD8+ cells from lymph node T cells did not alter unresponsiveness to HGG in vitro. Further, mixing tolerant T cells with normal HGG-primed T lymphocytes did not inhibit proliferation of the HGG-primed cells. The results of this investigation suggest that this mouse model of tolerance to HGG represents a thymus-independent unresponsiveness of mature peripheral T cells to a nonself-Ag. Understanding the regulation of tolerance to HGG may give additional insight into the mechanisms required for the maintenance and possibly the induction of tolerance to certain self-Ag in peripheral lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Young-adult and old (CS7BL × C3H)F1 mice were injected with either of two tolerogens followed by challenge with dinitrophenylated human γ globulin (DNP-HGG). The primary IgM and IgG responses of spleen cells to the DNP determinant were evaluated by a modified hemolytic plaque assay. Carrier-specific thymus-derived cell (T-cell) tolerance was induced in mice with deaggregated HGG. Hapten-specific bursal-derived cell (B-cell) tolerance was induced with DNP coupled to isogeneic mouse IgG. The dose of these two tolerogens was successively decreased by 10-fold decrements until a response similar to that of control mice was achieved. The minimum tolerizing dose (MTD) was then determined for young-adult and aged B-and T-cells. We found that the MTD for old B-cells was 10 times greater than that obtained with young B-cells for both the direct and indirect PFC responses. No difference in MTD was observed between young and old T-cells when assessed by the indirect response; the MTD for old T-cells was 10-fold greater than that obtained for young-adult T-cells when the direct response was evaluated. A double threshold of tolerance was found for T-cells of young-adult mice.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in antibody response of SJL mice were examined in terms of isotype expression after treatment with immunogen or with immunogen, preceded by the molecule in normally tolerogenic form. We report here that tolerance induction and resistance to down regulation are isotype specific. Tolerance can be induced in terms of all detectable isotypes at the age of 5 weeks. In older SJL mice, tolerance to the carrier is found in IgM antibody, whereas there is resistance against down regulation in terms of IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes, and sensitization in terms of IgG3, IgG1, and IgA antibody. Furthermore, the degree of down regulation is determinant dependent. This was observed when older SJL mice, pretreated with the carrier in a normally tolerogenic form, were immunized with haptenated carrier and tested for their response to hapten and carrier determinants. In this case, IgA antibody shows tolerance to the hapten and sensitization by carrier determinants.  相似文献   

Genetic control of hormone-induced ovulation rate in mice.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nature of genetic differences in ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins was examined in mouse strains and subspecies. Hormone-induced ovulation rate (HIOR) differed 5-fold between Mus musculus strains A/J (10.3 +/- 1.6 eggs in cumulus) and C57BL/6J (B6) (47.3 +/- 2.5 eggs in cumulus), and 6-fold among Mus spretus lines and crosses. Subspecies differed up to 10-fold in HIOR (Mus spretus/Ros: 4.8 +/- 1.0 eggs in cumulus versus B6). An additional experiment examined the genetics of HIOR in crosses. The number of eggs ovulated in response to equine chorionic gonadotropin (CG)/human CG averaged 8.4 +/- 0.9 in A/J, 40.7 +/- 1.7 in B6, 33.9 +/- 1.6 in B6AF1, and 20.2 +/- 0.3 in (B6xA)xA backcrosses. The 5-fold genetic differences in hormone-induced ovulation rate between Mus musculus strains A/J and B6 segregated in backcrosses as though they were controlled by the action of approximately 3 loci with major effects. This study demonstrates genetic variation in HIOR both within and between mouse subspecies, and provides confirmation that genetic differences are a major source of variation in the regulation of ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of murine T cell lines to induce neonatal tolerance to Mlsa (minor lymphocyte stimulating). Mlsb mice were injected within 24 hr of birth with MHC (major histocompatibility complex) identical T cell lines generated by culturing responders from Mlsa strains with stimulators from Mlsb strains. Injected mice were tested at 6 to 8 weeks of age for responses in either primary mixed leukocyte reaction or IL-2 limiting dilution analysis. Mlsa specific responses by injected tolerant mice relative to noninjected controls were reduced by 92-98% in MLR and by 2- to 10-fold in IL-2 LDA. In contrast, responses against third-party MHC antigens by either the injected or the noninjected mice were identical. Fifty percent of all mice injected with the T cell lines were tolerant to Mlsa. These results strongly suggest that murine T cells express the Mlsa gene product.  相似文献   

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